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(Private RP) Mission of Fate <<M-jow & syaoran-puu>>

Guest syaoran-puu

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Guest syaoran-puu

Watching his reactions... he couldn’t help but be enthralled. Callon sounded so genuine! So honest! Like he was really into it and not just pretending. And dang it! That made him so hot! He wanted it so much!


“Yeah.... that’s it....” he purred, “just let me make you feel good.”


With reluctance he let Callon move, mostly because it would mean more! And more sounded amazing right now.


He teased lightly until Callon brought a bottle to his attention. Finthir nodded. “Yeah. That’s it.” He took the bottle. Looking at Callon a moment. He leaned in and kissed him, deep and passionate, wanting him to lose himself to their coupling and not his nerves.


Without talking, he stroked his hands down Callon’s body before shifting position and pulling his trousers and underwear down until he ware bare. “Trust me.” He winked. “I’ll make sure you enjoy this too.” Fin couldn’t promise no pain, but he’d make as minimal as he could!


Kissing down Callon’s body he settled between the guys legs. Popping the lid off his scented oil he poured it over one of his hands before moving a finger to probe lightly at his hole. As his hand began to work, Finthir took Callon’s member into his mouth, sucking eagerly on the mushroom head.


His finger pushed inside, sinking deeper until it was completely buried. Hooking it he tried to find his prostate as his mouth began to bob up and down on Callon’s hard cock.

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Callon lifted his hips to help Fin, as he pulled his pants off. His warm skin was expose to the night air. Callon shivered again as he felt Finthir push his way between his thighs. Finthir's hands felt a bit colder and Callon studerede nervously.

His heart was pounding in his ear.

Fin's voice caught his attention back to him so Callon had to look back at him. His heart fluttered when the elf winked down, maling Callon crack a smile.

"I thrust you" Callon said in a small soft voice as he got up on his elbows so he could get a better view.


When he heard the sound of the lid open he bite down on his bottom lip with his left fang, bracing himself for what was to come.

The cold and wet oil made his hips tense up for a sekund, but with a deep breath Callon calmed his mucles to relax as much as his body would.

A small whimper escaped him when he felt Fin caress his asshole with the same wet sensation.

He was both exited and nervous but he knew that Fin dispide his how much he wanted to be seated inside him would stop if he told him.

Callon was scared but more in a 'I don't know how this might go' kinda way.

And all while he was exited for finally trying it out.


The elf's eyes widden when he saw what the other was upto as he and held a hand infront of his mouth when Fin placed the first lick on the crown of his cock.

"Mnh.." Callon bite down on his finger as he watched the nauty display.

Fin's mouth felt so wonderful and warm that it was tourturing the way Finthir was teasing him. It lead his mind off things and made him more relaxed for when Fin entered his finger.

"Ah!" Callon was startled as he groaned uncomfortable at the weird feeling he felt from behind.

When the other hooked his finger and started to wiggle it around, Callon couldn't keep himself steady on his elbows and fell back as he was being pleasuring from above and touched from below.

When Fin 's knogle suddenly pushed up against a spot. Callon's hips jerked up suprised.

"What the??" Callon blushed as his voice became higher.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Finthir smiled as the other moved his hips to help and said he trusted him. “I’m glad.” He hummed gently.


Leaning in he kissed Callon once more. His heart feeling rather giddy by everything. Where they really going to go all the way on the forest floor? And yet.... it felt perfect some how.


It was only when he bit his lip like this that he realised Callon had small fangs. Strangely adorable. But he’d never known any elf with fangs before, even small ones.


Fin enjoyed getting a reaction from the other. Enjoyed the way he looked and moved and played. Callon was... sexy. Fin wanted more, so much more.


When the other grew surprised at the pleasure he couldn’t help but grin. “It’s your prostate. Your pleasure spot. Do you like it?” He asked as he pressed it again.


He liked this part. The play. There was something that made it easier to connect to the other in moments like this.


Fin slowly slid a second finger inside him. Stilling carefully to avoid hurting him. Slowly his scissored his fingers.



I’m back at work full time again, sorry for the slower replies.


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"I didn't know guys had one" callon blushed as Fin hit that spot again and made the elf moan once more.

"Ah~" Callon's body trembled as it tired to get use to the intens pleasure.

His skin was growing hot and bukning where the other touched him.

He wanted to cum.. fuck he wanted to cum so bad it was scary.

Callon voice caught in his throat as he felt Fin split his finger apart inside of him and whinced as his cock was leaking pre-cum aginst his stomach.

"How much more?.. "the dark elf's voice was shaking as he asked.

"I'm gonna go creazy.. I wanna cum"



Its okay, we all have to work don't we >v0

I'm just sick and getting tested for cv19. My boss told me to say away until I got the answers back so yeah


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Guest syaoran-puu

Finthir smiled at that, “well, they do. I hear it feels good.” He’d never had anything up his arse so didn’t know.


“I don’t want to hurt you,” he admits, Fin had no desire to rush. “I was thinking another two fingers. Just to be sure.” He watched him a moment. Leaning in he kissed his stomach and then smiled at him before licking his cock.


“You should cum if you want.” He hummed. “I’ll try and ensure you’ll get a second later too.” He winked playfully.


Fin took the man’s cock in his mouth, sucking and licking and playing as his fingers worked inside him.



At least you’re getting tested? They’ve decided that teachers here don’t need testing as we’re “not at risk”. What a load of rubbish!


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"..maybe it does.." callon whispered under his breath, looking beetle red in the face as he tried not to admit it.

But at least now he knew another thing. Either Fin had bad sex in the past or, he had never tried it himself. Maybe he were to remember that to a later date.


Callon looked back at the other when he said that, he didn't want to hurt him. But god damn it, two more fingers! His hole couldn't streche that far. F###! Just how big are you? It's not that painful.. but still.." he bite his lip as he felt Finthir's warm lips on his stomach.

'That cocky bastard.' Callon cursor the guy as he watch him smirk cocky down ln him.

But he wasn't mad at Fin, all it took was for that cocky mouth to be back where he needed it.

"Oh oh, f###ing hell" callon cried out as Fin worked his skills on his body.


Callon's head tilmed back and he was grapping into the pat so tightly that it was on the blink of ripping.

He was sweating as he felt his balle pull up into his body. And then Fin had to push that button in him that send pre-cum flying like a rocket. Only this time he lifted his hips off the pat to sway his hips.

He wanted his covk deeper down Fin's throat but at the same time he rod the elf's fingers without realizing it himself.



Yeay it's negativ I don't have cv19.. just influenza :p. But yeah that sounds so wrong I mean as a teacher you meet many people each Day because that's what your job is, to teach. Although it Also would make sense if you guys were just screening like we do here. (Good thing I'm not i school now)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Finthir has never tried it. The idea of anyone touching him there always freaked him out. Not fair considering he had done this to others and was planning to do more to Callon too! It wasn’t as if anyone had tried... but Fin had always dated bottoms only before, he actually didn’t know where Callon stood on that. This was all new to the man.


“Big enough.” Fin winked. He reached for Callon’s hand and guided it to his cock. “What do you think?” It was strange talking about this. 


Fin wasted no time in using his mouth to distract Callon as he worked him over. He loved his reaction when he erupted, as if he was torn between the heat of his mouth or the pleasure of his fingers. He wanted him to feel it. To feel good. There were currently four fingers within the other elf, working inside him happily. 


Fin swallowed as much as he could before he finally released the man and sat up. He licked his lips. That cocky grin in place as he smirked at Callon. “Tasty.” He winked. He slipped his fingers free and rubbed them over his cock to work the oil into the hard length. “Ready to try more?” If Callon was done.... well, Fin would be left with blue balls but he’d respect that.

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Callon's fingers lossened their grip as Finthir redrew his fingers from his body.

His insides throbbed plesantly but now he felt expose and open. His body missed Finthir's fingers to fill out the emty space.

Callon put his hand up over his face as his chest moved with every deep breath. He was still riding the wave after his release and the nice tingling in his crotch. 

He spread his fingers enough to peek out and watch Fin stroke himself.


'Damn..' Callon had thought as the other had made him touch it before.

He had no idea how the guy could pack such a weapon in his pants.

Finthir was longe and thicker that any he had seen up till now. Callon was long but not at thick and his crown didn't turn as angry red like Fin's did.

He caught Fin eyeing him as he touched himself and for a monent their eyes meet again.


"Ready to try more?" Fin asked.

Callon looked from the person's face then back down his body.

He took in a big gulp of air before he carefully turned onto his stomack.

At least he knew that doing it from behind as a lot easier for the women he had fucked in the past.

"I can take more" callon answered shyly as he looked over his shoulder.

"Just.. be gentle" the knight's whispered as he tried to spread his butt cheeks with a hand.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Do you still wanna do this rp

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I'm just asking causeri lots of my partners are quiting this forum

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Finthir saw the way Callon reacted, it was clear the other elf was nervous.

He shifted forward, cock sliding between the guys legs to bump against his balls as he leaned over his back. “Cal.... we don’t have to do anything or rush....” he wasn’t trying to pressure or force the man.

Even if his cock dribbled precum and he longed to slide home into that tight, hot heat!

He kissed Callon’s neck. “We can wait.” He promised, even as he rocked his hips, cock sliding and rubbing against his balls.

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Callon was kind expecting pain when he felt the other touch him again. Only he missed his mark and instead rubbed his cock in between Callon's thighs.  His boby lossened more up as he felt him grinding up against Callon's member.

He bite down a moan before answering ."I can do it."Callon's face was so flushed with embarrassment as he said it.

"Please Finthir. I want to"

Not to say he wouldn't even be able to not think about it tomorrow no matter the outcome. But his body was so hard with exitment that he doubed he would even be able to fall asleep like that.

Callon closed his thighs around Finthir's dick so it was tightly rubbing against him.

"Don't you?" He asked teasing as he moved his hips for him.


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Finthir was having a harder time right now! He was having a tricky moment to actually think! His brain power seemed to be somewhere else entirely right now!

He peppered Callon with more kisses along his back and neck. Hearing his partner say he wanted this was a strong aphrodisiac! One Fin couldn’t refuse.

He chuckled as the other teased him and rocked back. “You have no idea how bloody sexy that is!” 

Slowly he pulled away enough to take himself in hand and lined up against Cal’s sweet hole.

His eyes were memorised and eager as he watched the muscle slowly open and give way as he pushed inside. Part of Fin want to slam home but he made himself slow down, let Callon adjust to the invasion. When the mushroom head and some of his length were safely nestled inside he moaned softly and hummed gently at the need. Fin panted softly, forcing control for the tight heat that surrounded him. “Tell me when I can move.”



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Callon started breathing harder when he felt the other gently push into him.

"Ah..nnh" the knight grunted as he tried his best not to tense up. 

It was completly driffrent compared to how Finthir's fingers had felt. His mucles were streched far out and it burned as the head worked its way pass his ring.

Callon braced himself on the sleeping pat. If felt so strange to be on the receiving end. But not enough to calm his rock hard cock.

His entire lower body were throbbing with excitment and aside from the uncomfortableness, it wasn't just painful.


"G-ods!" Callon gasped out, suprised once the ring muscle swallowed the last bit of Fin's mushroom.

The knight leaned down so his chest lay down on the pat but with his hips still up.

How the he could something feel so fucking hot! He could feel Fin's heat go through him and felt the pulse of blood throbbing inside him.

Callon was still just barely hanging on to his sanity when he heard Finthir's voice again.

The knight swallowed once before replying so his voice wouldn't stutter. 

"You can" Callon said trying to sound unfased. But the moment Finthir moved Callon gasped out as soft little high piched voice. On Callon had never thought he could have made.


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Callon was sexy. His body so tight despite the stretching he’d given him.

Fin’s body felt electric and highly strung as he sunk deeper into the others body. “Shit.... you feel so good.” He moaned.

Since Callon had lowered his body already, Fin moved a hand to stroke down the others back before holding onto his shoulder. “Not sure how long I can resist really going for it.” He admits and then chuckled a moment as he kissed his back. Jolting forward you sink even deeper with a moan.

Fin didn’t want to hurt Callon. He wanted them both to have fun! Reaching around he grabbed the others dick and teased it as he slowly pulled back so he was nearly free before slamming home once more.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Callon's body shivered as he felt Fin lean over him. His breath and longe smooth hair tickled along Callon's back. Callon's breath studdered as Finthir's warm lips pressed again his neck.

The knight was so observative with how Fin's mouth felt on his back as the male manhood sank deeper into him.

"Mn! It tickles ah" he stammered though it wasn't the only thing he felt.

Callon only registrate Finthir had one free hand once it wrapped those slender fingers around his cock.

The knight's hips jerked surprised  pushing himself back on fin with a sinful moan.

"Ah no if you touch ~I'll cum too soon--mnnh" he protested. But his words were cut off when Fin moved his hips back to only leave his tip at Callon's entrance. And slamed the entire thing back in.

Callon's toes curled as he cried out from the intense chok of force and pleasur.

He looked back over his shoulder to meet the handsome elve's ice blue eyes.
His skin shivered, feeling as if those clear eyes penetrated him. Fin was a gorgeous sight to behold.
The man's long white hair framed his face perfectly in the soft warm light from the fire. Shadows made the mage's muscles stand out and his features even seemed to stand out more from this view.

"I can take it" callon said after a minut and he changed his position a bit.
"But I wanna see you" his voice were small and soft. As he shyly looked at the other again.
He wanted to see the person whom fucked him but at the same time he was afraid Finthir might not want him to.

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  • 3 weeks later...

“Tickles?” Finn couldn’t help but grin. “Not sure that’s something I usually hear.” He teased... and yet? It felt appropriate. It wasn’t like anything between them was... to plan or expected!

“Oh you should move like that more.” He moaned out at the way the others body had jerked back when Finn’s fingers touched his cock. Delicious and lovely! He had always enjoyed sex. What wasn’t to love! The hot squeeze. The delicious heat. The noises. It was fuel for the ego and soul!

It helped that Callon felt amazing too! He smiled down at the man when he turned to look at him. The request caught him by surprise but he nodded. Sitting up and slipping to give Callon room. Of course, the motion made him moan. He wanted more of that delicious friction. “Turn over then. Before I lose control and just rut you like a wild animal.” He half teased. There was a shimmer to his eyes as if magic and power bubbles to the surface.

Seeing his partner wasn’t something he did often... mostly because he found it easier holding his partners hips from behind... but he was willing to indulge Callon.... and maybe, just maybe, he wanted to see him too.


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Callon studdered as Fin withdrew from him to give him space.

He moved over on his back and nippled at his lip as he looked up at the mage.

The man looked so fucking gorgeous and for not to say powerful as he towered above him.

Normaly Callon didn't face many of his bed partners.  But that had more to do with the fact that he only had it easy pretending they were someone else. Not because he didn't want to lay face to face in a hot embrace..


He suddenly realizing now that he was able to see it all. Everthing right down to were his spread legs were openly exposed to Finthir's view. And the hard cock just inches away to get back inside him.

He wanted it back in. His ass felt some what emty when Fin had pulled back. His feelings fir wanting to bed and not to were fighting around in his head as he reached down between his own legs yo slowly stroke himself. He was doing it to tease the teasing little mager. Tjen he bent his knees around Finthir and pulled him closer.

"You can do what ever you want, pretty. Just as long as you can make me cum. Now enough waiting" callon said and grabbed Finthir's dick in his hand. He stroke him and ran his thumb down the staff. It was jumping happily and hard into his hand. Like there were a drumplayer playin on the other side of the wall.

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The way Callon nibbled his lip was so submissive and twink like that he could almost imagine the man all cute and small. Except, he wasn’t. Nearly matching in size and with far more muscles than Finthir usually favoured. And yet? He liked them. Eyes scanning over those rippling muscles a moment he wondered how he’d ever go back! He might have found a new preference!

He looked down too. Grinning at Callon when the expression on the knights face gave him away. “Don’t worry. You already know you can take all of me.” He praised, stroking the guys hip reassuringly.

Pretty? Fin grinned. “You think I’m pretty?” He teased, moaning at the others hand upon him.... lining him up.... Fin pushed forward and slammed home inside the other once more. “You should be careful of making that offer. A man could take advantage of you.” He winked. His emotions were a mess right now.... and the ends of his hair looked like frost was forming.

He placed a hand on the others chest a moment, stroking down to his cock. “Don’t worry. I’ll make you cum.” He smirked mischievously. “Maybe I’ll even train your body to cum untouched. To cum just from anal penetration.” What a sexy fucking thought!

Licking his lips, Fin leaned down and kissed him as he moved his hips back and forth, his throbbing hard member pulsing inside the other as the sensation sung through the delicate and sensitive flesh. “Amazing.” He grunted against Callon’s lips. “You feel amazing!”

Desire spiked the first shifted until his whole head of hair looked almost white and snow kissed.

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23 hours ago, syaoran-puu said:

“You think I’m pretty?”

Callon could hear in the male's tone that he wa teasing him but still Callon nodded.

He had grown up with elves all with pure white skin and knew the beautiful they possesed. Men and woman both had this shared beauty about them and yet some even among them stood out to Callon's tast more that other. Finthir was one of those he would think off when he would jerk himself off before bed. Or in the early morning to calm his morning erection.

Callon had always hated his own skin colour. The only light skin he had were the small old wounds on his body here and there.


Callon was thrown back to reality as Finthir's cock penetrated him all the way in with one shift thrust.

"Oh f###ing Gods!.. Ah" callon cursed as his body was filled again. And this time he could see it to.

Embarressed callon lifted his eyes and looked away. It was even tougher now. He could feel the man press up against other things compared to before.

When Fin moved. Callon could swear that he saw stares befor his eyes and moaned as their hips slam together.

When Fin starting talking about other ways to make him cum. Callon seemed a little fearful.

"Ah no! I can't come like that.. uh.. ih!" Hos voice grew higher. Just imagining somehow made him horny enough to start leaking  from his tip.

He was do closed to blow his load Just like that and it didn't help Fin kept slapping his hand away when he tried to strok himself.

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When suddenly Finthir hit that deep part of his that made Callon's hips thrust up. Callon jerked his head back and grapped onto Fin as sweet exotic moan and cries came out or the tough warrior.

His breath came out hot and heavy  and his hips moved by them selv.

The hotter Callon grew the colder Finthir became. The knight had no idea what was going on as high as he were on pleasur.

But he did get concerne when ice started to form over the mages face.

"Fin ah st.. stop y-you magic" he pushed himself up do so he was sitting upright in the other lap.

Callon's hands shivered as he placed them on each of Fin's cheeks. He wasn't shivering from the cold but simply from the close climax.

"Relax you are gonna turned into a snowman at this rate" he joked but only because he didn't know why the other was releasing magic.

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Finthir couldn’t deny loving and adoring and wanting all of this! Needing it! Desiring it! He wanted it so much. The hot tight squeeze. Those delicious moans. All of it. The fact that Callon thought him pretty was nice. “You’re beautiful too.” He said honestly. Meaning. There was something exotic about that darker skin that strangely appealed now he knew the man!

“Yes you can.” He hummed, kissing and nipping. “You can take it. Look at you! You’re doing so good. You’re so brave.” He lightly praised.

Despite Callon’s protests his body was more honest. Finthir let his fingers play with that leaking tip and swirled it a moment before pressing inside the slit lightly. “So wet for me.” He winked. “Looks like someone is greedy.” Fin bat away the others hand whenever it came near, he wanted to be the only one to ‘play’.... 

....of course he paused and frowned when the other sat up and clasped his face. Fin gently leaned into one of Callon’s hands. “What are you talking about?” He asked unaware of the frost that currently lingered to his hair and the edge of his face.

Closing the gap he stole a kiss. “Let’s finish what we started.”

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"W-ait..ah!" Callon tried to protest. But his body reacted so much to it when Fin thrusts ud into him.

Callon was biting his lip again as he looked at the frost.

At least it wasn't hurting Finthir. But the chill body was something weird to get use to.

"Please Fin.. I'm gonna.. can't I?" He moaned out fustated. He was so close but still needed some friction on his member to massage his liquor out.

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Finthir chuckled, leaning forward and kissing him. “I’ll take pity this once.” He teased. Fingers wrapping around the others cock as started to work his flesh as he encouraged the other to bounce on his lap.

He wasn’t concerned about whatever had worried Callon... not right now! Right now he just needed to finish what the started. The whole ice thing during sex was new to him.... then again, the ice seemed to have been unlocked by this bloody trip!

“You feel so good. Cum for me....” he smirked, kissing him deeply tongue playing before whispering against his lips; “can I cum inside you?” He wanted to check. Not everyone liked it....

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"Ah yess " callon moaned as his request finaly was granted. 

His hips jerked to the rhythm on Finthir's hand. The frost grew along Fin's arms and chest, but stopped as it reached to where Callon's warm skin touched his.

He would blow at any second now. His body tingled and the sound of their bodies slamping together were wet.

Callon's tongue started to feel nom and he could barely manage to breath.

He hummed and groan. Trying his best to keep up with the other. Normally Callon was a good kisser. But right now Finthir's skills were out doing him.

"Uh shit! Ah just.. don't pull out Ah!" Callon said breathless as his fingers dig into the mage's shoulders.

His body tensed and Callon squeezed his eyes closed as he suddenly got light headed. White dots danced behind his closed eyelids as he cried out. Thick white cum splashed up. Hitting both of their bodies like wripped cream.

"Ah.." Callon's body trembled as he ride the high wave and moaned out in small gasps.

He felt the moment Fin came. It felt like lava burning and flowing deeply inside his very being. He studdered and came a little again. His boby crashed down on Finthir as his strenght suddenly faited away.

"Can move~too spent" callon whispered tired. 

Event this fact that he was this exausted suprised Callon. Normally he could have gone at least one more time. But bottoming took a lot more out of him.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finthir couldn’t help but be completely lost and enamoured to the other man.  He couldn’t recall feeling like this with another; not that he would admit that.

“Then don’t move,” Fin winked down at him. Fingers moving down to the cum between them and scooping some up. He licked it from his fingers. “Delicious, you’re like a sweet wine.” He enjoyed the flavour.

He didn’t pull out, instead stroking down the others side almost tenderly. Icy coloured eyes wandered towards where they met as the ice slowly receded until Finthir appeared normal once more.

After a moment he slowly pulled out and flopped on the mat beside him, reaching and holding his hand. He didn’t speak right now, just let himself relax and enjoy the endorphins pinging endlessly around his body.

Eventually he glanced over at him, “so? How did I do?” He teased, not really needing an answer.

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