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Summary: A twisted story about the love-hate relationship between a powerful mafia boss, Masa Renji, and his personal assassin - Kadou Shin.

Status: In progress


"I came to understand that life is just about the right time."

Kadou Shin


Chapter 01


Illuminated by the moon in the small hours of the night, my hand stood frozen out-stretched. Like hidden mist in the forest, the fog embraced the small town I had to drop by. One of the never-ending jobs I got. If I had the time, I'd probably sit down and write a diary myself. A small chuckle escaped me,I was like a fool standing there.

Let's take it aback and let you follow the story.



-"Kadou Shin",a rub under chin, a paper was dropped on a smoothly clean black desk. The hand placed near it was big, on its back it had a scar. It looked like a healed wound from a bullet. If followed upwards,a start of an expensive suit could be found. Seemed the well formed arm was properly trained. Little by little going up, a beautiful face could be revealed - Masa Renji.


I was last year high-school student. Could swear,all seemed like it was yesterday. The vivid memory of that day,it wouldn't let me rest to the last breathe of mine.

The beginning of my nightmare and the end of my dream.

-"Yo,Kadou!",a loud voice struck through the corridors as a boy ran and jumped to tackle down Shin. It was his best friend, Kenta Jirou.

-"Ngh, get off asshole.",a frown formed on Kadou's face as he pushed off his friend.

Shin wasn't delicate,the boy was trained well and not to mention that he was top student when it came to sports.

-"Did you get your homework done? We have a test next week."

-"...Wut test?", Shin had that idiotic face as tried to pat his pants.

-"Oh,man! Will you get to memorize for once our test schedule?",Kenta laughed as he shoved a pat behind Shin's neck,which made Kadou drop down on his ass again.

-"Seriously,drop it.",good the bell rang,so the dark haired boy,Kadou,didn't have to kick his friend's ass.


When it came to classes,Shin was pretty much a 'loose student'. He didn't find anything for interesting,nor to mention to study at home. He would prefer training at his grandfather's doujo club.


"Ah,the same boring day.", he thought as rested his chin in his palm,having an elbow guiding him against his desk. What was so good at living a life that was your parents' dream? Shin was a daring nature, he loved to walk on a thin ice. But who knew that the boy would meet the death face to face? Who knew that the boy was about to become the death itself?


A few minutes passed and as usual he had to nap on his desk. The teacher's voice was like a lullaby anyway,so it helped him have his eyes closed.

Tik-tak,tik-tak,tik-tak. You know that feeling,when you get to notice something out of the ordinary. When something is about to happen and suddenly your subconscious get to focus on something certain? Who knew that the clock in the classroom was like a fortune teller, speaking for an endless nightmare for Kadou Shin.


The dark haired student opened slowly his blue eyes, turned to his left where Kenta was picking his nose like a monkey.

-"Kenta...",Shin called for his friend's attention.

-"Yeah?",the other one whispered back as had his eyes on Shin.

-"I have an odd feelin-...",when something went wrong, everything would go wrong. A bullet flew through the window, hitting Kenta exactly through his neck. The bullet got lost in the wall, passing right by Kadou. He saw the falling body of his friend,the eyes that were sparkling with life were already empty. Shivers ran through Shin's body,having Jirou by his feet.


A chaos broke in the classroom,everyone started screaming and trying to get to the door.

-"Ken-ta...?",Kadou had his face with splashed trail of blood,his hands were shaking as he pulled his friend by the jacket,to lift him up.


Despair. People bath in despair.


Without noticing the falling bodies around him,Shin tried to shake his friend for a wake-up call. Someone was showering the building with bullets,but oddly enough none of the bullets were darted at Kadou.


All I heard was the clock. Tik-tak,tik-tak,tik-tak...


-"Kenta...KENTA!",he shook the body with all he had,the blood soaking his white shirt. Blue eyes wouldn't speak for clear sky, but for deep ocean of pain.

Little by little, the screams around the school would be muted. Was everyone dead? Tik-tak,tik-tak,tik-tak. It was clearly quiet enough to follow the clock judgement. Kadou lifted Jirou,having him in arms,he kicked the door open,heading for the nurse office. How fun the human being was when in pain. Not able to recognize the illusions from truth. And the truth was that no one was alive in the building. The famous Sekanai Highschool Murder Case in which only one survivor was found - Kadou Shin.


Drops by drops, the body he carried left a bloody trace behind him, his conscious was broken, his subconscious wasn't clear - he was like a lost dog,begging for someone to get up on feet and show him a ray of hope. When he finally heard steps,he turned around. A face filled with hopes and light,his pupils widened to greet a good news,but...

-"Kadou Shin."

How many times I wished to have someone murdered? - Once. And that one time was then.


-"How does it feel? To walk down the alley of the dead?",a stranger stood his way,his fingers were decorated with many golden rings. The long top hopped over his shoulders was from animal fur, it looked like the man was rich.

-"Is it scary? Or may be you like it? After all you are the last Kadou, the son of Kadou Misarou. Don't take it personal,ahahaha. I owed your dad a favor,so just getting it returned.", he made a smooth turn, to have his coat spread as titled his head towards Shin. His eyes full with hatred, "Taste from the pain which your dad caused me."

Shin had his head lowered,grabbing onto his best friend's body like a soul begging to have that annoying brat back.

-"Wait..",Kadou stuttered and so the rich old man paused his steps,lifting a brow,but not looking at Kadou.

-"What? Want to cry? Or you peed yourself?"

-"You knew my father?", the tears were already dry. Shin lifted his head,showing his cold gaze.

-"Don't have the time to chit-chat,boy. If you wish to pay me back,first get out of prison.",he laughed as departed from the building,leaving Shin Kadou for an obvious murder.


I never ever cried since then. I left the weak side of me in Kenta's hands. I believed that he would take good care of that side of me. That annoying brat, sometimes I miss him.


The chains around Sbin's ankles were making it hard to walk when he was called for a meeting with a visitor. Kadou refused to meet with his grandfather,but this time he was told that it was a woman. So the boy sat in front of the glass wall,separating him from his visitor. Blue eyes didn't recognize the woman,so he lifted the phone from the side,letting her speak.

-"Kadou Shin, I have a suggestion for you. Care to listen?"

And that day, I came to realize life was about the right time.

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"Humans. When they lose something,either they'll keep on losing,or will never allow to themselves to lose again."

Kadou Shin



Chapter 02

To be honest, if I had to turn back time and change my choice, I wonder would I still be able to meet him?

-"Do I have a choice?", Kadou wasn't stupid even though he didn't have high scores at tests. But life was different from a paper you simply put your answer. A,B,C,D - big deal, you ain't getting your head cut for a mistake or two. But in life, when the same A,B,C,D would appear, he wondered was he able to make a mistake?

-"It's up to you,Kadou kun. You can live to last day of yours in that prison, or you can work for us.", simply put, none of the choices made Shin feel some kind of freedom. He soon realized that his life wouldn't take any colorful path.

The blue eyes of the boy didn't waver as he leaned forward,holding with one hand the phone. Oddly enough,a grin appeared.


Ah, I remember what I thought back then.I had a strong sense of morals unlike now. And nothing could erase that sense of mine, no matter what - or so I thought.

-"Tell to your boss that I didn't kill anyone and I won't become his personal assassin. Hah, more or less, look at me," Shin stood up,his chains scratching the floor and the wooden desk where the phone was placed, but more noticing were the scratches against his white skin around wrists, "I am already the so called society's trash. And,lady, trashes don't have a will."

-"Very well. If you don't have the so called will, how about I stuff it into you?"

-"What do you mean?"

-"Takahisa Yuu.", the lady shrugged her shoulder to get her coat standing in place,ready to get up.

-"Wait!", Shin placed his hand against the glass wall,"Don't hurt my grandfather..."

-"Oh? Hmmm, that's not the right way to say it,Kadou kun."


-"Why not try harder?",the lady obviously gave one last chance to Shin.

-"I will do it.",finally it wasn't that he got a will back, but his morals were crushed.


And so I became the hidden side of the moon. And so I never saw my grandfather again. And..so..I never looked at a mirror ever since then.


//Please enter your money and then press the product you desire to buy...

Standing in front of a street's snack machine, Kadou jabbed his hand in pocket to take a few coins. He bought some beer can and headed for an abandoned building. In his other hand he had some small paper note,where the address was written down. He checked a few times if it was the right place and let out a sigh. Before anything,he was sent to be trained as an assassin. The boy entered the ruined by the years building and as he abandoned the beer can - there he laid the last drop of humanity.

-"Um..excuse me, is anyone here?",Shin tried to be as polite as possible, but that place was so damn creepy. The stairs were leading to underground. Little by little,step by step, he finally saw the end of the long way to the underground.

I can't understand why the society thinks of the underground as some kind of cold and merciless world. It's just the opposite, the underground is a place where we hide from the cold and merciless world. It is a place where we feel free although we see no sky.

-"Give it back!Oi,idiot! I said give it back!",a pretty short boy was jumping from his seat,to grab onto some bag which was in the hands of a bigger male. He seemed pretty much one of these you get to see on TV shows for strength-testing.

-"Ahahahaha, you really should drink some more milk,kiddo.",he laughed somewhat gently as dangled the bag over the boy's head.

-"Um... excuse me?",Kadou tried to be as polite as ever. Something told him that it would be better that way,if he didn't want to really pee his pants this time.

-"Oh, the new boy?",the male let down the bag for the boy and shifted eyes,blue eyes.

They say blue eyed people can be merciless and cold. But what would happen if two kinds of these get to meet?

-"So, Mika managed to get you?",he laughed and got up as walked to the boy.

-"Uh...Mika?",he stepped backwards by instinct,which made him look like a scaredy cat.

-"Yeah,one annoying bitch."

-"Ah,that one.",he looked aside,frowning.

-"So what is your sin,kiddo?"

-"My sin?"

-"Yeah,we all have sins here, that's why we work for them.",he became pretty serious right now, Kadou somehow got to feel it.

-"My sin...",he locked the brows into a deeper frown.

The big male leaned forward,getting a really scary face as trying to wait for Shin's answer.


-"Well,if you count the beer can outside although I am under-aged...",he lifted his gaze to stare back the the pair of blue eyes.

The male widened his eyes and then took his time to laugh hard.

-"I like you! Let's get started,then."


Truth was that my sin was that I allowed to lose something precious to me. And if you still wonder what is most precious for one, no,it's not the lover. No, it's not the kid. No,it's nothing like that. Those are treasures,yes. But we build them up on our way of life road, what is most precious you shouldn't ever lose is - yourself. And then I decided that I don't want to lose anymore.

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"If you had to choose one emotion for being strongest over the rest - what would it be? Love? Pain? Loneliness? Hatred? Human being is a ball of emotions, but all of them are temporary. And so are humans."

Kadou Shin



Chapter 03


-"Yuu san?",a knock was made on an old door. From the outside the place looked like an old building that was a roof of poor people. Next to the block of rooms was located a doujo club. It was Kadou's grandfather's place.

A young lady was standing with a plastic bag in hand, it was Minako - a lady from the neighborhood that had crush on Shin for a long time. If it wasn't for her to bring some food to his grandfather,supposedly Yuu wouldn't even bother to go to the store. Maybe it was too much to take, that accident of his grandchild.

The door opened and Taka was coughing as greeted the girl with a bright smile,

-"Hello,my child! Come in,come in. It's so cold today.", he welcomed the lady inside and she bowed lightly as a thank you.

-"How are you, Yuu-jii san?",she took off her shoes in the small space in front of the long corridor awaiting forward.

-"I was just reading some documents. Someone has paid the rent of my doujo club,so trying to find a number to call."

-"Eh?! Really? That's so cool!"

-"I don't think so, child. In this world nothing is for free.",the old man took a seat around a small wooden table.

-"Yuu-jii san, I know you don't want to talk about it,but have you...",she looked at the old man with hidden sadness in her eyes.

-"No, I haven't heard from him. He disappeared.", Taka placed his glasses as grabbed onto the papers once again,desperate to find a phone number, or some kind of contacts.

-"It's..weird, jii san..They didn't let us see him in prison, and now.."

-"My child, I believe not they didn't let us to see him."


-"It was Kadou's wish.",he flipped a page.

-"Kadou kun' wish?"

The old male glanced over the girl under his glasses with a small smile,

-"You know what Shin did when he was eight years old and broke the back side's window in the doujo club?"

-"He did?",she chuckled slightly,imagining the small Kadou.

-"Yeah,he did. He was a really wild child. Not like things have changed."

-"So what he did? He didn't tell you?"

-"No. Kadou fixed it himself,only then he told me. So I believe that kid is trying hard to fix the things and one day he will find me."

-"It's...so unfair,Yuu-jii san...",the lady started crying,a few drops crushed on her lap as she looked down,trying to hide her pain.

-"Don't worry about that brat, he has the same pair of eyes of his father."

-"You have seen Kadou's father?"

-"Of course,after all my daughter was madly in love with that man. And no father would give away his daughter before meeting the chosen one."


The girl wiped her cheeks with her forearm and showed curious eyes,

-"Do they look alike?"

-"Ahahaha,and you ask,my child. They are like two drops of water."

-"Do you think that Kadou...that Kadou did it?"

-"The murder case?", he asked and the girl nodded with no words.

-"I believe I taught him morals during the years. Although Kadou has no parents and hasn't gotten the chance to meet them, he resembles them pretty much. His mother was a beauty with a warm heart. As for his father, he was a proud man. His strength was the unwavering will of his. I will never forget these blue eyes of his. More or less,each time I get to see Shin's eyes, I recall his father."

-"Do you think that Kadou kun will be back?"

-"For sure.",a warm smile appeared on the grandfather's face.

I wish I had one chance to thank to my grandfather for everything. Sometimes I feel the need to be scolded by him. You know that feeling when you have no one and you just wish someone annoying come your way,just to stuff some sense into you. And my life had no sense back then.


-"Raise your hands more,kid. You won't get that target.", said by husky voice,Aoba Seiji, the man that trained Kadou to become a professional assassin. They both were in some basement,which was pretty much like a training ground when it came to shooting.

-"I know,I know,damn it.",Shin hissed and fixed the muting headphones on their place,"One more time!"


With each bullet passing, I let it all out. Pain, loneliness, despair, hatred. But I found none of the so called love. May be I was blind for the pair of eyes,watching over me with care and parent love. Dad,I miss you.

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"Darkness can not exist without light. And in that deep black lagoon,I thought it was hopeless,until I saw your dazzling smile. You were my cold case love. I realized that love can't be obtained through force."

Masa Renji



Chapter 04.01 - EXTRA. Masa' Past


I never had the chance to have my grip onto something I wanted, although I had everything. But in that single moment I thought "Ah,this is it. I want to have it,to have him."

A glass set on that same smoothly black desk, as his scarred hand reaches to have fingers make their way through the black hair, Renji, Masa Renji. A fearsome man who would grasp everything he wants with force.


-"Are you okay?",a hand was out-stretched to help the fourteen years old Masa off the ground.

The same as always, being beaten up by his own father, Renji hated the world - a quick smack came as a response to the out-stretched hand,

-"Don't look down on me,idiot!", he lifted his gaze to be stunned by the gentle eyes,watching over him with a worry hint spreading in pupils.

-"I-I am sorry! I d-didn't mean to..I just wanted to help..",the kid rubbed the back of his head,feeling uncomfortable. Renji's gaze was piercing through everything. But why that small kid, seemed to be around seven years old, seemed unaffected? Masa lowered his head, right now he felt disgusted. How ugly his life could get? How pathetic, he chuckled with last strength in his voice,


-"Eh? What do you mean 'why'?",the other kid had a questionable look as averted eyes to Renji's direction.

-"Why are you talking to me when you are trembling in fear?",Masa noticed that the boy was really nervous,but it didn't stop him from talking to Renji.

-"W-who is trembling,you,idiot?!",a smack came and Renji leaned harshly back against the wall behind him. Gladly no one was around that abandoned street else he would have the kid in trouble. As a heir of a famous clan, Masa Renji was going through a hard training. But none of these could be an excuse for his father's behavior.

Stunned. He was truly stunned.


Even the birds in the sky stopped "crying", his widened pupils were frozen,a first drop of rain that he ever felt that cold. Why was it so cold? Or could it be that he finally had his senses back? As a heir,he had to bury humanity, but right now,

-"Heh..",a smirk escaped him as the rain started pouring on both of them. Thank god, it would have been embarrassing to -...


I cried. Have you had that feeling when you are so weak,that you don't care whether it is your foe or a stranger,as long as they are not someone close to you - to kneel down and let it out? I did have it. Once in my damn life, I knelt down and let my guard disappear, in front of that child.


-"Man! You are pain in the ass!", being scolded while having his wounds treated,Masa just kept silent with his head lowered. When the other boy took off the dirty shirt,to reveal Masa's body - he saw it, the dragon tattoo spreading its wings on each of the boy's shoulder-blades.

-"Scared?",Renji stood lifeless there as slightly pulled his shirt up,still not able to lift his head.

The other just stood there,noticing how the obviously older boy than him was so fragile,that a need to hug him popped out of nowhere.


Stunned. Why all he felt was being unable to move around that boy? The hug made Masa lose his breathing, it was something new. To feel warmth, other than his mother's. Renji had almost none memories of his mother since she ran off with other man. Understandable, the way his father was - no human being could stand it, yet he had to endure the hell he was going through.

-"You know, my mother hugs me when I feel scared."


-"And, the one scared is actually you,right?", how he darted it, right in the core. Masa just leaned his head forward and rested his head on the boy's shoulder.

We were so different, but why he could see through me?


-"I'll make tea,wait here."

-"Masa...", he looked away and with a pout introduced his name,"Masa Renji."

A smile escaped the other,it was so dazzling,

-"Renji kun! I am Kadou Shin.",melodic and bright as ever in his memories, Kadou left for the kitchen.


And I never saw that smile again...


A break of a window,it pierced through Masa' senses.

-"Damn!",he got up with his shirt still being messy,all the bandages over him.

What he feared was that. Whatever he would find for dear, his father would destroy it. Why Renji had to be the one paying for his mother's mistakes? The boy rushed out Kadou's room,

-"Father!",he jumped off the first floor in the big house as dashed for the entrance, hatred could be read in his intense gaze. But why such a gentle creature had to stand in front of him.

-"Stay back,kid!"

Renji lifted his gaze to find a beautiful woman,ready to protect Shin and Masa. Irony would always have its bad timing. And truth was that no else than them three were in the house.

-"Lady..you don't understand,please..let me out..",Renji tried to push the woman out of his way to the door. Left, his sharp senses and the unhuman training made him into machine - he knew a bullet would come from left side through the window. Shifting eyes,he moved to side,having his palm over the woman's chest,pushing her harshly against the door.

-"AH!",the burning feeling in his palm,it made him yell in pain. A bullet pierced through the woman's body and its stop destination was in Renji's palm.

Next moment the door was kicked open,making Masa fall down with Kadou's mother in arms.


Trembling from aside, Kadou couldn't move. That smile how badly Renji wanted it back, he looked back to the door to see his father,holding a gun. Masa Hayato. A man decorated with golden rings on hands and as usual wearing long coat from animal furr.

-"Oyaji...",spoken through teeth,Masa wrinkled the small space on his nose. He despised that male.

-"Oh,my. Whoring like your mother?",his father titled head giving a sign to his bodyguards to get Renji up the ground.

-"I hate you!",Renji screamed,but a drop of glasses shattered on floor got his attention. It was true that Kadou was in the room. As soon as Renji had his look on Shin,he saw the boy uncoscious from the shock. Masa showed expression he never has showed to his father - defeat.

-"You damn brat! You have guts to mourn over someone else! Do you realize what your situation is?",a hit with the back of the gun made Renji's lip crack.

-"Hah...",a broken grin came out as Masa Renji raised his wounded hand,trembling from pain,almost unable to have his fingers moving, but still - he placed one tip against his father's forehead making a bloody spot there,

-"Bam.One day,oyaji,remember that spot.", that came out pretty bold and annoying,at least annoying to his father.

-"Very well. Teach that brat some lesson and bring him back to the basement. Mad dogs shouldn't be let outside."



Each punch.

I saw only him.

The kicks that had my breath irregular.

I kept my eyes to the last conscious memory of mine on him.


-"Kadou Shin."

Forgive me.

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"There is no luck. If you seize the moment with these hands of yours,you don't need luck. It's about the good time, right mood and the strength to hold onto it. That is what luck can be about."

Masa Renji


Chapter 04.02 - EXTRA. Masa' Past


If I am asked what is most important to me, I probably have nothing in hands to give as an answer. May be it is because I threw away everything because of him. The urge to have his heart brought me to a state where I lost my own.

-"..er. Master!",a slightly harsher shake he felt against his side,exactly on his shoulder. Masa flinched from the pain in his body and head, he rose his gaze up to monitor one of the household's butlers. It was middle-aged man. Not young,but not old as well. Renji closed back his eyes as reached hand to hold onto his head. All was wrapped carefully in bandages, his wounded hand was unable to move,but at least treated carefully by that man. He probably was the only one who really looked after the young master.

-"Dan. What time is it?", Masa tried to sit up as moving away the covers off his body.

-"Around 5 o'clock in the morning, Renji sama."

-"Ungh," the boy flinched from the pain in his ribs,but had enough of guts to scold his butler,"How many times I told you to not call me this way?"

-"But Master..."

-"Enough!",Masa threw a glare towards the other when set his feet on floor. Without knowing he has been asleep for 3 days,which has gotten Dan worried. After all, that butler really cared about Masa. Reason was that he simply was in love with his mother,but of course Renji wouldn't know about the relationship about his mother and that butler. At least Dan thought it would make Masa unable to forgive to his mother. Especially after the rumors about her being a whore. A simple put fact that she had a relationship with Dan,it would only look like a proof. While actually nothing seemed like it sounded.

-"I..I have to tell you something.."

Renji was putting onto his shirt, the dragon tattoo on his back was barely seen from the bandages,but still that small back would turn into the most fearsome sight for a new mafia era - so Dan thought as looked at Masa' weak at the moment body.

-"Can it wait? I have a strong headache. That old geezer seriously did beat the shit outta me."


Dan lowered his head,his hand clenching into a fist,

-"Renji.", the sudden change into his polite tone as well the drop of 'master' and the humble 'sama', it got Renji's attention for real. The young boy turned around,pausing the buttoning of his shirt with one hand.

-"I am listening."

-"You have to run away."

-"Ha?!",he clicked head to side with locked brows in a confused expression.

-"I promised to your mother..."

-"Are you picking a fight,Dan?",Masa clenched his fist, rarely someone would annoy him,but that really got on his nerves.

-"No. Listen to me.."

-"Yes,I am doing exactly that. Listening to your bullshits.",he turned around,resuming the buttoning of his shirt. From aside it could be told that the boy was in a real pain. The burning wound on his hand,it couldn't let him rest properly. Not to mention the fever he had.

-"Your mother asked me to take you away from that house. She is afraid your dad will kill you. You are not suited for the heir,Renji sama. Just leav-...",a sudden punch cut the butler's talk as Masa hit him with all he had to tackle the man on the floor.

When Dan raised his chin up,holding onto his jaw to look at Renji,his pupils widened.

-"You from all people should know the best!",Masa knelt down to grab with his other hand onto Dan's shirt,lifting him a bit from the floor,

-"I from all people am indeed suited to be the heir. Just watch me how I will bury this mafia generation with my father along."

-"Renji... please..."

-"Shut up!"

-"Don't become like him. You can be free. Listen to me.",another punch made the butler fall onto the floor again.


In that single moment, all I felt was that instead of punching my only ally, the punches were made into my own heart. Engraved deep into my subconscious, that bleeding hand of mine, I was like squeezing the blood out of my own heart.


Short pants, Masa was catching his breath after wrestling with the butler on floor. That Dan,he had some spirit up his sleeves, what was that determination to make Renji run away?

Both of them stood diagonally of each,holding onto shirts,catching their breath.

-"Are you done?",Dan flinched.

-"Not until you are still moving.",he wiped some blood off his lip as squeezed a bit onto his shoulder.

-"Passionate like your mother.",the butler chuckled and got onto his feet,"Listen,Renji, you are not suited for this clan's heir. That generation only stain the humanity. They know only force,brute strength and violence. Please,my last request as a friend is to lead a new era. You can change many people's future. People that are in danger because of your father."

-"Why are you talking like you will be dying,idiot?",Renji tried to stand up as well.

No answer came,just a simple smile. Dan fixed his black uniform and bowed to his master.

Soon after he left the room,leaving Masa to make the decision himself.


Stumbling upstairs from the basement, Dan leaned onto the wall,holding onto his stomach. Masa was strong for his age,the punches weren't so light and easy to take,which made Dan to laugh gently.

-"Please,Renji...listen to your dad for once.",he smiled bitterly as his first step backwards was to bump into the mafia's leader - Masa Hayato.

-"Taking a break,Dan?",an evil grin escaped the male as looked at the butler with hatred,"Or could it be you licked your little son's wounds? I wonder what will be his reaction if gets to know he is a kid of some poor man and a whore."

-"I can see you are enjoying yourself,Hayato.",although butler,Dan showed pretty much the same rude behavior to Masa.

-"Should I crush your ego? How about we go and tell to your little bitch' son who is actually his father?",Hayato grabbed Dan's necktie as pulled him closer.

-"Leave. Him. Alone.",the flame in that male's eyes annoyed Hayato the most.

-"What if I don't want to? How can you stop me?"

Dan looked away for a second,thinking over it,he had nothing. Nothing,but his own life.

-"I'll do as you wish, just leave him for now."

-"How interesting. What if I want to disgrace you and then take away your life?"

-"So it be.",he said it firmly, not even a second to waver upon it.

Hayato growled as slapped the butler with the back of his hand,having his rings, he pretty much made Dan bleed and flop down on floor.

-"I can't understand what she found in you,you are just a filthy dog like your son.",the man spitted into Dan's face as titled head to his bodyguards to lift him up.

-"Bring him to the basement. Let's make some little show for my dear son."


I had the good timing, the right mood and the strength to hold onto it, onto him.


Leaning against the wall which was right next to the first room in the basement,Renji had his arms crossed in front of chest,his head lowered. When Dan saw him there,his face grew to show fear,could it be Masa heard everything?

-"Renji sama?"

-"Oh,the mad dog is conscious already?",Hayato laughed as had Dan right next to him.

-"Let him go.",Masa opened his eyes,darting a simply empty gaze towards Hayato.

-"Let him go? Don't make me laugh."

-"Nah,",Renji moved his back off the wall as had the end of his bandage undone,waving by the faint air-wind made by his body movements,"I so wish to make you laugh,oyaji,exactly to DEATH.",his tone was icy cold,his gaze firm on Hayato.

-"You are either bold or stupid,kid."

-"How about a third possibility?"

-"Third possibility?",Hayato lifted his brow

That was the moment when Renji smirked,having the first layer of bandage fully undone to bring quickly himself close to Hayato,tying it around the man's neck.

-"How about being 'lucky'?",Renji laughed as titled head at the bodyguards to let Dan free.

-"You don't know what you are doing...",Hayato warned the boy.

-"Oh,I know. You just have to...",Renji leaned to Hayato's ear,grinning as whispering the rest,"...to remember the spot,oyaji."


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I love the story, Saga-sensei and Masa! *___* I like Kadou too but Masa is so much my type *____* I can't wait for some H stuff *__*

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"The need to become stronger is not that because you've been weak. To realize you've been weak means you've been strong enough to see it. And so, you seek a way to bring that strength forth."

Kadou Shin


Chapter 05


Everyone stared at me when I entered the gang,in that big room that felt so small. There were people who didn't like me,there were people that liked me. But how empty I was, I never really cared. I felt alone among the crowd of people around me.


Kadou walked down some club,which he would never imagine it could be located in that abandoned street. Guided by Aoba,they entered the place,oddly enough the two bodyguards bowed slightly heads in a greeting and respectful way to Aoba. Shin had to notice the way they really respected the older man, he was his teacher right now. As soon as he passed by the door,he felt a chill running down his spine,seemed that the underground world was pretty much informed about him - the bodyguards stared at Kadou.

-"Oi,kiddo, don't slack off.",Aoba would slap Shin with a sense of reality. The younger ran a bit to catch up with the other.

-"Y-yes...",Shin jabbed his hands in pockets and lowered head, he felt too awkward to lift his chin. Besides,he wouldn't want to challenge anyone with his eyes - he had very sharp gaze that could be easily misunderstood. Speaking of which...Kadou lifted a bit his gaze to stare at the back in front of him. Aoba had the same pairs of eyes. Could it be? Shin shook head,chuckling to himself - "Nah,no way. My father would never be a mafia guy."


-"Yo,Seiji!",a voice would greet Aoba,which made Shin to tilt head and peek from behind.

-"Aah,Bou, nice to see you around,bud.",they both hand-shook, before Bou moved his eyes on Kadou.

-"He is the one?"

-"Yeah.",Aoba looked away,but still with back turned at Shin.

Kadou could still feel the awkward feeling in him, good he wore some hat to grab on its front and bow head along with hand on hat. He didn't want to have his voice cracked in case he had to greet this scary male in front of him.

-"Should we start?",Bou grinned as looked at Aoba. The male only nodded as moved away,having his figure swallowed by the upcoming crowd towards Shin. Finally the young boy spoke,


-"You have guts to be chosen for our boss' personal assassin,kid. Do you even know who you work for?",Bou would crack neck to left and then to right.

-"No idea.",Kadou shifted his eyes,his cold gaze could annoy Bou.


-"Pretty much.",a melodic voice spoke as well when another young boy stepped out of the crowd formed from women and men.

-"I bet 1000 yen that he will get on knees begging.",a faceless man said from the crowd, Shin couldn't move his gaze from Bou. Even if he wanted,he couldn't. Why Aoba brought him here, then left him? Was it some kind of test? All people around him were like wolves,ready to attack.

-"Look,I don't know what's your problem,but..",he froze. When did that Bou got his hand on Shin's shoulder? How the heck he moved so fast and with Kadou's blink of eyes,he was already next to him? Shin swallowed hard. That was getting out of control, the squeeze on his shoulder spoke for no friendly feelings.

-"Kiddo, you are digging your own grave. I don't know what Masa saw in you, but none of us has met with the boss,yet you were chosen. Do you think we will let it pass so easily?"

-"Masa?",Shin averted eyes to meet the glared of Bou,but the the male lifted him up by the shirt and Kadou had his hat fall on floor,

-"Oi,Aoba, would you mind if we play a bit with your trainee?"

Everyone moved eyes to Aoba,who was drinking his whiskey on some table,a bit far from the crowd. A second later he lifted only his glass as for pardon,but his blue eyes didn't meet the confused blue eyes of Shin.

-"Heh.",Bou moved glance to Shin,only a second was needed for the boy to get a punch in his stomach and be thrown in the crowd.

That really hurt. But to be honest, people that have met eyes with death itself, they are fearsome. They don't feel fear. They don't know mercy. And they know the price of life. I just heard laughter and felt pain. From all places I was hit,kicked,punched. What did I do? - I forgot who am I,thus I lost the will to fight. Silly of me, but I was so beaten, so tired of life - I had no will to continue. Whoever was that Masa, I hated him. I hated everyone.


-"W-wait..the heck..I d-did?",said breathlessly, Shin covered his head,trying to stay conscious.

-"5000 yen that he will start crying!Ahahaha.",voices were betting,simply voices. Shin didn't know any of these voices, but in the crowd of laughter,pity,sarcasm and hatred, he only heard one sentence. Quiet. Calm. Composed. Strong sentence.

-"How long you intent to keep on losing,kiddo?",two icecubs bumped in an empty glass. Aoba placed it down,closed eyes to have his cigarette between lips. He was leaving the club,leaving Shin there. Kadou only could follow the slow steps of his teacher on floor,walking toward the exit.

-"Wait...",mutely he flinched from the double kick in his ribs.

There,the door opened and closed. He was gone. Damn that geezer, Shin clenched fists.

Quick images from the past ran him. Seeing Kenta, his best friend, that stupid monkey face he had,Shin chuckled as he spat blood. Bou was on his way to kick Kadou in the head,when suddenly the boy's hand grabbed and blocked the foot.

-"H-how..many..",he pushed away the kick,getting on one knee,then stumbling he stood on his feet,"..fucking times,I have to say 'WAIT'?!"

Indeed, he only kept repeating that from the moment his life got upside down. First the man with golden rings and furry coat, then that crazy woman in the prison. How many times he asked people to wait?


Come on, how he could forget that he was trained to fight since a kid? He had his doujo club,trained by his grandfather. He was perfect at sports, but now he realized. To be good at something was meaningless,if you couldn't use it in real life.

-"Oh, the kid said to wait. Should we bow to you as well?",Bou cracked one sarcastic smile.

-"Heh..",Kadou lowered head to wipe his mouth from the blood,"Arrogant.",he lifted his cold eyes as the following second was taken for a harsh punch.

The crowd grew silent. He just punched Bou. So whispers started roaming in the club.

"Damned brat,you've got some guts.",Bou held his jaw as stepped backwards.

-"Man...you tore my favorite jacket...",how Shin just whined about it,taking off the jacket and completely ignoring Bou.

-"LISTEN TO PEOPLE WHEN THEY ARE TALKING TO YOU,IDIOT!",he lost his temperament and missing was only the stomp with foot. But it was unneeded. Kadou flopped down the jacket as glanced over the other. With completely other eyes.

-"Give me a break,seriously.",he rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled,"Listen, I don't know about that Masa person, but you should try to remember my name as well. Kadou Shin."

-"Hah.",Bou grinned for first time directly at Shin,as an equal.


-"Aoba sama, are you leaving?",one of the bodyguards noticed Aoba getting his back off the wall. He was waiting for Shin,but when he heard the crowd silent, he soon realized the boy was fine. He just chuckled and threw a small note in the bodyguard's hands.

-"When that brat comes out,give him that. It's a message from Masa."

-"Understood!",the bodyguard bowed and saw off Aoba.

I can't recall much of that night. The adrenaline in my veins was so much,that it shook my whole being. I only know that Bou recognized me as Masa' personal assassin. But it wasn't enough - I wanted to become stronger. I wanted to fight. I grew the urge inside of me,no...Masa grew the urge inside of me, to seek who I was. Ironically the man I hated was the man that pushed me into a world,where I felt freedom. I forgot the pain. I forgot that figure who I wanted to kill,at least for now. Masa was my new challenge.


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  • 2 weeks later...

"If it gets hard, know it could be worse."

Kadou Shin


Chapter 06


Back then I realized that I had a long way to walk, and I was alone.


A quick spit of blood, Shin brought his hand up to wipe his mouth,guiding himself with the other by the bar's exit door.

-"Yo,boy,"one of the bodyguards turned to Kadou,handing him a piece of paper,"Aoba-sama had this for you to receive."

Kadou blank stared the note and wrinkled nose,

-"That geezer,Imma kick his ass!",he grabbed the paper to stomp away with angry major.

Truth was that Kadou didn't have any place to crash in. The time he spent after the prison,he was training,then sleeping randomly on streets.


But nothing felt so miserable as my own being.

-"Hmmm.",the homeless boy had his hands in pockets,his cracked lip was hurting a bit. He wondered what to eat as stood in front of shelf with snacks."Come to think of it...Where did that geezer go?", he raised hand to grab on some sandwiches with tuna."At least he could tell me when going...asshole..." ,all grumpy Shin walked to the woman in one of the store's corners to pay for his sandwiches. But as soon as he made 5 steps,he got his shoulder on some pack to have it dropped off the shelves.

-"Tsk..man..",he rolled eyes as tried to lower down. His whole body was aching from the "friendly" greeting he got in the bar.


The door opened for new customers,but instead Kadou heard a cold voice,

-"Don't you dare to push the button,bitch. Put the money inside.",one masked man with some bag,which was thrown the woman's way, was waving a gun. There were three such in total. It was pretty late and the store was so quiet. Just welcoming for some bullies to do their move.

The woman started sobbing,all trembling.

-"Shit..",Kadou stood lowered by one of the shelves. He looked aside and flopped on his ass,"It's not like I can save her...",he mumbled and opened his sandwich to nom on it,while waiting for the bullies to get out.

-"All the money,idiot! What is this shit?!"

-"B-but..t-that's all I h-have...",she stuttered,lowering head with tears in eyes.

-"Are ya' fuckin' kiddin' me? Get off!",one of the males pushed the woman and she fell on floor.

While all the chaos was roaming in the store,Kadou was inspecting his sandwich. He disliked tomatoes,so he was removing some pieces from the mixture inside,all grumpy. When he was ready to take a mouthful bite,he heard how some kid entered from the backroom,


-"Kenta,get back in the room!", the name itself made Kadou pause and his eyes froze. The pupils widened,his still fresh wound opened.

-"You!Come here!",one of the masked bullies pulled the kid and the child started crying hard.

-"Please! Don't hurt him!",the woman stood to pull her son back,but got hit with the back of the gun.


Clap,clap,clap,clap. Kadou was clapping as leaning on the shelf,completely calm.

-"What are ya' doin' there,brat?",one of the males spoke as everyone stared at Shin.

-"You have ten seconds."

-"Ten seconds?",the male pause questionable,then laughed,"Ah,the kiddo is acting tough. What in ten seconds? You think we will run off?"

Shin kept his blue gaze on the male,completely expressionless.

-"No. You have ten seconds to let go of that kid."

-"Or what?"

-"Obviously. I will beat the shit outta you.",Kadou grinned.

The male waved the gun to Kadou's direction.

-"Oi,shithead, in ten seconds I can shoot your stupid hea-...",it was needed only two seconds for Kadou to have his foot lift the pack he pushed awhile ago and send it to the male's head. Nice kick,it was.

Such an innocent,but yet scary smile escaped Shin when he glanced towards to other two males,

-"Six.Five.Four...",the looked at each other and couldn't even recall about the bag with money. They got up their friend on feet and rushed out the store.


I felt good. I felt free. I had the power to protect, I liked that power. But the thought I had to use it to take away lives, it put chains on my own freedom. Chained freedom,it was.

After the woman thanked so many times to Shin,she filled one huge bag with food and drinks for him. It was so good to help people without expecting anything in return. It was a natural flow that you will get something as a thank,but only if you didn't expect it. So was life.


Kadou was sitting on some bench,his eyes sparkling with joy when eating.

-"Ah,man! That auntie really gave me the best food!",he hummed as munched down on two different sandwiches. It was so long since he had something so tasty.

-"Ah!",he recalled and jabbed his hand in the pocket to take out the note.

"Housha ODD, St. Berra Omi 48"

-"Huh?",he zoomed and turned a few times the note in case he read it incorrectly,"Wonder if it is too late to go?" - in fact, he didn't want to close eyes. It was so cold and so lonely, watching the moon,then greeting the sun. Normally one would be grateful for each day,but Shin only could see nightmares before his eyes. That clock in the high-school,it still haunted him in his sleep. The black haired boy opened a can of soda and sipped,

-"Grandpa...",he sighed and then closed eyes to get up,heading for the place.


As I walked down the street, I thought things couldn't get any worse. But it was like a bait for the fate to prove me wrong.

-"Um..hello?",he cracked open one old door. The place itself looked old,but nothing new for Shin. Lately he only bumped in such weird places,but even so the thrilling feeling ran down his spine. It was dark.

-"You surely take your time.",a husky voice spoke from the dark,steps slowly started moving toward Shin. The boy frowned as stepped back. It wasn't Aoba. This voice was both velvet and fearsome.

-"What...I mean..I had this note..",Shin didn't know how to start,something made him nervous,he jabbed hand in pocket to look for the note,but from being so nervous he dropped his can with soda - "Shit.",he thought.

The steps paused,it made Kadou curious and so he rose his chin up to see a figure taller than him. The male wore a white suit,the coat over him was black and elegant. Around his neck a beautiful silky scarf was dangling. Slightly opened around the neck to reveal such strong start of collarbones. The jawline was so precise and firm,forming a beautiful face form. Black eyes could be even more fearsome than Shin's blue ones. That deep ocean read in the boy's eyes was swallowed by the endless darkness of these eyes. A small sparkle,the male had his ear pierced. So elegant that silver was forming the complete image of the stranger.

-"Kadou Shin?"

-"A-ah..y-yeah,it's me!",Shin forgot how to speak and quickly got up on feet,but even then he was shorter than the other.

-"Thank god..",the stranger lowered slightly his head as smiled gently. As if thankful the boy was alive. How could this fearsome image switch to such gentleness so fast? Shin frowned,what was going on?

-"Do you know me?",he titled head which made the stranger froze.

-"You...",he closed by and it made Kadou step quickly back to hit the door with back. A quick flinch from his still aching body,"You don't remember?"


-"It's me..Renji.",these black eyes tried to look for a sparkle of memories in blue eyes.

-"R-Renji? What? Look,I don't know who you are. If you have something to tell me,do so. Else I see no reason being here.",he got straight to the point without knowing how hurtful his words were.

-"Heh. You've changed.",the male got dangerously close to Shin's face and reached an ear,"It's me. Masa Renji."

-"Masa..MASA?",he yelled and pushed the male,looking at him with hatred."So you are the fucker that I got beaten for?",Kadou growled.

Renji only frowned once,then looked aside. It seemed that Shin didn't remember him,which on its hand made Renji angry. All these years, he waited to moment to meet him again,yet he was forgotten. It rubbed some sore spot.

-"Bothersome.",Masa mumbled as got his hands back in pockets,letting his cold gaze dance upon Shin's body.

-"WHAT? You piece of a ...",Kadou exploded as tried to punch Masa,but the other just caught the fist in his palm,

-"And you call this a good form?"

-"S-SHUT UP!",Shin pulled away,growling.

-"Hah, you really don't get it,do you?"

-"I don't get what?"

A step and two,Masa got close with a twisted smirk on face,

-"I bought you and you are mine. If I tell you to die, you will die. If I tell you to lick my shoe, you will lick it."

-"THE FUCK I WILL!",Kadou dashed out the building,cursing on his way running into the night.


And I thought it couldn't get worse.

Kadou,I always regretted these words,but my pride didn't let me say it.


What a rude man he was!


Kadou, even until my last breathe, I will always recall you,the one who bandaged my wounded heart.


And I didn't realize that it was the first step towards falling in love with him.


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  • 1 month later...

To think I might be not recognized by those eyes, it makes it so hard to bear.

Masa Renji


Chapter 07


-"I bought you and you are mine. If I tell you to die, you will die. If I tell you to lick my shoe, you will lick it."

-"THE FUCK I WILL!",Kadou dashed out the building,cursing on his way running into the night.



A deep inhaling made Masa raise from the bed and sit,his heart-beating irregular.

-"...",a reach for a rub against his own hair, he frowned deeply. That same nightmare taking place in his dreams since he learned that Kadou had amnesia from Aoba. Afraid from the reality,he kept dreaming of their possible meeting. And truth was that he only left for Kadou a pack in the old building without meeting him. Hard was to look at someone who you believed in your whole life,but to be forgotten by them.

A quick glance,he checked for the time - it was only three o'clock in the morning.


-"Pathetic...",Renji chuckled under nose,the irony embracing him with a bitter stab in chest. The male let down his hand to stare at his scar on hand. Losing reasons, Renji stood up to take a shower. A tag from the bottom of the top tank made Renji's firm abs reveal.

-"Heh..",the emotions in those black eyes shifted quickly. That man was fearsome and twisted - but the hatred and the love in his life made him lose any sanity and reasons. What was he really plotting? Might be he already gave up on Shin? - That smirk spoke otherwise.




-"Oi! Aoba!",Shin entered the underground club,where he has been training lately, with a kick on door,his hands in pockets,"Imma kick your ass!" - was a greeting when saw the old man.

-"Ahahaha,you've still got some spirit left? Wanna try me out?",the blue eyes of the old man met the boy's with a hidden joy.

-"How the damn god could you leave me there?",a sour mood expressed on Shin's face,he flopped on the sofa.

-"Don't whine,kiddo. Get ready."

-"Ready for what?"

-"I heard you've been training in the past in a doujo club.",Aoba grinned as rolled his sleeves up.

-"And so?"

-"I want to test you. Get dressed.",the old man threw some traditional doujo clothes as took his leave for the basement.

-"...Is he always so damn bossy?",Kadou frowned,averting eyes to the club's bartender.


If it wasn't for his skills, this thought would never pass by my mind.


-"Ready?",Aoba grinned as holding a sword instead of the traditional wooden weapon in doujo.

-"Wait,wait...why we are doing this with katana?"

-"Obviously. To teach you respect through pain."

-"You seriously piss me off.",Shin growled through teeth and took his stance. A few minutes the silence wandered in the basement. It was like their spirits fought instead. Two pair of blue eyes,same spirit and same stance. Shin slightly frowned - something was weird.

-"Oi...old man..",Kadou broke the silence,"I have something to ask you.."

Aoba grinned instead and span the sword as attacked. It was like the answer could come to Shin by the sparring. Clashes,speed,wise moves - they both were doing same techniques. That single thing distracted Kadou and he got tackled down by the other, the blade inches away from his neck.

-"What's your sin,kid?",again that question,but this time Aoba looked angry,yet in pain. Kadou froze at place.

For some odd reason I wanted to speak out the word,but it was insanity to call him 'dad'. I swallowed it back.


-"Not your business.",Kadou growled and slid the blade aside with his own weapon's grip. Steps after steps,clashes after clashes, they both got into it - one single mistake and one of them would be down on floor. And it really happened. Aoba bathed in Shin's gaze and little by little he forgot all he fought for. The old man allowed to be tackled down and have Shin's blade against his neck.


-"Heh!",Shin grinned and lowered down,"Say,old man,what's your sin?" - that was stabbing. Aoba frowned,he got "slapped back". Letting his eyes close,the man pushed aside the blade with hand and sat up.

-"I already forgot."

-"Eh?! Oi!",Shin pulled the male by the kimono.

So fast was that nudge in the ribs that Kadou couldn't react. He let go of Aoba and looked up since flopped on his behind.

-"Instead of worrying about my sin,why not start working on your skills?!",the old man got angry and sighed, "Forget it..",he turned back as left the basement.


It was crazy. That feeling was growing stronger within. I did something stupid,but couldn't stop myself. That back he showed with coldness to me, it reminded me something I have forgotten. One piece of the puzzle, my memory was getting back or I went insane?


Shin finally changed his clothes,being in deep thoughts. "It can't be,right? But his speed and the techniques...I know only one style...",he rose his gaze and walked in the club,looking around - "The Kadou technique."

-"Where is Aoba?",Kadou asked the bartender.

-"He went to buy cigarettes."

As soon as he got the information he dashed out,heading for local store.


-"Not here.",out of breath, Shin placed hands on his knees and looked around.With the corner of his eyes,he noticed in the crowd the back of Aoba.

-"Ao-...",before yelling out the name,he noticed some man meeting with the other. The crazy thought of stalking them took place in his head.


Kadou couldn't really see the other male,but some fearsome aura came from him. Shin was swallowed from the crowd as walked behind them. He felt so alone and so ironically funny. What he was doing? Looking for ghosts from the past, it was impossible to have his father alive. His grandfather told him that his parents died in accident, not to mention... his father would never be like Aoba,right? A spin on his toe, he made a turn and closed eyes as jabbed hands in pockets - it was meaningless. As he had his hand in one of the pockets,fingerstip felt the note he got yesterday to go to the old building. Ah,that's right. Kadou had now a job. He had to guard that pack for 24 hours,if he could. Not like he understood it, but at least he hid the suspicious pack well.


The wind blew somehow differently and ruffled his hair, the blue eyes slid open slowly to see a big figure standing out from the gray crowd. Kadou tilted head to side and frowned, the male seemed dangerous which alone made Shin to be wiry. He lowered his head as shoved his hood over head and passed by the other.

-"Follow me.", he heard as had shoulder by shoulder with the other. It was out of question,but Shin noticed the gun as the wind spread open the long coat of the other man.


The other male led Shin in some dead-end street and they both got alone.

-"Where is the pack?", the other looked deadly serious.

But Kadou kept silent which made the male continue,

-"Masa-sama kept it for me,so I need it now."

That sucked, Kadou didn't have gun in him, nor any kind of weapon. He might be young,but wasn't stupid. He had to guard that pack as it was said on its back 'Trust no one,but Aoba.'

-"I have no idea what are you talking about.", expressionless Shin kept watching the other for any drastic moves.

-"So you prefer the hard way."

A wide grin drew out of Kadou as he let his hood fall back when nodding chin up,

-"Never knew other kind of way.", he saw how the other took out his gun,pointing it at him.


I seriously felt no fear. I had nothing to lose. True that broken people do not fear anything but losing. I did not fear even that. What did I fear? - I wonder.


-"What's wrong? Won't you run?"

-"Would you run in my place?", Shin threw out the answer as a question. And that costed him a bullet in shoulder, but not surprising. Just that made Kadou reach a kick for an old cardboard box let as a garbage. He shoved it the male's way to distract him. It hurt to use his shoulder, so the punch with his left hand wasn't so strong.

-"Darn it.",Shin hissed as tackled the man,but the gun was clearly set on his forehead.

-"What's wrong?", Kadou chuckled, "Won't you shoot?"

-"Would you shoot in my place?",how sarcastic.


From the hit with the gun I do not recall much,but first thing I felt when woke up was a burning pain in my shoulder.


-"Ngh...",Shin nodded up and down his head,having his arms tied up above his head. Captive? His vision was blurry and mouth dry, sweat mixing with the blood sliding down his torso. But he didn't expect to see Aoba standing there.

-"What's...going on?", Shin got stunned. Wasn't it Aoba he could trust to?

-"Where is the pack, kiddo?"

-"Aoba..you old bastard...what's the meaning of th-...",a punched in his stomach made him cough.

-"Useless to keep silent. I know it's in your hands. Just tell me where it is and you will be free."

-"...",Kadou glanced up,twitching from the pain. A icy cold water was thrown in his face, it alarmed all his senses - it wasn't a joke. Did Aoba betray the team? Who was the male he saw a few hours ago? Many questions stabbed Shin's mind.

-"You can have your freedom, kid. Just say it."


-"Yes,freedom. Isn't it that your sin,kid? You wished so much for freedom that you caused so many deaths."

-"That's..not it..",it was a direct stab in Kadou's wound. He showed a painful expression,recalling the dead body of his friend in arms.

-"Not? How come? You so wished to be free that you actually accepted to be a part of the mafia. You could choose,Kadou. Yet,you chose the paith of agony and regrets."

-"I had no choice!",he yelled. That wasn't it. He accepted Mika's offer to get him out of the prison because of his grandfather. Was it?

-"Oh,no. You had a choice."

Shin fell silent as his pupils widened when Aoba circled around his lifeless body,dangling from the robe connected to the ceiling.

-"You had a choice,but you acted like a hero. Did you think that your grandfather would be safe once the mafia knew about him? You are simply a fool!",Aoba was different. Was he angry?


-"Yes,you. You are a fool to think that a hero could always win. Is that a game to you? Did you actually believed that you saved someone?"

-"That's not it..",Shin shook his head,his eyes filled with transparent fear.

-"That's not it?",Aoba stood before Kadou as gripped fingers around Shin's neck.

-"I...",Kadou frowned,his blue eyes lost in the insanity of the other pair of blue eyes.

-"A hero must learn how to lose,kid. And up until now,you only lost,thinking you actually won."

-"N-no..",shivers ran across Kadou's body. The words hurt more than the pain in his shoulder.

-"Where is the pack?",a repeated question.

-"I...",he kept repeating that,as if looking for his lost self deep inside.

Aoba closed eyes as if being in pain as well,his fingertips loosing strength,but still squeezing the neck.

-"Kid...do you still wish to know my sin?"

Kadou set his gaze firmly on the other. The grip loosened as Aoba leaned forward to reach an ear,

-"My sin...is betraying.",the cold gaze of the older man stabbed the wall behind Shin's back as eyes were opened.


I really couldn't understand his words. Did he mean that we were..I was betrayed?


-"Aoba...",Shin stuttered as tilted his head backwards to have his blue eyes set on the other,"How ironic...my sin...",he coughed hard,but a fearsome grin showed strength in words "...my sin is betraying too."


I felt funny inside. It was a paradox in my whole body. I felt the pain crawling up my spine to the brain, my muscles contracted as I reached for a strong kick in Aoba's ribs, but then...


-"That's enough.",a big scarred palm caught my ankle before hitting Aoba. The male tilted head as if ordering to Aoba he was free.

-"Who..",Kadou couldn't finsih his question, the young boy fell unconscious.

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Is life a way to make gods laugh in your face, or a way to make you change even their world?

Akaji Sei


Chapter 08

I knew no longer what was right and what was wrong. I simply lived for today. Whatever was to happen, I welcomed it empty handed - just like a beggar. A beggar for some warmth.


Kadou opened his eyes, finding his body laid on a big bed. The pain in his head from the back made it hard for the boy to sit completely up. From the corner of his eye he noticed a smoke spiraling in the air only to scatter away. A manly figure had crossed legs, well fitting a costume. The male sat comfortably on a chair with his hair somehow paradox-ly perfectly messy. Shin averted his head towards the other and before he could speak up, the other broke the silence,

-"You did well."

-"Huh?", was it some joke? Kadou had some blurry vision right now,but could somehow focus on the male. The voice itself was enough of cold to make your senses keep on being wiry.


The figure came out from the dark corner,standing tall after putting the cigarette aside. One hand came for a jab in the pocket, his coat slightly open to tell on the white shirt under it. A line of perfect jaw drew up the beautiful face of Masa. His black eyes unmoved to any of the aches on Shin's body, but somehow the flinch of his muscle, making him avert head to side could speak for the opposite.

-"Before being my personal assassin, you have to pass a few tests."

-"...Masa?", Kadou frowned, calling that name with no feeling at all. He felt it - that dangerous aura around the male. Was that what the people in the underground club admired? That fearsome male before him was actually someone so beautiful yet manly. How he could be so young and yet so feared? How actually such a young and firm body could be the same monsterous rumored leader of the underground? Kadou was clearly shocked.

Renji didn't actually respond to the call, he kept his gaze away. A quick nod to the down, he rose again his chin to walk forward and take a stance before the big bed.

-"From now on your name is Akaji Sei. From now on the underground will be changed.", he made a few more steps,walking slowly to the big windows in the room.


-"Yes. I give you the chance, Kadou. I give you a new life. Your new name and a new title."

-"Title?",Kadou was getting really confused,not to mention to pain in his head and body made it impossible to follow all the logic...if there was such.

-"The current world is ruled by the clan of Black Dragon and White Tiger.", he locked his brows and slowly slid his eyes close,"Today I give life to a new clan."


A slight tilt was made to have his eyes open and look at Shin. These black eyes...


These black eyes were full of sorrow and I saw through them. A world of despair.


-"Kadou... This might be our first and last meeting, but truly... when the time comes, remember one thing - there is hope, where birds sing. Today I will give a hope. It's up to you, if you will accept it.", with these words a sudden crack of the door was made and a few males entered. They bowed to Masa and the beautiful leader got lost in the crowd of costumed males. Shin locked his brows in a frown and forced his whole body to get on feet,

-"Wait!", it made him swing to side and be caught by one of the males,carrying one huge box.

-"Mister, we have no time."

-"No time? Wait,what time?",Shin grabbed on the male's arm to push himself up.

-"I am sorry."

-"For what?"

-"For this", as soon as said, Kadou's spot near the neck was hit and it sent him to sleep.


Breath. Yes, inhale and exhale. 'Ngh.', open eyes. Slow motion of hand, what was that black glove on it?

Soon the rain started falling. 'I...where...aaargh!', a reach for his ribs, the burning pain. His whole back, the dry mouth. He was like a monster awaken from a deep sleep. What time it was? Where he was? Who he was?

Kadou shook up,resting his black gloved hand on the wall. It was some street with dead end. The rain was hitting harder and harder. His hair...why it was so long? Shin was simply lost. If the real sense of 'lost' was to not know a single thing, well, then that was his case. He nodded head down... his clothes were purely black latex. Long black coat and this black hair of his reaching for his hips. Not even enough of strength to reach and touch all the new on him, the pain controlled his twitches. What was that pain on his back? He started walking slowly to exit the street. Looking from left to side... wasn't he in his hometown? What was that...place?

-"Excuse me?", he reached for a woman from the back,placing gently his hand on her shoulder. The woman turned around,but for his surprise it was a robot.

A perfect humanoid, but simply out of emotions and clearly with electronic voice.

-"Yes, Mister?"

That was absurd! Shin took a step back, his head slightly averted to the side to see his reflection mirrored on some window. His eye pupils went big.

-"I..", he shook head. That wasn't him. Why he was so big? Why he had that long black hair with a single strand of red among the endless darkness? Why he was dressed this way and not mentioning that sweat from the pain. What year it was? What place it was?

-"Mister?", the robot woman walked to him, but he turned around, running into the crowd of the unknown.


Right behind the corner of a street near the place with Kadou a black dressed man was making a call. As soon as the other line answered a single line was spoken,

-"Red Phoenix woke up."


-"I...Who..",while running under the rain, Shin was seeing his last memories with Renji over and over again. Each of the words he heard, he replayed them over and over again.

-"NOTHING MAKES SENSE!",he growled as stopped running and sent a side-punch into a street wall. His long and wet hair was touching his shoulders with feline-ness. His body was stronger and a proof was the punch made into the wall... Shin averted eyes to the wall, a small pieces crumbled down. The male took his fist away to spread an open palm. Squeeze, spreed,squeeze,spread... he...was he a human? What did Renji do to him? What war? What name was it...

-"Aka..ji... Sei..", he rose his gaze up, these blue eyes were perfectly seen under the blackness of his hair. Seemed like the rain turned into a storm. How lucky, he fell on his knees. No tears could be seen, but he said it... This time with emotion...that name...


I wanted to kill.

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Chapter 09



I am currently Akaji Sei. I am around 1020 years old. And if you say 'what the heck'?


A splash of water against face, chin raising up to stare at some blurry and broken mirror.


Welcome to my world then. Because I also have no idea what has happened to the world I once knew. I was supposed to take revenge, but right now my questions is 'On whom?'


A throw of a bathroom towel over shoulder, a turn for the shower to expose a beautiful tattoo. Phoenix tattoo.


I swear, it was yesterday when I was knocked off, but I have nothing else to recall during the past 3 months except his words 'Change'.


Is he alive, I wonder too. Without realizing it, he actually became a daily thought of mine. I fall asleep and raise up with the only thought where is he. This insanity...


Since I was taught nothing but fighting and trained into being an assassin, I work as such. I noticed a few things about my new self. I can't sleep, I don't need to. I am stronger and I... can't recognize myself in the mirror. If I feel different. I also know it's not the old 2003 year, but a new era - 3003. I wonder...am I immortal?


The shower head started running hot water over the body that was covered with some scratches here and there.


Japan is not what it used to be. Humans and robots are walking down the street as if equal. Am I a robot as well? In such a case I must say I am glad I still bleed.

A fast chuckle escaped lips.


Tomorrow I have a day off. Not like a have a boss, right? He should be already dead, that bastard Masa. And what's with that sad note in my voice?


A place of hand against the wet wall.


I should be probably happy. He ruined my life. Along with that old geezer who killed the kids.

A small frown.


The kids... I wonder if grandpa is dead too..


The shower head stopped and the steam started spreading off the body. Small steps as the towel was wrapped around waist.


Not like I care...do I? During these three months I killed so many people. I wonder why I had to kill them. But we assassins don't ask questions. I know only one top secret information.

A trace of wet footprints leading to a fridge. Cracked open door to take out a beer can.


What was it...nano virus? The current situation of the world is not really nice, I must say.


A small shrug.


To be killed just because you refuse to take the virus, I guess it's not cool. Nowadays the assassin don't kill because you cheated in business or owe big sum of money. We are called 'Nano-justice'. For my luck I was accepted into the so said community. Of course we had to take the virus as well.


A lean on the already closed fridge door.


Although I took it, it didn't work on me. In order to keep on living I have to pretend I have no emotions. Just like a humanoid. An emotionless robot. I guess the world became the insanity itself. To be looking for the Great Intellectual Technology in order to save the planet, I wonder if that is just an excuse to mass-murder.

A step forth,then back. A quick chuckle again.


How stupid. I can't get used to it. The current world doesn't have any television. Instead people are forced to plug into their body some nano-machines when going to bed, to watch the recharging program in their sleep. How selfish,really. To not be even allowed to dream.

[''The current world is ruled by the clan of Black Dragon and White Tiger."]


A fast memory passed through mind. A squeeze was made against the beer can to crack it.


Masa... Where are you? Didn't you say I am your assassin...


A sarcastic note in laughter, hand reaching to ruffle the already cut hair, but still long enough to tickle the sides of neck.


Why do I exist, grandpa? I should have died with the kids back then. I should have died in the store during robbery. I should have died when tested. I should have died million of other times when murdering people. People that just want to die as human beings.


A sudden switch on of the laptop.


What the? Didn't I turn it off?


Black screen with the white dash flashing on and off,ready to type.


[Asaji Sei.]


Great. Someone has hacked my machine. No time to rest when your head is wanted by so many people, especially after betraying the Nano-justice.




A blink and two.




The corner of lips went wide into a grin. Who could congratulate some assassin and top of it a traitor.


[Do you remember?]


Remember? Remember what?


As the male sat in front of the laptop, he tried to press the escape button a few times, but wasn't of any use.


[Your name.]


He paused his hand.


Okay, I believe you are in my room.




Are you a software?


[... No.]


Then what? Some zombie mosquito?


[Ahahaha, it's good that you keep your sense of humor untouched.]


Very funny. So, if not a software, an agent spying on me?


[How about your master,spying on you?]


.... I have no master.


[Wrong. You do have,Kadou.]


Eyes went widen, the stance of body tensed up.




[How sad and I thought you'd recall for the old man Aoba.]


AOBA?! You asshole!


[Calm down,calm down. You know your room has a detector for emotions.]


Right. Okay, asshole - said monotonely.


[Glad to hear from you too. We have a work for you.]


And what makes you think I'll follow requests?


[because you have questions.]


A pause was made.


[Kadou, you will be targeted,if you act alone. We have transferred you enough of money to reach one of the most oldest shrines left in Japan.]

Targeted by whom?


[The system.]


A knock on door. Kadou jumped a bit up and looked to the side,then back to the laptop. It was already shut.


What was that?

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Chapter 10


The knock on door was repeated.


How lucky can I get, I wonder.


A twisted smirk, he got his clothes on himself. Brushing his hair outside the black shirt he put on, the assassin nodded head to side.


My senses are different from the ones of the machines and humans. Am I a third race?


The black haired male made slowly his way to the door, in one hand holding a gun.


Useless is to believe that was my fate. I no longer believe in such simple things. It’s only an excuse to make it look less miserable.

An ear came into contact with the door – “On three, okay? One…two..”


Can I test myself?


A chuckle.


The door was knocked off as the Nano-justice entered the place. It seemed empty. One step of theirs on left, he made one step to right. A play of hide and seek in which Kadou was blindly trusting his abilities.


“It seems no one is here. We should inform Messiah.”


Blue eyes sparkled in the dark, the assassin had his gun ready. For two seconds three were down.

A panic broke into the flat which made the emotion-detecting software to alarm.


“Where is he?!”, the other three men made a circle to keep their backs safe. Not like it would work when it came to dealing with Akaji Sei. Even a robot would be wiry of him.


A breaking noise of window echoed.

Damn. I scratched my face.


He had his arms crossed in X sign in front of his face when jumped off the building. It wasn’t really high, so the male landed perfectly fine on the ground. As soon as his feet touched the surface of some grass, he got up. The wind spread his long coat open. One is going to wonder when he had time to both kill and dress up.




If there was a justice to rule over the current world, their most fearsome enemy would be the ex-nano-assassin equally dangerous to the once known Masa Renji. According official information Masa Renji has been murdered 500 years ago by a group of Nano-justice. The male has been a real threat, to bring an end to the cruel plans of two clans – Black Dragons and White Tigers. A war that has been taking place for generations,giving a birth to New Order.

Taste from my justice bastards.


He turned around and pressed something in his pocket, a brief moment after that the building exploded. It meant only one – Kadou was always ready to have his life in danger, but not on mercy.


A shift of eyes.

I wonder if I will get to see him.


Like a child longing for something, Kadou glanced up towards the sky.


The oldest shrine, huh?


He lowered chin down and locked brows in a frown.




It was obvious that Shin wasn’t religious and what more… even if it was buried deep inside, he still had morals. How could he dirty such a holy place? He was a sinner now who hasn’t stepped in any shrine for ages. Simply put, he didn’t know the oldest shrine in Japan.


A rub behind head, he sighed.


I got hungry…


As he walked inside a 24/7 store, he got his hands on some sandwiches.


Ungh… there are tomatoes.


Old habits die hard. The assassin put the sandwiches back, trying to find something else to eat for the night. As he was turned with his back at the door, he didn’t see the teenagers that broke into the store, carrying guns.


Hm. I wonder if I still dislike tomatoes. Since I am changed, may be…


He rubbed his chin, still thinking over the dilemma to buy or not to buy.




There it went the robbery.


Kadou recalled the last time he acted like some hero and laughed in his mind.


Ah, how nostalgic.

Just when was about to turn around and take out his gun, as he was used to get rid of idiots through violence, he paused.




His pupils went wide, how funny. Right now he felt no urge to kill. Was it because they were humans and on top of it teens? The current population decreased a lot and each time he had to kill a human being, he had this bitter taste in his mouth.


He smiled faintly and put the gun back in its place, taking his time to clap.




The kids jumped and darted guns at him.


“STAY THERE OR I WILL SHOOT!”, one of the took the courage to state so.


“Can you really shoot?”, Kadou smiled.


The kids looked at each other and then the one continued,




“Really? Then I suppose you know that first you have to release the protector, then shoot. Then watch my brain splash all over the place. And then run for your lives because…”, he raised glance up to point out the emotion-detector machine already alarming “…because they will be here anytime soon.”


The kids got scared and panicked, they started trembling and took from the shelves some snacks, then ran out the store.




Kadou laughed and took out his gun to shoot the emotion-detector as well the humanoid that was put instead of an employee. The kids couldn’t tell, but Kadou “sniffed” the machine right after he walked into the store.


If I would kill the robbers before instead the employee, how funny… today I killed the employee and let the robbers alive.


A reach for a tomato sandwich, he walked out.

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Chapter 11



Dropping one huge bag off his shoulder, Kadou stood in front of a shrine. It took him two days to find and reached the place, so he expected some answers to his questions.

Finally found you.


He grinned.


The place was hidden deep in a forest where no foot has stepped there for years. Shin knelt down and took from the bag a few guns. After all, he knew Masa and the guys very well, no one would be welcomed just like that without being tested.


If that’s the case. Bring it on.

Kadou rose up to walk through the gates of the most oldest shrine in Japan. The atmosphere was different than any other place he has been before. The last rays of the sunset crawled slowly up on the black latex Shin wore. He felt chills. Was he excited?




He mumbled as entered the shrine. For his surprise the place was completely empty and had only one small floor door. So much dust, he patted it off from the metal knob to open the door. Some stairs leading to the underground.

How typical.


He hurried to enter and walked slowly down, hoping that won’t lose his cool if by chance trips over. He lost any idea of how long he had to walk until reached that big gate in front of him.

Something feels off. Isn’t it too easy?


He wondered as got his gun out, kicking the gate open.


There was one single big room with the fireplace on, bringing some comfort and warmth to the place.

Kadou blinked a few times.

Looks like an office.


When the gate closed behind him, he slightly jumped at place to have his attention called by husky voice.

“Long time no see.”


A shake of emotions ran inside his being. He didn’t know what he was feeling. Was it joy? Was it hatred? May be both?


I knew he was right there, behind the big chair that was turned with back at me, behind that black desk.


“Did I make you wait for long, Kadou?”


What was his definition of ‘long’? I wouldn’t know, but to me it was like yesterday I saw his face for last. I turned into some addicted animal, looking for someone to take care of me.


“Is that all you have to say to me?”


The chair span and I saw his beautiful face once again.


“My apologizes.”, he smiled, “How have you been?”


Stop looking at me with these eyes.


The gun was raised, darted at Renji.


“You disgust me. I believed you would be cooler than that.”


Renji let a chuckle escape him.


“So it means you looked forward to our meeting. That makes me happy.”, the male got up from the chair to jab his hands in pockets, making his way to Shin.


A step back.

Get a hold of yourself! Don’t act like some scaredy cat.


“Something’s wrong Kadou?” , Renji paused his steps as cracked a smirk.

Something alarmed me to run, but I found no strength to do so. His eyes pierced me. How strong that man was, I’m starting to wonder.

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Chapter 12

A bullet’s scream echoed through the underground room and its final destination was the wall right behind Masa.


“You do think that I am the same like before?”, Kadou’s hand had these faint trembles; one to wonder was it because he was afraid or excited?


Renji averted his eye to the side, his cheek had a crimson red scratch.


“I believe you don’t expect me to be the same either, Kadou.”, as a contra to Shin’s sentence a few minutes ago about Renji being not so cool than before. There was no fear in the male’s eyes, just the opposite there was only a calm envy. Envy of Kadou who was free of memories.


“Now. You will answer all my questions”, Shin nodded his chin up cockily as circled around Renji.


A chuckle crawled up the lungs of Renji. He closed his eyes and let his hands in pockets.


“Why did you get me out the prison?”, the younger male started from the very start.


Masa opened slowly his beautiful eyes as the gun was set against the back of his head. A faint sigh,he averted lightly head as broke the pause.


“Because I owe you one.”, Renji had many reasons to give but may be that one was the main… or a nice cover to hide his feelings.


“You owe me?”


“Yeah.”, Renji moved his gaze forward, getting a nostalgic expression that Kadou couldn’t see right now. “Everything I am and am not I owe it to you, Kadou Shin.”


“You make no sense… And even so, is that a reason to turn me into the monster I am right now?”, the note in Kadou’s voice raised up from anger.


“Let me ask you a question”, Renji was about to turn the tables, “When you walked down the corridors with dead bodies and saw the actual murder, what was your first thought?”


Shin widened his eyes and wrinkled his nose from hatred. An old wound cracked open as he answered by low voice,


“I wanted to kill him.”

“And as you are an assassin right now, why did you give up on killing humans?”,Renji slowly turned around to meet the tip of the gun with his eyes. But such eyes had no fear of death and Shin saw it. The younger male lowered down his gun, realizing that his urge to kill was gone.


It was true that in life a poison cure could be once again – a poison.


Renji leaned forward to reach Shin’s ear, “Exactly.”


A quick jump backwards, Kadou had his guard down and he didn’t realize it.


“Then…what I am?”

The slow escape of the smirk on Renji’s lips spoke for claiming something for his own, “My personal assassin, of course.”


“Don’t joke around, bastard!”, he raised his leg to kick, but as soon as did so he flopped on the floor.


There was no trace of sweat on Renji,but yet he just caught the foot and tackled Kadou on floor. The feeling of this big palm wrapped around Shin’s ankle sent him a warning.


“Let go!”, he shifted to side to reach for the gun he dropped.


No use. Renji caught the hand with his free one, slamming it against the floor as hovered over the assassin.


“Masa…I..”, as he tried to break free, he couldn’t follow his thoughts. His long frozen heart started beating like mad.


“Didn’t you say you are a monster, Kadou?”, the whisper made on ear made Shin shiver.

“S-shut up! Let go!”


“How about a no?”, Renji released the ankle but brought the other hand firmly pinned against the floor. His wide back hid any kind of doubt in Shin – that man was strong.


“I am warning you!”


A simple laughter left Renji’s lips and he tilted head to kiss the other. A moment of unknown feelings took place in Shin’s mind. He froze as tasted the warmth in mouth. His lips opened as if by themselves and he had his mind spinning.


A break.


“So am I, Shin.”, this time the voice was gentle which confused the assassin.

“D-don’t use my first name as you wish,idiot!”, a kick came in time to push the other off .


Run. I really have to run. This is madness.


The blue eyed man had his hand almost on the gate, when felt his body firmly pushed against it. One palm set on his nape, as the other crawled down to his hips.


“Sadly, but true. The world you entered is one-way ticket, Shin. Give up.”


“… Masa…”, mumbled under nose, Kadou tried to reach with hand for the grip on his neck.


Renji just kept staring at the protesting body in front of him and shook head. He released the male’s neck,but quickly found the chin for a tilt and crashed mouth against the other’s.


Muffled sounds could be counted as melody in the so quiet room. Shin’s blue eyes started to close slowly, their sparkle was the reflection of the fireplace behind, seen over Masa’s shoulder.


My legs… damn it…all.


Slight shivers drummed up and down on Shin’s body, his legs going numb. He had to tear his lips away to take a breath. The assassin felt like having his soul devoured.


How long Masa waited for this moment? The male had his coat almost torn from Shin’s squeezing. The assassin didn’t even realize how tightly his grip was set over Masa’s shoulder.


“This is..wrong..”,Shin tried to protest.


“Heh..The world itself is wrong.”, the protest was silenced as Masa had his lips on Kadou’s neck, biting him there.


Get. A. Hold. Of. Yourself. Push him off. Didn’t you want to kill him?

Blue eyes closed with a frown.


That’s right… I have no master. … I have no one.


That single thought broke down the assassin and a fast elbow hit came into contact with Renji’s ribs.


Masa coughed as he held onto his ribs, but as soon as he left gaze up – the gate was already closing.


Damn it. Damn it. I am not a homo. What was that stupid beating.


A hit against chest.


Shut up. You found the wrong time and wrong person to jump over.


The assassin made his way out the shrine, having nowhere to go. But at least had money to visit some not so cool motel for the night.

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This is one of the best fictions I've read! :Red_fox7:

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  • 2 weeks later...

it's a great story, saga-sensei! i hope you will upload the next chapter soon... i cant wait how to see how it will continue.

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Sometimes I wish I had the power to erase my own existence.

Kadou Shin


Chapter 13


I ran. Running was my only option. I believe in this world running is a tradition. More or less, we all run from something. My reason? Heh, my reason was him. I had the feeling that if I don’t run, this man was about to swallow the small among of what was left of me.


A hand reached forth to throw the motel room’s key on the bed. The village was small and still with traditional decoration, what a treasure was it to be in a world where nano-machines ruled. Akaji, or more suited right now was his old self – Kadou, averted gaze to side, a stabbing pain tickled the edges of his life beating muscle in chest.


I … For a split of moment I really had my hopes up, huh… How foolish….


Frown formed on eyebrows, his gaze rather filled with self-disgust than hatred. The male’s lips nibbled back the bursting pain from the inside, slamming onto his conscious to be let outside. Why he was so depressed? He learned how to live without hope, without purpose. He learned how to wish not for happiness. He learned how to not fall for the deceiving emotions that could bring him down. He learned all by himself. Yet, he didn’t learn one single thing. How to let go of Masa.


His slender fingers came in contact with the heated skin on neck, rubbing it lightly. A quick remembrance of the touches he felt back then, he shut his eyes close as if trying to stop monitoring them. But they became even clearer this way.


A nod to side, he titled back his head as guided the nape with palm. Eyes slid open slowly as lips parted their embrace to allow him for a gulp of air.


“Everything I am and am not I owe it to you, Kadou Shin.”

The words were like echo in the back of his brain, roaming inside his head. What actually Masa meant? The assassin rustled to side, bumping with a slight rock his back onto the wall behind. Was he missing something in the big picture? Nevertheless, while he was dubbed in the endless ocean of thoughts, Masa was already drinking his second glass of whiskey.


A knock disturbed Renji , before the door opened with a creak.


- Sir?

- Yes, come in, Aoba.

- Did you tell him?


Renji slid his hand onto the chair’s back, taking a deep gulp of air in lungs. Something was heavy on chest, was it the feeling of being rejected… or was it that he couldn’t manage his plans?

- No.

- Masa! You know very well! In one week….if you don’t do something – the male moved forth, his feelings mixed with worry and anger.

- Leave.

- I won’t! You have to tell him, stop torturing yourself! You ain’t worth the death yet, kid!


A raise of brow, Renji turned around. His eyes mudded with pain, eyebrow rather forming a painful expression than a cocky look.

- My dear old friend. You from all people should hate me the most, why are you getting so emotional? Won’t it be you who shall be most happy if I die?

- …. – Aoba tugged the coat of Renji, his blue eyes piercing with coldness, - Renji.


His teeth gritted, his nose wrinkled. Pain forgotten was awaken, rage in chest ignited. Aoba nodded head to side.

- Renji, the one who killed my wife was him. Not you. I work for you because of one single reason. Because my loyalty is read in the hatred we share for the same person.


Masa exhaled a soft sigh, slightly disagreeing. His deep gaze stared back at Aoba’s.

- Aoba… you might not hate me but he will, if he knows. – a slight push of hand was made, Masa moved away.

- He is my son, he won’t hate you. He resembles his mother and his mother couldn’t hate.

- Hah. You believe so? But I doubt she would love someone who killed her son either.


It was true though, he indeed ended Kadou’s human life. For his own selfish purposes.


- Leave me alone.

- … You have one week, you know they will come for you.

- I don’t mind dying…

- Hah...


The door shut close after Aoba left, so Renji continued his sentence by low voice. Almost mutely,

- … but of all I prefer death over his hatred.


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Love this story! Poor Renji. Hope he won't die. :hamtaro-005 (5):

I'm curious what his decision will be.

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