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Title;黒い聖者は二度笑う Author and/or artist;サガミワカ Publisher;徳間書店:Chara Magazine/imprint;Chara Selection Release date/year;2020/10/02 Language of the scans;Japanese Scanner;SenkiSakura Summary;抜群の射撃の腕を持ちながら、過去のトラウマから銃を撃てない新米刑事・鋼(はがね)。ある日、偶然雨宿りをした教会で、美貌の神父・暁(あきら)と出会う。「あなたとの出会いは神のお導きだ」天使のような微笑でそう語りかけられ、鋼は心を許していく。ある日教会で、大切な人を失った記憶に苛まれ涙を流した鋼は、暁の優しい微笑と抱擁に癒される――けれど、その微笑みは、どこか仄暗さを孕んでいて!? DOWNLOAD LINK; Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 Onwards : Stay Tuned ! * Please do not share outside this forum . Thank you for your cooperation ! If face any problem, feel free to let Senki know. Wish you have a great day ! (*゚ー゚)
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Title;カラダ、あたためますか? Author and/or artist;ウチタマオ Publisher;笠倉出版社 Magazine/imprint;equal Release date/year;2017/09/08 Language of the scans;Japanese Scanner;SenkiSakura Summary;芸能界に挫折した進のバイト先はTV局内のコンビニ。知り合いにバレたくないとマスクで顔を隠していたのに、若手俳優・青名に気付かれてしまう。口封じにトイレに連れ込みフェラを仕掛けた進だけど…? DOWNLOAD LINK; Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 Onwards : Stay Tuned ! * Please do not share outside this forum . Thank you for your cooperation ! If face any problem, feel free to let Senki know. Wish you have a great day ! !(p≧w≦q)
Title;お前にだけは好きって言わない Author and/or artist;橈やひろ Publisher;シュークリーム Magazine/imprint;moment Release date/year;2020/11/06 Language of the scans;Japanese Scanner;SenkiSakura Summary;梨本南実18歳。AV男優に憧れて上京したけれど、デビューが決まったのはゲイビデオ! しかも、“教育係”になった葡波悠真は嫌味っぽくて苦手なタイプ。カリスマ男優か知らないけどエラそーに! …けれど傍にいるうち、その不器用な性格で誰も寄せ付けない姿を、放っておけなくなっていて――? 低温ドSカリスマ男優×元気印のノンケ新人、かけがえのない存在へ変わる業界青春ラブ! DOWNLOAD LINK; Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 Onwards : Stay Tuned ! * Please do not share outside this forum . Thank you for your cooperation ! If face any problem, feel free to let Senki know. Wish you have a great day ! !( ゚∀゚) ノ♡
Title;孤独な犬の飼い方 Author and/or artist;日野ガラス Publisher;海王社 Magazine/imprint;GUSH COMICS Release date/year;2018/06/15 Language of the scans;Japanese Scanner;SenkiSakura Summary;―――先輩、俺その犬みたいな呼び方、本当は好きじゃないんです。一流大に通うエリートの城瀬には裏の顔がある。ゲイバーで有名なドSの「ユウト」の顔だ。今でこそドMたちを傅かせている城瀬だが、かつてはイジメに遭い、おどおどした中学時代を過ごしていた。ある日、城瀬は行きつけのゲイバーで当時を知る人物と再会する。彼の名前は「牧優斗」…城瀬が仄かな想いを寄せた相手で―――? DOWNLOAD LINK; Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 : Chapter 3 Onwards : Stay Tuned ! * Please do not share outside this forum . Thank you for your cooperation ! If face any problem, feel free to let Senki know. Wish you have a great day ! \(^▽^)/
So, this is my first time here in YaoiOtaku, so I expect that you guys don't really know my way of, but I guess that you'll get to be familiar with it soon~ Going to conquer the rp-section!! So, I'm really descriptive, and I can do multi-para, one message covering the whole page.. lol (not that much really...)XD But yeah, I guess you got my point. I write A LOT~ Though not always. I can also do something like 3-10 liners aswell, but please... I. HATE. ONELINERS. not them, pretty please.. Just tell me what kind of style you prefer, and I'll try to match it! Just to warn you, I've roleplayed for 5 years now, but I might be a bit rusty at first, since I last did rps in the summer.. but I've still got the touch;) So.. Now into the more important part~ I was thinking of starting up an rp, where are no `girly ukes´. I can do rps with them as well, but I'd prefer not to this time. I'd like to play the seme myself, so I just want you to know what I expect from you playing as the uke~^^ Hope I don't sound too pushy.. The Uke has learned martial arts, aikido and judo, so he knows how to protect himself and fight very well. He isn't going to be quiet and obey when someone pisses him off. He really starts a fight. He's also got a very bad mouth, using cursing words etc. To people who don't piss him off, he's really gentle and kind. I hope that you can add your own things, and give me your version of the uke I see. I really hope that you could kind of `make your own character of him´. Of course, when the `situation comes´, his cool character can drop off, and he can act nervous, blushing etc~ ..Haha, sounds odd doesn't it? I'm using the plot of one of my short story-ideas, that never actually made it's way to my computer. It's still just a plan on paper.. So I hope that someone would help me actually make a story out of it~^^ So~ Here is the setting~: The Uke goes to a new school in Japan, having been abroad, in USA for the past 3 years. (He's starting in 2nd class of highschool) His parents still live in USA, so he has to go to the school dormitory to live. Of course he is originally japanese, so he can speak the language perfectly. On his first day in the school, the Uke runs into a gang of `bad guys´ inside the school, who start telling their `rules´ to him. Because he doesn't like other people bossing him around, he well... gets pissed off and... kind of hits the leader of the gang... You can also already guess that the "leader" of the bad guys is the seme~ The first time being opposed by someone, the seme gets interested in the uke, but also angry, of course... So the Uke is in deeeeeep trouble.. So here comes my seme: (no name yet) He's the son of the director of the school, so everyone, even the teachers let him do what he wants. People are both afraid of him, and admiring him. Plus he's amazingly handsome (of course;>), so lots of girls like him. They're the badass group inside the school, and people are afraid of them, no-one daring to stand up against them, but at the same time, everyone admires them, they being the most popular guys inside the school. He's used to getting what he wants always, so I'd really appreciate if the uke could be `hard to get´ He's also really cocky and short tempered sometimes, at least when he gets hit by a beautiful, slim transfer student boy;) He's also really flirty, enjoying it when girls fall for him. But he never dates any of them, just fucks and leaves it to that. A playboy of the baddest kind lol. And he also is kind of sadistic, but still can be gentle when it comes to a person he likes. Also, if he doesn't get what he wants, he'll take it by force~ If you got even slighest a bit of interest in my plot, I'd be really thankful if you told your interest to me;) Plus please, describing and proper language is a must. I want to do long posts with this one. At least something 6-8 rows, maybe even something close to twenty, depending on you;) I want to start already~ Feeling really excited~ + as a warning, sex is of course included~