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Does anyone have a Tumblr?


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I'm unsure if this is an appropriate topic or if it's in the appropriate place. I also know that a lot of people don't like the site. However, I've found that it's quite enjoyable! I'm looking for follow more people so I was wondering if anyone else had one? :D


Here's mine:

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Hi there ^^

i also have an account and i find tumblr pretty addicting lol

if you want, you're welcome to follow mine:

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i also have another blog:

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AH, yes I do have a Tumblr^^

You can find it here:

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But I have to warn you, it's mostly Gackt, Mana-sama, random j-rockers, some manga, cute animals and PORN. ^^

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Wow I'm surprised that I got a few people to admit they have one but at the same time I'm disappointed that there isn't more :D Though I got some good blogs to follow out of it. I looked through each one of your blogs and I think I hit the follow button on all of them. I'll have to double check.


I want a wide variety so I stop blogging about the same shit.


Yes, I do ;)




ku1978 is mine :)


Silly butt, why you no use your tumblr much? It doesn't even have a title D:

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Wow I'm surprised that I got a few people to admit they have one but at the same time I'm disappointed that there isn't more :D Though I got some good blogs to follow out of it. I looked through each one of your blogs and I think I hit the follow button on all of them. I'll have to double check.


I want a wide variety so I stop blogging about the same shit.




Silly butt, why you no use your tumblr much? It doesn't even have a title D:


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Oh, sorry....


I just follow the stuffs, I'm interested in....


I often use facebook, my pal ;)

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I had a tumblr once, called ' nirobu '

But I forgot my password. |D; Didn't help that it was a different y ahoo account. D8

'cus I didn't sign out so when it did, I forgot. XD

But I have a new one. Haven't even fixed it. ;u;

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Oh, sorry....


I just follow the stuffs, I'm interested in....


I often use facebook, my pal ;)


Nooooo, I am sorrrrrry. Lol, your tumblr is fine :) You can have as little or as much as you want. And unfortunately facebook does not interest me anymore. I just get on there to see if anything big has happened in my group of friends and my family.


I had a tumblr once, called ' nirobu '

But I forgot my password. |D; Didn't help that it was a different y ahoo account. D8

'cus I didn't sign out so when it did, I forgot. XD

But I have a new one. Haven't even fixed it. ;u;

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And omg I would at east look at it but it won't even let me do that xD better get to fixing haha!


Also, can someone tell me how to mention someone? D: I can quote and what not but I don't know how to mention people ._.

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Of course I do have one ^^


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I basically post Japanese and Korean fashion, food porn, sometimes random j/k musicians (and a really rare cases some non-asian ones) and a little more random stuff that I like ^^"


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This is my manga caps blog (now it's mostly filled with yaoi and I deleted a lot of posts). But I'm not so active here. So yeah..


If any of you are interested, you are welcome to follow me ^^

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I'm done xD

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Gonna follow some

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  • 4 weeks later...

yup i have ---- >

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and this is the new

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just changed the url

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Ahhhhhhh, haha, look at all of you! I haven't been paying attention! I'ma get to following all of you right now!



So If I said that I liked your shoelaces here

And of course, we'd have to respond with 'thanks, I stole them from the president' because apparently, the man has an unlimited supply of em haha.



It's a Bleach RP blog

Aaaaand, found yah. Lol, might have wanted to add in the dashes :) Otherwise you have to dig a bit to find yah. Followed though!

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I pretty much tumble all day if I'm not working. So yes! Lol I see a lot of tumblr. It's hard not to see the other fandoms though since they are flailing everywhere on my dash at all times.

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The only reason I ever go on Facebook is just to check up on my family. Facebook and tumblr aren't even close to the same thing. I don't understand how anyone can compare the two to be honest. Facebook is so boring D:

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