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作品紹介 ★135分の特大ボリュームでお届け!!★ 「これより僕は、旦那様の従属悪魔……え? ぁ、はい……お嫁さん、です……」 魔界から嫁取り!? クラスメイトの性奴隷化していた落ちこぼれ悪魔が、魔力の強い旦那様に召喚されめちゃくちゃ 愛されちゃうBLシチュエーションボイス! ★愛妻家魔力チート攻め × 自分に自信のない不憫悪魔受け★ ■キャラクター 受け:アクマ君 悪魔学校に通う青年悪魔。 座学は優秀だが、魔力をほとんど持たないため実戦がてんでダメな劣等生。 クラスメイトから日常的に暴力を振るわれ、休み時間や放課後はもとより授業中ですら犯し尽くされている。 元々純粋で天真爛漫な性格だったが、そんな生活を送る内すっかり萎縮し周囲全てに怯えるようになった。 とある放課後、寮の部屋から人間界へと召喚され、召喚者である攻めと従属契約を結ぶ。 炊事洗濯等の家事は大得意で、契約者の旦那様のために甲斐甲斐しく働く。 攻め:旦那様 魔界から嫁を召喚する、という一大決心の元、独学で黒魔術(悪魔召喚)を習得した三十路男。 人間界で普通に生きる分には全く何の影響もないが、実は魔力が底無しに多い。 魔法陣から出てきたアクマ君に一目惚れしその場でプロポーズ、それを契約命令と受け取ったアクマ君と従属契約を結ぶ。 本人は結婚したつもりでいるため、アクマ君には『旦那様』と呼ぶよう望む。 ■あらすじ 魔界唯一の教育機関、悪魔学校に通うアクマ君は、生まれ持った魔力に恵まれず、クラスメイトか ら底辺以下の扱いを受けていた。 日々の暴力や陵辱に絶望しながらも、完全実力主義の悪魔学校では誰に相談することもできない と思い、心を殺して受け入れている。 ある日寮の部屋で輪姦されていた時、突然体が光り出し人間界に召喚されてしまう。 そこで待ち受けていたのは……従属契約(プロポーズ)だった。 契約によって手に入れた膨大な魔力と、旦那様の優しさに戸惑い、受け入れ、彼は徐々に心を開 いてゆく。 生きる意味すら見失っていたアクマ君が、愛する人と幸せを手に入れる物語。 ■収録内容 ・トラック01.蹂躙と召喚 (10:24) (プレイ内容:モブ悪魔に犯されるアクマ君 イラマ、輪姦) 「ふぁっ……はぁっ……はぁっ……ごめんなさいごめんなさいごめんなさい……あっ……んっ……」 「僕みたいな下等生物が……んっ……生意気にも射精しようとして、ごめんなさい……」 「ぅ……皆様にたくさんお尻を虐めていただいて、気持ち良く、なってしまいましたっ……」 「ただ無意味についているだけの、使う予定もない童貞ちんぽから……」 「無駄種を、吐き出そうとしました……っ……申し訳っ、ございませんっ……んっ、んっ、んっ……」 ~~~ 「んっ……ふ……ぇ……? な、なに、僕の体が……光って……る?」 「これは……召喚魔法……!?」 「あ……いや……助け、て……召喚、され、ちゃ……!?」 ・トラック02.プロポーズと従属契約 (19:30) (プレイ内容:フェラ) 「……やだ、殴らないで……ごめんなさい……」 「僕にできることなら何でもします……! おちんぽにご奉仕するくらいしか能がないけど」 「それで良ければ僕の身体をどう使ってもらっても構いません!」 「お願いします、痛いのは、嫌……いや、なの……」 「……ぇ?あの……その、箱は? ……指、輪? お兄さんの左手についてるのと、お揃い……?」 「ふぇっ?! ……お嫁さんに、なって、欲しい?」 ~~~ 「んっ……濃い匂い……これが、興奮した人間の、におい……っ」 「んっ……くちゅ…んぅぅ…」 「ビクビクしてる……もう、少しっ……」 「……ご、くん…、 ふぅ……ぺろ……」 「人間の精液……悪魔のより、、凄く、美味しい……んっ……はぅ……」 ・トラック03.契約の完了とフェラ (21:12) (プレイ内容:フェラ) 「っ……?! ぁっ……なに、を……?!」 「んっ……あ、だめ、旦那様……旦那様が僕の汚いちんぽ、咥えるなんて、いけません、ふぁっ!」 「あっ! あっ! あっ!旦那様のお口、あ、つい……っ!」 「なんで……どうし、て……そんなこと……あああっ、ああああっ……!」 「だめ、だめだめ、出ちゃい、ますっ……ゴミちんぽから、劣等ザーメン、で、ちゃうぅ」 「あっ……だめ、射精は、だめ、なのぉ……無駄種、出したらっ……出したら、お仕置きっ……」 「痛いの……熱いのぉ……やだ、だめっ……射精だめぇ! っあ! ああ、ああああああっっっ!!!」 ・トラック04.新婚初夜と漲る力 (12:05) (プレイ内容:旦那様との初セックス) 「旦那様っ……旦那様ぁ……っ……もっといっぱい、奥、突いてぇ……」 「あひゅ……あっ、あっ……きもちいおちんぽで、掻き混ぜて、僕の中グチャグチャにしてぇ……っ!」 「いいっ……いいいっ……ぐ、うぐぅ……イく、イっちゃう……射精しちゃうっ……」 「旦那様のおちんぽに、射精、させられちゃううううぅぅぅっっ!!!!!」 ・トラック05.一時帰宅と遠距離エッチ (19:22) (プレイ内容:魔法による遠距離セックス、モブ悪魔による強制イラマ) 「それじゃあ、行ってきますね」 「こっちに戻る時は僕が魔法陣を発動させます」 「転移の魔法は召喚より必要魔力量も少なく済みますし」 「用事が全て終わったら、ちゃんと自分で戻って来るので大丈夫!」 「しばしの、お別れを(短いキス) では……」 ~~~ 「うっ……ぐ……なに……?!」 「……ぁ……な……あなたたち、どうしてこんなところに?!」 「 ……ぇ、僕のこと、ずっと探してた……?」 「ぁ……ぁ……ち、違うんです……! 逃げたわけじゃなくて! 偶然、あの時召喚されてしまって!」 「本当に、僕の意思で、皆様から逃げたわけじゃ……!」 以降の詳細は是非本編でご確認ください♪ ・トラック06.旦那様と告白 (12:51) (慰めキス、フェラ) ・トラック07.特殊魔法と淫紋 (19:00) (分身フェラ 陰紋で子宮を生成) ・トラック08.おねだりと種付けセックス (16:17) (プレイ内容:子作り本気セックス、中出し、連続絶頂) ・トラック09.アクマ君と幸せな新婚生活 (4:17) (エピローグ) Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell again for whoever don't know, I already added 'SEX with YOUR FRIEND! ~A Hottie 's ANAL becomes a PUSSY~' that have a script. Link is at the REPLY of under that topic when June 9th.
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The training begins in the Master's underground chamber... Minoru has found his ideal master, but before he can become his dog, he's got to complete one week of training. Can he do it...? Minoru: A college student who discovered his masochistic leanings the day his senpai raped him. He has a thing for being mistreated, and so he lets his partners totally control his life. Master: A man in his early 30s. He's had no pet since his previous pet betrayed him. He prefers to enjoy lots of different pets at the SM Club. He's quite a sadist and prefers to control his partners This is a hardcore SM audio work. Please check the content before purchase. Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! Recently, I'll post my BLCDs that I have alternate with BLCDs that I want someone to post in YaoiOtaku. P.S. Covid made me do something weird
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Summary [Story] "Wh...what are you making me drink? An aphrodisiac?" As part of his training, a monk goes to exorcise a "stigmatized property" so that it can be sold. After that, the son of a large real estate family forces him to drink something odd... "I must think of this as training... I must calm the fire deep in my soul. Surely, this is a test from the Buddha. I must bear it despite my inexperience!" What will become of our very pious hero...? [Features] - 90 minutes (90% H scenes!) - Includes cute and fun outtakes! - Also includes a cast free talk! [Track List] Track 1 ----28:57 Track 2 ----28:52 Track 3 ----23:53 Cast Talk ----4:33 Outtakes ----5:34 Circle: midnight lollipop Twitter: Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell again for whoever don't know, I already added 'SEX with YOUR FRIEND! ~A Hottie 's ANAL becomes a PUSSY~' that have a script. Link is at the REPLY of under that topic when June 9th.
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Lustsora posted a topic in Drama CD Downloads
アダルト特化!最高にえっちなLive2Dアニメーション 〇こだわりのLive2Dアニメーション 基本イラスト数51枚(+差分6枚)に、丁寧にLive2Dモーション付けしました。 アニメーションカット数は66! 18分にわたるアニメーション作品に仕上げました。 キャラクターの動きや表情にこだわり、エロスを追求しました。 艶めかしく動くLive2Dアニメーションをお楽しみください。 〇全編フルボイス 台詞は全てボイス付き! Hシーンでは喘ぎ声がバックグラウンド再生され、さらにHに! ※セリフ吹き出し・描き文字を除いた文字ナシverも同梱しています※ あらすじ 童貞を捨てるべくナンパに励むチャラ男だったが、連敗を重ねていた。 負け続ける日々を打破するため、「一つ上の男」を目指しメンズエステを訪れる。 しかし、"絶頂したら女性を抱けない体になる、リスクのある施術"を受ける必要があると言われ…。 【前立腺を”施術”され、イったら即メス堕ち!】 マッサージ師の指技に悶絶するチャラ男…。 ”絶対にメスイキさせる”その超絶テクニックに耐え抜き、「一つ上の男」になることはできるのか? 全ては童貞を捨てるため。チャラ男の絶対に負けられない戦いが始まるのだった…。 プレイ内容/傾向など 包茎いじり 亀頭責め 前立腺責め 断面図 S字結腸攻め 潮吹き 中出し・精液噴出 フェラ(受→攻) キャラクター 〇チャラ男〇 CV:冬木兎衣 twitter:@fuyugasuki_ui 今年の春から大学に通い始めた大学一年生。 高校までバレー部の活動に打ち込んでいたため地味だったが、大学入学を機にチャラ男ファッションデビュー。 女の子は大好きだが、上記の理由により童貞。 性格は明るく、落ち込んでも立ち直りが早い方。 イジられ役兼ムードメーカーになることが多い。 ちょっとおバカなので、人の話をすぐに鵜呑みにしてしまう。 〇マッサージ師のおじさん〇 CV:馬場 輝 twitter:@AkiraBaba123 超絶テクニックにより、施術した人間を必ずメス堕ちさせる。 特に若い男を好み、趣味と実益を兼ねた男性専用の整体院を経営している。 〇”プロナンパ師”神代一龍齋〇 CV:神凪 祈 twitter:@negu1111 動画SNSなどで活動するナンパノウハウ系インフルエンサー。 ネットサロン経営や有料の動画・情報商材などで荒稼ぎしている。 最近、他にも収入源を得たようだが…。 仕様など 収録時間:18分 吹き出し・描き文字なしバージョンも同梱。 作品形式:MP4 解像度:1920*1080(px) ロゴ制作:倒神神倒 様 音声素材協力:OtoLogic 様 Download Here: I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!- 21 replies
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Summary A BL situation drama featuring lots and lots of dirty talk! Over 138 minutes of content! [Characters] Amber Hoshimiya (CV: Ryou Katagiri) 28 years old, 170cm A young businessman with a great body. He's been a model most of his life, but now he's focusing more on his role as a CEO and influencer. He's popular and successful, but most of his relationships are one night stands with other men. He never gets attached, though. Or so he thought... Hideyuki Yamashita 23 years old, 185cm A young man with a strong sense of justice. He became a police officer so he could help people, and is well-known around town for his good looks and popularity with the local ladies. However, one day he meets Amber, and his life changes completely... [Story] Hideyuki is doing his duty at the local police box when a beautiful young man comes in saying he lost something. But as the man's questions get more and more flirtatious and risque, the case develops in an unexpected direction. Eventually, the trail leads to the young man's hotel room... [Track List] Track 01【出会い】(7:24) Track 02【その後、ホテルに誘われ……】(33:04) Blowjob, nipple teasing and handjob, fingering masturbation, cowboy sex rape, piledriver, dry orgasm, multiple climaxes) Track 03【家に帰ったら不法侵入されてた……】(15:44) (Footjob) Track 04以降のご紹介はプレイ内容のみとなります。 Track 04:(32:24) (Spanking, nipple orgasm, ass-licking, dry orgasm, sumata) Track 05:(34:14) (Multiple climaxes, squirting, dry orgasm) Track 06:(17:06) Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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■作品内容 いじめられっ子が遠隔オナホで、いじめっ子を復讐レイプ!! いじめっ子ヤンキーの亜蘭くんが色んな男の子に犯されるオムニバスボイスドラマが爆誕! ■キャスト 亜蘭役:井伊筋肉 ジョーバン役:古河徹人 次之・オタク2・後輩2役:石川弘則 一聖・オタク3役:吾妻信一 瀬戸・後輩2・先生役:どっこいしょーいち オタク1・後輩1役:志衣尊 ■収録時間 約67分 ■トラックリスト ▶トラック1(11:47) 復讐チンポでガン掘りパニック 【次之×亜蘭】 いつも亜蘭にいじめられている次之。 通販で購入した「遠隔オナホールDX」で亜蘭への復讐を企む…。 次之 「このクソ野郎! いっつも僕をいじめやがって! 金返せ! このケツマン野郎! お前は今日から僕専用のオナホだ!」 ▶トラック2(11:35) 復讐チンポ2屈辱のアナル 【次之×亜蘭】 すっかり犯され続けた亜蘭は気が付けば次之のオナホになっていた。 次之 「あーーイクイクイクイクぅぅぅぅっ!! おらッ! 僕の優等生遺伝子で優秀な子を孕め!!」 亜蘭 「おほぉぉおお❤❤ 赤ちゃんできたら進学できなくなっちゃううう❤❤ あ゛ぁッ❤ ん゛ぐっ、うっ、でちゃうっ❤ うぅ…ッ」 ▶トラック3(8:55) 恥辱高きビッチ犬 【一聖×亜蘭】 亜蘭にかまってもらえず、拗ねる一聖。 ごはんを奢る代わりに亜蘭にある提案をする…。 一聖 「どうした亜蘭? 止まってないで歩けよ」 亜蘭 「う…うう…っ、無理いッ!! もう我慢できないいぃっ! おしっこ出るっ! おしっこしちゃう~~っ! ん…っ、ああぁっ…」 ▶トラック4(10:41) ケツデカヤンキーきゅん 【ジョーバン×亜蘭】 あれから、同級生の瀬戸に散々騙されてしまった亜蘭は吹っ切れていた。 そんな中、3年の不良ジョーバンを紹介される…。 ジョーバン 「ぼさっとしてないでさ、俺の舐めてくれよ。 69(シックスナイン)くらいしたことあるんだろ?」 亜蘭 「んっ、……ちゅっ、れろっ、じゅぽっ、ちゅううっ」 ▶トラック5(13:50) ヤンキーいじめイキすぎた復讐 【モブ×亜蘭】 ジョーバンと行動を共にするようになった亜蘭。 クラスのオタクたちがカードゲームをしているところを見かける…。 オタク3 「あはははw だらしない声w 自分で腰ふっちゃってるよw っく、はぁっはぁっ、一人用のオナホに二人分のちんぽ挿れるとっ… キツくてやばいな…イキそう…っ」 亜蘭 「ダメダメダメっイッちゃう! オナホでシコられてイッちゃう! あ゛っ❤ イグぅぅ~~~~ッ❤❤❤ う゛うううっっ❤」 ▶トラック6(10:46) 幸、アラン 【ジョーバン×亜蘭】 季節は冬。お互いの進路を考え、すれ違う2人だが…。 ジョーバン 「今日はもうとことんセックスだっ、ハッ、ハッ」 亜蘭 「あっ❤ はっ❤ はぁっ❤ んっ❤ んあっ❤ うん…春までおあずけだからな…ハァ、ハッ❤ あと何か月だろ… だめだ…セックスが気持ちよくて考えらんなくなってる…」 Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell again for whoever don't know, I already added 'SEX with YOUR FRIEND! ~A Hottie 's ANAL becomes a PUSSY~' that have a script. Link is at the REPLY of under that topic when June 9th.
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Summary A situation drama for adults with lots and lots of dirty words! [Characters] Shizuka Saikawa (CV: Daisuke Shindou) 25 years old, 173 cm A young yakuza boss. He's young, proud, and handsome, and thanks to his cool demeanor and fighting strength, he's fearless. He's also well-liked by the people in his neighborhood, and makes sure not to run any businesses that might hurt anyone. He never smiles during business, He plans to live his life in a way that people respect. But a certain incident with a detective puts everything at risk... Satoshi Tsuda 28 years old, 185 cm A young police detective investigating a drug-related incident. He often visits Shizuka in the course of his investigation, and soon discovers he has feelings for him. He's a good detective and always gets the job done... but will his luck run out...? [Story] When Shizuka catches word that some of the younger guys were selling drugs, he's furious. But when he confronts them, he gets a taste of THEIR own medicine and ends up in quite a state... And as his humiliation continues, he begins to beg for it on his own... [Track List] 01【土下座懇願】(04:00) 02【強制口淫】(07:19) 03【号泣合掌レイプ】(14:48) 04:【お清めセックスで本気処女喪失】(16:35) 05:(22:13) 06:(15:03) Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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Product summary Title: A True Story! The Super Heaven Incident ~A Savage Sex Club's Plan To Brainwash A Member Of The Football Club~ Story Part 1: Ichijo brings Shintaro into the bathroom. He decides to move beyond Super Heaven members and have Shintaro sleep with the Football Club instead... Blindfolded and with headphones on, Shintaro starts sucking off the strange men around him... Totally unaware that they're his own teammates. *In the second half, Shintaro's girlfriend back home gets to see the action live in a video call. Part 2: Shintaro's been left alone in an old school building. He's gotten a lot of use out of his ass lately. The Football Club decides to have some fun by forcing him to put on a one-man show with a dildo. Ichijo makes a guest appearance and turns it into another step of Shintaro's training... *Shintaro's hypnotized state is even stronger now! He's trained to ejaculate endlessly on command just by counting! Part 3: Ichijo's brainwashing is finally complete. Shintaro is set to perform onstage at a group sex party organized by Super Heaven. His body is pushed to the limit as he continuously performs a number of unusual sex acts. However, he can't see any of it as it's happening... Ichijo gets Shintaro out of the venue and changes his state of mind... This is a video record of the Super Heaven scandal that occurred at W University. Production:UNDEAD WORLD Illustration:Yuuto Hashimoto Main part:43minutes Screen size:1280x720 (Text: English / Voice: Japanese) Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell again for whoever don't know, I already added 'SEX with YOUR FRIEND! ~A Hottie 's ANAL becomes a PUSSY~' that have a script. Link is at the REPLY of under that topic when June 9th. PS. You can tell me which my file that can't download. I usually save my CDs in Mega but I'm not update it to become Premium, so it has a limited storage.
Rookie Idol's First Gay Casting Couch Experience (Voice Drama Version)
Lustsora posted a topic in Drama CD Downloads
A newly-debuted straight idol has to sleep with a powerful gay higher-up for the good of his career. [Characters] Ren Asakura A straight rookie idol who moved to Tokyo from the countryside to learn how to sing and dance. His clean dance steps and his cute looks earned him his big break. He goes for an interview with the producer at a big agency to prepare for his debut, but... Producer Ishida A well-known producer whose big company handles lots of different idols. Secretly, however, he's also got a taste for young men and uses his position to indulge that taste. Katagiri Ren's manager. A man who will do anything to sell talent. He's famous and very popular as a manager. [Track List] トラック1「アイドルへの道」 トラック2「芸能界の首領」 トラック3「儀式」 トラック4「魔法の薬」 トラック5「汚い大人のやり方」 トラック6「フリートーク」 [Voice Acting] White Rose Rei 白雲空 Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!- 12 replies
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"Let's have some different sex." Twins in a relationship have flirty-dirty sadomasochistic car sex! A BL voice drama that a voice actor plays two characters. 3 tracks + 1 cast's commentary track Production: Eisyodo CV: Eito Illustration: Shiroma Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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Blackmailing(?) The Former Porn Star Dad ~Awakening the Sleeping Slut~
Lustsora posted a topic in Drama CD Downloads
Summary This is an adult BL situation drama. It contains dirty language, so be warned! "I've been holding back for ten years... hah... haah... ten long years... a-and I can't hold it anymore, chairman!" Yuri is a prim and proper porn star-turned-single dad... I thought I'd threaten him just a little and see if I could get some sex, but things didn't go exactly how I expected... Includes lots of kissing! [Character] Yuri Miyahara (CV: Sukimacherryyy) Age: 31 Height: 170 cm Occupation: College librarian, formerly a cross dressing porn star A retired porn star whos old videos are still popular despite his retirement. After retiring he went to college and took a position in the campus library. When he was 26 his friend and former colleague passed away, leaving him with a son. He's always loved sex, but in the ten years since retirement, Yuri hasn't done it even once. He can't help but remember his past. Masaomi Inoue Age: 28 Height: 185 cm Occupation: University chairman A young man who inherited his job at a relatively young age from his deceased father. Luckily he's got great management skills, as this school goes from kindergarten all the way to university, and attendance is on the rise. He doesn't get along with his parents or know the warmth of a family. He's known Yuri since they were in school and used to watch his videos as a goof. No matter how many women he dates, though, he can't forget Yuri... Then one day at a staff orientation meeting, he sees a man he thinks might be Yuri. He needs to get close to him... But he's not particularly adept at showing his feelings. [Stories] Yuri is a former porn star who used to work in drag. Now he's a librarian at a university and raising his deceased friend's child all by himself. His new son attends the middle school associated with the university, and recently passed his exams. Everything was going great, until one day the university head tried to blackmail Yuri by threatening to expose his past. So why, then, did Yuri get a strange, unconcerned look in his eyes...? "So you want my body in exchange for your silence, is that it? You've been fantasizing about pounding me while watching my old videos, hm? Yuri hasn't had sex in 10 years, and he's more than ready to get it now that there's an opening. What will happen to the chairman next...? [Track List] Track 1 (08:12) - Play: kissing Track 2 (13:39) - Play: blowjobs Track 3 (22:22) - Play: blowjobs, riding Track 4 (25:51) - Play: fingering, missionary, riding Track 5 (21:37) - Play: Finger sucking, ass licking, sex, creampie Track 6 (14:47) - Play: ??? [Credits] *Cast: Sukimacherryyy (@sukimacherryyy) *Illustration: Kirito (@kiritotoritanip) *Scenario: mtk (@bisyounennohiza) *Audio Editing: Yubinii *Production: diamant ( Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell again for whoever don't know, I already added 'SEX with YOUR FRIEND! ~A Hottie 's ANAL becomes a PUSSY~' that have a script. Link is at the REPLY of under that topic when June 9th.- 35 replies
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Product content charger / android. Boys'Love voice. 【1】Main:wav/mp3 included. Total recording time 59 minutes 59 seconds. 【2】bonus:No sound effect version.Some sound effects are missing.※wav/mp3 included. 【3】bonus:Unedited audio version.※File format is wav only. 【4】bonus:With jacket illustration. Track List 第1話「充電」 6:44 第2話「チャージはしなくていい」 11:08 第3話「これが好きと言うことなのか」 21:37 第4話「変えられてしまった」 20:30 Cast [Cast] Michiru Sagiri: Daisuke Shindo| Asuma Shigemitu: Yoritada Konoe| Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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Summary Yosuke's from a ninja clan, but he's not exactly in fighting shape. Even so, he wants to take the ninja test... of lovemaking!? No matter what happens, he can't react -- even though the proctor is his childhood friend Choujirou! Yosuke will do anything to be a ninja... but his overly sensitive body and his friend's expert techniques may put that dream on hold! - An erotic BL audio work - Audio features Yosuke only. - Includes wet and thrusting SFX. Characters Yosuke Kouzuki (CV: Yuusei Noki) A modern-day descendant of a prestigious ninja clan. But he's not very fast... or good with shuriken... Despite his clumsy nature, though, everybody loves him. He wants more than anything to be a ninja. Choujirou Murasame (Unvoiced) Yosuke's handsome and talented childhood friend who's already a ninja. He has feelings for Yosuke and wouldn't let anyone else proctor his exam. He's worried about Yosuke's ability to pass. Track List 1. 下忍試験の巻 14:06 2. 下忍試験追試の巻 9:23 3. 仕返しえっちの巻 11:17 4. 初任務の巻 16:09 5. 救出の巻 22:13 Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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A delinquent bottom catches the eye of some incubi and is cumsucked gently and forcefully by turns in this 3-way story. CAST as Hiroshige: onenight_love as Hideyoshi: Takezou Koike as Hokusai: Ataru Nikaisen Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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Check us out our page for Lover's Video on pixiv FANBOX! Summary [Story] College students Tsubasa and Kouki are dating. Kouki's just gotten a new phone and is annoying his boyfriend with all his filming. Then one night, Kouki invites Tsubasa to stay over while his parents are away. Then he begs to film Tsubasa while they have sex... will he eventually agree...? [Scenes (Approximately 16 minutes)] - Prologue - Daily life section - POV filming part (around 6 minutes) - Credits - Epilogue Resolution: 1920x1080 Scene skipping has been included for the MP4 versions! Please check this link if Quick time Player isn't working! [Voice] Lines are given via subtitles, but moans are voiced using voice materials~ [Bonus Videos] Includes looping MP4 videos for all filming scenes! *Prologue and credits are not included. Pick your favorite and enjoy! - PR video (MP4 format) [Play] 8 types + 2 variations - Blowjob: 2 - Thrusting: 1 + 1 variation - Penetration: 1 - Thrusting: 1 + 1 variation - Thrusting / Ejaculation: 1 - Mating press: 1 [Credits] Production / Planning / Animation: mozakka Music / SFX: Pocket Sound Nota no Mori Voice Bloom otoLogic Etc Special Thanks: My supporters on Fanbox External Links Fanbox Twitter Pixiv Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell again for whoever don't know, I already added 'SEX with YOUR FRIEND! ~A Hottie 's ANAL becomes a PUSSY~' that have a script. Link is at the REPLY of under that topic when June 9th. PS. You can tell me which my file that can't download. I usually save my CDs in Mega but I'm not update it to become Premium, so it has a limited storage.
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From DLsite
Haughty Knight Transfers to Earth And Becomes a Businessman's Bitch
Lustsora posted a topic in Drama CD Downloads
A noble knight from another world gets transferred to modern day, and gets completely dominated and cum-dumped by a plain businessman. 4 tracks Total playback time: Approx. 75 minutes Includes 4 illustrations, 8 total including variations, and script * Contains tons of dirty talk * Contains intense sexual play such as irrumatio, asphyxiation, choking, prostration, mating press, etc. [Characters] Kagari Von Felix (27) CV: Daisuke Shindou A royal knight who prides himself on his talents and bloodline, and believes commoners are merely cum-fodder for nobles. A rival kingdom's magician has sent him to modern day, Yamada (28) An overworked businessmen who's at his limit. He's usually kind, but Kagari's haughty attitude drives him over the line, and he decides to teach him a lesson with his massive penis. Download here: Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! I'll tell again for whoever don't know, I already added 'SEX with YOUR FRIEND! ~A Hottie 's ANAL becomes a PUSSY~' that have a script. Link is at the REPLY of under that topic when June 9th.- 34 replies
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University student Kazuki wants to become a teacher in the future, so he goes to a local high school to get some hands on experience. On his first day, is is unable to ignore a sleeping student, so he wakes them up, unaware of how dangerous they are. After awaking, the student assaults him suddenly-- "How about we fuck? Here, I'll strip you" And so Kazuki's hands-on teaching training turned into fem-corruption training... [Characters] Kazuki Tachibana (uke) - CV: onenight_love Age: 22 Height: 173cm Occupation: University student / teach-in-training An earnest fourth-year university student who loves to help people. However, he gets more than he bargained for when he tries to reform a certain trouble student. Met Ayato when he was younger, but has little recollection of it. Ayato Kataoka (seme) - CV: Ataru Nikaisen Age: 18 Height; 170cm Occupation: High school student A trouble student who is always sleeping and showing up late. Kazuki cared for him when he was younger, and even since Ayato ejaculated while looking at a photograph of him, he started having strange sexual feelings for him. [Track List] トラック01:キス 強姦未遂 トラック02:処女喪失 手コキ トラック03:キス 乳首責め 強姦 手コキ 中出し トラック04:キス 青姦 中出し トラック05:自慰 玩具 ローター遠隔 羞恥プレイ トラック06:雌堕ち キス フェラ 淫語 連続絶頂 中出し メスイキ トラック07:完堕ち 玩具 連続絶頂 中出し Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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Lustsora posted a topic in Drama CD Downloads
全50コマのイラスト描き起こしによるフルボイスアニメ動画! 「麗人さん、『No.1の座を奪えたら抱かせてやってもいい』って言ってましたよね?」 「ロミオ」の人気No.1ホスト皐月麗人が、新人ホスト及川瑞樹にNo.1の座を奪われて… 手錠で縛られて開脚調教でプライド崩壊!? 「あっ、やら、そこぐりぐりすんの、やらあ…!」 瑞樹の高速ピストンに気持ちよくなっちゃって、セルフ顔射でメス堕ち! ――――――― 収録内容 本編 動画(MP4)…約16分 CAPURI公式ツイッター @CAPURI_BL 【攻め】及川瑞樹(CV.菓子宮) 年齢:22歳 身長:185cm 体重:68kg 血液型:B型 大学4年生。1年生の時、大学のテニスサークルで麗人と知り合う。 甘いルックスと人当たりのいい雰囲気を持つ青年で、サークルの異性の間で大人気だったが、本人はゲイ。 生来の隠れドSで、強気な年上男性を下剋上して支配するのが大好き。 タチとして男を抱いた経験はそれなりにあるが、運命の相手になかなか出会えずにいた。 そんな中、麗人がホストクラブ「ロミオ」でドSキャラを売りにNO.1に君臨していることを知り、強く惹かれるように。 麗人の身も心も手に入れようと、彼が大学を卒業した後も虎視眈々と狙い続け、ついに「ロミオ」に入店した。 「ロミオ」では麗人とは正反対の誠実な王子様キャラで徐々に人気になる。 満を持して麗人に告白をするが、ある交換条件を突き付けられて……? 【受け】 皐月麗人(CV.十月トウマ) 年齢:25歳 身長:176cm 体重:60kg 血液型:A型 瑞樹のサークルの卒業生。高圧的な態度だが、自分にも他人にも厳しいストイックな性格。 もともとはノンケで、ホストクラブでは言葉責めが得意なドSキャラを確立してМ女性の間で人気を博し、NO.1に登りつめる。 クールで陰のある雰囲気でサークルでも密かに人気だったが、仕事の邪魔になるからと彼女は作らないでいた。 学生時代にサークルの飲みの席で酔っ払い、自分はホストクラブ「ロミオ」のNO.1ホスト「皐月麗人」であると口を滑らせてから、瑞樹にやけに付きまとわれるように。 冷たくすればするほど興奮する瑞樹にさんざん手を焼き、やっと大学を卒業して彼との縁は切ったつもりでいたが、なんと瑞樹は新米ホストとして、「ロミオ」に入店。 「抱かせてください」と迫る瑞樹を軽くいなそうとするが、瑞樹の快進撃により、歴代最長の15ヵ月連続NO.1の地位から陥落させられる。 それは同時に、身体まで瑞樹に陥落させられる合図だった——。 CAPURI公式Twitter CAPURI公式 @CAPURI_BL Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!! PS. I have deleted some files because my storage is full and I have to make them smaller size. Please tell me which file can't download and I'll upload them at the Mega again. -
Summary Nicholas is a young man who works at a bar. Lately, though there have been some disturbing incidents. And finally, one night on his way home from work, he gets taken... This is the story of a straight guy's humiliation at the hands of his stalker... Voice Acting: onenight_love Takezou Koike HayasugiYarou Mitsuru Nagasao Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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Summary Nicholas is a young man who works at a bar. Lately, though there have been some disturbing incidents. And finally, one night on his way home from work, he gets taken... This is the story of a straight guy's humiliation at the hands of his stalker... Voice Acting: onenight_love Takezou Koike HayasugiYarou Mitsuru Nagasao Download here : Mega I bought it from DLSITE by myself, SO PLEASE DON'T REPOST OR SHARE THIS FILE ON THE OTHERS PLACE!!!!!!!!!!
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Recently, I'll post my BLCDs that I have alternate with BLCDs that I want someone to post in YaoiOtaku. P.S. Covid made me do something weird
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(and 1 more)
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BLCD request : Welcome to CLUB Acid! Sousuke Edition
Lustsora posted a topic in Other Yaoi/BL Requests