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アダルト特化!最高にえっちなLive2Dアニメーション 〇こだわりのLive2Dアニメーション 基本イラスト数51枚(+差分6枚)に、丁寧にLive2Dモーション付けしました。 アニメーションカット数は66! 18分にわたるアニメーション作品に仕上げました。 キャラクターの動きや表情にこだわり、エロスを追求しました。 艶めかしく動くLive2Dアニメーションをお楽しみください。 〇全編フルボイス 台詞は全てボイス付き! Hシーンでは喘ぎ声がバックグラウンド再生され、さらにHに! ※セリフ吹き出し・描き文字を除いた文字ナシverも同梱しています※ あらすじ 童貞を捨てるべくナンパに励むチャラ男だったが、連敗を重ねていた。 負け続ける日々を打破するため、「一つ上の男」を目指しメンズエステを訪れる。 しかし、"絶頂したら女性を抱けない体になる、リスクのある施術"を受ける必要があると言われ…。 【前立腺を”施術”され、イったら即メス堕ち!】 マッサージ師の指技に悶絶するチャラ男…。 ”絶対にメスイキさせる”その超絶テクニックに耐え抜き、「一つ上の男」になることはできるのか? 全ては童貞を捨てるため。チャラ男の絶対に負けられない戦いが始まるのだった…。 プレイ内容/傾向など 包茎いじり 亀頭責め 前立腺責め 断面図 S字結腸攻め 潮吹き 中出し・精液噴出 フェラ(受→攻) キャラクター 〇チャラ男〇 CV:冬木兎衣 twitter:@fuyugasuki_ui 今年の春から大学に通い始めた大学一年生。 高校までバレー部の活動に打ち込んでいたため地味だったが、大学入学を機にチャラ男ファッションデビュー。 女の子は大好きだが、上記の理由により童貞。 性格は明るく、落ち込んでも立ち直りが早い方。 イジられ役兼ムードメーカーになることが多い。 ちょっとおバカなので、人の話をすぐに鵜呑みにしてしまう。 〇マッサージ師のおじさん〇 CV:馬場 輝 twitter:@AkiraBaba123 超絶テクニックにより、施術した人間を必ずメス堕ちさせる。 特に若い男を好み、趣味と実益を兼ねた男性専用の整体院を経営している。 〇”プロナンパ師”神代一龍齋〇 CV:神凪 祈 twitter:@negu1111 動画SNSなどで活動するナンパノウハウ系インフルエンサー。 ネットサロン経営や有料の動画・情報商材などで荒稼ぎしている。 最近、他にも収入源を得たようだが…。 仕様など 収録時間:18分 吹き出し・描き文字なしバージョンも同梱。 作品形式:MP4 解像度:1920*1080(px) ロゴ制作:倒神神倒 様 音声素材協力:OtoLogic 様 Download Here: I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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Title: Under the Moonlight Status: Complete Fandom: Togainu no Chi Pairing: Shiki x Akira Characters: Shiki, Akira Rating: +18 (Suggestive themes, Smut) Summary: [This story was made as entry for December's month Aarinfantasy Writing Challenge.] [This one-shot is set after the Cat and Mouse ending aka Shiki's ED2 (the PSP/PS2 version)] Another day, another new target - it's nothing new for Akira. However, after encountering one certain red-eyed swordsman and learning that he also goes for the same target, he realizes that something is off... [Originally written on 2022-12-28] It is already a late, chilly night. The platinum moonlight illuminates the empty streets and shines brighter than blind or twitching lamp lights. However, the blue-eyed assassin is not here to admire the waltz of the night stars and the moon. Tonight he lurks in the dark shadow while waiting for his target. It should arrive any second now. Of course, if his client gave him the correct details. Or so Akira wonders while staring at the empty street. Suddenly, he gets alerted at sensing a familiar presence coming closer and closer to him. There is no mistake That Man is also here seeking new prey. Even so, the silver-haired killer is not in the mood to have another match against Shiki. Besides, he might let his prey escape if they take too much time. Therefore, he won’t allow that giant red-eyed feline to snatch his target from him. But for now, Akira hopes that if he stays quiet without making a single move, perhaps Shiki will not notice him. By far, the familiar figure doesn’t seem to have the slightest idea about him. Good, that fool needs to leave before he slays his target. Or so the silver-haired assassin thinks to himself. Lastly, he sighs in a relieved after Shiki leaves his eyesight. Meanwhile, the dark-haired man cracks a smile and turns his gaze to the dark alley ‘‘What are you doing here? Come out. Or do you prefer to hide like a mouse?’’. Even if his disguise is ruined, Akira keeps a poker face and appears from the shadow while keeping a straight, proud posture ‘‘Unlike you, I have work to do. That’s why I suggest you leave now, or I’ll use your head instead of my targets.’’. As he raises his eyebrow, he adds ‘‘What are you staring at? Do you have too many eyes? Leave! I will not starve because of you.’’. However, Shiki takes a step closer and keeps a smug look on his face while his gaze fixates at the silver-haired killer’s exposed belly-piercing ‘‘Hmph. So, do you still have it? Good. Because no one is allowed to remove it, and it will show anyone to whom you belong.’’. As Akira covers the silver piercing with his hand, he gives an indignant look ‘‘Shut up! My t-shirt zipper is broken and cannot go any lower. That’s it.’’. Despite that, the red-eyed assassin brushes his hand and zips Akira’s t-shirt down while teasing ‘‘Then, I fixed it for you. Or did you lie to me?’’. Suddenly, the blue-eyed man frowns and silently growls while taking a step back, yet keeping his eyes on Shiki ‘‘It’s none of your business!’’. For sure, such a reply sparkles excitement in these crimson eyes. Yet, Shiki changes the subject ‘‘Did your client also send you to take down some officer who knows too much?’’. Instead of giving in confusion, Akira thrusts his chest forward ‘‘So? It’s my target, not yours. So, back off!’’. Lastly, when Shiki closes his eyes, he replies ‘‘Do you realize this is a trap yet? Now, run.’’ ‘‘What do you mean?’’ Or so the silver-haired assassin asks. However, before he says anything else, he widens his eyes as the many soldiers armed with the most advanced armor, shields, and weapons surround them. As countless weapons are aimed at this couple, one of the SWAT officers announces ‘‘You are under arrest! This is your last chance - surrender now!’’. Even if the dark-haired man feels the gun held against the back of his head, he remains calm and comments ‘‘Hmph. You’re too slow, you fool…’’. After opening his eyes, Shiki’s hand slides on his sword and reveals the sharp blade. One sudden movement - and the bloody fountain splashes behind his back along the heavy sound of the collapsed officer. While military police are briefly shocked, Akira also uses his chance. Once he picks up his trustworthy sword, he cuts the nearest armed man’s head and picks up the shield. However, instead of shamelessly hiding and fleeing to safety, he slays one after another SWAT member while protecting himself from bullet rain. More so, he won’t allow anyone to take Shiki’s life. Therefore, the blue-eyed killer is determined to protect this arrogant man’s life at any cost. But for now, they need to survive even if they need to work together. For sure, such a gesture is a pleasant surprise for the crimson-eyed killer, who sees it as an unexpectedly thrown challenge. Therefore, competing by killing a higher amount of these still-green amateurs might be interesting. ‘‘You are not allowed to die here, got it? So, cover my back while I cover yours!’’ Or so Akira addresses Shiki while stabbing and cutting the SWAT member in half. However, the red-eyed man only delightfully smiles as another officer perishes by his hand. After a while, the battlefield and the buildings around them are painted red, and only the two swordsmen remain alive. Unfortunately, it’s still too early to relax. As Akira wipes the blood from his sword and places it back into the shed, he widens his eyes and notices a tiny red dot moving from his chest upwards. Before doing anything, he hears a shot and how the bullet sinks into the flesh. However, he is still alive, even if his every single muscle is frozen. All he can do is shakily speak up in a barely hearable voice ‘‘…Shiki.’’. Suddenly, his body moves on its own, and he rushes to the wounded man’s side. As he lets Shiki safely sit, Akira notices he pressed his hand against his bleeding arm. Although, Shiki only cracks a bitter-sweet smile at seeing such an unusually concerned yet painful look and addresses the blue-eyed killer ‘‘You fool… You should always watch your surroundings. Look, your target will escape if you waste time.’’. Lastly, he brushes the silver-haired man’s hand from the covered limb. No matter how much Akira wants to punch Shiki for acting like this, he relaxes his shakily held fist. Even if the words are stuck in his throat, he speaks up with trembling lips ‘‘Don’t you fucking dare to die on me or else, …I’ll follow you to the netherworld and drag you out from Sanzu river!.’’ Lastly, he lifts his gaze and fixates his blue eyes burning with fury at the last hiding officer ‘‘You bastard… So, you have chosen death?’’. Meanwhile, the terrified soldier pulls the trigger and rapidly shoots at them. Unfortunately for him, Akira’s blade reflects all the bullets. More important, the armored man is convinced that he is not dealing with humans, but demons who possess supernatural speed and strength, and even the most advanced military technology is useless against them. In the end, the remaining soldier screams in agony and despair as the blood streams from his cut arms. Soon enough, he feels a choking grasp around his neck and the sword’s tip pointing at his chest. However, even through his visors, he can see that these blue eyes do not show even a tiny sparkle of mercy or hesitation. ‘‘Pl… please, don’t kill me! I’ll do anything! I beg you, please… let me live!’’ Or so the officer desperately pleads. In the end, Akira is not even at the slightest affected aside from feeling utter disgust at this individual. Finally, as he releases his prey’s neck, he swings his blade. As the last SWAT member collapses, the blue-eyed assassin closes his eyes and returns to Shiki’s side. Surprisingly, the fellow killer did nothing reckless aside from enjoying how Akira cuts anyone’s life thread while tightly pressing his palm against the injured arm. He even tore a good part of his t-shirt and used it as a substitute for a tourniquet to stop bleeding and cover the wound. When the silver-haired man helps him to stand up, Shiki stings him with another comment ‘‘You’ll instantly exhaust your entire arm and back if you strike like that.’’. ‘‘Look who is talking?’’ Akira backfires while supporting his partner and checking that the injured arm won’t be moved too much. ‘‘Anyway, you’ll explain the rest once we’ll treat your wound.’’ Or so he adds when he turns his gaze away from Shiki while continuing to head to the nearest inn or hotel. Some time passes. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to find a still vacant and working hotel at such a late hour, which is not that far from the city. Perhaps, it’s not a five stars hotel or even close to a medium-level one. However, even the crackhead-infested place is better than nothing for a few nights. Besides, they can’t be too picky about it because they are seen as wanted criminals. Therefore, as long as this place can protect them from wind and rain, it should do. If anything, Akira can easily take down unwanted neighbors who disturb their rest. But for now, the silver-haired man picks a generously large amount of money from his coat’s pocket and tosses it at the receptionist while demanding for first aid kit and room keys. One thing is for sure, this time, he won’t give up on his partner, and he will be the one who’ll make Shiki taste his own medicine. Even so, he is still surprised how the dark-haired killer didn’t protest and allowed him to pay. Nevertheless, the sooner they’ll get into their room, the sooner Akira can treat the wounds. As soon as they enter inside and Akira locks the door behind them, he hears a brief demand “Give it. I’ll handle this on my own. You just sit here and wait.”. However, the silver-haired man only tightly hugs the med kit while with the other hand grabbing Shiki’s wrist “No.”. After turning his head, Shiki is amused seeing such a stubborn look on his partner’s face. That’s why he plays along and silently walks to the bedside like a proud cat. Even if it’s Akira’s first time treating wounds, he cannot waste time by doubting. When he takes a deep breath, he orders “Undress.”. However, as the dark-haired killer sits on the bed, he gives him a teasing look. Even if such arrogant behavior annoys Akira, he tries to remain calm and explains ‘‘Not for That, you idiot. I need to check whether you have any other injuries. Or do you need any help?’’. After Shiki closes his eyes, he replies ‘‘Then, get down to the business.’’. Of course, the silver-haired man doesn’t enjoy being ordered around, but for now, he has an important that. When he approaches his partner and sits next to him. To his surprise, Shiki remains calm when his black coat is removed from his shoulders without resisting. Nevertheless, Akira keeps his guard as being prepared for a sudden attack at any moment. However, none of this is happening. Instead, the silver-haired swordsman feels how these crimson eyes study his every movement. Shiki even carefully observes such a simple thing as rolling up the t-shirt sleeve and unwrapping the bandage from the wound. As Akira opens the first aid kit, he suggests ‘‘Have something to bite into. And your hand is not an answer.’’. ‘‘You worry too much.’’ Or so the dark-man replies as he turns his head away. After the blue-eyed assassin opens the bottle of medical alcohol, he covers the tip with cotton and flips it to wet it ‘‘Then, don’t complain that I didn’t warn you.’’. In the end, Akira starts cleaning around the wound. But as soon as he touches it, he feels how unintentionally Shiki’s upper arm twitches. However, when he lifts his eyes, he notices that the dark-haired man is only slightly bothered. When Akira places the bloody cotton pad aside, he takes the thin tweezers and gives the last warning ‘‘Stay still. It will be over soon.’’. For now, the blue-eyed assassin feels like carrying enormous responsibility placed on his shoulders. After all, if he fails, the bullet may go into deeper layers of Shiki’s flesh and even damage his nerves and blood vessels. More importantly, the red-eyed killer may lose not only his arm but also his life. Yet, he cannot afford such a luxury as wasting time on any further thoughts. After spreading the tweezers, he puts them deep inside until it touches the stuck bullet. When Akira grasps this piece of metal, he closes the tweezers and suddenly removes it from the wound. Despite feeling his loud and rapid heartbeat, he covers the bleeding wound with a clean cotton cloth and presses it ‘‘There. It’s nearly done.’’. Just before he takes the medical bandage and wraps it, he feels Shiki brushing his hand away ‘‘I’ll finish on my own. Go and take a shower.’’. ‘‘How? So, once I’ll finish, I go.’’ Or so the blue-eyed assassin backfires as he wraps the snow-white bandage around his partner’s upper arm. Lastly, after Akira finishes the current task, he picks up the bloody bullet and shows it to Shiki ‘‘How could you have picked this up with one hand? I’ll never forgive you if you lose your arm or any part of your body to your recklessness.’’. As he lowers his head and squeezes the bullet in his palm, the silver-haired man painfully spits out the words ‘‘Why did you even risk your life, you fool? Was it worth it? You may have died...’’. Meanwhile, the dark-haired killer remains silent and closes his eyes. Lastly, he sinks his fingertips in Akira’s hair and brings him close to him. Of course, the blue-eyed assassin widens his eyes at such an unexpected gesture. However, he doesn’t resist nor pushes away Shiki. He even closes his eyes and lowers his shoulders while resting his head against his partner’s chest. For some reason, Shiki’s heartbeat and breathing are enough to convince him that this man is alive and will be fine. Even if Akira doesn’t understand why such a thought strangely calms him, he knows he won’t let Shiki go until he recovers and is ready to face him as an equal. Some time passed. While Akira dries his hair, he wonders why it is too quiet. Perhaps Shiki is asleep, or he waited until he leaves to escape. It won’t be surprising at all. Even if the blue-eyed swordsman had taken away that man’s sword, he would still find his way to leave. More importantly, he would hide somewhere to lick his wounds. Or so the silver-haired man reminds himself. While having the lowest expectations, he leaves the bathroom without minding his surroundings and is about to crash into bed. However, his guard is caught by seeing a familiar figure sitting on the bed and addressing him “You took so long.”. Lastly, as Shiki stands up and walks to the bathroom door, he turns his head “When I return, make sure that I’ll find you in bed, got it?”. “What are you planning to do?” Or so asks Akira. Instead of answering, the dark-haired man closes the door behind him. In the end, Akira realizes that, perhaps, he only made himself look like a fool by asking such silly questions. Besides, he is too tired to think any longer and lies on his side. For now, even an old and worn mattress is so comfortable to sleep on. And thus, without realizing it, the silver-haired assassin’s eyelids become heavier within each second until he falls asleep. After a while, his peaceful slumber is disturbed by someone pressing his body against his and stroking his hair. Nevertheless, Akira instantly recognizes who is this big feline and wonders why he has to act like this when it’s enough space for them even if both would keep a distance. However, the blue-eyed assassin knows that if he struggles too much, Shiki might tease him or ask him not to move too much. Lastly, when he feels how the dark-haired man wraps his arm around him, all Akira can do is rest as well. It is the afternoon of the new day. Although, thanks to the gray cloudy sky outside, there is no way of telling what kind of time of the day it is. Only the hanging clock on the cracking paint wall gives the sense of time. Meanwhile, Akira starts waking up. After stretching out in bed, he notices someone put a blanket on him. More so, a certain swordsman is missing. As he looks around, he also spots on the night desk a lot of Solids and a few water bottles. ‘‘Did he return only to leave me the food? That fool… He won’t get away with this.’’ Or so the blue-eyed killer tells himself while rubbing his nape. However, he cannot understand why Shiki left him all these goods. What if it is a payment? But he had done none valuable service. Or so Akira wonders. Maybe that is a taunt or showing pity? If so, it successfully irritated the silver-haired man. Perhaps it’s only something that Shiki bought for himself. Yet, it’s most likely that he won’t return. After all, he has no reason, right? Or so Akira thinks to himself while face-palming. That’s why he refuses to take something that doesn’t belong to him. Even if the blue-eyed swordsman's pride doesn’t allow him to use any of these goods, his stomach rumbling reminds him that he has eaten nothing these days. This time, he nearly got killed by his previous client for declining the offer to become his lapdog. Even after escaping, he had to skip a meal or sleep because the reward on his head increased thanks for pissing off some corrupted, high-ranked figure. So, he needed to deal with plenty of bounty hunters. But for now, Akira leaves the bedside and inspects the left food and water. Surprisingly, all Solid bars are the omurice flavor. Somehow, even such a minor detail sparkled excitement in these blue eyes. If it is a coincidence or not, the silver-haired man decides not to waste these Solids. Besides, it’s Shiki’s fault if he left them unprotected. Or so Akira convinces himself as he unwraps one bar. One after another, the Solids disappear until only a shiny wrapping is left. Suddenly, his feast is disturbed by a familiar voice ‘‘So, you finally acknowledged the hand that feeds you? Good.’’. As the silver-haired turns his head, he notices that the red-eyed swordsman also got his t-shirt fixed. Yet, instead of wondering how long he slept, Akira explains ‘‘I didn’t want to waste food. Besides, I knew only you would do this. So, it was safe to eat.’’. After he approaches the red-eyed killer, he continues ‘‘And I’m not anyone’s dog. If a wrong person throws a piece of meat at me, I will bite their arm off.’’. While the dark-haired man gives him a smug look, Akira stays still “What’s so funny? If you thought that leaving me a couple of Solids as payment, keep them for yourself.”. ‘‘Hmph. Do you realize that this time there was no client? It was a federal honey-pot to capture one of us.’’ The red-eyed man replies. Despite being confused and feeling how his partner wraps his arm around his waist, Akira tries to keep his cool ‘‘If you knew this, why did you bother to show up?’’. However, from Shiki’s strangely sleepy eyes, he already understands this swordsman’s intentions. Nevertheless, the silver-haired assassin listens further ‘‘Is this how you thank for saving you?’’. Instead of giving in to provocation, Akira grasps one of the crosses resting on his chest and narrows his gaze ‘‘Do not push your luck. You are still injured. But this time you will make those pathetic faces.’’. ‘‘Says the one who is too impatient and cannot keep his hands off his master. But you need to beg for it~’’ Or so the ebony-haired man replies in a nearly purring voice as his other hand traces down on Akira’s bottom and rubs it. The blue-eyed killer feels the heat rushing into his cheeks and speaks up through grid teeth ‘‘Fuck you…’’. After his blue eyes point at the bed, he suggests ‘‘If it weren’t for your arm, I would take you right here, right now. So, be thankful for that.’’. Lastly, he releases the grasped cross and removes Shiki’s coat from his shoulders. As he suddenly feels how his lower cheek is squeezed, he lowers his gaze ‘‘…You idiot.’’. In the end, when they get close to the bed, Akira pushes Shiki onto the bed and sits on top of him ‘‘You are not allowed to do anything, got it?’’. For sure, it’s entertaining how his partner instigates such acts and naively believes that he is in charge. That’s why Shiki decides to play along and observes what his precious possession has prepared for him. When the silver-haired man crawls down, he spreads Shiki’s legs. Even if it’s not his first time having sex, he doesn’t want to get mocked for doing something new. So, if he hears even the slightest complaint or insult, he’ll make sure someone has to worry about having a broken nose. Yet, the dark-haired man can perfectly see from those shy blue eyes and clumsy hand movements that Akira is inexperienced. Despite that, he continues silently observing and waiting. After Akira unzips his partner’s pants and takes out the semi-hard dick into his hand, he closes his eyes and exhales before licking it. For now, he starts working with the tongue around the tip while his hand - strokes the full length. When the silver-haired swordsman finally opens his eyes, he gives Shiki a questioning, blushing look, asking for approval. On the other hand, a cracking poker face is a good sign for him that he is doing a not-bad job. Good. In this case, it will be easy to satisfy this bastard. Or so Akira thinks. Meanwhile, it frustrates the dark-haired man, and without his partner realizing it, he gets teased. Therefore, he leans on his elbows to sit. Even such a struggle is enough for the blue-eyed assassin to remove his hand and lift his head while giving an annoyed look ‘‘What is your problem?’’. For now, Shiki places his hand behind Akira’s head and sinks his fingertips into his hair while addressing him ‘‘If you are doing it, do it properly!’’. Suddenly, Akira widens his eyes as he forcibly swallows the entire cock. More so, he involuntarily sheds a couple of tears and gasps. Of course, such a sudden move was also close enough to summon his gagging reflex. The blue-eyed assassin believes that he’ll get choked to death by giving a head. Yet, his further concerns are interrupted by his head aggressively moving up and down by this merciless man. While Akira closes his eyes, he can hear another demand ‘‘Just avoid using your teeth.’’. Soon enough, Shiki removes his hand from his partner’s scalp and watches him moving his head on his own. Fortunately, Akira is a quick learner. When his head is released, he easily returns to the previous rhythm. More so, his determination to see what expressions Shiki will make is so strong that it helps him to get used to it. Even when he whimpers while catching his breath, he doesn’t remove his eyes from his partner while not caring what expressions he makes while pleasuring his partner. In the meantime, the silver-haired man’s hand moves on his lower regions. After unbuckling his belt and unzipping his leather pants, Akira exposes his bottom. Lastly, he lets a small moan as he inserts a couple of fingers inside him. For now, he fingers himself because he understands that if he won’t prepare himself, then no one will. More importantly, he won’t lower his pride by asking so. For sure, such a pleasing view turns on Shiki even more, and he comments ‘‘You enjoy yourself too much. Do you play with yourself like this while you feel lonely? Or did you miss me that much?’’. However, Akira frowns and lifts his gaze ‘‘Shut up…’’. Lastly, he closes his eyes and focuses on loosening himself. Eventually, he lets out sweet gasps as he accidentally hits his own special spot. In the end, even Shiki is at his limit by hearing such adorable sounds. At this point, he closes his crimson eyes while suppressing his voice. When the dark-haired swordsman places his palm behind Akira’s head, he finishes inside his partner’s throat. Lastly, when the blue-eyed assassin is pushed like this, he feels how suddenly the hot semen flows inside him, but he instinctively drinks it. After lifting his head, all Akira can do is stare with a drunken gaze while catching his breath. Even so, as he feels how Shiki brushes his cheek, he swallows the remains in his mouth and gives a questioning look ‘‘What is it with you now? I told you that I’m in charge this time.’’. After the silver-haired swordsman completely removes the bothering pants and underwear, he pushes Shiki down and sits on top of him. “You are not allowed to do anything, got it?” Or so Akira adds while giving a shy look. After he takes his partner’s hard-on and brings the tip of it close to his entrance, he closes his eyes and is about to lower himself. Instead of patiently waiting, Shiki places his hands on Akira’s hips and pushes him down. As his insides are deeply penetrated, the blue-eyed assassin lets out a sudden moan. Soon enough, he gasps as Shiki unzips the lower zipper and exposes his belly. Meanwhile, Shiki only cracks a smile at his partner frowning while heavily blushing. More importantly, seeing how the silver piercing jiggles from the twitching abs sparkles the excitement in his eyes. “What I have just told you? And it’s your fault that this piercing moves like this when it sees you.” Or so the silver-haired man complains before moving his hips. Surely, Akira hadn’t expected or imagined that he needs to put in so much effort. Even so, he focuses on balancing and suppressing his voice. However, when he finally finds the right position, he widens his eyes and lets out a sudden moan. Apparently, Shiki helps his partner to be more honest about his feelings and not to hold back by thrusting. While he cannot remove his eyes from the lascivious creature in front of him who is so close completely drowning in pleasure, he makes sure that Akira won’t fall. However, even in moments like this, his precious possession never ceases to amaze him. The blue-eyed swordsman can feel how more often his prostate is rubbed along with how his insides are stirred. Hell, in this case, that arrogant man’s cock may be seen through the bulge of his stomach. More importantly, he’ll lose to his primal instincts. So, before it happens, he has to put Shiki into his place. Or so Akira decides. After he traces his hand around the piercing, the silver-haired man comments while making adorable noises ‘‘If you go any deeper than that… You may… you may pierce… me. You fool…’’. Unfortunately, Akira realizes he made a great mistake as soon as Shiki stops moving. When the dark-haired man leans on his elbows to sit up again, he commands ‘‘Hold into me.’’. Lastly, he wraps his arms around Akira and brings him closer. As the silver-haired man feels his partner’s hands slide down and hold onto his bottom, he throws his arms around Shiki’s shoulders and stares at him with a passionate gaze. Suddenly, the red-eyed swordsman is surprised when Akira gently places his palms on his cheeks and pulls him into a deep kiss. However, instead of brushing away his precious possession, he blissfully narrows his gaze and chuckles. While Akira closes his blue eyes, he can feel Shiki’s hands slide down until they grasp his bottom and move him by the hips. But for now, he allows his partner to explore every little part inside his mouth while in between catching his breath and letting out mewling noises. More importantly, he feels that soon Shiki will reach his limit too. However, for now, hearing the fellow swordsman’s purring-like noises arouses him. In the end, Akira lets out a long moan while arching his back and holding into his partner’s shoulders. Even when his vision goes white, he can still hear how Shiki fails to hold back his voice while filling Akira’s insides. Some time passes. It is already late evening, and the platinum moonlight beams illuminate the bedroom along with two peacefully resting swordsmen. In serene moments like this, even this couple is too tired for any fight and is fine with each other’s company. For now, Akira allows himself to relax by lying on top of Shiki and resting his head on his chest. More importantly, he doesn’t mind that his partner rests his arm on his back or how another hand’s fingertips are sinking in his hair and slowly ruffling them. Strangely, such attention even calms Akira down. However, all his sleepiness is gone when the dark-haired man attempts to get up. ‘‘Where are you going now? You are not allowed to leave.’’ Or so the blue-eyed assassin speaks up while wrapping his arms around his waist and giving a half-sleepy, demanding look. Yet, Shiki only cracks a smile ‘‘I’ll come back soon. You just wait here.’’. ‘‘Liar. You will leave again, and who knows if I see you ever again.’’ Or so Akira objects while clinging to the dark-haired man and pressing his head against his abs. After the brief pause, he lowers his gaze and sighs ‘‘You may die before your arm heals. So, you are not going anywhere.’’. ‘‘Then, get up and raise your head.’’ The dark-haired man briefly commands. The blue-eyed assassin has no idea what Shiki has in mind, but he trusts him enough to do what he is asked. After sitting up, he curiously stares at his partner, who removes the smaller cross ‘‘What are you?-’’. Yet, he widens his eyes when the ebony-haired man puts the silver chain around his neck. As Shiki finishes attaching it, he gives a proud and satisfied look ‘‘This should do.’’. At first, Akira is confused by this gesture, but when he grasps the given cross and studies it for a while, he lowers his head and covers his eyes with his palm. For now, he hopes that he’ll hide his embarrassed face or at least not show how countless irrational emotions overflow inside, which he doesn’t know how to handle. However, seeing how the blue-eyed assassin holds close to his heart and such innocent and naïve reactions satisfies Shiki. Lastly, he ruffles his partner’s hair, and as a graceful feline, he leaves the bed and takes one more look at Akira before heading to the bathroom.
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- togainu no chi
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Title: Bitter Sweet Status: Complete Fandom: Togainu no Chi Pairing: Shiki x Akira Characters: Shiki, Akira Rating: +18 (Suggestive themes, Smut) Summary: [This story was made as entry for November's month Aarinfantasy Writing Challenge.] After a while of receiving provoking anonymous letters, Akira hopes that he can handle this problem on his own and without involving the commander. However, the very little he knows how little it took to become something out of his hand... [First chapter published on 2022-11-19. Completed on 2023-01-11] Chapter 1. It’s another average working day for one silver-haired secretary. After Akira finishes reviewing and signing the papers, he stretches out while sitting in the chair. He opens his eyes and checks the clock on the wall to check whether his senses are correct. Not a second too late or too early, just in time before the afternoon breaks start. But he should hurry up and serve the tea and snacks for the commander. Or so Akira reminds himself as he stands up and leaves the desk side. It might be the most ordinary task, but the military secretary sees it as an important duty that no one can’t properly handle. More importantly, it’s not a simple art to brew a fine coffee or tea. So, only within time, he mastered preparing perfectly brewed coffee or tea, which can be served to the most powerful man in the country. Lastly, Akira wishes that at least during short afternoon breaks, the commander will relax. And, of course, to enjoy each other’s company. But for now, something catches his eye. How did he haven’t noticed it earlier? However, it is unusual for the commander to leave the letters for him. Why would he do it? Or so the silver-haired man wonders as he studies the blank envelope. Even if he has a bad feeling about this, he needs to know what is inside. After opening the envelope, Akira raises an eyebrow as he notices not only a letter but also a taken picture of him when he was not aware of it. Unfortunately, it isn’t as cryptic and bizarre as the letter’s content. It never does. The secretary has become paranoid that his every little movement is being observed and filmed by some freak. In this case, it becomes a part of his new routine. Despite that, it’s only barely a week of becoming this stalker’s target and receiving these unsettling letters. Perhaps, this time, it might top any previously gotten messages. For sure, it must be someone’s twisted joke. If so, someone needs to be punished for such foul and degrading language. Or so Akira thinks to himself as his insides twist, and he feels nothing but pure disgust toward that person. Apparently, someone in this piece of paper in details explains how the poor secretary is being peeled off his uniform and indulging in these shameful acts together with this anonymous person. However, he can’t force himself to reach even the second half of this letter. Yet, instead of throwing away the unwanted fan mail, Akira puts it back into the envelope and places it in the drawer along with other questionable-type letters. After all, he has more important things to do and places to be. That’s why figuring out who harasses him and taking care of it can wait a bit longer. Besides, this problem needs to be solved quietly and involving no one, including Shiki, right? Or so Akira convinces himself while hoping the commander won’t suspect anything weird. But for now, when the secretary fixes the collar of his shirt, he leaves his office. Some time passes. After receiving permission to enter inside, the silver-haired man closes the door behind him while carefully balancing the trace with a teapot and a couple of cups. As Akira politely nods, he greets the supreme rule ‘‘Sorry for making you wait, sir.’’. Lastly, he fixes his posture and approaches Shiki’s desk. Even from the first second being in the office, the blue-eyed secretary can sense the tension in the air. More so, it’s hard to tell what the commander thinks behind his calm face, which is impossible to read. Perhaps, Shiki already learned about how his subordinate cannot handle minor harassment at work. Or worse, how he cannot solve such a minor issue. What if the commander was waiting for him only to tell him that he is dismissed and no longer needed? Or so Akira wonders. Suddenly, he almost spills the hot tea on the corners by hearing Shiki’s voice ‘‘Does anybody bothers you?’’. Yet, Akira tries to keep his poker face ‘‘What do you mean by that, sir?’’. After opening his eyes, the commander replies ‘‘Not only you’ve been staying in your office for too long, but you are also too stiff.’’. ‘‘I’m pretty sure that might be in your imagination. Everything is under the control. That’s why you have no reason to worry about, sir.’’ Or so the silver-haired secretary objects after leaving the teapot on the tray. However, when he turns around and is about to leave, he instantly straightens his back and is stopped by the brief command ‘‘Sit down. Aren’t you going to join me?’’. In the end, the silver-haired man cannot disobey. Yet, this time, he prefers to avoid facing Shiki. After he lowers his gaze, he sighs ‘‘Yes... I understand.’’. Meanwhile, the commander sees something is wrong, and it annoys him how his subordinate hides something from him. But for now, he understands that beating the answers out of Akira will be useless. After a long day at the office, they finally returned to the mansion. Even after getting into bed, Akira distances himself from the commander despite being close to him. Some time passed. It is almost midnight. Suddenly, Shiki’s peaceful slumber is interrupted by weird noises and someone struggling and cannot find a rest. Despite that, he ceases his murderous intentions when he realizes who woke him up. Apparently, his subordinate mumbles something under his nose while his body twitches. More so, he turned his back to Shiki and curled into a ball. Yet, when the dark-haired man slightly touches Akira’s shoulder, he instantly catches the thrown attack. Surprisingly, his subordinate talks during his sleep ‘‘Let… let me go. I don’t want this.’’. After releasing Akira’s wrist, Shiki only observes how his subordinate hugs himself while continuing to fight his enemy in his sleep. Lastly, no matter what kind of trouble his secretary is in, he’ll mercilessly kill anyone who made him suffer like this. But for now, he brings the silver-haired man close to him and to face him. Even if Akira continues to resist his nightmare, he is aware of being moved around. Instead of waking up his poor secretary, Shiki pulls him into a hug and strokes his hair. Eventually, Akira stops to struggle, and before falling into a peaceful slumber, he rubs his cheek against the commander’s chest. Perhaps, Shiki won’t rest tonight, yet, it might be just a tiny price to monitor that his most loyal subordinate would be safe during his sleep. However, if Akira refuses to tell him what bothers him, the supreme ruler has to start a deep investigation soon. A couple of days have passed since the last time Akira received these anonymous love letters. Despite his suspicious intuition telling him something is wrong, he wants to believe that his stalker finally got bored with him and left him alone. Unfortunately, he has no idea that the trouble is only around the corner. When Akira is done with the health checkups and leaves the procedure room, he heads to his office until he is stopped by the voice behind him ‘‘Captain!’’. Apparently, it is one of the newly recruited soldiers whom Akira already knows for him being a troublemaker. “What is it?” The silver-haired secretary asks as he turns back. Soon enough, he widens his eyes as he receives a bouquet of roses and the small box of chocolates along with the announcement “Pl-please, accept it, captain!”. While Akira holds the presents and keeps his straight face, he asks “What is the meaning of this?”. After a brief pause, he narrows his gaze and adds in a suspicious tone ‘‘Wait… Aren’t you that same secret admirer who keeps sending me letters? However, even if you show yourself and admit your fault, I won’t soften your punishment or tolerate anyone going against the commander and such foul language. Explain yourself!’’. Meanwhile, the poor junior soldier is cornered and genially scared for his life. After all, he heard the rumors about captain Akira being so cold and scary, but he hasn’t expected it to be the truth. Nevertheless, he objects ‘‘Please, forgive me, sir! But I have no idea what you are talking about… All I was asked to do is to deliver these to you, sir! I didn’t mean to hurt you.’’. Yet, the blue-eyed secretary continues demanding the answers ‘‘Then, who is it?’’. ‘‘I was told not to tell anyone, including you. Because if I did, that person would be upset that I ruined his surprise for you, and you would sentence me to death with that person. I’m terribly sorry, but this is what I can say.’’ Or so the rookie explains while secretly praying for mercy. In the end, Akira sighs ‘‘I do not kill people from left to right unless you are a threat to the commander. Even if you dare to show even the slightest disrespect to him, I only punish you or anyone for what you have done. That’s all. However, you will help me if you tell me who sent you. And I promise nothing happens to you because, as your captain, it’s my duty to keep my squad under my protection.’’. When the military secretary asks him in such a way and even shows faith in him, there is impossible to decline such a request. After taking a deep breath, the junior soldier confesses ‘‘I-I understand… Then, I suggest you talk with lieutenant Marude, sir. So, can I go now, please?’’. ‘‘Yeah, you are dismissed. But before that, can you do me one more favor?’’ Or so Akira asks. ‘‘Can you take leave it in the nurse’s office? If anyone wonders what for, you can tell them that these are from me.’’ He adds as he returns the received gifts. Yet, as the secretary feels the small box is slipped into his uniform’s jacket, the soldier explains ‘‘Um, the lieutenant also mentioned that he wanted to give it to the commander. But he also told me you are the only person allowed to enter the commander’s office. So…’’. ‘‘Fine. You can tell him that I already did it. If you have nothing else to say, you are dismissed.’’ Or so Akira replies. Lastly, the rookie nods with natural excitement and admiration towards his captain before rushing ‘‘Y-yes!’’. After his subordinate leaves, Akira feels slightly relieved as he gets ridden of the burden. However, he knows that there is something wrong with these chocolates. Therefore, he has to test them by himself before delivering them to Shiki. Meanwhile, he hasn’t even the slightest idea that the commander kept an eye on him as a panther who is ready to tackle his next target. Just as the blue-eyed secretary reaches his office’s door, he is startled as someone hugs him from behind. Soon enough, he recognizes to who belong these arms and whose head rests on his shoulder. ‘‘Commander, what are you-?’’ Akira asks before his voice is cut by Shiki covering his eyes with his palm and assaulting his neck by sucking it and licking it. After the military secretary’s failed attempt to push the dark-haired man away while being in his embrace, all he can do is speak up in a shivery voice ‘‘Sir… You can’t do this… We’re in public. There is no time for that. What if anyone sees you?’’. ‘‘And so? I don’t see any problem.’’ Or so Shiki backfires as he lifts his gaze. Instead of allowing the commander to ruin his image, Akira closes his eyes and pushes him away ‘‘But I do!’’. After realizing what he has done, all he can do is widen his eyes and deeply breathe while rubbing the teased spot. When the supreme ruler cracks a smile, he takes a step closer to his subordinate ‘‘If that is so? When did you learn to talk back? Perhaps, I should discipline you once I kill that arrogant boy.’’. Suddenly, Akira realizes Shiki has noticed him talking with the rookie soldier from earlier. Therefore, he must let him know that it’s nothing but a misunderstanding and that there is no reason for the commander to be upset. As he directly stares with his big blue determined eyes, he defends himself ‘‘I assume you saw that one of my squad members delivered me the flowers. However, let me tell you one thing. I’ll take nothing from strangers or what I didn’t ask for. That’s why I did what I was supposed to do, and I returned it.’’. After placing the silver-haired secretary places his hand on his chest and grasps it, he continues ‘‘I remind you as many times as needed - I’ll rather chew on the dry bone given by the beloved hand than eat a juicy steak from the enemy. Besides, nothing will replace or be close to your kindness or anything else you have done for me… I could never repay for it, no matter how many lives it will take.’’. This honest confession sparkles the excitement in Shiki’s red eyes and satisfies him. Yet, while he has a chance, he teases his subordinate ‘‘Hmph. Then, strip and place your hands on the wall.’’. Not only does Akira feel the heat in his cheeks, but he also grids his teeth while giving an indignant look ‘‘Please, take it more seriously! I… I’m pouring you what I think and feel, and you…’’. Lastly, he shakily raises his hand and is about to slap the commander. Despite that, Shiki remains calm. Even just a second before the impact, Akira’s hand freezes, and he closes his eyes. After a brief pause, he lowers his shoulders and shakily opens his eyes ‘‘I will understand if you want to punish me for that, sir. But, consider this. What could happen to you if you lower your guard and show your weaknesses?’’. Suddenly, the supreme ruler pulls his secretary’s hand and brings him closer. After wrapping his arm around the waist, he presses his lips against his subordinate’s and pulls him into a deep kiss. Akira instantly widens his eyes, but soon he blissfully closes them. After a while, he is dumbfounded and feels like a drunk when Shiki withdraws his face. As the dark-haired man holds his subordinate’s chin, he delightfully looks at him ‘‘What is it?~ It’s your fault for revealing yourself like this. So, I needed to remind you that.’’. Suddenly, the silver-haired man is instantly released from the spell when the commander takes something from his pocket and comments ‘‘Not accepting anything from anyone else hand… Are lying to me with such a straight face?’’. Yet, Akira quickly explains ‘‘He told me that he was asked by lieutenant Marude to give it to you, sir. By no means I intended to eat it alone. However, I wanted to check it wasn’t poisoned before giving it to you. That’s why, if I won’t return in a half hour at the latest... You can assume that someone attempted to murder you. ’’. Meanwhile, Shiki narrows his gaze without saying a word. Yet, he is surprised when his subordinate takes his hand in his. Even when he gently holds his hand, Akira softens his gaze “Please, have faith in me, sir! I promise, I return to you as always.”. From that gaze alone, the commander can sense that his subordinate has no ill intentions and is not trying to deceive him. Despite his urge to throw away these chocolates and embrace his secretary, he handles them back. For now, he has to play along with Akira’s rules, or at least until he closes his office door, and wait as long as it takes. After entering inside, Akira notices another envelope lying on his desk. Perhaps, it’s another letter from the mysterious person. But for now, it can wait. After all, there is a more important task to deal with right now. Even if he doesn’t trust what is inside the box, he convinces himself that it’s for the commander’s sake. After untying the ribbon and opening the lid, he notices that these chocolate candies are no different in their look and scent from any other. Yet, the secretary doesn’t hesitate and picks a random piece. By there is nothing significant about these candies. It tastes like average dark chocolate with the liquid filling, which leaves the cheap alcohol’s after-taste. In the end, it was a false alert. The worst thing about these chocolates is their poor taste. Although, Akira has to keep the promise and deliver them to the commander. As the silver-haired man puts back the lid, he feels how slowly his temperature is rising and how his head feels filled with cotton. What if he caught a cold? In any case, he should be fine. He has to. Otherwise, he would disappoint Shiki. Or so Akira convinces himself. After he places the neatly packed box of chocolates, he shivers while his entire body feels set on fire. While the poor secretary barely walks to the nearest wall to lean, he shakily grasps his chest and feverishly breathes ‘‘Shit… That’s not good. I need to warn the commander!’’. Unfortunately, his own body finally betrays him. Suddenly, he loses control of it and falls like a rag doll on the ground. More importantly, the more he struggles to get up or move, the worse his condition gets. Lastly, along with the unbearable heat, his body becomes too sensitive to even the slightest touch. In the end, Akira fails to curl into a ball and waits for his pathetic end by a mere fever while hoping that his dead body would warn the commander that someone attempted to murder him. But for now, every second feels like an eternity until his life thread will be cut. Meanwhile, the sound of someone collapsing on the ground is enough to tell that Shiki shouldn’t have left Akira alone. When he slams the door and storms in, he is alerted by seeing his subordinate suffering. Fortunately, his instincts act fast. After kneeling in front of his secretary, he places his arms under Akira’s armpits and is about to stand up with him. Yet, the secretary’s sudden moan almost makes him drop his subordinate, who eventually slips through his arms. For now, all Akira can do is half sit while he leans on his hands and stares at the commander with a flustered yet demanding gaze and feverishly breathing ‘‘There is something wrong with the candies, sir… Someone may have poisoned them. I’m sorry to ask you, but could you drop me into a cold shower? I cannot waste the time recovering in the nurse’s office because someone attempts to kill you.’’. As Shiki observes the shivering secretary, he removes his uniform jacket ‘‘Hmph. Is this your only concern? You’re going with me.’’. Lastly, when he throws the jacket on his subordinate and gets close to him, the commander picks him in his arms and stands up. While Akira clings to him and buries his face into his chest to surpass his voice, Shiki leaves the office. But for now, taking care of his loyal subordinate is a more important task, and investing in the secretary’s office and finding the culprit can wait. Even if some officers on his way stare at him, Shiki gives them a brief command to bring the same lieutenant, who took advantage of Akira’s devotion and naiveness, into the interrogation room and lock him until further notice. Some time passed. Finally, when the commander reaches the bedroom, he lies his subordinate down and sits next to him. It seems that a mere drug corrupted the most reserved and strict secretary’s body and mind and turned him into nothing more than a slave of pleasure. Even these blue eyes beg for any touch to be relieved. When the supreme ruler is about to place his palm on his subordinate’s chest, he is stopped by the amorous voice ‘‘There are more important things than this. The person who tried to poison you is still roaming free. I… We need to capture him first.’’. Yet, Shiki is busy unbuttoning Akira’s jacket. As he removes the unnecessary piece of clothing, he comments ‘‘Are you telling me what to do? Raise your hands.’’. Meanwhile, the silver-haired man follows the orders and lowers his blushing gaze. He doesn’t question the commander and allows him to pin his hands. After all, if this is what Shiki wants to do before he perishes, he’ll give his best and cherish his last moments with his most important person. Lastly, Akira fixates his gaze on the commander, who removes his tie, and with one sudden move opens his shirt. When Shiki holds his partner’s chin and with the thumb parts his lips, he leans closer to him. Suddenly, Akira turns his face away ‘‘You can’t do this, sir!’’. After a brief pause, he returns his gaze and notices the irritated commander while defending himself ‘‘I don’t want you to swallow the poison.’’. In the end, the dark-haired man’s eyes sparkle with excitement, and he shuts up the secretary by pulling him into a deep kiss. At the moment, even such a simple thing sends electricity down Akira’s spine, and he easily submits to such a pleasant sensation. After blissfully closing his eyes, he allows Shiki inside. If his wrists weren’t restrained, he would wrap his arms around the commander while drowning in ecstasy. Yet, he isn’t sure why he is so unusually oversensitive just by Shiki exploring every little part inside him. The blue-eyed secretary is concerned that he is selfishly enjoying himself and might climax only by kissing. Unfortunately, his primal instincts take over his mind, and he lets out soft moans in between, catching his breath. It doesn’t help that now he can feel through his uniform pants how Shiki rubs his groan. Despite his weak struggle to stop his partner, he cannot hold any longer and climaxes. Soon enough, the commander with-draws his face and delightfully observes the amorous creature in front of him. Even so, when he unbuckles his subordinate’s belt and removes it, he ties up his hands around the bed frame. At this point, it isn’t necessary because his secretary won’t resist and run away. On the other hand, it’s only for disciplinary purposes. Lastly, the supreme ruler removes the bothering pants and underwear. After climbing on top of Akira, Shiki leans close to whisper in his ear ‘‘Hmph. You are still hard? Good. But you can’t pass out yet. You still need to be reminded to whom you belong~’’. Perhaps, the commander’s voice barely reaches the secretary, who is still on cloud nine. But after feeling how the ebony-haired man sucks on his neck, Akira suddenly gasps. More so, it doesn’t help that while Shiki marks his neck and licks it, his hand traces down from his neck to the chest. If Akira had the strength or will to resist, he would brush away the hungry commander. Yet, he can’t understand why his partner needs to mark someone who will die soon. Hell, all this time when Shiki leaves the bite marks and spots on his neck and around the collarbone, the drunken secretary only lets out shivery sighs and sweet moans with cries. Even as he nibs his subordinate’s chest, he cannot fully enjoy those lovely sounds. The thought that someone wanted to snatch Akira from him and mess with him infuriates him and makes him grasp the cross resting on his chest. Meanwhile, when their eyes meet up, all Akira can do is blush harder and close his eyes after seeing such a possessive gaze. Lastly, the commander’s fingertips trace down below the belly. After grasping his subordinate’s weeping arousal, he begins stroking it. Suddenly, the secretary opens his eyes when he feels a couple of familiar fingers inside his mouth. With no second thought, he knows what he needs to do. Yet, when Shiki pleasures him, it’s difficult for him to focus on such a simple task. Despite that, he wants to accomplish his last duty. Meanwhile, the dark-haired man is satisfied by seeing how his loyal secretary licks his fingers while giving him a lewd and adoring look. Besides, it is one of those rare occasions when he can enjoy seeing Akira being honest about his needs and showing the side that no one is allowed to dream of. Just when Shiki tightens his grasp around his subordinate’s dick and fastens his hand movement, his partner again climaxes. Lastly, he observes how the silver-haired man fixates his dizzy empty gaze on nothing while catching his breath and being covered in his own hot mess. More importantly, Akira’s body is begging for attention. How strong the drug was that it could turn his secretary into such a sensitive yet gluttonous creature? Whoever poisoned Akira knew what they were going for. However, now he must do anything in his power to release his subordinate from the curse of this awful drug. Even if he might break his precious secretary’s mind. Or so the commander decides. After untying the belt, he releases his secretary from the restraint. Yet, Akira lets out a sudden gasp as he feels how Shiki makes him lie on his stomach and lifts his hips into the air. Even if it is an embarrassing position, he impatiently waits for something to fill his insides. When he turns his lustful and demanding gaze to the supreme ruler, he asks in a sweet tone ‘‘Sir… Please. I don’t know how long I can last before I’ll die. That’s why… Please, put it in.’’. Meanwhile, Shiki loosens his tie and unbuttons his shirt while giving a teasing look ‘‘Have you already forgotten my name?’’. After he rests his palm on his secretary’s lower back, and with the other one inserts his fingers inside Akira, he adds ‘‘It can’t be helped… I need you to help to remember it.’’. Even if his subordinate barely holdbacks his voice while Shiki messes with his ring muscle, he demands ‘‘That is not enough… So, please, cut it out and do it already!’’. Yet, the dark-haired man cracks a smile while purposely hitting missing his secretary’s special spot and watching how his partner gives such a frustrated look and letting groaning noises. Besides, if this is the only way to get what he wants, then so be it. ‘‘Sir, take this more seriously. What if I may die before making you feel good?’’ Or so, adds Akira when time from time Shiki rubs his prostate. Lastly, he lowers his gaze ‘‘Shiki…’’. For sure, hearing his own name is enough to move the supreme ruler and spark excitement in his eyes. That’s why he decides to reward the secretary by continuously hitting his special spot. Meanwhile, Akira buries his face in the pillow to suppress his voice and can feel his knees going weak. In this case, he might break if he comes one more time. So, he gives his best to endure at least the preparation part. After a while, he feels the commander removing his fingers from him. However, soon enough, something big and hotter instantly penetrates him. Suddenly, the secretary widens his eyes and gasps as he finishes again. But before Shiki starts to move, he takes Akira’s wrists and pulls his hands from behind ‘‘What is it? If want to come, come. However, for each time you’ll have to make it up~’’. And with these words, the dark-haired man slowly penetrates his partner. As he roughly moves, he remarks ‘‘Despite how many times you finished, you are still tight. Are you that desperate for me? Or anyone will do for you?’’. For sure, such a comment shocks the blue-eyed secretary. Nevertheless, while the cross on his neck swings like a mad and hits his chest, he gives the best answer he can ‘‘I… My body and heart… All… All of it… All, belong to you. I’ll… I’ll rather die than… betray you.’’. In the end, he couldn’t finish his speech, which is cut by his own moans and cries. Akira can swear that if Shiki keeps such a fast and deep rhythm, he will even reach and hit his belly piercing. But for now, the commander stops moving and releases his hands. What if his words aren’t enough, and now he’ll be left alone? Or so this is what the silver-haired man is concerned. As he leans on his elbows, he can sense how Shiki exposes his shoulders and presses his chest against Akira’s back. After the dark-haired man starts moving again, he bites into his partner’s shoulder. For sure, it makes the secretary arch his back and shivery gasp. Even at a moment like this, this kind of pain turns Akira on. However, as soon as the first blood shows up, the commander licks the left wound, which only deeper drowns his subordinate in pleasure. Soon enough, Akira can feel how Shiki stretches his insides even more. Perhaps, that is the commander’s response. Or maybe he’ll reach his limit soon. Yet, it doesn’t matter anymore. All the secretary knows is that he is glad he could satisfy Shiki at least once. After the dark-haired man fastens his movement and lets out a silent groan, he pulls his partner into a deep kiss and closes his crimson eyes. Lastly, Akira feels how Shiki finally fills him with hot semen and is still pulsing inside him. Even if his partner lies on top of him, the secretary understands that this is only the beginning. But it’s fine. As long as his most important person is satisfied, losing his mind in the process would be just a small price. Besides, the military secretary trusts the commander enough to let him be his eyes or lead him. For now, Akira gives an adoring gaze while reaching out to Shiki’s hair and gently stroking it before the second round begins. Some time passes. After a few more rounds Shiki is satisfied, and the drug’s effect, which made his precious secretary suffer, is finally worn out and left his body. Or so the commander assumes as he watches over the peacefully resting Akira. However, no matter how much he doesn’t want to get up, he has to get up and wash his partner and himself, too. Otherwise, he won’t be so happy to lie in the mess. After lazily sitting up, Shiki brushes his hair away and is about to get up. But he turns his head when he hears a painful groaning. When he places his palm on Akira’s forehead, he wonders whether someone is having a nightmare. Suddenly, the silver-haired man opens his eyes, and while he covers his mouth, he turns to another side to throw out. Whether it’s the drug’s side effect, Shiki refuses to sit and do nothing. After he makes sure that Akira won’t choke, he has to wait until his partner’s nausea ceases. That’s why in the meantime, the dark-haired man quickly searches for something for Akira. Eventually, the secretary stops throwing up and trembles like a leaf. Yet, he widens his eyes after he feels how his shoulders are wrapped in the long shirt. For now, he turns his head and speaks up in a quiet, shaky voice ‘‘S-Sir?… What are you?…’’. ‘‘Dress up, and let’s go.’’ Or so Shiki briefly replies. As he puts on the given shirt, he asks ‘‘Where?’’. Instead of wasting any time on useless talk, the crimson-eyed man puts on the bathrobe and helps Akira stand up while supporting him. While Shiki walks the sick secretary, he replies with slight irritation ‘‘To the bathroom. You need to be cleaned. Any objections?’’. Yet, Akira only closes his eyes and shakes his head while leaning closer to the commander. In the end, Shiki calls the maids to tidy the bedroom and get clean clothes for his secretary. After washing the blue-eyed secretary and himself and coming back together to the bedroom, Shiki helps his partner change into the clean pajama, even if Akira wanted to do it by himself. When both get into a bed, the commander stays by his precious subordinate’s side until he falls asleep and makes sure that nothing happens to him - not during his sleep or when he awakes. For tonight, the supreme ruler decides to sacrifice his rest to watch over and take care of Akira. Meanwhile, tomorrow’s problems will be left for tomorrow. It is the beginning of the next day. Surprisingly, Shiki is the one who wakes up first while his secretary is tightly sleeping. However, instead of disturbing his rest, he allows Akira to sleep and recover as long as he needs. After he carefully gets up, he leaves the bedroom. Besides, today he has important work to do as taking down one human trash. Some time passes. When Shiki enters his subordinate’s office, he notices that on the desk with the left chocolates, there is an unopened envelope. Without any second, the military tyrant checks the letter and starts reading it. However, just a couple of sentences are enough to infuriate him. Instead of shredding the piece of paper, which describes how someone is excited to finally meet Akira and turn him into a personal toy after giving the presents, Shiki throws it away and investigates his secretary’s office. Thankfully, for Akira’s habit of being organized and sorting every single paper, he doesn’t need to destroy the entire room. And thus, in the lower drawer, he founds a pile of blank envelopes and on top a small note in his secretary’s writing saying ‘for deeper investigation and finding the clues ’. At this point, Shiki isn’t sure whether he should thank his secretary for saving his time or be mad that behind his back Akira is getting abused and silently enduring it. However, the more he reads these anonymous letters and even notices various pictures of his subordinate, the more he feels how his blood boils and how his hands are itching to beat the living shit out of that person before killing him. Although, if he gets blinded by pure rage, he’ll never find the culprit. Therefore, he has to study the letters. Fortunately, he notices that these were written by the same person. After comparing the latest letter with the older ones, Shiki realizes it is from the same person. ‘‘So, you finally revealed yourself, you filthy swine… You wrote for yourself a death sentence.’’ Or so the supreme ruler growls and grids his teeth as he ruffles and tosses the most recent abomination. As the commander’s eyes burn with fury, he storms out of the office and heads toward the interrogation room. Anyone who notices the supreme ruler roaming with his revealed blade to his destination place moves out of his way while fearing for their lives. Even one wrong gaze at the commander can cost someone’s life. When Shiki reaches the interrogation room, he orders the guards to spread a message to prepare the stage for the public execution, then, a small bottomless cage, a surgeon, and rats while he’ll takes care of the traitor. After all, when rats are in danger, they will eat their way out. It is the next day, and as with any afternoon break, Akira shows up at the same exact time in the commander’s office while carrying the plate with brewed tea and snacks. After entering inside, the secretary greets Shiki and pours a cup of aromatic tea for him and himself. ‘‘You seem to get well in no time.’’ Or so the commander remarks when his secretary sits next to him. While the silver-haired man holds the cup, he replies in a confident tone ‘‘Everything is thanks for your care and attention. No words or actions could show you enough how I’m grateful for that, and I will be never able to repay for your kindness, sir.’’. ‘‘Then, answer me this - are you familiar with what drugs are aphrodisiacs?’’ Shiki asks. For sure, such a question almost makes the silver-haired man choke ‘‘I beg your pardon, sir. Why are you asking this?’’. Yet, Shiki briefly backfires ‘‘I asked - yes or no?’’. As the secretary grasps his own thigh, he tries to reply as formally as possible ‘‘Y-yes, I heard it is an effective way of getting the answers or breaking someone’s will. But I haven’t used this torture method. Is there anyone who needs to be interrogated by using that, sir?’’. No matter how much Akira doesn’t wish that the commander would ask him to use such drastic measures, he prefers to avoid using it, but he feels he is not in a position to object. On the other hand, he wants to believe that Shiki is not that kind of person and that he will never use a drug to get what he wants. Meanwhile, the supreme ruler can see through Akira’s poker face that he is uncomfortable and that the cup in his hand trembles. That’s why, instead of stressing out his subordinate, he gets straight to the point ‘‘Relax. I there is no need for that.’’. As he notices how the secretary lets out a silent relieved sigh, he continues ‘‘Yesterday I sent to the laboratory your received candies. Today, I received a report that they were filled with a powerful aphrodisiac.’’. After a short pause, he adds ‘‘The same person who wrote you these letters attempted to drug you, Akira.’’ For sure, the poor secretary realizes he made a terrible mistake and that he is screwed. Only the sound of shattered porcelain returns Akira to his senses and he is about to stand up “I.. I’m terribly sorry, sir. Let me clean it-“. Yet, he immediately feels the commander’s hand on his shoulder and put down by his voice “Sit. And leave it here.”. After Shiki gets his subordinate’s attention, he continues to explain “I’ve already captured and executed that arrogant bastard. Let that pathetic corpse eaten by rats be a warning to anyone who tries to lay a finger on you.”. After exhaling, Shiki comments “However, I’m disappointed that someone dares to take away you from behind my back. More so, I may learn that when it’s too late. Do you not trust me that much, Akira?”. One thing is for sure, hearing these words is as sharp and painful as the countless blades constantly penetrating his chest. Akira knows defending himself will be useless. Yet, no matter how the words stuck inside his throat, he confesses “You are wrong, sir! I... I never have doubted you or questioned your decisions! However, I didn’t want to upset and bother you with my problems. After all, it’s not an actual harm because it’s only words! Besides, I didn’t want to disappoint and embarrass you by not being able to handle such a small but shameful problem.”. That’s it! This is the last drop of the supreme ruler. When he closes his eyes and stands up, he sends a harsh slap across Akira’s face. The poor secretary dumbfounded stares at Shiki while touching his stinging cheek. Even from that glaring alone, he can tell that he upset the commander while all he did was tell what he thinks is the truth. Meanwhile, the commander prompts his subordinate ‘‘You do not understand it yet… Fine. Clean this up and come with me.’’. However, Akira doesn’t question Shiki’s orders and follows them as usual without being aware of what awaits him.
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Title: More Than A Night Status: Complete Fandom: Togainu no Chi Pairing: Shiki x Akira Characters: Shiki, Akira Rating: +18 (Suggestive themes, Smut) Summary: [This story was made as entry for October's month Aarinfantasy Writing Challenge.] [This one-shot is set after the Cat and Mouse ending aka Shiki's ED2 (the PSP/PS2 version)] Day after a day, the blue-eyed assassin fed up with monotonic work. Yet, the very little he expects that soon his gray routine will be sparkled by the encounter of one red-eyed man when they finally settle down their business. Although, something might change during this rainy night... [Originally written on 2022-10-15] Another day, another slain prey and satisfied customer. There was no attachment or contracts in this kind of job. Only a few unwritten rules like - if you will get caught, it’s your fault. That’s why you must be always cautious and have eyes on the back of your head, even being prepared to terminate your client to keep a secret. Therefore, confidentiality and stealth - are the key traits that are required in a certain silver-haired man’s job as an assassin. However, for him, it’s just another work that can be perfected in a matter of time and become too monotonic because of instantly cutting the living meat. Besides, there was no thrill or excitement in taking away another life. Most of his victims are shivering in terror or begging to be spared during their final moments. But for now, Akira puts his target’s head into the freezer box and takes his leave. Once he delivers the personally requested limb as proof that he successfully accomplished the task, he can live on such a generous amount of money for a long time. Yet, the very little he expects that soon his gray routine will be sparkled by the encounter of one red-eyed man when they finally settle down their business. It’s a cloudy night, and the platinum moonlight illuminates the city’s empty streets. However, even during a serene night, Akira senses in the air that something is wrong. If that would be just a random crackhead stalking him, he can easily get rid of it. Yet, it’s like a strange feeling of the intimidating and familiar presence following him. Someone like a dangerous feline who lurks in the shadow, waiting for one wrong movement. On the other hand, it can be a pressure before the weather change. Besides, when Akira looks into the sky, he doesn’t like how dark clouds are gathering in one place. In any case, the blue-eyed assassin knows he needs to find a temporal roof under his head fast if he doesn’t want to get soaked and catch a cold. More importantly, to rest before moving on. As time passes on by wandering in the empty streets, the silver-haired man stops. However, not because of the singly drops landing on his head. After Akira spots a certain person wearing a long coat, he realizes that someone already has other plans for him tonight. ‘Of all people, it has to be you to run into…’ The silver-haired assassin thinks to himself as he takes the trustworthy sword into his hand and reveals the blade. Of course, it would be a boring and too-easy victory if he back-stabs his opponent, who doesn’t turn back. Besides, it might be Shiki’s set trap for him. Therefore, he needs to make the first move. Or so Akira convinces himself. Suddenly, he gets alerted, yet keeps a straight back by hearing the familiar voice ‘‘Did you want to see that badly that you followed me?’’. As the red-eyed man turns back, Akira gets into the defensive stance and is ready to counterattack any strike. Yet, Shiki keeps a calm look on his face and observes. The silver-haired assassin extends his gloved arm and points the tip of the blade at the dark-haired man’s throat ‘‘It’s just happened that you are at the wrong time and place. But you are here not to talk, right? This time you will fall under my blade!’’. While Shiki’s eyes sparkle with excitement, he cracks a smile ‘‘Hmph. Then, let’s get to the business!’’. Lastly, as the rain intensifies, Akira strikes first, and their fight begins. Even if the heavy raindrops absorb every sound around this area, they don’t silence the clashing blades. The time and their surroundings cease to exist for this couple. And something like the rain doesn’t get in the way. Besides, it’s been a while since the last time they met. More so, they can finally fight as equals. There is no need to hold back or be disappointed that one had fallen too fast. Even if any of these swordsmen simply wished to kill each other, it won’t be an issue to aim into the heart or cut the head off. However, if one of them perishes by the fatal strike, another will drag himself together into the netherworld. Even someone stubborn as Akira understands that if Shiki dies, his spirit will be taken away from him. All his life is built by motivation, and the will to live for this man will be crushed. On the other hand, the silver-haired assassin’s pride won’t admit that he may care about Shiki more than his opponent. He won’t forgive anyone who will take down the dark-haired man and dim the light in these crimson eyes. Or so Akira convinces himself. Yet, he isn’t sure whether such a fearsome fellow as Shiki has the same in mind. What if Akira perishes first? The fellow swordsman won’t waste time on unnecessary sentiments and will find a better replacement in no time, right? After all, he just toys around with his victims before finishing them - no more, no less than that. Or so the blue-eyed killer thinks to himself. Therefore, before this moment come, Akira is determined to become strong and live for Shiki and to show him he should focus on him only while ready to punish anyone who dares to interface. He even picked a matching outfit for himself to be like him and feel equal. Even the moments like this are a gift from above and need to be cherished for as long as possible. Who knows when will be another time, if it will be another chance? But for now, Shiki can sense that something is holding back his opponent. In that case, he has to beat the answers in the only way he knows. After blocking and dodging for a while, the red-eyed man aims at the chest ‘‘You should only focus on your enemy!’’ As Akira’s blade successfully blocks the slashing attack, he fixates his eyes on Shiki, and backfires ‘‘You won’t tell me what to do!’’. Soon enough, the blue-eyed assassin charges at full speed. Unfortunately, not only his attack is avoided, but he nearly slips. Even though Akira’s reaction is quick, his opponent’s blade touches his upper arm. As the warm red liquid runs down his arm, the silver-haired man is not happy that his dominant arm is hurt. Despite that, he feels no need to waste time caring about this limb. Meanwhile, Shiki enjoys observing these blazing eyes while easily avoiding the slower attack. However, he can already see that Akira won’t last long. ‘And so much from the someone who was too dangerous to be left alive… What a bunch of lies.’ The red-eyed man exhales as he places the katana into the shed and strikes at his target’s guts. One sudden hit and the silver-haired man falls on his knees while covering his stomach and letting out a painful groan. While heavy rain showers the fallen swordsman, he lowers his head and wonders if this is how it will end. Why during his darkest and most pathetic moments this man and the rain have to be by his side? Perhaps, this time instead of being left alive and allowing the rain to cleanse him from all the doubts and pain, his life will be taken away by the same hands which once saved him and gave him a new purpose not to exist but to live. However, is he nothing but a mouse in this arrogant feline’s paws? Perhaps, so. Or so Akira wonders as he cracks a fake smile. When Shiki is close to his prey, he leans closer and roughly holds Akira’s chin while making him face him. The silver-haired killer’s body and lips are trembling. Yet, it’s not from the fear but only from soaking wet in the cold. The stubborn look in his deep blue eyes alone tells that if anyone comes close to him, they will sink and perish in them. While Shiki enjoys the view in front of him, his hand slides down and grasps his throat. Suddenly, he feels how Akira’s trembling hand holds his wrist while another holds it into his shoulder. ‘‘Not yet… Kill me, and I’ll take you together even to the depths of hell… None of us will leave alive, nor will one be left dead.’’ Or so the blue-eyed assassin speaks ups with his trembling lips. ‘‘If that is so? So, you already know what awaits you ahead?’’ The dark-haired man smirks. After he places his hand on the shoulder, he adds ‘‘Then... Rest well!’’. Lastly, Akira widens his eyes as he receives a punch in the stomach and passes out. In the end, Shiki throws his opponent’s arm over his shoulder and stands up together ‘‘You’ll be thanking me once it’s over~’’. And thus, the dark killer and his target disappear in the rain. While he is looking for a better place to stay. Some time passes. Finally, the silver-haired assassin wakes up. After sitting up, Akira checks on himself and notices that he is lying under the dry and clean sheets and that someone has treated the cut on his upper arm. More so, his long gloves, coat, and, most importantly, his sword are missing. When he realizes who has done it, he silently growls and frowns. After throwing the blanket, he closes his eyes and sighs - at least his pants and turtle-neck t-shirt are on and zipped more closely than usual. Yet, when his fingertips touch the double leather choker around his neck, he can feel it is tighter. ‘‘What the hell did that bastard do to me?’’ Akira murmurs but receives no answers, only hearing how rapidly the raindrops tap the window next to him. Perhaps he is imprisoned by Shiki in this old apartment. Although, he cannot understand why. Why did he bring him into a decent apartment with decent light and possibly running water? Is it only to mess with him around before killing him? On the other hand, why would he go through all this trouble by carrying him into the bedroom and treating his wound if he wanted him dead? Or so the silver-haired man wonders as he places a hand on his head. Suddenly, he gets alerted by the sound of the door creaking ‘‘Show yourself!’’. Speaking of which, when he sees the familiar person leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms, he adds ‘‘What a hell are you doing here, and what have you done to me? I’ll make you pay for this!’’. From his outfit alone and not carrying his weapon, Akira can see that someone already feels at home. When the red-eyed man gracefully springs up and approaches him like a feline, he gives a smug look ‘‘Is this how you thank someone who took care of you?’’. Even if Shiki sits close to him on the bed, the blue-eyed assassin doesn’t fall for this man’s provocation and backfires ‘‘Did I ask you to do it? You should kill me while you could, but keep missing your chance. I’m sure you’ll find a better replacement and a practice in no time. After all, I am, like anyone else, are time-killer for you.’’. Instead of answering, the dark-haired man only narrows his gaze. Lastly, he replies ‘‘You have too much free time to waste it on nonsense.’’. Finally, Akira had enough of this man and sends a harsh slap to him. Yet, Shiki’s reaction is faster, and he catches his wrist ‘‘So, do you prefer to be treated as a low animal that only understands the violence?’’. While directly staring at the silver-haired man with a calm face, he grasps the wrist tighter ‘‘Be careful about whom you are raising your hand. Understand?’’. Suddenly, Akira withdraws his held wrist ‘‘Fuck you!’’. As he keeps his arm close to himself, he deeply breathes and observes with widened eyes. Strangely, he feels like he did something he wasn’t supposed to. After an intense pause between them, Shiki closes his eyes, and after fixing his hair, he breaks the silence ‘‘Is this what you want? However, you will need to beg for it.’’. While the red-eyed killer fixates his gaze on the couple of collars on Akira’s neck, he gives a smug look ‘‘You are a dog, after all. Isn’t it why you wear one?’’. No matter how the silver-haired man desires to jump on his opponent and choke him, he resists this urge. He understands that a worse fate than death awaits him if he tries this man’s patience. Therefore, Akira shakily lowers his stiff shoulders and explains ‘‘It keeps reminding me I should focus on my only goal and not chase anyone else. Until that moment, I cannot remove it or allow anyone to interface between us.’’. For sure, it sparkles Shiki’s even deeper interest in the assassin in front of him. The crimson-eyed man asks ‘‘How will you do it if you hesitate? Or are you truly want to achieve your goal?’’. After a moment, he changes the subject ‘‘You owe me a lot.’’. Such a statement surprises Akira, who only dumbfounded stares and raises an eyebrow ‘‘Huh? What are you talking about?’’. With no second to waste, Shiki lists in an indifferent tone ‘‘The first aid kit, dry clothing, food, water - All of it was paid from my pocket.’’. Akira only cracks a smile ‘‘That’s it? It’s your fault for wasting it, not mine. But I don’t want to be in any debt before getting you. So, I will pay you. Just how much do you need?’’. However, the ebony-haired man curves a suggestive smile ‘‘Do you know you were supposed to be my next target?’’. Despite that, the silver-haired assassin keeps a poker face ‘‘And? You don’t need this as an excuse to finish me.’’. When Shiki closes his eyes, he briefly explains ‘‘My previous client offered a huge bounty for your head. So, I cut his head instead.’’. ‘‘Do you wish me to compensate for your loss? Is that what you are saying? How much?’’ Akira asks in a confident tone. When the Shiki leans close to him, Akira realizes he is screwed. For now, all he can do is back off until his back hits the wall. He widens his eyes and swallows the saliva while hearing his heartbeat ringing in his head. Lastly, the crimson-eyed man holds Akira’s chin without removing his eyes from him and declares in almost a purring voice ‘‘I don’t care about the money. However, I will allow you to pay with your body. Show me it was worth killing.’’. As the bedsheet rustles, the silver-haired killer turns his head away ‘‘Stop joking around like that!’’. After nervously exhaling, he adds ‘‘If you have nothing else to say, I’m leaving.’’. Just when he turns away and is about to stand up… Shiki pushes him against the wall and presses his hand on the bed ‘‘Sit. You are not going anywhere until I say so.’’. Akira only lowers his gaze and finally admits that no matter how many times he runs away, he will be dragged back. Perhaps, almost like a cat allows its prey to struggle before bringing it back with its claw and playing with it. Despite that, he is determined to keep his pride and endure the pain and humiliation. Besides, it will only fuel his desire to defeat this man and make him go through worse suffering than him. For now, the crimson-eyed man places his hand on his partner’s belly and slides it up to the chest. As Shiki brushes from his well-built abs and chest, Akira bites his lower lip as hard as he can until he feels the taste of iron in his mouth and shakily exhales. However, he won’t let that arrogant man enjoy his struggle. Even if Shiki strokes his neck, Akira stares at him with deep blue impatient eyes and speaks up ‘‘Stop messing around and get down to the business. Once we’re done, I won’t need to deal with you again.’’. When the dark-haired man grabs him by the collar, he brings him close to his face ‘‘Who let you decide what your owner should do?’’. Every second feels like an eternity, and it’s a matter of time until he suffocates. Therefore, he needs to play along with this sadistic man’s rules. As Akira desperately catches the air, he grimaces in pain ‘‘Do… as you please… As long… As long as you… are satisfied... I don’t care…’’. After Shiki’s fingers masterly undo a couple of collars, he releases the silver-haired man from the strangling grasp. As he observes how Akira presses his hand against his bloating chest and greedily savors each gulp of air, he demands ‘‘Give me your hands.’’. ‘‘What are you planning now?’’ Or so, the silver-haired killer asks when he shows his wrists. Instead of answering, his partner pushes him on the back and pins his hands above his head. As his hand clenches Akira’s wrists, he moves another hand down on the belt. One thing is for sure, Shiki is entertained by seeing new and rare reactions while he unbuckles the leather belt. Once he removes it, he addresses the blue-eyed assassin, who gives him a sour, yet slightly blushing look ‘‘Stay still.’’. While Shiki is busy tying the hands to the bed frame, Akira turns his head and complains ‘‘As if you would give any other choice…’’. As soon as he finishes the current task, he leaves the bedside. When Akira turns his head, he asks ‘‘Where are you going? Don’t tell me that you’re going to run away?’’. ‘‘Why not? It would be a good lesson for you.’’ Shiki replies as he opens the drawer near the bed. Gladly, he is unaware of the blue-eyed assassin’s sent piercing gaze, which could kill in the same spot. On the other hand, Akira is curious about the rustling package and the bottle of transparent liquid on top of the drawer. Whatever is inside of it, it’s not promising at all. When Shiki returns with the brought goods, he gives another command while opening the bottle ‘‘Don’t move unless you want me to tie your legs.’’. Even from the powerful scent of alcohol alone, Akira knows it won’t end. Suddenly, he involuntary lifts his belly as the cold liquid touches his skin. The second hasn’t passed, and the dark-haired man presses his palm above the injection spot “Stay still. You’ll spill it everywhere and harm yourself.”. However, the picked-up tweezers aren’t as threatening as his held thick needle. As tweezers pinch his skin, Akira asks in a slightly nervous tone “What the hell you think you’re doing?”. Unfortunately, Shiki is too concentrated on the current task and doesn’t bother answering him. Meanwhile, the silver-haired man closes his eyes and gasps when the thick needle penetrates the pinched skin. Lastly, Shiki instantly picks up the silver piercing and pushes out the needle. As soon as he firmly attaches, he delightfully observes his masterpiece. Finally, he marked his prize possession and can claim it as his own. Yet, he still needs to remind Akira of his place. In the meantime, he wonders why this man has to go to that by mocking him. As Shiki pours more alcohol around the injection spot, he hears his partner’s question “Why are you doing this?”. ‘‘Be grateful that I take care of you.’’ The red-eyed killer replies. ‘‘The hell?-’’ Or so, before even finishing his question, Akira lets out a sudden gasp as he feels how Shiki’s tongue works around the inserted piercing. Yet, Akira turns his head away from seeing how that man messes him around or how his own body responds. Hell, even when the jewelry is touched and moved, his abs are twitching. More so, the silver-haired man tries his best to suppress the shivery breathing and keeps his legs close to him when he is getting teased like that. In the end, his own body betrays him as it is craving for more, and his hard-on is excellent proof. Meanwhile, the dark-haired man climbs on top of Akira and corners him. After his knee spreads his partner’s legs and feels the suspicious bulge against it, Shiki gives a suggestive look ‘‘Your body already acknowledges its owner.’’. When he pushes his knee deeper, he holds Akira’s chin and makes him face him. Even if his partner gives him a blushing gaze, there is a remaining stubbornness in these blue eyes. For now, Shiki adds ‘‘Why don’t you surrender and be honest with yourself? Perhaps this will help you.’’. After he takes a good gulp of the vodka, he keeps it. Lastly, he presses his lips against Akira’s. In the meantime, Akira widens his eyes as his partner’s tongue aggressively tries to get inside him. Yet, it isn’t as shocking as the flaming liquid which he is forced to swallow or how it burns his throat and nicely warms up the belly. Soon enough, Shiki withdraws his face from his new pet. Yet, as the silver-haired man rushes to gulp the last drop of vodka, it reaches the wrong throat, and he coughs. ‘‘Do I need to clean up after you each time? It can’t be helped…’’ The red-eyed man comments while observing how his pet struggles. After Akira’s coughing ceases, Shiki leans closer to him and starts licking the corners of his lips. For sure, there was no greater humiliation than it is right now. Or so the silver-haired man convinces himself while continuing to endure this kind of treatment. Yet, when Shiki licks his lips, Akira closes his eyes and opens his mouth. Akira understands that if he allows this man to mess with him the way he wants, the sooner he is fed off, the sooner he releases him. That’s why he lets Shiki’s tongue explore every little part inside him. Even the suddenly sent electricity down his spine is a new pleasant sensation for him. He even doesn’t care that he is making mewling noises in between catching the air while feeling how Shiki’s hand rubs his inner thigh and groin. Besides, it’s easier to blame the alcohol than admit that he now even his mind is slowly dominated by the red-eyed man. At least, in that case, he may still keep a grain of dignity and pride. Or so he convinces himself, drowning in the blissful sensation. After Shiki withdraws his face, he observes how a once-known cold-eyed killer turned into nothing more than a lewd creature who is under his control but lacks discipline. As he tightens his grasp around his partner’s groin, he observes how Akira’s face twists in pain ‘‘Looks like you are selfishly enjoying yourself. Don’t you forget about anyone else? You need to beg if you want to be fucked.’’. For sure, it instantly breaks the sweet spell under which Akira was put. Now, he refuses to give up, and backfires ‘‘Fuck you…’’. When Shiki cracks a smile, he loosens the grasp ‘‘You still don’t understand your position, do you? Fine. I’ll remind you and show you to whom you belong.’’. After he sinks his head into his partner’s neck, he marks it. For sure, when Shiki leaves a red spot one after another one, Akira turns his head and closes his eyes while trying to keep his voice down. It doesn’t help that while Shiki nibs his neck and collarbone until the first blood shows up, he also licks the made wounds. If only his hands weren’t tied, he would resist and shake off that man. But for now, Akira tries to endure it for as long as possible. While his hand unzips Akira’s pants, he slides his hand inside the underwear. Lastly, Shiki chuckles ‘‘You are turned on even by the pain, aren’t you?’’. Finally, the blue-eyed assassin speaks up ‘‘Untie me.’’. Lastly, Akira swallows his pride and adds while lowering his gaze ‘‘I have no reason to run away, don’t you think so? So, do as you please. I don’t care.’’. After all, it’s only for one night. Or so he wanted to add but keeps it in his mind. Besides, it’s nothing more than sex. It doesn’t need any feelings or emotional attachment. It’s only a stress relief and satisfying one’s lust - nothing more, nothing less. On the other hand, he is entrusting himself to someone whom he allows to take his life. That’s why it’s okay to submit his mind and body for tonight only, right? After all, it would only serve as another reminder to focus on Shiki and get stronger for him and take him down. More importantly, by the next day, he’ll wake up alone, perhaps, with a few tossed bills as a left change for his ‘‘service’’. Or so this is how Akira comforted himself. But for now, even if it isn’t the answer which Shiki expected to hear, he decides that for now, it should be enough to please him. When he unwraps the belt around his partner’s wrist, he commands ‘‘Undress.’’. No matter how it’s embarrassing, Akira understands he is not in a position to object. While removing his loose t-shirt and the rest of the clothes in front of the red-eyed man, he can feel that his cheeks and ears are burning from the shame. That’s right, Akira can already sense how by the gaze alone, he is getting harassed. Yet, no matter how he is tempted to punch Shiki’s smug face, he holds back. Nevertheless, after finishing the current task, he impatiently stares while waiting for the new orders. ‘‘Why are you staring at me? You know what you are supposed to do. Show me how much you need me.’’ Or so Shiki demands. When the silver-haired man lies on his stomach, he lifts his bottom and rests his head on his palms. Lastly, he turns his head while giving a shy gaze ‘‘Just hurry up and put inside it before I’ve changed my mind.’’. For now, he believes it should be enough because his pride cannot go any lower than that. ‘‘Hmph. Even if it is a poor attempt, I’ll grant you what you wish.’’ Or so the ebony-haired man replies after closing his eyes. No matter how bad his hands are itching to kill this man for his audacity, Akira remains silent while giving a frustrated look. After placing one palm on his partner’s lower back, Shiki licks a couple of fingers, and before inserting them inside, he reminds ‘‘Next time you’ll need to do it by yourself and beg for it.’’. As soon as Akira feels how it slips inside him, he lets out a louder gasp and bites into his hand. There is no way he’ll allow him to hear his pathetic voice when he is being messed around. Suddenly, without realizing it, he lets out a sweet moan as a couple of fingers rub his special spot. Although, most of the time Shiki misses on purpose to hit his prostate. Perhaps that fool expects him to beg again. If so, he won’t get it. Or so Akira convinces himself while being continuously teased. However, each time his partner touches his prostate, he cannot stop himself from letting out these lovely sighs and noises. More so, just a little bit, and he might finish only by a mere preparation. In the end, he comes by Shiki’s fingers alone. While his mind is blank and dizzy, he roughly breathes. Lastly, the dark-haired man speaks in a strict tone ‘‘Who told you that you could come without permission?’’. Suddenly, he forces Akira to lie on the side. After lifting one leg, he places it on his shoulder. Despite his partner’s protests, Shiki undoes the belt and unzips his pants. Lastly, with one sudden movement, he puts his dick inside his partner and pushes it as deep as possible with one thrust. Meanwhile, the silver-haired man widens his eyes and cannot control his voice as his rear is roughly stretched. Even without any warning, Shiki penetrates him. At first, his movement is slow. However, with each thrust, his temp becomes faster. For now, Akira roughly breathes and groans while being violated like this. Hell, he can feel deep inside him how his partner gets bigger with each movement. More so, he swears that if Shiki continues roughly moving like this, his mind will break. That’s right, he isn’t sure any longer when the line between pain and pleasure is disappeared when he is getting screwed around. Suddenly, he feels shivers sent down his spine as his special spot is touched. After such a discovery, the dark-haired man aims for that one spot more often and closes his eyes. Eventually, with mixed sweet noises and cries, Akira calls Shiki’s name. After realizing what he has done and his partner dropping the rhythmic movement, the blue-eyed man nervously swallows saliva. Yet, Shiki curves a delightful smile on his face. After pulling out his throbbing cock, he removes Akira’s leg from his shoulder. Lastly, he rolls his partner to lie on the back and pushes himself in. Soon enough, the dark-haired man picks ups his pace and movement. Suddenly, he is surprised by how Akira throws his arms on his shoulders and clings to him. As Akira digs his nails into his back, even someone as fearsome and intimidating as the red-eyed killer lets out silent groans and closes his eyes. Although, he doesn’t mind being scratched or hurt by his precious pet. He even presses his chest against the silver-haired man’s. Meanwhile, Akira can sense how rapidly Shiki rubs his special spot so often that soon he’ll reach the climax. At this point, he doesn’t care if his partner will finish inside him or not. Eventually, he can feel how the dark-haired man pushes his dick as deep as he can and fills his insides with hot semen. The second later, Akira reaches orgasm as well. He doesn’t care that he ruined Shiki’s t-shirt or will be scolded for that. For now, he feverishly breathes as his partner rest on top of him. Somehow, feeling that man’s heartbeat and bloating chest against his is so calming and relaxing. Several hours pass. The blue-eyed killer starts waking up. Yet, something is off. One thing is feeling sore after taking a couple more rounds. Another thing is that not only he is tucked under the blanket but also feels clean. After sitting up, he hears a familiar voice ‘‘So, you are still able to move? Aren’t you supposed to rest?’’. Apparently, the shirtless Shiki sits on the bed next to him, and perhaps, all this time he might been waiting for him to wake up. ‘‘It’s surprising how you are not in pain by having these marks.’’ Or so, Akira backfires. As he points his gaze at Shiki’s back covered by his scratching marks, he adds ‘‘Shouldn’t we treat it? I won’t fight someone who is injured and not giving his best.’’. After shaking his head, the dark-haired man cracks a smile ‘‘No need. It’s only a small scratch.’’. When he is about to stand up and leave, he feels how a pair of arms are wrapped around his waist. Lastly, he hears his partner’s voice ‘‘I won’t forgive you if you die by any infection, disease or anyone’s hand. So, you are not allowed to leave until I take care of it, got it?’’. As Shiki fixes his hair and tells himself ‘‘Just when did you become that possessive?’’. In the end, when the warm sunbeams enlighten the room, the dark-haired man decides to stay here for a little longer and lets Akira rest his head on his lap. Surprisingly, the blue-eyed man doesn’t mind when Shiki sinks fingertips into the silver hair and ruffles it, or perhaps, someone is too lazy to fight back.
Title: Getting Drunk by You Tonight Status: Complete Fandom: Togainu no Chi Pairing: Shiki x Akira Characters: Shiki, Akira Rating: +18 (Suggestive themes, Smut, PWP.) Summary: Recently, Shiki has to deal with rather a difficult problem, and he is not happy about it. That's right, even if he acts like a lascivious feline towards his secretary to get his attention, he gets a cold ''maybe next time''. However, he came up with an excellent idea how to distract Akira and relax tonight. And thus, this is where the finest brand whiskey comes in handy~ [Originally written on 2022-09-25] It is no secret that as the secretary of the supreme ruler, Akira is an excellent and hard worker. That’s right, not only he is more punctual than the most accurate clocks ever made. But he doesn’t waste time on the slightest unnecessary movement or breath too. More so, the blue-eyed secretary finishes every task with millisecond accuracy. There is even a rumor in his squad that you can set or fix the time based on captain Akira’s current place and behavior. Within the time, Akira got used to the routine that he feels like sleepwalking but being fully awake. There was no unknown room or corridor to him because he had memorized this place better than anyone else. In the end, as the right hand of the most powerful man in the country, he strives for no less than perfection to have a right to serve and stay by the commander’s side. Besides, when the sun is setting down, and all work is done, being praised by Shiki that he did a good job today, and leaving together is the ultimate reward for Akira. Although the red-eyed man’s subordinate is flawless and professional during his duties, Shiki has no complaints about him. Yet, the problem is that his loyal secretary doesn’t rest after his duties. More importantly, the only way to distract Akira and let him relax is by disguising anything as an important task or mission. Another issue is that his secretary completely forgot that outside the job there is a personal life and simply being a human with basic needs. Especially, the need for physical touch and intimate moments. Of course, when they have time to be alone, Shiki never misses a chance to show these small signs of affection to his subordinate or to tease him. For example, from stroking his palms or the sudden hugging from behind to more daring gestures like nibbling or kissing Akira’s nape or wrapping his arm around his waist and pulling him closer. Seeing how the silver-haired secretary’s serious face fades away and is replaced with a slightly confused and shy one is an enjoyable view for him, even if it is for a moment. Unfortunately, such private moments don’t go beyond sharing in the same bed. Even when Shiki acts like a lascivious cat who demands attention by stroking his subordinate’s inner thigh side or licking his neck and behind the ear, he hears the same strict reply “maybe next time”, “remember the time and place”. Sometimes, even being pushed away and reminded about the unsigned papers or incoming meetings. On the other hand, the commander doesn’t demand Akira cling to his neck and instantly spread his legs. However, even if his pride doesn’t allow him to admit that he is craving his precious secretary’s touch and embrace, that lack of it slowly drives him crazy. Therefore, he needs to find out as soon as possible how to persuade and corner Akira in a way that he won’t be rejected. But for now, he must remain patient and wait for the right moment. It is another afternoon. The blue-eyed secretary minds his business while wandering in the long corridor. However, when he lowers his head and picks up the pocket watch to check the time, someone pushes him against the wall. As Akira’s back hits the wall and he lifts his head, he scolds whoever pushes their luck “What is the meaning of this? Answer me!”. However, when he realizes he raised his voice against the commander, who glares at him with those piercing crimson eyes, Akira shrugs a bit and leans against the wall while keeping his gaze at Shiki “Please pardon me for my rude behavior, sir. But what are you doing here?”. Meanwhile, the supreme ruler looks down on his pinned prey and waits. After the secretary properly stands up, he gives a questioning look “Is everything okay, sir?”. Lastly, his poker face returns, and he adds in a polite tone “I don’t have time for that, sir. So, please, if you need nothing from me, let me go.”. “So, this is your answer. How long are going to keep acting like this?” The commander comments as his knee spread the stubborn secretary’s legs until it reaches and touches the groin. Yet, the silver-haired man turns his head to the sides, making sure no one is getting near. Even if it is safe at the moment, Akira gives an indignant look while trying to remain calm “Sir, you know it is not a time and place for that, don’t you?”. After lowering his knee, Shiki wraps his arm around the secretary’s waist and brings him close to him. Of course, such a move makes Akira widen his eyes. Even if a second later, he gives a stubborn look while his body is pressed against the commander’s and trapped in his embrace. As the red-eyed man smirks, he addresses his subordinate ‘‘Then, when is the time? And what kind of important business do you have when you’re supposed to be on break?’’. Lastly, he leans to whisper into the silver-haired secretary’s ear ‘‘You won’t run away this time, Akira~’’. Suddenly, Akira can feel how his ears and cheeks are on fire. However, he doesn’t give up, and when he places his hands on Shiki’s chest, he closes his eyes and pushes him away. After he escapes the commander’s embrace, the secretary’s face is still deep red. As he deeply, shakily breathes, he steps back and stares at Shiki. In the end, he politely asks ‘‘I beg your pardon, but I’ll ask you kindly to… Please, consider what will happen if anyone sees you messing around with your subordinate! I don’t care what happens to me, sir. But anyone will try to use it as your weakness to take you down. I don’t want anyone to think that you can achieve anything by only having close connections to you and not by hard work as it should be! That’s why, if you still insist, at least wait until the end of the day and somewhere in a more private place.’’. While Akira mentally prepares himself to get harshly punished or even dismissed, he closes his eyes and impatiently waits for the commander’s final decision. In the end, such an answer satisfies Shiki. When he stretches his hand toward his loyal subordinate, he removes the cap. Suddenly, the poor secretary shrugs when he feels the commander’s hand on his head. Soon enough, he calms down while hearing Shiki’s voice as he ruffles his hair ‘‘You should say so earlier. Hmph. It can’t be helped. You can go now.’’. After the dark-haired man puts Akira’s cap back, he turns around and is about to walk away. However, the secretary doesn’t want him to leave like that without showing gratitude for understanding him. This time, Akira’s voice stops him and makes him turn back ‘‘Wait, sir! There is something I want to tell you.’’. After the secretary approaches him, he throws his arms over Shiki, and leans into a hug ‘‘Thank you, sir.’’. However, very little he knew about the weight of his actions. That’s right, Akira widens his eyes when he feels how the commander presses his lips against his and pulls him into a deep kiss. Even if it was a short one, while holding his subordinate’s chin, he with-draws his face and delightfully observes Akira’s drunk from the bliss face. Soon enough, the secretary breaks this spell and covers his blushing face with his elbow. ‘‘What is it with you? That’s all for now.’’ Or so, Shiki remarks on his subordinate’s innocent and naïve reaction. For sure, tonight, his secretary might show even more amusing expressions. But for now, the supreme leader let Akira go. Some time passes. Finally, it is the end of the day, and the secretary heads to the commander’s office to conclude today’s work. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know about Shiki’s true plans. After getting permission to enter inside, Akira opens the door. However, as soon as he lifts his head, he is dumbfounded by the view in front of him “I beg your pardon, but... Did I interrupt you, sir? I’ll leave if you want me.”. Surely, seeing Shiki without the uniform jacket and gloves is one thing. However, the other thing is when he sits back and relaxes in the chair while his tie is loosened and a good part of his shirt unbuttoned. More importantly, even behind Akira’s serious face, there is sensible concern about seeing the finest brand of whiskey and a couple of glasses on the desk. While the secretary leans his back against the door and is about to open it, he gets stopped by the commander’s voice “When did you grow this bold to object? Perhaps, I need you to remind your place... Lock the door and come here.”. Of course, when the dark-haired man gives him such a command, Akira cannot show the audacity to disagree. More so, to leave the commander alone with a strong drink like this. Therefore, he must figure out how to drag Shiki to the mansion if he overdoses and passes out. He knew something was wrong when the commander acted as if today’s incident hadn’t happened. Yet, Akira hopes this is only in his mind, and there is no reason to worry. As the blue-eyed secretary handles the current task, he nods and approaches the supreme ruler. Meanwhile, Shiki gives a smug look as he observes how his subordinate still keeps a straight posture “Are you going to stand like this? You must be uncomfortable in the tight uniform. Loosen it, you are off duties. Fill the glasses and relax.”. For a second, the secretary doubts and nervously swallows the saliva. No matter how he wishes to keep the matters like this until they are not in the working environment, he understands he cannot upset the commander and make him wait any longer. It’s just sharing a couple of glasses of whiskey and hanging out together after a long day. That’s why there shouldn’t be any harm, right? Or so, Akira convinces himself as he removes his cap and the jacket. When he leaves the commander’s side to hang these pieces of clothing, he immediately returns. Before opening the bottle, the secretary asks “Do you want me to send anyone to check whether it’s poisonous, sir?”. Yet, Shiki only chuckles “There is no need. Didn’t I tell you to forget about your duties for tonight?”. “Y-yes, sir.” Akira agrees as he fills the crystal clear glasses with the dark amber-colored liquid. As soon as he is done with the current task and placing the filled glasses on the desk, the secretary receives another brief command ‘‘Sit down and make yourself comfortable.’’. When he notices the commander’s suggestive look on his face, Akira realizes he has no other choice. As he throws his arms around Shiki’s neck and makes himself comfortable on his lap, the secretary comments while giving a slightly sour look ‘‘You seem to enjoy this, sir.’’. However, the commander only wraps his arm around Akira’s waist and brings him close to him. For now, he feels like a mere toy for this big feline who loves to play with his food before finishing it. Yet, he hopes to distract the dark-haired man before it becomes something out of his control. As he passes the glass to Shiki and takes another one for himself, he asks ‘‘I’m sorry for sticking my nose into not my business, but did plan to drink together, sir? Couldn’t that wait until we get home? I’m sure you would be more comfortable than now.’’. ‘‘It’s your fault for avoiding me, and this is the only way to catch you and let you distract yourself.’’ The commander objects. Yet, his subordinate remains silent while taking the whiskey. The blue-eyed secretary knows that if he quickly empties the glass, Shiki will fill it again and again until his tongue loosens, and he may take advantage of Akira’s drunk honesty. Therefore, he won’t lose this time, even if it takes an entire night to empty an entire bottle. In the end, both took a couple of shots showing no desire to lose to each other. While the crimson-eyed man enjoys the amber-colored drink, and how his secretary gives a determined look as he tries to savor every single drop as long as he can. For sure, such behavior sparkles Shiki’s interest in his adored subordinate, and he teases him ‘‘Are you sure that we have the same drink? You clearly love it so much. How about you share it?~’’. These blue eyes follow the commander’s hand, which places the glass on the desk. Lastly, Akira gives a puzzled look while his mouth is still full. Suddenly, he widens his eyes when Shiki holds his chin and presses his lips against his. He even drops his glass, which now rolls on the floor. Soon enough, the silver-haired man lets out quiet mewling noises and closes his eyes as the commander’s tongue tries to break through his lips. With no doubt, he let Shiki inside him. While the commander is drinking from him, all the silver-haired secretary can do is submit to the rising pleasing sensation. Even when the dark-haired man is done drinking, he begins to explore every little part inside his subordinate’s mouth. Certainly, it sends an electric shock down Akira’s spine as his one hand’s fingertips instinctively dig into Shiki’s back. At this moment, his cheeks are dyed in the same color as Shiki’s eyes, while he can barely hold back from letting these sweet noises and even calling the commander’s name. Meanwhile, the supreme ruler is amazed at how little it takes to turn his preserved secretary into such an amorous creature. Soon enough, Shiki with-draws his face and delightfully observes the rare view that pleases him while he remarks in a nearly purring voice ‘‘Hmph. It’s the same drink, after all. Look at yourself - wasting such a fine drink… It can’t be helped. I need to clean up your made mess.’’. Yet, his words don’t reach the blissfully staring blue-eyed secretary, whose chest is bloating. More so, resting against the commander only makes him more vulnerable and desirable. Lastly, the dark-haired man’s eyes sparkle with excitement as he leans closer to savor the whiskey droplets running from his subordinate’s lips down to his neck. As Shiki begins to lick the corners of the secretary’s lips, he is thrilled to listen to hear these sweet noises. When Akira shakily closes his eyes, he turns his head from the crimson-eyed man. Unfortunately for him, the commander takes it to his advantage. After withdrawing his face, Shiki assaults the silver-haired man’s neck. While the commander’s tongue works on the exposed neck, his hand instantly undoes his secretary’s tie. Suddenly, Akira gets alerted when Shiki unbuttons his shirt with a single movement and exposes his chest. One thing is when the commander nibbles his collarbone, but another is when he can feel that Shiki’s other hand moves down to his bottom and gropes it. As the secretary closes his eyes, he places his hand on his partner’s chest ‘‘Co… Commander, no.’’. While Shiki is busy leaving the bite marks on Akira’s chest and licking it, he doesn’t bother to answer. The poor secretary barely suppresses his shaky voice and the purring noises. Fortunately, the red-eyed man stops teasing him. When he feels the tip of a couple of fingers against his lips and notices Shiki’s suggestive gaze, Akira understands what he has to do next. After the silver-haired man gently takes this palm in his hands, he licks the fingers before sucking them. While his mouth and tongue work on the current task, he doesn’t remove his blushing gaze from Shiki as asking if he is doing a good job. For sure, seeing how his adored subordinate puts effort and care into every little detail satisfies him. When the commander’s fingers are wet enough, Akira naively hopes that maybe Shiki will change his mind and that whatever he has planned could wait until they get to the bedroom. Meanwhile, the ebony-haired man’s other hand exposes his partner’s bottom with a sudden movement. When Akira feels how the couple of commander’s fingers slipped inside him, he lets a soft moan while arching his back and nearly losing his balance. After throwing his arms around Shiki’s neck and fixing his position, he presses his chest against the commander’s. All he can do is close his blue eyes while Shiki messes around with his ring muscle. The poor secretary can swear that the red-eyed man rubs his special spot a few times, while most of the time he purposely misses it. Perhaps, the commander is only toying with him around until he gives up and begs to be finished. Yet, Akira refuses to surrender, and while biting his own fingers, he tries to suppress these lovely noises and cries. Despite that, as Shiki rubs his prostate more often, the silver-haired man can barely think straight anymore. In the end, the secretary sinks his fingertips in the commander’s hair while the other hand’s fingers dig into his back. At this point, he doesn’t care about what kind of expressions he makes. Meanwhile, the ebony-haired man is thrilled about how his partner is clingy and finally honest to himself. However, before Akira loses himself in the pleasure just by a mere preparation, he slightly opens his eyes and asks “Please… stop messing around, sir.”. As he feels how Shiki removes the fingers from his insides, the commander addresses him in a teasing tone “Are you giving me orders?”. “No, s-sir. But... Is it fair that if you are the one doing all the work?” Akira replies after lowering his blushing gaze. Such an answer piques the red-eyed man’s curiosity as he gives a smug look. After the silver-haired secretary lifts his gaze and faces his partner, he adds in an innocent tone “You can do whatever you want. But first, let me do something nice for you. I’m sure that you might like it.”. He hopes it will help to get rid of the pesky and demanding commander, and finally return to the mansion to take a rest. However, Shiki’s eyes follow his subordinate’s every single movement. For now, he knows this secretary is at his will. So, there is no need to hold him under the lash. Besides, it’s the first time when Akira shows initiative during in-private moments. After he removes the pants and underwear, Akira simply throws these unnecessary pieces of clothing on the floor. When he carefully leaves the commander’s lap and kneels in front of him, he gives a shy gaze as spreads Shiki’s legs ‘‘Please, let me know if I do anything wrong.’’. Even when his adored secretary rubs his thighs, he can tell from that impatient gaze and the hand movement that Akira is determined to do this task. After undoing the belt and unzipping the pants, the silver-haired man widens his eyes and nervously swallows saliva before taking the semi-hard dick into his hand. As he begins to stroke it, he can hear his heartbeat in his head and feel how his face and ears are burning from the heat. Even his grasp around the hardening member becomes tighter while his hand’s movement becomes faster and rougher. Meanwhile, the commander delightfully observed how his subordinate seriously takes this kind of service despite not being aware of making such adorable expressions. When the secretary works with his tongue, he doesn’t remove his eyes from Shiki as asking for his approval. However, Akira doesn’t realize that he holds the enormous power of his irresistible gaze alone. He could bend anyone’s will if he wanted, including the supreme ruler. Perhaps it’s for the better that his subordinate doesn’t understand how his blue eyes can not only draw close to him but also drown in them. Perhaps, these eyes work in the same way as the water - for those who push their luck, that ice-coldness can be certain doom. However, for his most important person, that deep blueness is like a blessing and cure. Fortunately, along with that mesmerizing gaze, Akira belonged only to the most powerful man in the country. More importantly, the silver piercing on his belly is proof that the silver-haired man is his greatest prize possession. While the given silver cross on his neck symbolizes Akira’s ultimate devotion and loyalty to Shiki. But for now, the silver-haired man closes his eyes and takes the commander’s cock into his mouth. While trying to swallow as much as he can from the first attempt. When his subordinate greedily sucks his rock-hard member like that, it excites Shiki that he almost covers his mouth. After all, it’s amusing how Akira with the same lips that once swore the undying loyalty and love to the commander, now pleasures him. More so, submitting himself by his own will and without a single order or being forced. That’s why the military tyrant decides to reward him for his hard work and effort. After leaning closer to his adored secretary, he strokes his head ‘‘Help yourself. You need to learn and feel what you are doing to me.’’. At first, Akira doubts for a second. Yet, soon enough, he understands what he has to do. After lowering his hand on his lower region, the secretary continues to give a head while stroking his dick. The silver-haired secretary cannot stop himself from letting these lewd cries in between catching for the air. Besides, even with his closed eyes, he can imagine what kind of expressions the commander makes, which makes him tighten his grasp around his weeping arousal and move his hand faster and rougher. In the end, even the red-eyed man closes his eyes and lets out silent groans. When Shiki is close to the climax, he sinks his fingers into Akira’s hair and pulls his head away. Even when most of the load shoots into the secretary’s face, Akira instinctively swallows what has landed on his lips. As he wipes out the still-hot semen from his face with his palm and licks it like a feline, he slightly frowns and politely speaks up ‘‘Should we return home now, sir?’’. He is convinced that it should be more than enough to satisfy Shiki. Besides, he can wait and take care of himself as soon as he reaches the bathroom. When he opens his blue eyes, he gets alerted after hearing the dark-haired man’s excited voice ‘‘Not until I’m done with you~ You still need to take your responsibility for your actions.’’. After noticing the commander’s vigorous hard-on in front of him, Akira’s poker-face cracks ‘‘I… I beg your pardon, sir. But could it wait until the bedroom?… Or… At least, can you try to handle this in the bathroom? Please?’’. In the end, Shiki cracks a smile ‘‘So, this is your answer. Hmph, are you still keeping acting like this? Fine. I’ll need to remind your place.’’. When the man with crimson flaring eyes removes his belt, Akira realizes he made a fatal mistake and no heaven or hell will save him. For now, the poor secretary embraces whatever punishment awaits him. After Shiki grabs his partner’s wrists and lifts them, he wraps and ties them with his leather belt. When he takes his subordinate into his arms and lies him on the desk, Akira remains speechless while impatiently waiting for the commander’s next move. Even after spreading the secretary’s legs, Shiki enjoys seeing Akira giving him a stubborn look ‘‘You still refuse to give up while your body is like this? Fine. Let’s see if your lower mouth is more honest than you~’’. In the end, Akira lets out a loud moan when the commander enters inside him. Even if he was prepared, he turns his head while deeply breathing. Before starting to move, he leans closer to the restricted secretary and holds his hips ‘‘I know you missed me that much, but relax.’’. And just before Akira is about to object, he feels how Shiki starts to penetrate him. Although, his movement is slow at first. But, eventually, the secretary can feel that with each thrust, he goes deeper and faster inside of him. Perhaps, the commander unintentionally hits his most sensitive spot, yet Akira slowly enjoys his supposed-to-be-punishment without being able to keep his voice down. On the other hand, he is pleasantly surprised when he notices that even a fearsome man like the supreme ruler closes his eyes and begins to let out these small groans. For some reason, Akira finds this side even endearing and wants to embrace Shiki in this position. Lastly, in between these gasps and moans, he calls the commander by his name and finally throws his tied-up arms around Shiki’s neck. For sure, such a gesture was unpredictable, and the red-eyed man hadn’t expected this from his partner. After curving a satisfied smile on his face, he moves his hand toward Akira’s dick and strokes it. Soon enough, the silver-haired secretary is about to his limit. No matter how much he wished to reach the orgasm together, his vision goes blank as he lets out the final long moan. Fortunately, before losing consciousness, he could still feel how Shiki finishes inside him. At least now, he can blissfully rest in peace. Some time passes by. Eventually, Akira wakes up. Just before opening his eyes, he feels fresh and clean while being dressed up in a pajama. Yet, from the dimness alone, he can tell that it is still the middle of the night. Soon enough, he feels how the heat rushes to his cheeks as he gets flashbacks of what happened in the office. Yet, he convinces himself that it could be only a weird dream he had while hoping he did nothing wrong during it. After all, when he turns his head, he can still see the sleeping Shiki next to him. However, when he tries to move, he instantly places his hand on his aching lower back. Hell, even his bottom is still in the pain. When Akira covers his heavily blushing face, he thinks to himself ‘‘How did this happen? More importantly, how did the commander bring me here, and why did he put all that effort?’’. In the end, it’s pointless asking this when this big feline peacefully slumbers next to him after accomplishing what he wanted.
- tnc
- togainu no chi
(and 1 more)
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18+ Part of the Training (WangXian from Módào Zǔshī/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation)
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Fandom: 魔道祖师 | Módào Zǔshī | Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Fanfiction title: Part of the Training Pairing: Lan WangJi x Wei WuXian | (implied) Lan SiZhui x Jin Ling Rating: +18 | explicit content for mature readers Status: Oneshot - completed Word count: 3165 Warning: sexual content, bad behavior in front of children, implied teenagers losing virginity, grammatical errors Summary: Wei WuXian's birthday fic dedication! To help Jin Ling and the boys becoming outstanding exorcists, Lan WangJi and Wei WuXian take them out on a night hunt trip as part of their training. But that is not the only thing Lan SiZhui and Jin Ling learned from the excursion. Disclaimer: Original characters and story are the creations of the respective author; the fanfiction is solely the work of my imagination and my writing ability. Fanfic: Note: -
Fandom: 天官赐福 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú | Heaven Official's Blessing by Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Fanfiction title: Incentive Pairing: Hua Cheng/San Lang + Xie Lian Rating: +18 | explicit content for mature readers Status: Oneshot - completed Summary: Xie Lian wants to give Hua Cheng a little motivation in improving his calligraphy skill. Hua Cheng is more than happy to accept. Disclaimer: Original characters and story are the creations of the respective author; the fanfiction is solely the work of my imagination and my writing ability. You can also find my works in Ao3.
Summary: Naruto knew the inevitable end; Sasuke and him were never meant to be.. A story of moving on, struggling to live again when the life you planned out came crashing down, all in one night. Notes: Warnings: PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS! This story contains MPREG. In this AU, male pregnancy is risky, hence not common. Please keep an open mind. Slow-burn, mutual pining, mentions of abortion, attempted rape, mental health issues, suicide, depression, unresolved sexual tension, unresolved romantic tension, controversial issues, family problems, angst, hurt and comfort, swearing [a lot of it], gay sex, casual sex, characters basically licking each others wound, polyamory, OOC[ish], long chapters, not beta read - please forgive the mistakes! every chapter was inspired with song/s. ITANARU, former SASUNARU THERE'S ABSOLUTELY NO CHARACTER BASHING HERE! they all have issues and problems to bear. Chapter 1: Fall out ~I know you're fine but what do I do? I'm awake, and trying While you're sleeping like a babe Beside him I'm on the ledge while you're so God damn polite and composed And I know you see me, And you're making it look so easy What comes and goes, I'd go without I know you're fine but what about (Fallout), Fallout (fallout), fallout (fallout), fallout Through the Fallout (Fallout), Fallout (fallout), fallout (fallout) You're the fallout~ ~0~ Naruto got out of the bed one morning, feeling the cold on his feet. Just a few minutes ago, his lover was still beside him. That guy always wakes up earlier before him and must've forgotten to cover the blond's feet like he used to. Then again, his lover rarely do the things he used to do for and to Naruto anymore. They both know they were headed to an inevitable end. With heavy body, Naruto dragged himself out of slumber and stretched a bit. The clock said it was 8:05 am. He snorted. That was a record today, Sasuke got up and left earlier than the other days. Nothing new, Naruto said to himself. As he was headed to take a shower, he tried his best not to look at his reflection. He felt so ugly, dirty even. He guessed that this was the depression acting up. Pills these days doesn't work for the blond like they used to. Then again, his doctor also said it's important for him to pick up a hobby or have someone to talk to. He doesn't have those. His life revolved around Sasuke, it made him smile and sad at the same time after he realized that. Turning the knobs of the shower, he tested the water a few times, trying to get the right temperature. After a few minutes of rinsing himself, he grabbed the shampoo bottle and quickly worked his way and do punishing scrubs over his scalp. The stress these past months that'd itching through him, somehow manifested on his hair. The shiny blond locks now lack its luster, underneath also had patches of bald spots. "Damn, I need to buy new conditioner. The old one doesn't work anymore!" Naruto cried out. After he was done with what seemed like a blur of moment, he got out of the shower, still refusing to look at the mirror. Getting dressed was swift too. It was not like there was anything new to his ensemble. Just a pair of pants, a shirt he grabbed in haste and a cream colored tailored jacket. He matched it with the same sneakers he wore everyday. Same old thing. He went back to the bedroom, checking if he needed to charge his phone. He didn't. He grabbed his toothbrush, he cleaned his teeth using the kitchen sink. 'Gross, I know. It's easier this way'. He thought. After he felt like he was already clean enough, he grabbed the things he needed. He doesn't have a class today, thankfully. He asked himself what to do? Where to go? He felt his phone vibrated, looking at the screen, a frown crept his face. "What do you want?" he asked as he called Sasuke liked the man asked. "I was thinking of asking you if you want to have dinner together. I think I can come home tonight," he said, sounding apologetic. He often sound apologetic these days, Naruto thought. The man sighed, "Sure. Usual place?" "Yeah! What're you going to do today? I'll come pick you up if you want.." The bastard sounded cheerful now. Somehow it made Naruto a bit happier as well, "Well, I think I'll go head over to Gaara. See if he wants to hang out." At the mention of the red haired male's name, Sasuke always expresses his anger, irritation, and open hate for the man. Lately, he doesn't anymore. Naruto felt Sasuke restrained himself for doing so, because he felt he has no right. That saddened Naruto even more. "Okay. Send me a message then... See you..." was the standard reply Naruto had just as he expected. Naruto heaved a long suffering sigh before he moved on to start his day. He grabbed his keys and went straight to Gaara's place, reaching it by foot under 45 minutes. It was not really that far, Naruto just felt like walking leisurely. He spent whole 15 minutes at a convenience store too, picking up random snacks for the redhead. Gaara would expect Naruto to bring some if the blond planned on staying at his place. Naruto often finds himself running towards the place, lounging at his said best friend's living room while Gaara snores peacefully till late afternoon. Lucky, Gaara was nice enough to give him the spare key. Naruto knew Gaara most likely just didn't want to be disturbed during his precious rest. After all, he was a bit of nocturnal, sleeping when the sun rises. Though Naruto don't mind. Gaara's place, though messy, offered some kind of sanctuary for the blond. This place has been his 'go to' whenever the situation with his Sasuke got so suffocating. He paused for a while as he dropped the bags of snacks on top of Gaara's kitchen counter, seeing Gaara's place was dirty, he deduced Gaara's boyfriend - Neji, didn't come last night. He sighed, he wondered how in the hell could Neji put up with such mess. "Guess that's love for 'yah.." he said and a frowned once again found its way on his face. He wondered if he can call Sasuke his boyfriend out loud without feeling the bile rising from his throat. Naruto shook his head and smiled bitterly. He doubt he still could. He swatted a few wrappers of potato chips to the floor and invaded Gaara's living room, flipping through the channels mindlessly and stared at the flickering TV screen without having the image register. He admitted, he slowly withered away. 'If a love can't move forward and grow, isn't it about time to let things go?' 'No. No, no. I can't. I admit that I can't! I love Sasuke too much, I mean I've been with the bastard since I learned how to walk? How can I leave him?' Naruto started his inner monologue again. 'Am I being selfish? I don't think I am. Even Sasuke continues to cling to our relationship. He loves me, despite everything. Sure, things this time 'round were tense, and probably wouldn't be settled until Sakura gives birth.' 'How long do I have to wait? Three months? Two? I lost count.' "Heh..." a dry laughed caught his throat. 'Who am I kidding? I know exactly how far long is she.' A little over 29 weeks. "Oh, hey. How long have you been here?" a voice stopped Naruto's stupor. Gaara's hair was wet, having a small towel wrap over his shoulders. He wore khaki colored shorts and blue T-shirt that says 'Hug me'. Naruto smiled remembering he was the one who gave it to the redhead as Christmas gift last year. "I didn't hear anything.. How long have you been in the showers?" Naruto asked and Gaara answered him, though he wasn't listening and absentmindedly gave Gaara a noncommittal hum as answer. He felt so drained to even let his brain process basic language. " brought too many snacks," Gaara said as he checked the contents of the plastic bags littered on top of his kitchen counter. "Gaara.. what do I do? I'm not happy about this anymore.." The look from Gaara's face said he was shocked with Naruto's question. Naruto too, was shocked about what he just blurted out. He didn't mean to, it was just things like this slipped his mind and mouth. He guessed his cup was full. "This is the first time you're willing to talk about it. I'll listen, go on." the redhead opened up and bag of chips and popped up a few in his mouth, looking at the blond seated at his sofa. 'What's this? He's willing to listen calmly? Alright, that's new. Maybe the new potato chip flavor is working. Though I doubt it's a good thing to eat for breakfast, or meal replacement for that matter.' The offer was tempting for Naruto. Oh, so tempting. He shook his head for a second. He was ready to tell this for a while but didn't know how and when to start. He was ashamed, to be honest. No one wants to exposed your dirty laundry to other people, no matter how much you trust them. Little part of yourself still wanted to hold on to your pride. Since this is Gaara, he decided to cave. He yearned for someone to talk to anyways. Very few of their friends knew about Sasuke's and Naruto's situation, and Naruto's sure Gaara would want the whole details. "I guess I'm ready to talk.. Sit with me? Grab some drinks." he said which Gaara agreed and brought the plastic with the canned iced tea and sat beside Naruto. The freshly showered man smelled like the shampoo Naruto recommended last week. Somehow that made Naruto happy. "So?" "Ah, yes. Well, you know Sasuke is married to Haruno Sakura now, right?" He saw Gaara's lips twitched. The redhead really wasn't happy with Sasuke ever since, especially with the recent happenings. "We all do," he answered with a taste of disgust in his tone. He was right, all of their friends?Sasuke's included?knew that. "Well.. few months ago, Sasuke and I fought at that drinking party Ino hosted? I went home before him because I was pissed. I heard he continued drinking and stayed there that night..." Gaara saw that this was hard for Naruto, so being the sweetheart that he is, he opened up the drink for his friend and let Naruto compose himself, waiting patiently for man to continue. "The next day, Sasuke and Sakura found themselves naked and sleeping in Ino's spare bedroom. They already deduced what happened from the condition they were in. That afternoon, Sasuke came home with Sakura and came to grovel at my feet. Apologizing nonstop. Fucks sakes!" Naruto groaned and continued. "They told me what happened was an accident! A drunken haze? They weren't even aware of what they did? Hah! Though.. that part was a lie and I know it was.. I mean," Naruto could not even finish that and skipped the part where he punched Sasuke and slapped Sakura silly. "I went to our room, ready to leave the house and packed my bags and all. I don't wanna even look at his face! I mean, this is Sakura! She's our friend! Damn! You know what? I was ready and packed my things, yeah?" Naruto looked at Gaara's face, the blond used his hand with his animated story telling?and Gaara thought he was kinda cute. He wouldn't say it to Naruto's face though, so he kept his usual stoic expression. Naruto continued after Gaara nodded. "I'm moving the fuck away from there! Then teme hugged me with all his might, he was ready to trap me there! We had a screaming match, he let me beat him black and blue, we cried and broke down." 'Geez, this is fucking hard to do.' Naruto said to himself and he wiped a rouge tear he tried so hard suppress. "Are you sure you can continue?" Gaara asked, stroking Naruto's scarred cheeks. Naruto smiled at Gaara for a second, he was glad Gaara's a sweetheart.. "Yeah," he nodded. Continuing, "The weakling that I am, I decided to forgive them, though after that, things got a little weird. Sasuke, the bastard, became cold after three weeks. He looked like he was hiding something from me and whenever we're alone, He looked and acted like he was guilty from something.." "That's when you guys knew Sakura was pregnant?" Gaara asked. Naruto nodded and gripped the iced tea now going warm. "We three talked and decided that Sakura will give birth to the baby and asked us to be involve with the child's life. She knew we both love each other and she wasn't going to be in the middle of that. Who would?! Sakura has been our friend since forever! She knew how long Sasuke and I been dating!" The fake smile Naruto wore crumbled. He felt his chest tightened, but guessed he needed to let this out of his system. It was slowly eating away his soul for months and it wouldn't be good to let this go on. "That sounded like a good plan, right? Since I don't want to carry Sasuke's kids. You know very well how dangerous it is for males to carry babies. Only 1 out 10 survives. Sasuke doesn't want that too. Sakura's baby was the only chance we have to have a child in our lives.." Naruto coughed a bit and felt the burn inside. Gaara wrapped his arm around his friend's shoulder, and with his free hand, wiped the tears that trickled down those scarred cheeks Naruto has. 'Embarrassing...' "Then Sasuke's parents heard the news. Though they knew our relationship, guess they were blinded by the fact that Sasuke can have a chance of a regular family. Sakura? She? She's from a family with businesses and all that shit.. What about me? Who am I? A fucking orphan.. poor grades and shit..." Naruto let out a choked sob, "What about me?!" Gaara rocked him back and forth, while he let Naruto say what he needed to let out. "We three talked again, Sasuke decided to marry her and he will come home to our place. He'll only to come to Sakura's when the in-laws visits on weekends, or whenever he needed appearances." "Huh?" Gaara let go of the blond for a second to look at him, "You allowed that to happened? Why didn't you just let him go? Isn't that the easiest?" "What you say made sense! I know it does!" Naruto cried out. "But Sasuke is mine! As long as he too, doesn't want to let go, then I won't! His marriage is just an appearance! He still comes home to me..." he moaned the last part out of his quivering mouth. That sounded desperate, as if he was convincing himself, seeking comfort from the truth he deluded himself to have. There was silence between the two. After a few minutes, Naruto let out the thing that has been hurting him. "Lately, Sasuke looks tired. He looks guilty. Whenever he kiss and made loved to me, he has this sad eyes. Whenever his phone rings and Sakura's name pops up, he grovel? Yes! Fucking kneels and all, asking for forgiveness because his wife needs him!" he almost spit those words up. That was the hardest thing he had to admit that it took all of him. He knew Gaara would not judge, but it still hurt his ego. Another uncomfortable silence, then Gaara decided to puncture that, "Naruto, you already know what you have to do, right?" "Yeah.. That's the sad part." he smiled while he pursed his lips. 'Raising a kid with all three of us? How idealistic!" A sob still escaped despite his efforts to control himself. . It was seven in the evening and the lovers were currently enjoying the appetizer that was served to them. Naruto admitted this was a pleasant ambiance. How long has it been since they were out like this? He already forgot. Weekends were spent with Sakura and those were only the days Naruto was free. He's still in school finishing up college, unlike Sasuke who already had his Bachelors degree. He belongs to the Uchiha Corp. a big shot company. Studying the ways of the company was the only thing he needed to learn. The degree was basically a formality; Sasuke has always been set from the day he was born. The Uchiha were kind people, Naruto couldn't complain. Sasuke's parents and older brother adored him. They were equally broken and saddened by the news that Sasuke cheated on him. The Uchiha parents' gave Sasuke a stern scolding and Mikoto was kind enough to visit their home and cooked for Naruto his favorite Ramen. Winds changed, however, when news of their grandchild landed their ears. Though they pity Naruto, Sakura holds their vote. She, after all, was carrying an Uchiha heir. Sure, there's Itachi?Sasuke's older brother?who can produce kids as well. Though they weren't expecting much from him. He was broken and gave up on love years ago after he lost his lover. Naruto didn't asked much details, but he got an idea that it was Shisui: their cousin and closest person to Itachi. There was also the fact that the Uchiha never dishonor their family that was why Fugaku asked their youngest to marry Sakura. Sasuke knocking-up someone and doesn't take responsibility? It was inexcusable, unheard off, and just damn looked down upon. "Yeah.. I guess that's how it should be.." Naruto muttered, resting his soup spoon. "Excuse me?" Sasuke asked, raising an elegant, ebony eyebrow. His eyes always on Naruto, gauging the blond's expression. He knew Naruto went to the doctor for his anxiety and panic attacks. He also saw some new pills on their medicine cabinet. He asked his brother to check what was that for and found out it was an anti-depressant pill. Sasuke didn't like how this situation was straining his ever sunny beloved. He couldn't be more sorry for causing the man grief. "hmm.." Naruto shook his head, eyes darted towards the waiter approaching them, ready to serve the main course. The raven haired had no choice but to let Naruto be. He doesn't want to pressure him more than he should. Whenever he pressed the wrong button, Naruto ends up having his attacks and Sasuke's soul was ripped in pieces every time. It was3 as if he was afraid to even touch the blond without fearing the man would explode on him. Sasuke's physically, emotional, and mentally tired as well. . Naruto looked at raven haired man in front of him, the usual flawless skin Sasuke has was now blemished by eye bags, ruining his face. His complexion was paler than the usual. Naruto was sure Sasuke wasn't sleeping well, especially when he was forced to share Sakura's bed. Naruto knew at some degree that Sakura loves Sasuke, but Sasuke loves him, not her. Above all the crazy things that has happened between them, Naruto was sure that Sasuke's heart belongs to him and no one else. 'Not for long though.' Naruto thought when his mind wandered to the unborn child, soon making Sasuke happy. He can't helped but laugh... He was this man's lover since middle school. Now he was reduced to be the paramour. "What is it, dobe?" Sasuke asked, his tone has a color of annoyance in it. "Sasuke, I'm tired.." he said in a raspy voice. True to what Naruto said, Sasuke saw Naruto's eyes detached and half-lidded. "Okay, I'll bill out..." Naruto only gazed at the wall behind Sasuke, chin rested on his wrist. Even though Sasuke wanted to ask what was the Naruto's problem, he knew he shouldn't. It was obvious this was all too much for his beloved. After they settled their bill, Sasuke silently escorted Naruto to their car, he opened the door for him like he usually do whenever Naruto is in the mood to be treated as a princess. Though, the Naruto now just wanted to get home and rest. He cried so much earlier that his energy was drained. When they reached their home, Sasuke took a quick shower. After he was done, he saw Naruto already covered himself under the duvet, resting on their bed. He sat besides the blond and ran his hand through those silky locks. "Naruto, why don't you take a shower?" "I'm tired." was all the reply he received. Sasuke can't helped but sigh. He let Naruto do as he pleased, hoping his lover would adjust to the situation soon. "It's weekend, aren't you going to sleep at Sakura's place?" Naruto asked surprising Sasuke. "Well.. there were complications.. You don't want me to sleep here?" Sasuke leaned down and kissed Naruto's shoulder that was exposed from the covers. Naruto sat straight and frowned, "Stop that!" he raised his voice that scared Sasuke for a moment. "Stop what?" he hissed back. Sasuke didn't like how this looked like it was going to be another fight. "Stop hiding things from me! Didn't we already agreed we three are going to raise the kid?! So tell me, why the fuck are you hiding things? Tell me! Tell me how her check-up goes, how's the kid? What's happening now?! I don't have a fucking clue!" By the time Naruto was done with his outburst, he was panting heavier and he was rubbing his chest vigorously. Sasuke panicked for a second before he decided to turn on the lights, temporary blinding Naruto. He ran to the kitchen to fetch water and let Naruto took few big gulps. "I understand.. I'm sorry.." Sasuke said. After Naruto calmed down, with a little help of Sasuke massaging the man's chest and letting him lie down, Sasuke started. "Sakura, she.. she said she changed her mind about allowing you to be part of us. She said she loves and me and tried to convince me that it would be best for us to start a real family. I don't want to stay there, so I asked her to calm a bit. It was probably the hormones talking.." "Haha!" Naruto laughed and covered his eyes with his right forearm while his left hand clenched the sheets. Sasuke saw the tears streaming down the sides of Naruto's temples. It was wetting the pillow covers as well. Grabbing the blond's arm, he yanked it out of the man's face. Wanting to see the Naruto's face. What he saw broke his heart. The blue orbs that were warmly greeting him with shine whenever he comes home all tired from the days' weary, were now broken and hurt. "Naruto, what do I do, baby? Tell me," Sasuke buried his face on the blond's neck. "I don't fucking know, Sasuke!" Naruto hissed back. He tried to pushed Sasuke off the bed, he was not in the mood for him, but the raven was relentless. Amidst Naruto's muffled sobs, Sasuke showered him with apologies, and promising that everything would be alright soon. The kisses Sasuke gave him felt desperate and hungry that Naruto couldn't helped but give in. It was far too long since he felt that hungry kiss. "Mhm," a moaned escaped Naruto's throat as Sasuke pushed his tongue inside the blond's mouth while he pressed the blond's chin to force the man in opening his mouth. Naruto welcomed it after a few seconds, making Sasuke release his hold?battling tongues inside. The kiss was not sweet, romantic or anything like they used to do. It was lonely, impatiently; trying to fix the gap that has wormed its way between them. Sasuke's slowly made his way on top of the blond, separating his lover's legs and situating himself between them. He caressed Naruto's thigh while the man under him writhe. The moans became louder when he started to assault Naruto's nipples, palming one while he nibbled on the other. Naruto's tanned hand ran through Sasuke's midnight locks, bucking his hips, needing the friction between them. He was not disappointed when Sasuke started dry humping him, slowly rubbing their growing erections pressed together. "Naruto.. I love you so much.." was whispered to Naruto and the latter can't helped but shiver. Damn he missed this so much, he needed Sasuke so much. Sasuke littered his neck with kisses, sucking and biting in between. They continued to rub each other, feeling the friction and hot breaths in each others' skin. Naruto's hands worked its way under Sasuke's shirt, already ready to remove the offending clothes between them, when he was stopped and startled by a knocked on their door. "Open up, Sasuke!" They recognized the voice, it was from Itachi. The lovers stopped what they were doing and hastily tidied themselves, before Sasuke answered the door nervously. Naruto lingered behind. Knowing Itachi, this must be serious, for the said older Uchiha never visits without purpose. He's a busy man after all. "Wh-what is it, nii-san?" "It's Sakura, she's in labor.. We've been calling you, but you turned off you phone and I don't have Naruto-kun's number as well." Itachi said with his cold, seemingly uncaring voice. His ebony eyes darted a glance towards Naruto and nodded once. Even his greetings were short and cold that Naruto was used to it. He knew Itachi is a good man, and always placed his brother's happiness over his. His attitude doesn't bother Naruto.. he was used to the Uchiha brothers answering with nods or 'Hn,' after all. "I...I'm..." Sasuke stuttered and Naruto slapped his lover's shoulder a bit harder than he intended to, causing his palm to stung. "Calm down, teme! Go and change clothes, now! Bring your IDs with you!" Naruto yelled and Sasuke blinked once before he left in a hurry to get changed. "Naruto-kun, our parents' aren't here, so you can come if you want to. I know your arrangement with Haruno-san. I'm sure Sasuke would like you to come as well," Itachi said that caught Naruto by surprised. "Thank you," Naruto really wanted to come, and he was glad Itachi understood their situation. He also appreciates the fact that Itachi addresses Sakura as 'Haruno-san' even if this was only done whenever they were alone. This still means so much to Naruto. It made him feel Itachi was his supporter, and not on Sakura's side. Though there wasn't a competition to begin with. Not a moment too soon, Naruto and Sasuke was dressed and ready to go to the hospital. Itachi gave them a ride; the two passenger were nervous and fidgety all throughout their short journey. When they reached the hospital, Sasuke and Naruto stormed inside, leaving Itachi to look for parking. "Uchiha Sakura, where is she?" Sasuke asked the receptionist, still trying to catch his breath. "And you are?" the nurse asked while she looked for the information asked. "Uchiha Sasuke, she's my wi..wife.." Sasuke stumbled over the words, and Naruto behind him turned his gaze away. He bled every time he heard that word. "She's still in delivery, she had preeclampsia. The doctors had no choice but to do a Caesarian operation on her. Please go to left and wait outside Delivery Operating room: A." She handed Sasuke some information slip he needed to sign - and soon Itachi was behind them, making calls. It seemed like Sakura's condition was worse than they thought it would be. They were silent for a while, Sasuke tapping his foot while Naruto bit his finger nails. Naruto was genuinely worried for Sakura and her daughter. Despite everything, he also loves the pink-haired woman. Sakura was somewhat a part of Naruto's life before this whole thing with Sasuke. She was one of his close friends, taught him many things at school, protect him from bullies, ate lunch at school together. They laughed and cried over silly things. They fought and made up; they were friends. What hurts Naruto too, was the fact that he really can't hate Sakura. Even though she seemed brash, she is a sweet and caring girl. Often misunderstood because she has a bit of temper. Naruto knew Sakura loves Sasuke. Then again, he really can't blame Sakura for loving Sasuke. He's a bastard, but an easy to love one once you get to know him. That, and there's also the fact that being a mother to a child while you have to see your husband goes home to someone else must hurt like hell, too. Naruto sighed. All four of them, the kid included, were really unfortunate. No matter what they do, they would end up hurting everyone else. They were quiet for a while, waiting on the news when Itachi tapped his shoulder and gave him a cup of coffee, the same one Sasuke has. Naruto thanked him and they seated together, while Sasuke paced the floor. Sakura's parents together with the Uchiha elders were out for a short vacation when she called Itachi. She was throwing up that afternoon, and was emotional when Sasuke said he needed to spend time with Naruto, for the said man was having a hard time. Little did they know that she was suffering from high blood pressure that'd caused her status now. She was losing proteins by the minute from throwing it up and peeing it. Lucky, she was well enough to call Itachi and he immediately went to her place to rushed her to the ER. It was understandable that Sasuke feels guilty. After a few hours, the doctors stepped outside the ER carting a very tiny, pale, baby girl being pumped with ambu bag. She can't breathe on her own, for her lungs was still weak. "Oh, God." Sasuke gasped. In pain as they followed the cart in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit. They were asked to wait outside, for they carried germs. Hurting as they did, for they can see?from the glass window?the doctors attached tubes on the baby's feet. She was really small, and scary tiny; being under-develop. She needed to stay in the incubators to mature herself, immediate concerns for her lungs. Sasuke broke down. He felt the pain, saying his 'if only's' like a prayer, while he stared at his daughter. His tiny, weak looking baby girl. All the while, Naruto stood back and cried behind. Itachi rubbing the said blond's shoulder for comfort. . Few hours later, they were allowed to see Sakura. They were broken too, when they saw her. She was pale, her eyes had dark circles over it. She has oxygen tubes wrapped around her ears and stuck on her nose. She's thin, scary thin. Naruto had no idea she looked like this. All this time he thought he was the only one suffering. He couldn't be so wrong. "Sa.." Sakura opened her eyes and saw Sasuke and Naruto together, she gasped and started crying as well. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, Sakura-chan.." Naruto grabbed her hand and kissed it as he wailed. "Naru.." she was overwhelmed. It has been a while since she was called 'Sakura-chan' by Naruto, she admitted it was rather lonely to be called 'Sakura' by his blond friend. There were tears of joy, and sadness in that room. All three knew where they were headed now, but can't put it in words. Sasuke was the one being affected the most. He knew the moment Naruto kissed Sakura's hand was the moment he lost his beloved. Naruto had given him his unwanted freedom. "Nii-san..." he called to his brother while the two Uchihas' left Sakura and Naruto to talk. "Yes?" Itachi said, looking over his exhausted little brother with eyes that were, surprisingly, softer. Uncharacteristic of the older brother. "Please, look after Naruto while I look after my family. He needs someone to be with him.." Sasuke said with a sob. It was killing him too, but his girls needed him. Sadly, he can't really juggle two lives together, now he knew. He needed to do what was right for the sake of their sanity. "Alright," Itachi said as he let Sasuke used his shoulder to release his anguish. Today, life has not been kind to four lives that revolved around Itachi. At least, he can offer a little bit of help. a/n; song is Fall out by Marianas Trench. note of interest: Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterized by high blood pressure and signs of damage to another organ system, often the kidneys. Preeclampsia usually begins after 20 weeks of pregnancy in a woman whose blood pressure had been normal. Even a slight rise in blood pressure may be a sign of preeclampsia. signs and symptoms of preeclampsia may include: -Excess protein in your urine (proteinuria) or additional signs of kidney problem, Severe headached, Changes in vision, including temporary loss of vision, blurred vision or light sensitivity, Upper abdominal pain, usually under your ribs on the right side, Nausea or vomiting, Decreased urine output, Decreased levels of platelets in your blood (thrombocytopenia), impaired liver function, Shortness of breath, caused by fluid in your lungs source:
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TITLE: Strong For You RATING: +18 STATUS: Completed WORD COUNT: 29596 SYNOPSIS: Happily married Lane Dawson woke up one day and found out that his husband for six years had filed for a divorce. Despite the lack of reasoning from Theo, Lane agreed to divorce and they went their separate ways. But how do two people who were clearly in love with each other stay away from one another for long? Recent events always dumped them onto each other's path and evidence from the past and present reminded Lane why Theo was the one and only love of his life. Will he be strong enough to fight Theo's resistance and resolve their issues? DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of authors' imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, whether living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The use of brand names are strictly for creativity purposes without any intentions to defame, promote or manipulate and the credits are respectively owned by said brand names. Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six (Epilogue) Visual models for Theo and Lane - Enjoy Reading!
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THE GUY WITH THE GLASSES gin PROLOGUE And then it happened in a split of second as I heard gasps and amazement as Trev opened the briefcases. He didn’t look like the Banker to me but damn, that’s a lot of money. I knew they’re a bit rich but not that kind of rich who tosses money to the ground easily. “Yes, this money is legal.”Trev said casually, he read mostly everyone’s mind inside the room. “And as a banker I offer you a deal.”He grinned, this is really getting strange, even the girls beside me giggled in anticipation as they stared at the newly cut bills inside the case. I sighed and took a drink again, even the whisky didn’t helped calm my thoughts. “I need participants for this game.” He continued. The girls then raised their hands immediately. Social climber much? “No, sorry ladies, I need two males.” They whimpered while the rest of the males gave a what-the-actual-fuck look. “You don’t tell me---” I heard someone said ;opposite at our sofa. “Yes, I need to see two males doing ‘it’ . Call it sheer curiosity but here’s 2 million. And I knew all male in here are prideful and well-----straight. So who’s gonna play? ” Trev playfully wink as he nudged the suitcase giving all of us a better access to see that the contents were REAL money. Was he fucking serious!? I’m not a homophobe but I’m not definitely a gay loving guy! But I have to admit that curiosity always gets the better out of me and ugh—there’s still my lust. Even the dudes started murmuring thinking it thoroughly. I mean how would two guys look like or feel? I had done everything in Kama Sutra with girls of course. But there’s this part of me whose interest had been piqued. I hesitated for a bit--- I raised my brow. Bit my lip. Urgh. My pride won’t take it but that’s two million laying neatly at the case for fuck’s sake!! And no part time jobs could give me that money easily for a whole year. It’s just a matter of being poked in the ass or the one who's gonna poke someone's ass. What situation have I brought myself!? Seriously! Urgh. I’m really tempted with that money. And I had become a gold-digger myself. “Guys, care to answer my pleas.” Trev interrupted our thoughts. I glance as I felt everyone tensing and then I noticed two males hesitated but slowly raised their hands. No way!! “I!” a said as I raised my hands swiftly, defeating the two slowpokes who tried to raise their hands. “I” And I heard someone said in unison with me. I slowly turned my head at the voice’s direction. Luck or not, I saw a black thick glasses illuminated by the light as he slowly leaned closer. Great it is Jeremy fucking Collins!! But no he isn’t…. (and I wonder why I gave a sigh) I don’t know the guy who’s behind those thick-rimmed glasses. Great! A sex with a nerd ! I sighed sorrowfully and tore my gaze away from him. And of course I'm not at least the happy camper at such situation. |well this is my second story. This just popped out awhile ago. Jeremy? Trev? And whose POint of View is this anyways? I'll upload the next 2 chapters in a jiffy to unravel the confusion. warii. LOL hope you'll like the intro..or something... will i upload it on wattpad or not.? tsk|
~Posting this as promised. Contains changes from the original story, might add a few scenes here and there, ending's going to be different too, not to mention I am now well enough to focus on grammar correction. ^^"~ SUMMARY: Ueda Hibiki, is a 20 year old, beautiful androgynous man and freeter who enjoys the life of being a hedonist. His promiscuity led him to the world of trouble, being chased by the husband of the woman he slept with. In his attempt to escape, he broke inside a car thinking it was empty. After a few minutes, a man emerged from the shadows and said, "I'll hire you as my Stalker." STATUS: On going (finished story titled - Stalker for hire) DISCLAIMER: I do not condone the act of stalking, nor intend to make light or fun with the subject. This part is necessary with the story that I wanted to convey. WARNINGS: Explicit contents, violence, abuse, non-con, gore, fetishes, stalking, crimes, CHAPTER ONE Shit! So it comes to this huh? That wench said she's single! What do I do now? I can't come home and bring trouble, it's not even my house!! Ueda Hibiki: a freeter, currently - a dead man walking. 3 hours earlier.. "Nggnn, shit ~what a slut! " Hibiki was having a one-night-stand with a woman he met on a bar earlier that evening, enjoying how wild they were. She was cute, kinda old for his taste, since he usualy go for the innocent type highschool vibe. But he was a hedonist; all the pleasure he can get, he grabs without second thought. Being freeter and obviously without any money, forced them to made the deed on the woman's house. He was fine with whatever she wanted since he was getting it for free. Hibiki does not care for someone whom he'll never see again anyways. "Ohhh, ahh! Please.. do me harder!" The woman moaned and groaned under him. What a slut indeed! Allowing anal sex on the first night! Thank goodness for condoms! He said to himself. "Yosh! Here I come..." As he was pounding his way to the big 'O' moment, the bedroom door busted open. The joint bodies suddenly stopped like they have been poured by ice water. Hibiki, looked at the man standing in front of the door, then the woman then the man again. Realizing the situation, he pulled out and stammered. "Ah! Shit! You're married?!" Shouting at the woman under him. With a coy smile she answered, "Well, I'm touched you believed my story, but hardly anyone says the truth when on hooking up right?" This bitch! "Bro, listen I'm sorry okay?! I didn't know she was... hey, Bro!? Who are they?!" Behind the man whose seething with rage and clenching his jaw, were 5 burly men, who look like they were ready to kill him, slowly inching forward.. "Aniki, what should we do with this fucker?" One guy wearing tacky clothes asked the man in front who was now cracking his knuckles. Aniki? Oh no! The yakuza? "I'm sorry honey, you never come home and...." the woman said, but it was obvious she wasn't showing any kind of remorse. "Get that man and bring him 'there'!" The man finally spoke. Being punched, kicked and dragged, Hibiki thought that this was where he'll die. The heavens haven't really forsake him, though. Eiither that or he was just a devil in disuise. Having the talent for it, he tried to seduce one of the underling who was eyeing at his bare ass and said, "Bro, if you let the cuffs on my feet lose and untie my hand, i'll let you take my ass.." Just to add another wound to the attack, he stuck out his tongue and swirled it around, licking his lips. He knew his strength very well - looking really tempting - and that instance, the man untied only his feet - the pervert needed some kind of restraint on him to make sure he can take his time and devour Hibiki slowly. All the while verbally abusing Hibiki that was doing his well holding back the tears from the pain of being yanked by the hair. "Ah, bro please be gentle it really hurts.." The tears found its way in his eye, but being raped admittedly gave the hedonist new thrills. Even for him, this was a new kind of low. After the man was satisfied, the man slowly lowered his guard around the tied-up Hibiki, going in for a kiss. "Fuck this is so good!" The man grunted. In that moment were the man was convulsing, almost ready to burst, Hibiki leaned in and kissed him, frenching his tongue. "Omph!" The man moaned just before he release. Hibiki bit the tongue of his assailant and the tangy taste and smell of blood rushed in his mouth and nose. Coughing, Hibiki almost choke. He spat a few times before grabbing a few of his clothing. "Arghh!" The man writhed in pain and rolled on the floor, trying to call for help. "Hey, that was fun but I don't intend to die here," Hibiki said casually as he tried to balance himself. As one would expect, being bound for a few hours took a toll on him. Wobbling towards his things, Hibiki tried to sort things out. Where to go? What to do? Where was his phone and who to call? "Tch," he winced. Running as fast as his numbed legs could with slight wobbling, bare feet and injured all over, Hibiki pushed open the gate and escaped without a definite direction. Stumbling a few times, he groaned and tried to get up, but he caught the sound of hurried footsteps chasing him. "Get that motherfucker!" He was instantly spotted. Adrenaline rush took over him, forgetting the fact that he was leaving trails of blood, he crawled, stood and ran like the wind. His breathe and heartbeat was the only thing he could hear. Suddenly everything was deadly silent. Minutes of chasing and they were closely gaining distance. Where is this place. So dark! He was panicking. He was running a dark road for ten minutes or so without a sign of house or life nearby. Could this be the end? He dreaded the answer. Luckily, there seemed to be a warehouse at the end of the road where he was. Thinking he could ask for help if someone see him tattered and covered with blood, he ran through the garage looking for some kind of life. "Anyone! Help me!" He pleaded, already near the limit of his strength. Although lit, the garage was seemingly lifeless. Not one soul present. He can already feel them closing in, and he was crying in desperation. He was trying to prop open the cars one by one, looking for a place to hide. He has no luck; all of them was locked. Well of course it is! Gee! He was already accepting death. The last car he haven't tried was at the far end of the garage, the part where it was not covered by light. With trembling hands he tried to open the driver seat. Kacha. He was momentarily stunned. It opened! "Search everywhere! That guy must be hiding somewhere..." he heard the voices approaching, stopping his stupor. He climbed inside and silently closed the door. He bent himself and made himself small under the seat as he could, hyper-aware about the fact that his breathing was really loud. Calm down, stupid. You'll die here! He told himself. A few seconds later, he realized that he has not locked the door, just when he was about to try to manually lock it, it made a clicking sound. Huh? It locked? The door rattled a few times, making him almost whimper. Scared to death, Hibiki actually soiled himself. Frozen in place, the door goons tried to open the passenger door as well, "..this is locked too! Shit! Check around the warehouse, maybe he is hiding in there! Go!" His pursuer said to his companion and ran. The footsteps sounded far away from him, and he was relieved. Thank goodness this car is heavily tinted like shit!! Realizing that he was safe for now, he heaved a sigh of relief, and sat at the drivers seat. Touching his chest trying to calm his heart, the car reverberates his muffled sobbing. He was; however, startled by a rustling sound behind. Shocked by it, he looked left and right, but saw no one. A clicking sound. A light behind him suddenly flickered, and he heard someone inhaling and exhaling smoke. Freezing in place, Hibiki took a peek at the rear view mirror, and saw a figure slowly emerging from the back seat, inching forward, just enough for the figure to be seen from the dim of the light outside. A man with long black hair wearing dark, sharp suit was gazing at him through the mirror. He took another drag of the smoke and exhaled. While smirking at him, the man spoke with an eerily cold voice - "Na, cornered rat.. I'll hire you as my stalker."
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18+ ~The Liar and the Masochist~ Haikyuu!!(ハイキュー!!) [KageHina]
Rhye_Meow posted a topic in Anime/ Manga
The Liar and the Masochist Summary: Tobio Kageyama, a struggling university student, shares a dorm room with Tsukishima Kei- his frienemy. One day, Kei spent the night with his lover Yamaguchi, Tobio borrowed his computer to browse the net and visit the porn site for BDSM enthusiast he frequents. Only to find someone close to him work as the BDSM 'queen' there. Tags:Romance, Gay Male characters, Alternate Universe - BDSM, Alternate universe - College life, Awkward sexual situations, NSFW, not beta read, Liars, Hurt/Comfort Ratings: Explicit KageHina, Karasuno Characters, Nekoma Characters, OCs Status: Ongoing DISCLAIMER: Haikyuu!! is not mine. only the plot is. ^^ Chapter One He tried to deny what his eyes have clearly seen; he shook his head, “No. It cannot be. He's not.” he said out loud. But the evidence is clear. The queen of the porn site he frequents is none other than his lover.. Hinata. “Hey, Kageyama. I have that paper you were looking for yesterday. Tsukki said you left in a hurry and ask if I can give it you. He mistook it as his and brought it along.” Yamaguchi run along the hall, trying to catch up to Kageyama. “Ah, damn. I was looking for this high and low, thanks Yamaguchi.” Tobio took the neatly bind stack of papers and place it inside his bag. He heads for his part-time work now, since the submission of his papers extended by his professor out of consideration for him being a varsity player and all.. But he's really glad now that it seems it'll work out somehow and he can submit it today. “But still, I was surprised that Tsukki made an effort to ask me to bring it to you.. I thought you two hate each other.” Yamaguchi slowed down and walk at the same pace as Kageyama, he's headed to his afternoon class now, dragging along his props for their presentation. “Huh? I don't really hate that lanky bastard, I just can't stand him.”, with a scowl, Kageyama remembered the last argument he and Tsukishima had. It was over what kind of humidifier they're going to get. The glasses pointed out that getting the latest and newest model was the most economical in the long run. But he insists that getting the oldest model is the right way to go, since it's just a few upgrade away from the new model; the new one is not that great anyways. If he had the luxury to choose a roommate, he would. But he can't. He's so poor that there are days where he had to eat ramen cup raw; eating it out of the cup, chewing the uncooked noodle like crackers. The electricity's cut that time and the gas bill are unpaid, he had no choice but to eat whatever he could and manage life somehow. Tsukishima is his high school classmate and they are frienemies. Being in the same volleyball team, they always clashed and fought and bicker with each other. Who knows that even in college; much to their surprise, they'll end up in the same team again. “Kageyama, I'm headed this way. You take care.” Yamaguchi called out while he is zoning out. “ “Kay, later.” he said later cause Tadashi Yamaguchi kept coming to their room. I wonder what freckles saw in that glasses. He seemed so devoted to that lanky bastard. I can't even imagine it. “This looks okay. But you better be careful next time Kageyama-kun, you can't focus only in sports. Even if you try to pursue volleyball as a career. Education is important.”, his professor said while he checks Kageyama's submission. “You know when I was at your age, none of us even considered having a-” “Er, sir apologize, but I really need to get going to my part-time work. Thank you very much.” if I don't end it here, the old man won't shut up. “Okay, then please heed my advice okay, take care.” Kageyama left the office in a dash after he being dismissed, he can't help but hurry- run like the wind If you will. He had a reason to, not that he is late. But he wanted to see the guy he's been eyeing on for a few months now. Damn it, move out of the way. Just as Kageyama is running towards the university entrance, Tsukishima; by the window of his classroom saw the idiot and he sighed audibly wearing a painful expression because he can't stand how Kageyama acts when his classes end. He thinks Kageyama acts like a little maiden. “Oh, Kageyama-kun, good afternoon.” that orange hair rustle's as he sweep outside their shop. “Ozu.” he replied cooly and headed inside the bar to set up for opening. Since they are college student the law allowed them to work at establishments that serves alcoholic beverages. Even though the shift Kageyama has were to say it simply- always gets in the way of his rest, he sacrificed every bit of it for a good pay. It's better than to work with two or three different part times just to get by. Also, that he can't leave because of Hinata who's also a waiter there. “Oh, Kageyama-kun I have to go now. Since it's not a busy day today, seeing as it's just Tuesday, will you be alright being alone on the floor for tonight? I have to go to my other part-time work.” Hinata entered the crew's dressing room and hurriedly removed his apron and unbuttoned his shirt. The raven hair by this time caught a glimpse of Hinata's stomach as he slipped into his casual tee. He whipped his head back so as not to let the redhead notice his blushing. “Ah yeah, I'll be fine. Take care.”, though he doesn't usually say take care to anyone; being the stoic and unsociable guy that he is, It's different with Hinata. “Thanks, Kageyama. You take care too.”, he tugged Kageyama closer to his face, and gave him a peck at the cheek. “I'll message you tonight, yeah? Later.”- “Wait.” the redhead's arms tugged by the raven and his chin tilted upwards. Given the kiss reserved when they are alone, Hinata's weak knees gave in but the taller man supported his waist. It didn't end there, Kageyama caress his lover's butt and the latter gave a soft purr, enjoying the petting he is receiving. Tongues and saliva fused, and the sweat off Kageyama's back added all to the redhead's excitement. “STOP.” he managed to protest just in time before his penis became completely arouse. “Mou, giving me that kind of goodbye kiss. What are you trying to do?” Hinata held his chest and pat it a little louder, coming down from the high. “Go and have a good day.” Kageyama smirk to his satisfaction, seeing how flustered Hinata's face was. 'Yeah. Yeah.”, though irritated, Hinata let out a smile and he went out of the door. Being new lovers is tough, when you don't have the privacy to do your business at the comfort of your own home. Especially if your roommate is none other than Tsukishima – the studious homey guy. They have some kind of a system to sort some privacy to jerk off like normal young adults. Or even bring a lover over. That is hang a sock by the door for when you're inside already getting busy. Though this is rather embarrassing since the dormitory will know; maybe even wait for you outside to cheer up after you went out. It's a rather tricky and painful experience one must avoid and only use if there are no other options. Tsukishima's family is loaded, and since he doesn't need money for tuition; thanks to academic scholarship and his varsity participation, whatever his family sends him is kept as pocket-money. So working is rather unnecessary. Unlike Kageyama, who barely scrapes by in studies. Though his school expenses paid for, his dorm fees are only discounted by half. And the rest, he just have to work for himself. He has parent who supported him throughout his younger days. However in the recent years, money has been tight on the Kageyama's and so Tobio; a one track mind kind of guy refuse to let go of his dreams of becoming pro. In reality, college is only a fall back in case fate decided to screw things up for him. Still, his schedule is taking a toll on his lower region as well. When he gets home at night, it's already lights out, and Tsukishima by that time, either asleep or doing something over his desk. What time can he take care of his needs other than going to the toilet and use his imagination? This sucks. Is what Kageyama always says. He wants a place of his own, even a 6 tatami mat room will be fine. As long as he has some privacy where he can bring Hinata over, without worrying what his roommate might see, or smell for that matter. BRTT. Kageyama's phone that night buzzed while he is on his desk working on his homework late that night. He just got out of the bath and looked at the clock. It's a little over one hour before Hinata's shift at his other part-time is over, so it couldn't be him. I'm staying over at Yamaguchi's. Don't use my computer for your raunchy needs. If you do, please have the decency to erase the viewing history, king. Kei T. “Yosha.” Kageyama fist pumped in the air and went in to open Tsukishima's computer, leaving his home work for later. He's allowed to use it, Tsukishima is not that stingy when it comes to things that might help Kageyama is his studies. After all, for the sake of the years they've known each other, this much isn't a big deal. He has his personal laptop anyways, while Kageyama has none. “Okay, enter the password here.. And voilà.” In reality, Kageyama is a frustrated sadist. Frustrated meaning he can't really let this freaky self out. It'll be the worst since his current lover of barely two months looks like someone who hasn't even experience sleeping with a guy. He pursued Hinata for 4 months, relentlessly at that. And he enjoyed how innocent his lover is reacting to his every word, his every action and every tease- like a virgin. Oh, they have a new release fresh from earlier? Nice. He scrolled down to get the video streaming, it seems like there's a new video out on the BDSM community he frequent at. But these videos are usually a few minutes long, just enough to tease you to buy the full video or pay the membership and get access to the full length one. He doesn't have that luxury though. He can't afford it. What a cheesy name, sadoqueen? Psh. It's been months since he saw video clips from this queen, but he didn't open it. His preference is soft core gay porn, something with light bondage and probably group orgies. Though he has a sado heart, he is not that sadistic or rather, he just haven't fully unleash this side of his, yet. But he got curious, since the forum speaks about this person. And so as the curiosity lead the unsuspecting cat, he opened the video clip and had the shock of his life. “Who told you to speak like a human? Aren't you a dog? Bark!” the raven haired man spoke harshly towards the kneeling, collared and tied up man under him. He is stepping on the bottom man's penis and grinding it with his heel. Though the one lashing out the whipping is black-haired man, there was no doubt in his mind that it is Hinata; his Hiinata. Because Hinata refused to let him know his other job for reasons like, it's nothing big just helping out a friend at a movie studio being the props man or something, he always felt uneasy. Not that he did not trust him but because he is a jealous man. And he knew his lover is a bit of an air head, so people might take advantage of him. He recognized his lover by the voice, and because last week; without Hinata knowing it, he marked him at his nape with a kiss. And from the angle of the video he is seeing, it's clearly HInata. But this is not something he expected. Hinata doing porn, letting other man touch him, choking the other guy with his own penis. Whipping.. waxing.. it's too much. “eh.. wait.. Why am I arouse by this?”, curious about what is going on. Unintentionally, Kageyama felt exhilarated seeing Hinata abusing the other man. “eh, EHHH?” -
Summary: Legends said that, Zeus got scared and separated the soul mates for their own good. In this world, when you turned 18 your soul mate's first world when the two of you meet will appear as a tattoo on your skin. But what if, you don't have one? Status:In progress Warning: This story contains sensitive themes such as graphic depiction of violence, child abuse, drug use, abuse in general, rape, and harsh language Chapter 0 "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should" ― Max Ehrmann, Desiderata: A Poem for a Way of Life His hazel eyes widened as one of his father?s lackeys roughly pushed him inside the intermodal container. He wished he listened to Xavier earlier about this but now it is too late. Now here he is, arms and legs tied tight with ropes and his mouth, well; being mute he doesn?t need one anymore. His father walked to the container?s opening and with a sneer he said, ?Let?s see if they are going to find you.? With a swift arm movement, he was pulled aside by one of his men in suit and with a slam; the container?s door was slammed shut. Instinctively, he rolled to the side of the container and to the corner. He lifted himself up with all the strength that he got from training with his brother and grounded himself there. He hopes that someone will find him. He hopes for his brother but hell he knew he longs for Brandon. Moments later, the container moved up. It was being lifted up! He?s running out of time! He struggled out of his restraints but there is no avail. Maybe he could twist his finger he might be able to peel off the gum tape on his dominant hand and he could proceed to the other. In the moment of great concentrated, he felt the container moved again. It was not moving up but to the side. He hurriedly struggled once again but it stopped when he was unceremoniously flew off to the roof of the container before falling to the floor again. In a second, the sound of the waves invaded his ringing ears. Even in the dark he could feel his surroundings getting a little ambiguous. He might have hit his head too hard. His body lay on the floor motionless. If he struggle now and then his oxygen will cut off sooner than it should. He closed his eyes as he felt the water seeping from different direction and to his back. He could only ask himself on that moment, ?Is this really the end for me??
I visited to America earlier this year and went to my very first anime con, where they had tons of Yuri on Ice merch! Oh man, I was in heaven! It was there that I bought a tiny moleskin sketchbook with Viktor and Yuuri on the cover and the back. I knew I had to fill it with one thing only... 18+ eyes only! There's no explicit content but the images are suggestive. I've read the forum rules and it states that only 18+ users should access this thread. If I have violated any rules or wrongly posted this thread, please contact me immediately and I will edit this thread accordingly. Leave a comment if you liked it, thanks~
:] hi guys , I'm sorry if this boy English language lil bit too faraway from grammar. dialogue before it begins red : Meridianna brown : Saturn maroon : Saturn Possessed "well , so here I'am typing some experience.. i don't really want to do this , but she said she want it so..are u happy now meridianna?" "you want this too :} don't blame on me Saturn" "whatever.. so where u want me to start? this bittersweet journey is just too long and complicated.. i don't know where to start. since our victims are.. uncounted" "how about jumping from the first time you start realizing my presence?" owh. alright, but the reader need to know about us so let me introduce a lil before the summary "my name is Saturn [that's how she called me] right now I'm 23 years old and looks like this, hairy, smoker but don't worry coz the story will be the younger me :> my hair is dark brown and curly. my skin were well common Asians I'm an art maker. illustration , songs, well many things bout art but out of art i'm just a lazy boy "and the girl beside me is Meridianna, and i don't want to say what or who am i, u'll know as the story goes."" here we go warning rating: 18+ sexual content, strong language, vulgarity CHAPTER 1 - The Feelings Summary: September 2007 - senior high school music festival. there is a competition of making songs. young Saturn staring from the second floor. Status: Ongoing well , today i'm not feeling well.. i don't wanna join the competition, i rather stay invis since one girl in my class wanna join it, better for me to be a listener. competition starts, and i watching from the second floor because down there ? too many people. i hate crowd -_- o_o ngh.. why their songs is so ordinary, not deep. without feelings. common lyric. thisis so boring but wait.. whos that man? oh he is my senpai. he start to play his guitar and. DAMN his voice his lyric and his guitar is just so.. so cute and charming right Saturn? [sudden whisper on my ear] wait what? no, so cool. damn his voice is so damn cool. oneday i'll be on the stage singing with him. yes. well maybe after graduation coz this school lil bit shucks. they won't support music too.. even this kind of competition.. the student need to make proposal out this school place. stingy school. and since i broke up with my girlfriend, being on the stage like that will just a nuisance for her. days passed.. after that songs competition i don't know why i'm always standing up here and staring down.. he becoming so famous in school, all girls talk about him, his name is Gestra weird name indeed he is half Germany [they said] hope i can see that senpai again today.. shit thisis weird, wrong why am i doing this.. i don't even care about my ex girl friend anymore.. more about want to see him than her i should focus on study and be more social with my friend.. but senpai will graduate soon, i can't see him again. i never have conversation with him. SATURN STHAAAAP he is the same gender as you. what theff [talking to my self] 1 year after.. finally i pass my final test with a.. well.. it's a nice grade [between the online gamers only]. and it's been one year i never seen gestra.. i don't care.. i don't miss him. i'm in love with my junior already, she is a cheerleader her name is Franciska and guess what. I'm rejected. coz she don't want have any serious status about love. she just want to have a relationship once, long last till marriage. it's doesn't hurt coz i know i'm not ready for that. hmm forever alone Saturn. and why girls so complicated. -_- they sometimes say "no" coz they wanna know if d boys is serious or not, and sometimes the real "no". hard to guess. graduation night will comin' and my band was chosen to perform a .. "love" song after all this broke up , rejection, and flat year. how to sing about love? by inviting your senpai to sing with you [sudden whisper] nice idea!! wait. this whispers is not from my mind.. it' comes to my head.. but it's a nice idea. i'll find a way to get his contact and ask him to sing with my band :3 and i get it YAY >, u miss his voice right? ..shut up whispers, stage will have more fangirls if he agree [pressing the number] Gestra: "hello ?" Saturn: "..." motherof payon dungeon! #@$^%$ [panic] .i'm gonna faiiiiint . argh what to say Gestra: "hellows? pardon, i cannot hear you" Saturn: "su su sup Ge ges tar! i mean our band we'll be a guest star!, not our but.. [inhale] i think u don't know me, ofcourse u don't know me! [awkward] [i wanna kill ma self] i'm your junior. I'm sorry for bothering you" Gestra: "oh ok, well, and what is ur name o_o ? and why you calling?" Saturn: [so cold] "my name is Saturn, next week will be a graduation night and our band need your he Gestra: "wait up, i need to go, i'll text you later" [beeb beeb beeb beeb] Saturn: NEED YOUR HELP T--T ...onion7 AAAAAAAAAAAA F you gestra [bite d pillows] whispers: "do u want him?" Saturn: "YES PLEASE" i mean i want him to come and sing with me so i can have more girl fans and i don't know where the hell that whispers come but i get used to it i heard the whispers said that he will. why? he seems to be too famous to helping unknown junior. whatever. i'll sing the stupid love song in a flat way. two day before the graduation night he calling me back and said "sorry for never inform you lil bro, i've been bussy but yes i'm gonna sing with you" :cuteonion7: 'lil bro' he said lil bro, lil bro [singing. blushing] [slap own face] sthap saturn, wtf i'm fuckin'st8 yes you are, and this is gonna be your first training. to beat the other st8 what? to be continued
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Hei Okay, so this is a Roll play between me and my two friends but mostly me and my best friend. We used IMVU a 3D chat room to roll play and just because I didn’t think about saving any of the roll play before what you read, you’ll probably wonder about some stuff and I’ll answer them if you comment the question. So it's about Alex (Epoked/me) a 20 year old human - werewolf crossbreed, he's all about doing bad stuff but something happens that changes that. Then we have Kevin (Luciferox/my best friend) Lucifer’s manager, he manages Lucifer’s club. He’s 22 years old. There’s also Jason (Epoked) who is Alex’s boyfriend who’s as old as Alex and goes to the same school. Then there’s Lucifer (Luciferox) Alex’s dad and a crossbreed from the devil himself, werewolf, shapeshifter, vampire and demon. And finely there’s Alex’s mother (Aikari/my other friend) she’s a crossbreed from human and demon. Warning: This fiction is rated +18! It contains strong language and explicit sex scenes. So here you get part 1: Luciferox he turned on the TV and watched his favorite show before work Epoked plays some game on my ps4 then thinks and yells - dad can I take some weed? Luciferox he yelled back at him- sure Epoked walks to dad and mom’s bedroom to take some weed then walks back to his room and fixes a joint then smokes it - thanks dad Luciferox he turns off his show and turns on the music and dances while starting to clean the house as someone knocked on the door- Epoked hears the knocking and runs to the door and opens it - hey come inside - takes his hand and leads him inside my room Luciferox he is all lost in his music and cleaning that he didn’t even notice them Epoked they get inside the room and he sits down and plays some and takes a hit of the joint - you want some - handing him the joint Luciferox he sings along to the song- it’s getting hot in here so take of all your clothes Epoked Jason takes a hit from the joint then burst out couching from Alex’s dad sing Epoked he looks at Jason then laughs at him - you okay? - Then bumps his shoulder Luciferox he turns down the music and walks to Alex’s room and knocks on the door- you need to leave now so you’re not late for school Epoked Jason turns around to look at Alex’s dad and just stars at him Epoked he looks at dad - yeah okay Luciferox he closes the door and doesn’t even notice his friend then walks to the living room grabbing his keys- you want me to drive you? Epoked Jason looks at Alex - have your dad always looked that hot? Epoked he looks at Jason - yeah why? He looks hotter naked - then walks to the living room - can I borrow your demon? Luciferox he looks at him thinking then says- if as much as scratch or ding that car I’m taking your money to pay for it -he hands him the keys- Epoked Jason follow Alex and whispers to him - wait your dad has a demon? Epoked he looks at Jason and nods then looks at dad - yeah I know you said the same about your lambo or hellcat - and take’s the keys Epoked Jason eyes widened - damn - then he puts his hand on Alex’s hips Luciferox he sees Jason putting a hand on his son and lifts an eyebrow but smiles- have fun at school Epoked he looks at dad then hugs him - yeah have a nice day at work - then walks down to the garage Epoked Jason follows then takes Alex’s hand - your dad’s kind ish Epoked he looks at Jason - ish? His awesome - then he gets in the car and start it witch scares Jason a little Epoked Jason gets in the car just looking at Alex - this is sick - then kisses Alex on the cheek Epoked he drives all the way to school while playing music on max volume Luciferox the whole school turns their head in the direction of the music and stares at the car Epoked Jason looks at all the people looking in their direction Epoked he stops the car at an open parking space and opens the door while the music is playing looking at the people looking at them Luciferox the people started dancing instead of going in to class Epoked Jason laughs then gets out and walks to Alex then holds around him - why don't we just ditch school? Luciferox he checks the tracker on the phone to see if he went to school then put away the phone as it said he was in the school yard- Epoked he holds his hand - yeah just let me disable the tracker first - walks to the driver’s seat and pulls it out then gets in the car Luciferox he decides to get some groceries then grabs the car keys for the lambo and heads down to the garage and starts it up then drives to the grocery store and heads inside Epoked Jason gets in the car and turns the music down - so what you want to do? - Then puts his hand on Alex’s thigh Epoked he looks at Jason and smiles sexy - sure just let me get something to drink first - then he drives to the closes grocery store then sees dads lambo and zooms past it Epoked Jason looked at Alex - didn't you want something to drink? Epoked he smiles - dad was at the grocery store so we'll just stop by the gas station instead Epoked Jason looks outside and laughs Luciferox he walks out with his quick meal then got into his lambo then drives to the gas station and parked to fill his gas with the music blasting- Epoked he parks the car on the back side of the gas station and walks into the store and buys a slurpy then sees his dad standing and pumping gas and hides in the toilet Epoked Jason sits in the car wondering why it’s taking so long then he turns the music a little up and sits and waits Luciferox he finished filling the car up then went inside to pay for the gas then asks for a pack of cigs while flirting some with the lady behind the counter before he walked back to his car and lit his cig and got into the car and drove home- Epoked Alex stands and looks for his dad trying not to be seen and sees him buy cigs then bolts out when the coast was clear and get in the car Epoked Jason looks at Alex – why did take you long, did you have to take a shit or something? - Then he laughs at Alex’s blushing face Luciferox he riffed the engine in the lambo and slid sideways out onto the road and sped off- Epoked he slaps Jason’s cheek softly - no my dad was filling gas on his lambo so I had to hide in the toilet until he was gone - he kisses the same cheek he slapped and giggles Epoked Jason sees the lambo - damn I want to try that - grinning at Alex Epoked he looks at Jason - maybe when we go home - he drives to a secluded place then stops the car and crawls over to Jason’s side then kisses his lips Epoked Jason puts his hand on Alex’s ass and grinds under him and kisses him back Epoked he smiles then pulls Jason’s shirt off then licks his nipple - we're doing this in my dad’s car you know? - And pulls his own shirt off *** Okay a wired place to stop it but wanna see what you guys think so far, and i have a total of 82 pages on word with rollplay. With a total of 37 103 words :Excited: Have a lovely day tho :Wink:
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18+ [yaoi] The Captain's Cabin-Boy [One Piece: Trafalgar Law/male OC]
Dr.Doomsday posted a topic in Anime/ Manga
So, sorry; I didn't know how to set the yaoi tag in the title. But this is a RPG about Trafalgar Law and a certain cabin boy. Whose name you're gonna find out shortly. No underage, btw. Writing limited to me and @sodapop1 -
Amaimon wants to play. And he won't take no for an answer... WIP. May magically update from time to time. Amaimon/Rin. Yaoi, DubCon, incest, Sensation play, ShiroPhisto hints. No idea where this is meant to be in canon. Don't like, don't read. (Apologies if slight ooc, been ages since read manga) ---------- Amaimon is not…a gentle lover, even for a demon. His brothers, of pure and mixed blood know this, know the temper of the King of Earth, and know how much he hates to lose, and love is no different a battlefield from any game. He chooses his opponents carefully, enjoys every game, every conquest. And there is one who he enjoys the game of lovemaking with more than any other. Here. Here he is. He stalks. He hunts, planning out opening gambits, hands, ways to begin this game. He skips across rooftops, He moves silent into the room, sinuous, slow. Ah. His prize. He hovers, attentive, spectral over Rin’s bed, impossibly, perfectly balanced on the chair. His shadow falls across the young man’s form, across his crumpled clothes, which now lie scattered on the floor, dumped from the chair haphazardly. Rin sleeps soundly, curled up, with only his messy dark hair sticking out above the plain white sheets. A deep sleeper, a sweet sleeper. It…almost seems unfair to wake him, and thus, for the moment, Amaimon is content to watch him sleep, the lollipop in his mouth the only movement in that still, cold room. The candy is sweet, a little sickly in fact- a present from his dear brother, who no doubt prowled the grounds in the form of that faintly ridiculous, but oddly endearing little dog. Ah well…at least he and Rin wouldn’t be disturbed. But, something’s missing. But what, he thinks, those dark blue eyes flicking around, attempting to answer the question. Not here. Not here. The other boy. His other half-brother with human blood. Yes. Yukio. But he wasn’t the only thing missing. A long shape, usually propped up against a wall… Kurikara. Where was it? Rin, dear Rin didn’t have it. He’d keep it close, within reach. So…ah. Yukio. He must have it. A pity. To give Rin a chance would…have been fun. To give him that sword that burns bright. To give him a chance to fight back. Yes. Ah well...playtime. He steps from the chair, a movement that topples it silently onto the fallen clothes, against the bed, and clambers deftly onto the bed, switching the lollypop to the other side of his mouth. Stooping a little, he stands over the boy, a soft smile playing on his lips, then flops down, sitting by Rin’s feet, admiring his prize for a second, the mind beneath the mess of bright green hair plotting, planning in the silent cold. Before him, the young man continues to doze. He’s sweet, and so unaware of what the King of Earth is about to inflict upon him. Move one. He gets back to his feet, boots pushing into the deep pile carpet, fingers sliding under the duvet. Warmth. He lifts the cover back, exposing the boy’s slight figure, the lithe arms, with more than a little muscle-he’d learnt so much about the boy from talking to his brother, about the manual labour, about part-time jobs he’d tried to hold down. Hugged against his chest, a pillow, his knees pulled up a little. Amaimon’s…almost surprised that Rin doesn’t stir, so warm is the duvet against his woollen arm-warmers. He smiles, flicking the lollipop to the other corner again, like the cigarettes he’s seen people smoke in films. Above the smell of empty coffee cups, discarded across the desk, and the plate of curry all but scraped clean, Rin smells nice, and slightly of cherry-if Amaimon was to wander into the shower, he guesses he’d find that-scent in his shampoo. It suits him, at once sweet and childish and traditional. Amaimon leans close, taking the lollypop from his mouth, holding it delicately between thumb and fore-finger, and gently kisses the warm skin of Rin’s pointed ear, his tongue peeping from those sharp teeth to lick the lobe. No biting, Amaimon. Not yet, anyway. Rin’s skin’s still slightly damp to the touch, and, softly reaching out, Amaimon isn’t amazed to find Rin’s hair is the same. Tut, tut. Brother, you’ll catch a cold like this. Move two. Now to get that pillow out of Rin’s arms, and prepare the board, so to speak. No toys. Compared to his own bed, festooned with plushies of his favourite video game characters and cute character pillows, Rin’s is so spartan. Poor Rin doesn’t even have a teddy-bear. Maybe next time he’ll bring his brother something; one of his Last Adventure RPG characters, perha-Concentrate, Amaimon. Keep your head in the game, plan your next move. Turning Rin over is easy enough, but Amaimon is…almost envious of how tightly that pillow is hugged to Rin’s chest, an amused flicker of the corner of his mouth as he imagines Rin’s warm arms around him, holding him close. Another time, later. After a game. He softly eases the pillow out of Rin’s grip, amused at the little noises Rin makes, tosses it into a corner, and once more straddles the bed. Rin’s sweet scent fills the air, a mix of deodorant, shampoo and his underlying body scent…he smells so nice…good enough to eat. He leans in and softly strokes the black locks from his face. He moves down, smiling to himself, planning strategies across Rin’s form, pausing at his slim hips, hand sliding to the back of Rin’s childishly printed boxers. Ahah… Move three. His hand curls around the base of Rin’s black tail, the coarse black fur. He moves the hand down, careful not to pull it, not to wake his ever-so-naïve half-brother. Opening moves, totally one sided, pawns moving forward unchecked. Good. He can’t resist kissing Rin’s smooth thighs, relaxed and not quite as toned as his arms, but equally bruised in places. His fingers reach the curl, the thick stub of Rin’s tail before it becomes so much fluff. And… He pulls it. Hard, digging his nails in, jerking it like a pullswitch, the other hand reaching out to hold Rin down as he wakes, thrashing, angry as a scalded cat, his hand instantly scrabbling at the side of the bed, before that lithe-fingered hand forms a fist, swinging at Amaimon. “YOU.” That furious glare, that childish yell. Oh, Rin. He ducks the punch, leaning sideward, ever economic with his movements, and pins Rin down, tugging his tail all the harder, both hands pinning him down, straddling the struggling boy. “Ah, dear half-brother …I want to play a game. Our usual pastime, perhaps..?” He tugs the tail again, ignoring the yell from Rin, and lets go, letting the teased and aching part of Rin’s anatomy flick back into a more comfortable place. From his own experimentation, often in the shower, Amaimon knows all too well the sensations that Rin must be feeling, pain and pleasure mixed in the sharp tug. He moves a little, shedding the arm-warmers. “G-get the hell off me, Amaimon! O-or I’ll tell Meph-“ Amaimon stifles Rin’s yell with a kiss, both hands pinning him to the bed; beneath him, the young man continues to struggle, attempting to kick him off, to somehow regain any control in this game. Rin is angry, angrier than he’s ever seen him before, and Amaimon half-expects the blue flames to lick across the bed. Straddling Rin’s lap, Amaimon smirks, breaking from the kiss. Between the tail-pulling and the fervent kiss, Rin is aroused. The King of Earth is…almost disappointed. He’d expected his half-brother to have more restraint. No matter. Reaching behind him, he catches Rin’s tail in mid-thrash and bites down. Hard. Another yowl of pain from Rin. An unmistakable buck against him. “Sensitive, aren’t you?” Sensitive is putting it mildly. Even on the few occasions when he’d spied on his brother being pleasured by the young man with glasses who stank of cigarette smoke-Shiro, he thinks his name was-and even though Shiro had been fond of kissing and stroking and tugging his tail as they’d made slow, passionate, and ever so gentle love tangled in expensive sheets, he’d never reacted this much, this loudly, or this quickly. Ah well; if Rin comes from his tail being toyed with alone, it’s something to tease him about later. Rin gasps, trying to punch him. He’s reaching the end of his tether already, his boxers tented, pressing hard against Amaimon’s arse. How dull. Might as well make this interesting. He flops back, half climbing off Rin, who blinks in surprise, before rolling off the bed, and half lunging for the door. Amaimon’s there before Rin takes more than a step, all smirk and lollipop back in his mouth. “Better. A game’s so boring when only one person really plays, brother. You make a fine player 2, so push some buttons.” Rin aims a punch that misses the demon’s head completely, and slams against the thick wooden door. He’s pissed off, shoulders heaving with every ragged breath. “F-fuck you…” Another punch, followed by a kick. Both connect, and the smirk, the retort halfway to his lips, are wiped away. The King of Earth sprawls for a second, then is back on his feet, pinning Rin to the door, then sending him half-crashing into the wall. There’s something about the way Rin fights back, in that meeting of aggression with aggression, that makes the demon hard. Rin is…imperfect, headstrong, quick to anger to defend his brother and his friend. Not unlike myself, Amaimon realises. He’s on top of Rin, pinning him to the wall, before the other young man has a chance to even move. He smiles softly, taking Rin’s tail between long-nailed fingers, the other arm holding Rin in place with ease. Ah yes, the killer line. Very action movie. “Of course I’ll fuck you, Rin. You fought well, but…ah. Victory to Player One, I think?” He strokes the tail, back and forth, around the nub, enjoying Rin’s gasping moans. Other demons hated the noises humans made during sex, but…if it were Rin…well… “Are you going to concede, dear brother?” He leans close, kissing Rin’s cheek, feeling the warm flush of humiliation across his pale skin. He retraces his previous ministrations on Rin’s soft tail, the same shapes making different, more desperate noises. Poor Rin. Such pride, such a feeling of fear at giving in to the flood of pleasure that awaited him. All he had to do was admit his defeat, level his king and whisper up to his half-brother “Checkmate”, and he would win far more than he lost. He gently tugs on the tail, and finally, nails dug deep into the plaster on the wall, Rin moans a response. “A-Amai-“ Another tug, and Rin bucks hard, crotch pushed up against the wall. Amaimon smirks, and softly kisses the scarlet cheek. Rin is desperate, the smell of his precum cloying, to Amaimon’s heightened scent. The devil himself seems to realise quite how aroused he is, by the tussle before, and the intermittent torture of his younger half-sibling, and decides to bring the game forcefully to an end. Fingers wrapped around the tail, he tugs it hard, fingers sliding along its length, the warm fur a little coarse to the touch. Squeezing the nub as it slips from his hand, he lets it flop, amused at how it pendulums for a second, time-keeping Rin’s gasping moans, before his legs give way and he half crumples. Amaimon takes a step back, letting Rin sink to his knees, before kneeling himself behind the young man. All the fight seems to have gone out of him, and as the devil slides his arms around the young man, there’s no response, other than a deepening blush. “Why always me?”
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Summary: This is a story about two childhood friends (obviously they are both boys), that are now in their last year in high-school. Aaaaaaand that's pretty much all I can say, without reveling any spoilers! Please read and enjoy~ Status: In Progress Dear 1! Em..okay, I didn’t think this will be so tough. I don’t even know where to start! Well, I guess I can start with the reason, why I’m writing this diary! It’s for homework/a school project. And that’s about it! We were told to write a diary everyday, till the end of the semester. Toby sighted, frustrated with the work they were assigned today. What more should I write?? It’s not like something interesting happens to me every day. He fidgeted a little on his chair, before starting to write again. So for a start, I can tell you who I am. My name is Toby and I’m 17 years old. I have a sister, who’s older than me and is already going to college, while I’m still in high school. I also have a best friend, that is also like a family to me, and who is the same age as me. His name is William. His writing was interrupted again, this time by a familiar voice from downstairs. “Talk about the devil..” he murmured to himself, before the door crashed open and the mentioned best friend strode in. He slammed the door of Toby’s room shut behind him, before plopping down on his bed. “What are you doing?” he asked, while texting someone on his phone. Toby rolled his eyes, since he knew he won’t have the peace to finish his homework now. “I’m writing a diary,” he answered the other boy’s question, but seeing how his head shot up from the phone, interest written all over his face, he added. “You know the diary? The one we have to write for school?” Toby blushed, since he actually did write about him, and wanted to get his diary back, but the other boy was taller, not to mention stronger, so he easily avoided Toby’s efforts to reach the notebook. Toby stopped trying, when he saw the displeased face his friend was making. “I did mention you! So why aren’t you happy now?” he asked, embarrassed. Liam pointed with a finger at his full name and frowned. “Delete this. You know I hate that name..and also, you should write about how much you love me and that I’m the best and stuff like that.” He pouted. “I don’t see any of that here.” Toby gave his friend a blank look, managing to pull the notebook out of his hands. “I wanted to write that I call you Liam, but I was interrupted by a certain noisy someone. And there’s no way I’m writing that I love you!” He sat behind the table again, wanting to add one more sentence to the diary and then finish for today. His name is William, but he prefers to be called Liam. “Happy now?” Toby asked his friend, who was leaning on his head, watching him write. But the other still wasn’t satisfied. He moved his head on Toby’s shoulder, while hugging him with the other arm, squishing the sides of their faces together. “What about writing of your love for me??” Liam said with a hurt voice, before continuing his whining. “Don’t you love me Toby?? That really hurts you know..sooo, I guess that means you want me to tell that girl in school, you’ve been crushing on her?” Liam looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Toby blushed bright red at the mention of Evie, their schoolmate. He was launched out of his chair, turning to Liam. “You wouldn’t! You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone Liam!” He pointed a finger at his friend’s chest poking him. “Promise me again! Promise, that you won’t tell!” Liam raised his hands up in front of himself, like he was in need of a defense, but he was laughing the whole time, as he was pushed back by the smaller boy. When he felt the bed behind him, he grabbed Toby’s arm to catch himself, but they both ended crashing down on it. Toby was confused for a moment, not knowing what happened, before he felt the body under himself. He propped himself on all fours above his friend. “Promise me!” he repeated once again, but the other just replied with a smirk. “Make me.” In that moment, the door of Toby’s room opened and his mother entered.
Summary - A 17 yr old boy in a new city, looking forward to finally getting a girlfriend and loosing his virginity. Living with his two older sisters, he is sent for snacks in the middle of the night so they can continue their drinking at home. He doesn't realize they played a little prank and the 24 yr old cashier loves what they did. Status : in progress ( I'll try to add something at least once every few days) Someone was grabbing my leg and pulling me off my bed, giggles and snorting telling me who it was. If it had been an unusual event I would have protested but after 10 years of dealing with my older two sisters I just groaned and tried to open my eyes. "We need snacks, Rinji!" Amari complained as she grabbed pants from the floor and shoved my legs in then. "We need snacks to continue our very serious discussion." "Yes. Verrrry serious." Raimy agreed, shoving a hoody over my head and messing with my shaggy hair. "We need to decide which of us is going to use the car tomorrow for our dates." I got a strong smell of alcohol as she shoved the hoody all the way down and breathed in my face. Gagging, I put a hand in her face and shoved her away. Waking up was not my thing. Waking up at... what looked like 12:48am in the morning by my drunken siblings just made it worse but I learned years ago just to do what I was ordered to do. After our mom died when I was eight, my older sisters took care of everything. A 20 yr old Amari got a second job to pay bills and 16 yr old Rainy took over the household chores. Lonely and afraid I would loose them too I became an annoying shadow to them when I wasn't at school and they learnt to threaten to leave if I didn't do what they said. Looking back, it was embarrassing what I had done to make them happy but remembering how they praised me for being a good boy still made me smile. They gave up a lot to raise me. Wearing animal ears and such because they found it 'just adorable' was a little sacrifice and always made them happy when they were sad. Now that they were older and had their own lives they hadn't had me put on my ears for years. My sleep deprived body was shoved/carried/thrown out of the house with some money pushed into my pockets and a list in my hand. Our new home was close to a convenient store that was open 24hrs so I rubbed my eyes and started a zombie shuffle down the street to its bright light. My 5'6" frames felt sore and heavy from my abusers so I stretch out as I walked. With puppy dog brown eyes and a shaggy head of brown hair I was on the cute side if girls were to be believed. I had dated a few girls briefly through the years but it never lasted long after they met my sisters for some reason. With my last year of school ahead and in a new city, I had high hopes this would finally be there year. It didn't matter who it was! I was not going to graduate a virgin. The bell announced me as I peered at the list a drunk had made for me and I got a basket. Schips were most likely chips I figured, going to the snack section and beginniing my quest. I didn't notice the cashier staring at me with wide eyes and a stupified look before a wide grin spread and a gleam entered his eye as he looked me over. When I finished my basket was full so I lugged it to the counter and placed it and the money down as I yawned. The cashier started to ring me up. I saw he was good looking, a athletic strong look and a easy smile and light green eyes that seemed to be flicking from the snacks to my hair. I knew it was a worse rats nest than normal since it wasn't brushed so I just shrugged his look off. With the snacks bagged and totaled, the cashier gave me my change and chuckled for some reason. I brushed my hair from my eyes and gave him a curious look. He smiled, held his hand out palm up and said, "Shake boy." It was an old habit so i curled my hand up like a paw and placed it in his. I felt embarrassment flood my body in waves and the heat of a flush cover my face as it hit me. After year of playing a puppy it was ingrained in me to react like I did. I wanted to say something but my mouth and mind were empty as I saw him smile grow and eyes laugh at me. He let my "paw" go and leaned forward to lay his fingers along my throat. "Were is your collar, puppy dog? Your to cute not to have a owner." Chilled fingers on my throat sent a shiver through my body and his teasing tone sent my heart galloping. I didn't know how he knew but he did. This wasn't something that was ever suppose to happen. "" I was able to gasp out as something started to stir in me as he ran his fingers along my jaw and into my hair. He leaned over the counter, his face coming closer before his hand left my hair and brought something between us. Puppy ears.
- - - [table=width: 600, align: center] [tr] [td]TITLE DOG DAYS ARE OVER RATING MATURE GENRE ROMANCE, ANGST, ACTION SERIES OVERWATCH CHARACTERS SOLDIER 76 (JACK MORRISON) X REAPER (GABRIEL REYES) LANGUAGE ENGLISH STATS ONESHOT-LONGSHOT, ONGOING SUMMARY NOTHING LASTS FOREVER. HE WAS SOUGHT AFTER. ---THE WORLD'S HOPE. ---THE ULTIMATE EXAMPLE OF GREATNESS. JACK MORRISON WAS ONCE A HERO. KEYWORD ' ONCE ' . NOTES OKAY I AM A SUCKER FOR OLD MEN, ESPECIALLY THE ANGST`SY TENSION GOING ON BETWEEN REAPER AND 76. SO HERE’S MY ONE SHOT TRY. THIS STORY’S CONFUSING FOR THOSE WHO ISN’T FAMILIAR WITH OVERWATCH’S LORE, SO I DO SUGGEST GETTING TO KNOW THE STORY BEHIND THE CHARACTERS PRESENTED. OR BETTER YET STOP READING THIS SHITE. THE SCENE STARTS FROM THE END OF , BTW. [/td] [/tr] [/table] - - - p r o l o g u e The acrid smell of gun powder wafted at his mask as he watched the scenic gory of Los Muertos thugs laying wounded at the ground, some dead some barely alive. His red receptors gleamed into hues of orange as it deflected the sunset, perching like a hawk at the highest standpoint from the warm town of Dorado. 76 remained vigilant as he watched the little girl narrated her experience to her mother. The young mom sighed as she listened at her child’s story, disbelief written all over her face but she was patient enough to hear the side of her daughter’s story, truth or lies. “You're one of those heroes, aren't you?” “Not anymore.” There were days when he’d played hero, protecting lives of the innocent no matter how hard it was shouldering the whole world. Leadership was honed within him despite his doubts of accepting the position, those were the glory days, he thought. Hell, there was even a huge statue built just for him that was embarrassing he surmised. Humans were never content, they always find fault at everything, and even Overwatch wasn’t spared. They were blamed at the attacks that happened around the globe for they failed to protect everyone. He stood his ground and tried to explain, calm the people that everything was just alright and they could certainly handle it. Soon the praises they’d receive slowly turned into curses and hate. It was like Jesus all over again, if Jack was to laugh at the situation, he could’ve done it with misery. The people got their wish, Overwatch was destroyed---from inside and out. The once dignified statue of the Strike Commander was wrecked into a mess, two limbs forgotten, the huge rifle gone shattered by explosions, the marbled face deformed. Just like how he looks right now as he caught his reflection at the store glass, hideous. His once corn blonde hair turned ash as the years passed by, a huge slash of mangy scar across his face that was covered by his mask. What once portrayed as the golden boy dwindled down into nothing of a vengeful old man with a receding hair. Pathetic. Petras Act was then evoke and then Overwatch was disbanded together with the death of two high ranking officials that lead them, Jack Morrison and Gabriel Reyes. Few people mourned, most of them Overwatch agents, as he heard people spoke eulogies after eulogies that was directed at him, Jack felt nothing. If he’d a decency of emotion it would be laughable as he stared at the people grieving at an empty coffin. Unknown from everybody, Jack Morrison didn’t die beneath the shambles of that explosion, amidst the wrecked walls of their station at Switzerland. It was outlandish how their simple quarrel at a sunny afternoon turned into a mess that ended their career. What was once left, alive, was an empty man that held no promise of heroism. He existed at the borders of life and death, alive but not living. He held a grudge that could put Pandora’s Box into shame. As Jack was mourned by many, Gabriel was hated by the rest. His betrayal held a huge stigma in every people who knew what really happened inside that base. Bitterness were etched within the hearts of the Agents, but it held nothing to comparison as what Jack felt. His lover, betrayed and tried to kill him. No, he killed him. Pain was the price worth the pay as Jack Morrison struggled to process how his lover can easily point his huge shotguns at him, callous cold eyes met his pained blues. The usual Spanish sweet nothings when Gabriel talks to him affectionately turned into curses filled with hate and disenchantment. And what do vengeful super soldiers do when they’d gone resurrection from a not survivable bomb explosion? Go rogue. And that Jack Morrison did with no hesitation. つづく
Title: Indigo (first volume of my Remnants of Yesterday Series) Prologue Hinageshi Red Light District, Shinkano City – June 10, 2012 Damn frog rain! Nori cursed as he ran through an alley. His right hand pressed over the wound on his side. His thin jacket did nothing to ease his anxiety. He felt cold to his bones. The plan had just been another night out when evening began. The usual gathering of seven friends down their favorite pub. Instead they found the bar closed off for renovation, which prompted them to venture across town to a lesser frequented territory. More like they didn't frequent it anymore; not since they outgrew their delinquent high school days. Shinkano's red light district, Hinageshi, used to be the happening place for them. Drugs were the one thing they stayed away from. Other than that, they'd come here to do all sorts of evils. From the crazy karaoke parties to taking girls into love motels, and the underage drinking along with illegal gambling. To add on was the constant fights against rival gangs. The fights were the worst due to the escalating level of violence. However, after losing one of their friends to a deadly encounter against a rival gang, they decided it was high time to walk the straight path. The loss had been too great of a tragedy to bear. The incident had altered them all one way or another. They were all now twenty-one-year-old adults. Good standing citizens of society. Which came to say, they should have stayed where good citizens stayed. They shouldn't have revisited Hinageshi district because just thirty minutes after entering a random club, they ran into old foes who had not forgotten or forgiven them for past transgressions. The confrontation escalated to heavy verbal insults and shoves, which got them all kicked out by the club manager. The face-off continued outside and hell broke loose when they failed to talk their way out a physical brawl. New faces arrived on the scene to add to the mob of thugs. These newcomers even had their choice of weapons from various knives to sledge hammers. Their group's only exit strategy was to scatter in different directions. Forget the cars since they wouldn't make it passed the parking lot alive. They each ran for their lives and kept doing so even as the night worsened with a downpour. **** By eleven, Nori had run his way south of Hinageshi, entering into the Aokata slums, a decaying territory on the eastern outskirt of the city. There, a trio of thugs caught up with him and cornered him into a fight. Despite having become a good citizen, he still possessed the same fighting edge he had back in his delinquent days. His fast reflex and the speeding velocity of his punches were still his kill act. He'd always been quicker than most fighters he'd fought in the past. And that hadn't changed. He fought them with everything he had and ended up with a knife grazing his side. He took them down fast to avoid staying in the rain any longer. He'd been running in the wild storm far longer than his body could handle and felt himself becoming weak from it. While the thugs braced the cold concrete, struggling to get back on their feet, he took that second to get away. Cutting through corners and alleys, he went on until he felt he was out of the assailants' sight. Using that small window of distance, he found himself a hiding spot. The backstreet he stepped into was even darker than the last. The narrow lane was a dead end with a stack of wooden crates against two dumpsters by a ten-foot iron fence. The alley stunk like a thousand dead rats. Never smelled such horrid odor before but he figured the sinister scent was worth the comparison. Nori did the only thing that came to mind. He climbed up the crates and hopped into one of the dumpsters. Survival was primal when facing a do or die situation. It made swimming into a pile of rotten-god-knows-what garbage ideal to getting stabbed to death by a bunch of psychos. The moment Nori jumped in, he fell onto something unexpected. Nevermind the death polluting odor. What suck the living out of him was the person pulling him down as they sunk further beneath the ghastly waste. Nori struggled against his assailant, causing his wound to tear a bit more. The sting had him hissed a grunt through gnashed teeth. "Shush!" The voice hushed and a hand covered his mouth. Nori's heart receded to its steady pace and he stopped moving. "Sen. What the fuck, you ended up here too," came his murmur. It was his best friend. Outside, a pack of thugs ran up to the alley's entrance. Two of them came towards the crates, shouting Nori's name. They kicked and smashed the wooden stack off as if expecting to find him hidden behind it. They opened one of the dumpsters and the smell shooting up their noses had them cursing out loud. One of them was mad enough to kick the dumpster. Before he could open the second one, the comrades from afar called out to move on. Once the thugs left, only the ambiance of a grumbling sky remained. Nori drew a breath, teeth gnashing again. "Fuck." "What's wrong?" Sen asked. They toppled one another under piles of nasty torn plastic bags and wet cardboards. Sen shoved a few things aside to give them the much-needed room for air. "Fuckin' bastard had a knife at me earlier." Nori told. "Shit. How bad?" "Dodged most of it but I ain't gonna lie, it stings as fuck." "We'll move when it's safer. The fence is our only safe way out. Can you climb?" Nori palmed Sen's forehead to stop the latter from fondling where his wound was. "Quit fussing. The cut's not bad." "Well shit, just making sure I won't have to haul you on my back that's all." Sen retorted. Although Nori knew he would. Sen would do more than carry him over a fence – the guy would carry him across a battlefield if needed. And he'd do the same in return. There was this unspoken rule that existed between them. "You reek of feces." Nori uttered. Sen scoffed. "And you're all Sakura bloom yourself." They fell quiet again just listening to the heavy rain. A while later when the coast was safe enough, they crawled out of hiding, and climbed over the fence. They landed onto what appeared to be the back alleyway of an abandoned textile shop. "Call your driver." Sen advised. Nori shook his head. "Lost my phone in the struggle earlier. You?" "Out of battery." Sen replied. "B'sides, I can't just phone up home and tell them I got myself into a ditch again. Our last little adventure still has me off the old man's books, he's been leaving me dry lately." Nori reminded Sen. "Aw shit, yeah." Sen fumbled through his pocket for whatever cash he had left. "How much on you?" He asked and Nori pulled out a few bills. "900 yen," he said as they put their money together. "Fuck! That's not even enough for a cab fare past this shitty territory. Damn, it's moments like these I wish I had a plastic card." "Sorry, mine's not working at the moment, but maybe this cash is enough to buy us a night here." Nori thought up. "Remember the old eatery we use to frequent during high school." "Mushino Noodles and Express Food? It closed down years ago." Sen recalled. "Yeah but the establishment behind it is still open." Sen's brow drew. "The dump-hole? Even then it's across this slum to the east of Hinageshi! That's a freaking forty-minute-walk." "No phones, no car, no money. We're fucked. I'd rather try for a shitty place than freeze my ass running any longer. We can't return to the club's lot, Sen. Those fuckers are sure to guard our car, if they haven't already beat it out." Nori declared. Sen couldn't argue that so they maneuvered through the slum with caution, stopping to hide whenever they sensed danger. A careful travel took them longer than the regular stride – better safe than dead in their case. Once inside the inn, or dump-hole as Sen called it, the old woman at the counter gave them a split-second glance as if the brisk arrival of sodden strangers oozing of foul odors was an everyday norm. Considering decadency was the inn's ultimate appeal, perhaps it was. Without a word, she took the money they tossed up. Then eyeballed them. A scowl vivid on her face as her hand extended forward asking for more. They had nothing else to give so her gaze settled on Sen's necklace, which he refused to give up. Irked, she threw the money back at them and waved her hand at the door, directing them to leave. Nori drew up the one item he had on him that was worth anything. His name-brand wallet which would still sell for a good five thousand yen. He emptied out the content and pushed it towards her. "This high-end leather wallet should get you enough to cover your expenses for a day. Just give us a room for tonight, please. Please, mam." "Nori—" Sen protested but felt his friend's hand latch around his wrist. She looked at them, reluctant to take the bait but the young man's desperation won her over. She figured whatever they were running from was probably life threatening enough for them to look like drowned rats. And that name-brand wallet alone told her they weren't from this part of town. She didn't want dead privileged kids within her vicinity who'd attract people from the bureau. Decidedly, she took both money and card before ushering them to the smallest room she had available for the amount she was given. What braced Nori and Sen was a space resembling a bathroom with its pasty white concrete walls. It even came with its own tiny area of a drain pipe shower and toilet. A tall slim cabinet with a microwave-sized TV sitting in its hollow space, and an old wooden chair with chipped legs sat by the door. Neither furniture did anything for comfort, and were probably only there to lessen the atmospheric lavatory feel though failing miserably. The bed was a single mat rising a good foot off the floor, which to their dismay seemed rather crowded for two people. Still, anything was better than freezing in the storm. As soon as their bedroom door closed, Sen began with, "Sorry. I couldn't do it—" "If you had given it up," Nori cut his friend off, "I'd have beaten you bloody. I was there that day. When your mother said her last words, and gave you that charm so don't fuckin' degrade what she left you with by apologizing. Money's only paper. And it's my old man's papers so there's plenty more where that came from." Sen flopped down on the bed. "Acting all high and mighty, shit," he smiled, "thank you." Nori flicked the latter's forehead. "Blockhead." He said shifting his gaze to the shower. Sen looked up. "Pokerfaced." Following suit, he knew what Nori had in mind. "Dumbass." Nori retorted with and began his move. "Deepshit." Sen countered. On cue, they both attempted to dash toward the shower for first use but intercepted each other in a wrestling match onto the bed. They horsed around until Nori emitted another painful groan. "Shit, your wound. We gotta clean it up." Sen admitted defeat, moving off Nori. "It's fine. I'll do it myself." Sen shoved him back onto the bed. "Don't fuckin' know how to let me act high and mighty for once, do you?" Nori chuckled and obliged. "Guess I can play the obedient patient for a night, so hurry up and patch me up." "Patching coming up." Sen fetched the small hand towel from the cabinet then opened the cupboard to see if there was any antiseptic solution or something close to it. All he got was a small bottle of bleach. He looked at Nori and back at the bleach in hand and sighed. Rubbing alcohol was preferable but they weren't in the luxury to be picky. Besides just a few drops of bleach should be fine to help with disinfection. "Strip." He knelt next to Nori and waited for the latter to expose the cut. The wound wasn't deep but did run down long. Looking at it made Sen want to pound his fist into the bastard who carved the mark onto Nori. "You'll have to do with this bleach shit." "No choice. Let's get on with – FUCKIN' SHITTY MOTHER OF BITCHES!" Nori's entire body clamped down from the sting as he grabbed a handful of Sen's hair. "Fucking warn me, stupid bastard." "Alright, alright, let go of my hair, asshole!" Sen kept shoving against Nori's chest. "You fuckin' did it on purpose." They broke from each other's hold. "What, quit accusing me," but his grin gave him away, "fine, fine. I thought it'd be hilarious to watch you make a dump-face." He laughed hugging his sides. Nori kicked the taller man a few feet off him. "I'll get you, don't forget." "Yeah, yeah." Sen moved on to grabbed the extra bed sheet on the shelf and tore off a sliver for bandage use. "I'll help you wash up – can't risk getting it any damper." He got up to toss the bloody towel into the bin. "We help each other. Wash my back and I'll wash yours." Nori offered. "Guess we can both use an extra hand. Hell, every inch of us needs to be scraped off. Freakin' stench is cause enough for a rat infestation in this room." Nori wore a put-off expression. "Don't even want to imagine what that dumpster was home to." "Better not to." Sen concluded. They went on to disrobe and get on with showering. To Be Cont...
Hi everyone XD A while back I released a BL short story collection on Amazon involving cross-dressing men Now I'm sharing the first story for free. Hope you enjoy XD PS: This story is Lemon. It contains NSFW scene. You've been warned XD Hope you liked the short story. If you did, you can read the rest on Amazon
- cross-dressing
- lemon
(and 2 more)
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-01:32 A.M somewhere tokyo- Such an annoying weather I thought, as I slowly walk through the alleys. Well, I really shouldn't be expecting much from this city anyway. My shoes were getting wet each step because of the water pits on the road. It was cold but I didn't really feel much, I had already too much on my mind. Too many thoughts, swirling circles. Finally the road came to an end, and there was my destination. Just a cafe, but not a regular cafe. I'm a detective and I've been following a certain man aka Riku, a man I've been following quite amount of time and coming to this cafe at this time of hour. Also, information about him, none....though according to my researches, there is a black market inside this cafe. I haven't been in there myself before...but today that is going to change. I fix my tie, out of habit and enter the cafe. Right away I enter a smell of coffee welcomes me, as I suspected there is no signs of the Riku who entered here before me. So, does this mean there is a secret gate to the black market? - "Welcome to Raven!" , said the female worker behind the shop's desk while smiling. I took a glance around me, there was no one besides me. - "Hello, such a cold night isn't it?" , I asked while taking one of the seats in front of the desk. I guess I'll examine here first. - "Haha, yes...but again we don't have many customers as you can see." , while she was saying that all I was thinking was about to make sure to find a way to black market, to find Riku because he is related to this case. - "I've found this place by chance but you can be sure I'll drop by often." , really though no joke. - "We are always open anytime, and what is your name?" she asked. There is no way I am telling her my real name, so I have to fake it. Let's go with, Makoto. - "I am Makoto, pleased to meet you." be continued