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Title;スキャンダラス・ダーリン 1巻 Author and/or artist;いつきまこと Publisher;シガリロ Magazine/imprint;シガリロ Release date/year;2020/07/22 Language of the scans;Japanese Scanner;SenkiSakura Summary;「とびきりの夜にしようじゃないか」通訳の黛(まゆずみ)は、来日したハリウッドの人気俳優・ルイス提案で、なぜか東京案内することに。自由奔放なルイスにキスを見せつけられたり、滞在先のホテルに連れ込まれたり――!? 映画よりドラマティックなスキャンダラス・ラブスタート!! 【本作品は単話「スキャンダラス・ダーリン」Scene1~Scene3を収録した電子合本版です】 DOWNLOAD LINK; Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 : Chapter 3 Onwards : Stay Tuned ! * Please do not share outside this forum . Thank you for your cooperation ! If face any problem, feel free to let Senki know. Wish you have a great day ! !*★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。
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Hello guys Gaia here I was just wondering if anyone knows any good yaoi animes and if they could help me find some good ones to watch. I have only watched one yaoi ever i'm kinda new so all this but I would like to watch some more and am looking forward to. I have watched Gravitation over 6 times its so cute I love it but I think I am ready to watch some new ones ^-^ please help.
TITLE: ROMANTIC JOUTO Alt name : ロマンティック上等 Written & Drawn by : moriyo Serialized In : ポーバックスTHE OMEGAVERSE PROJECT COMICS Release Date : 2015/09/24 Original Status : 1 Volume(complete) Size : 91.82 MB Language : JAPANESE DOWNLOAD >> [JP] ROMANTIC JOUTO // MORIYO
I bet most of you guys have Android Phones, right? Since your answer is going to be yes, then here's a great game for you to download on your mobile! Vampire Darling Search for that name in your app store and install it. It's a great game with lots of people ( Including me ) PLOT: The story goes when "Satsuki", a half demon & a half vampire, is left to choose his own path in life. While searching for a lost feeling of love, his path changes among his childhood werewolf friend "Shirou", his long-life vampire protector "Clay", and a human vampire hunter "Lau". All that with other secondary characters and lots of events. Install it and enjoy playing. P.S: You can change your character name and clothes, also you are able to purchase things to increase your popularity and that helps during the game to get better results. That's how the game works, so enjoy it ^w^ Any questions, just post it here.:hamtaro-005 (23):
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Saga sat still underneath the blossom tree. His face was beautiful, shaped to perfection with a touch of softness yet eyes that took control. Sad was what this love is,Sad and Pathetic. A one sided road where it leads you to sadness and obsession. I should know;Love wasn't on my side. I've loved Saga-kun since 8th grade when I began to notice people in a sexual way. Not exactly the people accepted by my culture but people like me, or just my gender. It seemed wrong at first, like I done something or something was wrong with me. Maybe I needed to be fixed or something. But, soon, I'd accepted the fact that i love boys and boys who love boys. Not everyone gets to say this but wouldn't it be great if they did. My first "real" relationship was with a man by the name of Tanaji Okisamo, he worked as an accountant and was 15 years my senior. He was normal and a great screw until i met his daughter,Jami. We had biology together, and when i saw Tanaji at the parent meeting with his wife, lets just sayi was kicked off school grounds. Saga,my best friend, accepted my sexual preferrence when others…didn't exactly make the best of it. Saga is exactly 6 years my senior and while we didnt go to school together we lived next to each other and grew up eating mochi with each others family. I guess i'd always known about my love for Saga but i hadn't fully accepted it. "What?" He turns toward me and smiled. "I was thinking about that time you messed up the Mochi mama made for your birthday," I lied blushing harder as the silent seconds passed. "I didn't mean to!" He stood defending himself. I stood up in front of him challenging his braveness. He pushed his long arms out pushing me backwards,"You don't want to be embarressed now do you?" I wrestled him to the ground laughing as we rolled around. Soon, he was on top and we both were panting. His face leaned toward mine his lips slightly ajarred. His lips were an inche from mine as we closed our eyes. "Sagani Aganoi! You get home this instant and stop wrestling with Koi!" His Mother stomped toward us, ponytail swinging and dress flowing with the anger of Godzilla, "Hello Koi, I talked to your mother tell her that the recipe was fantastic as she told me." "Yes, Ma'am," I Huffed a gut full of air out after they left. ARGGGGHH! I was so close to making him see my love! I threw my backpack on the ground and slid my shoes off at the door. As i slipped my house shoes on, the undeniable sound of my parents arguing and throwing objects they were gonna replace echoed through. I picked Tigress, my pet rabbit, up and carried her to my room. I laid on my bed petting Tigress unaware of the t.v. playing an advertisement. I let Tigress out of the room and locked my door before falling on to the mattress. My hand unzipped my jeans and freed my cock from its prison. I'd been hard the entire time we'd wrestle. Surely, Saga felt it when he pinned himself against me. My hand began stroking slowly to the picture of him on my bulletin board. I stood and took i down laying it onto a towel. My hand jerked my cock slowly over the picture as i imagined him sucking it. His wet silky tongue gliding over the head gathering my precum. Dream Saga bent over the bed railing gripping his ass cheeks spreading them for me and me only,"please…please Koi Enter me……give me the love you've held in." I began to thrust into my hand as i felt the cum build and travel up my shaft. Just as it reach the head of my cock, Roji, My older brother, walks in naked and my cum splatter across his chest and cock. I cum immediately again seeing the beautiful sight before me. "Roji!" He strode towards me, his cock hard. He glanced at the picture,"Saga,Huh? Have you told him? Close your eyes pretend it's him." "You Wouldn't Dare!" I Whispered as he spinned me around spitting on my asshole. "You covered me in cum and now im gonna fill you," he thrusted in me.……[To Be Continued] ─────────────────✔──────────────── ♥Hai Hope You Enjoyed This Is My Dream and i hope i gain a few fangirls or fanboys for Roji, Koi, and Saga…Maybe even Tigress lol but i had fun writing this and i hope it is as fun to read With Boy-Love, Donnii