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Underground Secrets ( M-jow and Sosuke0549 )

Guest Sosuke0549

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"Thank you Asta you are really a sweet young man" Camill sniffed as a tears slowly ran down her cheek before she patted it off so it wouldn't ruin her makeup. She gave him tiny sad smiled as Asta turned around and bowed goodby to her" she waved but stopped the second the car door was shut. The tainted windows made it impossible for anyone to see inside. Camill stoppe crying instantly and pulled out something to wrip her hands with. Her bodyguard look at her.

"Mam, do you think it’s gonna work?" He asked her. "The futur young master hasn't been willing to speak to you till now. Do you really think a human could turn his mind?"

Camill simply looked at him. "If he can't I'll just use that human in a driffrent way. Liam will have no choice but to do as I say if he really is as smitten with that thing as it seems."

The two werepanthers looked at each without saying anything thing. It was taboo even in their country to be in a relationship with humans. They didn't need to voice anything out as Camill already was pissed of at her nephew for not keeping that in the dark either. Liam had such nice pedigree and this was just a small lump on her way to refine him again. "Take me back to the hotel" she told the driver ans the car took off again.


Leon had been out all day. He had started model training and was slowly building up a profil folder for futur refs and work.

He arrived back home exausted with all the stand and walking his feets were sore. Leon had messaged Asta earlier what his plan was for the day and that he shouldn't worry if he could reply back to Asta's texts or calls. He was back home very late and therefor hadn't invited Asta over.

But now without everything quiet around him as he lay face down in the couch pn his stomach. He really missed him.

He agreed with himself to pick Asta up tomorrow and take him to school. It wasn't enough just hear his voice over the phone. He need the human's present with him.


Sora didn't known why but Fang's hand sudden grabbed him and he was pushed down onto the floor quite violently. He gasped out a groan of pain as his ass hit the floor first. It hurt a little but he didn't get time to think too much about it as Fang yanked on his clothes. "Fang what?! Hey wait!" Sora struggled to get the other off. He could sense that whatever this was it was the usual Fang and he grew scared. "Fang stop!" Sora yelled as Fang tore his pants open with his clawlile nails. He whinced when Fang cut his thigh. It wasn't deep cuts but a bit of blood still dripped down.

Sora still tried to get away from Fang. He stiffened when he felt Fang's hard erection pressing against him and looked down at the giant thing. Sora had seen Fang's cock before and it diffently hadn't always been that big!

"Fuck!" Sora bite his cheek as he tried to think of something quick. He could let Fang do whatever he wanted now in this state. It would hurt Sora no doubt and Fang would get angry at himself too for doing it.

Suddenly Sora remember Fang's gift to him. He had given Sora an injectpen to use for defence. Sora always made sure to carry it on his person. He reached into his pocket while Fang pulled on his shirt hard enough the the fabric to give and tear a huge chunk off. Sora felt the pen and closed his fingers around it as he yanked it out and thrusted it into Fang's side. The pen injected upond contact and shot a doze into Fang's bloodstream big enough to knock out a werewolf.

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Asta sighed as he flipped through his textbook, tired of studying. It was getting late, but he needed to finish his homework, otherwise he'd be facing some negative repercussions.

When his phone suddenly chimed he immediately reached for it, appreciating the distraction and instant hit of dopamine seeing that he had received a text from his boyfriend. He smiled, touched that Leon was missing him and that he wanted to walk him to school tomorrow morning.

With exams next month, he had been studying more than he would of liked...
( I should probably ask him if he'd want to take a trip with me...)

[ " could you please ask him to give me a chance Asta.. I just want one chance..."]

Camill's words suddenly replyed in his head. Deep down Asta wasn't really sure what to do. He wanted to help...but he also remembered how distraught Leon looked when he found out his Aunt was in town.

[ "My aunt is my only living relative but she was never kind to me. Well, in her own ways she might think she gave me all the opportunity I needed."]

He rubbed the back of his head in irritation. He couldn't even really grasp the relationship the two of them had...it definitely wasn't easy but...at the end of the day...his aunt is his last family member...so shouldn't Asta say something? Perhaps things between Camill and Leon can change. She did fly across the country to see him. To find him.

He texted Leon back, telling him that he was looking forward to seeing him tomrrow morning.

Perhaps on their walk...he'd have a chance to talk to him about it.

[ "Fang stop!" ]

Any thing that Sora had to say would fall on deaf hears. Fang was only going off of instinct now...he couldn't really stop himself...he couldn't resist his animal urge to mate. Especially when Sora was right there in front of him.

The more Sora struggled against him, the more impatient Fang became. He yanked at Soras shirt, taring the fabric off of him as if it was paper thin.

["Fuck!" ]

( m-more...I need more~)

Fang started to suck and bite at Soras neck, leaving a extremely large and dark hickie, one hand pinning the humans wrist to the ground, while he forced Soras legs open, placing himself in between them.

He was holding onto Soras wrist so tightly that he would definitely leave a nasty burise. When he was in heat, he lost all control. It was hard for him to determine how much strength he needed to use... and since Sora was human... he needed to be more cautious and gentle if he didn't want to seriously hurt him.


Fang paused looking down at Sora lustfully...the intense glowing in his eyes beginning to fade as he started to blink rapidly. His panting growing slower and slower by the second as his tight hold on the human suddenly loosen.

In seconds, Fang passed out, collapsing on top of Sora. The werewolf now fast asleep and naked...but...Sora was now safe.

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