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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/24 in all areas

  1. Sensei Mirarete Hatsujou Shichauno? / センセイ見られて発情しちゃうの? Kogamo / 小鴨 2020 Link: PDF (39 MB) | ZIP (86 MB) DO NOT REPOST OR REUPLOAD ANYWHERE ELSE Feel free to use it for translation ദ്ദിᐢ- ̫-ᐢ₎ Happy reading!
    24 points
  2. Boroya no Ouji-kun / ぼろやの王子くん Kirimenjaro / キリメンジャロ 2024 Link: PDF (56 MB) | ZIP (90MB) DO NOT REPOST OR REUPLOAD ANYWHERE ELSE Feel free to use it for translation ദ്ദിᐢ- ̫-ᐢ₎ Happy reading!
    22 points
  3. Mikoshiba-kun Goshimei Kudasai / 御子柴くんご指名ください Furukawa Fumi / 古川ふみ 2021 Link: PDF (61 MB) | ZIP (89 MB) DO NOT REPOST OR REUPLOAD ANYWHERE ELSE Feel free to use it for translation ദ്ദിᐢ- ̫-ᐢ₎ Happy reading!
    17 points
  4. Hello, I just want share with in this site. And I'm sorry for short time to share. It will be delete sudden. P.S. : PLEASE DO NOT REPOST or REUPLOAD LINK AND FILE TO OTHERS AND OTHERSITES. If It needed, I'll upload myself. LINK
    6 points
  5. thank u for sharing Are you searching for 「安堂ろめだ」ヤンチェリキッス!? here is my copy https://xgf.nu/SDrUr please enjoy it
    6 points
  6. ⋆✧༺♥オメガの婿取り♥༻✧⋆ Omega no Mukotori Based on the manga by Kuroi Yodaka (黒井よだか) ༻❃ Release Date ❃༺ 10/13/2023 ༻❃ Cast/Pair ❃༺ Matsuda Kenichirou × Ono Yuuki 松田健一郎 × 小野友樹 ༻❃ Synopsis ❃༺ "I'll take an alpha who's weaker than me over my dead body!" Omega second-in-command Yoshiharu is ordered by the boss of his gang to interview prospective alpha husbands from other gangs. But Yoshiharu is as unruly as a wild horse, and one of the frustrated candidates slips him a drug that forces him into heat. When rescued from the brink of disaster, Yoshiharu is relieved to find out who his true mate really is... but why does he refuse to mate with him...?! ༻❃ Where to Buy ❃༺ Animate JP - Pokedora - DLSite - Fantia This is an Omegaverse story I love dearly, so I wanted to share both versions. I bought this myself, so please do not distribute, share or repost anywhere. Please support the mangaka and voice actors by buying your own copy. You can read a cast interview with the voice actors here. Read the manga in English here. ╔═.✾. ════╗ Download voiced drama version Download video version ╚════.✾. ═╝
    5 points
  7. 作品紹介 ■総時間 1時間12分+フリートーク ■あらすじ 代々陰陽師を排出する家系に生まれたアキラは護衛代わりの鬼、一鬼(かずき)とコンビを組んでいた。 今日の任務はトンネルにとりついた妖怪の退治。 予想通り相手は雑魚妖怪だったが、一鬼は不意をつかれ迂闊にも「欲情する呪い」を受けてしまう。 いつも頼れる兄のような一鬼の弱々しく淫らだな姿に、 密かに恋心を寄せていたアキラは我慢ができなくなってしまい……、 また、一鬼のほうもまんざらでもなく……。 若手陰陽師 × ムッチリ鬼 受け:一鬼(カズキ) 年齢:不明 身長:175 職業:鬼/従者 アキラに仕える相棒のような存在の鬼。 陰陽師ごとに相棒は変わるので先代からの譲り受けとかではない。 筋骨隆々でがっちりした見た目やあらっぽい口調に反して、根は真面目で優しい。 意外と冷静に物事を解決するタイプ。 元々荒っぽい集団である鬼の中では異端に近く、アキラに見初められて相棒になったのは本人にとっても転機だった。 アキラのことを大事に思っており、大切な弟のように考えている。 恋心ではないと本人は思っていたが、惹かれていたのは間違いない。 いつも冷静なのだが、本人の力ではどうにもならないので予想外の事態に対すると戸惑ってしまう。 攻め:法眼 アキラ 年齢:20 身長:165 職業:陰陽師 幼い頃から先代や先々代と相棒の関係に憧れを抱いていた。 表向きは普通の大学生として過ごしているが、すでに陰陽師としての仕事を請け負っている。 友達はそれなりにいるものの、常に危険と隣り合わせの環境のため、親友と呼べる相手は少ない。 一番親しく信頼を寄せているのが一鬼であり、一緒に過ごしていくうちに恋心になっていった。 だが奥手であり、自分にまだ自信がないために一鬼に自分の思いを語ったことはない。 今回の事件で淫らになった一鬼を前にして気持ちが抑えられなくなる。 DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01134568.html MEGA :https://mega.nz/folder/zihXTIyJ
    5 points
  8. 種つけラレ王子〜乱交えっちでご懐妊!?お世継ぎ孕むのガンバります!〜 Release date: 7/06/2022 CV: Igarashi Yuuta (cmiiw) Summary: Atro, the prince of the Kingdom of Flady, was learning about human sexual relations in this world (as part of his royal education). After completing his studies, his father, the king, told him that an exam for the "coital ritual" would soon be held. Applicants would be recruited in the near future, and the ritual would take place one month later. Only a very small number of those who passed the rigorous exam would be able to participate in the ritual as the prince's partner. Atro is delighted that he will finally be able to perform the "coital ritual," the greatest official duty for a prince, as has been passed down since ancient times, but...! The lewd story of a pure and beautiful prince! - I saw that this was on sale so I decided to get it after saving it in my favorites a long time ago. Plus, royalty Omegaverse, yay! I also found the premise to be interesting how they have to perform a mating ritual only with a man since they want a male heir; male x male can only produce boys, and female x female can only produce girls. Also, the last track has him going through childbirth, which was a first for me since I've never listened to any Omegaverse with this in it XD I felt glad though because a lot of Omegaverse doesn't go into the pregnancy phase (I want to see a baby bump, darn it!), nor about the babies. - This will be available for 3 days starting today (12/10 PST) until 12/13 PST. I don't have a specific time the link will be taken down on that day but just know that you will have this amount of time to get it. I saw that this was already uploaded once but this is my own copy that I bought myself. I saw on that post that people were asking for sharing the link since it's no longer available, which is not okay. If I see that under any of my posts, then I will deactivate my links and stop sharing on here. Also, if I see my files re-uploaded anywhere else then I will take down the link and not re-upload it. - 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 - - < Please support the original work on dlsite here! > !! DO NOT SHARE OUTSIDE OF HERE NOR CLAIM AS YOUR OWN !!
    3 points
  9. αの花嫁 共鳴恋情 (Alpha's Bride) Release date: 10/25/2024 Pairing: Okitsu Kazuyuki (Shuto Keiki) x Satou Gen (Emori Riku) Summary: Emori Riku, a high school student born as an alpha, attends a party at the Shuto family home to make his social debut. The Shuto family is a prestigious family that reigns at the top of alphas. The current head of the Shuto family, Shuto Keiki, has enough charm to dominate not only omegas but even alphas. Riku, who saw Keiki up close, couldn't help but admire him. However, on the night he first met Keiki, Riku, who is supposed to be an alpha, was flushed and exuded a sweet scent...!? - I know this blcd is one that many have been anticipating so I thought for my first upload on here that I'd share this with you all. You will really enjoy this one, believe me. Okitsu Kazuyuki slays as usual but Satou Gen was so good and his high-pitched moans 100/100+++! This is my own personal recorded copy. If I see it uploaded anywhere else then I will take down the link and not re-upload it. I have made edits to the audio so I will know that it is mine. For complete transparency, this will be available for one week starting today (12/9 PST) until 12/16 PST. I don't have a specific time the link will be taken down on that day but just know that you will have this amount of time to get it. Please feel free to share with me any concerns or comments you have. I'm also looking to upload more blcds so give me your recommendations (prefer drama cds). - 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 - !! DO NOT SHARE OUTSIDE OF HERE NOR CLAIM AS YOUR OWN !!
    3 points
  10. おまえと恋なんか絶対ない Cast: Ito Kento x Shirai Yusuke Enjoy!! Link: https://mega.nz/file/En42jRTB DO NOT SHARE & RE-POST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM, Thank you!! The link will be lasting "one week" !!!
    3 points
  11. ✦•······················• 未熟な僕は支配を乞う 1 •······················•✦ Mijukuna Boku wa Shihai wo Kou 1 -Regular Edition- ✦ -Release date- 2024/10/11 -Cast- Tamaru Atsushi x Ootsuka Takeo -Synopsis- Counselor Shiramiya has lived his life hiding the fact that he is a Sub. However, as the suppressants become less effective, his condition only worsens as he struggles to control his instincts. At such a time, his childhood friend Takahina comes to visit him at work. Takahina is the first Dom who once gave Shiramiya an "Order"…?! A Dom×Sub BL story entwined with domination, possession, love, and hate! -Sample- -Where to Buy- AnimateJP | AmazonJP | CDJapan | AmiAmi | Pokedora (Djgital) If possible, consider purchasing your own copy to support the mangaka and the voice actors who brought this amazing work to life! -READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING- -DOWNLOAD- I will remove the link within 3 days. Re-ups will be done under my discretion. I’ll stop here for the moment. But I’ll schedule Romantic Lament and a few others for Christmas week. Hope all of you enjoy this sharing as much as I did! Sadly this is not the Animate exclusive edition, if you have the mini-drama that comes with it and want to share it, I’ll appreciate it a lot. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE/SHARE/REPOST OUTSIDE (AND INSIDE) OF THIS FORUM WITHOUT PERMISSION.
    3 points
  12. 作品仕様 Live2Dアニメーション 総再生時間 動画 42分(うちプロローグ、エピローグの合計7分は暗転画面になります) 音声 42分+フリートーク(3:55) あらすじ 時は今よりずっと未来、獣人と人間が共存して性別の垣根もなくなり早数十年……。 獣人メイド派遣サービスで人気のメイド三人組がいた。 豹のエル、兎のルル、狼のギル。 全員とびきり腕っぷしが強く、艶があり、家事全般も有能。 しっかり者だけど、ちょっと愛が重いルルが派遣されたのは若い漫画家先生のお家。 今までのご主人様はすぐにルルの体を狙ってきたのに、新しいご主人様の紅葉は何も自分に飛びついてこない、 痺れを切らして自分から襲ってしまったルルは日に日にご主人様への想いをつのらせていく……。 これって強引かな? ルルが無理に迫ってるから……?  そんな不安を尊大な態度でかき消しながら過ごしている中でルルは掃除中にご主人様のお部屋から「とあるもの」を発見してしまい……!? キャラクター 受け:ルル CV みつはし様 年齢:27歳 身長:189cm 職業:メイド・ボディーガード ……兎の獣人メイドで、チャームポイントは大きめのお尻と長い耳 ちなみにメイド服はいつもエルに任せていて、ルル自身はあまり着るものには興味がない。 仕事の時はあくまでクールに冷静沈着に淡々とこなしているが、兎特有の強い発情に割と悩むことがある。 今のご主人様は自分のことをエロ目的で見ないどころか上着を着せてこようともするので、とてももどかしいので押し倒してしまった。 一見、強気で女王様タイプに見えるけれど本来はとても甘えたがりで愛が激重寂しがり屋。 攻め:野田 紅葉(のだ もみじ) 年齢:22歳 身長:172cm 職業:漫画家 学生時代からずっと漫画を描き続け、遂に倒れたところで編集部がルルを派遣してきた。 セクシーむちぱつ獣人ギャルメイドが家にいることで最初は落ち着かなかったが、 徐々にルルの真面目さや誠実さに恋をしてしまい「理想のヒロインみたいだ」と思いつつ 「いやそれはかなり不純な気持ちでルルさんを見ていないか……」と葛藤してなかなか目を見て話せない。 (しかし性欲は元々強めなのですぐ勃起してしまう) なんとかルルに既成事実を作られて恋人? になってからもルルを性的消費というよりは本気で恋人として接したいので自分の性欲を抑えることが多々ある。 (恋人=手を繋いでデートして笑い合うといった古典的な少女漫画脳の持ち主) ちなみに趣味は筋トレを始めとした運動なので意外と力が強く、ルル一人なら軽々と持ち上げることが出来る。 (そこにルルもきゅん、としている) DLsite :https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01240720.html MEGA:https://mega.nz/folder/7q4SjJxS I only share the sound part. If you want to watch the video, please support the original work.
    3 points
  13. Sorry I removed the link by accident . There is the new link: https://mega.nz/file/k6QTBb4L#Sg0oisnHrE_J7hadZmvcnvTzivbc9Dy97dSrGhRIjvk
    3 points
  14. @Livefuck I can't thank you enough for sharing this, it has become one of my favorite stories ever! I managed to track down and purchase all the manga tokutens, including the drama CD bonus manga, so I will be sharing as soon as I receive them, just wanted to let you know because you mentioned you wanted it!
    2 points
  15. あらすじ 博愛精神をうたう、ペット用品メーカーに務める、 愚直ではあるものの仕事のミス連発をする雲居凪咲。 あるとき、彼は社内セックスを目撃してしまう。 教育係で憧れの雨宮先輩に事情を聞くと、 この会社は「愛さえあればいい」という社内SEX公認だった⁉ 【本編 38分】 キャラクター紹介 ■雲居 凪咲(くもい なぎさ) cv.かっぱガリ ペット用品メーカー「ピアット」に務める社員。 やる気はあるものの、入社して半年、仕事はミス連発。 『博愛精神』という会社の理念にいたく共感し、日々業務をこなしている。 教育係である雨宮先輩に対して尊敬と憧れとそれ以上の感情を抱いており、彼が飼っている猫と同じように自分を扱ってほしいと思ってしまう。 「へ... し、躾け...... されちゃうんですか、俺... 今から猫語...... !? そんなの、恥ずかし...... あううっ!」 ■雨宮 幸也(あめみや ゆきや) cv.なし 株式会社ピアットに務める、雲居の教育係で先輩。 仕事はそつなくこなし、雲居のことは飼っている猫のように可愛がって撫でる癖がある。 DL site:https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01146587.html MAGE: https://mega.nz/file/ByllDIBb
    2 points
  16. Sweetheart Trigger �� Nyan-Nya [JP] Original Title: Sweetheart Trigger Alt. Title: スイートハート・トリガー Author/Artist: Nyan-Nya Year of release: 2016 Serialized in: Moment (E-book) Download Sweetheart Trigger [JP] Manga: Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 (Links thanks to @rakira!) ★★★ English Scans ★★★ For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff
    2 points
  17. Oogui Ookami to wa Tsukiawanai! 大食いオオカミとはつきあわない! AMAMIYA Konatsu (天宮こなつ) 2020 Vol 1 (7 days)
    2 points
  18. ✦•······················• NU:カーニバル~古城の魔法~ •······················•✦ NU: Carnival ~Kojou to Mahou~ ✦ -Release date- 2024/03/19 -Cast- Netoru Irakusa (Kitayama Kyousuke) / Kashiro Futo / Natsumeda Yuto / Manaka Sawa (Nakazawa Masatomo) / Muru Nimaigai (Itou Kento) / One Night Love (Ooshita Kouta) -Synopsis- The story follows Eito (Eiden), the protagonist who is summoned from another world as the successor to the great sorcerer Hashuto (Huey). Together with the retainers who summoned him, Eito embarks on a journey to restore the power of the continent’s “jewels” — the balance of the elements. Based on the game NU: Carnival, this adaptation spans a manga version, the current drama CD version, and more. Featuring a spin-off scenario not found in the original game or manga adaptation, the drama CD delivers a high-quality experience with exceptional voice acting, direction, and sound effects. -Sample- -Where to Buy- DLSite (Digital) If possible, consider purchasing your own copy to support the company and the voice actors who brought this amazing work to life! -READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING- -DOWNLOAD- I will remove the link within 3 days. Re-ups will be done under my discretion. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE/SHARE/REPOST OUTSIDE (AND INSIDE) OF THIS FORUM WITHOUT PERMISSION.
    1 point
  19. Title : 年下ワンコ系彼氏にはどうやらお仕置きが必要みたいです 〜イってはいけないシチュエーション〜 (It seems that my younger boyfriend needs some punishment ~A situation where you shouldn't cum~) 5 Tracks CV: Yamanaka Masahiro x Kawanishi Kengo Release Date: 06/12/2024 Synopsis: Haruto, who works in the PR department of a certain food manufacturer, meets Ritsu, a package designer, through a project and they hit it off right away at their favorite izakaya. Haruto is seduced by Ritsu's fierce advances and the two of them start dating. Soon, they start living together and it seems like everything is going smoothly, however... With just a slight misunderstanding Ritsu's sadistic "punishment" begins—!? "If you can do all of this without touching yourself, without moving, and without cumming...I'll forgive you." Wait...is that even possible—!?!? DOWNLOAD Please support the original as well, if you have the means ♡ HERE -- Do NOT reupload this file nor share outside of the forum. Happy holidays everyone and enjoy!
    1 point
  20. 凪がれ星 Pairings : 一宮天惺 CV.古川慎 Furukawa Makoto x 獅倉槇人 CV.大塚剛央 Otsuka Takeo Release Date : 2023/11/29 Please consider buying your own if you can to support the author! DO NOT re-post or re-share link. Download
    1 point
  21. Title: ボイスドラマ「タチとネコどっちがイイの?~外でもナカよくみつどもえ~」 Release Year: 2024 Author: Shouko Nabara/名原しょうこ Recording Time: approx. 40 minutes Voice Actor: Ii-Kinniku/井伊筋肉 Hokki Nimaigai/二枚貝ほっき HaruDanji/春男児 Support the original work here This voice drama follows the story of the doujinshi manga "Top or Bottom? 3 ~Vacation 3-way Sex~", so you can enjoy it together with the manga. The bonus track is based on a special mini-manga titled『もどかしい日々』, which is also included. I bought this myself so please do not upload or share it outside this forum, thank you~ LINK
    1 point
  22. Hello, wishing you all have a good work-week! There is the sweet love between a clumsy fiancée & his destined partner. I bought it few days ago but delayed to share due to the latest time release on DLsite. I love the way they express their feelings to each other very gently and warmly. This cozy one is absolutely suitable for year-end cold weather. For those who are interested, let’s enjoy! Please be noted that all my shared links are my own purchases. If there is any concern, feel free to pm me for further support/ information/ definitive proof. The link is available shortly, within 2 days. There’s sometimes re-upload, no rush. Just follow the threads that you want to be re-shared and please don't break any rules of the forum. Content Description: Love Story of Clumsy Fiancée & His Destined Partner Cast: Torturer of Sashinaga x Reiji Takatori Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01286314.html FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD MY FILES ANYWHERE UNLESS IT’S YOURS. BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM. THANK YOU!
    1 point
  23. Hello, I exchanged this CD with a friend, and he has agreed and allowed me to upload it. I would like to share it with everyone here. There are no comics, so everyone can listen to it.💜 (google translate) *Link will be removed in a few hours.* DLsite :https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01198026.html
    1 point
  24. Hello, continue with some of my favorite ones. This is a love story full of sex and squirming, with the atmosphere of the original turned into audio based on the popular doujinshi manga "Black Company Junior x Senior Instant Fall 2-frame BL". If you love the series “Salary Man and Bartender 2-Pannel Corruption", here is another option for you to enjoy. It includes pdf file of the doujinshi. Let's consider to buy one if you are interested and affordable to support the original works. All my shared links are my own purchases. If there is any relevant matters or technical issues, feel free to pm me for further support and information. Kindly do not re-upload/re-share my file anywhere else. Content Description: Black company junior x senior's instant fall 2-frame BL Cast: Masato Kawamura / Akira Miyao/ Manaka Sawa/ Muscle Ii Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01178901.html Please help to read more of description on DLsite as I've been being quite lazy to put them all here :) PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOAD MEGA MEDIAFIRE P/s: I'm sorry for bothering or spamming you guys today as I wanna save time to share or re-upload my files as many as possible :) FRIENDLY REMIND: DO NOT SHARE/ RE-UPLOAD MY FILES ANYWHERE UNLESS IT’S YOURS. BE A KIND & COMPLIANCE MEMBER FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THIS FORUM. THANK YOU!
    1 point
  25. Lost Virgin How to Sex ~特典~ (only) I just would like to complete this drama, that's all Enjoy!! Link: https://mega.nz/file/IqwUlKhY DO NOT SHARE & RE-POST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM, Thank you!! The link will be lasting 2 hours and never re-upload again !!!
    1 point
  26. あらすじ 誕生日に恋人が予約してくれたホテルで待ち合わせた待田瑞貴は、支配人に案内された部屋に入り驚愕する。 特殊性癖に特化したSMルームで、支配人・沼渕攻人の『特別な接待』を受けることになったのだ!  なんと恋人はドSで、沼渕に瑞貴の調教を依頼したらしい…。 初めてのSM体験で戸惑う瑞貴は、沼渕とのプレイに怯えながらも身体は開いていき――。 *ご注意  マニアックプレイ(SM)を含む音声作品ですので、購入前に内容をご確認くださいませ。 キャラクター ୨୧┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈୨୧     (受)待田瑞貴  ୨୧┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈୨୧ 潜在的にMの素質があるが、まだ無自覚。 恋人の坂井が予約してくれた『HOTEL Abisso』に初めて訪れた。 ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈      (攻)沼渕 攻人   ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 『HOTEL Abisso』支配人。 フロントでは上品で物腰の柔らかい接客に務めるが、プレイでは雄々しさと冷淡さを感じさせるふるまいで M心を掴んでいる。 ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈  坂井(ボイスなし)   ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 『HOTEL Abisso』の常連客。瑞貴の恋人で真性のS。 瑞貴のM気質を見抜いており、自分好みの飼い犬にしたいと考えていたのでその道のプロの沼渕に調教を依頼した。 収録時間 ■本編:1時間2分(mp3) ■同梱1:wavファイル ■同梱2:SE&水音なしトラック(voiceonly) 収録(プレイ)内容 【サプライズ】SM部屋へご案内&説明 6:54 【手始めに】浣腸、首輪プレゼント、記念撮影、お漏らし、排泄(大) 7:05 【飴と鞭】拘束、吊り、アイマスク、手コキ、乳首クリップ、アナルに飴玉挿入、鞭打ち 11:52 【仕上げに】バラ鞭、飴玉排泄、ディルドオナニー、射精、フェラチオからのイラマチオ、SEX、キス、中出し、射精 22:34 【今後とも】フロントでお会計&挨拶、瑞貴のお願い 3:29 【キャストトーク】aki / 速水理人 11:48 https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ01083138.html DOWNLOAD
    1 point
  27. 警察官 × 地雷量産型コンカフェ店長 ■キャラクター 受:川相 侑芽(かわい ゆめ) CV 一夜愛様 身長:186 年齢:? 職業:コンセプトカフェ店長 ……「ゆめめてんちょ」の名前でコンカフェ「ぽぷぽぷもんしゅたー」にて店長を務める量産型可愛い天才店長。 年齢不詳、ガタイ良しだが持ち前のコミュ力やトークを活かして店頭や動画でも活躍中。最近は動画配信者としてもちょっとした人気が出ている。 元々自分を下げるような発言が多く、店でも自分は「ネタ枠」に徹している。 (店の他スタッフはそれについて「てんちょ! やめなさい!」と言っている) どんなに可愛くしてもどうしても自分に自信が持てず、動画配信時にはわざと変顔を晒したりもするが元々ホストをしていたこともありビジュアルはとあるスタッフ曰く「つよつよ」。ちなみにナンバーワンプレイヤーだったので退職時には歌舞○町が姫達の涙で大洪水になったと噂されている。当時の姫達は現在、ゆめめてんちょの強火オタとして活動しているのだとか。 攻:瀬尾 和樹(せお かずき) 身長:178cm 年齢:24歳 職業:警察官 ……歓楽街の交番に最近移動になったばかりの真面目で爽やかな警察官。 警官であった祖父を尊敬しており、自分も物心ついた頃から警官になりたいと志して現在に至る。(現在祖父は引退して書道教室を開いている) 実家では代々兎を何匹も飼っており、現在一人暮らしの部屋にも「もこ」という名前の兎(フレンチロップのメス)を飼っている。 侑芽のことは一目見た時に「もこに似てる」ということで気になり始めたが、常に明るい笑顔や健気なところに徐々に惹かれていった。 自分に自信がないところも含めて「侑芽さんは可愛い」と思っている。 ★ちょっとだけゲスト★ 深名 星凪(しんめい せな)……CV:新堂大輔 様 年齢:22歳 身長:180cm 職業:コンカフェ勤務 カフェぽぷぽぷもんしゅたーの人気キャストであり前々作の主人公。 その素行の悪さからゆめめ店長に何かと心配されていたが最近愛しの「しゅきぴ」が出来たおかげで「しごでき! かわちい! せにゃち!」になっている。 DLsite :https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01146862.html?utm_campaign=chobit&utm_medium=inhouse&utm_content=RJ01146862 MEGA:https://mega.nz/folder/LqoUnJaa
    1 point
  28. Omega Awakening - Please Do Something, Sir (1) 「 SYNOPSIS 」 One day, at a school where Omegas, Betas, and Alphas coexist, it was reported to the faculty that Chitose (an Omega) was giving off pheromones. His homeroom teacher and the gym teacher promptly bring him to the gym teacher's office. "I'm taking the suppressants, just like I'm supposed to!" protests Chitose. He insists that this is discrimination against Omegas. However, as he talks, the teachers state that they can feel his pheromones. "No, but... I took the medicine... Why is my body... giving off this sweet smell..." The look in their eyes changes, and they start to advance on Chitose. 「 CHARACTERS 」 Chitose Kouzaki (Protagonist) Handsome. Serious, Honor student. Omega. Ordinarily, he has a cold personality and his manner of speaking is blunt. Born into an elite family that reviles Omegas, he was brought up to be abstinent so that his grades and achievements would be on par with those of an Alpha. As a result, he grew to hate sexuality and his Omega self. One day, another student tipped off the teachers that he was giving off pheromones, leading them to call him to the office. Has this beautiful, diligent honor student Omega been falsely accused...? Sahara Health Class/Gym Teacher A cheerful teacher who is popular among the students. A playboy through and through. Tachibana World History Teacher. Also Chitose's homeroom teacher. Eloquent and knowledgeable. A serious, highly reputable teacher. 「 CREDITS & CONTENT & SAMPLE 」 Series name: オメガバースシリーズ Coupling: 教師×生徒 CV: 乃木悠星 (Noki Yuusei) Scenario: おーね Illustration: キキノ Circle: marogela Age: +18 Contains 3 MP4 video files for a story game experience! Also includes voice-only MP3 versions. Total playback time: 56 minutes 「 DOWNLOAD & WHERE TO BUY 」 MEGA LINK Encryption key: Support the original work: https://www.dlsite.com/bl/work/=/product_id/RJ413484.html - DON'T SHARE OR REPOST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM! Enjoy~
    1 point
  29. OMG!!!That's very sweet of you, I really haven't been able to buy it, but if you do I'll be grateful, my god, I love this manga so so much!! I don't know how else to thank you than to say again thank you very much , you are a sweetheart!!
    1 point
  30. Thank you so much for your response! I'm glad I didn't come across as rude TwT I also saw that it wasn't available to purchase digitally so I checked this forum. I hope you won't mind if I look forward to your future upload! I am always grateful for anyone who is willing to share on this website. Thank you so much for your kindness and for being patient with my awkwardness! - Alex
    1 point
  31. I have no idea if anyone wants this version of Sweet Pool anymore, but back in 2023 I got my hands on the original 2008 version of this game. Here's the link stuff in case someone actually wants this. MEGA: Link! 897.7 MB. Folder. Includes: zip of the game files, route walkthroughs, a setup guide I made, a rough translation of the config menu, and 2 readme's. The English patch is already in there and should basically run "out of the box". I explain moar stuff in my first readme, if anyone is interested. Although... This is still a problem with the game. I don't know why this wasn't ever patched out, to my knowledge. As far as I know this is unfortunately unfixable. I, personally, beat the JASTUSA version of the game so I don't know all the intricacies of the bug. Maybe I can try it out sometime.
    1 point
  32. This is New Link, And It'll be delete sudden. Thanks. LINK P.S. : PLEASE DO NOT REPOST or REUPLOAD LINK AND FILE TO OTHERS AND OTHERSITES. If It needed, I'll upload myself.
    1 point
  33. The first volume of “Ignat no hanayome” has been released! I hope someone can share it!😋
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. @Houston2001 @tylcidio @Otoka @YukiyaKamado @twilight_hour @Daisy0727 @Karmaxx PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOAD RE-UPLOAD
    1 point
  36. REUP LINK ↑ RULES: Do not distribute/share/repost my files in other sites without permission (including social medias like telegram groups and sites like weibo, bilibili, AS, etc).
    1 point
  37. [Main Story] One night, the village chief summoned Io and his sister Kei to his residence to explain the tradition of "ghost marriage". Once every 50 years, a young woman from the village is chosen as an offering to the spirits. This time, that young woman was Kei. Io told Kei to flee the village, and that he would follow shortly after but before he could, Kei was brought before him on the verge of death after slipping off the mountain. Lost for words at the sight of his gravely injured sister, Io received a proposal from the villagers. "We will take care of Kei if you agree to be married in her place. If you run or put up a fight, the deal is off. Do you accept?" For the sake of his sister, Io agreed without hesitation... ------------------------- [Cautionary Disclaimer] This story is about a young, long-haired man who offers himself as a sacrifice in order to save his sister. To become the bride of the spirits, the villagers train him to feel pleasure as a woman would do and the spirits take full advantage of his body. Contains the following: Mob sex, interspecies sex (ghost), cross-dressing, blood, nipple play, sumata (intercrural sex), fellatio/blow jobs, creampie, squirting, dry orgasm, restraint, mild scat, spanking, bloated belly, hole teasing, colon teasing, urethra teasing, bladder teasing, violation, humiliation, non-consensual sex, double penetration, consecutive orgasms, ahegao/gapeface, handjobs, bukkake, cock ring, prostate stimulation, blindfolding, breastmilk, titjob, cross-section views. Please consider buying your own copy to support the work. You can find it on DLsite HERE Please do NOT upload, share, repost, etc. anywhere outside this forum. Thank you! I really love this manga alot Feel free to translate it into another language~ Enjoy
    1 point
  38. Thank you for sharing. 💕
    1 point
  39. Thanks you for sharing 🥰
    1 point
  40. I want to make a clarification, the MEGA link that is posted in this forum, at no time have I disabled it, but for some who have this type of problem, here I leave this solution and I hope you have a nice day!: DB Mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/3jqyy8j4o2cldq7/DB.zip/file
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Thanks so much for your sharing <3
    1 point
  43. Junjou de Nani ga Warui Release Date:2023/08/23 2 Discs Cast: Azakami Youhei × Horie Shun I UPLOADED WITH PERMISSION! DO NOT UPLOADED IN ANY WEB OR PLATAFORM! https://www.mediafire.com/folder/pli833zwgtpsj/Junjou_de_Nani_ga_Warui
    1 point
  44. Title: Boku wa Kimi to Koi ga Shitai Japanese Title: 僕はキミと恋がしたい Author/Artist: Kida Sattsu Download Link
    1 point
  45. Hello I found the CD yo can download HERE
    1 point
  46. AI NO KUSABI Title: Ai no Kusabi (Novel) Author: Yoshihara Reiko Illustrations by Michihara Katsumi Format: PDF Translated by Shabriri Original Run: 1990 Genre: Tragedy, Romance, Yaoi More info on the novel: The novel was first published in a shounen ai magazine Shousetsu June [issues: 22 (XII '86) – 27 (X '87)]. In 1990, slightly reedited by the author, it was published as a hard-cover book. From January 2001 to July 2009 it was being released again by Seibido Shuppan (known also as Crystal Bunko). This time it was significantly reworked and made into a series of several volumes: Vol. 1: Stranger Vol. 2: Destiny Vol. 3: Nightmare Vol. 4: Suggestion Vol. 5: Darkness Vol. 6: Metamorphose Which is not the end of the novel. In 2009 the copyrights have been taken over by another publisher, Tokuma Shoten, who started to release the novel from anew. The first four volumes cover the content of all six published by Seibido Shuppan. There is a total of six volumes, which make the whole novel this time. The last volume came out in January 2010.[ Support the author by buying the novel
    1 point
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