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The Hunter and The Wolf - RP between Samm & Chibi


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The Hunter and The Wolf


A little fairytale I've been working on but really, I suck at writing :D

So I decided to leave the writings to some other people and at the same time see how they develop the story.


The hunter and the wolf is about the land Kickassia (I just had to use that name). The most part of this land is covered with woods with only a few little towns and the capital. Here lives the hunter who is a soldier of the King to catch one of the Werewolves that's been terrorizing the woods for a very long time now. In the first chapter, we follow him through the woods on his last errand this week when something happens...


Chibi, you're first ;)

::SammuelColdheart ::


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EDIT (because I'm really bored and procrastinating):


The Werewolves' culture:


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The Capital's culture:


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"Come on everyone the sooner we finish patrol the sooner we can return home," Gerald called out to the rest of his men. They were doing th routine patrol on the kingdom grounds. There had been a report of werewolf sitings and the King wanted Gerald and his men to capture one. Gerald wouldn't admit it but he was against the kingdom's way of 'controling' the werewolves after all the wolves where once part of the kingdom as equals and he hated what the werewolves were brought to but Gerald knew that it had to do if the Hunters wanted to perserve their own way of life.


The men began to mumble amongst themselves as they followed their commander through the last stretch of the patrol . . .the woods where the werewolves inhabited. There had been rumors about werewolves sneaking into some of the villages and kidnapping young children and eating them. Men being lured into the woods to be brutally murdered. And when something catastrouphic happens like the crops drying out or if there is a massive drought the blame is turned to the werewolves.


Gerald just rolled his eyes. He wasn't one to get caught up in such things. He hated being surround by large groups and noise. It became even worst when the King wanted to through a feast for someone or another's hanor because it was usually GERALD's honor. Gerald never understood why he was so liked and praies. When he wasn't on patrol or training his troops, he was usually sleeping or hunting. See nothing special about him but he was still held in high reguards.


The farely large group moved together as one, each person looking out for the person next to them. "Remember everyone no one gets separated from your group and if you do hurry and return to the horses outside the woods. I don't want to loose anyone out here" Once everyone agreed. Gerald separated his men into equal groups before sending them on their way. "If you find something trap it and wait for me.before doing anything else. Most importantly be safe."


Gerald watched as the groups dispersed before taking his own group deeper within the woods. Gerald and his group had been walking for hours and still hadn't seen any signs of the werewolves they knew were lurking in the woods and he suspected that neither did the other groups since he hadn't retrieve a carry pigeon from any of the other groups. Gerald's group entered a clearing where he had them rest, "take 15 then we'll regroup with the others and head back to the horses. Remember we're in werewolf terrortory so don't let your guards down for a second." Gerald grabbed a water jug and some retions of food along with his pack and arrows.He tapped the his rsecond's shoulder who nodded in understandment "Mikeal is in charge until I get back. Joseph you're coming with me to make a sweep of our surroundings. If we're not back by the end of the break return to the kingdom without us if you don't Mikeal will decide your punishment."


Gerald would usually go alone since he was quicker than the others but after the confrontation between his second.Mikeal and Joseph. Gerald though it would be best to keep Joseph in his sights at all time especially since Joseph actually tried to kill Mikeal during a training exercise. Something dark caught Gerald's attention from the corner of his eye. He went to examine it and when he touched it he knew right then what it was. 'Blood' "Something is hurt. This blood is fresh so it couldn't gone far." Not waiting for an answer Gerald began searching for the source. He found it when he came to a bush that had a splatter of blood on its leaves.


Moving some of the branches a side, Gerald gasped at what he saw. Laying curled up with various cuts and bruises was a child no older than four in a torn turnic. Gerald could tell by the fake wold eyes and tail that the child belonged to the werewolf tribe in the forest. "We should just finish it off," Joseph spoke up with disgust evident in his voice. Gerald shook his head, "no, I don't care if he is a werewolf he is still a child and Iwill not let my hands be dirtied by its blood." There was a thick silence making Gerald believe that the discussion was over until he was roughly pushed aside. "Fine if you can't get your hands dirtied by this filth then how about you conscious." Joseph rosed his sword and bringing it down on the defensless child but the hit never came for Gerald moved in front of it. Gerald gritted his teeth as he felt the blade slice through his flesh. He stumbled back as his blood covered the ground beneath him. "You would truly protect that heathen then you can die with it" Joseph roared as he charged his superior. Gerald saw this coming and moved out of the way and quickly placed the metal string that hewas able to slip in his hands t the last miute and decapitated the traitor. "Mister?" A soft voice called to him. Gerald looked over and saw that the boy was struggling to get up. " its alright little one. Your safe now." Gerald whispered as he went to pick up the equally wounded boy in his arms. The boy nodded before collapsing back into unconsciousness.Gerald smiled down at the innocent boy'I wonder who did this to him' Gerald grounded.his teeth as he walked painfully back to the now empty clearing he knew his men had already left. Once he reached it with the boy securly in his arms, Gerald blacked out collapsing to the groung on his side hoping that the child made it through the night.


(( hope that this is the type of openining you were looking for Len ))

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There was someone in their lands, Geo could see it, it wasn't just one person it was around 10 or so, he would lure the rest of his groups to come and he will show them the marks, they would nod and spread around the forest and start looking through places, it was kinda strange, plus there was one child from their village which was missing, and this search pack was for this child but if there is someone in their lands he would definitely won't let him get away and try to make him one of them, those lands have been called the dead land not just for fun after all, the Werewolves nation was quite protective over their lands and especially over their child.


Soon they will reach up to one cave where the footsteps marks was showing as he would notice that one of their child was there near a capital hunter, the other nation the Werewolves loved to call them the Royalists, because they was ruled by a blinded king... who believed in the wrong scientist so to speak, at first Geo would step forward and grasp the male's hair and pulls backward his head to see his face.


"Look what we have here, a capital hunter." he would say to his brothers as he would then notice the rest of the footsteps as he would growl quite loudly "You five go find those jerks, and capture every last of them, if some of the run away don't hesitate to kill him. I will personally take care for this one. The two of you take for our leads and don't leave any marks..." he would say as the others would nod and rush spreading into their given jobs, everyone was listening to Geo, he was their leader and he loved his nation, even though Geo wasn't exactly the tribe leader his father was, but he was showing some good leader qualities. He would do everything to protect every last person of his tribe, and he would think only for the good of their families, he would reach up for the male's leather armor, and grabbed dragging the hunter rudely with... he didn't worry for marks, after all there was 2 person assign to clean them "You the last one, take the child with you and go further before me, bring him back to his mother... we won't leave any of us behind, go!" he would yell out a bit the last few words as he would, reach up for the fallen hunter legs and lift him up in a cradle, was to make sure he won't leave more obvious trails as then he would rush forward to their camp so to speak.


It take him around 40 min or so till they reach up the heart of the woods, at first when Geo arrived at his village, the people from his Clan would look at him kinda hateful towards the person which he was carryin, but he would make serious look over them as they will bow their heads and let Geo to get in, many people dislike that werewolves wasn't killing but taking people to teach them in their ways, but this was their rules and they couldn't disobey them, everyone in the clan knew that. When Geo, pass through the big open side of the wall a huge door will fall down and close, the village was surrounded with very large and long thick wood walls, and the village was secured from every single point, there was trees on 2-3 meters away from the village, and there was post on every side of the wall 2 mans per post, his clan would smile as they saw Geo to come back, everyone loved Geo, he was very much with his father without the must for killing capitals. It could be clearly seen that this place was their main camp for years already they had still small camps all over the woods before they come here, but those camps moves quite often.


Geo won't waste much time so he will go in his humble 'home' so to speak... as then he would place the male to rest on his 'sleeping bag' but it wasn't nothing like that just quite big amount of straw placed down on the ground spread with a bag of more straws as pillow and some fury leather blanket, he would go outside of his tent to can he fulfill one chalice with fresh and cold water, and he would take another soft small blanket which was looking like a towel and he would subbed into the water and then when he went back in his tent, he would place the towel over the male's forehead, to take care for his fever as he would grin a bit again.


"I think he would make great werewolf member... but first I have to hear his excuse... why he was left by his group... and so on." he would say lowly to himself looking at the male's face as then he would soak again the towel placing fresh one again on the male's forehead.


[[OCC: I hope this is the thing which you had in mind, we just didn't had much details so that why Chibi started it as he was seeing it.]]

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(( Yeah, I know, that's the whole idea ^^ Also, the cultures and profiles of the characters are in the first post so if anything isn't clear yet, just ask me ^^

Samm, is it okay if I give you some feedback? :p PM me ))

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Gerald grown with a start. He sat up slowly barely catching the slightly warm towel that slid off his head as he moved. 'Where am I?' Gerald placed a hand on the side of his temple as a headache began to occur. He rubbed it gently as he began to take in his surroundings. He noticed that he was in a decent size wooden structure and that he was laying on a pile of straw. 'Wonder who lives here.' He tried to look behind him to see more of the room he was in but was stopped when a shearing pain rain through his as he released a painfully gasp. Gerald quickly looked down and noticed three things. One he was completely shirtless. Two someone had already taken the time to bandage his chest. Three which at the moment didn't seem that important, he had been stripped from all of his weapons and supplies.


As he looked at his bandage, Gerald began to remember exactly how he got the wound that was underneath it, "That's right I was protecting that werewolf child when Joseph decided to kill the innocent boy. I just can't believe that I actually killed one of my own people protecting a werewolf no less." Gerald sighed to himself as he rubbed his temples tiredly. "I wonder how long I've been out?"


Then it suddenly hit Gerald, "were was the child." Gerald quickly struggled to his feet but only made it halfway to the door before the pain from his injury was too much for him to bear and he collapsed to his knees gritting his teeth trying to fight back the pain. For the next 15 minutes, Gerald fought to return to his feet but it was useless he was in too much agony and his body was too weak at the moment to do anything but rest. He placed a hand on his wound. He could feel a warm liquid oozing out of it. He didn't know whether it was blood or pus and he didn't dare look to ask especially since he didn't have anything to re wrap it with.


"What should I do know? I'm sure that I'm not at one of the villages that surrounds the kingdom but I can't be in werewolf territory either they would have left me for dead if not finish me themselves, right" Gerald was slightly confuse about his situation. There was so few things known about the werewolves and their true intentions towards Hunters and Gerald didn't actually believe any of the wise tales that people told their children at night. For Gerald knew that they were only horror stories to keep the children behaved and from stopping anyone from leaving their homes at night. "I could always call out to someone but that could bring unwanted attention to myself and get me killed if I am being held captive by wolves. I can probably crawl out of here but that would be a large blow from my pride as a amn and a Hunter but I have to get to the kid some how to see if he's still alive at least." Gerald sighed he was just to tired to think of a proper ans safe way to get himself and the wold child out of this mess. "But even if we did escape what would I do with the boy then. Can't really leave him in the forest by himself or take him back to his clan that would defiantly be suicide." Gerald groaned closing his eyes and laid back slowly on the ground.


'I'm too tired for this shit. Every time I be nice to someone I always wind up in their shit but I do owe the werewolves saving the kid is the less I could do.' Gerald never noticed the figure that had walked into the the entrance of the room he was in.

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After he left the male to rest in his tent he would walk back to the main yard of the camp as he would look around and notice the rest of the group have returned but they didn't had anyone catch, one of the males the second in command of Geo approached and bow in front him.


"I am sorry Geo, most of them start running or fight to their last breath and we had no other choice but to kill them... or they was going to get reinforcments..." he would as Geo would sigh softly and nod "Sometimes I wonder who are the good guys, us or they... but at least we don't kill everyone which we get... the male which we found earlier in the forest... I bandage him and let him rest in my tent, I will go and check back at him, you make sure you've clean any leads toward us... and you go get some water for the tribe... we might have to move from our main camp..." he would say as he would shake a bit his head and walk back to his tent, in the moment when he entered in the tent his eyes would widen seeing the other male collapsed down in the middle of the tent as he would growl, and narrow his eyes in anger.


"Those capitals... are they so bad hit in the head that they are trying to kill themselves with such deadly injuries on them..." he would say walking to the male and looking from above at him, he noticed that he was awake but seems like his 5 senses was a little dizzy... and he couldn't say when the male entered, he would reach up down to the heavier male and lift him up a bit with problems he was so heavy, but then he would take him barely to the straws and place him to lie down once more.


"You should really not move... or you will make those wounds more deeper and you will lose once more a big amount of blood... then we will have to give you some blood... so stop moving... if you want to survive..." he would say with a bit worried voice, as he would take the towel once more and soak it in the cold bowl with water placing it once more over the male's head... he had temperature and he need to cover him with more blankets to can he take them down, it didn't take much he pulled out two fury blankets and placed over the male up to his neck, as he would then hear someone coming and he would stand looking at the entrance.


"Oh, it's you... T'chala... come in..." he would say as a small boy would enter inside the tent and walk to the lying male, he would look at him and then look up at Geo "Geo, is he going to be alright?" he would ask the older male, as Geo would smile and nod "He will be okay as long as he listen to what we're telling him to do..." he would say with light growl as T'chala would smile with happiness, it was the same boy which the capital hunter rescued... and seems like the boy was worried about the male, Geo would reach up for T'chala's hair and mess it up a bit "Now go play with the rest of the kids... I will take care for him, I promise." he would say as T'chala would smile even more, whenever Geo makes a promise he always was keeping it, and he have never before step back on it... T'chala knew that, and if Geo promised that he will heal the older male then he will do it no matter what, as then T'chala would run out of the tent with the rest of the kids.

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Gerald groaned in pain when he felt himself being lifted uncomfortable by someone and replaced on his makeshift bed. He opened his eyes only to be met with shapes and shadows groaning again, Gerald rubbed his eyes roughly with the balls of his hands, "don't worry about me I'm fine. I've been through a hell of a lot worse. What's important right now is the kid. I was with a little boy last night and he was badly injured. Is he okay? Did he make it through the night?" Gerald sighed softly as he felt a cool towel placed on his burning head.


Gerald relaxed a bit as his aching body began to dull. He heard someone come in but he was too tired to turn to see who it was. He could hear people talking but he couldn't tell what they were saying. The throbbing in his head were like drums against his aching skill drowning out what the other occupants in the room was saying to each other. Even as he felt the one of the two leave, Gerald still didn't move or say anything to the person who stayed beside him. A few minutes passed between the two in silence before Gerald opened his eyes again grateful that this time he could see actually distinguish the things in his surroundings in more than just shadow. He slowly turned his gaze to the side until they fell upon a young teenage boy.


Gerald quickly noticed the fake ears and tail that was apart of the boy's attire. Though the extra appendages were that of a fox and not a wolf, Gerald was still sure that the boy was still part of the people of the forest. "You're a werewolf." It was said more as a statement than an actual question. For some reason, Gerald fond himself not being afraid of the boy but he still needed to know, "why didn't you kill me? I'm your enemy aren't I?" Gerald looked upon the boy with no ill intentions or malice he was just curious about why his enemy treated his wounds and was taking care of him after everything his King forced him and his men to do to the Werewolves. "Thank you," Gerald whispered as he looked into the boy's emerald green eyes with a soft pained but gentle smile.

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Geo would sigh looking that the male's statment was getting worse, and he had to take care right away for the injuries but then he would hear the few gasps which the other gave up.


"You're a werewolf."


Geo won't respond to this, he would just in silence, and pull out from one of his belongings something like a bowl, and place it over the fireplace which was in the middle of the tent, he would fulfill the bowl with fresh water, and tear few herbs down in the water from a chest near by, then he would sigh and look back at the other to just hear the second sentence which the other spoke.


"Why didn't you kill me? I'm your enemy aren't I?"


"Your nation have little knowledge about our nation, we never kill without certain reason, we are not the monsters for which you think we are." the teenage boy would respond with gravelly voice to the male "But, you don't have to worry about that right now.. you need to rest!" the male would say more demanding as he would push back the male to the 'bed' making sure he would stay put there "And you need to keep your eyes open, I will give you something in a bit, it will have really awful taste... but it will heal you for one night..." he would say as he would keep to boil the water with the herbs over the fireplace making sure he will boiled good enough... and then he would take a small cup of wood and fulfill it with this green liquid, moving it closely to the other male's bottom lip and gently moving his head a bit up, and start lifting up the wooden cup, to can the green liquid go down into the male's throat and make sure he will swallow all of it, he wouldn't get chance to the male to complain, his main though was to make him drink it all of it... but for now just one cup later on another one, the liquid was quite hot, but seems like it didn't burn his tongue or something like that... of course it made his throat burn as his skin and body too... but this was the point... to make the male to sweat... and take down his temperature and reduce the wounds to get infected.

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  • 1 month later...

“. . . . that’s true we know little to nothing about you and your people, well nothing that I believe is true anyway.” Gerald groaned slightly as he tried to maneuver his aching body into a more comfortable position as he tried to keep himself awake for the other male. “I have to ask though the little boy that I saved. Who did that to him? Why was he even out by himself?” Though he had seen the boy with his friends, Gerald was still worried about what lead up to the child’s condition in the first place. He wondered if it was some wild animal that he would have to worry about or was it some type of cruel punishment that the young werewolf had gone through. “I know that it’s weird for someone of my status to be worried about the well being of a werewolf but I actually thought that I would have had to bury him when I woke up but I’m glad that you came when you did.”


Gerald laughed painfully as he looked at the other male. It wasn't like him to act like this. He was the type of person to speak his mind and be honest no matter what the outcome might be. He had always believed that it was better to be honest and truthful than lie and have it bite you in the ass in the long run. “I guess what I’m trying to say is thank you. You don’t have to believe me but I do appreciate what you have done.”



He gave a small smile at the young werewolf as he took the cup from him. Gerald gagged for a second as his face distorted from the horrible taste of the concoction that he was given. “What the hell is that?” He chugged the rest of the drink as he coughed slightly. For a minute, it felt as if his stomach wouldn’t agree with the herbal drink until the feeling went away and warmth flooded his entire body. His body was racked with a slight shiver as he finished the last of the disgusting remedy. Sighing, Gerald laid back down handing the cup over to the room’s other occupant. A sudden drowsiness came over him. Yawning gently, Gerald locked his gaze with the younger male smiling sincerely. “Thank you again for your help.” With that the last of Gerald’s strength left him and his body finally relaxed into a peaceful sleep not even minding that he was in enemy territory.

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Geo will sigh softly as he saw the other laying down he will smile and reach up with his hand placing it gently on the top of the other male's head and start to fondle it lightly he will smile, he had to admit that he kinda felt attraction towards this male, he will sigh softly shake a bit his head, to remove such thoughts.


"I believe your people beat him up, perhaps a travelers or something like that, and when I find them, they will be sorry that they beat up one of our own." He say sighing softly as he will reach to the other male's armor, and start gently taking it off to can he reveal the other male's bare skin, he will start to massage him, and make sure that he will wash this sweat of the other male's body, gently pushing into a cool water, a washcloth, and then gently move it over the other male's body and start gently sliding it up and down, he was admiring in fact at the other male's build, it was rather interesting one.


Once he was done with cleaning the other he will smile, and reach up for the leather blanket which was near by and spread it over the other male's currently half naked body, as he will make sure he will cover all sides to make sure there was no spot from where a chill air can get.

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