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Boroya no Ouji-kun / ぼろやの王子くん Kirimenjaro / キリメンジャロ 2024 Link: PDF (56 MB) | ZIP (90MB) DO NOT REPOST OR REUPLOAD ANYWHERE ELSE Feel free to use it for translation ദ്ദിᐢ- ̫-ᐢ₎ Happy reading!25 points
Mikoshiba-kun Goshimei Kudasai / 御子柴くんご指名ください Furukawa Fumi / 古川ふみ 2021 Link: PDF (61 MB) | ZIP (89 MB) DO NOT REPOST OR REUPLOAD ANYWHERE ELSE Feel free to use it for translation ദ്ദിᐢ- ̫-ᐢ₎ Happy reading!15 points
Sensei Mirarete Hatsujou Shichauno? / センセイ見られて発情しちゃうの? Kogamo / 小鴨 2020 Link: PDF (39 MB) | ZIP (86 MB) DO NOT REPOST OR REUPLOAD ANYWHERE ELSE Feel free to use it for translation ദ്ദിᐢ- ̫-ᐢ₎ Happy reading!13 points
作品紹介 ■総時間 1時間12分+フリートーク ■あらすじ 代々陰陽師を排出する家系に生まれたアキラは護衛代わりの鬼、一鬼(かずき)とコンビを組んでいた。 今日の任務はトンネルにとりついた妖怪の退治。 予想通り相手は雑魚妖怪だったが、一鬼は不意をつかれ迂闊にも「欲情する呪い」を受けてしまう。 いつも頼れる兄のような一鬼の弱々しく淫らだな姿に、 密かに恋心を寄せていたアキラは我慢ができなくなってしまい……、 また、一鬼のほうもまんざらでもなく……。 若手陰陽師 × ムッチリ鬼 受け:一鬼(カズキ) 年齢:不明 身長:175 職業:鬼/従者 アキラに仕える相棒のような存在の鬼。 陰陽師ごとに相棒は変わるので先代からの譲り受けとかではない。 筋骨隆々でがっちりした見た目やあらっぽい口調に反して、根は真面目で優しい。 意外と冷静に物事を解決するタイプ。 元々荒っぽい集団である鬼の中では異端に近く、アキラに見初められて相棒になったのは本人にとっても転機だった。 アキラのことを大事に思っており、大切な弟のように考えている。 恋心ではないと本人は思っていたが、惹かれていたのは間違いない。 いつも冷静なのだが、本人の力ではどうにもならないので予想外の事態に対すると戸惑ってしまう。 攻め:法眼 アキラ 年齢:20 身長:165 職業:陰陽師 幼い頃から先代や先々代と相棒の関係に憧れを抱いていた。 表向きは普通の大学生として過ごしているが、すでに陰陽師としての仕事を請け負っている。 友達はそれなりにいるものの、常に危険と隣り合わせの環境のため、親友と呼べる相手は少ない。 一番親しく信頼を寄せているのが一鬼であり、一緒に過ごしていくうちに恋心になっていった。 だが奥手であり、自分にまだ自信がないために一鬼に自分の思いを語ったことはない。 今回の事件で淫らになった一鬼を前にして気持ちが抑えられなくなる。 DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01134568.html MEGA :https://mega.nz/folder/zihXTIyJ7 points
6 points
Kiss wa Tsugai ni Hizamazuku キスは番にひざまずく ENUOKA Yochi 2021 Download5 points
DOWNLOAD LINK アホエロ / Ahoero Type: Drama CD Size: 86 MB (RAR) Seiyuu: Yashiro Taku x Murase Ayumu Tracks: 5 + Freetalk (Total: 6) Duration: 75:21 min Pass: sachanblcd5 points
thank u for sharing Are you searching for 「安堂ろめだ」ヤンチェリキッス!? here is my copy https://xgf.nu/SDrUr please enjoy it5 points
•——————•°•✿•°•——————• . ⠀‧⠀︵‿₊୨୧₊‿︵⠀‧⠀˚⠀₊ ⠀꒱ 君、シヲレルコト勿レ ♡ ꒱ ⠀︶⊹︶︶୨୧︶︶⊹︶ •——————•°•✿•°•——————• 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 06/23/2023 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭/𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫 Shingaki Tarusuke × Toki Shunichi Suzuki Ryouta 。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿ 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 One day, Kaoru, who lives alone in an old house, meets a young man in a fancy suit named Riichi. When Riichi collapses from exhaustion Kaoru takes care of him and nurses him back to health. During this time they begin to start to have meals together. Kaoru has no boyfriend or family, and has been spending all of his quiet days with a bonsai tree that is a keepsake of his grandparents. The time that Kaoru spends with Riichi feels strangely comfortable. What will happen if this all suddenly goes away...? Kaoru knows that he should have feelings for Riichi but he can't fight this feeling that is growing in his heart day by day. A young man that is afraid of people x An older man with a hidden story, a healing love that satisfies lonely hearts! (Source: Animate) 。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿ ・❥・ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴜʏ・❥・ Amazon JP|Animate JP|Animate Int'l|CCS|CDJapan|Pokedora (Digital)|DLsite (Digital) 𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒖𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅/𝒐𝒓 𝑪𝑫 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒊𝒚𝒖𝒖𝒔 🫶 ♥. ⚠️⬇🅟🅛🅔🅐🅢🅔 🅡🅔🅐🅓⬇⚠️ ╭───.★..─╮ ⒹⓄⓌⓃⓁⓄⒶⒹ ╰─..★.───╯ =Will remove w/o prior notice. Do not re-upload w/o permission.= !!DO NOT DISTRIBUTE/SHARE/REPOST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM!!4 points
COUPLE: Morikawa Toshiyuki ? Takeuchi Ken RELEASE: 23/02/2011 COMPANY: MOVIC ムービック BOX4 points
Bought another bl drama cd guys! Let me know what you think (it's very intense lol) A powerful king wages war on a beautiful country deep in the forest, to obtain natural resources. The second prince Flavum visits the hospital to help care for the injured soldiers, but want they want is for the prince to help them release their sexual tension. 4 tracks / Total playback time: Approx. 69 minutes Genre: Dirty Talk, Bitch, Boys Love, Naughty, Orgy Sex, Nameless Sex, Incest, Hardcore CV: Asuta Utsugi + Without SFX version included link: drive link for anyone else having issues: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QefIvrHjgmEBps9W8w0_A3CHGFjl9JzB?usp=sharing please don't share outside forum, enjoy !4 points
Title: Lovingly Ex Boyfriend - 溺恋元カレ Title: Madly Love Ex Boyfriend - 狂愛元カレ Monologue Drama Release Date: 25/04/2014 Cast: Kakihara Tetsuya Download Aisaresugite xx Sarechau 2nd Series - CD1 Drama CD: >>> Mega (83,9 + 78 MB) Click the title for download For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff4 points
作品仕様 Live2Dアニメーション 総再生時間 動画 42分(うちプロローグ、エピローグの合計7分は暗転画面になります) 音声 42分+フリートーク(3:55) あらすじ 時は今よりずっと未来、獣人と人間が共存して性別の垣根もなくなり早数十年……。 獣人メイド派遣サービスで人気のメイド三人組がいた。 豹のエル、兎のルル、狼のギル。 全員とびきり腕っぷしが強く、艶があり、家事全般も有能。 しっかり者だけど、ちょっと愛が重いルルが派遣されたのは若い漫画家先生のお家。 今までのご主人様はすぐにルルの体を狙ってきたのに、新しいご主人様の紅葉は何も自分に飛びついてこない、 痺れを切らして自分から襲ってしまったルルは日に日にご主人様への想いをつのらせていく……。 これって強引かな? ルルが無理に迫ってるから……? そんな不安を尊大な態度でかき消しながら過ごしている中でルルは掃除中にご主人様のお部屋から「とあるもの」を発見してしまい……!? キャラクター 受け:ルル CV みつはし様 年齢:27歳 身長:189cm 職業:メイド・ボディーガード ……兎の獣人メイドで、チャームポイントは大きめのお尻と長い耳 ちなみにメイド服はいつもエルに任せていて、ルル自身はあまり着るものには興味がない。 仕事の時はあくまでクールに冷静沈着に淡々とこなしているが、兎特有の強い発情に割と悩むことがある。 今のご主人様は自分のことをエロ目的で見ないどころか上着を着せてこようともするので、とてももどかしいので押し倒してしまった。 一見、強気で女王様タイプに見えるけれど本来はとても甘えたがりで愛が激重寂しがり屋。 攻め:野田 紅葉(のだ もみじ) 年齢:22歳 身長:172cm 職業:漫画家 学生時代からずっと漫画を描き続け、遂に倒れたところで編集部がルルを派遣してきた。 セクシーむちぱつ獣人ギャルメイドが家にいることで最初は落ち着かなかったが、 徐々にルルの真面目さや誠実さに恋をしてしまい「理想のヒロインみたいだ」と思いつつ 「いやそれはかなり不純な気持ちでルルさんを見ていないか……」と葛藤してなかなか目を見て話せない。 (しかし性欲は元々強めなのですぐ勃起してしまう) なんとかルルに既成事実を作られて恋人? になってからもルルを性的消費というよりは本気で恋人として接したいので自分の性欲を抑えることが多々ある。 (恋人=手を繋いでデートして笑い合うといった古典的な少女漫画脳の持ち主) ちなみに趣味は筋トレを始めとした運動なので意外と力が強く、ルル一人なら軽々と持ち上げることが出来る。 (そこにルルもきゅん、としている) DLsite :https://www.dlsite.com/bl-touch/work/=/product_id/RJ01240720.html MEGA:https://mega.nz/folder/7q4SjJxS I only share the sound part. If you want to watch the video, please support the original work.3 points
Title: Aishitenai to Ittekure (愛してないと云ってくれ) Pairing: Inoue Kazuhiko x Mizushima Takahiro Author: Nakamura Kazuya (中原一也) Illustrator: Nara Chiharu (奈良千春) Released: 02/21/07 ///MEGA///3 points
Based on: Novel Author: Nakahara Kazuya[中原一也]. Seiyuu: Ookawa Tooru x Suzuki Tatsuhisa Synopsis: Souryuu Riku (Suzuki Tatsuhisa), the oldest son of a poor family with many children, decides to use his often beaten-up appearance to get his next target, a rich-looking lawyer, Kouzuki Kaname (Ookawa Tooru), to cough up some cash to help raise his younger siblings. The plan as usual was to use his body just as bait, but somehow things didn't go as smoothly as he'd expected. Though Kouzuki maintains the appearance of the perfect gentleman on the outside, on the inside, he is sly and cunning and will do whatever it takes to make Riku his own! Riku's heart and body have already become accustomed to drowning in the pleasure he gets from this wolf in sheep's clothing...but will he ever admit to the truth? DOWNLOAD : https://mega.co.nz/#!35dAGJQK!RmiwOQhOfd5YGw_f6c82sikZ_2hBp9QqT8tCGMdR8nI3 points
Title: Ai Nara Uruhodo Drama CD - 愛なら売るほど Author: Eda Yuuri Illustration: Takahashi Yuu Release Date: 10/09/2010 Cast: Sugita Tomokazu, Tachibana Shinnosuke Download Ai Nara Uruhodo Drama CD >>> Mega (202,1 MB) For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff3 points
Title : 年下ワンコ系彼氏にはどうやらお仕置きが必要みたいです 〜イってはいけないシチュエーション〜 (It seems that my younger boyfriend needs some punishment ~A situation where you shouldn't cum~) 5 Tracks CV: Yamanaka Masahiro x Kawanishi Kengo Release Date: 06/12/2024 Synopsis: Haruto, who works in the PR department of a certain food manufacturer, meets Ritsu, a package designer, through a project and they hit it off right away at their favorite izakaya. Haruto is seduced by Ritsu's fierce advances and the two of them start dating. Soon, they start living together and it seems like everything is going smoothly, however... With just a slight misunderstanding Ritsu's sadistic "punishment" begins—!? "If you can do all of this without touching yourself, without moving, and without cumming...I'll forgive you." Wait...is that even possible—!?!? DOWNLOAD Please support the original as well, if you have the means ♡ HERE -- Do NOT reupload this file nor share outside of the forum. Happy holidays everyone and enjoy!2 points
TITLE: Abunai 04 : Campus LOVE Released Date: 1995 Format: MP3 Contents: 1 Disc - 4tracks -------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Abunai 04 Drama CD --> Abunai 04:Campus LOVE [66.3 MB] -------------------------------------------------------------------- ll CAST ll Onosaka Masaya, Sakaguchi Daisuke, Miki Shinichirou, Iwanaga Tetsuya, Furusawa Tohru, Seki Tomokazu, Hori Hideyuki, Horikawa Ryo, etc For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff2 points
•——————•°•✿•°•——————• . ⠀‧⠀︵‿₊୨୧₊‿︵⠀‧⠀˚⠀₊ ⠀꒰ ブラットテイマー/キング ꒱ ⠀︶⊹︶︶୨୧︶︶⊹︶ •——————•°•✿•°•——————• ⊹𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝⊹ 11/22/2024 ⊹𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭/𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫⊹ Tadokoro Hinata × Kawashima Reiji 。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿ ⊹𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬⊹ [Machine Translation] Domination and protection - a doting Dom x Sub Universe. -- In a world where "Dom" and "Sub" are the second sex, Shino, a company employee, has been unable to find a partner and has lost his confidence ever since he was diagnosed as a Sub, which is not in the bottom rank. One day, he happened to meet Dom Aoha, who is a rank SSS. As if attracted by his eyes, Shino approaches him and faints. Aoha's commands (orders) resonate comfortably in Shino's body...? Trial? A sweet play that starts from a mutual interest. A night of mutual self-doubt ensues... Can love sprout in a relationship of dominating and being dominated? The CD jacket is newly illustrated by Kitahara Lee. 。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿。.゚+:✿ ・❥・ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙᴜʏ・❥・ Amazon JP|Animate JP|CDJapan|CCS|Pokedora (Digital)|DLsite (Digital) 𝑰𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒃𝒖𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒂 𝒂𝒏𝒅/𝒐𝒓 𝑪𝑫 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒔𝒆𝒊𝒚𝒖𝒖𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 🫶 ♥. ⚠️⬇🅟🅛🅔🅐🅢🅔 🅡🅔🅐🅓⬇⚠️ I don't know what the plot is about other than the fact that it's a DOM×SUB verse. I haven't read the manga yet nor have I listened to this CD. Bought this on a whim (srsly) because the cover art was colorful and pretty LOL and I literally just received the package a few hours ago. I did kind of heard the PV on YT before for a few minutes and I was like, "aww, how cutexy" 😂. Important Note: The file is password protected. Pls. read carefully. ╭───.★..─╮ ⒹⓄⓌⓃⓁⓄⒶⒹ ╰─..★.───╯ =Will remove w/o prior notice. Do not re-upload w/o permission.= !!DO NOT DISTRIBUTE/SHARE/REPOST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM!!2 points
Title: Ai ni Chimayoe! [Drama CD] Author/Illustrator: Hidou Tei CAST: Yashiro Taku x Hirakawa Daisuke & Kenji Hamada x Hiroki Takahashi https://mega.nz/#!ZIkVAI5S!oasUJVLmg8fZ1BE401jd1iiciJAhoic3eH3mtmQFuO42 points
Drama CD + Bonus Mini Drama & Free Talk (320kbps) Cast: Furukawa Makoto x Nakajima Yoshiki;Amasaki Kouhei; Kawahara Yoshihisa; Kawanishi Kengo Release Date: 05/24/2019 MEGA PW: stktblcd2019 Rip from my own CD, so please don't share it outside of this forum. Hope you enjoy!:Wink:2 points
Aisaresugite xx Sarechau 2nd Series - CD2 Drama CD Title: Shin’ai Doryou - 深愛同僚 Title: Bakuren Doryou - 縛恋同僚 Release Date: 2014/5/30 Cast: Okino Yasuhiro Download Aisaresugite xx Sarechau 2nd Series - CD2 Drama CD: >>> Mega (107,4 +96,7 MB) Click the title for download For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff2 points
Aisaresugite XXsarechau series Drama CD [Full] Title: 愛されすぎて××されちゃう - 執着カレシ / 溺愛カレシ Vol.1 Title: 愛されすぎて××されちゃう 激甘上司 / 鬼畜上司 Vol.2 Title: 愛されすぎて××されちゃう 調教義弟 / ご奉仕義弟 Vol.3 Monologue Drama CD Release: 2013 Genre: R18 Publishers: Velvet Voice Cast: Ohsaka Ryouta, Hirakawa Daisuke, Okitsu Kazuyuki Download Aisaresugite XXsarechau series Drama CD: >>> Mega (195,3 + 280,1 + 69,8 MB) Click the title for download For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff2 points
Abanchuuru ~Kindan no Ichiya~ Drama CD [Full] Title: アバンチュール~禁断の一夜~ vol.1義兄と妹 Title: アバンチュール~禁断の一夜~ vol.2 教師と生徒 Monologue Drama Casting: Majima Junji >>> Mega (174 + 151,2 MB) Click title for download2 points
Title: Abunai Bara to Yuri no Sono Drama CD - 危ない蔷薇と百合の園 Title, Translation: Dangerous Garden of Roses and Lilies Bitrate: 320Kbps Released: 25.11.1996 Download Abunai Bara to Yuri no Sono Drama CD: >>> Mega (196,9 MB) For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff2 points
Ahiru-kun wa Sore wo Shiranai / アヒルくんはソレを知らない Type: Drama CD Size: 116 MB Seyuu: Hino Satoshi x Tamaru Atsushi Release Date: 2019年01月25日 Pass: sachanblcd MEGA2 points
Title: Ai No Su E Ochiro! Drama CD - 愛の巣へ落ちろ Author: Higuchi Misao Illustrator: Machiko Madoka Release Date: 2013/12/25 Cast: Maeno Tomoaki, Shimono Hiro, Hirakawa Daisuke, Okitsu Kazuyuki, Abe Atsushi Download Ai No Su E Ochiro! Drama CD: >>> Mega (189,4 MB) For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff2 points
Title: Ai wa Barairo No Kiss Drama CD - 爱は蔷薇色のキス Author: Miyabi Momoko Illustrator: Saikawa Nanao Release Date: 15/11/2004 Company: LEAF Cast: Konishi Katsuyuki x Yoshino Hiroyuki Chiba Susumu x Yusa Kouji Download Ai wa Barairo No Kiss Drama CD: >>> Mega (65,7 MB) For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff2 points
Title: Aigan Shounen Drama CD - 愛玩少年 Author: Mizukami Shin Company: Lady Bug Release: 2008 Cast: Koyasu Takehito, Tachibana Shinnosuke, Narita Ken, Kaji Yuuki, Takeuchi Ken Download Aigan Shounen Drama CD: >>> Mega (102,1 MB) For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff2 points
Don't worry, I will be re-uploading it after I share other blcds I've planned to upload!2 points
Sorry I removed the link by accident . There is the new link: https://mega.nz/file/k6QTBb4L#Sg0oisnHrE_J7hadZmvcnvTzivbc9Dy97dSrGhRIjvk2 points
2 points
灰かぶりオメガと王子様α~運命の恋なんて絶対信じてなかったのに……?~ Release date: 4/29/2024 CV: Haruma Monaka - Summary: Haibara Sho, an Omega who lives "somehow." His only pleasure is looking at a small bear keychain when he takes a break. However, one day while cleaning, Sho accidentally drops the bear keychain. After picking up the lost item, he becomes closer to Yuichiro, an Alpha, and they begin a secret physical relationship. Sho believes that if he is the other person, there will be no hard feelings, but... - I saw someone recommend this before and decided to buy it since I love Omegaverse. Tbh the picture is what drew me in because it looks like the omega is nesting and I'm a sucker for that lol I think his moans are cute and the way he whines so desperately is chef's kiss. Let me know what you think about it, especially my fellow Omegaverse enjoyers. There is a script included so you can run that through google translate if you want to follow along. There's also tracks without any sound effects you can listen to as well. Enjoy! For complete transparency, this will be available for 3 days starting from today (12/10 PST) until 12/13 PST. There is no specific time the link will be taken down on that day but just know that you will have this amount of time to get it. If I see my files re-uploaded anywhere else then I will take down the link and not re-upload it. - 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟𝕝𝕠𝕒𝕕 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 - < Please support the original work on dlsite! > !! DO NOT SHARE OUTSIDE OF HERE NOR CLAIM AS YOUR OWN !!1 point
[安里] お客様に恋してもいいですか? 1 Title: お客様に恋してもいいですか? | Okyaku-sama ni Koi Shitemo Ii Desu ka? Author: 安里 | Asato Label: Eclair Comics | Year: 2022 Link Decided to upload some manga from my collection! Please don't reupload anywhere. If anyone wants to use it for translation, please let me know! Enjoy!1 point
Kyoudai Seido no Aru Yankee Gakuen de, Kyou mo Chigiri wo Semararetemasu Release date: 2024/10/16 A lovey-dovey story of a strong "big brother" and a cute "younger brother" in "Anikkei" has been turned into an audio with a gorgeous cast! Track Listing: - Disc.1 - Disc.2 - Kyoudai Seido no Aru Yankee Gakuen de, Kyou mo Chigiri wo Semararetemasu Vol.4 Drama CD ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ Cast Pairing: Azakami Youhei x Murase Ayumu ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ Download Link: https://mega.nz/file/GeJGSQza ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ KEY: --NMQQCcPhg0vVP4XEzJ5khmrgaNHP5A9fY_72IA7u4 ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ Pls. do buy the manga and CD if you can to support the artist =Will possibly remove link w/o prior notice. Do not re-upload w/o permission.= !!DO NOT DISTRIBUTE/SHARE/REPOST OUTSIDE THIS FORUM!!1 point
Original Title: ZE Drama CD Colleaction Audio Type: MP3 Compressed: .rar Release Date: 2010/07/30 Ze Drama CD 1 Cast/Pairing: Raizou x Kon / Toriumi Kousuke x Fukuyama Jun Download Ze Drama CD 1 : | Download | -- Mini Drama CD Dear+ 2006-xx Cast/Pairing: Shoui x Asari / Morikawa Toshiyuki x Chiba Susumu | Download | -- Ze Drama CD 2 Cast/Pairing: Genma x Himi / Miyake Kenta x Hirakawa Daisuke Download Ze Drama CD 2: | Download | -- Mini Drama CD Dear+ 2007-04 (also includes a track from Seito Kaichou Ni Chuukoku*) *Note: As Aural Sex has requested that all their releases should be redistributed as they are downloaded, the ZE track can't be uploaded alone. Cast/Pairing: Genma x Himi / Miyake Kenta x Hirakawa Daisuke | Download | -- Ze Drama CD 3 Cast/Pairing: Moriya x Ryuusei / Koyasu Takehito x Ono Daisuke Download Ze Drama CD 3: | Download | -- Ze Drama CD 4 Cast/Pairing: Konoe x Kotoha / Nakai Kazuya x Midorikawa Hikaru Download Ze Drama CD 4 : | Part I | Part II | -- Mini Drama CD Yoru Wo Mamoru Cast/Pairing: Moriya x Ryuusei / Koyasu Takehito x Ono Daisuke | Download | -- Ze Mini Drama CD Amai Gohobi Cast/Pairing: Konoe x Kotoha / Nakai Kazuya x Midorikawa Hikaru Download Ze Drama CD: | Download | -- Mini Drama CD Mutsugotowa Aketemo Nao Cast/Pairing: Genma x Himi / Miyake Kenta x Hirakawa Daisuke | Download | -- Mini Drama CD Haru Mo Yoi Yoi (follows the mini-manga at the onsen) Cast/Pairing: Genma x Himi / Miyake Kenta x Hirakawa Daisuke Moriya x Ryuusei / Koyasu Takehito x Ono Daisuke | Download | -- Mini Drama CD Futago To Daihonn Yomi Hen Cast/Pairing: Seiji & Tsukito (twins) x Hatsuhi / Suzuki Tatsuhisa & Nakamura Yuuichi x Kaji Yuuki | Download | Mirror links: [bLCD] Ze Vol 1 - http://www.mediafire.com/?8t9eyzyjw4he9hu [bLCD] Ze Vol 2 - http://www.mediafire.com/?336m746pouvjzw6 [bLCD] Ze Vol 3 - http://www.mediafire.com/?bjckxyo3mm58sjg [bLCD] Ze Vol 4 (part 1) - http://www.mediafire.com/?uqi2c3chlnm6php [bLCD] Ze Vol 4 (part 2) - http://www.mediafire.com/?og3adzk8zclagd3 [bLCD] Ze Vol 5 - http://www.mediafire.com/?pb0nu64bk1p89rw [bLCD] Ze Vol 6 (part 1) - http://www.mediafire.com/?5scvbp8yn54gev8 [bLCD] Ze Vol 6 (part 2) - http://www.mediafire.com/?iqs0lduqd8pauwf Password is "ilovebl" Mini Drama CD Futago To Daihonn Yomi Hen - https://www.sendspace.com/file/yqiew2 For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff1 point
Thank you so much for uploading initially, I seem to have sadly missed the upload window , as the folder is now empty. I was wondering if you would mind reuploading? I promise to follow your rules and will never reupload/share anywhere! Thank you!1 point
sooo this is my first time buying a blcd and my first time sharing with you guys^^...i really love this manga and that its why i buy the cd.I hope you guys enjoy the love these two sweet guys have for each other in this blcd(also sorry for my trash english xd) (Cast) CV. Arata Minase : Toshiki Masuda CV. Junta Minamoto : Yohei Azakami CV. Oshima Chiaki: Chiaki Kobayashi CV. Eiji Kizaki : Kentaro Kumagai Arata's a college student working as a "big brother for rent." One day, he meets his new client, Junta, who looks like a total tough guy!! Arata wonders if this is some sort of trap to get his money, but what Junta wants is for someone to pat him on the head. Seeing someone this hot go bright red and be so vulnerable is turning Arata on... Junta's just so adorable... what's going on here!!? https://mega.nz/folder/MJ81RZzY#NeNtbj2gEyAoWj5Ps9jILg If something is wrong tell me, it's the first time I've done this lol ,I had never seen this blcd here so I wanted to share it with all of you PD:there is a bonus but sadly I don't have that part of the manga... I'll buy it later and share it with all of you ^^1 point
My pleasure, happy to share, I really love this manga too! It's thanks to you that I got to know this mangaka and listen to the drama CD, so I'm really grateful to you too, thanks again dear!1 point
oh god I'm so sorry for responding late, here's a new link!! enjoy https://mega.nz/folder/pBtzgaxD#DSUW1NQFvQgQ4lhTaYHWcw the first cd https://mega.nz/folder/JUsAmLya#6E12bXR7BbUHmDtu_i2Pww the second cd1 point
Sweetheart Trigger �� Nyan-Nya [JP] Original Title: Sweetheart Trigger Alt. Title: スイートハート・トリガー Author/Artist: Nyan-Nya Year of release: 2016 Serialized in: Moment (E-book) Download Sweetheart Trigger [JP] Manga: Vol 1 Vol 2 Vol 3 (Links thanks to @rakira!) ★★★ English Scans ★★★ For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff1 point
New link has been added in the first post, thanks to @rakira!1 point
ドラマCD 『まほカレ』 カエデ×ユヅキ 篇 [初回生産限定盤] / ドラマCD おとめ堂人気BLゲーム『まほカレ』がドラマCD化決定 ! 完全オリジナルシナリオで展開するカエデ×ユヅキの特別ストーリーを音声化 ! ── 魔法学校の卒業試験のためペアを組む落ちこぼれ学生のユヅキと最強一角獣のカエデ。試験をクリアするごとに仲を深め、一応恋人同士に。試験契約中、休日を利用して幻獣界プレゼンツ魔法ミステリーツアーに参加した2人。乗車したバスが閃光に包まれたかと思うと・・・?! 【出演】: カエデ (CV: 佐藤拓也) X ユヅキ (CV: 山谷祥生) Cast: Kaede: Satou Takuya Yuzuki: Yamaya Yoshitaka DRAMA CD: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/80igzwgdtdlzz/Maho+Kare+~Kaede+x+Yuzuki+Hen~1 point
New LINK for those who need it! No password required (Not my scans, link expires after 30 days)1 point
vol.2 / vol.3 pass: nym I really love the drawings and the stories drawn by にやま!1 point
here you are, my small collection with vol.5-characters only (my favorites ) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-6LMeWY-3b14T-Odyzof86fecHR9NwdA (will delete soon💦)1 point
Hana wa Saku Ka Drama CD ■ Author: HIDAKA Shouko. ■ Adapted from: Manga ■ Release Date: 2013/12/20 ■ Company: MARINE Ent.. ■ Publisher: GENTOSHA Comics. ■ Sound production: SOUND•WING. ■ Cast: Sakurai Kazuaki: Morikawa Toshiyuki Minagawa Youichi: Kondou Takashi Iwasaki Takeo: Hino Satoshi Minagawa Shota: Okamoto Nobuhiko Fujimoto Kouki: Suzuki Tatsuhisa Kashiwagi Mầumi: Miyake Kenta ■ Summary: Overworked, still single, 38-year-old salaryman Sakurai Kazuki collides with a young man at the train station - causing the magazine he was carrying to be spoiled. This young man, Minagawa Youichi, is a student at an art college and lives in a big, old-fashioned mansion with two of his cousins. Since he happens to own the same magazine, he takes Sakurai to his house, saying "If I trade my copy with yours, you'll have nothing to complain about, right?" Despite feeling annoyed and frustrated by the unsociable Youichi's arrogant behaviour, Sakurai soon finds himself a frequent visitor of the secluded household, inexplicably drawn to its enigmatic owner... Download Hana wa Saku Ka Drama CD: Volumes 1 and 2 CD 1 CD 2 Booklet Scans and FreeTalk Volume 3 and 4 CD 1 CD 2 Booklet Scans and FreeTalk For download re-upload requests, post here so the staff notices them. Note: Please only ask for re-upload if none of the download links work after checking ALL the pages of the thread. Thanks! YO Staff1 point
1 point
Tittle : Nikawa-kun Wa Koi Shitai Author : Mamiya Niroko Artist : Mamiya Niroko Release Date : 28/02/2015 Cast : Hatano Wataru x Abe Atsushi Download : || MEGA ||1 point