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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/23 in all areas
Title: Color Collection Original: カラー・コレクション Author: Serizawa Tomo Year: 2023 LINK Feel free to translate but do not re-upload outside of this forum or share on social media.36 points
Title: Wareta cup wo modosuniwa JP Title: 割れたカップを戻すには Artist: Woriko riko LINK PASS: cup The deadline is 7 days. Enjoy32 points
Title: Kamiyama Senpai ni wa Damasarenai Japanese Title: 神山先輩にはだまされない Author/Artist: An Download Link31 points
【狂犬ハチ公 vol.1-3】 I found it while sorting out my save folder when I posted this. Last! There is a watermark from other site, so acknowledge and read it secretly. LINK 【For a limited time】24 points
Tabetaku Natchatta original: 食べたくなっちゃった author: OBATA Tsunechika LINK feel free to use the raws (with credit) don't share it outside the forum!21 points
Released: 22/07/2023 CV: 三重奏 / 白薔薇麗 こちらの作品のフルボイスコミックとなります。 豪華声優陣による迫真の演技と、効果音を用いた演出で臨場感あふれる動画作品をお楽しみください! スタジオ収録にて、声優陣の対談トークもございます。 ー収録内容ー ジャケットイラスト 1p 表紙書き下ろしイラスト差分 3p 本編動画 約18分 キャストトーク 約35分 氷室誠二(攻) 柚月を自分のメスにするために、母に近づいて再婚した。 卑怯な手で逆らえないようにして、柚月に快楽を刻み込んでいく。 柚月(受) 誠二に脅され、母を人質に取られ日々凌辱に耐えている。 身体を徐々にメスに変えられているが 本人も気づかないままもう戻れない域まで来ている。 OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01053013.html DOWNLOAD19 points
Title: STAY GOLD Sorekara JP Title: STAY GOLD それから。 Artist: Hideyoshiko URL: https://xgf.nu/sZnKY Pass : stay Enjoy!! Anyone have Vol.2 ??19 points
Released: 20/07/23 CV: みつはし / 水森慎二 / 藤原ショウ 【あらすじ】 麻薬取締官の魁斗は麻薬の取引がされるという情報を得た現場に向かう。しかしそれは、麻薬取締官を捕らえ情報を聞き出しバレないルートを開拓しようとしていたマフィアの罠だった。 マフィアに捕らわれた魁斗は尋問と称した輪姦をされてしまう。 中々口を割らない魁斗に痺れを切らしたマフィアのボスは彼の頭に拳銃を突きつけるが、仲間の取締官である滉がアジトに突入し間一髪魁斗の救出に成功する。 いつもの日常に戻る魁斗だったが、頭に拳銃を突きつけられたトラウマで対人恐怖症になり、仲間に対しても恐怖を抱くようになってしまった。 そんな姿を見た滉は、魁斗のトラウマを無くそうとお清めSEXをしていく……。 ※WARNING※ Track 5 is a branch END from track 2. Please pay attention to viewing if you want to finish it as it is. 【登場人物】 ◆麻薬取締官 ・魁斗(かいと) 25歳【受】 CV:みつはし 麻薬捜査官。 まだ若手なので少し無鉄砲な所があるが、正義感は人一倍強い。 ・滉(あきら) 25歳【攻】 CV:水森慎二 魁斗の同僚。 口数は少ないがいつも突っ走る魁斗の事を心配している。 ◆マフィアメンバー ・ボス 38歳【攻】 CV:藤原ショウ 麻薬取引をシノギにしているマフィアのボス。 冷酷非道で自分に逆らう人間には容赦しない。 ・マフィア1 22歳【攻】 血の気が多い性格で言葉遣いが乱暴なマフィアの組員。 子ども時代に身寄りのない自分を拾ってくれたボスにとても恩義を感じている。 ・マフィア2 28歳【攻】 頭脳明晰なインテリ眼鏡。今回の作戦も彼の発案。 頭の弱いマフィア1とは度々衝突している。 OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01066021.html DOWNLOAD18 points
Released: 21/01/2016 CV: JOE / DAI。 / 祀京 / アコルダ HELLCircus presents... The voice drama adaptation of the massively popular Pixiv novella "Shokushu Saniwa to Pinku Honmaru no Kiyomitsu no O-teire" Aruji x Katana: a "pink" Ranbu story of tentacles, dirty talk, gapeface and sounds Official site: http://psycho.boy.jp/VoiceDrama/01pink/ 3 tracks / Please note Track 2 is all R-18 / Length: about 18 min CV / Joe (Brunet) as Kiyomitsu Kashuu: http://fancymoney.web.fc2.com/ Supporting CVs / DAI., Miya Matsuri Originally written by Tamago Monoda Adapted by Karuta Hone (HELLCircus): http://psycho.boy.jp/ OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ170463.html DOWNLOAD14 points
Title: Ana no akuhodo JP Title: 穴のあくほど Artist: HAIKI https://xgf.nu/nCzzc Enjoy12 points
Title: Do-S Sensei ni Aisarete tamaru ka ドS先生に愛されてたまるか Author: MOMOSE An 百瀬あん Year: 2019 Feel free to use the raw ദ്ദിᐢ- ̫-ᐢ₎ LINK P.S. There is a drama cd adaptation from this manga and shared inside of this forum (a.k.a THANK YOU!!!) (and that's the main reason i bought this manga lmao 😭)9 points
Title: Apuri de Deatta Kawaiko-chan wa Aidoru deshita. / アプリで出会った可愛こちゃんはアイドルでした。 Author: Hakutou Noriko / 白桃ノリコ Year: 2021 Feel free to use the raw ദ്ദിᐢ- ̫-ᐢ₎ LINK8 points
Title: Good Boy Chuudoku JP Title: GOOD BOY中毒-Dom/Subユニバース- Artist: TOMOCHI LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/f7l8hwh47echo/Good+Boy+Chuudoku+-+TOMOCHI8 points
Thanks, it was very interesting. I love this story. I'll leave a short story as a thank you, limited to 3 days. https://xgf.nu/ntJU67 points
Title: Tama ni Kizuato Original: たまにきずあと Author: Shiomi Rose Year: 2018 Download: LINK Feel free to translate but do not reupload outside of this forum or share on social media.5 points
【ブルースカイコンプレックス vol.5 + vol.6】 I found it while sorting out my save folder when I posted this. There is a watermark from other site, so acknowledge and read it secretly. vol.5.6 only. I don't have the next volume. I have vol.1-4 on paper book so I can't share them, hope someone else can re-upload them. LINK 【For a limited time】5 points
MEMENTO SCARLET CD 1 CD 2 CAST: Satou Takuya × Ono Yuuki Release Date: 11/13/2013 https://mega.nz/folder/4JRAQJaL#qUu_u7ckFT-FI_gQ0Xr5NA All CD's I uploaded, I Bought it!!! Please don't uploaded in other plataform without permission!4 points
It's Sweet And Hot, And I Can't Breath <<CAST>> Ayato Sena: Junta Terashima Rio Hibiki: Yohei Azakami Naoki Harukawa: Daisuke Hirakawa (Others) CONTENT: (DISC-1) Ep. 1 Ep. 2 Ep. 3 Ep. 4 Ep. 5 (DISC-2) Ep. 6 SPECIAL TRACK Sweet and Hot Special Training DOWNLOAD LINK password, here. PLEASE DO NOT UPLOAD, SHARE, REPOST, ETC. OUTSIDE THIS FORUM. Just enjoy listening. File will be up for A MONTH.4 points
4 points
Released: 20/07/2023 CV: かっぱガリ Genre: Lots of White Cream / Juices / Widow / Kimono / Japanese Clothes / Decadent / Immoral / Omegaverse / Coercion / Compulsion / Rape オメガバース背徳姦【旦那の隠し子α×未亡人Ω】 ◆再生時間35分◆ SE・BGM有りwav SE・BGM無しwav ◆同梱トラック◆ 9分 本作は『受けボイス』のみの成人向けBLシチュエーション音声作品です。 ・攻め側として楽しむ!(ボイスなし) ・受け側として楽しむ!(ボイスあり) ・想像力を膨らませて2人の成り行きを神視点で楽しむ! 上記どの楽しみ方も出来る作品となっております。 ※妊娠中・無理やり・暴力描写・流血描写がございますので苦手な方はご注意ください。 キャラクター紹介 名 前:蓼丸奏多(タデマルカナタ) 年 齢:29 声 優:かっぱガリ様 性 別:男性(Ω) 身 長:172cm 役 割:受け 蓼丸宗一郎のパートナー(妻) 通夜で隠し子だと名乗る宗助と出会う。 旦那の宗一郎とは18歳の頃に籍を入れ、20歳で正式な番となる。 9年越しで妊娠したが何の前触れもなく旦那が亡くなり未亡人となってしまった。 ================= 名 前:篁宗助(タカムラソウスケ) 年 齢:1○ 声 優:なし 性 別:男性(α) 身 長:185cm 役 割:攻め 宗一郎の隠し子を名乗る青年。 出会った頃の若い宗一郎にそっくり。 ================= 名 前:蓼丸宗一郎(タデマルソウイチロウ) 年 齢:45歳没 性 別:男性(α) 身 長:183cm 創作和菓子蓼丸堂代表取締役 トラックリスト 同梱内容 (1)藍路アヲム様による高画質パッケージ画像&ロゴ無し画像 (2)後日譚『再会』 後日譚『再会』 ※挿入なし/フェラチオあり OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01079013.html Download3 points
Released: 27/05/2023 CV: 秋月勇人 ヤクザ×ダウナー系ソープ嬢♂ ◆再生時間47分◆ SE・BGM有りwav SE・BGM無しwav ◆オマケトラック◆ 7分 本作は『受けボイス』のみの成人向けBLシチュエーション音声作品です。 ・攻め側として楽しむ!(ボイスなし) ・受け側として楽しむ!(ボイスあり) ・想像力を膨らませて2人の成り行きを神視点で楽しむ! 上記どの楽しみ方も出来る作品となっております。 ※本作はDV表現、暴力描写がございますので苦手な方はご注意ください。 キャラクター紹介 名 前:魚倉 祷(ウオクライノリ) 源氏名:金魚(ジンユー) 声 優:秋月勇人さま 年 齢:21才 役 柄:受け 身 長:169cm 18歳で施設を退所後、メンズソープランド『黎明-REIMEI-』で働くようになる。 ================= 名 前:赤羽(アカバネ) 声 優:なし 年 齢:30代 役 柄:攻め 身 長:183cm 職 業:ヤクザ 金魚の刺青の意味・・・金/富/家庭円満 ================= 彼氏=黎明の黒服で金魚と同じ施設で育った。天涯孤独が故、金魚に依存している。 店長=厳しいけど店を大切にするキャスト思いの良い人。 黎明=老舗メンズソープランド(中級店) トラックリスト 同梱内容 (1)ミノ様による高画質パッケージ画像 (2)オマケトラック オマケトラック 『赤羽さんとの約束』 ※エッチなシーンはありませんが心がハピネスになるお話です。 Download3 points
【恋するインテリジェンス vol.7】 I found it while sorting out my save folder when I posted this. There is a watermark from other site, so acknowledge and read it secretly. LINK 【For a limited time】3 points
So I went looking into my old computer and realized I actually had all the volumes. Here is [vol 1 to 5] and [vol 6] . If a mod could edit this into the main post, that would be great😊 It's such a good series, I really recommend it!3 points
Hello! I went through my old computer and decided to organize my old BL folder, so I thought I'd share it as well. It has like ~240 bl manga from the year ~2019-2020 to about 2015. A few of them are my scans, some are uploads from here (including some newer stuff that got mixed in), some were from Haruka Yume no Ato. Most of this stuff is already online on websites like 13dl, but not in the best quality. They're split into two google drive folders: [folder 1] and [folder 2] Example of some of the stuff in here: List of names (some might be misspelled/missing): akihira shiro, akiyoshi shima, amagakure gido, anji seina, aoba ikura, asada nemui, asahi yohi, azumi kyohei, ballybally billy, chashibu tamu, cocomi, coco, dayoo, enjou, etsuko,, fujitobi, fumino yuki, furuya nagisa, ganpirou, haji, harada, haruta, hayakawa nojiko, henrietta, natsu, hiraeri, hirakita yuya, hita shippu, hitomi, hiwatari haruki, hongou chika, ido gihou, iimo, ikuta mugi, ishiko, isino aya, itz, kagisu, kanai kei, kaoruko miyama, kida sattsu, kii kanna, kingyobachi deme, kisawa sawaki, kizu natsuki, koga mayumi, koko, komatsu, konya masaki, kouda miu, kubota maru, kuma yoyoyo, kumota haruko, kurahashi tomo, kuroi tsumuji, kuromame kanure, kurosawa kaname, liberum, maki ebishi, makoto, mamita, masaki maki, matsumoto noda, matsuyoshi aco, minazuki akira, minuzuki akira, mita ori, mitsuki emi, miyama kaoruko, mofumofu edako, mokumoku ren, momoiro peko, momoko suika, moriyo, moudama chokusen, muno, murasaki hiro, mushibai, nagisa eiji, nakamura asumiko, nannan, nari, nata kokone, ninomiya etsumi, ninomiya etsumo, nishi noriko, nishi tsurumi, nobara aiko, ogawa chise, ogeretsu tanaka, okuyama puku, omaru, riyuma kana, riyumi kana, sakami yuzuko, sakimoto saki, sawaco, scarlet beriko, serizawa nae, serizawa tomo, shikke, shimaji, shimomiya shino, shimura takako, shiota ryou x saito ataru, shizuku kunichi - masaki momono, shoowa, shundei, shushinki, shuunichi, suehiro machi, sunako, suzumaru minta, suzuri ryo, suzushiro nerita, syundei, tachibana venio & kitahata akeno, tacocasi, takagawa shenna, takahashi hidebu, tamekou, tanaka suzuki, tanath, taumi mayu, tekuno samata, totempole, toube, tsumu gururi, ueda, uehara ari, uno yukiaki, utata hakuto, yamada, yamamoto kotetsuko, ymz, yoha, yoriko, yoshi, yoshida yuuko, yoshino kaya, yotsuashi, yukue moegi, yuno ichika, zakk2 points
Title: Kyouken Hachikou ~狂犬ハチ公~ Status: Ongoing Mangaka: MIKI LAIKA Kyouken Hachikou Ch 1-6 WaterMarked Version. If you wish to use the scans, please feel free to send me a message, so I can provide you with the original copy of the scans without the water mark2 points
Name : Rumspringa no Joukei Author: AZUMA Kaya Cast: (Theodor Sullivan) Uchida Yuma x Nojima Kenji (Oswald Carter) (Daniel Walker) Midorikawa Hikaru (Chloe Sullivan) Honizumi Rina (Ted) Kamio Shinichirou (Neil) Shingaki Tarusuke (Mr. Carter) Yamanaka Masahiro (Gene Walker) Murase Ayumu Link: here Enjoy! P.S.: I am really glad I purchased this BLCD. The manga was phenomenal and the VAs did a really good job adapting it. Nojima Kenji nailed his role when he played a funny or serious part in his role and Uchida Yuma played a really good sinnabon character. This BLCD comes with a Drama CD booklet which is adapted to voice drama. This was long though ~ 3hrs And yes, I consider this AU to BANANA FIIIIISH Do NOT upload this link anywhere outside this website !2 points
災厄は僕を好きすぎる 7 & 8 Volume 7 and Volume 8 only [vol 7] [Vol 8] via google drive If the links stop working, somebody pls re-upload it! Thanks :)2 points
You're welcome! Oh, sorry about the watermark. I put watermark hoping that no one will steal and post it in any aggregator sites. I noticed most people share their manga here on limited time but I'll share mine as long as the link not reported. This manga have individual chapters up to 7 and also one volume (ch.1-6) but I bought individual chapters up to chapter 6. I'll post it all next week so I hope you guys can wait.2 points
2 points
Title: STAY GOLD Original: STAYGOLD Author: Hideyoshico Year: 2014-2021 Download: VOL 1 VOL 2 VOL 3 VOL 4 VOL 5 VOL 6 Vol 1 is the new edition. With exception of Vol 2 which is a reupload, all scans are mine. Feel free to translate but do not reupload outside of this forum or share on social media.1 point
Title: Sex with the Love Interest?! But I'm an NPC! Original: 転生モブはBLゲーの世界でハメられ攻略されました!? Author: Ooba Akiru Year: 2022 LINK Feel free to translate but do not re-upload outside of this forum or share on social media.1 point
Drunken Businessman Gets Violated!?(酔っ払いクソリーマンはデカ●ラに犯される!?) Release: 2020.2.24 cast: Shindo Daisuke I like Shindo Daisuke♡ I share mp3(small size). ↓ MEGA Don't upload to other sites. enjoy yourself.1 point
Title: Fudanshi Shoukan ~Isekai de Shinjuu ni Hameraremashita~ Vol. 6 Tokusouban CD Author/Artist: Fujisaki Moe Cast: Okitsu Kazuyuki × Murase Ayumu LINK Support the original work here. PLEASE DON'T REPOST, REUPLOAD, OR SHARE ANYWHERE. THANK YOU!1 point
Released: 04/05/2022 CV: 太陽星輝 / 馬場輝 / さめたろう / 姫咲遙 / 秋月勇人 / w.d Re/Loversible More<<<<Maniac Side Lose Synopsis Ryoichi Kagamiya has a phobia of sex after an attempted rape in the past, and Hozumi Kuga, the man who helped Ryoichi. Ryoichi is unable to kiss or have sex with his former lovers, but he is strangely receptive to Hozumi's kisses and caresses. From the moment a man who continues to love a man he can never have and a man with a dark past cross the "line" they have been trying not to cross, they face the "sins" they have each carried and begin to seek each other and move toward the love they have been suppressing. "I didn't want to be born like this, pretending to be something I'm not. ......!" Kagamiya Ryoichi Age 27 A clean-cut prince with high pride. He is the third son of the Kagamiya family and the younger brother of Kagamiya Shinichiro, one of the main characters in the first series. He looks down on his older brother, Shinichiro, whom he had a crush on as a child, because he does not want to recognize him as his own kind, and he is unable to admit that he is gay. He met Kukan Hozumi at the age of 10 when he was saved from being raped. (Only Hozumi knows about the rape.) This incident triggered his phobia of sex. Therefore, even if he had a girlfriend, he could not kiss him, let alone have sex with him, and he was constantly rejected by him. He has decided not to tell Hozumi, whom he is in love with, how he feels about him, because he intends to accept the "predetermined future" as a member of the Kagamiya family, where he will eventually marry a woman whom his father has decided to marry. One day, as the time limit of marriage approaches, Mayumi's trickery finally leads to Ryoichi's being embraced by Hozumi, and his life change drastically. “Seek me more, Ryoichi." Kuga Hozumi Age 34 He met Kagamiya Ryoichi when he helped him in a certain case. (Kuga was 24 years old at the time and Ryoichi was 10). He grew up in a wealthy family with a well-known real estate business. He dropped out of high school and left home after the death of his best friend, whom he loved. He is now the owner of Key, a bar that specializes in gay hookups, and has taken over the restaurant of someone who took care of him when he was younger. He has always cared about and watched over Ryoichi, whom he saved by accident. He has feelings for Ryoichi, who, unlike himself, has matured into a man who is damaged and yet completely untainted, but he does not express these feelings to him. In reaction to this, he begins to only fall in love with men who resemble Ryoichi. In order to keep Ryoichi as close to him as possible, he tells herself that he is doing this for Ryoichi's sake, and offers to make physical contact and engage in rough love. By following Mayumi's strategy and embracing Ryoichi for the first time, he feels the overflow of feelings that she had been hiding and suppressing. OG Link: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ383735.html DOWNLOAD1 point
Released: 10/06/2021 CV: 秋月勇人 / w.d / 須藤崇登 ※本作は同軸リバ作品です。お気を付けください。 今作は前作「Re/Loversible」の続編となります。 サイト内で公開しておりますショートストーリーから選び抜いた3作品の音声化に加え、今作のために書き下ろした完全新作シナリオによるストーリー構成となっており、前作以上に多幸感あふれる極上のリバを余すことなく楽しむことが出来る大人なラブストーリーです。 《各トラックリストと簡単なあらすじ》 第1話 「Re/member ~After Rain~」(慎一郎×耀司) 二人の別れの真相と3年を経て運命的に再開した夜とその先の話。 前半は慎一郎目線。後半は耀司目線のストーリー展開となります。 時系列で言うと、前作より以前の話です。 第2話 「Re/venge」(耀司×慎一郎) 前作その後の、法的にもパートナー関係を結んでから間もない二人の話。 晴れてパートナー関係となり、穏やかな日々を過ごす耀司と慎一郎。 しかし、離れていた3年間の苦悩は今でも時々二人の間に暗い影を落とす時もある。 二人にまつわるとある「物」が、新しい道へと導いてくれるようなストーリー。 第3話 「Re/flate」(慎一郎×耀司) ほっと一息向けのブレイクタイムトラック…のはずが、全くブレイクしていないトラックです。 およそ15分間、一度も抜くことなく駆け抜ける普通でもあり特別でもある、とある夜のお話。 第4話 「re:fill for Love」(慎一郎×耀司&耀司×慎一郎) 部下の結婚式に出席した慎一郎の様子がどこかおかしいと気づく耀司は慎一郎を問い詰めるが、 慎一郎は言い淀んだまま話そうとしない。 何とか強引に聞き出そうとする耀司だが――……。 本作のために書き下ろした完全新作シナリオとなります。 リバの醍醐味がたっぷり詰まっただけでなく、多幸感もたくさん詰まったグランドフィナーレのようなお話です。 二人の【過去】・【現在】そして【未来】をどうぞ最後までお楽しみください。 DOWNLOAD Kagamiya Ryoichi's brother's story. The first story was also uploaded before i think.1 point
This cd is a cd that contains the story after the original game of the bl game kichiku megane. I couldn't find this file no matter how much I searched on the site, so I'm uploading it for the first time. If you have a file of kichiku megane game hisouchakuban1, please post it on the site😭 The timing of the story on the CD is what happens after the original game, kichikumegane (before the fan disk, kichikumegane R) *DOWNLOAD* https://mega.nz/folder/gNFXHQSY#XyB4B65g4u7cRS9aVVazZg password XyB4B65g4u7cRS9aVVazZg p.s I don't know if this is the right way to write it. If there is a problem, please leave a comment. I'll try my best to fix it.1 point
1 point
Thank you so much for sharing your library, justiflake!! What a great gift to get back to after vacation. Looking forward to finding hidden treasures. Thank you for sharing, ryo-ma! I see several manga that I haven't read before. Actually, 13dl was shut down recently, and I know of no other large database for yaoi raws (if people have other large sources, feel free to let me know in PMs 😉).1 point
WHAATTS!??! Is this like the sequel? When he's older? OMG! wwowowowowowowowow I'm looking for nosebleeding emoticon but there isn't LOL Anyway thanks you very much Firmware-san for the upload!1 point
1 point
Title: Yankee-kun ni Gohoubi Nama Voice Japanese Title: ヤンキーくんにご褒美生ボイス Author/Artist: Miyazawa Yura Download Link1 point
1 point
Thank you for sharing. I'm so happy that the site where can download old titles has been closed recently! Please let me take advantage of this place I can't make a new thread because watermark of the closed site. If you want to read it, go ahead! LINK Sorry but it's for a limited time (until 11/1) Contents1 point
•——————•°•✿•°•——————• File Size: >2GB (.wav) (orig. size) → (comp. size) 320k/400+MB (.mp3) | OP: @linrain02011599311934 ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ LINK → 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚂𝙴 (200+MB) | 𝚠/𝚘 𝚂𝙴 (200+MB) I separated 'with SE' and 'w/o SE' so y'all could choose whichever you prefer. ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ Pls. do mention if there's something wrong with the files and I'll try to fix it. Enjoy! ^^ -This link is for those with minimum space left in their device.- =Posted with consent. Will remove link/file if reposted elsewhere or if instructed by OP.= DO NOT DISTRIBUTE/SHARE/REPOST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM!! •——————•°•✿•°•——————• Thank you for sharing!1 point
Would love it if someone provided these extras!1 point
With this list [DH05] [DH08] [DH16] Here it is✨ Besides this list, [all-combination CD vol.2] [~Summer Vacation 2018~] there is. for your information By the way, there are other couples other than [DH05] and [DH16]. I'm also a Furukawa-san fan✨✨😽✨✨1 point
1 point
Hellooo I saw that the link doesn’t work so here’s the re-uploaded link! :D link1 point
🍃 Harenochi Shikibu 🍂_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Japanese Name: 晴れのち四季部 Artist/Author: Hinota (ひのた) Group Scanlating: Hoshikuzuu Scans Original Publisher: Kodokawa Year of release: 2017 Genre: Romance, School Life, Shounen Ai Description: Haruno is persuaded by Hitose, a returnee, to join his "Four Seasons Club". And by mistake, he tells Hitose, "I'll be with you"! Up-and-coming illustrator, Hinota draws this sweet and sour, completely adorable story of two high school boys and their young love. ✨ Download Here ✨ Password:1 point
Renai Saiban no Yukue -End- Group(s) Scanlating: The End Scanlation Download: Chapter 02 - Mega Chapter 05 (End) - Mega :Banzai-Dance::Banzai-Dance::Banzai-Dance:1 point