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By the request of Morinaga's Girl... I will do some basic group of word... First will be the number... The basic number will be... 1 일(il) 2 이(i) 3 삼(sam) 4 사(sa) 5 오(o) 6 육(yeug) 7 칠(chil) 8 팔(pal) 9 구(gu) 10 십(sib) 11 십일(sib-il) 12 십이(sib-i) 13 십삼(sib-sam) 14 십사(sib-sa) 15 십오(sib-o) 16 십육(sib-yeug) 17 십칠(sib-chil) 10 십팔(sib-pal) 19 십구(sib-gu) 20 이십(i-sib) 100 백(baeg) 1,000 천(cheon) 10,000 만(man) 100,000,000 일억(il-eog) 1,000,000,000,000 일조(il-jo) Well... after ten is just adding other one two back and front of ten... Same go with 100, 1,000 and so on... But, when you counting the number it's little different... 1 하나(ha-na) 2 둘(dul) 3 셋(set) 4 넷(net) 5 다섯(da-seot) 6 여섯(yeo-seot) 7 일곱(il-gob) 8 여덟(yeo-deol) but lost last b sound... just deol... 9 아홉(a-hob) 10 열(yeol) 20 스물(seu-mul) 30 서른(seo-leun) 40 마흔 (ma-heun) 50 쉰(swin) 60 예순(ye-soon) 70 일흔(il-heun) 80 여든(yeo-deun) 90 아흔(a-heun) 100 백(baeg) After 100 is same as basic number way... Some of word end written sound s but when you say it will sound like t. For the order... 1st 첫번째(cheot-bun-jjae) 2nd 두번째(du-bun-jjae) 3rd 세번째(se-bun-jjae) 4th 네번째(ne-bun-jjae) 5th 다섯번째(da-seot-bun-jjae) 6th 여섯번째(yeo-seot-bun-jjae) 7th 일곱번째(il-gob-bun-jjae) 8th 여덟번째(yeo-dul-bun-jjae) 9th 아홉번째(a-hob-bun-jjae) 10th 열번째(yeo-bun-jjae) 11th 열한번째(yeo-han-bun-jjae) 20th 스무번째(seu-mu-bun-jjae) after 20th put count number front of 번째... Well... just do one more thing... 12 month... Jan. 일월(il-wol) Feb. 이월(i-wol) Mar. 삼월(sam-wol) Arp. 사월(sa-wol) May 오월(o-wol) June 유월(yu-wol) July 칠월(chil-wol) Aug. 팔월(pal-wol) Set. 구월(gu-wol) Oct. 시월(si-wol) Nov. 십일월(sib-il-wol) Dec. 십이월(sib-i-wol) Almost same just June and Oct. lost the base consonant... So if there are some word you want to know let me know... Or which area you want to know... Like day of week... weather... or color... Anythings... I will go for that for next one... ^^ Same for this too... I will try to do much as I could but I might only do one or two at a week...
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I will try to do basic conversation for you. If you have any request on some conversation you will like to know just let me know. You could give me any English conversation and I could change into Korean also. So first I will start with some basic greetings. 안녕! (An-Neoung!) Hi! or so Bye! – This is basic greeting use for your friend or some one in your age group or younger. [/font][/size] 안녕히주무셨어요? (An-nyeong-hi ju-mu-syeoss-a-yo?) Did you sleep well? – This is also for older people. [/font][/size] 잘잤니? (Jal jass-ni?) Did you sleep well? – to younger people to polite way. 좋은아침! (Joh-eun a-chim!) Good morning! – this can be use to every one but if you want to use to older person you have to put 이예요(i-Ye-yo!) in the end. 좋은하루보내! (Joh-eun a-chim bo-nae!) Have a great morning! – also can used any age but if it for the older person this time add 세요(se-yo!) in the end. 잘다녀오세요! (Jal Dan-nyeo-o-se-yo!) – this is kind of said to older who go out but will come back home. 다녀 mean go 오세요 mean come... so it’s sound like go and comeback… ^^;;; but, with 잘at front it mean save trip and come home. 다녀오겠습니다! (Dan-nyeo-o-gyess-seub-ni-da!) – this is when younger person going out and come back later said it... most time children said to mother when they go to school. 점심드셨어요? (Jeom-sim deu-syeoss-a-yo?) Did you have a lunch? – to older person. 점심먹었어? (Jeom-sim meog-eoss-a?) Did you have a lunch? – to friend or close people. 점심먹었니? (Jeom-sim meog-eoss-ni? Did you have a lunch? – to younger person. 남은하루도즐겁게보내세요! (Nam-eun ha-lu-do jeul-geob-ge bo-nae-se-yo!) Keep enjoy remain day too! 힘내서파이팅! (Him-nae-seo Fa-i-ting!) Put your strength and fighting! – well this is for cheering so you could use many way... just don’t use some one who is way older... like grand pa... ^^;;; If you want to said to older person just said, “힘내세요!(Him-nae-se-yo!). 잘가!(Jal ga!) Good bye! – to friend or younger people. 조심해서가세요! (Jo-sim-hae-seo ga-se-yo!) Go safely! – to older person. 안녕히가세요! (An-nyeong-hi ga-se-yo!) Good bye! – to older person. 수고많으셨습니다! (Su-go manh-eu-syeoss-seub-ni-da!) Thank you for your hard work! – to older person. 수고했어! (Su-go hae-eo!) Good work! – to friend or younger people. 잘먹겠습니다! (Jal meog-gess-seub-ni-da!) I will enjoy the meal! – before eating. 잘먹었습니다! (Jal meog-eoss-seub-ni-da!) Thank you for the meal! – after meal. 잘자! (Jal Ja!) Good night! – to friend or close person or younger person. 안녕히주무세요! (An-nyeong-hi ju-mu-se-yo!) Good night! – to older person. 좋은꿈꿔! (Joh-eun ggum ggwo!) Have a good(nice) dream! – to friend or close person or younger person. To older 좋은꿈꾸세요!(Joh-eun ggum ggu-se-yo!) 내꿈꿔! ^^ (Nae ggum ggwo! ^^) Have a dream about me! – to lover... ^^;;; Some conversation: Meeting new friend. A: 안녕! 내이름은 00 이야. (An-nyeong! Nae i-leum-eun 00i-ya.) 네이름은뭐니? (Ne i-leum-eun mwo-ni?) Hi! My name is 00. What is your name? B: 안녕! 내이름은 00이야. (An-nyeong! Nae i-leum-eun 00i-ya.) 만나서반가워! (Man-na-seo ban-ga-wo!) Hi! My name is 00. Nice to meet you. Meeting new person for work or something like that. A: 안녕하세요! 처음뵙겠습니다! (An-nyeong-ha-se-yo! Cheo-eum boeb-gess-seub-ni-da!) 저는 000라고합니다. 앞으로잘부탁드립니다. (Jeo-neun 000la-go hab-ni-da. Ap-eu-lo jal bu-tag deu-lib-ni-da.) Hello! Nice to meet you! My name is 000. Please take care for me. B: 네! 안녕하세요! 저는000라고합니다. (Ne! An-nyeong-ha-se-yo! Jeo-neun 000la-go hab-ni-da.) 저도잘부탁드립니다. (Jeo-do jal bu-tag deu-lib-ni-da.) Yes! Hello! My name is 000. Please take care for me too. Meeting up friend at street. A: 오래간만이야. 잘지냈어? (O-lae-gan-man-i-ya. Jal ji-neass-eo?) It’s been a while. How are you doing? B: 그래, 잘지냈어. 너는요즘어떻게지내니? (Geu-lae, jal ji-naess-eo. Neo-eun yo-jeum eo-ddeoh-ge ji-nae-ni?) Yes, I am doing fine. How have you been now day? A: 항상그렇지. 그럼, 또보자. (Hang-sang geu-leoh-ji. Geu-leum, ddo bo-ja.) Same old same. Any way, see you again. B: 그래, 나중에또봐! (Geu-lae, na-jung-e ddo bwa!) O.K. See you again later! For this lesson... I can't do everyday and also this do take some stress on me so I will make one or two lesson for week... But, if any one ask I will answer that soon as I can... For lesson itself will be once or twice a week... keep that in mind... And as I said if you have any request on just let me know I will try to make that in my next lesson... And for any engish coversation you write here I will translate that into Korean soon as I have time... I wish this place isn't just for my lesson but also you to create lesson for yourself you... ^^
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- basic
- basic-korean conversation
(and 3 more)
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