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What is your Chinese Zodiac Sign?


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Dragon and Rooster


The Dragon and the Rooster are highly compatible due to their complementary differences. They do seem quite opposite in nature: The Dragon is fiery and exciting while the Rooster is practical, even conservative; the Dragon operates on instinct while the Rooster relies heavily on planning. The Dragon is able to show the Rooster a good time, however, and can rely on the Rooster to bring it back down to earth when the Dragon flies too high.

As lovers, these two blend their different strengths to create a loving union. The Rooster does tend to nag, which won’t work with the Dragon except to make its temper flare; however, the Rooster makes a highly devoted and loving partner, which the Dragon will truly appreciate. The Dragon seems fiery but has a very soft heart and truly loves a loyal partner and a comfortable home to nest in; conversely, the Rooster seems very exacting but does love a fun night out on the town. If these two live together, their home will be impeccably clean and tasteful, due to the Rooster’s keen eye and classic style.

As business partners these two can build quite a solid team, complete with the Dragon’s luck and gift of initiative and the Rooster’s innate conservatism and eye for detail. The Dragon will be the one to keep things exciting and moving forward, to drum up support and bring in money and new clients. The Rooster will work more behind the scenes, drawing up business plans and poring over accounts to make sure the Dragon’s flair for risk-taking isn’t spilling over into the finances. Both of these signs are honest and do their dealings above-board; they will greatly appreciate being able to trust one another.


I knew it!!! Soulmates!!! He needs to just marry my ass already ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Seems I was born the same year as you,

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, so that makes things easy since the description is already up.

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I can´t take my chinese zodiac sign for real (rooster) because almost EVERYTHING is wrong...

I´m definitely not like that...

How can a description for the chinese zodiac sign be this wrong?!?!

My normal zodiac sign is Libra (born at 28th September) and it´s definitely apposite!

I´m a Libra all over! :D

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you were both born in the year of the
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you were born in the year of the
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you were born in the year of the sheep




The sheep is among the animals that people like most. It is gentle and calm. Since ancient times, people have learned to use its fleece to make writing brushes and skin to keep warm. As it is white, people describe delicate and precious white jade to be 'suet jade'. Thus it is close to the meaning of good things.



People under the sign of the sheep are tender, polite, filial, clever, and kind-hearted. They have special sensitivity to art and beauty, faith in a certain religion and a special fondness for quiet living. They are wise, gentle and compassionate and can cope with business cautiously and circumspectly. In their daily life, they try to be economical. Women born in this year are willing to take good care of others, but they should avoid pessimism and hesitation. They are kind in heart and commonly have symmetrical figures and features.



Sheep year people are often worriers who are shy, pessimistic, moody, indecisive, over-sensitive, week-willed and puzzled about life. They are easily inclined to be deeply religious. They are timid in nature and like to be looked after by others. They like flattery, compliment and suggestions from friends. They do not dare to express their love openly and usually have interests in strange theories.




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you are a dragon just like me and if you want me to add we are Earth Dragons ^^

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please give me your full birthday including the year

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idk how it's this for you but remember that there are exceptions to all rules and typologies and every person is unique.Here's another description for you ^^ tell me if it suits you


The rooster is almost the epitome of fidelity and punctuality. For ancestors who had no alarm clocks, the rooster's crowing was significant, as it could awaken people to get up and start to work. Another symbolic meaning this creature carries is exorcising evil spirits. People used to worship ancestors and believed in fortune telling for a long time.



They are deep thinkers considered to be honest, bright, communicative, ambitious, capable and warm-hearted. They have strong self-respect and seldom rely on others. As most roosters are born pretty or handsome, they prefer to dress up. They have a quick mind and hot temper. They like to be busy and neat. They are not reluctant to fall behind others and hate dawdlers.



They might be enthusiastic about something quickly, but soon might be impassive. They are often a bit eccentric and have difficulty relating with others. They are critical and think they are always right. Like their fortunes, their emotions swing from very high very slow. They can be positive but selfish, caustic and too outspoken. They are narrow-minded and vain. They probably refuse suggestions but would like to lecture others. If they can overcome their arrogance being sincerely in speaking, they will make more progress.

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Thank you! And yes, this description fits much more than the one I knew before...

That´s almost exactly me! ^^

Ehm... a question... could you also post the description for the zodiac sign "Dog"? :o

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, thank you for your reply too but that Rabbit description doesn't even remotely sound like me!!! I dont have many friends, my family is a load of shit (sorry if that offends some ppl but its true, especially when my own sister wont talk to me and I never get to see my nieces or nephews), I have absolutely no taste in furniture or whatever because it all got donated to me by a charity and so far I've never been in a relationship!!! :(


Although it's true that I don't like confrontations or fights though i dont think i'm a pushover; they make my hands shake with nervous fear!! I guess at the moment I do feel pessimistic because no job, no money, no friends :( My Life is stuck in the same state with no changes and it's depressing!

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The dog is man's friend who can understand the human's spirit and obey its master, whether he is wealthy or not. The Chinese regard it as an auspicious animal. If a dog happens to come to a house, usually the host will be very glad to adopt it, for it symbolizes the coming of fortune. Poodles, especially black poodles, bring more luck. The masters of dogs are not only humans, but immortal in legends as well. The invincible God Erlang used a wolf-dog mix to help him capture monsters.



One born in the Year of Dog has a straightforward character. In their career and love, they are faithful, courageous, dexterous, smart and warm-hearted. They know how to keep secrets and inspire other people's confidence. Those people make good leaders. If they fall in love with someone, they would not change. They can be terribly stubborn with the right things.



Most women under this sign are appealing but lack stability. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. They are irritable and usually bothered by unwarranted anxiety. They sometimes try to flaunt and be brave. They are likely to be an armchair theorist deficient in practical experience.



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i'm sorry to hear that but never lose hope

for you ^^ and everyone who feels like that remember:







some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet :D

dream big and work hard and always


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you were born in the year of the ox


Ranked as the second zodiac, the ox is huge. In life, people often used it to indicate something big in size or large in number. It is persistent, simple, honest, and straightforward. Fractious people are said to have an 'oxen temper'.



People born in this year are probably honest, industrious, patient, and cautious, and do things steadily. They are talent leader with strong will and faith, strong devotion to work and staying power. They are not easily affected by others or their surroundings but just follow their concept and ability. They are contemplative before taking actions and can make a clear distinction between right and wrong. Women are usually good wives who pay attention to their children's education. In short, people under the ox sigh are tender-hearted, having amiable temper and an honesty nature. They are usually conservative. They hold respect to the tradition and value job and family highly.



They are obstinate and poor at communication. Leaders in their career may not discover their abilities. They looks prudish and distant, but not feminine, charming and lively enough. They usually do not get a great facility in speaking, being silent and persistent in their old ways. In their old age, they would be usually bestowed with happiness.


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  • 2 weeks later...

July 2nd 1991 if I remember right I'm a sheep or a lamb...I'm curious what is the most compatible sign with mine lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

@ldg1814 you were born in the year of the sheep


The sheep is among the animals that people like most. It is gentle and calm. Since ancient times, people have learned to use its fleece to make writing brushes and skin to keep warm. As it is white, people describe delicate and precious white jade to be 'suet jade'. Thus it is close to the meaning of good things.



People under the sign of the sheep are tender, polite, filial, clever, and kind-hearted. They have special sensitivity to art and beauty, faith in a certain religion and a special fondness for quiet living. They are wise, gentle and compassionate and can cope with business cautiously and circumspectly. In their daily life, they try to be economical. Women born in this year are willing to take good care of others, but they should avoid pessimism and hesitation. They are kind in heart and commonly have symmetrical figures and features.



Sheep year people are often worriers who are shy, pessimistic, moody, indecisive, over-sensitive, week-willed and puzzled about life. They are easily inclined to be deeply religious. They are timid in nature and like to be looked after by others. They like flattery, compliment and suggestions from friends. They do not dare to express their love openly and usually have interests in strange theories.



Zodiac Sign Compatibility - Best match: rabbit, horse, pig; Avoid: ox, dog


also...bonus from me ;)

Fortune Foretelling in 2013


Overview: They get a steady fortune in 2013. It is suggested to focus on the career this year to get a great achievement. They should care much about their family, especially about their health.


Career: They may get a promotion, but they should be modest in case of being supplanted. A piece of advice is that they need to develop themselves in everyday work to make a good preparation for the later opportunities. This is also a good year for people who would like to run their own business.

Wealth: The expense will be more than the income, but it will not be a problem, because they always get help from others. It is better to earn money little by little this year, by which they can have their own savings.

Relationships: Married people may have frequent arguments in daily life, but the conflicts will not influence their relationship with their partners. Mutual trust and tolerance are needed. For singles, it is not suitable to look for a partner, so they had better focus on a career. The sheep people are also suggested to cultivate good relationships with their colleagues, one of whom may be their Lucky Star in 2013.

Health: They may feel not that easy, either in physical condition or mental health this year. Therefore, they should spend more time on outdoor sports for relaxation. A healthy diet is a must to keep fit. Keep away from dangerous places to avoid injuries.

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I guess I'm a pig because I'm born on 1995. Any compatibles and fortune-telling for me? Take your time and thanks for reading this~

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