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(Private RP) Another World <<syaoran-puu & Kotorichan>>

Guest syaoran-puu

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Guest Kotorichan

Ceries worked diligently for a couple of hours before taking a break. He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes for a moment. "Vaughn..?" He called out, hoping the man was close enough to hear him.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Vaughn hadn’t moved his post... it was silly! He could leave and often did when Ceries was in the castle... but he always told him... and since he hadn’t here? He hadn’t gone.


Hearing his name hours later surprised him. He wasn’t sure what to expect as he reentered the room. “Yes, your highness? Do you need me to help you with something?” He could see paperwork all over the desk and assumed it was official business.

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Guest Kotorichan

"could we have a cup of tea together?" Ceries asked softly. "I need to take a break, I'm giving myself a headache."

It wasn't uncommon for him to ask Vaughn to sit with him while he took a break, but he knew it might be strange to ask after the conversation they just had.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Vaughn nodded, moving to the station set up here and began to make tea for two. “Of course. Shall I open the window? Or heat some lavender to help with your head?” Liquids would hopefully go a long way.

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Guest Kotorichan

"I think it would be best to leave the window closed for now..." Ceries wanted to have privacy with the guard, hopefully he would find the energy to actually talk to him. If they were able to talk then he wanted to make sure that no one could overhear them.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Of course.” Vaughn wasn’t sure if he should be saying ‘your highness’ or ‘Ceries’ right now.


“I...” he hesitated then changed his mind, “I trust you have had a successful days work so far?”

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Guest Kotorichan

"I have..." Ceries frowned slightly. "I wanted to apologize for telling you to leave this morning..." He lowered his gaze. "I'm just so tired, I don't understand what's happening to me so I can't even explain it to you..."

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Guest syaoran-puu

Vaughn paused a moment and then poured them both a glass of tea before returning to the desk. He’d been expecting small talk, but it seemed that Ceries had other plans.


“You don’t need to apologise. I realise I’m not being fair to you... and not explaining myself well...” he frowned.


“I... for the record... I don’t blame you... for any of this... I already told you that I’d rather it felt good than it hurt you...” Vaughn frowned a moment then looked down, nursing his tea. “Ceries.... I’m sorry.... I realise part of my concern.... is I just... I don’t know where I fit in exactly in this awkward little triangle we have going on.” Ceries and Brenton were the main centre.... but where did that leave him?

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Guest Kotorichan

Ceries stayed quiet as the man spoke. It was embarrassing and scary to think about being completely open with the man, but he knew that Vaughn deserved his honesty.

"It hurts me when you talk about how I seem to enjoy being with him..." He said softly. "I know that my b-body likes it... But that doesn't make it any less scary to know that he's changing me, and it doesn't make me feel any less shame or guilt when he's finished with me..." He blinked back tears. "I don't want to be like this. When you say those things to me I feel like you think that I'm happy things ended up like this..."

He chewed his lip for a moment. "I'm sorry but I don't feel like I can tell you where you belong in all this... I don't want to make that choice for you." He tightened his grip on his cup. "all that I can say is that I love you with all my heart. Even if my body reacts to Mr. Black more, I don't have any feelings for him." He looked away, his cheeks flushing. "Also... I don't think that my body reacts to him more because it's him, I think it's just the way that he treats me... I'm about to be king, I always have to know what to do and give people orders, so when I can just give myself up and do whatever I'm told it feels... Good..."

He hesitated for a moment, his cheeks red. "If you wanted to... To try to treat me the way he does... Then that might work... But I don't want to force you into that sort of thing..."

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Guest syaoran-puu

Vaughn felt the weight of his own words lingering heavy on his heart and mind. Once more his carelessness had hurt the Prince! It was a wonder the man tolerated him at all! He deserved better than Brenton and Vaughn combined! Vaughn knew he was completely unworthy!


But he understood the name now. Mr Black kept some distance between them, helped to protect Ceries heart. He couldn’t blame him for that.


“I’m sorry... I... I never meant to make you feel bad or worthless or like you deserved that....” he shook his head. “You don’t. You deserve tenderness and love and kindness....” yet it was clear Ceries wanted at least part of what he had with Brenton, even if it was about control.


“I... I wouldn’t be able to insult you like he does.” Vaughn knew that! He respected Ceries far too much, “but I can... try... to be bossy.”


As for his place? Vaughn didn’t think it was really up to him! It was clear that Brenton would use Ceries whenever he felt like it... and Vaughn wouldn’t always be there. He also never planned to be alone with Brenton. So what did that leave? Stolen moments and group sex at the whim of a mad man?

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Guest Kotorichan

Ceries gave him a sad smile. "Thank you Vaughn..." It made him happy to know just how much Vaughn was willing to do for him, but it broke his heart to know that they could never be happy together.


"If you ever decide that you can't do this anymore then I won't hold it against you..." He said softly. "You..." He took a shaky breath, not wanting to start crying again. "You deserve so much better than someone like me..."

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Someone like you?” Vaughn smiled. “Someone like you is amazing, Ceries.... and he might have given you a kink, but there’s nothing to say you wouldn’t have discovered it on your own. And there’s nothing wrong with someone like you. Or shall I start explaining all your good qualities?”


The shifter chuckled, holding up his fist. He opened one finger, “you’re absolutely beautiful.” Another finger, “you’re so kind of heart and generous.” Another finger. “You’re strong minded and quick witted. It’s never boring around you.” Another finger, “your laugh is amazing. A gift really.” His thumb was next, “I love you.”


“Shall I continue?” He smirked.

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Guest Kotorichan

"But isn't it strange that I..." Ceries trailed off, his eyes widening when Vaughn started to list compliments. His face grew red and his wings fluffed up in embarrassment.

"V-Vaughn..." He whimpered, covering his face with his hands. "You're too kind to me..."

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Guest syaoran-puu

Vaughn smirked, “clearly you just need me to continue.” Okay, maybe he liked teasing him. He held up his other hand, much as before he started to list off things that were great about Ceries. “You’re magnanimous and kind, you always try to help those around you. You care about the kingdom and your people. You’re willing to sacrifice your own happiness and life for their safety.” He smiled gently, two fingers up. Vaughn put up a third, “I’ve never met anyone with as much determination as you.” Another finger, “you’re creative and smart. You could literally fly circles around some of the idiots we have at court.” He shrugged, holding his thumb up last. Ten fingers proudly on display, “you’ve never treated me as worthless despite my status being lower than yours. You e earned my loyalty and devotion long ago, Ceries.”


He chuckled and lowered his hands, “so no. It doesn’t matter that you like it... a little rougher.”

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Guest Kotorichan

"Vaughn..." Ceries whined again. "Y-you just think too highly of me..."

He hesitated for a moment before rising to his feet and shutting the curtains. He lightly bit his lip before sitting down on the Vaughn's lap and hugging him tightly. "Thank you though..." He gave the man a shy smile, his face still bright red.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Vaughn was surprised when Ceries came to hug him, sitting on his lap. This was new. Still, he wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled him. “Do you like a little softness too?” He needed to know if this stuff was okay too.


“And maybe I do. But I’ve also known you all of your life, Ceries.”

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Guest Kotorichan

Ceries thought about the question for a moment. "I don't know exactly what I like..." He finally said. "I'm still so new to this kind of thing..." He nuzzled into the man's chest.


"I like when you're gentle and kind to me, it makes me feel happy and loved... I think that it just isn't..." He trailed off, his cheeks flushing even more. "It isn't e-exciting..." He hoped that Vaughn would understand what he meant.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Vaughn pet him gently. “I understand.” He realised this must be hard for Ceries to admit. “I won’t ever be.... him.” It simply wasn’t in his blood to treat others like that. “....but I can try to be more dominant with you. To help you be excited. To keep you guessing and feeling you can just let go of your control.” He smiled softly, though his eyes spoke of an uncertainty he couldn’t name. “Deal?”

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Guest Kotorichan

"I don't want you to be him." Ceries said quickly, looking up at Vaughn. "So... Please don't think that you have to be like him."

He smiled shyly. "If you don't mind trying that..." He rested his head on the man's shoulder. "Please tell me if there is anything I can do to make you happy... I know that I'm rather limited, but I don't want to just constantly take from you."

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Guest syaoran-puu

Vaughn let his hand rest on the man’s wing, he stroked softly and realised there was only one thing he wanted. “Just... be honest with me. Okay? Tell me if there’s something you like, don’t like or are just unsure of. Don’t pretend or try to act like it’s great if it’s not.”


He chuckled gently, “and maybe... don’t have me on duty all the time if you’re going to parade Brenton on your arm or dance with him at diplomatic parties. I won’t be able to keep the expression off my face....” though he was wondering if it would be more lust than disgust.


“Do you.... like watching him boss me around too?” Vaughn asked, more curious than anything else.

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Guest Kotorichan

"I'll do my best to tell you..." Ceries murmured. "It's still hard to talk about these things, but hopefully I'll get used to it soon..."

He frowned at the mention of being with Brenton publicly, it was very strange to think about doing that sort of thing. "I'll try not to make you witness that sort of thing... But there may be times you have to be there... I'm sorry..." It would seem strange if his personal guard was never by his side during public appearances.

He paused at the next question, he hadn't really thought about that. "I... I don't like seeing you upset, or hurt... And I don't like seeing him treat you like you're somehow lesser... So I don't like it when he orders you around during the day..." He hid his face in Vaughn's chest. "But... I may have liked having you there last night and this morning..." He admitted, his voice small and nervous.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“I know. I’m not asking all of the time... I don’t care if I’m on duty but.... around the grounds or on an entrance....” he’d still least get a moment to breath. “Either way... if you need me there beside you, I will always be there.”


Vaughn has promised Ceries that when he’d taken the position. That wasn’t about to change now! Even if it was harder under current circumstances.


At first Vaughn misunderstood, assuming that meant Ceries hadn’t liked his presence in the bedroom with him and Brenton. Until the Prince blushed and clarified. “Oh...” he blushed too. Unable to stop the reaction under Ceries shyness. “I... I liked it too, Ceries. Far more than I ever thought I would.” He admits softly.

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Guest Kotorichan

"Thank you..." Ceries murmured, closing his eyes for a moment. He felt so happy and safe in Vaughn's arms.


He blinked up at the man when he admitted to enjoying it. "You did..?" He hesitated for a moment. "Then..." He looked away shyly. "Would you want to do that sort of thing again...?"

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Guest syaoran-puu

Vaughn looked at him and smirked, “after everything. Do you still feel like you have to ask?” He chuckled.


Slowly he nodded, “I know you said it was only your body reacting that way... but honestly? Watching you get so into it.... was pretty hot. Especially when you came....”

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Guest Kotorichan

"I don't want to force you into anything..." Ceries murmured. "You weren't the one to agree to this..."


He let out an embarrassed whimper at the man's words, his wings fluffing up. "Vaughn..."

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