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あらすじ 全てを支配され、蹂躙され、最底辺の肉奴○に堕とされたい…… そんな秘めたる想いを抱えて、樋川誠吾はとあるマンションの部屋を訪れた。 部屋の主人沖口千博に『肉奴○の誓い』なる紙を突きつけられ、言われるがままサインする。 そこから始まるのは、痛みと悦び、服従と調教……そして幸福。 ネット掲示板の書き込みで出会ったご主人様と肉奴○は、互いの欲望をぶつけ合い、歪みながらも理想の関係を築いてゆく。 容赦ないSご主人様 × 支配されたい処女M奴○ キャラクター 受け:樋川 誠吾(といかわ せいご) CV:amaoto様 身長:170cm 年齢:20歳 職業:短大生 保育士を目指す短大生。 見た目の雰囲気は穏やかで優しげだが、誰かに支配されたい・征服されたいと望む真性のマゾヒスト。 奴○募集の掲示板で千博の投稿を見て志願した。 普段あまり運動しないため、身体は曲線的で柔らかい。アナル処女。 攻め:沖口 千博(おきぐち かずひろ) 身長:185cm 年齢:29歳 職業:保険の外交員。 掲示板で、どんなプレイにも応じる肉奴○を募集していた。 支配欲求が強く、相手の苦しむ顔に興奮を覚えるサディスト。 奴○志望の誠吾と契約を交わす。 DLsitehttps://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01104707.html MEGA:https://mega.nz/file/tv1FhLYL mp3 (○) mp4(×)41 points
Off Stage Love Side Pairing: Kumagai Kentaro x Suzuki Ryota Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bn88q42gcsatgyc/Off_Stage_Love_Side.zip/file THE LINK WILL WORK FOR SOME DAYS BEFORE I DEACTIVATE (IT CAN BE DESACTIVAATED AT THE DROP OF A HAT), SO SAVE AN DON'T SHARE IT OUTSIDE THIS FORUM17 points
Kegare no nai hito - Mushikai Natsuko [JP] Volume 1 &2: Mega (expires in 3 days) *Please do not re-post or share with others.12 points
Title: Hanarerarenai, Nigashite Yarenai Japanese Title: 離れられない、逃がしてやれない Author/Artist: Yuitsu Download Link6 points
【クズ野郎とセフレ君 上・下】 LINK 【For a limited time】 Do not reupload or reshare anywhere. For personal enjoyment only.5 points
Title: Nouiki Zecchou ASMR Japanese Title: 脳イキ絶頂ASMR Author/Artist: Inaba Download Link4 points
BL Manga no Akuyaku Reisoku (Kamaseinu) ni Tensei Shitara Komochi Seikishi (Papa) e no Mousou ga Tomarimasen BL漫画の悪役令息(かませ犬)に転生したら子持ち聖騎士(パパ)への妄想が止まりません Haine (灰音) 2023 ch 1-6 (7 days)2 points
[マミタ] なつめさんは開発(ひら)かれたい【電子限定おまけ付き】 紙初版日:2022年5月2日 セックスが苦手なのが原因で、いつも恋人と破局してしまうなつめ。 「日本一セックスが上手い男になって自分をフった元彼を見返してやる!」と決意する。 スキル向上のためデリヘルで『コウ』という男を指名するが家にやってきたのは……!? ギャップ持ちハウスキーパー×悩める理系男子の恋愛アジェンダ! ファイル形式:jpg(rar) DL LINK(mega):https://mega.nz/file/QMsCyZRR#cYIBHkQB0yr-priUWgC2m75DsK-9MyoC84UQEsdAjNc PW:yaoiotaku-akiaki22.06.17 Hi~ I purchased it myself = ̄ω ̄= ※ Please don't use the images for other purposes! ※ Please don't reupload or share anywhere outside yaoiotaku!! Thank you! Enjoy~ (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧2 points
Omg thank ya so much ㅠㅠ Ever since i saw this on dl site, I've always wanted to listen to this but I'm broke AF xD2 points
https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01240720.html plz 🙏🙏🙏1 point
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Title: 種つけラレ王子〜乱交えっちでご懐妊!?お世継ぎ孕むのガンバります!〜 Release date: 06/07/2022 Genre: Dirty talk, Successive Orgasms, Prince/Royalty, Lovey-Dovey, Sweet love decadent, Immoral, Male Pregnancy/Delivery, Orgy Sex Author: 氷野ミスイ VA: 五十嵐勇太 Summary 男性も妊娠できる世界! フラーディ王国の王子であるアトロは、この世界の人間の性交渉について(王族の教育の一環として)学んでいた。 勉強を終えると、国王である父親からそろそろ「交接の儀」のための試験をするという話をされる。 近日中に受験希望者を募り、ひと月後には儀を執り行うという。 王子の相手として儀式に参加できるのは、その厳しい試験を突破したごくわずかな合格者のみ。 昔から伝えられていた、王子にとって最大の公務である「交接の儀」をいよいよ自分もやることになる、とアトロは喜ぶが……! 清く美しい王子の淫靡なストーリー! 王子アトロ フラーディ王国の第一王子。 国王である父親とその相手の一人であった執事に大切に育てられ、清く美しい王子に成長。 国民全員が豊かで平和な暮らしができる国を目指し、日々公務と勉学に励んでいる。 内容紹介 トラック1「交接の儀」 「男性が男性と交接すると、そのような仕組みで男子が生まれるのか……。 勉強になる。しっかり書き残さなければ」 「王子として学ばねばならない膨大な知識の中でも、性交渉は特に重要だからな。 執事の君には、私の教育係も兼ねてもらって、恐縮だ」 「しかし、私たちの身体は神秘だな。 男性同士で交接すれば男子のみ、女性同士で交接すれば女子のみしか生まれないとは。 この身体の仕組みは、本当によくできている」 執事「あなたは、いつか男性を迎え入れて、 男子を授からなければなりません」 「わかっている。私は、フラーディ王国を統べる王子、アトロ・フラーディだ。 明晰な頭脳、秀逸な身体能力を備えた優秀な世継ぎを確実に残すために、 男女どちらが生まれるかわからない女性と交接するのではなく、 必ず男子を生むために男性との『交接の儀』を執り行うことも」 ーーーーー 「んっ、はぁぁ、やっ……。ん……はぁ…… ど、どうしよう……止まら、ないっ……」 「この感覚……何と、表現すれば……。あぁ……ふ……っ……。 もっと、触っていたい……」 「んはぁ……これは、もしかして……快感、か……? はぁ……。執事に、教えてもらったことが、ある……。 ある年齢を超える、と……陰茎で、快感が得られると……」 「それが、この感覚なのか……あぁっ……ん、あっ、あ……。 そうだ……んんっ……は……。 気持ち、ぃっ……。これ、気持ちいぃ……っ。あ、ぁはっ……」 「だめ、身体、どんどん火照って、陰茎に血が、集まって……。 もっと、もっとしたい……!」 ーーーー トラック2「蕩ける身体」 「わ、私……何て声を……。 これは、私の声、なのか……? やんっ、あふぅ! こんな…… 部屋中に響きわたる、ような……高い声、がっ…… あぁあんっ」 「な、なぜだ……乳首、刺激されてる、のにっ……、 下半身に、血が集まって、いくっ……あ、ひあぁっ……」 「そんな……私の、陰茎……う、上を、向いてっ……、 どんどん、大きく……固くっ……やぁぁっ」 「私……乳首を、吸われただけで…… こんな、に……なってしまったの、かっ……。 私の身体が、こんな、淫ら、なっ……は、やん……」 ーーーーー 「はぁああ! あ、あはぁんっ! や、んんっ! 入口も、前立腺も……じゅぷじゅぷ、ってされ……んはぁんっ!」 「ふぁ!? やぁあ! 奥、おくっ……そこ、何……!? そ、そんなとこ……しら、ないっ……! あ、んはぁ、あぁんん!」 「や、やだ、やだやめてぇ! 奥、突かれて…… す……すっこい、のぉ……! やん、あ! あ、何これ、 すご……感じるぅ、かんじるぅっ!」 「し、子宮、口……あ、ここ、子宮口っ……! おまんこの中の、感じるとこっ……! ここが……! はぁ、あふうぅっ、んぁ!」 「やだぁ、もうしない、でぇ……。 もっと、してほしく、なっちゃうぅ……! あ、んはぁあっ」 「わ、私を突いてる……その…… お、お……」 「おっ……おちんぽっ、 はやぁああんっ、あ、恥ずかしいこと、言うの…… 気持ち、いぃっ……! あぁっ!」 「あん、らめ、でっかくて固いおちんぽに、 おまんこのいいとこ、こすられてっ…… イく、イくぅ! あ、あぁっ、んやぁイっちゃ……!」 トラック3「妊娠・出産、そして……」 交接の儀を経た王子はやがて懐妊、出産へ……。 (出産シーンは特に迫力があり、そういった描写が苦手な方はご注意ください) 幸せな王子の進む道とは……? 怒涛のトラック3はぜひそのお耳にてお確かめください! DL LINK PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD ANYWHERE OR WITHOUT PERMISSION ガチガチのぶっといおちんぽ、すごいよぉ!1 point
Title : 隠れΩ、初ヒートでクラスメイトに孕ませられる。 A hidden Omega gets impregnated by a classmate during his first heat. Release Date : 2024/03/15 [Summary] Hayato Onodera, whose second gender is Omega, spends his days pretending to be a Beta. One day, he realizes that he has left his "suppressant," a drug that he carries around with him all the time to suppress pheromones during heat (estrus), in the classroom. He immediately goes back to get it, and at that very moment, his heat suddenly begins. Unable to move, Hayato's classmate, Shion Seto appears in front of him...? An innocent and stimulating estrus story set in the world of the Omegaverse♫ . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . CV : ★Onodera Hayato CV: Kubo Suzume Usually a strong-willed and mischievous character, but the type who thinks things through carefully when it comes to important matters. Since finding out he is an Omega, he has been constantly researching how to look like a Beta. He is also prepared for the various hardships and troubles that will come with being an Omega. ★Seto Shion A very bright and top-performing honor student who is the top of his class. He has a quiet and calm personality. Because of this, people around him tend to think he is gloomy, but he doesn't really care. He once confessed that he was an Alpha and was envied, so since moving, he has been pretending to be a Beta. He secretly wonders what it would be like to become friends with the always cheerful Onodera. He himself doesn't realize that he has romantic feelings for him yet. . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ★Track Contents★ This work is packaged in three different patterns: ○Drama-style with BGM and SE ○Realistic with SE only ○Unedited for those who want to hear the voice carefully Please choose the one you like and give it a listen♫ . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . Scriptwriter, voice actor, audio editor, thumbnail editor ↪Kubo Suzume Personal website: https://suzume.kubooo.com/ Ci-en: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/22054/article/1055189 ★Music ↪BGMer (http://bgmer.net ) ★Illustration ↪PixAI . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . Link : How to download and extract files? You can check here . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . PLEASE DONT SHARE OUTSIDE THIS FORUM. If u want me to reupload link, DM me! Actually, I don't really like A.I's work but after hearing it's only the illustration part, and I bought this because there was a discount on this item, lmao1 point
Release Date: 03/15/2023 Title: 恋するミルククラウン Cast: Tomoaki Maeno / Gen Sato MEGA https://mega.nz/folder/pR9QSA6R Decryption Key Please don't reupload/share on other sites and forums.1 point
Ikenie Mozenbarai Drama CD: Release Date: 02/24/2023 Mangaka: Katou Susu Cast: Okitsu Kazuyuki (Daija) x Shirai Yuusuke (Uzumaki Nanao) Link: Mega I bought this one cause the seme reminded me of Idia Shroud from Twisted Wonderland. Glad I did cause I found this story to be really funny lol. Hope you all enjoy listening to it! :) ~Do not share outside of this forum. Ty!~1 point
Release Date: 07/15/2023 Title: 操り凌辱騎士 Cast: スキマチェリー / 京竜太郎 / 篠倉直太朗 MEGA https://mega.nz/folder/xQVSBRTD Decryption Key Please don't reupload/share on other sites and forums.1 point
Title: Unmei no Tsugai ga Omae da Nante Original: 運命の番がお前だなんて Author: Haruta Year: 2020 Download: LINK Feel free to translate but do not reupload outside of this forum or share on social media.1 point
突如才能-ギフト-【発情】を授かったオレがイケメン競泳強化選手を肉オナホに堕とすまで Circle : K-DRIVE! Release date : May/15/2022 Scenario : mtk Illustration : メロン Voice Actor : 乃木悠星 Genre : Original Work : https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ379471.html CONTENTS : 2 Folders, 14 Files 8 wav files (5 Tracks, 1 Free Talk) 6 Images •••••••••••••••••• MEGA LINK •••••••••••••••••• Decription Key : Please don't post or share this elsewhere without permission. Thank you 🙏1 point
This is NOT INCEST, lmao (although the title is really deceiving) Title : あまえていいよ、おにいちゃん。 It's okay to be sweet, Onii-chan. Fluffy Dog Type 'DOM' x Tsundere Black Cat Type 'Switch' . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆200DL achievement commemorative cast talk (16 and a half minutes) has been added! . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ■Summary Mikuri Fujikawa is A cat wearing human skin. He is an extremely handsome boy who is a little clumsy. One day, Noel learns that Mikuri second gender is Switch. The difficulty of living on Switch is that both sub and dom needs to be satisfied. Noel learns that Mirai is working part-time to give light commands to Subs because of the high hourly wage. He worries and offers to become his manager. While spending time with Mirai, Noel's second gender begins to awaken... . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ■Track list 0. Prologue “My brother’s friend” (17:35) Play: First Kiss, Subspace 1.Switch Future Fujikawa's conflict (39:41) Play: Sub-drop *Expressions of hyperventilation, deep kiss, hand job, begging in honorific language, helmet matching 2. Dom Noel Hanano wants to be pampered (24:56) Play: Glare expression, forced stripping, helmet fitting, nipple torture, verbal torture, punishment, intercrural sex, visual rape, light spanking (about 2 times) “Mmm, uhhhhh, ya...ah...” "Wow...did the word 'punishment' make you cum?" "T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-l-t-t-l-t-t-l-ting it." "You wanted to be punished so much that you almost cum with anticipation, Mikuri...hehe." "Eh. Ah, Mikuri, you're a bad boy. You're looking away and your hands are still." "Ah...ah...uuuuuuu...gome..." "Hmm? I don't need your apology. How do you think I can get you to forgive you?" "...Guss, uh, ah...next time, I'll do my best..." "Hmm...isn't that obvious?...*suck nipple*." “Ah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa “You have to reflect, right?” “~~~~, fuuuuuuuuu~” 3. Dear Dom (17:31) Play: (from receiving to attacking) spanking, punishment, cowgirl, blowjob, verbal abuse ``Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah "This might be worse than I thought.. Inside Mikuri, ha, you're being looked down upon, I'm sure you'll come... In a good way...?" “Are you a pervert?” "No, no, it's different...?" "Hehe, I'm starting to lose confidence... With an erection like this... it's embarrassing." "~~~, don't step on me...!" "What are you talking about? Punish me... strip me from below." “Grrrr…” "Hurry up" 4. Give me all of you as you are (22:06) Play: Anal licking, visual rape, several spankings, punishment, continuous climax, colon torture, etc. 5. Let's kiss your color (6:00) . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ■What is Dom/Sub universe?✨ It is a world view that there is a second gender (Dom, Sub, Switch) that is different from male and female gender. Dom: Receives trust from Sub and protects them. There is a desire to control the Sub. There is a tendency to want to discipline and punish/praise/take care of others. Sub: Entrust their trust to Dom and receive protection from them. There is a tendency to want to be disciplined and punished, want to be praised, and want to do everything. Switch: A gender that has characteristics of both Dom and Sub. The characteristics of Dom and Sub are swapped. In this work, the type that can be satisfied with either gender as long as they are not swapped, There is a setting where there is a type that gets sick if the needs of both Dom and Sub are not satisfied. . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . Character Introduction : [TOP/DOM] Noel Hanano, 20 years old CV: Nogi Yusei Second gender: Dom An university student. He is half Japanese and half German, and is quite intelligent. Since he started modeling on a whim, he has often been invited to appear on programs where he talks about current events such as environmental issues. On the other hand, his personality is warm and androgynous. However, he gets messy sometimes. [BOT/SWITCH] Mikuri Fujikawa, 23 years old CV: Haru Mamonaka Second gender: Switch Graduate student. He is an extremely beautiful boy. He (he doesn't really know himself) He is quiet and easily misunderstood, but his heart is as pure as a child's. On the other hand, he also has an adult side that values common sense and rules. His problem is that when he's with Noel, he feels safe and he turns into liquid. His family's finances are tight, so he works at a job that pays a high hourly wage and gives light commands to subs. LINK PLEASE DONT SHARE OUTSIDE THIS FORUM. If u want me to reupload link, DM me! This CD's Drama is really my taste Pure & Smut Love. For the summary and character introduction, there will probably be a lot of mistakes because English is not my main language. Anyway, I like drama CDs that have a 'pure but smut' story, so you can recommend me & if I like that, I will try to buy it1 point
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Densetsu no Yarichin VS Teppeki no Shiriana: Release Date: 12/08/2023 Author: Totofumi Cast: Mikagura: Taku Yashiro Sena: Toshiki Masuda File Download: Mega1 point
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Original site: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01214112.html1 point
Name: Black or White Kuro ka Shiro ka Author: Sachimo Casts: (Shige) Hirakawa Daisuke x (Shin) Itou Kento, (Umejima) Toriumi Kosuke, (Kosuge) Tadokoro Hinata, (Tatara Kengo ) Okitsu Kazuyuki, (Hanazaki) Tamaru Atsushi Link: here Enjoy! P.S.: Not bad, not bad at all, I actually enjoyed this more than I expected to Do NOT upload/share my link anywhere outside this site.1 point
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I decided I'm going to reupload this link. I don't believe its all that fair that just because one a**hole decided to upload my files somewhere else that I shouldn't let anyone else listen to this CD. But if I do find another person taking my files again, I'll delete my files. If you wanna share files elsewhere, then buy your own copy of the CD and support the voice actors. Mega Link ~Do not share outside of the forum. Ty!~1 point
The uploader's decision to stop sharing isn't a lesson, but a consequence of their rules being broken. While it may seem unfair to those who followed the rules, it's the only way an uploader can protest against this repetitive behavior. It's important to remember that uploaders share what they've purchased voluntarily, without any obligation, and they have the right to stop sharing if they want to, even without a reason (you're not losing anything because you did not spend anything to get it in the first place, so being angry or frustrated at the uploader is irrational). Matsumurae is simply asking for empathy and understanding from those requesting Demios to re-upload. Demios has already explained her reasons for stopping sharing, and constantly receiving these requests can be exhausting, especially when it seems her explanation and feelings have been ignored.1 point
Title : 優等生の好奇心旺盛アナルに巨チンの良さを教えてみた I tried to teach the honor student's curious anal the benefits of a big dick Release Date : 2023/05/25 [Summary] A story about a curious honor student's prostate being thoroughly poked and taught the goodness of a huge dick. Nanakusa, a delinquent who has no interest in anything, meets Mizuno, an honor student who is curious and interested in everything. One day, Mizuno becomes interested in the "prostate"...!? . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . CV : ■Nanakusa Mio (CV: Amane Ui) The school's biggest delinquent. Over 185cm tall, with a lean and toned body. Awesomely well-proportioned features and flashy blonde hair. Since he was born, he has easily been number one in everything, whether it be sports or studies, so his days are boring and lacking in stimulation. The only person that Nanakusa is interested in and attracted to is Mizuno. ■ Mizuno Suzuto (CV: Nomura Fumino) The top student in the school. A beautiful, intelligent young man with straight black hair and glasses. Contrary to his quiet appearance, he is extremely curious. He is interested in everything and is full of vitality, immediately trying to start observing or experimenting. He is attached to Nanakusa. . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . Track Introduction ■Track 01: Prostate Development with a Curious Honor Student♂ (11:30) Mizuno: "Ngh! Ngh ah ah, my prostate is rubbing so hard! It's so hard, my erection, why does it feel so good, gh...!" Nanakusa: "Haha, Mizuno. Even though it's the science lab, your anus is twitching with joy... what a naughty student, isn't it?" Mizuno: "Ngh! Because my erection feels so good, gh, gh, gh, my anus is rubbing so much, gh, even though it's the science lab and we're in the middle of an experiment, it just doesn't stop feeling good, hmm, hmm ...!" ■Track 02: Fingering & Non-stop Raw Sex♂ (13:03) → Prostate digging, raw sex, doggy style, creampie Mizuno: "Hmm!? Ah, ah, ah, ah, I'm feeling too much...ah!? My sperm is coming, hmm, hmm, my erection is getting hard and my penis is coming...I'm going to cum...!" Nanakusa: "Hmm. That's good. Go ahead and cum." Mizuno: "Hmm! I'm cumming! It's coming!" Nanakusa: "Damn...Mizuno's insides are so warm and it feels so good...How about you? Which feels better, my fingers or my dick?" Mizuno: "Your dick... ! Your penis feels good, ah ah ah, this, I love it, ah! Ah, your penis makes me erect, it's best if you rub it around." Nanakusa: "Huh, that's an immediate answer. Then I'll dig it thoroughly like this, okay?" Mizuno: "Ah! Ah ah ah ah! Ah!? Stop digging with the tip, it's too hard, ah ah ah ah, dig with your penis, dig me more, dig more." ■Track 03: First lotion gauze♂(13:56) →Lotion gauze, glans stimulation, nipple licking, squirting Nanakusa: "Both sides of the gauze Then, I move it up and down alternately, rubbing the head of your penis..." Mizuno: "Hyaa?! Ah, ah?! Ahh?! What's that? The stimulation, the stimulation to the tip of my penis is strong...!" Nanakusa: "That's right. The lotion gauze is a type of glans stimulation. If you rub it this way, it seems that the pleasure it brings to the glans is on a whole different level. I'm experimenting to see how it's different from normal masturbation." Mizuno: "Mmm, mm, mmm! Mmm, mmm! Mmm!" Nanakusa: "Haha, the stimulation to your penis is strong. He's panting. Every time he rubs it, it jumps and twitches. Mizuno is so erotic as he arches his back while his penis is erect while sitting upright. What would happen if I applied the gauze faster?" Mizuno: "Oh!? On, on, on! Don't do it faster, it's too hard, the tip is too hard, it's going to break, my penis is going to break...!" ■Track 04: Lots of lovemaking in the bath♂ (21:37) → Standing doggy style, nipple teasing, raw sex, creampie, glans & nipple masturbation, peeing Mizuno: "Nnn!? Nnn! Nnn, nnn, it feels so good to stroke my nipples up and down, it's amazing, I love this! Ah, ah, ah, amazing" Nanakusa : "Your anus is twitching. Your nipples are twitching. , does it feel good to play with yourself?" Mizuno: "Good! Every time I rub my nipples, my hole twitches and squeezes my dick... Ah, ah, ah, I'm cumming, sperm is coming!" Nanakusa: "F-fuck! with nipples and anus? Hey, turn your face this way?" Mizuno: "Hm? Mmm! Slurp, ha, kissing is fun, slurp, cumming while kissing, slurp, slurp, I'm cumming... slurp" ◾️Bonus: Cast talk (5:18) . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . Credits ---------------------------- CV: Amane Ui (@UI_AMANE_R), Nomura Fumino (@nomurahumino) Scenario: yumimei (@yumimei_00) Illustration: Karako (@karako218) Design: yUtA (@_y_UtAa_) Audio editing: Más Audio Sound (https://www.mas-audio-sound.com/ ) SE: Die Brust [Various sound effects collection 100 part 2] etc. ---------------------------- Produced and original: Tororo (Tororo Soup) Twitter: https://twitter.com/trotro_oimo Original novel (★You can enjoy the voice drama alone★) "I tried to teach the goodness of a big dick to the inquisitive anal of an honor student" https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ413663.html Playing time: Main story approx. 60 minutes + bonus (cast talk) approx. 5 minutes . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . Link : How to download and extract files? You can check here . . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . ☆. . . . . . PLEASE DONT SHARE OUTSIDE THIS FORUM. If u want me to reupload link, DM me! I use Google Translate and my poor vocabulary.... I'm confused by the Seme's name... Nanakusa? Nanae? Sanae? Sanagusa?.... and then, I heard the voice.. oh okay, the real name is Nanakusa My last post, see you in a few months1 point
Title : 「BOY×BOY IDOL COLLECTION!」の Vol.1に収録された【姫川楽×神月透編】をボイス化! [BOY×BOY IDOL COLLECTION] Vol. 1 Ni shūroku sa reta [Himekawa raku × Kōdzuki Tōru-hen] o boisu-ka! Summary : Tooru Kanzuki is a popular Tachisen actor from 100 People Killer. As part of "Gabi Company's BL Idol Business" He is told by his company president that he wants him to make a duo debut with Raku Himekawa, a new actor. Once the two of us are alone, the new guy easily invites us to have sex. For some reason it's easy He starts attacking Tooru's butt, who is supposed to be a tachi actor...!? [Character] [TOP] Raku Himekawa : The big hit newbie x [BOT] Toru Kanzuki : Actor who only tops CV : Mizuka Amatsuka Renji Tsurukawa Momosuke Bankara ■Raku×Toru vol.1 After Story Extra Comic “How to Discipline a Cat in Heat” is also on sale! https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ350808/?medium=twitter&program=on_sale&source=workpost_sale&utm_medium=sns&utm_content=workpost_sale&utm_campaign=twitter&locale=ja_JP Link PLEASE DONT SHARE OUTSIDE THIS FORUM. If u want me to reupload link, DM me! I checked before someone had posted this topic, but there was no reupload link yet. So I bought it again on dlsite. I'm afraid the previous author won't like it if I reupload his/her post, so I created a new topic1 point
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ASMR×ステレオ 行為とともに。聞く、官能小説。 現実から紛れ込んだ、骨董屋。 気付くと手にしていた姿見。 それを覗いた瞬間。 12年後の俺と、12年前のオレ。 ただ、快楽を求める、二人。 心情・情景描写の朗読・ナレーションと共に送る、『俺』と『オレ』の BL?セクシャル音声作品! 収録時間はナレーションありver.です。 ■01_鏡の国のおれ 6分38秒(ナレーションありのみ) 体験版DLで全編試聴できます! 朝早く、踏切を待つ『オレ』。違和感を感じ、ふと気付くと 見知らぬ店の中。並ぶ品々に懐かしさを感じていると…。 ■02_12年後の、陰茎 5分8秒 手にしていた鏡の前に立ち、覗きこむ。と、そこには全裸の男! 鏡をくぐり抜け『オレ』に迫る。 聞くと彼は、12年後の『俺』らしい。ここに来た理由は 『オレ』を犯すことだという。断るものの、目の前のペニスに惹かれ…。 ■03_12年前の、口淫 10分5秒 『俺』のペニスを口に受け入れてしまう『オレ』。 背徳的な行為に、興奮する二人。 フェラ、口内射精、精飲 ■04_12年の、性交 20分39秒 収まらない興奮に、『オレ』は『俺』のペニスを受け入れる。 激しく快楽を求め、感じる二人。 セックス ■05_ex01_+あなた 37分19秒 鏡を使って二人はあなたの元へ。 二人に愛され、休むことは許されない? 耳、乳首舐め、キス、フェラ、イラマチオ、口内射精、精飲 クンニ、拘束中出しセックス ■06_ex02_楠木マれインタビュー 11分14秒 楠木マれの読み上げによる、収録感想。 脚本担当にくまん氏の執筆感想も! 本編・+あなた再生時間 1時間19分! 多種特化 情感重視の官能音声。 製品内容 zip/mp3 01~04 ナレーションあり、なし 05_ex01 +あなた SEあり、なし 06_ex02 楠木マれインタビュー にくまん氏書き下ろし本編台本 同梱! MEGA I bought this CD on DLsite when it came out, although it's tagged as an Otome CD rather than BL. The main tracks are all selfcest so I think it's safe to post here as a yaoi work, but please note that the "extra" track involves a threesome between two men and an (unvoiced) woman. Please skip this track if you are uncomfortable with that. Please let me know if there are any issues with the download link/file and I will try to fix it. Enjoy!! Please consider buying your own copy to support the work. You can find it on DLsite HERE Please do NOT upload, share, repost, etc. anywhere outside this forum. Thank you!1 point
Thank you! But can I ask what's the alternative or english title for this manga? I wanna read along1 point
Boku no Omawarisan ✭ Niyama [JP] Original Title: Boku no Omawarisan Alt. Title: 僕のおまわりさん Author/Artist: Niyama Year of release: 2017 Published by: Takeshobo Download Boku no Omawarisan Manga: Volume 01 [JP] Volume 02 [JP] Volume 03 [JP] (Links thanks to @rakira!) For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff1 point
ストーリー 百戦錬磨のイメクラ男娼「シロ」。 彼の手にかかれば再現できない欲望などない、と評判の彼の元には、 なかなか昇華できない性欲を抱えた男女が後を絶たない。 そんなある日、シロに予約を入れていた修司が告げたイメージプレイはなんと「幼児プレイ」。 呆気に取られるシロだったが、あまりにも真剣な修司の様子に覚悟を決める。 果たして2人は一ヶ月で親子になれるのか……! キャラクター紹介(1) 北山 修司(きたやま しゅうじ) 年齢:28 職業:証券会社勤務サラリーマン 身長:180 CV:ながしま 証券会社で主に企業営業を担当するサラリーマン。 爽やかで人当たりもよく、余暇にはジムで汗を流す。 一見、健全すぎる男性ではあるものの、彼には長年内に秘めた性癖があり……遂に抑えきれなくなり風俗に頼ることに。 キャラクター紹介(2) シロ 年齢:? 職業:出張風俗店キャスト 身長:170 CV:新堂大輔 とある歓楽街にある風俗店(出張イメクラ)の人気キャストであり、ネットでは「シロさんにかかればなんでも叶えてもらえる」と評判の美人なお兄さん。 あまりの評判に男でもいいから構わないと来るノンケも多い中、ようやく予約を取って来たという修司に前代未聞のイメプレを要求されてしまう。 内容紹介 トラック1 今から産まれます 修司 あ…… シロ ねえ……貴方のしたいプレイ、教えて貰っていいですか……? んふ……。 噂聞いてきたんでしょ……? なーんでも……したいプレイさせてあげる、 っていう…… 修司 はい……貴方はどんなプレイだって完璧にこなすとネットで拝見しました…… シロ まあ、お客様はみ〜んなそう言ってくれるね……今日は特に何も 準備してこなくていい、って聞いたんですけど…… 修司 はい。特に道具は必要ありません。お店のサイトで見た時に…… 貴方だ、って思ったんです シロ 本当〜? ふふ、嬉しい。 いーっぱいサービスしてあげなきゃ…… それでぇ……? 何がいいの? プレイによってはシャワー前に 決めておかなきゃ…… 修司 それもそうですね。確かにシャワーというかお風呂でも出来る事です。 さすがプロの方は違う…… シロ じゃあ教えてもらっていい……? 貴方の……シたいこと……。 修司 では遠慮なく……その……えっと…… シロ ……大丈夫……プロだよ? ふふ、ちょっとやそっとじゃ引かない…… 修司 お願いします、俺を今から産んでください シロ は……? トラック2 産まれたてなのでおっぱいがほしい 修司 おぎゃあああ〜ッ! あっあっあ〜っふぎゃ〜! びええ〜んっ! シロ えっ泣いてる……!? 修司 いや、まあまだ幼児ですからね……そりゃ泣きますよ…… シロ あっ……そ、そうでしたごめんなさ………… 修司 よろしくお願いいたしますね……では再び…… 修司 んぎゃおおおおおっあ、あっあっんぎゃ〜ッ! おぎゃ、おぎゃっおぎゃあっ! ふげえええ〜ッ! シロ (……ママって難しいぃぃ……でも、でも……俺はママ、俺はママ、俺はママ!) 修司 ぐすっふ、ふうええええ〜っぎゃ〜ッ! ひっく、あ、あ、あ〜っ だうぅぅぅぅ〜ッ! シロ あ〜っ……どうちたの〜? 泣いちゃったの〜! 修司 っひっく、ひっく……ままっ……ままぁ……ぐす、ふっ…… シロ ああ〜っよちよ〜ち…… 修くんママいなくてさびちかったのぉ? 修司 さ、さびちかったよぉ……ままっ……まま……! ぐすっ……ふ、ふえぇ…… おなかちゅいたぁ……ぐす、ふっ……うぅ〜っおぎゃあっ…… シロ そっかあ〜……じゃーあ…… シロ おっぱい飲みまちょおねえ……? んふ…… ほらぁ…… ママの乳首ちゅきでちょぉ……? 修司 ちゅき〜ッ! ぐすっ、ふ、ふえっ……は、あむっ……。 ぢゅぅぅ〜っ! シロ あんっ……! すっごい吸い付きぃ……! トラック3 号泣授乳手コキ 修司 シロさんすみません、今回は家に呼び出してしまい……やはり家でプレイ することで、いつもの生活の中でも思い出せるかなって…… シロ (ふっ……今日の俺は一味違うぞ) シロ しゅーうくん! どうちたの!? 修司 は、はい? シロ 修くんってばあ、ベッドから出てきちゃったの? もうお昼寝終わりでちゅか? おなかちゅいてる? 修司 あ、あ……ま、ママ……? シロ んふ…… もしかしてえ……ママに会いたくてえ、おっきしちゃった? ママのおっぱいちゅうちゅうしたくておっきちた〜? ちゅうちゅう しまちゅか〜? 修司 …………ま、ママっ! ちゅうちゅうすりゅ! ママのおっぱいっ! おなかちゅいたぁ…… シロ (ふっ……! 見たか百戦錬磨のイメプレを! って……何やってんだ俺……) 修司 まま、ままぁッ! シロ あんっ……! あわてないでぇ……? ほーらママ、ぱいぱい出しやすい 服でちゅからねえ〜? 修司 んきゃっきゃっまま〜っ! は、あむぅっ……! シロ あんっ……! んああぁぁんっ! はあ、はああ、ああっあっあっあぁ〜んっ! 修司 んぶ、ぢゅううううっ……ちゅ、ちゅうっ…… んぢゅう、ちゅうっちゅうっ ちゅううっ……! ぷは、おいちい……! んぶ、れりゅぅッぢゅるるるる〜っ! トラック4以降は本編にてお楽しみください。 トラック4 ぺろぺろちゅうちゅうしたいの トラック5 生後1ヶ月…… トラック6 ママにミルクをぶちまけたい! 総再生分数:1時間 3分 47秒(63分 47秒) <CV> ・北山修司: ながしま ・シロ : 新堂大輔 <シナリオ> ・mtk <イラスト> ・かにぱんむしゃむしゃ <音声編集> ・港区在住 <制作> 24/7 DOWNLOAD LINK https://mega.nz/file/0mIEBD4D (zip file) SUPPORT HERE https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01014868.html This is my first time uploading here. Please let me know if the link is not working.1 point
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Title: Crimson Spell CD 1 - クリムゾン・スペル 1 Cast: Valdrig Alsvieth: Kondou Takashi Halvir Hropter: Miki Shinichirou >>> Mediafire (154,49 MB) Title: Crimson Spell CD 2 - クリムゾン・スペル 2 Cast: Valdrig Alsvieth: Kondou Takashi Halvir Hropter: Miki Shinichirou >>> Mega (287,52 MB) Title: Crimson Spell CD 3 - クリムゾン・スペル 3 Cast: Valdrig Alsvieth: Kondou Takashi Halvir Hropter: Miki Shinichirou >>> Mega (167,3 MB) Title: Crimson Spell CD Extra 1 - クリムゾン•スペル★番外編「旅のおくりもの」 Cast: Valdrig Alsvieth: Kondou Takashi Halvir Hropter: Miki Shinichirou >>> Mega (61,9 MB) Title: Crimson Spell CD Extra 2 - クリムゾン•スペル★番外編 「旅の空の下、ルルカは今日もおかんむり」 Cast: Valdrig Alsvieth: Kondou Takashi Halvir Hropter: Miki Shinichirou >>> Mega (51,6 MB)1 point