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Kiss wa Tsugai ni Hizamazuku キスは番にひざまずく ENUOKA Yochi 2021 Download
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I Love Kabukichou I(ラブ)歌舞伎町 Kouki 2022 Download
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Pink Heart Jam / Pink Heart Jam beat ピンクハートジャム / ピンクハートジャム beat Shikke 2022-2024 DL
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Amakute Atsukute Iki mo Dekinai 1 甘くて熱くて息もできない 1 Hachisu 2021 Download
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Happy of the End 1-3 ハッピー・オブ・ジ・エンド 1-3 OGERETSU Tanaka 2021 DL
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Shirouto Yankee Kikiippatsu!! REPLAY 1 素人ヤンキー♂危機一発!! REPLAY 1 Yao 2023 DL Please comment and like feedback will make me share more manga
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Original Title: shirouto yankee kiki ippatsu Alt. Title: 素人ヤンキー♂危機一発!! Author/Artist: yao / 八百 Year of release: 2018 Published by:竹書房 Volume 01 [JP] (Link thanks to @FuMiruku!) Volume 02 [JP] (Link thanks to @samoytoy95!)
Kimi wa Itoshino Liar Boy きみは愛しのライアーボーイ AKAI Shirafu 2023 DL Please comment and like feedback will make me share more manga
✂️Baka to Hasami by Hinako [ENG]✂️ Manga title: Baka to Hasami Author: Hinako Alt. titles: 馬鹿とハサミ(ひなこ) Genres: Smut, Yaoi Year: 2020 Status in country of origin: 1 volume (completed) Translation status: ongoing Published by: Drap Translation group: YaoiOtaku Plot: Yousuke is enjoying a care-free life, living off of a wealthy woman. One day, management of an establishment, that forbids sex between the staff and their clients, finds out that he's been sleeping with the girls! Yousuke receives punishment as payment for breaking the rules, by having his virgin ass stuffed with a dildo and being strapped with a chastity device. Yousuke, who's been kicked out of his home as a result of what's happened, confronts the man who is the source of his issues and tells him that he'll be the next one to take him in. Read Online: Baka to Hasami Downlad: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 New!
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Credits: Hinako's Baka to Hasami -Translation Group YaoiOtaku- Manager: ultimatecat Translator: ultimatecat Proofreader: KohakuShadow Editor/typesetter: ultimatecat QC: Key Read Online Download
Title: Mimori-san no Yarashii Okuchi Original: 三森さんのやらしいおくち Author: Rasu Year: 2019-2020 Download: Vol 1-3 LINK Feel free to translate but do not reupload outside of this forum or share on social media.
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Aisaretagari no Antiromance 愛されたがりのアンチロマンス OKINO Nico 2019 Download
yaoi Akete mo Kurete mo: Zoku: Itsuka Koi ni naru made - KURAHASHI Tomo
samoytoy95 posted a topic in Raw
Akete mo Kurete mo: Zoku: Itsuka Koi ni naru made 1-2 明けても暮れても -続 いつか恋になるまで- 1-2 KURAHASHI Tomo 2021-2022 Vol.1 Vol.2 . . . Manga bonus Itsuka koi ni naru made 上,下 and Doujinshi いつか恋になるまで 上,下 and Doujinshi 2019 Itsuka koi ni naru made 上 Itsuka koi ni naru made 下 Itsuka koi ni naru made doujinshi This manga has already been posted But cruciatus that way doesn't update the Manga again So I uploaded it to include in my new post Hopefully it's no problem, if something really happens I'll delete the post for peace of mind Please comment and like feedback will make me share more manga- 30 replies
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Title: Be Careful what You Wish for… Fandom: King of Fighters Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami Pairing: Iori x Kyo Rating: 18+(Smut and suggestive themes) Summary: [(In)dirrect sequel to Icy Hot, but can be read as stand-alone story] Tonight, Iori’s cursed blood boils again. Soon enough, Kyo realizes that it’s not the bloodlust blazes in his partner’s eyes, but rather something else. Perhaps something more than a beastly hunger… AO3 Link It‘s a quiet afternoon in Yagami’s apartment. But for now, while Iori chills on the couch and uses the cat teaser toy, the tuxedo kitten tries to catch the moving feathers. Certainly, observing how Oreo is energetic and reckless when he tries to hunt down his prey warms up his heart. After all, it reminds him of the person who gave him this tiny miracle that melted his heart. Speaking of which, Iori lifts his head after he feels how someone wraps their arms around him and rests their head on his shoulder. Yet, he continues focusing on playing with Oreo despite one Kusanagi nuzzling like a feline. “What is it this time?” Iori sighs as the brunette’s hair tickles his neck. “You know, I was thinking about something recently. But first, you must promise you won’t be mad,” Kyo replies. The redhead only rolls his eyes. “Did you get cause any trouble?” Kyo only chuckles. “What makes you think that way? So, is it yes or no?” Despite having a bad feeling about this, Iori briefly answers. “Just shoot it.” Lastly, the brunette delightfully smiles. After Kyo removes his arms from his partner, he joins him on the couch and sits close to him. When Kyo sits on Iori’s lap, he parts his legs by knee and leans closer to him while giving a demanding look. After Iori lowers the teaser toy, he narrows his gaze. “Do not think of doing it. Just not in front of Oreo.” While the tuxedo kitten is busy with his target without understanding what his dads are doing, the brunette reassures his partner. “I wasn’t planning on anything.” After a temporary pause, he stares at Iori with these captivating amber eyes. “But I need to ask you something.” After Kyo exhales, he adds in a shy tone. “Hey, remember the last time you went Blood Riot? Well, that one time during the… You know what I mean, right?” Yagami only covers his face with his palm. Yet, he tries to keep his cool. “Haven’t we already talked about it? So, you don’t have to apologize twice. Unless there is anything else I should know.” Meanwhile, when Oreo doesn’t receive his parents’ attention, he jumps from the couch and leaves with his tail lifted. When the brunette lowers his gaze, he remains silent for a moment. Soon, he speaks up while gently rubbing his partner’s chest. “About that… I was thinking about doing it the next time you may have Blood Riot. Of course, if that’s fine by you.” Suddenly, the redhead widens his eyes, and as the heat rushes to his cheeks, he covers his mouth and facepalms. “You horny idiot…” “It’s not something you can fool around. Do you understand how it can be dangerous?” Iori lectures him. “But I still beaten your ass and knock you out even if I was tied up and blindfolded. That’s why you don’t need to worry about me.” Kyo objects. After a brief pause, he adds in a slightly concerned tone. “But I’m not sure if that would count as taking advantage of you or cheating. Because even if it is your body, you don’t know what your another part is doing while you are asleep. So, if you are really against it, if I’m anywhere around when your blood boils, I will knock you off before you’ll harm yourself, as I always do. I promise.” At the moment, Yagami stays quiet without saying a single word, considering something important. Lastly, Iori asks in a serious tone. “Do you really want this so badly, Kyo?” Meanwhile, Kusanagi’s eyes shine with excitement. For now, he lowers his head and presses his palms as he prays and lifts them. “Please.” After the redhead observes his desperate partner for a while, he announces the final verdict. “Fiiine. However, under one condition.” When Kyo lowers his hands and lifts his head, he digs his fingertips into Iori’s thighs. “Yeah, anything you’ll say.” “If you’re in danger or it becomes out of your hand, do whatever it takes to defend yourself.” The redhead explains. Suddenly, Kyo pulls his partner into a tight hug and closes his eyes. “Thank you so much, Iorin~” However, the meowing from below almost startles the brunette, and he turns his head. Apparently, the tuxedo kitten sits in front of them and stares with such demanding eyes. In the end, Yagami sighs. “What is it, Oreo? Do you want us to follow you?” Little Oreo meows, and after he stands up, he points with his head towards the kitchen. “You’re hungry?” The redhead asks. After he prompts Kyo to get up, Iori stands up, bends down to stroke Oreo, and allows him to be guided by him. A few days pass by. It is a chilly autumn night, and nothing seems to be extraordinary. So, for now, Kyo and Iori continue their way home. However, as they get closer to the dark alley, the redhead starts shakily breathing and covering his hung head. After Kyo notices him stop walking, he gives a worried look and places his palms on his shoulders. “Hey, are you okay? Do you feel sick?” Suddenly, Yagami widens his eyes and covers his mouth. As the blood gushes through his fingers, he freezes at the same spot. Meanwhile, the Kusanagi lowers his arms and dumbfounded stares at his partner. “Don’t tell me that…” Fortunately, his reaction is quick. And thus, he dodges the slashing strike, accompanied by the tearing noise. A second later, Kyo is not that alerted by his exposed chest like Iori pushing him into the dark alley and making him land on his bottom. As soon as Yagami follows his prey, he sits on top of him and grasps his throat while growling and baring his fangs. While the brunette fixates his gaze on Iori, he realizes it is not pure rage and bloodlust blazes in his partner’s eyes but a hunger. But for now, the redhead leans close to his prey and presses his face against his chest. At first, Kyo is confused about how such a creature calms his anger by sniffing his upper body. Soon, he exhales and narrows his gaze when Iori’s hair tickles his neck and breathes on his skin. What if Yagami sees him as nothing more than food? The brunette wonders. Suddenly, the Kusanagi lets out a sweet gasp as his partner licks behind his ear and nibs it. As Iori licks his cheek and neck, his other hand brushes on Kyo’s chest. More so, thanks to his upper body being exposed to cold weather, his nipples are erect. Despite feeling how Iori gropes him, he keeps his voice down. The brunette even bites his finger wherever Yagami bites him, and his tongue traces his skin. ‘Shit… Of all places, you picked the streets, you moron! What if anyone sees us? Damn,… he is really like an animal who doesn’t care about the time and place when he is in heat.’ The brunette thinks. No matter how he doesn’t want to admit it, that thought alone excites him. And his rising hard-on is perfect proof. However, when Iori grasps his partner’s pants and is about to rip them off, Kyo closes his eyes and pushes him away. While Kyo stares at the frozen redhead, who stands up while growling, he gets up and leans his back against the concrete wall. Suddenly, Iori punches the wall and corners his caught prey. Meanwhile, Kyo understands he has to remain calm despite being intimidated by the deadly beast and look straight into his eyes. When the brunette softens his gaze and exhales, the brunette moves his hand on Yagami’s inner thigh and slides it up to his neither region. Such a gesture surprises the redhead. However, he doesn’t mind it, nor does the Kusanagi throw his arm over his shoulders and bring himself closer. When Kyo rubs his partner’s groin, he whispers in a seductive tone. “You want this, aren’t you? So, let me help you to calm that big guy down there.” After withdrawing his hands, the brunette kneels and peacefully nuzzles his cheek against Yagami's leg to prove he has no violent intentions. Meanwhile, the redhead lets out nearly purring-like noises. Yet, when Kyo lifts his head and looks at him with his capturing amber eyes, Iori becomes silent and swallows the saliva. Lastly, the Kusanagi only chuckles, and after he undoes his own belt and lowers his jeans and underwear, he nearly purrs. “You’re quite eager, aren’t you? So, let me remove that annoying seal~” When Kyo unbuckles his partner’s belt, he bites into the zipper and lowers it with his mouth. As he pulls down the underwear, his face almost gets slapped by Yagami’s vigorous hard-on. Yet, before taking it into his hand, the brunette only adds in a playful tone. “Even down there, you want to finish me?” While he strokes his cock, Kyo lowers his other hand and starts pleasing himself as well. Meanwhile, the redhead bites his lower lip without removing his eyes from the lewd Kusanagi. After Kyo lands a soft kiss on the tip, he uses his tongue around it while studying his partner’s reaction. Soon, he licks Iori’s entire length. However, when the brunette parts his lips and is about to take as much as he can, he gives a questioning look, after Yagami places his hands behind his head. Suddenly, Kyo widens his eyes and gasps as Iori immediately pushes himself in. The brunette even instinctively sheds a tear while his fingers twitch. As Iori grinds his teeth, he sinks fingers into his scalp and aggressively thrusts his hips. Meanwhile, the Kusanagi is like a rag-doll when his throat is violated by this panting and huffing man. Despite being suffocated, he let out mewling noises in between catching his breath. Suddenly, the redhead presses his partner’s face against him. Lastly, he closes his eyes and groans. Meanwhile, the brunette keeps his eyes open and moans as the hot load pours down his throat and greedily swallows each gulp. Even when he is dizzy while Iori’s still throbbing cock inside him, he can feel the cum running down from the corners of his lips. After Yagami pulls Kyo’s head away, he releases his hair. As his chest bloats, he is aroused again by seeing the view in front of him and wanting to break him. When the brunette slowly regains his breath, he lowers his gaze and wipes his mouth. Unfortunately, after noticing the newly raised hard-on, he becomes bewildered and nervously cracks a smile. “You gotta be kidding me. Th-there is more?” Suddenly, Iori forcibly lifts him and pushes him against the wall. But for now, when Kyo places his palms on the wall, he feels how Yagami hugs his waist with one arm and presses his body against him. A second later, the redhead holds his chin and makes him face him while studying him. When Iori parts his lips by using his thumb, he pushes a couple of his fingers inside his mouth. Without a saying or a second thought, the brunette understands what he needs to do. After he narrows his blushing gaze, he starts sucking and working with his tongue around these fingers. Meanwhile, such an unexpected but pleasant gesture from the Kusanagi thrills the respiring beast. When his fingers are finally wet enough, Iori removes them and spreads Kyo’s legs by his knee. As the couple of fingers are inserted, the brunette lets out a sweet moan and covers his mouth. Even when it messes with his ring muscle, he closes his eyes and breathes deeply. After all, it’s nothing different from the foreign body wriggling inside him and messing with him. Despite that, Kyo is not mad at him for being a tease. After all, this creature is inexperienced unlike Iori, and perhaps he only repeats what he can recall from their previous encounter. However, when Yagami’s fingers accidentally hit the brunette’s special spot, he is rewarded by hearing a lovely set of sounds from him. For sure, it intrigues him, and he aims for the same spot again just to be entertained by Kyo’s adorable reactions. Yet, to fully enjoy himself, he grabs the Kusanagi’s wrist and brushes it away. When Iori rubs his prostate more often, Kyo fails to hold back his voice, and his knees become weak. Yet, the brunette cracks a smile at how the redhead quickly learns. Soon, Yagami removes his fingers, and after he turns the brunette to his side, he lifts his partner’s leg and places it on his shoulder. Meanwhile, Kyo is relieved that he is not facing the street so that any wanderer can see the oh-so-great Kusanagi heir exposing himself. On the other hand, he is curious if anyone notices them, whether Yagami will kill anyone in cold blood or won’t mind a spectator. But for now, Iori takes his dick and brings the tip to Kyo’s entrance. After he suddenly pushes his entire length inside, the brunette widens his eyes and lets out a long moan. Unfortunately, he doesn’t give his mate to catch a break and starts penetrating him. Even if Yagami selfishly enjoys himself, the brunette cannot blame him. Besides, he only listens to what his instincts are telling him. Kyo convinces himself, while he is humped by the lustful creature. Eventually, he closes his eyes and lets out lovely sighs, which grow into lover cries when he finally experiences the pleasure as well. “Ya… Yagami?” Kyo gives him a questioning look when Iori pulls out his entire length and removes his leg from his shoulder. Yet, the redhead presses his partner’s back against the wall and lifts him. Meanwhile, Kyo throws his arms around Yagami’s shoulders. As Iori penetrates him again, the brunette digs his nails into his back and wraps his legs around his waist to bring him closer. Hell, when Iori rubs his special spot, he grows bigger inside him. In this case, Yagami may impregnate him. The brunette wonders as his insides are mercilessly stirred. However, his further thoughts are interrupted when the redhead grasps his dick and roughly strokes it. For now, the Kusanagi forgets the time and place and allows himself to drown in cloud nine. Nor does he care any longer that he shamelessly moans like an animal on heat while being embraced by one. All he wants is to be relieved. In the end, Kyo feels ecstatic as the savage creature calls his name, which now has nearly the same meaning as regular Iori calling him during their private time. Suddenly, he feels the pleasant shivers sent his spine and shakily whimpers when the redhead’s load fills his insides, and hears him groaning. A second later, Kyo lets out a long, delighted moan as he climaxes, and his vision goes white. As the brunette regains his breath, he stares into the void while being covered in his hot mess. Yet, he is returned to this world when Iori licks his cheeks without being sure whether the redhead comforts or praises him. After Yagami withdraws his face, he silently growls and stares with thirsty eyes. “What is it? Don’t tell me… You are still not satisfied?~” The Kusanagi teases him. When Iori moves his hips again, the brunette cracks a smile. “Of course, you ain’t…” In the end, Kyo closes eyes and rests his head on Yagami’s shoulder, leaving the rest to him. After all, they have the entire night ahead of them, and little Oreo is peacefully sleeping in their bed. Besides, the brunette doesn’t mind being defiled as many times as his partner is satisfied or passes out. More so, he is made for this kind of suffering, which eases Iori’s curse. On the other hand, he is curious about how Yagami will react tomorrow to what happened tonight or to tease him that he might have a new rival.
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- kingoffighters
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Title: Icy Hot Fandom: King of Fighters Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami Pairing: Iori x Kyo Rating: 18+(Smut and suggestive themes) Summary: [This story was made as entry for October's month Aarinfantasy Writing Challenge.] [This story is a sequel to Summer Heat Struggles] As the summer heat withdraws for tonight, Iori decides to spice it up with something new. Unfortunately, even during intimate moments like this, Blood Riot decides to act up. Will Kyo be able not just survive, but also defeat the evil curse? Read and find out. AO3 Link October's writing prompt: "Icy Hot" Word count: 2056 It’s almost an evening in one certain redhead’s apartment. Finally, the heatwave slowly withdraws before mercilessly striking back tomorrow. But for now, the Kusanagi is almost tired of waiting for his partner in the bedroom. After all, he did as Iori asked him, and after taking a shower, he didn’t bother to put anything on. “What a hell, he is taking so long? Did he decide to eat on his way while I gonna freeze here butt-naked?” Kyo complains while crossing his legs and resting his chin on his palm. Speaking of which, Yagami finally returns. However, something catches the brunette’s eye, and he leans forward to see that the redhead carries something behind his back. “You might want to lie on your back and close your eyes,” Iori instructs as he closes the door. The brunette only gives a teasing look. “Oh~ Just what are you up to this time?” The brunette asks in a playful tone. “Just do what I say, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.” Iori replies. Certainly, the Kusanagi is even more intrigued, and after he closes his eyes, he does what he is being told. “Will that do?” Kyo asks in a purring voice as he stretches out and exposes his belly and chest like a feline. When he feels how the redhead sits next to him, he listens to another command. “Lift your head and give me your hands.” Yet, the sensation of silky ribbon covering his eyes is unexpected for him. Despite that, while it is tied behind his head, his partner’s voice explains. “I’m just making sure that you won’t try to cheat.” “So, you’re into that this time? You should say so earlier.” The brunette comments while his wrists are pinned and wrapped, from what he can assume by its length and material, in Yagami’s signature red strap. After he is restrained, he hears Iori’s question. “Are you sure can’t see anything?” “Even with my eyes opened, it’s pretty much dark here, you know,” Kyo honestly answers. In the end, even if his vision is temporally taken away, he can sense how close Iori is to him without touching him yet. “Good. So, you better be not lying. Or else, if I find out, I won’t be responsible for what may happen then, Kyo.” The redhead whispers in a deeper voice. For sure, upon hearing that alone leaves the frisson of delight and makes the brunette silently gasp. Suddenly, Kyo’s back arches when something tiny, cold, and wet taps his chest. However, as it runs his skin like a brush, it melts down and leaves the water droplets. Soon, the mysterious icy object is withdrawn. Just as the brunette opens his mouth and is about to say anything, he shakily exhales as the ice cube brushes his neck. When he instinctively shrugs his shoulders, Iori removes it and teases the exposed side of his neck. One thing is being completely at Yagami’s will. Another is Kyo’s unusual uncertainty and concern. He trusts his partner and knows he would never do anything against his will, but the feeling of the unknown does its own thing. On the other hand, it also thrills the Kusanagi. After all, his other senses become sharper to compensate for the lost eyesight. When the small piece of ice gently taps his erected nipple, he lets out a lovely whimper and struggles as it runs all over his chest and harasses his sensitive body. After the ice cube is removed, he can feel the pressure of Yagami’s hands on the bed. Eventually, when the redhead is on top of him and corners him, Kyo can sense his partner’s hungry eyes fixated on him. Soon, the brunette softly moans as his partner licks his neck while his hand strokes the other side. When Iori reaches his partner’s collarbone, he leaves a few bites while enjoying these lewd reactions. That contrast between the ice chillness and his partner’s warm mouth and tongue, no matter where it touches him - his chest, abs, thighs; excites Kyo, and he would wrap his arms around his rival’s shoulders if it wasn’t for being tied up. In the end, Iori withdraws his face and sits on top of him and comments. “Just look at yourself - already dripping and ready to cum.” “And guess whose fault is that?” The brunette cracks a smile. Even by the sound of rustling material alone, he can imagine that the redhead puts a show by removing his tank top. However, the Kusanagi senses that something is off. He doesn’t like the lingering smell of the iron, nor how Yagami doesn’t move even a single muscle and remains still in the same spot. After almost a minute lasting intense pause, Kyo breaks the silence. “Oi, you’re alright here?”. He even gives a teasing look, hoping it’s nothing more than a bad feeling. “What is it? Or did you swallow more than you can take?~” Unfortunately, there is no response from his partner. At least, not a verbal one. Apparently, a few warm drops land one after another on the brunette’s body. “Yagami?” Kyo addresses his partner. Suddenly, he gets startled when he hears a silent growl and a pair of hands on his neck choking him. As the crushing grasp around his throat becomes tighter until Kyo can barely breathe, the beast’s growling grows louder and more aggressive. Despite desperately catching air and being on the verge of the death, Kyo closes his eyes and focuses the heat on his wrists. At this point, he is not afraid that his flame will be too weak or that he’ll get killed by the feral entity controlled by his cursed blood. He only prays to have enough will to control it and not set the apartment on fire by the sudden burst. Fortunately, he manages to ignite his palms. “Shit... Why it has to be made from leather?” The brunette curses the crimson strap, which takes time to burn up. “Just… just fucking BURN already!” Kyo begs. And thus, with these words, his restraint fell off. As he shakily grasps his partner’s wrists, he whispers. “Y… you… you leave me… leave me no… choice…”. In the end, the orange flame surrounds his palms. For sure, it makes the beast scream in pain and remove his hands from the strangled Kusanagi heir. While Kyo gasps and greedily swallows each gulp of air, his chest bloats, yet he doesn’t waste a second. After he removes the blindfold, he notices how Iori whimpers while covering the burnt hands. No, that’s not Yagami. That is an unfortunate soul corrupted by Orochi’s blood, who took his place. “Yagami…” Kyo speaks up in disbelief. So, his senses were correct… The brunette closes his eyes and sighs. Soon, the redhead growls before unleashing a slashing strike. Yet, Kusanagi’s reaction is faster, and he uses the upper punch. When his opponent collapses, Kyo makes him lie on the stomach. After he picks Iori’s tank top, he uses it to restrain the resisting redhead, who grids his teeth, growls, and barks like a monster. Even if the real Yagami is asleep and may not hear him, the brunette apologizes in a soft tone. “I’m sorry. But this is for your own good. I… I don’t wish you any harm, but it has to be done until you return to your senses.” When Kyo is about to stroke his hair, he withdraws his palm from the wild animal with glowing eyes, which almost bite him. “So, this is how it is… Then, I’ll have to show this overgrown snake it screws around with the wrong person for too long.” The brunette comments in a calm yet ruthless voice. But for now, he climbs on top of his partner and leans closer. “Hey, the only one who can fuck him over is me, and I’ll make you remember that!” When Kyo lifts Iori’s bottom, he removes his shorts and underwear and exposes his lower regions. “I hope you’re watching this. ‘Cos I’ll make it burn into your memory every little moment.” Kyo adds in a deeper voice, hoping his voice will reach one certain entity that torments Iori. Suddenly, Yagami widens his eyes and moans as the brunette takes his hard-on and roughly strokes it. While Kyo pleases this man, he gropes his pectoral muscles and squeezes them. “You give in to your primal instincts like an animal.” The brunette comments in a strict tone while massaging his partner’s chest and listening to his panting and groaning. As the movement of his hand around Yagami’s cock becomes faster, he addresses him. “Who knew that such a terrifying beast could be tamed that easily? Maybe I should keep you as my pet before Yagami returns.” Meanwhile, it doesn’t take long for the redhead to climax. As he lifts his gaze, he lets out a long moan, and his knees give up on him. However, Kyo doesn’t show mercy to the creature in front of him, who is too busy drowning in pleasure and roughly breathing. The brunette only remarks. “Look at you, you already beaten and you have no shame lying in your own mess while panting like a dog.” For now, the Kusanagi looks for one specific item. When he spots the tube of lube, he delightfully smiles. After he leans to pick it up, he pours a good amount into his palm and explains. “Even if you are not Yagami, you are using his body and I don’t like it. However, I cannot hurt you. Listen, I’m giving you a last chance - leave him alone, and I’ll spare you.” Yet, there is no answer from the redhead, who only stares at him with blazing eyes and reveals his bare fangs while struggling. “No? Don’t complain that I haven’t warned you.” Kyo whispers before he inserts a couple of lubed fingers inside his partner, making him whimper. While the brunette messes around with his ring muscle, he can almost admire this creature’s honesty. For now, Kyo softens his gaze. “Does it feel good when I touch there?” When his fingers rub Yagami’s prostate, he is rewarded with hearing another lovely cry. Lastly, Kusanagi adds in a seductive tone. “Good boy. However, I cannot let you cum yet. Not until I’m done with you.” After he removes his fingers from his partner, he slowly enters inside Iori, making him groan. “I’m starting to move. So, ‘brace yourself.” Kyo warns. One thing is for sure, it’s so tight inside Yagami that he swears that can get drained instantly. “Just try to relax a bit. It would be easier for us.” The brunette addresses him in a sweet voice as he thrusts slowly. The brunette closes his eyes and lets out these adorable and erotic sounds while aiming at his partner’s special spot. When he feels how Iori tighten even more and beastly moans, Kyo penetrates him faster and deeper. Eventually, he starts stroking the redhead’s dick. At this point, the brunette wonders which of them is a true carnal creature that is true to their primal instincts. On the other hand, is this really important right now when both only want to satisfy their lust? In the end, Kyo calls Yagami’s name before reaching the climax. A few seconds later, the redhead howls his partner’s name before passing out. “Is it finally over?” The brunette speaks up as he catches his breath while resting on top of Iori without receiving any response from him. However, despite his laziness, he realizes he has to untie his partner. After releasing the unconscious redhead from the restraint, he rolls him to the side and wraps his arms around him. When the brunette hugs him tighter, he closes his eyes and exhales, refusing to let go of Iori. At least not until he is sure that Blood Riot calmed down and is gone for now. Of course, later on, he will need to get up and not only wash himself and change the bedsheet but also take care of his partner while he is sleeping. Or so Kyo notes to himself. He gently brushes Iori's hair while silently watching him sleep, relieved that this time Yagami wasn't hurt. But for now, he continues protecting his partner during his sleep from any demons.
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- kingoffighters
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Associated Names: ED発情カリキュラム Author/Artist: Natsumura Gesshi Year of release: 2019 Published by: Julian Publishing DON'T RE-UPLOAD ON ANY READING SITE. DON'T SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA. DON'T USE MY SCAN FOR YOUR TRANSLATION. PLEASE BUY THE ORIGINAL MANGA TO SUPPORT THE AUTHOR. You can find the information and which sites to buy in HERE. Download ED Hatsujou Curriculum Manga: Volume 01 [JP]
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Nidome ha Shoujiki 二度目は正直 Nannan 2023 Download Please comment and like feedback will make me share more manga
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Title: Touki Gentei Original: 冬季限定 - Winter Only - Author: Haishima Shioji Year: 2018 Download: LINK Feel free to translate but do not reupload outside of this forum or share on social media.
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Title: 11-ninme no Koibito-kun Original: 11人目のこいびとくん Author: Hisamatsu Eito Year: 2020 Download: LINK Feel free to translate but do not reupload outside of this forum or share on social media.
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