About This Club
A Sadist is not a sadist..
If does not have masochist..
Who to rape or torture if your only alone Sadist!
That's why they call S&M!
- What's new in this club
Tying up with a rope, basically shibari. I do enjoy a good whip too. .D
My sadistic desires do go pretty far. The more intense stuff I'll keep to myself but to give a basic idea of the "tamer" stuff I love to torture someone or pretend I'm raping them. I like the idea of whipping/ cutting or hitting my partner until they bleed and cry. Scream and beg to stop (unless they use the safe word, I wont stop, unless I feel like I'm going too far) Of course I'll respect them, if they want me to stop and need to use the aftercare space I'll stop and treat them to whatever they need. I won't lie though, I like the idea of pain myself, but my sadistic desires are far stronger than my masochistic. Doesn't mean I don't have them though. Things like biting, hair pulling, scratching, spanking, whipping...I like the idea of having those done to me but, not often, I get bored of those sensations quickly. I enjoy them yes, I just want to move on to the next thing after a little while...
I'd say mine has got to be between ropes, paddles, nipple clamps or vibrators .
I do think that I'm a M. As for toys... perhaps a vibrator, ropes, blindfold and handcuffs. Oh and added to my fetish is tongue piercings and broad backs. Ughhhh.. <3 <3
I'm a sadomasochist. I like both depending on what's going on. I'm more of a psychological masochist but physically more a sadist.
I'm a masochist and I'm passive. I hesitate and I've never actually hurt someone before...^^;; And the thought of being used, degraded, treated roughly turns me on too. I'm extremely submissive. I'm also kind of shy, so I don't express my feelings much. *blushes*
Anything will do.. XD hahaha lol XD :hamtaro-005 (6):
I love reading your posts >///< XDDDv
I believe I am an S. but at the same time I think I can be a M too. although, i never experienced it. I love S&M manga though
i'm Masochist.. get some torture is really a pleasure for me.. *bite my lower lips* i wonder if here have a relationship between master and servant..
me?! I haven't torture anyone yet. but I like seing person's who being torture especially when there hand had handcop's and seing them with riped cloths -naughty- onion3
maybe I'm both??? but I really love torturing, bullying my partner, i really love it to when I see some one get raped my tied up and covered in blood and as for masochistic side I guess i'm turning into a masochistic mode without me noticing sometimes, unconscious desire hmm...yoyo7
~+~ Favorite S&M Scene from Anima/Movie/Show/Game ~+~
Shi.No.Tobiko posted a topic in S&M Club's S&M Club Topics
Plain and simple... What is your favorite scene that involves anything S&M? Short and sweet and to the point. If you have several share them all! It's a discussion! Tell us what it is! Tell us why it's your favorite Tell us which character you'd like to be in the scene How would you feel being the character in that scene My Absolute Favorite S&M Scene is in Yami No Matsuei and Muraki had Bound Hisoka to a dirty looking mattress in a run down broken dead hospital by some sort of other worldly wire described as "Bewitched Witches Hair" and no matter how Hisoka Struggles against it, it bites deeper into his flesh, keeping him from being able to heal, the constant loss of blood, he grows weaker and weaker as Muraki reminds him of the night they met and how he raped him, cursed him, and killed him. Then goes to mark him again, making it so Hisoka could feel him, no matter where he was... No matter what he did, as long as Muraki was alive, Hisoka would feel him. I love it because one, it's Yami no Matsuei, two, it deals with Hisoka my character, and three... It's because their bond grows deeper even though Hisoka screams in protest.... It can't be stopped. He cannot deny him now nor ever, and the fact that he can't just allures me... I would love to be Hisoka. He resembles what I am in Real Life quite often... And I feel a deeper connection with the character... Like looking into a mirror as my soul (Not my appearance) If I were Hisoka in that scene I'd feel exhausted. Weak... Like I would not be able to resist him at all... And I would feel scared and faint because I always feel faint in Hospitals. I cannot stay in one for more than 5 minutes without getting woozy. I think in a past life I had a very very VERY bad experience in one... -
Kira you and I are Masochists. We feel pain as pleasure. Myself more on the psychological sense, more than physical. If it makes sense.
My favorite is a man's voice. Not any though unfortunately... I like the deep rumble of the Base that carries the rest of the song with it. The Bass voice is the foundation, without it the melody and harmony tends to run away and float away almost. If he can sing The Phantom well good luck prying me off of him...
"The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain." -Lord Byron
S, but I don't do cutting/beating the crap out of my partners. More into intense things that don't leave permanent marks on the body.
@DanseMacabre - I doubt mentions will work here in groups but hnn...nice kinbaku pic. I'll add an "amen hell yeah" to everything you just said. Inner strength - and strength of body - voice and touch. Thrashing a man or woman with a whip is one thing, but to be able to undo someone with low, slow words or a glance..that's my favorite toy in RL.
i'm just like the main guy in the anime MM i'm a master m :Red_fox7: rabbit1 :leaf15: :leaf3: leaf3 :7yoyo10: :7yoyo10:
I don't really know what I'm clasified as.But I greatfully enjoy being tired up and whipped as hard as someone can hit,it sends shivers down my back,I just love it
Maybe it's just me, but I think that all of us, depending on the situation/environment, is a bit of both. As for myself, 50/50 or 60/40 sounds about right.
Your S&M Favourite Toys!
Chibi-Seme Chidori replied to 0ddpill's topic in S&M Club's S&M Club Topics
Simple brainteaser: On occasion I can be found on the receiver's end, albeit to give is the path of true happiness. So what am I? Pretty obvious, huh? As for favorite toys, I still think the rusty old whip is a classic. -
My favorite thing is rope the voice and bare hands. I'm a Switch; so I enjoy both Top and Bottom. For me bondage, the sound of one's voice and the touch of bare skin is above all the greatest joys. Toys are indeed great; but when it comes to simplicity-- nothing can compare to inner strength alone.
"It is always by way of pain one arrives at pleasure." ~ Marquis de Sade. "Most welcome, bondage, for thou art a way, I think, to liberty." ~ William Shakespeare "There are two kinds of strengths: the strength to lead, and the strength to follow; the strength to control, and the strength yield. There are two kinds of power: the power to strip away another's soul bare, and the power to stand naked." ~ Yaldah Tovah