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[First chapter was published on AO3 and on 2019/06/01] Status: In Progress Pairing: Iori x Kyo (main one) Tags: Alternate universe, Supernatural, Gothic, Fantasy, Slow-burn, Eventual Romance, Adventure, Slash, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Developing Relationship. Friendship. Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Leona Heidern, Kain R. Heinlein, Chizuru Kagura Summary: This vampire already has already a bad luck on his side yet he decides that his next prey going to be a certain redhead vampire hunter. However, the very little he knows how this encounter will end... Chapter 1. Long time ago, human and demon world were completely separate worlds. Neither humans or demons knew about existence of one and another. However, as time goes on, one human has accidentally discovered the portal. After all, even if this person was so scared and terrified like never been in entire it’s life, yet it’s curiosity took control of it. And so, this poor young woman entered into mysterious portal. Now she realized that she was no longer in human world - it was something unexplained for mere human’s mind and she just froze in fear and lost her gift of speech. Is she was dead? Is this hell? Horned, with wings, fangs and claws armored creatures lived in this dark world. Unfortunately, there were no way back to home as it seems these portals leaded was one-way. However, it was only the beginning, and now even some more bravier demons tried their luck entering human world, but those, who tried, none of them has return to their formal world. Either they were hunted and killed by these pathetic creatures, who called themselves humans, either, they didn’t find a way back and now forced to stay in this unfamiliar, cold and unforgiving world…Or so, says one ancient legend how Demon has entered the land of man. Millenniums has passed, and these mysterious creatures of the night adapted living in this world. Although, some may still hide or isolate themselves from mankind, however, more powerful and intelligent demons or other high-ranked monsters managed to disguise as a human beings. The energy of this world surely is more affecting higher rank monsters by draining their life force and that’s why human form served as a protective shield. This form also was much useful and practical for living in this society. And thus, this is where the story of one arrogant and carefree vampire, who has a bad luck on his side, begins. It was a beautiful night, which for some might be just another nice evening accompanied by the light of full-moon, and for some it was a perfect chance hunting down. So, who could it be this time - an innocent milky maiden? a lost wanderer? or any human, who is foolish enough to travel alone at the time like this? While having these thoughts, a young brunette, who look in his early twenties, delightfully licks his lips while wanders in empty streets. However, soon, this smile was wiped out, when he felt how the pair of fangs touched his lower lip, murmuring ‘‘…Not again. It’s getting worse than I thought. Damn, I need to get some food or else who knows how this end.’’ and with hands in his dark blue jeans’ pockets this vampire kept wandering. Even if it was quiet chill, it didn’t made any difference for this vampire and so, he was fine with white t-shirt and black leather jacket. Of course, he could go the easiest way and simply catch another victim at night club. But if it weren’t for a couple reasons. Firstly, even if you might get a potential prey without putting any effort, there is one problem - most of the time this victim’s blood tastes awfully bad and almost have no nutritious value. Secondly, there was quiet recent incident involving one vampire being caught on cameras while acting suspicious. So, because of that vampire hunters checks public places more often. However, this vampire named Kyo wasn’t so interested picking such a places as a good spot for catching prey in a first place. Besides, bodyguards won’t let him in, because he is just ‘‘another brat’’. So, that was already out of option. However, the more this brunette’s body began to ache from that starvation. So, where to find a quick yet suitable food for this unfortunate vampire? It certainly won’t run into him and pleads to be eaten. No one one would be foolish enough for that. However, soon enough, Kyo sensed that someone might be near. There is no mistake, it can’t be just a mere hallucination caused by unbearable hunger. That scent was too strong yet it felt too good. It didn’t matter, who was this person, so, whoever it is, this vampire surely going to have an unforgivable feast. Too bad that humans has limited amount of blood. So, without any second thought, this vampire decided to rely on his primal instincts and follow that trace of sweet amaretto like scent. Without this vampire’s realization, his eyes began to glow like a bloody red gems. After ten minutes of following, this young vampire finally stops near some sort of abandon chapel and notices the owner of this scent. Fortunately, this foolish human does not have even a slightest idea about his miserable fate. It is also seem that this person is one of these wannabe flashy looking vampire hunters. Surely, this a perfect example of these show-offs, who only desire for fame, fortune and glory by using this appearance. Usually, they are as dangerous as a child with wooden stick. Basically, they just making a dramatic scene and attracting unnecessarily attention. Or so, this is what Kyo think of any vampire hunter, just because he had couple encounters with beginners in the past. So, why this hunter should be any different? It should a easy catch, right? Right now, all he had to do is wait until this fool falls into the trap and then it would be a perfect chance to act. So, he continued patiently observe his prey. It was a redhead vampire hunter, who long dark red leather coat with white crescent moon on the back, same color pants, black color biker gloves. What a show-off, plus it also looks like this vampire hunter is so self-confident that doesn’t carry any weapon with himself. Who does he think is he? In any case, this arrogant human should be punished for his carelessness, or so thought Kyo. ‘‘You should be more aware of your surroundings or else you might get hurt, human.’’ added this vampire now whispered in sweet yet menacing tone while observing how this redhead vampire hunter enters chapel. Soon, he silently sneaked and now it was that right moment to finally sink fangs into this redhead’s neck. Now Kyo charged at this vampire hunter, who didn’t even bother to turn . However, something was wrong. Instead of having this human under his control, now this vampire was sent on the ground and let down a short groan. Second later, he felt how his whole body now was wrapped around some sort leather rope, which sent a enormous burning pain through his body. So, it happened…The worst thing, he could fear of - being finally caught by one of these merciless vampire hunters. Now all the best he could do was just being at this redhead’s mercy. While this poor and unfortunate creature was hardly panting, he couldn’t keep away his gaze from a vampire hunter, who now slowly approached him. With each step getting closer to his victim, this redhead vampire hunter said in cold and almost emotionless voice ‘‘You sure have a lot of guts to attack me, vampire. You think that didn’t noticed your poorly hidden presence? Just don’t make me laugh.’’ now he got quiet for a minute and observed from above how this vampire was suffering. That piercing and unforgiving gaze alone paralyzed entire body of this brunette in fear. Now this vampire hunter asked in same tone ‘‘Your last words before I vanish you back into the hell, vampire?’’. However, Kyo refused to show that he was afraid, so, now he looked directly into this redhead’s eyes like a wounded beast yet remained silent. Even if he was going to die, at least, he will keep his pride on and won’t let this vampire hunter get satisfied by his suffering. Soon this vampire was released from the grasp of the whip, but this temporary freedom didn’t lasted long. Now this redhead took his whip into hand and quickly striked with it. Once again, this vampire felt that burning pain, but now it was short and stinging one. After this hit, vampire hunter closed his eyes for a second, took a deep breath and now released quick and multiple strikes with his trustworthy whip. The whipping was so intensified that this vampire’s body was even lifted a bit from ground. He swore that even through the sounds of cracking whip, he could also how this redhead was loudly chanting separate words. He could only understood that some of the words were like ‘cry’, ‘suffer’, at least focusing on these man’s words surely distracted from feeling like burning alive by each hit of the whip. He could also hear how time from time there were sounds of ripped or scratched material. But did it matter anymore? Soon he will be vanished along with this false feeling of being devoured by flames. Well, at least, he would die while having his senses on and not going berserk and dying without knowing it. Even these crimson glowing eyes already started to dim and return to their former color. So, now this vampire just decided to rest his whole body muscles and closed his eyes… However, it stopped and now Kyo could hear how this vampire hunter with-draws his whip and rolls it into a spiral. Now he said in irritated yet slightly pitying tone ‘‘Enough. It’s pointless.’’. Only by this moment this vampire finally opens his eyes and now starred at this redhead, who now attached this whip to his black leather belt’s right side. This surely was only a waste of time and it’s not worth to stain this redhead’s hands with such a weak creature’s blood. And this brat has such a huge bounty on his head like he was a highest rank monster or demon? The idiots of the guild surely either wanted to be generous for newbies, either they were out of their mind. Anyway, it was a time when this vampire hunter decided to make his leave. Meanwhile, this vampire still did not quiet understood what just happened and how he was still alive. However, even if he was wounded and still could barely move, he can’t let this bastard to get away so easily. He will make sure that this redhead would pay for what he has done. So, when this vampire hunter walked away him like he was a rotting corpse, it was a time for Kyo’s final attack. After this vampire gathered his last strength, he was finally able to stand up, despise that fact, he could feel how he was still shaking. Now this brunette charged with a full speed at him. Just a second before the impact, this redhead widened his eyes and quickly turned around just and kicked this vampire right into the stomach. This poor creature was send-off flying and crashed into altar. The moment when Kyo’s back suddenly touched alter, he gasped and caught in blood. And now, he leaned his back against the altar and placed his hand on his belly. ‘What a persistent fool. Just know your place, vampire.’ thought this redhead as he slowly approached step by step. When he was close enough, this vampire hunter just silently observed how his victim now was roughly catching his breath yet looked at him like a wounded beast, who refused to give up. That gaze…What’s wrong with this vampire? Despise being on the verge of his own death, this vampire eyes was burning with even brighter flame. No, it wasn’t his vampire’s deadly look with glowing crimson, it was gaze of true fighter, who will never back off from the fight. So, maybe this boy could be more capable than just being a blood-thirsty killer? Surely, if he was a human, maybe he might even became a quiet decent hunter, not the highest rank, but with a help of little training session, he could. However, the further wondering of this redhead was interrupted by this vampire, who spoke up in with anger and mixed sadness in his voice ‘‘You may won this time, human. So, you should be thankful to your fateful star and that bastard demon, who took away all my powers. Otherwise, I would already have finished your miserable life…’’. That one phrase, now peaked interest of this redhead, even if this vampire might be lying and wanting to sound dramatic. So, maybe it would be much more wiser to spare this vampire’s life for now and see how it would later turns out. Also, he could simply finish up this brunette, if he starts to cause any trouble. But his further thoughts were interrupted by Kyo ‘‘Oi, you may do whatever you want with me, but just keep that thing away from me.’’, it seems that this vampire fixated his look on this vampire hunter’s right side, where whip was hidden behind that coat. Besides, this redhead began stare at him like he was about to eat him and that menacing aura around him didn’t helped either. So, he had to at least distract this vampire hunter’s attention. However, this redhead now gave him intimating look and pulled oh-so-fearful whip. While pointing that whip, this vampire hunter said in strict tone ‘‘Make sure that you will be in better shape when we meet again...and if you behave, you'll be rewarded.’’. Now this brunette cracked a smile and replied in mocking tone ‘‘Eh~ What are you talking about? How will you ever know whenever, I was good or not. Hmm, don’t tell me that you’re going to put tracker on me and check my every step?~ Tsk, don’t act so arrogant, human- urgh...’’ and now this felt how his throat was roughly grabbed by this redhead, who was now kneeling in front of him. Not only he could feel that his throat could be smashed in any second, but also he noticed how this vampire hunter was so close enough to him. It seems that this redhead started to loose his patience, now he said in stricter and demanding tone ‘‘Don’t push your luck. I could see any reports of your lowly life, if you ever did even a one wrong step. So, you better listen or else you might be killed like a dog.’’. Now he released this vampire’s neck and while Kyo was catching his breath and gently placed his hand on his neck, this redhead added now in serious tone ‘‘The other vampire hunters might show up any time. So, I suggest you to leave soon.’’ and now before leaving he looked up at this vampire for the last time and bidding farewell ‘‘We meet again on next full moon at same place. So, you better remember it’’. After the door of this chapel shuts down, this vampire was left alone surrounded by the moonlight. Now this poor creature noticed that his clothes were dyed with his own blood. He just frowned and bitten his downer lip from that pain and humiliation. Right now, he just had strength to punch down the wall of altar and now he growled like a sad animal ‘‘...Damn.’’.
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Hello all! Okay so I've been on hiatus for the longest while; I legit just fell off the map but i'm back now and ready to get back into that roleplaying game! :Excited: This idea came to me quite literally as we speak. Plot: A young prince (mc), in an attempt to escape his destiny, runs away from home. A pity, that he jumped out of the metaphorical frying pan and into the proverbial fire. He finds himself being pursued by the authorities for a crime that he did not commit. And the only way to deter his imminent capture is to accept his former fate, that is, become the 'bride' of the most brutal tyrant of the Four Great Lands. On his last breath, his determination has died away and his resolution, withered. He decides that being captured is as good a fate as any. But by fate's sadistic humor, he is captured and returned not to his family but to his betrothed that he'd so adamantly strayed from. With the the world tilting precariously on the edge of nothingness, waiting for the little shove to push it in the wrong direction, the young prince must learn his place at the side of his king to keep the world from capitulating. "The answer lies in the heart of the Dragon" As you can see, this RP is in a universe of its own and the perps of that make-believe universe will be discussed with a future RP partner so if you're interested just reply to the thread and or PM me. All the technicalities such as, expectations of the RP and of each other ( in regards to grammar, reply length, reply-frequency), exciting twists and ideas, character sketches and more will be discussed. JA! :Dancing:
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NAME: 박찬열 (Park Chanyeol) HANJA: 朴燦烈 AGE: 21 TRAITS: Funny, talkative, anxious in most situations, kindhearted. BIO: Through primary school, Chanyeol was taunted because of his "irregular" ears, height, and clumsiness. The Korean was always a gentle giant, not daring to step out of line and hurt someone for laughing at his ears, or how he walked into the girls' restroom, running out within a few seconds with dark red splotches over his cheeks. The bullies quickly figured out the tallest student in the class wasn't a threat, despite his appearance. After finally graduating from primary school, shy, friendless Chanyeol carried hope of finally finding a friend in the huge school, with four other schools feeding into it. Which he did, YC and Chanyeol becoming quick friends after an incident in the cafeteria. Both boys were joined at the hip, helping each other, keeping bullies away. Chanyeol, still growing, gradually built up enough confidence to hold conversations with strangers, and in their final year in junior high, decided to run for student council. With YC's help, he won the election, posters with his charming smile and cliché political slogans lining the halls until the end of the year. YC and Chanyeol remained best friends through the entire stressful year until the pair split up to attend their respective highschools. In with the new and out with the old, the growing teens lost contact with each other, opting for hanging out with new friends or looking over the new books at the library. Finally, they had graduated highschool, and Chanyeol, like most young adults, is scraping up every cent to pay for college. Ambitious and honestly a late-bloomer, Chanyeol decides music theory is more of his forte. But the class required more than just a music stand and a good attitude, calling for instruments from certain companies - Chanyeol had made it into a private institution, of course, but hadn't earned a free ride. Another problem he was facing was where he was going to live. His parents were more than ready to have their only son out of the house to take out his room and put in a swimming pool. It wasn't like the house he grew up in was close to the college anyway. With his phone in hand, lying on his old bed, Chanyeol ran through his long list of friends to eventually people he had seen with room in their home for one more roommate. As the hours pass, each call he made denying him a space to live, he sighs. Staring at the screen of his phone, only at that moment he realized he forgot his old friend from junior high. Not even having to look YC up in his contacts, his fingers typing in the numbers he had known so well when he was younger, not taking the time to think of the chance of his friend changing numbers, no, he shouldn't have, without telling Chanyeol. The Korean anxiously holding his breath once the phone breaks its third ring, a bright smile spreading between his lips. "H-hey, it's Park Chanyeol... Do you happen to remember me from junior high?"
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