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Help me find this manga! Please :)


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I think it is in a manga with a few short stories in it. It is about a waiter who works at his fathers okama shop. A okama that works there falls in love with him and eventually the waiter falls in love with okama. The waiter turns out being the uke and the okama the seme. I read it once and now I can't find it. It's driving me crazy!

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You're being very broad in your description that leaves a very little! The term 'okama' means homosexual. 'okama shop' I could think of Okane ga Nai but that's not it. SO I don't know. Is it historical, fantasy, or drama? I'll throw some names. They all had some waiters in it.


But any more descriptions??


I hope these rings a bell for you!


Toiki ni Furete

Koi no Shizuku

Ubawareru Koto Marugoto Zenbu

Takuhai Cupid- 6th chapter

Sex Therapist - chapter two or three

Café Relish ni Oide

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great plot, i would like to read that manga too.


I was wondering if anyone can help me too, I read a manga and can't find it because i forgot title. :D

twins transferred to new school or get to school. (It's all boys school). One of them are true beauty, so many boys make pass on him but, his rightful brother always helps and protects him (both are uke). student council president wants ''princess'' so he offers protection both of them and let's them join the student council.(he thinks that boy who he fell in love and give him amulet and necklace (i don't really remember what it was. >.>) is the ''princess'' and wants to first win his knight (brother over first).) But somehow he gets attachetd to his knight, and when he finally realised his feelings ''princess'' shows his true color and tries to seduce him pretenting that he was the boy who give him amulet and kisses him, so his brother who is in back at door sees it. he loves his twin brother and don't want to give up him. XD

in the and president gets knight and princess goes out with secretary.

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@ SloanAkira - Sorry, the definition I found for okama is a gay man who is a transvestite (ie cross dresser). The story is about a straight waiter who's father is an transvestite and runs something like a host club with "hostesses" (transvestites). One of the transvestites that works there has a crush on him. Eventually the waiter falls for him and he winds up being the uke. It's a contemporary comedy and is in a collection with a few different stories. It wasn't in any of the ones you listed, but thanks anyway!


@ shimbamba - I have no idea, but it sounds really interesting!

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Hello NaNa :o


From what you said looks like of one of the stories in Kawaisa Amatte Nanika ga Hyakubai from Enzou.

It's a collection of stories the one you're looking for it's the 3rd or 4th story.

Tadashi is so cuuute :p

Read all of the stories, they're worth it ;)

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@ Belita - That's the one! I really liked all the stories in this collection, but I had a craving to read that one again. I'm usually pretty good at finding them again, but for the life of me I couldn't remember the name of it.


I agree, Tadashi is freakin adorable.


Thank you so much!

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