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~Unbroken Bonds~ *Yin x Akira* &private&


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Naruto stilled for a few minutes his body shaking from the way the raven moved his hand on him. "I-I'm fine..." He took a deep breath and pushed himself up so that the head was in before moving back down on it slowly shivering when he felt Sasuke enter him again. He panted softly, his hands clutched onto the shirt that the raven was still wearing.


The blonde lifted up again and then came back down slightly faster. His head was bent forwards as moan's escaped his lips. Pleasure was seen clearly visible on his face. "S-S-Sasuke..." Naruto moaned out as he kept on riding the raven.


Iruka moaned lustfully under him, his body was rocking back and forth due to Kakashi's harsh thrush's. All the feelings that the brunette was feeling made him tip his head back moaning out the silver haired ninja's name over and over again.


Pre-cum gathered at the tip of his member which said ninja was rubbing. "K-K-Kakashi... I-I-I wont last long..." He warned the man feeling that tightness gather up in the bottom of his stomach.

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((omg >..


Sasuke trembled against the bed and started to thrust up into him grabbing his hips to help them move together, "Hah... ahh..." His eyes became half lidded and lust filled as pleasure shot up his spin.


"N-Naruto..." the raven moaned feeling his orgasm approaching again. His hand stroked the others member faster wanting to pull him over the edge with him. "C-Close..." he moaned out as his shivering body took the blond above him.


Kakashi moaned softly knowing he couldn't last long either, "then promise you'll come home and let me ravish you." His movements slowed as he teased the tip and made slow movements into him. He wanted more. More of his lover since he missed so much. The silver haired man kissed his cheek and smiled softly taking in his smell and heat, glad to have it close again.

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((*laughs* why too much sex eh?))


Naruto moaned rather loudly his head thrown back as he thrashed back down hard one last time before his movement stilled and he came hard. "Sasuke!" He yelled the ravens name out as hot cum hit both his stomach and chest also landing on the shirt that the raven was wearing.


His body was twitching, his breath was coming out in hard shallow breaths. The blonde's cheeks were stained red from his orgasm. Naruto's arms were shaking. He was trying to keep himself up.


The brunette whimpered and nodded his head, "Y-Yes... I promise just please... Kakashi..." His voice lower then a whisper. Iruka wasn't sure what he was asking for but he wanted Kakashi to do something.

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((hahahaha well just finished a few minutes ago lol))


Sasuke moaned feeling him tighten around him and groaned as he came inside him, "Ahhh hah...!" The raven trembled under him gripping his hips tightly with his hands. He panted hard and rested back on the bed. That was amazing... and now he needed a new shirt but he didn't mind.


Kakashi slammed into him and started stroking him quickly. He panted thrusting his member against his prostate several times before filling him and stroking his member quickly.

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((lol, yeah poor poor uke's... Always having to deal with horny seme's hahaha!))


Naruto let out a small gasp as he felt himself being filled and with that sensation his arms finally gave out on him. He then fell down on the raven's chest and sighed softly. He laid his head on his chest an closed his eyes. "Hehe... That was amazing..." He laughed lightly, snuggling into the other males neck. He forgot that he had his seed on his stomach and just enjoyed the other's warmth.


Iruka shuddered as loud moan's ripped from his throat, feeling his prostate get hit repeatedly. He came along with Kakashi coating his hand with his cum as he felt the other stroke him. The brunette breathed in deeply, trying to catch his breath. "W-we will... Never do... That... Here again..." He said in between pants his body was slicked with sweat.


Genma closed the drawer, both folders in hand he walked out of the office closing the door behind him.

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((actually... it's like my poor seme dealing with a horny uke T-T My sex drive is unbelievably high for a woman...))


Sasuke held him close feeling how tired he really was. Little did he know he had been traveling for days and was now heavily drugged and worn out. The raven sighed softly and within second he was completely out. His breathing became a normal pace and his muscles relaxed. His face to the side and his hair messy around his head.


Kakashi chuckled softly and kissed his shoulder, "oh come on you know you enjoyed it." He chuckled and held him close sighing heavily. After a moment he slowly slipped out of him and used a couple tissues to clean them up enough to slide their clothes back on. Kissing his lips he smiled and slipped his mask back on. "Lets go home."

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((hahaha! I can relate to that! =3 When I'm in the mood and he's not I seduce him~ And when he's in the mood and I'm not... Well I try and hide *looks down in shame*))


Naruto sighed softly and gave the raven a small kiss to his neck before he closed his eyes but snapped them opened. He felt gross and sticky so he weakly got up, his muscles screaming in protest. He looked down once he was sitting up to make sure that he didn't wake the raven up.


A soft smile crossed over his face, 'What does this mean now? Are we lovers?' He thought before he got off of him and walked out of his bedroom towards his bathroom. Once inside he turned the light on, closing the door halfway and starting up the shower. The young blonde walked into the spray, closing his curtain and let the water ran over his aching muscles.


Iruka blushed lightly and pushed him back tiredly. But gave him a soft kiss back, he then pulled on his own clothes with a distasteful groan. "But... I have to finish fixing the mission reports..." His voice was small but he knew what Kakashi was going to say, save it for the morning. But he really needed to get them done before tomorrow afternoon.

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((LOL I just tell him to take it from me because that's hot. Unless I'm sick))


Sasuke slept peacefully with his soft member hanging out of his night pants. Shirt a little messy from the cum but he was already out and didn't care. His breathing was slow and his mind drifting off to things... things familiar...


Kakashi fixed his own clothes and stood looking at his desk, "come on and come home. I'll come with you in the morning and help." He wrapped his arms around his lover kissing his cheek. The silver haired man smiles and inhaled deeply as he held the other close.

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((Lol! If I even so much as tell him to take it... I end up sore the next day >.



Naruto just sighed softly washing his sore body. When he was clean, he stepped out of the shower and took the last towel off the rack. He dried his body and hair off. He took a deep breath before he headed back to his bedroom and crawled back into bed curling up next to Sasuke while he pulled up his blanket over his naked body and fell asleep.


Iruka sighed in defeat, his eyebrow twitching in an annoyed kind of way. "Fine... But if you don't wake up when I do no 'Iruka time' for you..." He threatened. He then pulled away from the silver haired male and straightened out his desk, putting away the reports into a drawer and walking away. He knew his threat would get to his lover and that caused him to smirk.

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((awwwwwwwwwwww ::huggle:: poor boy))


Sasuke turned over curling up to the blond and whimpered in his sleep. Well into the night around six in the morning The raven trembled and shook his head back and forth, "n-no... n-nii-san... no... No! NOO!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He sat up holding his head screaming at the top of his lungs and thrashing around. He sobbed as tears streamed down his face and his body was wracked with the sorrow and fear he felt.


Kakashi pouted a little and nodded his head, "just make sure to wake me." He smiled and started leading the way home happy to sleep in their bed.

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((*Huggles back* Yeah...))


Naruto shot up as well and took out a kunai from under his pillow. He jumped out of bed in a fighting stance ignoring the pain that shot up from his backside. The blonde then looked over at Sasuke, his blue eyes widened as he dropped his kunai and got back on the bed.


He took the raven's cheeks in his hands and wiped away the tears, saying soothing words to calm him down. "Sasuke... It's alright... Nobody is going to hurt you..." He spoke softly. Moving his hands from his face and wrapping his arms around him pulling him into his bare chest.


Iruka felt warm, really warm. He groaned lightly and buried his head into a strong chest, sighing happily. His hair was down due to last nights activities. When he got home Kakashi had once again ravished his body. Man he was one horny male. His eyes snapped opened and he pushed away from his lazy lover.


Sitting up once he realized that he still needed to fix the mission reports still. His eyebrow twitched as a vain pop up on his head. His hands turned into fist, he turned and glared at the silver haired ninja who was still sleeping. He gritted his teeth and kicked him out of the bed. He heard a thud hit the floor and he sighed.

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((now the nightly troubles begin))


Sasuke trembled his hands holding him tightly as he sobbed tears flowing freely down his face. He shook terrified of the vague images he just saw. Himself... his brother... as he died before his feet because of him... He killed him...


The raven let out this sob of agony as he cried. He sounded like a broken child, lost and afraid. Shaking so hard in the others arms it took him a while to realize where he was and their situation. Sniffling the raven started calming down and held the other closely.


Kakashi groaned softly on the ground and lifted his head, "hm?... Morning already?... 'mn hungry." He slowly pushed himself up and sat on the edge of the bed. He was already used to his lovers antics.

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((Ah yes the drama~ Every good rp needs some ^-^))


Naruto sighed and stroked his back in a loving and calming way. He placed a kiss on Sasuke's forehead, then his salty cheek... And then his lips. It was just a light peck, showing him that he had nothing to worry about. "Say... Sasuke... Are you hungry?" His voice was low and soothing. The blonde then realized that he had to make a report and hand it into the Hokage.


Iruka just scoffed and pulled the cover's away, placing his feet on the cool wooden floor. He sighed and stretched his arms above his head. Hearing a few cracks, "Well I'll make breakfast after I get the smell of sex off me..." He laughed lightly standing up on slightly shaky legs. He walked towards the door to his bedroom in all of his naked glory. His hips swayed slightly.

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((^-^ heehee adds spice))


Sasuke sniffled and pulled back rubbing hsi eyes. He was happy for his loving touches but his mind was at a loss. What was that?... It felt so real. The raven nodded his head a little, "maybe just some toast or something..." He knew he should eat even if he really didn't feel like eating.


Kakashi looked over at him and within an instant he was on him again, arms wrapped around him and kissing his shoulder, "you look so hot with your hair down and messy from sex." The silver hair nin smirked and ground hips morning wood against him.

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((Hahaha it does and poor Iruka! Run Iruka Run! XD))


Naruto gave him a worried look before nodding his head and walking over towards his dresser and took out a pair of boxers, he slipped them on. He turned his head and gave him a soft smile. "You just rest up... I'll go make the food..." With that said he walked out of his room and into the kitchen fixing up some food to eat. He hummed softly as he cracked some eggs. He was going to make an egg and veggie omelette.


Iruka squeaked, his body being pressed up against the door. "Ka-Ka-Kakashi.... Stop it!" The brunette said through gritted teeth as he tried to stop from moaning and responding to his lover. He knew that if he responded to the older man then he would be giving him what he wants.

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((yes lol I took benedryl because i got stung by a wasp this morning... If things sound weird I'm sorry))


Sasuke rested back on the bed and sighed. What was that?... The raven shook his head and stood going into the bathroom. It was then he saw the cum stain on his shirt and turned very red. Removing the shirt he then used the toilet and washed his hands. Splashing some water on his face he then came back out into the blond's kitchen, "morning. Sorry to wake you up like that."


Kakashi smiled hand rubbed his hands over his naked chest, "awww but you feel so good." He chuckled hiolding him close.

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((Haha no worries! Ugh... Work was murder today... >.


Naruto turned towards him and smiled softly before he shook his head, "It's fine... You just had a bad dream is all..." He chuckled softly. The blonde turned back to what he was doing, which was to make breakfast. He put some veggies in the pan and mixed it around with the egg. "Uh... Sasuke... Can you do me a favor and go in my room to get the scroll that Sai gave to me yesterday..."


He asked while busying himself with the task. He then turned around and walked over towards his cupboard and leaned up on his tippy toes to grab the plates from there, his legs were shaking slightly. Naruto felt tired from last night still.


Iruka's eyebrow twitched in annoyance, he tried to move away from the man. The brunette elbowed him in the stomach. "I don't care if I feel good to you... I still have to finish my work because a certain ninja wanted to have sex..." He snapped at him, he was slowly losing his patience with the silver haired Jounin.

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((oh I'm sorry. Did lots of people come in? I just woke up from my benedryl high... still a bit out of it lol))


Sasuke walked over and had to tip toe himself but was able to grab the plates for him. His bare chest rubbed against his arm as he pulled the plates down setting them on the counter, "don't push yourself. Last night must have been tough on you." The raven turned and walked into the blond's room and brought back the scroll.


"What's this for?" he set it on the counter when he came back in.


Kakashi pouted and slowly released him, "hai hai..." He walked past him to go shower with him. "Then lets get going. I'll just ravish you later." He winked back over his shoulder at him.

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((Yeah a lot did... >.


Naruto blushed slightly when he felt Sasuke push up against his arm with his chest, he mumbled a small thank you when he placed the plates down on the counter. He then walked over towards the scroll and unrolled it, his eyes widened. His whole body froze. It was a chart... It was a chart to keep track of Sasuke... He rolled it back up and warped the tie back around it. "It's for a... mission..." His voice was small.


He turned back around towards the stove placing the scroll back down on the counter and he went right back to making the omelettes. Once he was finished he started to place the food on the plates, his body was stiff.


Iruka's face flushed brightly, he looked away but followed behind Kakashi in silents. Jeez can't this man think of anything other then sex? He sighed and walked into the bathroom with the Jounin, turning on the water. He stood there waiting for it to heat up before he went in. But something was bothering him... "Say... Kakashi-sensei... About Sasuke-kun being back..." his voice was low and quiet. He was unsure if he should go on or not.

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((it's okay. I hate people... there are two people you don't yell at, those who deal with you food and money. lol I'm actually always really nice to my waiters. If something is messed up I tell them nicely because it happens sometimes. But usually I don't mind the mess up ^-^ people who get so angry are just idiots taking their frustration out on someone else))


Sasuke ran his fingers through his hair as he watched the other, "mission huh?" The blond was easy to read when something was off. Leaning against the counter he folded his arms as he watched the other male.


"Naruto," the raven began. "should we talk about last night?" He was worried the other was regretting it. He remembered most of it but the end was hazy. Maybe he passed out, since he remembered being very tired.


Kakashi's face went serious at the mention of his former student's name, "what about it?" His voice was low but it didn't sound like an unapproachable topic. Just a touchy one. "Tsunade has allowed him to stay at Naruto's but he has to keep track of him... I'm thinking of helping him watch."

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((Yeah tell me about all I did was grit my teeth and forced myself to smile. And I got him a new drink... I mean seriously the guy was an asshole! *shakes head*))


Naruto's movements froze, his hands were shaking slightly. Was Sasuke regretting last night? The blonde took in a sharp breath before he answered him, "Why... Do... Do you regret last night?" His voice was small, his blue eyes were tearing up slightly. He hoped he didn't regret anything last night. His head turned over and his blue eyes locked onto onyx ones.


"Well do you regret last night? Cause I don't!"


His voice was shaking just like the rest of his body. The tears finally fell. God he hasn't cried this much in his whole... Well he just wasn't sure about anything anymore.


He sighed and frowned slightly, he was glad Sasuke was back and all but... He thought about Naruto and how the poor boy was doing. "It maybe a good idea Kakashi... Because who knows what Sasuke-kun would do to Naruto-kun if he suddenly remembers..." His voice was wavering slightly. He took in another deep breath before he walked into the shower and shiver at how much it had cooled down.

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((people can be so rude and inconsiderate...))


Sasuke blinked a bit surprised then hugged the blond, "no, no I don't regret it... I just wasn't sure if you did." The raven was shaking too. "I'm not your same Sasuke as before... you said so yourself. I don't want to you have these thoughts of me while... I'm broken like this." He trembled holding him a bit tighter.


"I don't want you to feel like... you have to protect me or be with me because we have a past... My feelings for you that I have now are strong... I think this is love," the raven took a deep breath. The Sasuke before would have probably never said those words.


Kakashi got into the shower with him and started bathing himself trying to keep from touching the other male so he wouldn't jump him, "yeah... I'm sure it's hard on him. I don't know if this jitsu will fail anytime soon, but we don't know the extent of this jitsu on an Uchiha. Who knows what he learn from Orochimaru or any of those guys..."

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((Yeah tell me about it...))


Naruto sniffled and wrapped his arms around his back, burring his face in his chest. His body was still shaking slightly. "It's not like that Sasuke... I want to protect you because I love you..." He said right into the ravens chest causing his voice to sound slightly muffled. He then pulled back slightly, looking up at the taller male with a soft but sad smile. The blonde took a deep breath before he leaned up and kissed the raven softly. He then pulled back and placed his feet firmly on the ground.


Iruka took a deep breath as he started to wash his hair going quiet after what Kakashi had said. His mind was thinking about what he had just said... The name Orochimaru sent an unpleasant shiver down his spine. Just the thought of the Legendary Sannin made him sick to his stomach. He ran his hands through his hair to get the soap out from it. Why did Sasuke do that? To get more power? The brunette thought bitterly, his whole body tensing up.

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((that's what my husband preaches lol))


Sasuke looked at the blond then ruffled his hair a bit, "c-mon lets eat and don't worry so much. I'm sure my memory will come back soon." He gently poked the blond's nose then walked over to the table setting their food on it. He then grabbed them something to drink and sat at the table. Now he knew something was up, they weren't telling him something.


Kakashi leaned down kissing him, "you'll get wrinkles if you keep making that face." He smiled softly and helped the other rinse his hair. He ran his fingers through Iruka's hair. "He may have done some terrible things... but he mostly just made threats and went on his way... I don't believe Sasuke could actually bring himself to... harm Naruto or any of us. Maybe Sai... I'm sure he won't like him if they meet."

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((Lol ^-^))


"Sasuke..." Naruto whined softly, hating the fact that he just poked his nose which he was rubbing and glaring slightly at the raven before he walked over and sat down at the table across from the raven haired boy. "Well.. I hope you enjoy your breakfast..." He picked up his chopsticks and pulled them apart, clasping his hands together and saying thanks for the meal before he started to eat.


His eyes widened in realization. "Gha! I forgot to bring in my mission report! Iruka-sensei wont be too happy about that!" He then took a deep breath and looked down at his food. He sighed, 'I guess I'll hand it over to him after I'm done eating...' he thought taking a bite out of his food.


Iruka moaned lightly when he felt Kakashi run his finger's through his hair, a light smile spread across his face. He leaned up slightly and kissed him back. He wrapped his arms around the older males neck. His fingers were running through his silver hair. "Yeah I guess your right... and what face!" His eyes narrowed slightly but shook his head spraying water everywhere. "Never mind... But you maybe right about him wanting to hurt Sai-kun..."

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