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作品紹介 ■総時間 1時間7分+フリートーク■ ■18歳以上推奨BLシチュエーションドラマ■ ■あらすじ 新米剣士としてモンスター討伐に精を出す日々を送るテオ。 そんな彼とパートナーになったのはヒーラーのヒルダ。 穏やかでヒーラーとしての腕も申し分ない彼だったがただ一つ……気を抜いてしまうと普段は超絶ドジっ子という欠点があった。 戦闘時は頼りになるヒルダだが、討伐後は度々ドジで困った事態を起こしてしまい……? 新米剣士くん × ムッチリドジっ子ヒーラーさん ■キャラクター 受:ヒルダ 年齢:26歳 身長:183 職業:ヒーラー 穏やかでまるで聖母、と言われる凄腕ヒーラー。 治癒能力は勿論のこと、白魔法もなかなかの腕前で戦闘にも積極的に参加する。 しかし仕事を終えると……スイッチが切れたようにドジドジになってしまい、 よくテオに迷惑をかけてしまう。 いつも申し訳ないと思いつつも、優しく助けてくれるテオに密かな想いを抱いており…… 攻:テオ 年齢:18歳 身長:165 職業:剣士 田舎から一人前の剣士になるために出てきた青年であり、ヒーラーであるヒルダと共に討伐を行っている。 若いながらも剣の腕は確かであり、冒険者協会からも期待の新人と言われ育成のためにもヒルダと組んでほしいと言われ現在に至る。 ヒルダのドジをカバーしつつも、その豊満な体と聖母のような包容力に日々股間を痛めており…… DLsite : MEGA :
Rookie Idol's First Gay Casting Couch Experience (Voice Drama Version)
Lustsora posted a topic in Drama CDs
A newly-debuted straight idol has to sleep with a powerful gay higher-up for the good of his career. [Characters] Ren Asakura A straight rookie idol who moved to Tokyo from the countryside to learn how to sing and dance. His clean dance steps and his cute looks earned him his big break. He goes for an interview with the producer at a big agency to prepare for his debut, but... Producer Ishida A well-known producer whose big company handles lots of different idols. Secretly, however, he's also got a taste for young men and uses his position to indulge that taste. Katagiri Ren's manager. A man who will do anything to sell talent. He's famous and very popular as a manager. [Track List] トラック1「アイドルへの道」 トラック2「芸能界の首領」 トラック3「儀式」 トラック4「魔法の薬」 トラック5「汚い大人のやり方」 トラック6「フリートーク」 [Voice Acting] White Rose Rei 白雲空 Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! -
Title: 愛しの妻はメスお兄さん Author: 夏八木瑠一 (Rukichi Natsuyagi)? Release Date: 11/30/2023 Voice Actor: 秋月勇人 Link:
ラブカフェモカ Based on manga Author: Shimaji Cast:Takahasi hiroki x Shimazaki nobunaga Released 2013/05/29 MEGA Respond to reqest. Please do not upload on other sites. enjoy!
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《ノンケ》ヤリチン男子をLOVEドロ☆メス堕ちSEXでワカラセル!! 女たらしのヤリチン♂アナルが一晩でメス穴に大変身♪ 『俺のアナル開発してみてくんな~い?☆彡』 →【ワカラセタ結果…】『ヤだあぁぁ~ッッ!!こんなエッチ上手いなんてッ…聞いてないー…ッッ!!ひいんッ…!!』 《遊び人×陽キャ×ヤリチン》なスーパーモテ男子がアナタのおち◯ぽで即堕ちメス化...!! いつもヘラヘラとして掴み所のないヤリチン男子を愛の込もったメス堕ちSEXで徹底的に啼かせてみませんか? ︎☆ 【真面目一途男子】×【ヤリチン☆チャラ男】…正反対の二人が送る《激エロ純愛STORY》♪☆ 総収録時間《166分》!!その7割以上が激しくエロエロなHシーンです♪ 『【超】がつく女好き』...節操なしの陽キャ&ヤリチン男子をグチャドロセックスで【メス啼き】するまで抱き潰したいアナタにオススメの作品です! 【プレイ内容】 乳首責め・兜合わせ・亀頭キス・手マン・バイブ・挿入・連続メスイキ・潮吹き・結腸責め等... 男を知らないノンケの体が♀メス♀に変えられていく過程の一つ一つを余す所なくお届けします! 奔放なヤリチンがアナタに『身も心も堕とされる』姿をどうぞお見逃しなく♪ 【キャラクター紹介】 世良 流星(せら・りゅうせい)【受】 女たらしのヤリチン☆チャラ男。バリ陽キャ。 性に貪欲かつ貞操観念もめちゃくちゃだが、 その華やか、かつ美しい容姿と天性のコミュニケーション能力で 男女問わずたらし込んでしまう生まれながらの『人たらし』。 モラルの欠如ゆえ、言動が悪気なくクズ&不謹慎な事が多いが、 何故か憎めない危険な魅力の持ち主。 男女ともにハマる人間が続出。 主人公もその一人である。 ******************************** ・主人公(声なし)【攻】 朴訥とした真面目男子。 クラスの中では、どちらかというと目立たない地味目タイプだが、 思った事をズバズバと言う性格と、誰に対してもフラットに接しようとする 誠実な人柄ゆえに、全然タイプの違う流星とも仲が良い。 ゲイであり、一時期その事実に悩んでいた。 二年ほど前に、流星にカミングアウトしている。 流星は主人公の事を『親友』と思っているが、 主人公は密かに違う想いを抱いていて…。 【あらすじ】 陽キャで人気者の自他ともに認めるヤリチン☆チャラ男・世良流星。 今日もナンパした女子と朝までヤリまくるはずが、 振られてしまったと主人公(男/ゲイ)に泣きついてくる。 なんと…『アナル開発』に興味を持ち、相手の女子にペニバンを プレゼントしたらこっぴどく振られたというのだ…。 どうしてもアナルの快感を味わってみたい流星は主人公に頼み込み、 指やおもちゃを使って開発してもらう事に。 渋々流星のアナルを愛撫する主人公だったが、初めての快感に乱れる 流星の姿に欲情してしまい…。 ヤリチンチャラ男・流星の余裕は、暴走した主人公に根こそぎ奪われ、 しまいには本番SEXでメス堕ちさせられてしまう…! 主人公の一途な愛でヤリチン流星の心と身体を《陥落》させる事はできるのか…!? 【真面目一途男子】×【ヤリチン☆チャラ男】の激エロ純愛STORY♪☆ DLsite : MEGA:
【キャラクター】 ■受け■ 桜井春真【CV:新堂大輔様】 「僕、オナホのように犯されたいってずっと夢みてたんです…っ」 優しく素直な20歳の男の子。 控えめな性格なので恋愛経験はゼロ。もちろん処女。 しかし内心はエッチな事に興味津々で、一人エッチが大好き。 「オナホのように犯されたい」という夢を叶える為 勇気を出してオナホメイドに就職した。 特技/家事全般 好きな食べ物/ケーキ 身長/165cm 細身だがお尻は大きめ ■攻め■ ご主人様 ごく普通のサラリーマン。 穏やかで優しい性格だが、夜は性欲旺盛で絶倫。 オナホメイドサービスを利用するのは初めて。 ふと見かけたメイド一覧ページで春真へ一目惚れし、 すぐに利用申し込みをした。 【オナホメイドについて】 オナホメイドとは… オナホメイドが欲しいご主人様と、 ご主人様にオナホのように犯されたいメイドの マッチングを行うメイド派遣会社「オナホメイドサービス」 に所属するメイドさんの事♪ オナホメイドはご主人様のお家に住み込みで Hなご奉仕はもちろん、お料理やお掃除など メイドとしての業務もバッチリこなしてくれます! ご主人様とメイド、 お互いの希望が合致しなければ契約は成立しない上 メイド君はスケベな夢を叶える為、自分の意思で就職しているので 【シリアスや悲しい展開、事情等は一切ありません!】 明るく楽しくドスケベに! ご主人様(あなた)の事が大好きなオナホメイド君との 淫語&オホ声たっぷりなラブラブ変態プレイをお楽しみください♪ DLsite: MEGA:
ご利用は計画的に cast 熊谷健太郎(kentaro kumagai)× 興津和幸(kazuyuki okitsu) release 2020/1/25 MEGA Do not upload or share the file to the other sites. enjoy!!
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ゲームしたいのに淫魔が搾精を強いてきて困る!&ゲームしたいのに現れた天使も淫乱で困る!【ボイスドラマ版】 ゲームストリーマーの前に、淫魔が寄り付かないようにしてくれるという天使が現れる。 なんとその方法は天使とのセックスだった!? 【登場人物】 ・ゲームストリーマー【攻】 CV:スキマチェリー 鳴かず飛ばずのゲーム配信者。だが一定のファンがついているので配信で生計を立てている。とてもゲームが上手い。 ゲームをする時間を淫魔にかなり奪われているが絆されまくっているので襲われるままセックスしてしまう。 そんなある日、淫魔が寄り付かないようにしてくれるという天使も現れて──? 健康面を気にしており適度な運動・筋トレをしているので淫魔曰く精液の質がいいらしい。 ・サキュバス♂(淫魔)【受】CV:秋月勇人 美味い精液を求めていたら攻めを見つけた運がいい淫魔。攻めから搾れるうちは絞りまくろうと決めているのでかなりの頻度で攻めの傍にいる。 たまにゲームもやるし人間に化けたりもする。ツノ・しっぽ収納可。 ゲームストリーマーのことはダーリンと呼んだりする(人間の見よう見真似) ・天使 【受】CV:白薔薇 麗 困っている人間に手を差し伸べるべく地上に飛び回っていたところ、淫魔に絡まれているゲームストリーマーを見つける。 淫魔が寄り付かないようにしてくれるとのことだが──? ゲームストリーマーのことは人間・人の子と呼ぶ。 DLsite: MEGA:
Hi! I just read the manga and I absolutely fell in love with it!!! I just got to know that there’s a blcd of it. I would really like to listen to it. Do any of yall have it? I would really appreciate it TT
vol. 1 : mio, asuku vol. 2 : naruomi, yukihira (coco) Please do not repost or reupload anywhere!! (❛ ᴗ ❛ I accidentally uploaded this twice .. ! sorry for the confusion and spam as I am new to this TT__TT , this post here is where the drama cd is <3 Link: MEGA
Koisuru Asahaka Release Date: 2019/10/25 Cast: Eguchi Takuya x Shirai Yuusuke LINK MEGA
I picked up a stray cat~The affectionate expression of a fluffy cat who wants to be spoiled~
Yaoyao81 posted a topic in Drama CDs
Story: On a spring day, Soichi picks up a beautiful young man lying in a dust box in front of his apartment. While leaving the young man at home without asking about his circumstances, the young man who calls himself Kairi begins to show interest in Soichi's body. Soichi begins to see that Kairi resembles a cat he used to keep due some of his behaviors such as observing Soichi's morning wood, touching muscles, and showing a behavior that not anyone can see Kairi and Soichi gradually begin to get closer to each other, but Kairi has a secret ... Character: Uke: Kairi (CV: Amaoto) Age:?? Height: 175cm Occupation:?? On a windy day, a young man was picked up by chance. He has a unique sensibility, and he obediently explores what he is interested in. He's as free as a cat and doesn't say anything about himself, but as he spends time with Soichi, his feelings begin to change. Seme: Soichi Shimada Age: 27 years old Height: 185 cm Occupation: Office worker An office worker who work for IT companies. His hobbies are muscle training, futsal and physical activities, and he is very ignorant of art and culture. He has a passionate personality, and the reason he picked up the Kairi was "I couldn't leave him alone." At first he resisted Kairi's interest in his body, but as the young man touched his innocent heart, he was swallowed by the atmosphere and embraced Kairi body. MEGA (format: WAV, big file alert T^T) Yet another adorable uke voice done by Amaoto, the one who played Tsumugi-kun in the lastest BL doujin I shared with everybody :3 NO REPOSTING OR SHARING OUTSIDE OF YO Forum Enjoy!- 18 replies
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Kiss me Crying 2 Release Date: 2023/11/10 Pairing: Satou Takuya × Yashiro Taku Cast: J(スヒョン):Satou Takuya 佐藤拓也 乃亜:Yashiro Taku 八代拓 近埜:Tamaru Atsushi 田丸篤志 星:Amasaki Kouhei 天﨑滉平 Track Listing: Disc 1 第9話 第10話 第11話 第12話 第13話 Disc 2 第14話 第15話 Kiss me calling Kiss me breathing キャストトーク PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD OR SHARE WITHOUT PERMISSION Download link
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Please do not re-post/share on other sites and platforms. Thanks! あの日の放課後、僕たちは。 二人が近づくトワイライト 皓太×陽貴 Based On: Original BL Drama CD Scenario Illustrator/s: 真嶋しま、イコ Release Date: 2020/08/26 【 作品紹介 】 陽貴と皓太は、とある田舎町で一緒に育った幼馴染の仲良しコンビ。 高校3年生の今年、大学受験のため勉強にあけくれる日々を送っていた。 「春になったら、この町を出て離れ離れになる」という漠然とした不安を胸に秘めていた11月のある日、 帰路の途中で起こったある出来事をきっかけに、二人はお互いに向ける感情について自問自答を始める。 この想いは友情なのか、それとも……二人がたどり着く答えとは……? ≪出演≫ 藍羽皓太 : CV.伊東健人 茜陽貴 : CV.石谷春貴 Pairing: Itou Kento × Ishiya Haruki (Regular Edition) Source: animate-onlineshop MEGA Heya guys! Here's the second part, Kouta × Haruki! Haruki × Kouta ver. can be found here → LINK Ripped from my own copy. I saw that no one has shared this one yet so I just bought my own. Enjoy~ DO NOT repost. If I see this elsewhere, the reposters will be warned and/or directly reported. I'll remove the link if others won't abide by the rules. No re-uploading of the files allowed.
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[Story] Tsubaki Koton, feared as a monster and misunderstood by everyone, is a solitary student. Since his first day at the new high school he transferred into, his violent outbursts have been attracting attention. But, he's accepted his fate that no matter what he does, his actions will backfire on him. One day, Tsubaki encounters Kabuto Yuuki, whose jewel―like eyes sparkle so beautifully it takes his breath away. Thanks to Kabuto, who understands the feared Tsubaki's true intentions, the hardened heart that had become jaded gradually starts to melt... However, Kabuto is a ghost. He no longer exists in this world. A sad and pure love story between a solitary high school student people call a monster and a stunningly beautiful ghost. [Author] Himemiko [Cast] Tsubaki Koton (CV: Yosuke Tadokoro) Kabuto Yuuki (CV: Chiaki Kobayashi) Ibitsu Hawatari (CV: Shogo Sakata) Nanahisa Aya (CV: Soma Saito) [Link] Key: This is my first time uploading and buying a CD! Monster and Ghost is such a good story that I had to buy the CD. The track should go along with chapters 1, 2, 3, and 6 (not including the side stories). Please message me if there are any problems with the link! PLEASE GO AND SUPPORT HIMEMIKO!! THEIR ART IS BEAUTIFUL!!
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BLCD Request: Kingin Sasameku Himitsu wa Yoru
AndressaPacheco posted a topic in Other Yaoi/BL Requests
Title: Kingin Sasameku Himitsu wa Yoru (金銀ささめくひみつは夜) Author: Nojiro Guri Release Date: 2024/08/28 Cast: Mikado (Itou Kento) x Alloy (Saito Souma)- 5 replies
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(and 2 more)
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えっちな先生でごめんなさい! 優しいけれどちょっぴり流されやすい高校教師の高塚湊(26)。 湊はほんの出来心から始めたSNSで承認欲求が開花してしまい、 「裏アカ先生」というHNでちょっとえっちな自撮りを投稿することにハマっていた。 そんなある日、湊のスマホに1件の通知がきた。 送られてきたのは「勤務先の学校の住所と本名」が記載されたメッセージで!? 急に怖くなりアカウント削除を考える湊。しかし投稿した画像が保存されていたらヤバい!と思い、勇気を振り絞って待ち合わせ場所へ向かうことに。 その先にいたのは… 数年前に可愛がっていた元教え子、優等生の悠木颯真だった!? 登場人物 高塚湊(タカツカミナト)。26歳。183cm。細マッチョ。髪色はこげ茶。 担当教科は体育。生活指導も行っている。面倒見のいい先生として人気が高い。 その優しさゆえ、押しに弱く流されやすい一面も。 一方、SNSでは「裏アカ先生」というHNでHな投稿をしている。 気分転換にと軽い気持ちで自撮りを載せたらウケがよくてハマってしまった。 反応を求めて最近はちょっとHな写真(下着姿など)を投稿している。 自覚はないがM属性。攻められたり撮られたりすることに興奮してしまう。 悠木颯真(ユウキソウマ)。20歳。175cm。細身。黒髪。 湊の元教え子で今は大学生。一見、真面目そうな優等生だが中身はヤリチン。 趣味は裏アカ界隈で見つけた人を調教して弄ぶこと。 丁寧な口調で意地わるく責めるのが大好きなドS。 外面がいいので大人に好かれやすい。世渡りが上手いタイプ。 DLsite: MEGA:
Blackmailing(?) The Former Porn Star Dad ~Awakening the Sleeping Slut~
Lustsora posted a topic in Drama CDs
Summary This is an adult BL situation drama. It contains dirty language, so be warned! "I've been holding back for ten years... hah... haah... ten long years... a-and I can't hold it anymore, chairman!" Yuri is a prim and proper porn star-turned-single dad... I thought I'd threaten him just a little and see if I could get some sex, but things didn't go exactly how I expected... Includes lots of kissing! [Character] Yuri Miyahara (CV: Sukimacherryyy) Age: 31 Height: 170 cm Occupation: College librarian, formerly a cross dressing porn star A retired porn star whos old videos are still popular despite his retirement. After retiring he went to college and took a position in the campus library. When he was 26 his friend and former colleague passed away, leaving him with a son. He's always loved sex, but in the ten years since retirement, Yuri hasn't done it even once. He can't help but remember his past. Masaomi Inoue Age: 28 Height: 185 cm Occupation: University chairman A young man who inherited his job at a relatively young age from his deceased father. Luckily he's got great management skills, as this school goes from kindergarten all the way to university, and attendance is on the rise. He doesn't get along with his parents or know the warmth of a family. He's known Yuri since they were in school and used to watch his videos as a goof. No matter how many women he dates, though, he can't forget Yuri... Then one day at a staff orientation meeting, he sees a man he thinks might be Yuri. He needs to get close to him... But he's not particularly adept at showing his feelings. [Stories] Yuri is a former porn star who used to work in drag. Now he's a librarian at a university and raising his deceased friend's child all by himself. His new son attends the middle school associated with the university, and recently passed his exams. Everything was going great, until one day the university head tried to blackmail Yuri by threatening to expose his past. So why, then, did Yuri get a strange, unconcerned look in his eyes...? "So you want my body in exchange for your silence, is that it? You've been fantasizing about pounding me while watching my old videos, hm? Yuri hasn't had sex in 10 years, and he's more than ready to get it now that there's an opening. What will happen to the chairman next...? [Track List] Track 1 (08:12) - Play: kissing Track 2 (13:39) - Play: blowjobs Track 3 (22:22) - Play: blowjobs, riding Track 4 (25:51) - Play: fingering, missionary, riding Track 5 (21:37) - Play: Finger sucking, ass licking, sex, creampie Track 6 (14:47) - Play: ??? [Credits] *Cast: Sukimacherryyy (@sukimacherryyy) *Illustration: Kirito (@kiritotoritanip) *Scenario: mtk (@bisyounennohiza) *Audio Editing: Yubinii *Production: diamant ( Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell again for whoever don't know, I already added 'SEX with YOUR FRIEND! ~A Hottie 's ANAL becomes a PUSSY~' that have a script. Link is at the REPLY of under that topic when June 9th.- 35 replies
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ドSおばけが寝かせてくれない 3(中島ヨシキ×白井悠介) 発売日:2022年5月18日 原作:ときしば 出版:メディアソフト Charles Comics ブランド名:フィフスアベニュー ■キャスト 松坂雄二:白井悠介 寺田康祐:中島ヨシキ 松坂遥:堀江瞬 秋山拓実:深町寿成 川村大地:古川慎 松坂一代:原島梢 正志:熊澤玄徳 園原:本橋隼 先生:喜多田悠 刺さる我慢の先の先――……。 「頭の中、康祐でいっぱいだ」 康祐のことを想いすぎて、雄二が××に……!? ■ストーリー 付き合って半年。康祐の受験が終わり、 ようやく本格的に恋人気分を味わえるようになった二人。 日々過激で熱烈になっていく康祐の執着ラブで、雄二の強気デレも加速する。 そんないちゃップルな二人のもとに、 雄二に激似の美少女!?がやって来て――……!! ドS幽霊高校生×開発進む強気童貞リーマンの超人気BL、第3弾!!2枚組でCD化!! ■トラックリスト 1.第1話 2.第2話 3.第3話 4.第4話 5.第5話 6.第6話 7.第7話 8.おまけ ■特典トラック 「キャストコメント」…白井悠介、中島ヨシキ。堀江瞬。CDに収録されたおまけキャストコメント。 ファイル形式(mp3/256k/rar):DL LINK(mega) PW:yaoiotaku-akiaki22.10.06 Hi~ I purchased it myself = ̄ω ̄= ※ Please don't use the mp3 for other purposes! ※ Please don't reupload or share anywhere outside yaoiotaku! Thank you! Enjoy~ (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ 【PS: If the subject is repeated、please let me know. Thanks~】
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Title: Sankaku Twilight (さんかくトワイライト) Author: Hakata Release Date: 2024/02/28 Cast: Masuda Toshiki (Hara Ikkei) x Horie Shun (Hasegawa Miki), Furukawa Makoto (Aoba Wataru)
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BLCD Request: Indomitable Zono (Fukutsu no Zono)
hikarishions posted a topic in Other Yaoi/BL Requests
Release Date: 08/27/2021 Cast Deto: Kouhei Amasaki Zono: Kengo Kawanishi- 21 replies
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I've been enjoying this cd for quite a while in my collections and I saw that no one has shared this yet so I thought I'd post it here, enjoy~ If you have a female orgasm, you can't go home!? ~Succubus♂, sperm milking training in the human world~ Circle: 24/7 Release date : Oct/21/2022 Scenario : 生白子ぽぽ味 Illustration : s-sorry Voice Actor : 新堂大輔 Product format : Voice / ASMR Genre : Abnormal / Perverted, Dirty Talk, Boys' Love, Ahegao / Gapeface, Gay, Anal, Irrumatio, メス堕ち Sample: | Training rules: During the three-day training, must not have an orgasm before extracting semen from a human. Just the other day, Zenimu made his debut as a full-fledged male succubus. For three days, he is ordered to train in the human world and milk as much semen as possible. It is taboo in the demon world for a succubus-in-training to have a female orgasm before milking the semen, and any succubus who breaks this taboo three times is not allowed to return to the demon world. However, no one has made such a mistake before, and it has become a taboo that only exists in name only. Zenimu is not about to break such a ridiculous taboo, so he brazenly flies off to the human world... | Character Introduction Zenimu (CV: Shindou Daisuke) Appears to be 18-20 years old Egotistical succubus male "Who do you think I am? This Zenimu can take down all the shitty human dicks in one fell swoop! Gahahaha!" Seme: Sousuke (no CV) 179cm tall, slim and plain looking 26-year-old office worker | Contents of the main story Track 1: Succubus ♂ debut day Ah, sleepy... I wonder if there's anything fun to do. Why does the demon world have so little entertainment? Everywhere I look there are only succubi, so I'm bored to death... I want to go to the human world soon too. What, I'm making my human world debut!? Does that mean I can finally drink human semen!? Yeessss!! I'll suck them all dry! Track 2: First day in the human world, first milking Wow, that guy looks really weak. He seems taller than me, but skinny and plain... More than anything, he doesn't seem popular, so he probably has a lot of thick semen built up... Hey, don't get worked up! Hey, don't struggle! Don't you want to have some fun with me? Ha, what's this...! You were already hard before I even took off your clothes! Ugh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I-I can't stand it when you say something about my face now! I-I don't have time to worry about it! O! O! Mmmm! It feels so good! My dick and asshole feel so good! I-I can't handle it! I-I can't handle it! I can't handle it now! I can't do anything but make a happy face! If I was given a cock that fast and hard! Anyone would feel so good that their eyes would roll back! Track 3: Second day in the human world, first colon ...Hey, you were trying to get me to sleep, weren't you? I'm not going to sleep yet! I've already grown up since my first time having sex yesterday! Who would do something as pathetic as a female orgasm? Is it really okay for you to be so relaxed? I won't stop even if you cry "I can't cum anymore" after being completely drained by me! Ohhhhh! Amaze! My pussy is having an orgasm the whole time! Even my pussy is twitching, dick is rubbing against it mercilessly! Ohhh! Selfishly wanking pussy! Selfishly stroking my pussy! I can't stand it! The sperm is hitting me...! The sperm are fighting inside my uterus...! Amazing...! Tasting the dick juice while stroking is so good! Ahhh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Both dick and pussy are cumming! Ahhh! With the creampie pistons, dick and pussy are cumming with high-speed stroke! I can't stop stroking! Track 4: Third day in the human world, a new feeling Track 5: Epilogue I bought it myself on dlsite, don't repost it anywhere pls support with buy original work if you can.....and if you can't pls don't repost it anywhere, tysm DLsite: MEGA: this is my first time sharing something here, my small contribution here as i have been quietly enjoying most of the posts here for a long time so please don't hesitate to tell me if there something wrong with the link enjoy everyone and i hope you guys have a nice day~
Title: Mijuku na Boku wa Shihai wo Kou (未熟な僕は支配を乞う) Author: Otomi Chisa Release Date: 2024/10/11 Cast: Atsushi Tamaru x Takeo Otsuka Thank you in advance!
Name: Seiheki Yabame na Otoko ni Nerawaremashita a.k.a. Hit on By a Kinky Guy Author: Bov Cast: (Takamada) Abe Atsushi x (Yu Koyama) Nakajima Yoshiki Link: here Enjoy! P.S.: I pre-ordered this and the wait was worth it, I reaaaallly liked this spicy BLCD. This was the first time I heard Abe Atsushi as a seme which was not bad at all cuz 99% of the time he's usually cast as an uke. I wish the BLCD was longer Do NOT reupload/share this link anywhere outside of this website.