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~Unbroken Bonds~ *Yin x Akira* &private&


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Sasuke smiled softly and repeated the same motion before he began to eat as well. he had a mouth full of food when the other nearly scared the crap out of him. He jumped and looked across the table then shook his head and continued to eat, "well finish eating and then go. I'll go for a walk and see if anything sparks my memory."


The raven finished his meal then picked up his plate. Maybe he could also get information from other about himself.


Kakashi sighed softly and nodded his head. One hand reached up to wipe the water that was splashed in his face, "also Sakura. I'm sure she's not happy about him not remembering her." He leaned in close gently rubbing their noses together then kisses his lips again pulling him close.

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Naruto finished his food off as well and picked up his own plate. He walked over towards the sink and ignored what the raven had said but realized what he had said as the words rang in his head. He shook his head and turned his head towards Sasuke. "Uh... Actually Sasuke... I think you should come along with me... So that um... Afterwards we can go to the hot springs!"


His voice held a nervous undertone to it. He couldn't let the raven walk around the village by himself because he knew that there was ninja in this village that wanted Sasuke dead. And that he promised Tsunada that he would watch over the raven.


Iruka chuckled lightly when he felt him rub their noses together, he decided to give into the silver haired man. His finger's were still going through Kakashi hair as he kissed him back with a soft groan. The brunette then yanked slightly on the older man's hair.

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Sasuke turned to the blond, "that's okay I shouldn't strain myself too much after the damage I took." He smiled softly and turned walking over to the couch grabbing the shirt Kakashi gave him yesterday. "Also I should go to Kakashi's he said he has my things. Where does he live? I can get that done while your checking in."


He smiled softly and ran his fingers through his hair fixing it. After that nightmare he needed to clear his head and think.


Kakashi groaned and reached between then grabbing the others member. He moaned softly kissing him harder as he shifted putting both their erection together and started to stroke them. Rocking his hips a little he caused more friction as his hand moved quickly over them. He knew Iruka would be pissed if he took too long, so their was a nice short cut.

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Naruto frowned slightly but nodded his head, he didn't want to get in a fight with Sasuke and besides he would be going to Kakashi's house after all so he would be safe. "Well alright... And Kakashi-sensei lives in a townhouse a few minutes from here... It's the one we pasted on by when we were heading over here..." His voice was soft and filled with warmth. He then finished cleaning the dishes and walked over towards him, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek before walking away towards bedroom.


Iruka moaned loudly and arched into the older male grinding his erection even more against Kakashi's own. He then kissed him just as hard, moaning wantonly against the silver haired male's lips. Grinding even more against him. He wanted more friction. The brunette pulled away from the Jounin's mouth and threw his head back moaning loudly. "O-Oh G-God! K-K-Kakashi!" He mewled loudly, for some reason whenever Kakashi got that look in his eyes it would always want to older male to take him. However there were those times when those looks are inappropriate.

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Sasuke smiled softly and nodded his head, "thanks." He yawned and pulled on his pants from the day before. The raven then walked to the door to open it, "alright so I'll meet you back here later is that's alright." He smiled as he opened the door wondering if the blond would freak about him leaving.


Kakashi pressed him against the wall and kissed at his neck as he stroked him faster. He maoned against his shoulder as his hips thrust against the other, "yeah... call my name." His other hand came behind him pressing inside to tease his prostate. He was worried the other would be sore from them doing it twice last ngiht so he wasn't going to put it in.

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Naruto's blue eyes widened, he ran over towards the door and wrapped his arm's around Sasuke's waist. "Wah?! Sasuke! You can't just leave not with out me!" He said sharply trying to pull the elder boy back in the apartment but his grip loosened and he stumbled slightly. He watched the raven's retreating back with a frown.


'Damn it!' He ran inside shutting his door quickly, he raced down the hallway and towards his bedroom. It took him a few minutes to pall on some clean black pants and a white t-shirt. He didn't have time to get dress normally. He then ran over towards the kitchen counter and grab the scroll. Once his spastic moment was gone he ran out of the house making sure that the traps were activated and locked his door. He ran down the hallway past a woman with a cat. She glared at the boys back. "Watch where your running ya damn brat!"


He ignored the name calling woman and ran down the stairs and looked around. No Sasuke... 'Damn it!' He growled in his head, he then got a thought in his head. 'He's heading for Kakashi-sensei's house!' He took off running in that direction. The people that he pasted were shocked to see him looking like a normal person and not a ninja.


Iruka moaned some more withering against the wall with his head tilted back as moan after moan left his mouth. "K-K-Kak-Kakashi..." He whimpered when he felt the finger inside of him press itself against his prostate. He pushed back on the finger, more of those lustful moans came out of his parted lips. The shower water felt like it wasn't even there. All that was there was him and Kakashi.


"K-Kakashi!" He yelled out the Jounin's name before he came into his hand. He was leaning against the wall panting heavily, which was an erotic sight to see. The brunette wasn't all that ashamed for cumming to quickly. Hell he was still sore and still sensitive from last night.

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Sasuke needed answers and in a way he felt like he couldn't trust Naruto for the truth. Using what skills he remembered he had he hid in the trees and saw the blond running by. Something was wrong. He wanted the truth, even if he wouldn't like it. Maybe it was for his own good but even a short explanation was better than nothing.


Standing up and looked around activating his sharingan and was shocked when his eyes stung a little as he used it. Maybe he used them too much recently- HOLY CRAP! He could see so much! It was almost like the world was moving in slow motion...


He spotted Sai from the day before, if anyone would give him answers he would be a good choice. Obviously he didn't like him but who knows what he'd get out of him. Jumping down the raven stepped in front of the other man, "can you answer a question for me? Why is everyone terrified of me?"


Kakashi groaned hearing his name called out on those lips, "ah... Iruka..." He came with him and shivered as his orgasm wracked through his system. Wow that felt good. The silver haired man kissed him again before pulling him under the water with him to rinse them off. "Your so sexy."

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Sai wasn't surprised to see Sasuke appear before him, hell he could sense the other's chakra. He tilted his head to the side with his fake smile. "I'm sorry but I don't talk to people like you..." He looked around and tried to see if Naruto was around but didn't find him. "And where's Naruto?" He asked his voice had a slight edge to it but he covered it up quickly with a blank look replacing his slightly irritated one. Naruto was searching for the raven not being able to find him anywhere... He doubled over panting slightly. "Damn it..."


Just then a large paw landed right in front of him causing him to jump back in surprise but the chuckle gave it a dead giveaway as to who it belonged to. "Kiba!" Said brunette laughed and gave the blonde a playful wink. "Yo! Naruto! How the hell have ya been!" Naruto shifted and blushed lightly but he noticed the Inuzuka lift his head up and scrunched it up as a knowing grin crossed over his face.


"You and Uchiha had sex didn't you?" His silted eyes gleamed with a mischievous look. The blonde paled and gulped a huge lump that had gathered in his throat. "Wah?!" The blondes face heated up at the look that the other male was giving him. Kiba shook his head knowing that he teased his friend, "Anyway's why are ya in such a hurry?" Naruto once again paled and scrubbed his face with his hands.


"I lost Sasuke..." The brunette's eyes widened but before he could yell at Naruto for being an idiot for letting a dangerous criminal to be running around. He sniffed the air and pinched his nose as he pointed his sharp nailed finger in the direction where the smell was coming from. "He's back that way with Sai..." The blondes eyes widened as he thanked his friend quickly before heading off in that direction.


Iruka let him get pulled under the spray of water, he couldn't help but laugh lightly. He weakly pushed Kakashi's shoulder in a joking kind of way. "Well... I'm not that good looking... I think your better look Kakashi-sensei...." The brunette spoke softly before he leaned up and gave him a soft kiss. He pulled way and finished cleaning himself off. When he was done he got out of the shower and grabbed a fluffy white towel and dried himself before wrapping it around his waist.

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"I wouldn't normally talk to people like you," Sasuke walked towards the other raven standing about a foot away. "Now I'm asking nicely. Explain to me what the hell is going on. Why am I getting such strange looks where people run in fear. Did I do something?" His hands were bawled into fists.


The raven glared at the other in frustration. He needed answers. Suddenly pain pulsed in his head and he held the side of it. What the hell was going on? He suddenly stumbled forward falling onto Sai and closed his eyes tightly in pain.


Kakashi smiled, "I don't think so." The silver haired man smiled as he got out and dried off with a towel before he got changed into his uniform and lifted his head. "Naruto and Sasuke are moving around... Something is off..." He quickly started to gather his things.

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Sai blinked a few times and he heard running foot steps heading their way. "Sasuke!" Naruto ran over towards the two ravens, Sai sighed softly and with the help from the blonde helped Sasuke stand up. "Sasuke! Are you that dumb! I told you to stay close to me didn't I?" His voice was soft and slightly hurt but he shook it off and looked at Sai who just nodded his head and disappeared from view.


Iruka was finishing up getting dress, he put his forehead protector on and strapped his own weapon's to him before he followed after Kakashi just as quickly. He activated the traps and locked the door following behind the older man closely. He had a worried look cross over his face, his bag was hanging over his shoulders.

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Sasuke held onto his head and sighed dropping his hand after a moment, "I'm fine Naruto! What the hell is going on?! Why can't I go by myself? Why are people terrified of me?" The raven stepped back looking over at the blond. "I'm not stupid Naruto. Something is up."


The raven looked like an angry child at the moment. His hands clenched in fists as he got angry at his lover.


Kakashi ran down the street and turned a corner to see Sasuke yelling at Naruto. The street was clear of people since they saw the raven, "oh no... of course he would notice... we should have told the village before releasing him..." The silver haired nin started walking over to them.

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Naruto's eyes widen and he took a step back, he felt anger course through his body his own hand's balling into fist. "Grr! I can't tell you why okay!? I don't want to lose you again! So what if people are running scared of you! People have done that their whole lives with me! Hell they went as far as to throw rocks at me! You always had it easy! Until-"


"Naruto!" The blonde froze he recognized that angry shout from any where. He turned his head and saw Iruka standing there with Kakashi, his arms were crossed over his chest. "Don't you dare say another word!" His ex-teacher said with a harsh tone, so unlike him at all. He looked over at Sasuke and froze, he was slightly afraid but at the same time he was happy to see him again.


"Sasuke-kun listen to me... I know you probably don't remember me but I was your Academy teacher Iruka Umino... But you have to trust us... The less you know the better... Trust me..." He spoke in a soft tone taking a step forwards so that he doesn't scare the boy or make him attack him. "Look you maybe confused right now but that doesn't give you the right to act recklessly..." He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. Naruto looked at Iruka with a questioning look. He didn't understand how both sensei's found them.

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Kakashi glanced to Naruto and nodded his head letting Iruka handle this. He wasn't good with lectures. Also he loved watching his lover be so demanding... hm maybe once in bed would be fun...


Sasuke took a step back from Iruka, "All I want is a little explanation. Your sitting here telling em to trust you guys, well I can't. People running in fear, hiding me at Naruto's... are you all in this?! Am I the only one who doesn't know?!" The raven trembled as tears brimmed his eyes. "Just something... anything to know who I am!" He closed his eyes and lowered his head as he shook. He was afraid... so scared of who he was or where he was. Tears streaming down his face.


"You turned against us Sasuke," Kakashi stepped forward. "Because of a misunderstanding. You wanted to come home and we wanted you home but your too dangerous the way you were."


Sasuke lifted his head as tears patted onto the ground by his feet, "What?... You can't be serious... my life here... my friends... Naruto..."


Kakashi put a hand on his shoulder, "so it's best you don't know and trust that we're trying to make your life better."


Sasuke sniffled and stepped forward leaning his head against Kakashi's chest as he shook. Kakashi rested a hand on his head, "it's okay."

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Naruto felt his heart brake in two when he saw Sasuke brake down like that, "Sasuke..." He was about to step forwards until he was grabbed by the back of his shirt pinning him to the spot. "And just where do you think your going Naruto!" Iruka glared down at his ex-student and he saw him look up with hurt eyes.


The brunette sighed and let the blonde go, he turned around and looked at his old teacher. "Iruka-sensei I-I'm sorry for not keeping my mouth shut..." He spoke lightly causing the teacher to sigh once again. He lifted his hand up while the other rested on his hip, he mussed up Naruto's hair and listened to him whine and complain about making him feel like a child again. Which caused Iruka to laugh and shake his head before he turned towards Kakashi and Sasuke.


"I have to get going so I'll see you two later... Oh and Sasuke-kun... I would like to speak to you later... So swing on by the mission office alright" He said before giving Naruto a soft smile who returned it back at him. "Same goes for you too Naruto..." His voice was stern and held no room for argument. The blonde nodded his head. Before he handed the small scroll to him and a mission report.


Iruka looked down at the scroll in his hands, a grave and solemn look replaced his smiling one in a matter of seconds. He knew what this was, he glanced over at the ink user who was dusting himself off before he gave the brunette a quick nod he vanished.

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Sasuke pulled back from Kakashi and wiped his eyes as he did. He didn't like feeling this scared but at least he had a little explanation even if it wan't entirely true. The raven sighed heavily and looked over at Naruto, "that was all I wanted..."


Kakashi took a deep breath, "well perhaps you should stay at my place. I'm worried about you boys." The silver haired nin pushed his hands in his pockets as he looked between the boys. Kakashi knew Naruto wasn't going to be happy about it but he was very worried.


"No... I want to stay with Naruto..." Sasuke shook his head.


Kakashi raised a brow, "are you sure?"


"Yes... I don't want to leave his side..." the raven lowered his head. He must have... done some terrible things to be where he was.


Kakashi nodded his head, "fine then. I have a couple boxes of your things at my house. Lets get them and bring them to Naruto's."

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Naruto was about to protest against Kakashi for letting Sasuke stay at his place but the raven opened his mouth and spoke what he was thinking about saying. The blonde walked over and placed his hand on the raven's shoulders, smiling softly at both the silver haired ninja and the raven haired male.


"I can help with moving Sasuke's stuff to my house..." He piped up, giving a small laugh but turned his head over his shoulder to see if Iruka was still there but he saw him walking away with a small limp. Naruto tried so hard not to bust out laughing but he couldn't help it! He let out a laugh and turned his head towards Kakashi who seemed like he was in a better mood then usual. "Were you ruff on Iruka-sensei Kakashi-sensei?" He laughed even harder letting Sasuke's shoulder go to hold his sides.


When Iruka got to the tower he walked towards the Hokage's office and knocked a few times. "Lady Hokage may I please come in?" His voice was light and soft. He looked down at the scroll in his hand with a frown playing across his face. Sure Naruto had to watch Sasuke but... Keeping track of his movements was a little much... Or so he thinks anyways...

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Kakashi's face blushed behind the mask, "ahem... um... come on there's four boxes full." The solver haired nin walked quickly down the street to his place. Hoping their clothes were picked up. He didn't remember picking up his shirt but maybe Iruka did...


Sasuke looked over at Naruto then walked with them. He was glad that Kakashi didn't say anything else about them living together. Now knowing this much he knew that it was safer if he didn't know.


The older ninja opened his door and walked inside going to the closet near the door and pulled out the boxes, "here they are."


Tsunade was at her desk writing up some information on a scroll, "come in." She was eager to learn what Naruto wrote down.

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Naruto snickered as he followed Kakashi into his house looking around a bit, he was surprised to find it clean. He walked over towards the closet and helped his teacher take them out. He grabbed two and almost fell back, but he some how manged to keep his balance. He looked down to see what had made him lose his balance and laughed.


It looked like a shirt. "Jeez... Kakashi-sensei do you usually leave shirts laying in the middle of the hallway?" He asked in a teasing kind of way but knew he was probably going to get hit upside the head by Sasuke so he kept his mouth shut.


Iruka took a deep breath and opened the door slowly, bowing in the doorway before he walked in and handed the scroll to the Hokage. "Lady Hokage why are you making Naruto keep track of Sasuke's movements?" He asked in a quiet voice. He was not sure why but it made him worried, what was the Hokage planning? And what Kakashi had said bothered him to no end. He sighed and shook his head getting rid of the negative thoughts from his head.


In the scroll was written that Sasuke walked off on his own and woke up screaming.

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Sasuke lightly tapped the blonds head, "don't be rude." He grabbed a couple boxes himself and stepped back. It was a little heavy but he had no clue what was in it.


Kakashi blushed and kicked Iruka's shirt away, "I was in a hurry... now be on your way." He hurriedly shooed them from the house so he could follow them in secret and watch what was going on. He was a bit concerned about Sasuke's memories returning.


Tsunade started to open the scroll, "we do not know the extent of that jitsu on a sharingan user. Also what he could have been taught by Madara or Orochimaru..." She opened it on her desk and paled.


"Shit... if this continues we might have a problem on our hands..." the blond woman shook her head and closed the scroll. "Nightmares and he walked out without Naruto..."

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Naruto pouted and said sorry in a quiet voice before he was walking out with Sasuke, he glanced around and saw nobody was outside which may have been a good idea. The blond sighed and shook his head. He felt bad... No he didn't feel right... He glanced over at the raven and frowned even more, he didn't want to lose Sasuke again but..


He took another deep breath and shook his head once again. No. He can't think like that... He had to think positive. However it was getting more and more harder to be positive. His light blue eyes looked up at the sky and a soft smile crossed over his face. "Say... Sasuke... Do you remember the time when we had to protect the bridge builder? How we competed against each other to see who can get to the top of the tree first?" He laughed lightly at the memory a soft and warm smile crossed over his face.


Iruka blinked and looked worried now more so then he did before. "Lady Hokage... Does that mean that... Naruto could be in danger?" He asked with wide brown eyes. His whole body becoming stiff as an uneasy feeling came to his stomach.

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Sasuke looked over at the blond then smirked, "yes. How competitive we used to be. Then I caught you when you nearly fell." The raven smiled as they walked with him. That's was one thing he did remember and it made him happy. There were good memories at least.


"I'm sure naruto can handle himself... that's why we need to keep an eye on him," tsunade shook her head and sat back frowing. This wasn't good but it would take time. "It'll be a bit before it wears off though."

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Naruto blushed lightly, he looked over at him and gave him a shy smile before he looked away in an embarrassed kind of way. "Yes I remembered you caught me calling me a baka because I almost fell..." He mumbled the last part still slightly irked from how cocky the raven was on that day, "I also remember trying to out eat you on that day as well and we both got sick!"


He laughed lightly his blush slowly fading away. So many memories they had shared together and yet half of them were horrible. He still remember their fight at the final valley how both of them nearly killed each other. His mood turned sour at that memory. That was the same day that he failed to bring Sasuke back. But... He looked back over at the raven and gave him a soft sad smile. He was here now... And that's whats important even though he doesn't remember much but here he was.


Iruka took a deep breath and sighed softly, he placed one hand on the back of his neck and the other on his hip. "Yeah your right... I just... There's something off about Sasuke though and it's not from his mind being wiped..." He said shaking his head and sighed once again. "Well no matter I have to get back to work... Please excuse me My Lady..." He bowed before walking out with that slight limp even though he tried so hard to hide it but failed.

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Sasuke chuckled, "we threw up all we ate..."


The winced a little as he tried to remember more about that trip but some was even missing from then. It always hurt to try to remember things that had been sealed away. Maybe memories were best left in the past. He sighed softly and walked up the the blond's door and waited for Naruto to pull his keys out and open the door. Maybe his things would help jog some of his memory.


Tsunade looked up at him, "something off? Like what?" The blond haired woman leaned forward folding her hands taking note of his limp. He wasn't on any missions... oh wait Kakashi was back. She had a feeling about them from the beginning.

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Naruto placed the ravens stuff on the ground and fished out his keys, unlocking his door and disarming the traps by the front door and walked back outside to grab the other males things with a grunt. Man his stuff sure was heavy. He took in a deep breath and walked inside laughing at what Sasuke had said. "Yeah and Kakashi-sensei and Sakura-chan got mad and yelled at us!"


He chuckled lightly, he walked over to his couch and placed the boxes down and groaned sitting next to them but when he did the boxes fell over and landed on him. "GAH! Get them off! Their heavy!" He yelled out waving his arms around trying to push the boxes off of him and ended up falling on the ground with them falling on him. "Sasuke! Help! Their attacking me!" He yelped and tried once again to push the boxes off of him.


Iruka walked into the mission office after he closed the Hokage's door and sighed as he sat down on the chair and hissed as he rubbed his lower back. 'Jeez! When I get my hand's no that man I'm going to strangle him!' He thought with gritted teeth. But his mood slowly eased up as he pulled out the drawer next to him and then jumped when he heard and felt his desk shake. "Gah!" He dropped the folder and took in a deep breath when he saw Gai standing there. "Can I help you Gai-sensei?"

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Sasuke set his boxes down then walked over squatting next to the blonds head, "you're such a dobe." The raven smiled then lifted the boxes off of him with a little grunt. They were really heavy. The raven opened the heavy box and saw a bunch of scrolls and weapons. "Wow... I have a lot of weapons." He started to rummage through it then turned to another box opening it and on top was their team picture.


He picked up the picture and looked at it. Sasuke remembered this being taken he smiled as he held it up. This held so many memories and he didn't know even half of them.


Gai smiled at the man, "good morning!" The man gave him a thumbs up. "Have you seen my rival recently?! I need to discuss some matters of urgency. The youth of our village could be in peril."

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