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Title: Chiguhagu na Kiss (ちぐはぐなキス) Author: Suehiro Machi Release Date: 2025/03/12 Cast: Masuda Toshiki (Sasahara Aoi) x Shuuichirou Umeda (Kumai Haruto) Please 🙏
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I like this author's works. Chiaki voice, smut & tsundere factors are also my favorites. I decided to share it here to kind members who always know how to say "thanks" to uploaders, follow the rules and have the same interest in Chiaki-san. Please don't ask me Vol 1 (I don't have or I won't share in case I might have but it's not my own purchase). Thank you for your understanding & enjoy! Author: Agata Ito (Agata Ai) Release date: Mar 14th, 2025 Cast: Chiaki Kobayashi (Natsuki Kudo)/ Toshiki Masuda (Ren Mikami) Support original work: CDJ | AMJ | Comicomi PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · Available 3 days only and removed without prior notice · Re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads (Please don't pm me for re-uploading, check the link regularly or leave your comment under my thread, it will be quoted when I re-upload) · DO NOT RE-UPLOAD/ RE-SHARE/ RE-DISTRIBUTE my files anywhere (both outside & inside the forum). Link will be taken down instantly & no re-upload if I find out it is reposted elsewhere because some of my files were randomly modified that may let me realize easily and quickly DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MEGA
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Author: Omayu Release date: Mar 1st 2025 Cast: Toshiki Masuda / Ryota Suzuki / Kentaro Kumagai Support original work: PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · Available 3 days only and removed without prior notice · Re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads · DO NOT re-upload/ re-share/ re-distribute my files anywhere (both outside & inside the forum). Link will be taken down instantly & no re-upload if I find out it is reposted elsewhere because some of my files were randomly modified that may let me realize easily and quickly DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MEGA
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I love this manga. It's not too excellent but very close to BL real life with subtle emotions & interactions. Enjoy! Author: Hakata Release date: Feb 28th 2024 Cast: Toshiki Masuda/ Shun Horie/ Makoto Furukawa Support original work: CD Japan / Amazon Japan PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · Available 3 days only and removed without prior notice · Re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads · DO NOT re-upload/ re-share/ re-distribute my files anywhere (both outside & inside the forum). Link will be taken down instantly & no re-upload if I find out it is reposted elsewhere because some of my files were randomly modified that may let me realize easily and quickly DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MEGA
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Release Date: June 30, 2023 Cast: Chiaki Kobayashi / Yoshiki Nakajima PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · Available 3 days only and removed without prior notice · Re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads (Please check the link regularly or leave your comment under my thread, your comments will be quoted when I re-upload. PLEASE DON'T DM ME FOR REUPLOAD AS I DON'T HAVE TIME TO SEND THE LINK VIA DM & I WON'T REPLY) · DO NOT RE-UPLOAD/ RE-SHARE/ RE-DISTRIBUTE my files anywhere (both outside & inside the forum). Link will be taken down instantly & no re-upload if I find out it is reposted elsewhere because some of my files were randomly modified that may let me realize easily and quickly DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MEGA
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作品紹介 ★135分の特大ボリュームでお届け!!★ 「これより僕は、旦那様の従属悪魔……え? ぁ、はい……お嫁さん、です……」 魔界から嫁取り!? クラスメイトの性奴隷化していた落ちこぼれ悪魔が、魔力の強い旦那様に召喚されめちゃくちゃ 愛されちゃうBLシチュエーションボイス! ★愛妻家魔力チート攻め × 自分に自信のない不憫悪魔受け★ ■キャラクター 受け:アクマ君 悪魔学校に通う青年悪魔。 座学は優秀だが、魔力をほとんど持たないため実戦がてんでダメな劣等生。 クラスメイトから日常的に暴力を振るわれ、休み時間や放課後はもとより授業中ですら犯し尽くされている。 元々純粋で天真爛漫な性格だったが、そんな生活を送る内すっかり萎縮し周囲全てに怯えるようになった。 とある放課後、寮の部屋から人間界へと召喚され、召喚者である攻めと従属契約を結ぶ。 炊事洗濯等の家事は大得意で、契約者の旦那様のために甲斐甲斐しく働く。 攻め:旦那様 魔界から嫁を召喚する、という一大決心の元、独学で黒魔術(悪魔召喚)を習得した三十路男。 人間界で普通に生きる分には全く何の影響もないが、実は魔力が底無しに多い。 魔法陣から出てきたアクマ君に一目惚れしその場でプロポーズ、それを契約命令と受け取ったアクマ君と従属契約を結ぶ。 本人は結婚したつもりでいるため、アクマ君には『旦那様』と呼ぶよう望む。 ■あらすじ 魔界唯一の教育機関、悪魔学校に通うアクマ君は、生まれ持った魔力に恵まれず、クラスメイトか ら底辺以下の扱いを受けていた。 日々の暴力や陵辱に絶望しながらも、完全実力主義の悪魔学校では誰に相談することもできない と思い、心を殺して受け入れている。 ある日寮の部屋で輪姦されていた時、突然体が光り出し人間界に召喚されてしまう。 そこで待ち受けていたのは……従属契約(プロポーズ)だった。 契約によって手に入れた膨大な魔力と、旦那様の優しさに戸惑い、受け入れ、彼は徐々に心を開 いてゆく。 生きる意味すら見失っていたアクマ君が、愛する人と幸せを手に入れる物語。 ■収録内容 ・トラック01.蹂躙と召喚 (10:24) (プレイ内容:モブ悪魔に犯されるアクマ君 イラマ、輪姦) 「ふぁっ……はぁっ……はぁっ……ごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさい……あっ……んっ……」 「僕みたいな下等生物が……んっ……生意気にも射精しようとして、ごめんなさい……」 「ぅ……皆様にたくさんお尻を虐めていただいて、気持ち良く、なってしまいましたっ……」 「ただ無意味についているだけの、使う予定もない童貞ちんぽから……」 「無駄種を、吐き出そうとしました……っ……申し訳っ、ございませんっ……んっ、んっ、んっ……」 ~~~ 「んっ……ふ……ぇ……? な、なに、僕の体が……光って……る?」 「これは……召喚魔法……!?」 「あ……いや……助け、て……召喚、され、ちゃ……!?」 ・トラック02.プロポーズと従属契約 (19:30) (プレイ内容:フェラ) 「……やだ、殴らないで……ごめんなさい……」 「僕にできることなら何でもします……! おちんぽにご奉仕するくらいしか能がないけど」 「それで良ければ僕の身体をどう使ってもらっても構いません!」 「お願いします、痛いのは、嫌……いや、なの……」 「……ぇ?あの……その、箱は? ……指、輪? お兄さんの左手についてるのと、お揃い……?」 「ふぇっ?! ……お嫁さんに、なって、欲しい?」 ~~~ 「んっ……濃い匂い……これが、興奮した人間の、におい……っ」 「んっ……くちゅ…んぅぅ…」 「ビクビクしてる……もう、少しっ……」 「……ご、くん…、 ふぅ……ぺろ……」 「人間の精液……悪魔のより、、凄く、美味しい……んっ……はぅ……」 ・トラック03.契約の完了とフェラ (21:12) (プレイ内容:フェラ) 「っ……?! ぁっ……なに、を……?!」 「んっ……あ、だめ、旦那様……旦那様が僕の汚いちんぽ、咥えるなんて、いけません、ふぁっ!」 「あっ! あっ! あっ!旦那様のお口、あ、つい……っ!」 「なんで……どうし、て……そんなこと……あああっ、ああああっ……!」 「だめ、だめだめ、出ちゃい、ますっ……ゴミちんぽから、劣等ザーメン、で、ちゃうぅ」 「あっ……だめ、射精は、だめ、なのぉ……無駄種、出したらっ……出したら、お仕置きっ……」 「痛いの……熱いのぉ……やだ、だめっ……射精だめぇ! っあ! ああ、ああああああっっっ!!!」 ・トラック04.新婚初夜と漲る力 (12:05) (プレイ内容:旦那様との初セックス) 「旦那様っ……旦那様ぁ……っ……もっといっぱい、奥、突いてぇ……」 「あひゅ……あっ、あっ……きもちいおちんぽで、掻き混ぜて、僕の中グチャグチャにしてぇ……っ!」 「いいっ……いいいっ……ぐ、うぐぅ……イく、イっちゃう……射精しちゃうっ……」 「旦那様のおちんぽに、射精、させられちゃううううぅぅぅっっ!!!!!」 ・トラック05.一時帰宅と遠距離エッチ (19:22) (プレイ内容:魔法による遠距離セックス、モブ悪魔による強制イラマ) 「それじゃあ、行ってきますね」 「こっちに戻る時は僕が魔法陣を発動させます」 「転移の魔法は召喚より必要魔力量も少なく済みますし」 「用事が全て終わったら、ちゃんと自分で戻って来るので大丈夫!」 「しばしの、お別れを(短いキス) では……」 ~~~ 「うっ……ぐ……なに……?!」 「……ぁ……な……あなたたち、どうしてこんなところに?!」 「 ……ぇ、僕のこと、ずっと探してた……?」 「ぁ……ぁ……ち、違うんです……! 逃げたわけじゃなくて! 偶然、あの時召喚されてしまって!」 「本当に、僕の意思で、皆様から逃げたわけじゃ……!」 以降の詳細は是非本編でご確認ください♪ ・トラック06.旦那様と告白 (12:51) (慰めキス、フェラ) ・トラック07.特殊魔法と淫紋 (19:00) (分身フェラ 陰紋で子宮を生成) ・トラック08.おねだりと種付けセックス (16:17) (プレイ内容:子作り本気セックス、中出し、連続絶頂) ・トラック09.アクマ君と幸せな新婚生活 (4:17) (エピローグ) Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell again for whoever don't know, I already added 'SEX with YOUR FRIEND! ~A Hottie 's ANAL becomes a PUSSY~' that have a script. Link is at the REPLY of under that topic when June 9th.
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Release date: Jul/31/2024 Cast: Yusuke Shirai / Yoshiki Nakajima Support the original work: PLEASE READ BEFORE DOWNLOADING: · Available 3 days only and removed without prior notice · Re-up at my discretion, depending on how many expectations and how behaviors left under my threads · DO NOT re-upload/ re-share/ re-distribute my files anywhere (both outside & inside the forum). Link will be taken down instantly & no re-upload if I find out it is reposted elsewhere because some of my files were randomly modified that may let me realize easily and quickly DOWNLOAD: Please read my common shared links below to prepare your quota transferring/ DL apps or IP connection/equipment changes ‘cause I don’t have time & capacity to create both links for every shared file · File <100MB, only Mega · 100MB < File < 500MB => 2 options (Mega & MediaFire in some cases) · Video version with size > 600MB, only MediaFire MEGA
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You end up getting trapped inside the PE storage room box horse. You hear the voice of the hot student council president, and an underclassmen. You can't help but peep on their sensual love making... No BGM, to enhance the heart-pounding feeling of peeping. A 67 minute voice drama CV: Taichi Tama, Kanade Mie (@mie_kanade) Production: Nerima de 12ji (@nerima_12ji) Original Work Download
vol. 1 : mio, asuku vol. 2 : naruomi, yukihira (coco) Please do not repost or reupload anywhere!! (❛ ᴗ ❛ I accidentally uploaded this twice .. ! sorry for the confusion and spam as I am new to this TT__TT , this post here is where the drama cd is <3 Link: MEGA
あらすじ 社畜として毎日を過ごす会社員の平良。 ひょんなことから異世界に転生し、 目覚めると稀有な魔力を持つ救世主と呼ばれていた。 皇帝であるヴァンに専用の魔力補給役として契約を結ばされることに。 魔力を受け渡す手段が「性交渉」だと知ると戸惑う平良は、 皇帝直々に調教を施されていき、次第に快感や愛情を植え付けられ……。 キャラクター紹介 ◇受 常守 平良(つねもり たいら) 年齢:27歳 職業:サラリーマン CV: 新堂 大輔 自称平凡な社畜。 過労による不注意で事故に遭い、気づくと異世界に転生していた。 異世界の中では希少な魔力を持つ救世主と呼ばれ、困惑する。 サラリーマン時代からNOを言えないイエスマンなため、 渋々魔力補給役を引き受けることに。 皇帝であるヴァンと仕事としてセックスを行う中で、 魔力を垂れ流し、どんどん淫らな姿になっていく。 ◇攻 ヴァン・セルギウス 年齢:25歳 CV: なし セルギウス王国の皇帝その人。 思慮深く人望も厚いが、魔力が少ないのが唯一の悩み。 爽やかな顔立ちとは裏腹に、 狙った獲物は必ず逃さないタイプで、 平良のことをあらゆる手段で堕としていく。 魔力補給役である平良に調教やセックスを施す内に、 淫乱な体に変えられていく彼に愛情めいた気持ちを抱くようになる。 DLsite : MEGA :
Please don't don't don't don't upload again❗❗❗REUPLOAD, OR SHARE ANYWHERE. THANK YOU! The original BL work "Shinho Taiketsu (English title: Beloved Enemy) Season 1" by Shui QianCheng, a popular Chinese author, is starring a popular voice actor. As a Japanese version voice drama starring Ono Yuuki and Nojima Hirofumi.This time is very, very long, please listen patiently.
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CROSS DRESSING -Maid Clothes- [Comic + Voice Drama Set]
bellerose14 posted a topic in Drama CD Downloads
A set containing a voice drama adaptation of circle shimaboue's popular comic "CROSS DRESSING -Maid Clothes-", plus the comic itself! [Summary] Haruki tries to forget about the crossdressing events that transpired before, but a class event leads to him donning women's clothes again. He tries not to let it get it him, but... 41 full color pages including cover 40 text-free variations 81 total pages Original Work Download -
♡あらすじ♡ 大学生の諏訪は「ただただセックスがしたい」というクズ志向の持ち主。 これが原因で彼女に盛大にフラれたところを、同じ大学で初対面の長峰に目撃されてしまう。 何となく彼と話すことになり、「「バスケやろーぜ~」的なノリで何も考えずにヤれたら最高だろうな」とボヤくと 「バスケ、付き合ってやるよ」と返され、悪ノリで長峰とヤり、その日以来セフレ関係に。 誰とも慣れあわない長峰が、徐々に自分には心を開いてくれていると感じ喜ぶ諏訪だったが、 彼には他にもセフレがいることを知り……!? ♡キャスト♡ 諏訪聡道 /CV:小松昌平 長峰史也/CV:八代拓 マリエ・スマホ/CV:烏田麻衣 男子大学生・昔のセフレ1/CV:青山尊 女友達・マリエの子供(6歳)/CV:白浜灯奈乃 大夢・昔のセフレ2・美術館の係員/CV:石井瑞樹 美優・マリエの女友達・マリエの子供(4歳)/CV:小柳日菜 灰田・昔のセフレ3・ナレーション/CV:木村太飛 DLsite : MEGA:
【title】Sex Suit Love Battle 【days】 2019/10/11 【cast】 Ryouta Takeuchi Tarusuke Shingaki Today is Tarusuke Shingaki's birthday. He's my favorite voice actor. Thank you for your interest and love. Please be healed by a nice voice. ⚠️Please don't share it to other sites. I'll delete it as soon as I find it.
☆*: .。. Hi! (❁´◡`❁) It's my first time uploading my CD here, cause i thought i'd share... .。.:*☆ The Titan's Bride [DRAMA CD] 巨人族の花嫁 ( Kyojinzoku no Hanayome ) by ITKZ 彗星社 Ito Kento X Ono Yuki Details: This CD is the prequel of the Titan's bride anime, (so i don't wanna spoil anyone, for those who haven't watched the anime or read the manga yet... this happened after the events in the anime). Release Date: 12/23/2020 |Source of the site: ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ PLEASE, DO NOT SHARE THIS CD OUTSIDE THE FORUM, o(╥﹏╥)o I got this myself, compressed the files for ease of access, & as always.... Enjoy ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ LINK PS: "If anyone has Enoki Junya drama cds, please help me who can upload owo" (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू) ≪CAST / キャスト≫ Caius Lao Bistail カイウス・ラオ・ビステイル(CV.小野友樹) Koichi Mizuki 水樹晃一(CV.伊東健人) Medina Nall Rosas メディナ・ナル・ローザス(CV.藤本教子) Baro Barows バロ・バロウズ(CV.中澤まさとも) Beri Berinal ベリ・ベリナル (CV. 白井 悠介)
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- 巨人族の花嫁
- the titans bride
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売る人-三回目- Those Who Sell: Third Company: Carbohydrate Release date: Apr/05/2020 "I, love having my insides stretched by c*ck..." It's the return of the seducing uke who sells naughty pills to seme guys... This work is a continuation, but can be enjoyed on its own. CV: Daisuke Shindou Tracks 01: Get Naughty 02:Fellatio 03: Facial 04:Penetration 05: Continuation 06: Cowgirl 07: Onii-san's Squirting Total playback time: 58 minutes Link: key: 55v0YP5bFGqzSYSY7HAliJyvtBbXNdwpfNP07pixwW4 Hi, Similar to everyone else, don't post anywhere else, otherwise, enjoy. P.S To respect Rino11031599291282, this is my own purchase. And I guess, to make it safer(?) I put a key on this one.
GOOGLE TRANSLATED DESCRIPTION For those of you who are looking for an exciting experience you have never seen before── This is a gangbang audio work in which all the mob characters have voices! Sorry to keep you waiting! The third installment of the popular gangbang audio series with mob voices! This time, it's a first in the history of BL doujin audio※1 <<Total number of mob characters: 28!!>> The pinnacle of gangbang BL audio works has been born! Enjoy an exciting and intense hour. Original Work I used Media Fire this time instead of MEGA, I hope this works better for the ones that had difficulties! Feedback is appreciated~! MEDIAFIRE LINK
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Link to Original Work Seiyuu: 雨宮道造 & ながしま Download f23lp4jWyio0PZ6CoeIpzWKeMsHutvBvlBWSd9bmNXQ
Bad Luck Peeping Vol.2 [Lively Character Bottom Ver.]
bellerose14 posted a topic in Drama CD Downloads
You can always hear the two guys in the next apartment having fun conversations. But one day, you hear a sound coming from there that doesn't sound like "just friends". It seems they've become lovers, and you get to listen in on their first time having sex... - No BGM enhances the realism of the situation! - Approx. 42 minutes playback time - Lively character bottom version (Loner character bottom version sold separately) [Top] Mikage Kakinuma | [Bottom] Akito Tomobe CVs: Kanade Mie (@mie_kanade), Shuuhei Tominaga (@tomisyu0111) Production: Nerima de 12ji DOWNLOAD -
Kazuki and You fall in love with one another. A voice drama featuring a lovey-dovey BL couple with an age-gap. Contains: implication of enema play / consecutive orgasm / faphole play / cherry boy top Total playback time: Approx. 60 minutes Voice Drama (41:08) + Casts' commentary (about 10 min 2x) Kazuki Yoshimura (CV: Dynamo Murata) You Asakawa (CV: Daisuke Shindou) Original Work Download
【情緒ぐちゃぐちゃえっち】夢の終わりとその先で Original Work Download
I've been enjoying this cd for quite a while in my collections and I saw that no one has shared this yet so I thought I'd post it here, enjoy~ If you have a female orgasm, you can't go home!? ~Succubus♂, sperm milking training in the human world~ Circle: 24/7 Release date : Oct/21/2022 Scenario : 生白子ぽぽ味 Illustration : s-sorry Voice Actor : 新堂大輔 Product format : Voice / ASMR Genre : Abnormal / Perverted, Dirty Talk, Boys' Love, Ahegao / Gapeface, Gay, Anal, Irrumatio, メス堕ち Sample: | Training rules: During the three-day training, must not have an orgasm before extracting semen from a human. Just the other day, Zenimu made his debut as a full-fledged male succubus. For three days, he is ordered to train in the human world and milk as much semen as possible. It is taboo in the demon world for a succubus-in-training to have a female orgasm before milking the semen, and any succubus who breaks this taboo three times is not allowed to return to the demon world. However, no one has made such a mistake before, and it has become a taboo that only exists in name only. Zenimu is not about to break such a ridiculous taboo, so he brazenly flies off to the human world... | Character Introduction Zenimu (CV: Shindou Daisuke) Appears to be 18-20 years old Egotistical succubus male "Who do you think I am? This Zenimu can take down all the shitty human dicks in one fell swoop! Gahahaha!" Seme: Sousuke (no CV) 179cm tall, slim and plain looking 26-year-old office worker | Contents of the main story Track 1: Succubus ♂ debut day Ah, sleepy... I wonder if there's anything fun to do. Why does the demon world have so little entertainment? Everywhere I look there are only succubi, so I'm bored to death... I want to go to the human world soon too. What, I'm making my human world debut!? Does that mean I can finally drink human semen!? Yeessss!! I'll suck them all dry! Track 2: First day in the human world, first milking Wow, that guy looks really weak. He seems taller than me, but skinny and plain... More than anything, he doesn't seem popular, so he probably has a lot of thick semen built up... Hey, don't get worked up! Hey, don't struggle! Don't you want to have some fun with me? Ha, what's this...! You were already hard before I even took off your clothes! Ugh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I-I can't stand it when you say something about my face now! I-I don't have time to worry about it! O! O! Mmmm! It feels so good! My dick and asshole feel so good! I-I can't handle it! I-I can't handle it! I can't handle it now! I can't do anything but make a happy face! If I was given a cock that fast and hard! Anyone would feel so good that their eyes would roll back! Track 3: Second day in the human world, first colon ...Hey, you were trying to get me to sleep, weren't you? I'm not going to sleep yet! I've already grown up since my first time having sex yesterday! Who would do something as pathetic as a female orgasm? Is it really okay for you to be so relaxed? I won't stop even if you cry "I can't cum anymore" after being completely drained by me! Ohhhhh! Amaze! My pussy is having an orgasm the whole time! Even my pussy is twitching, dick is rubbing against it mercilessly! Ohhh! Selfishly wanking pussy! Selfishly stroking my pussy! I can't stand it! The sperm is hitting me...! The sperm are fighting inside my uterus...! Amazing...! Tasting the dick juice while stroking is so good! Ahhh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Both dick and pussy are cumming! Ahhh! With the creampie pistons, dick and pussy are cumming with high-speed stroke! I can't stop stroking! Track 4: Third day in the human world, a new feeling Track 5: Epilogue I bought it myself on dlsite, don't repost it anywhere pls support with buy original work if you can.....and if you can't pls don't repost it anywhere, tysm DLsite: MEGA: this is my first time sharing something here, my small contribution here as i have been quietly enjoying most of the posts here for a long time so please don't hesitate to tell me if there something wrong with the link enjoy everyone and i hope you guys have a nice day~
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Sorry for the wait! I was busier than expected over the past week. The audio files are in .wav , I tried converting them to .mp3 but it had a pending time of like six hours so I gave up. ;-; I hope everything works with this upload, was in a pickle lol Original Work Download
Title: Sankaku Twilight (さんかくトワイライト) Author: Hakata Release Date: 2024/02/28 Cast: Masuda Toshiki (Hara Ikkei) x Horie Shun (Hasegawa Miki), Furukawa Makoto (Aoba Wataru)
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BLCD Request : 悪神乳母処女喪失。~ 息子同然の可愛い王子に処女を奪われ母性全開母乳産卵えっち ~
Kurosetsu posted a topic in Other Yaoi/BL Requests
Did anyone have this CD? I tried to listen from the sample and it is really really good. No wonder it's so popular on DL site i wish someone who have this want to share the joy with us