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Goodness...I'm a bit worried for Kuroshitsuji now. It is NOT, I mean, NOT a yaoi anime/manga. It may seem like one but it isn't. Either the fans played it too hard or the mangaka just overfanserviced the thing.

Have fun watching ^^ it's quite and interesting anime with fanservice:hamtaro-005 (8):

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

o finally the rumorss spread . . just like Kproject it is a shounen-ai the characters are all men..not totally a yaoi?? nyayayahahahaha plese do correct me if 'm wrong

arigatou minna-san

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I heard the mangaka has another pen name for her yaoi manga, Glamorous Lip..

She wanted to make it Yaoi or shounen-ai, but the editors didn't allow her..


I don't remember where I read about that, but I've read Glamorous Lip, and the art resembles kuroshitsuji a lot..

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  • 1 month later...

kuroshitsuji not a yaoi manga, it's just a shounen ai manga! ^____^

but,sometime, there is a scene when they are look like a couple though..... :hamtaro-005 (19):

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It's not a yaoi manga - there is some fanservice and Toboso-sensei likes to leave some teasing hints behind, but it isn't yaoi. It's not even shounen-ai.


I believe Toboso-sensei wanted to make it a yaoi manga (after all she has drawn yaoi manga before) but her editor didn't think it would get popular if it became a yaoi, so she had to abandon that idea.


But aside from some fanservice sometimes and some underlying teasing, it's not a yaoi or a shounen-ai. I think Toboso-sensei just likes to tease her yaoi fans LOL

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was so overjoyed when that little brat Ciel (or shieru if you speek engrish/wapanese) was approaching his soul getting digested , "It will be violent" "He deserves it" "I herd theres a new series coming up, why that means HE WON'T BE IN THE ANIME" -gets out champaighn to spray around in triumph as "Celebration" plays on loop in the backround- what I did however get was...practically a softcore makeout scene.


I always hated in kuroshitsuji how female charecters were either really weak and pathectic, vitims to there raging uterus caused hormones or sex bombs or dead. Even a powerful demon is serverely hurt to the point of tears by Alois Trancy and has to strip (4th worst female anatomy ever) it was just degrading and in poor taste..especially when she writes delightful mangas that seem to be unappriciated and overshadowed by that misogynistic garbage.

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  • 1 month later...

Just saying, Grell and Will obviously have something going on! And when Grell put Undertaker in the barrel of salt, how did he get him naked? :3 ;)

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It's not a yaoi or shounen-ai, sadly. I've read a part of the manga and...well there are a few parts where you might tilt your head to the side and wonder why it doesn't fit into that category, but yeah. Would be amazing if it was!~

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Yeah its not, origonaly it was sposed to be but the editor said no, and that it should be for both genders ,-,

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I read somewhere that the mangaka tought that kuroshitsuji would be an yaoi/shounen ai but came into other toughts (in my opinion kuroshitsuji is a good anime even without yaoi/shounen ai and sorry if I spelled something wrong.. Some english words are just hard for me to spell)


:_red_fox 2

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Well we all know that in the anime there are some Yaoi hints.. I certainly wont forget that scene where Sebastian is helping Ciel in a dress.. My my my.. Such bonding ~3~

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  • 3 weeks later...

Kuroshitsuji is an amazing series for me even without shounen-ai between the Master and SErvant XD Though I really ship Grell x William XD

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