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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/23 in all areas

  1. Released: 16/07/2023 CV: 一夜愛 ☆あらすじ 佐藤は、社会に馴染めず仕事を転々とする底辺フリーター。今の職場であるテレビ局のスタジオで、同い年の人気イケメンアナウンサー・橘洸一の活躍を横目に見ながらも、自分のような負け組とは人種が違うと思いながら、雑用係のような扱いの非正規ADとして淡々と仕事をこなしていた。 そんなある日、洸一と他の出演者の会話を立ち聞きしてしまい、愕然とする。なんと、洸一は佐藤の唯一の心の支えである「ももいろガールズ」のメンバーを食い散らかしていると言うのだ。しかも洸一は自分を巡ってグループメンバーが内輪揉めしていることを自慢げに話していた。 佐藤は、「ももいろガールズ」を守るために、洸一を肉便器に堕とすことを決意する… ☆登場人物 橘洸一(CV.一夜愛)  大手キー局の朝のニュース番組のアナウンサー。イケメン俳優のようなルックスと爽やかで親しみやすい言動で、若くして国民的な人気を持つようになる。仕事に対しては真面目な一方で、女癖が悪く、自身の人気を利用してアイドルや女優に次々と手を出している。28歳。 佐藤(ボイス無し)  洸一が出演するスタジオで雑用係のような立場で働く非正規AD。そこそこの大学を出ているものの、陰キャな性格で社会に馴染めず、非正規やフリーターとして仕事を転々としている。アイドルグループ「ももいろガールズ」のファンで、その推し活が人生の唯一の支えとなっている。28歳。 ☆プレイ内容・概要 媚薬、アナル責め、挿入、中出し、潮吹き、実況羞恥プレイ、ディルド挿入、ローター、フェラ、イラマ OG link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01067503.html DOWNLOAD
    13 points
  2. Released: 12/04/2023 CV: Shindo Daisuke 声優:新堂大輔 シナリオ:おーね (編集:マロジェラ) イラスト:キキノ 編集:アトリエ 夢果実 内容 □────────────────── 『ミニCG集付き 音声トラック』 ■音声トラックwav 73分   (ボイスのみ版wav同梱) ■基本CG8枚+差分+α   (文字あり・文字無し版同梱) お前が言ってた『好きなやつ』って……俺だった、ってこと!? サラリーマン3年目の春貴(ハルタカ) 会社の打ち上げで楽しく飲んでいる時 イケメン後輩の和泉(イズミ)が 女子社員に絡まれているのを見かねて手を差し伸べる。 その後もイケメン後輩の話を親身になって聞く主人公 後輩に頼られるのが嬉しくて親切に相談にのるが。 後輩は、そんな主人公に好意を寄せていて……。 『もーちょっと、自信持って……勇気出して強気で当たってみろ!』と 軽口をたたく主人公. 勘違いした後輩の暴走スイッチが入ってしまう。 うそ……だろ……また、イカされた キャラクター □──────────────────☆ 主人公: 春貴(ハルタカ) CV:新堂大輔 年齢:25歳 身長:178cm 職業:会社員  仕事ができる、そつのないイケメン。  気が利くためモテまくるが、内心で異性関係を煩わしく感じている。  無意識のうちにサービスする側になりがち。  可愛い後輩が出来て、少し調子にのり先輩風を吹かせている 和泉湊斗(イズミ・ミナト) 年齢:23歳 身長:190cm 職業:会社員  図体はデカいが、優しい性格のワンコ系イケメン。  女子社員に構われまくるが、困っている。  主人公に惚れており、告白出来ずにいる。  かなりの巨根で、旺盛な性欲を秘めている。 また、暴走、しかかってる… ここ、会社、なんだし……わかってる、から、っ トラック 合計73分 □──────────────────☆ 01 勇気出して強気で当たってみろ 02 急に唇を塞がれて・・・ 03 嫌いになんか、なれねーよ 04 だからここ、会社、なんだけど 05 好き放題でいいから・・・ OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01022961.html DOWNLOAD
    9 points
  3. Released: 19/05/2023 CV: 碧くん (トラック1) 最後まで抱いてほしいと耳元で囁いたら激しく後ろから犯されました 20分06秒 ーあらすじー 女の子としか付き合ったことのない男の子が初めて同性に告白されてお付き合い、、 お互いの大事なとこを触り合いはするけど最後まで抱いてくれない彼氏、、 少し不安そうに「ねぇ…なんで最後までしてくれないの?抱いてほしい…」と伝えると、、 ※BLです。 ※本番ありです。 ※終盤激しいです。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー (トラック2) 車が多い路地裏でドロドロになるまで犯される甘々彼氏 18分50秒 ーあらすじー 人気のない路地裏でドロドロに犯される甘々彼氏。 外でイタズラしたくなった君。 しぶしぶ「やっていいよ」という彼氏。 最初は嫌がってたけど、だんだん快楽に飲まれていく、、、、。 最終的にうしろでドロドロに犯されてしまう、、、。 ※BLです。 ※本番あり。 ※環境音あり。 OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01060619.html DOWNLOAD
    8 points
  4. Volume 2 Link *they are not my scan. I found them on online site. please do not re-upload or share outside of YO.*
    8 points
  5. 【僕の淫らなポールスター <full volume>】 LINK 【For a limited time】
    8 points
  6. Released: 26/10/2022 CV: 乾燥 / 乃木悠星 / 颯 Synopsis It has been six years since they had a fateful encounter on the way home from their school after Rin's sudden announcement of graduation at a concert. They promised each other that until Rin graduates from high school, they would never touch each other in a naughty way, never kiss more than kissing, and only show each other their masturbatory skills. Rin's graduation from high school is approaching, but their patience is reaching its limit. ......? The story is about a couple with an age difference who are in love with each other, and their sweet lovey-dovey love, jealousy and outbursts, and even their first sex scene. [SE]. Diblest "100 Various Sound Effects" and "100 Various Sound Effects Part 2 On-Jin Ototo OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ430474.html DL LINK
    5 points
  7. Title : 吸血鬼と愉快な仲間たち 第1巻 (Kyuuketsuki to yukai na nakamatachi) Vol.1 Author : 羅川真里茂×木原音瀬 (Marimo Ragawa × Otose Kihara) Vol.1 Please do not reupload. (Link valid for 7 days) *This is the posted for my first time. If any problems with this post, please contact me.
    5 points
  8. Released: 12/07/2019 CV: ながしま / 雨宮道造 It was summer and their first year anniversary was approaching. During that year, Nachi noticed that Mizuho's "one day" had not yet arrived. It was a day that was a little more special than other days, a day that everyone has. --And perhaps, the day that Mizuho most despises. Track List 01. Even if the end of the contract is not -1 (08:05) 02. Even if the end of the contract is not -2 (10:05) OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ258367.html DOWNLOAD
    4 points
  9. Original Title: Akujiki to Ejiki Alt. Title: 悪食と餌食, Akushoku to Ejiki Author/Artist: Honjou Rie Year of release: 2016 Download Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j2167f8p8462yn5/%5BHonjou_Rie%5D_Akujiki_to_Ejiki_%5BDigital%5D.rar
    4 points
  10. Pairing 江口拓也 × 土岐隼一 Eguchi Takuya × Toki Shunichi VOL 1 : 「こんなヤツ大嫌い――なのになんでこんなに気持ちいいの…」女子顔負けのビジュアルを持つ楪(ゆずりは)は、顔しか見ない人間に辟易している。隣の席の常盤はまさに嫌いな人種だった。しかしある夜、出会い系で知り合った男とホテルに入ろうとするところを、運悪く常盤(ときわ)に見られてしまう。その上、男慣れしていると思った常盤がナカを暴こうとしてくるが、実は楪はハジメテで──!?百瀬あんが描く、顔面至上主義イケメン×ひねくれかわいい暴言姫の攻防をドラマCD化! VOL 2: 女子より可愛いルックスの持ち主・楪 郁巳(ゆずりは・いくみ)と、極度の面食いイケメン・常盤蒼司(ときわ・そうじ)、二人は反発しながらもセフレとして身体を重ねるうちに、似た者同士惹かれ合い、紆余曲折の末恋人になる。しかし経験値少なめ&素直になれない楪は、慣れない関係に戸惑うばかりで…?百瀬あんが描く、顔面至上主義イケメン×ひねくれかわいい暴言姫のエロとろスクールラブ待望の続編をドラマCD化! DRAMA CD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6wc512lm8yj64lx/Naka+Made+Aishite.rar/file Enjoy it this BLCD!
    3 points
  11. Released: 03/02/2023 CV: 一夜愛 / 中江漣 / 吾妻信一 高校生3人のもだもだハイスクールラブ 高校生のちか・なお・亮の三人は、エッチも三人でしている仲。 最初はなおを亮・ちかの犬猿コンビで抱いていたのに、なおの「ちかもお尻使ってみなよ!」の発言により事態は急変……!! 散々嫌がったものの、なおに励まされつつ亮に抱かれ、気持ちよくなってしまったちか。 更にその後、今度は亮・ちかの二人っきりでエッチしちゃって――!? 【壁、天井、空気になって推しカプを見守りたい……ッ!】 高音質ボイスと動画コミックスの豪華コラボレーションでお送りする、 ボーイズラブをゼロ距離で見守る新感覚コンテンツ! ※全編高音質ASMR(KU100)収録をしているため、ヘッドホンでの視聴を推奨しております。 受け】ちか(CV:一夜愛) 【攻め】亮(CV:中江漣) 【受け】なお(CV:吾妻信一) OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01021337.html DOWNLOAD *only mp4 included
    3 points
  12. Released: 28/08/2022 CV: 二回戦中 / 一夜愛 ーパー攻め様×ド天然リーマンのすれ違いラブ 眉目秀麗で女にモテモテ、闇カジノのカリスマオーナー・蒼井哲司。 彼の唯一の弱みは、幼なじみである太一郎。 明朗快活で破天荒な彼に振り回されても嫌じゃないのは――太一郎にゾッコンだから。 そんな太一郎から「哲司の愛人になる」という突然の宣言!怖気付かせるため、太一郎の無垢な体に触れる哲司。 長年の片思い相手の淫らな姿を前に、果たして哲司の理性は保つのか…!? 【壁、天井、空気になって推しカプを見守りたい……ッ!】 高音質ボイスと動画コミックスの豪華コラボレーションでお送りする、 ボーイズラブをゼロ距離で見守る新感覚コンテンツ! ※全編高音質ASMR(KU100)収録をしているため、ヘッドホンでの視聴を推奨しております。 登場人物紹介 【攻め】蒼井哲司(CV:二回戦中) 【受け】小笠原太一郎(CV:一夜愛) OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ412855.html DOWNLOAD *only mp4 is included.
    3 points
  13. Akane-kun Destiny あかねくんデスティニー Yoshi,AGA Naomi 2022 Download
    3 points
  14. 少年の境界 v01 [download link] The volume 1 scans are not mine. Please don't share them outside this forum. If I'm not allowed to share this file, please message me, and I'll remove it. 少年の境界 v02 [download link] I've bought this volume myself. Please do not share it. Tag me if the link has died. 少年の境界 v03 [download link] I've bought this volume myself. Please do not share it. Tag me if the link has died. Read volume 1, and had to know what happened next. Won't say that it's a favourite of mine, but I like how it brings up a very real problem of why the ones who can get pregnant are the ones expected to take birth control damned be the side effects...
    3 points
  15. Released: 18/06/2023 CV: 乃木悠星 / 八神仙 / あいかわまつり WORLD VIEW In addition to normal humans, there is a tribe of animals called "beasts" who have tails, ears, and the characteristics of animals. The wolf tribe is on the road to elitism, while the rabbit tribe is considered socially weak. Their work The "Beast Section"...a newly created department. The main purpose of the department is to maintain security for the Beast Tribe. Synopsis: Inukai Gou (seme) and Uzuki Shio (uke), both of the wolf and rabbit tribes, have known each other since childhood. When they were children, they were good friends and Shio protected Gou when he was bullied. However, as they entered elementary school and their respective attributes began to blossom, Shio began to instinctively feel intimidated by Gou. Shio began to be harsh with Gou, and when Gou confessed his feelings to Shio in high school, Shio harshly rejected him. That was the end of their relationship...or so it seemed... Now that he is a police officer, Gou and Shio are paired up. One time, Shio has a heat during an undercover operation at a bunny concept bar. Gou is worried about him and approaches him...? Their relationship begins to take off! Characters: Uzuki Shio Age: 26 years old CV: Nogi Yusei He is the first member of the Rabbit Tribe to become a police officer. As an undercover police officer, he engages in honey traps and other activities. He is an ex-yan who is always on edge. He is annoyed at the low social status of the Rabbit Tribe, the way people look at the Rabbit Tribe, and himself as a member of the Rabbit Tribe. As the eldest son of the Rabbit Tribe, he takes good care of his family. Inukai Gou Age: 26 years old CV: Yagami Sen He is an elite member of the wolf tribe, which has produced police officers for generations. He is mainly in command. He is gentle and kind, but also has a black heart. He has loved Shio ever since he was a child. No matter what he does to him, whether he is tsuntsun or pissed off, he thinks he is "cute" and wants to eat him. Tracks: 0. Prologue (17:04) Play: aggressive masturbation, receiving masturbation, foot licking 1. The wolf enjoys the hypnotized rabbit (32:09) Play: hypnosis, hip pain, spanking, punishment, self nipple torture, sorry orgasm, handjob ★Mob attacks (*attempted) 2. A doting wolf comforts a rabbit in heat (11:34) Play: caress, blowjob 3. Rabbit's Revenge Etch (26:05) Play: Restraint (getting attacked), kissing, blow job, footjob, insertion, woman on top posture, reversal of the situation, prostrate demon thrust, female orgasm 4. A rabbit unknowingly pickled in honey (14:55) Play: Uke's masturbation 5. The wolf sweetly and gently eats the rabbit (31:34) Play: ear torture, kiss, sweet bite, insertion, fingering, continuous climax, verbal torture, kiss fuck OG LINK: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01058800.html DOWNLOAD LINK
    2 points
  16. This was posted a few months ago so I won't be putting any details. But this is the one with eng subtitles and bonus manga pages. DOWNLOAD LINK
    2 points
  17. Jirai Kei Kareshi Suzu-kun Release Date: 2022-11-25 Cast: Suzu Kojima: Ayumu Murase Aiji Sasamuro: Yohei Azakami Ryuichi: Taito Ban …and more All CD's I uploaded, I Bought it!!! Please don't uploaded in other plataform without permission! https://mega.nz/folder/YJhSTYbA#Az4Sx4m4SnjhHNHq7KmF4Q
    2 points
  18. Released: 29/12/2022 CV: 乃木悠星 / 颯 / 乾燥 / 立知鼎 Included Contents *Please note that the following contents are included in the R18 scene play content. (Koska / Ejaculation control / Fellatio / Nakadashi / Dasyuki-hold / Verbal abuse / Doctor play) Tracks 1 Part A (SSR Radio) 3:12 2 Part B (SSR Radio)15:33 3 Part C (SSR Radio)5:55 4 Part D (SSR Radio)6:45 5 Part E (SSR Radio)3:27 6 R18 mini-drama Subaru version (Subaru×Nanase)30:49 7 R18 mini drama Aoi (Aoi×Nanase)25:02 8 R18 Mini Drama Nagisa (Nagisa×Nanase)22:48 9 Free Talk 18:42 10 [Additional bonus] "SSR Radio" (2023.6.23 live broadcast) Bonus Tracks NG collection (NG1-9) The recording time is about 132 minutes (*NG collection is not included in the recording time) All four cast members talk together in the free talk session. Tracks 1-5 of SSR Radio are the audio-only version of "SSR Radio #1". The content is the same as the video available on youtube and the free DL version. SSR Radio" is an edited version of the free conversation between the four cast members that was broadcast live on Cass on June 23, 2023, in commemoration of the 100 downloads. Thank you very much for 100 downloads. The synopsis of the mini-drama is as follows. <Synopsis of the mini-drama <Subaru's version Subaru suggests that Nanase study how to be a girlfriend by playing the "girlfriend game" with him. When they spend time together, Subaru and Nanase kiss each other as "lovers" and have a naughty touch, though they do not have sex. One day, they return home after their first radio recording as SSR. They were supposed to have a sweet time as usual, but Subaru says he is jealous of him. ...... This is the story of Nanase who is at the mercy of the slightly S Subaru. <Aoi ed. Nanase and Aoi have sex by chance. Aoi usually calls Nanase "Nana", but Nanase makes Aoi call him "Nanase" when they have sex. Recently, Aoi calls him "Nanase", which makes his body tingle. One day, Aoi comes to visit Nanase, who is still burning up from touching Subaru. Aoi is worried about the burden of Nanase's body, so he goes to ...... to have sex with Nanase. This is the story of Nanase, who begs sweetly, and Aoi, who has a one-way unrequited love in his heart. <Nagisa ed. Nagisa visits Nanase's home, worried that he has not been able to get in touch with him despite their shopping appointment. He is relieved to find Nanase sleeping, but mistakenly believes that he has had "terrible sex with a terrible lover" because of the physical pain caused by the intense sex he had with Aoi. At first, Nagisa is worried about her, but then, out of jealousy and spite, Nagisa plans to punish Nanase in a naughty way under the guise of caring for him. ...... The story is about Nagisa's nasty punishment play to Nanase who thinks he is being kind and caring to him. OG LINK: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01010073.html DL LINK This one is also pretty cute. Listened for so many times ahahah. Ahhh praying there are more stories like these
    2 points
  19. 「Re/Loversible More<<<<Maniac Side Lost」 Released: 04/05/2022 CV: さめたろう / 姫咲遙 / 太陽星輝 / 馬場輝 / 秋月勇人 / w.d *This work is a coaxial riva work. Please be careful. Re/Loversible More<<<<Maniac" is a work that branches off after the common prologue story and develops into two works, [Side Lost] and [Side Lose], respectively, and this is the [Side Lost] version. 《Synopsis of Common Prologue Story “More/Over”》 (is in both Side Lost and Side Lose. Will only be included in this version as they are the same) Kagamiya Ryoichi, who is unable to have sexual contact with his lover due to a certain trauma and is constantly being rejected, is approached by Kuga Hozumi, the master of his favorite bar "Key," who is also his acquaintance and secret one-sided love, with a proposal to have a wild love affair. Meanwhile, Tachimori Yuu, who, like Ryoichi, has been constantly dumped by his boyfriend, falls in love with Ryoichi, whom he meets by chance on a rainy night when he has decided never to fall in love again. Ryoichi and Yuu eventually become lovers and join a wild party hosted by Hozumi, where they meet a mysterious young man, Mayumi Akira, whom Hozumi has brought with him. A few months after, the four of them began spending lewd time together--. ......Would you like to play a game with me tonight?" The game that Akira suggested was "The one who draws the chocolate with aphrodisiac will have sex with each other." ...... Caution. In the common prologue story, there are two fixed couplings,"Kuga Hozumi x Mayumi Akira" and "Kagamiya Ryoichi x Tachimori Yuu", and the scenes involving them, including a foursome, which is one of the highlights of this work, are also with the couples mentioned above. There are no rivaling elements in these two couplings. Re/Loversible More<<<<Maniac Side Lost Synopsis "How come no one loves me?" "I'm scared to think that I'll be alone for the rest of my life. The man whose love was stolen from him--Tachimori Yuu, and the man who stole his love from him--Mayumi Akira. It was <loneliness> that deeply connected the two. Yuu is forced to live in his apartment for a month with Hiaki, who says he has nowhere else to go. When Yuu is overcome with grief over the loss of Ryoichi, Akira offers to "help Yuu get Ryoichi back", and the secret lessons begin. ...... A cat x cat love story in which two loners gradually fill in the gaps in each other's hearts and nurture a new kind of love. 《Cast》 Tachimori Yuu (CV:さめたろう) Mayumi Akira (CV:姫咲遙) Kagamiya Ryoichi (CV:太陽星輝) Kuga Hozumi (CV:馬場輝) My love is always one-way." Tachimori Yuu Age 25 He thinks he's just a normal human being, but he's a young man with an unconscious demonic nature. He lost his parents and younger brother early in a car accident and has no family. Although he seems to be quiet, he has an unexpectedly violent temper, and when he gets angry, he speaks badly. When he falls in love, he puts the other person before himself, accepting whatever he finds wrong with the other person and taking a step back in order to love in an old-fashioned way. Although he is angry and confused at Hiaki who forcibly ended his relationship with his lover, Ryoichi Kagami, he has no choice but to let him live in his house for a limited time. He knows who Ryoichi is thinking of, and eventually convinces himself to give him up to Hozumi, but they begin to satisfy each other's loneliness and sense of security in their life together, including their physical relationship, and they are gradually and unintentionally attracted to each other, despite their confusion. "I want to monopolize Yuu's eyes...I always thought so." Mayumi Akira Age 23 Also known as Mayu. After graduating from high school, he moved to Tokyo and became a freelancer, living off the backs of others. Thanks to his long experience as a pimp, he is good at housework in general and is very dexterous with his hands. He is the only one of the four who is an outsider, and he is the mysterious young man who holds the key to everything. As he observes Yuu, he begins to be attracted to him, but he also knows that Yuu does not like him. He feels guilty that he ended up taking Ryoichi away from Yuu, and he moves into Yuu's house to deepen his relationship with Yuu. Although he constantly fears that Yuu will discover the "truth," his feelings for Yuu lead him into a predicament that makes it difficult for him to leave Yuu. Kagamiya Ryoichi 27 years old An elite bureaucrat who suffers from sex phobia due to past trauma. Although he is Yuu's lover, there is someone in his heart who has been thinking for a long time. Kuga Hozumi Age 34 He is the master of a gay bar [Key] and the host of an orgy. Yuu and Ryoichi think that Hozumi and Akira are lovers, but in fact they are just friends. They take advantage of Akira's intentions and destroy the relationship between the four of them with their own hands. OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ383749.html DOWNLOAD I usually don't like switches but this is uh pretty interesting???
    2 points
  20. Released: 04/05/2022 CV: 太陽星輝 / 馬場輝 / さめたろう / 姫咲遙 / 秋月勇人 / w.d Re/Loversible More<<<<Maniac Side Lose Synopsis Ryoichi Kagamiya has a phobia of sex after an attempted rape in the past, and Hozumi Kuga, the man who helped Ryoichi. Ryoichi is unable to kiss or have sex with his former lovers, but he is strangely receptive to Hozumi's kisses and caresses. From the moment a man who continues to love a man he can never have and a man with a dark past cross the "line" they have been trying not to cross, they face the "sins" they have each carried and begin to seek each other and move toward the love they have been suppressing. "I didn't want to be born like this, pretending to be something I'm not. ......!" Kagamiya Ryoichi Age 27 A clean-cut prince with high pride. He is the third son of the Kagamiya family and the younger brother of Kagamiya Shinichiro, one of the main characters in the first series. He looks down on his older brother, Shinichiro, whom he had a crush on as a child, because he does not want to recognize him as his own kind, and he is unable to admit that he is gay. He met Kukan Hozumi at the age of 10 when he was saved from being raped. (Only Hozumi knows about the rape.) This incident triggered his phobia of sex. Therefore, even if he had a girlfriend, he could not kiss him, let alone have sex with him, and he was constantly rejected by him. He has decided not to tell Hozumi, whom he is in love with, how he feels about him, because he intends to accept the "predetermined future" as a member of the Kagamiya family, where he will eventually marry a woman whom his father has decided to marry. One day, as the time limit of marriage approaches, Mayumi's trickery finally leads to Ryoichi's being embraced by Hozumi, and his life change drastically. “Seek me more, Ryoichi." Kuga Hozumi Age 34 He met Kagamiya Ryoichi when he helped him in a certain case. (Kuga was 24 years old at the time and Ryoichi was 10). He grew up in a wealthy family with a well-known real estate business. He dropped out of high school and left home after the death of his best friend, whom he loved. He is now the owner of Key, a bar that specializes in gay hookups, and has taken over the restaurant of someone who took care of him when he was younger. He has always cared about and watched over Ryoichi, whom he saved by accident. He has feelings for Ryoichi, who, unlike himself, has matured into a man who is damaged and yet completely untainted, but he does not express these feelings to him. In reaction to this, he begins to only fall in love with men who resemble Ryoichi. In order to keep Ryoichi as close to him as possible, he tells herself that he is doing this for Ryoichi's sake, and offers to make physical contact and engage in rough love. By following Mayumi's strategy and embracing Ryoichi for the first time, he feels the overflow of feelings that she had been hiding and suppressing. OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ383735.html DOWNLOAD
    2 points
  21. Released: 01/06/2023 CV: 十士郎 The sex starts within 3 seconds of listening!!!! ■Synopsis.  One night with her boyfriend who is so in love with her that they have sex every day.  But she is confused because the sex is more intense than usual.  She feels like she's going to hate him if she doesn't...  Even so, she feels it in her body.  She realizes that she has become a whore...  A hot night with just the two of them, and they cry wildly. Character Name [Shirase] First Person [ Me ] Second person [ You ] "Others [I often sniffle when panting]" Play Contents   Track 01 [Deep Kiss/Intercrural Sex/Missionary Position] [09:31] I'm so horny... I want your cock so bad! I want your cock so bad... Your juices are making my ass so wet..." Track 02 - Cowgirl. "Mmmm... I still feel safe when I hold your hand... "Here... How about moving your hips forward and backward like this? Track 03 [Back] [06:39] "It's your fault that I have such a naughty body...?" You're responsible for me for the rest of my life, aren't you? Track 04 [Deep Throating/Missionary position] [07:45] "Your thick semen is pouring out of my cunt." What? What? Are you excited? I can't take it. Additional material   Track05 "Breastfeeding Handjob" [06:30 Track 06 "Sex on a Naked Apron" [15:22]. Track 07 [Sex from Sexual Harassment] [11:53 *The storyline is thin and the entire film is composed of moaning.  It is suitable for those who are looking for powerful and intense sex!  The additional tracks are independent from each other. OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01058579.html DOWNLOAD
    2 points
  22. Soredemo Ore no Mono ni Naru Qpa edition それでも俺のものになる Qpa edition Release Date: 2019/03/29 CAST: 佐藤拓也 × 内田雄馬 Satou Takuya × Uchida Yuuma 小野友樹 × 白井悠介 Ono Yuuki × Shirai Yuusuke Track Listing 1. Vol.1 2. Vol.2 3. Vol.3 4. Vol.4 Plus: それでも俺のものになる Qpa edition 大和編 Drama CD: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/tckx5q4xsjh2t/それでも俺のものになる+Qpa+edition
    2 points
  23. Released: 28/05/2019 CV: ながしま / 雨宮道造 / 宮司道章造 / 雨宮ひろむ Mizuho was looking forward to Nachi's birthday with a little mischief. However, just before he is told that he has become a part-time job the night before. When he confided in his circle member Atago, He said, "he promised Nachi that day." [Track list] 01. Beta Sculptor-1 (14:12) 02. Beta Sculptor-2 (16:32) OG link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ262586.html DOWNLOAD
    2 points
  24. Released: 16/08/2020 CV: ながしま / 雨宮道造 / 秋太郎 The season is the height of summer. Mizuho discovers that her lover Nachi has been having an affair with her younger brother Chiho, She begins to put Nachi under house arrest because of her distrust of him. Nachi tries to regain her trust during his house arrest. However, Chiho is mercilessly waiting for an opportunity to do something about it. --This is the story of a last resort to stay together for the rest of their lives. [Track list] 01. July 25 (5:01) 02. July 26 (5:41) 03. July 28 (4:11) 04. July 29-1 (4:58) 05. July 29-2 (9:54) 06.July 29 midnight (3:12) 07. July 30 (5:23) 08.July 31-1 (3:52) 09.July 31-2 (6:50) 10. August 1 (9:14) 11. August 1 early morning (3:50) 12. August 2 (3:09) 13. August 15 (4:04) 14.May 6, 202x (4:38) 15. Night on the Galactic Railroad (1:51) 16. Commentary Video OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ297110.html DOWNLOAD
    2 points
  25. Released: 28/06/2020 CV: ながしま / 雨宮道造 / 秋太郎 / 宮司道章造 Six months into their relationship, the season is in its second spring. A trivial matter leads Nachi to help recruit new students for the Astronomy Club. In the club, which is also an intercollegiate club, Nachi happens to meet Mizuho's younger brother, Chiho. Nachi is interested in Chiho, who grew up in the same environment as Mizuho, who was not blessed with a good family environment. It did not take long before Chiho began to desire Nachi in the same way. Meanwhile, Mizuho's dependence on Nachi deepens. [Track list] 01. Prologue (1:30) 02. If I think about you, I might not be able to sleep (20:27) 03. Alpha Gemini (5:25) 04. Endless feelings remain calm (6:24) 05. If you pay, sleeves and bubbles will float (7:18) 06. Compassionate Thoughts (16:47) 07. Eta Draco (8:42) 08. Marivron and the Girl (8:13) OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ292441.html DOWNLOAD
    2 points
  26. sure sure. dms are open. can't promise any re-uploads but I can share a quick download link as it won't take too much space for a long time. I don't want to get anymore subscription on mega ahaha
    2 points
  27. Good day, everyone ! Here is the link for Chapter 3, hope you will enjoy it ! Download Link : https://mega.nz/folder/roslRBzK#aAWdDeMhX1c64Ef8Cd7FZg Wish you have a great day ! | ᐕ)⁾⁾
    2 points
  28. Title : Lunch wa Futari de Alt. Names: ランチはふたりで, 兩個人的午餐約會 Author & Artist:: KATOH Setsuko Released : 2013 Original Publisher : Kaiousha Serialized In : Gush comics Origin Status: 1 Volume (Complete) Size 109 MB Language : JAPANESE Download (New link thanks to @rakira!) For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  29. Released: 24/11/2022 CV: スキマチェリー / 白薔薇麗 つゆだくリーマン悶絶Heaven-処女喪失編-が【ボイスドラマ版】になって登場✨ +‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥+ 「これは二人だけの秘密」 最近転職したばかりのサラリーマン「江崎」。 彼の望みは平和に会社員生活を送ることだった。 慣れない新しい環境での心の拠り所は上司の「清水係長」。 配属されたばかりの江崎をなにかと気にかけ温かく接してくれる。 このまま普通の平穏な日常が続くと思っていた。 しかし、些細なきっかけで日常が色を変える。 強烈な快感を与えられ拒絶しようとする心とは裏腹に体は開かれていく… +‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥+ 【プレイ内容】 乳首責め・手コキ・フェラチオ・手マン・アナル舐め 後背位・中イキ・正常位・潮吹き 受けがありとあらゆる愛撫で恥じらいながらイキまくります。 液体もたくさん出します。 【登場人物】 江崎 陽翔(えざきはると) 受け CV:スキマチェリー 最近転職したばかりのサラリーマン(ノンケ・20代半ば) 真面目で性経験に乏しい。 前作「つゆだくリーマン悶絶heaven」の受け。 清水 優護(しみずゆうご) 攻め CV:白薔薇麗 サラリーマン(係長・30代半ば) OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ429776.html DOWNLOAD
    1 point
  30. Release Date: 08/31/2022 Title: 明けても暮れても -続 いつか恋になるまで- Cast: Furukawa Makato x Uchida Yuuma MEGA https://mega.nz/folder/hMNXVRiI Decryption Key Hi it's my first time uploading a CD here, kindly message me if there's something wrong with the file. Please don't reupload/share on other sites and forums, or else this will be the first and last time I'll be uploading the CD's i bought here. Thank you!
    1 point
  31. Kakkou no Yume ℰ Tamekou [JP] Original Title: Kakkou no Yume Alt. Title: カッコウの夢, The Dream of Cuckoo Author/Artist: Tamekou Year of release: 2017 Published by: Shodensha ]Some individuals are stealing raws and posting them on sites that make money off them, therefore links have been disabled to discourage them. I'll add new links in due course of time. Download Kakkou no Yume Manga: Volume 01 & 02 [JP] (Link provided by anim89) For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  32. Released: 29/04/2022 CV: 姫咲遙 A non-human fantasy BL of "old big tree" x spring fairy "Sui" who expresses affection with naughty actions♪ "Character" Name: Sui Fountain Fairy He is believed by Kirari to be the goddess of the springs. He cannot move from the spring into the forest. Name: Old big tree *No voice A large tree that lives in the forest. Name: Kirari *No voice A fairy who lives in the depths of the forest He is working hard to grow the seeds Sui gave her. Name: Taina *No voice Kirari's lover who was raised by Kirari. "Synopsis" Sui is the Fairy of the Fountain. The Fairy of the Fountain's job is to watch over everyone's happiness. He can't move from inside the fountain. But it's okay because the plants and animals in the forest come to play. Kirari, the fairy of the forest, is one of them. He patrols the forest and tells us a lot about everyone in the forest. Among the plants and animals in the forest, Sui loves old trees. He feels great when he touches it and rubs the sap on it. One day, a storm of heavy rain and strong winds comes to the forest. It seems that lightning struck nearby. Are old trees okay? Sui is very worried. … It's been a few days since the storm passed. Since then, the old big tree has not come to see me. Sui's love for Oki grows from the loneliness of not being able to see her, but... This story is a love story between Sui, the fairy of the spring in love, and the old giant tree. "Track list" Track 1 "You who come at the usual time" (13:19) Track 2 "Forest Elf and His Lover" (12:44) Track 3 "A few days without him" (11:01) Track 4 "He will be in trouble" (12:27) Track 5 "Tentacle Sex" (14:56) Track 6 "He becomes a humanoid" (12:17) Track 7 "Love Love Sex" (11:27) "Play contents" Friendship Kiss / Naughty Kiss / Nipple Attack Tree twig/sap coloring/pure white world sucker blowjob/anal/creampie/ "others" OG LINK: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ387791.html DL LINK
    1 point
  33. Dou Kangaetemo Shindeiru / Kari Sumako [雁須磨子] どう考えても死んでいる 2021 DL LINK
    1 point
  34. Released: 28/03/2023 CV: 乃木悠星 / 颯 / 乾燥 / 立知鼎 Contents Idol×Idol The second R18BL voice drama in which the main character is totally loved. (Total acceptance, but no multiple play) Please note that the following contents are included in the R18 scene play content. (Masturbation/ Forced masturbation/ Kabuto matching/ Ear licking/ Fellatio/ Toy/ Forced erection/ Continuous ejaculation/ Normal position/ Sake mucous membrane sucking tongue tongue sex...etc.) Contents Track 1 Subaru (3:36) Track 2: Subaru (13:08) Track 3: Subaru (22:51) Track 4: Nagisa Hen (4:05) Track 5 Nagisa Hen (7:54) Track 6 Nagisa Hen (21:20) Track 7 Nagisa Hen (4:47) Track 8 Aoi Hen (1:48) Track 9 Aoi Hen (18:00) Track 10 Aoi Hen (20:15) Track 11: Aoi Hen (7:45) Synopsis The synopsis of the mini-drama is as follows. Time with each of the seme starting from Nanase's birthday--...... <Subaru version> Track 1-3 Subaru asks Nanase, who has never been in love before, "Let's study." They start "playing lovers" and kiss and touch each other sexually. ...... They celebrate Nanase's birthday together. Then, Subaru says, "It's your birthday, so I want to spoil you." ...... It is a sweet and lovey-dovey story. <Nagisa version> Tracks 4-7 When Nanase was having a hard time getting over his horniness even after pulling out by himself, he runs into Nagisa, who for some reason asks him to "help" him out. For some reason, Nanase asks Nagisa to "help" him, but it turns out to be more intense than he imagined. ......? ――Such a heart-pounding S toy lecture! It's a story. <Aoi version> Tracks 8-11 Aoi and Nanase have become friends by chance. Kissing is not allowed. When they have sex, Aoi calls him "Nanase" instead of "Nana" as usual. Now Nanase feels so echi-chi just by calling Aoi's name. On the day of Nanase's birthday, Aoi couldn't spend time with Nanase because he had to stay overnight for a photo shoot, so they decided to celebrate Nanase's birthday together one day when Aoi came back home. They were drinking alcohol together, but Nanase got drunk and ....... This is the story of Aoi, who is toyed with by the drunk Nanase and runs wild out of jealousy. CHARACTERS: Ichikawa Nanase (Uke) CV: Nogi Yusei A poor talker who doesn't understand romantic feelings. Of course, she is a virgin. He has low self-esteem, but his dream of becoming an idol has come true, and he tries his best to be an idol every day. Because he trusts the members, he is easily swayed and deceived. His member is black. Subaru Aida (seme) CV: 颯 He is a prince-like idol who always has a smile on his face, but in fact, he is black-hearted and has no interest in anyone but Nanase. He is an obsessive and devoted fan of Nanase. In order to make Nanase aware of his romantic feelings for him, he suggests that they play "lovers" when they study together, and takes every opportunity to make a move on him. Member color is white. Kawakita Nagisa (seme) CV: 立知鼎 He is a cute and cuddly guy, but in fact he is a manly and dependable big brother. He is like a big brother to Nanase, and is her mentor. He is the mood-maker of SSR and is in charge of making a good comment. He is quick-witted and loves to have fun. In fact, he is a bit of a sadist. Member color is yellow. Sasaki Aoi (seme) CV: 乾燥 A puppy-like character who also works as an actor. He's too accustomed to acting out what people want him to do, so he doesn't really know who he really is. However, when it comes to Nanase, he tends to get emotional and run wild. He has low self-esteem. He is the same age as Nanase. For some reason, he ends up in a relationship with Nanase like a friend, and he has a crush on her. Member color is blue. OG LINK: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01042508.html DL LINK
    1 point
  35. Created this topic since MXTX has updated TGCF extras worth 100k words, so if anyone can get link to unofficial translations of those extras, it would be easy to share it here for people who want to read them but cannot/don't want to get the official books (or don't like the official book's translations)
    1 point
  36. Thanks for the suggestion but I usually delete the files because I do not want it to be shared anymore. Maybe someone else may share it if they decided to buy their own. I will re-upload them whenever is convenient and hope you can understand that. @Mrsfujopls open ur messages
    1 point
  37. @Ryo-Ma😘😘thank you very much for sharing
    1 point
  38. Thanks for sharing”吸血鬼と愉快な仲間たち”. Limited to 3 days. https://xgf.nu/8pu01
    1 point
  39. Good day, everyone ! Here is the link for Chapter 6, hope you will enjoy it ! Download Link : https://mega.nz/folder/7gM0EJgD#mu2F_EBVfQnTnI_pCLC9fg Wish you have a great day ! | ᐕ)⁾⁾
    1 point
  40. Sharing for 3 days only https://xgf.nu/1p8od
    1 point
  41. and this link too Danshi Koukousei, Hajimete no All Combination CD Vol.4 http://hibikiforum.net/images/thumb/a/ae/Danshi_Koukousei%2C_Hajimete_no_All_Combination_CD_Vol_4.jpg/300px-Danshi_Koukousei%2C_Hajimete_no_All_Combination_CD_Vol_4.jpg
    1 point
  42. 俺がお前に何をした [Download link] These are not my scans, please do not share them outside this forum. I think this thread's story is in the second chapter? I'm a bit confused about the chronology in this volume. (haven't read it myself yet) If I have uploaded something I'm not allowed to, please message me, and I'll delete the file.
    1 point
  43. <登場人物> ◆王賀 玲音[おうが れお](32歳) 貴方が働くことになった天月家に仕える、バトラー。 親の代から忠誠を誓っており、執事長として使用人たちを束ねている。 丁寧な喋り口調で、仕事を完璧にこなす。 使用人からの信頼は絶大だが、愛想に乏しく冷徹な印象を受ける。 軽い気持ちでフットマンとして屋敷に来た貴方を軽蔑しながらも、 少しずつに態度を改める貴方の様子を見て、徐々に心境に変化が訪れる。   【リスナー】 見目麗しいが、ちゃらんぽらんな性格で常に金欠状態。 新しいアルバイトを探していたところ「住み込みでいい仕事がある」と、 天月家の令嬢に声をかけられホイホイとついてきた。 フットマンとはアクセサリーのようなものだと聞いていたので、 ホストみたいなことをチャラチャラやればいいのかと思っていた。 最初は美しい令嬢と何かあればいいな、くらいの下心もあった。 Download : https://mega.nz/folder/BURGjTSZ Password : OiSBiuxE4ND9ILJz6HJ6yg https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ418608.html
    1 point
  44. Title: Ore to Atashi to Shinsekai 4 Original:オレとあたしと新世界 4 Author: Kouda En Year: 2021 Download: LINK (Rescanned VOL 1, VOL 2, VOL 3) Feel free to translate but do not reupload outside of this forum or share on social media.
    1 point
  45. Good day, everyone ! Here is the link for Extra , hope you will enjoy it ! Download Link : https://mega.nz/folder/6kMXmCQS#EsnpDYsglP37-QSpauBRVA Wish you have a great day ! ヾ(^▽^*)))
    1 point
  46. Mimura to Katagiri no Tsurezure. ✦ LONDON Pariko [JP] Original Title: Mimura to Katagiri no Tsurezure. Alt. Title: 三村と片桐のつれづれ。, Days of Mimura & Katagiri Author/Artist: LONDON Pariko Year of release: 2013 Prequel: Mimura to Katagiri Download Mimura to Katagiri no Tsurezure. Manga: Volume 01 [JP] For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  47. Title: Diamond no Jouken Author: Kannagi Satoru Artist: Suga Kunihiko Alt. Titles: Diamond Conditions; Extra Edition:「ダイヤモンドの条件」番外編; ダイヤモンドの条件; 钻石的条件 Genre: Drama; Romance; Yaoi Year: 2008 Status in country of origin: Completed (2 Vol) Plot: Fujishiro Tatsuto is roped into working for the relatively unknown, yet talented photographer Araki Yousuke to repay the cost of a broken camera lens. After school, Tatsuto works as a camera assistant and is captivated by Yousuke’s technique and communication with his models. However, one day Yousuke turns the camera on Tatsuto and asks him to be a model. Download Diamond no Jouken Manga: 4Shared Mega For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
  48. Description Manga editor Misono has always wondered what happened to the handsome Saikawa senpai from high school. Turns out, Saikawa is actually one of his favorite mangaka and is being edited by Misono's friend Goto. Type Manga Related Series N/A Associated Names 大人になっても Becoming the Adult Even After Growing Up Groups Scanlating BangAQUA Latest Release(s) c.Oneshot by BangAQUA Status in Country of Origin 1 Volume (Complete) Author(s) SAKURA Haiji Artist(s) SAKURA Haiji Year 2008 Original Publisher Core Magazine Serialized In (magazine) Drap (Core Magazine) Read Otona ni Natte mo Online Otona ni Natte mo Download http://www.sendspace.com/file/4he14f http://www.mediafire.com/?m6rodkadfeja9gh For download reupload requests, please post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    1 point
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