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(Private RP) Broken Strings <<mik3la & syaoran-puu>>

Guest syaoran-puu

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo had the same problem. He found his clothing from the previous night and started to redress. Rubbing his cock through the fabric. Think of unsexy things.... the Eiffel Tower.... dogs.... construction sights.... the Queen.... lightbulbs.... It worked a little.


“Are you wanting to drive us?” Leo called.

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Guest mik3la

He managed to get dressed but the pants were a little too tight around his crotch. come on....think of something tragic....accidents...toe hitting the door...anything


"I think that would be better to get my head back on track" he said smiling as he finished dressing.


"See you later buddy" he pat Bolt on the head, kissing his head and then led the way outside to his car. His crotch was starting to feel more comfortable.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo let his eyes wander over him. Landing on his crotch. He saw the hardness and just smirked. Not commenting as he buckled in. “Ready for all those awkward questions were about to endure!” He laughed.


He smiled and looked out the window a moment. Nerves were racing but he was glad to be in the car and moving at least.


“Afterwards. Do you want to go see the puppies?”

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Guest mik3la

"Ready just like you" he said smiling knowing that it will be very boring and awkward answering some of them. "I'll try to keep as much as possible away from them" he smirked, feeling his arousal going down.


"Are the puppies at the clinic already?" he asked with excitement.

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Guest syaoran-puu

The bane of preferring bareback sex! At least with Blake requesting time be.... exclusively casual, if that was a thing, he wouldn’t need to worry about others or the results changing any time soon! He just prayed it was all clear. There was always that horrible chance things were.... complicated.


“They’re at a kennel still. They can’t be moved just yet. But they’re adorable little things.” He chuckled happily. Glad for the moments distraction.


As they pulled up at the clinic he took a deep breath and frowned. The sight had his boner completely gone as he climbed out of the car and headed into the sterile place! At least they wouldn’t keep them waiting too long!

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Guest mik3la

"We'll are we allowed to see them?" he asked wanting to see them after the STI check up. He was interested in the puppies from the beginning, not just because it was a way to see Leo more, but he really loved puppies.


"Hope this thing will go quickly" he said looking at the clinic taking a deep breath. He hated doctors. He didn't liked needles, but he had too do some check ups from time to time.


"Let's go" he said smiling taking Leo's hand

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Yeah. If you’re with me they’ll let us go see them.” He smiled. “Their mum is such a soft sweetheart. I’d love to find her a proper forever home. She’s an old girl now though, they’re harder to place....” he frowned. That always felt wrong to them!


“Snap!” Leo chuckled. “Hopefully it will. This clinic is usually pretty good and discrete.” He offered. Not that he was exactly happy about it!


Leo squeezed his hand and walked in with him. Giving their names at the reception and then sitting down to wait. He couldn’t help but rest slightly against the others side as they waited. It was stupid to get nervous now considering he’d continued to practise unsafe sex with Blake...

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Guest mik3la

Sitting on the chair waiting wasn't something that he liked doing. He started to shake his leg on the floor. But when Leo leaned on him he relaxed, sighing. Leo did calm his nerves when he needed it.


"Blake Stone?" called a nurse making him almost jumping from his chair.


"God i hate hospitals" he mumbled standing up but before entering the room he turned and kissed the other very quickly winking at him, going inside the room with the nurse.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo chuckled at the quick kiss and looked over when he heard his name called by another nurse. “Leopoldo Fisher.”


Getting up he headed inside. Answering the questions he tried to be as relaxed as possible.


Thankfully it didn’t last long. Soon he was out and joining Blake at the exit. “Glad that’s over with.” He smiled shyly.

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Guest mik3la

For Blake it was like it lasted an eternity. The part where they took some samples of his blood was the worst for him but he tried to pictured Leo near him, leaning on him so he could relax.


Once he was out he waited for Leo which was out a few moments later. "Yeah...Glad that is over" he was a little pale.

i just want to get out of here

He started breathing hard.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Hey? You okay. You look rather pale.” Leo frowned, touching his forehead to check for a temperature. “Was it really that bad?” He felt a little guilty but getting tested really was for the best! He knew that Blake didn’t have bad news already, they had to wait for the results. So what was causing this reaction?


Wanting to distract him he leaned up and kissed him.

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Guest mik3la

He closed for a second his eyes as he kissed him, trying to gain his strength to be able to get out of there.

"I'm fine....just hating needles " he said after breaking the kiss taking deep breaths.

"I'll be alright once i'm out to fresh air" he added leaning to the wall behind him. "Do we still need something from here or can we go? he asked softly.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Ah I see.” He chuckled and gave him a short hug. “For what it’s worth? You did really well.” He smiled at him.


With a light chuckle Leo nodded, “let’s go. Nothing else to do today!”


As they walked away. “Did you get the safe sex talk too?” He smiled. “Pretty sure I went bright red in front of the woman! How could I not!” Leo laughed, he was trying to make light of it all and cheer the other man up.


“Do you know the Green Fields Kennel? That’s were we need to go to see the puppies.” He offered.

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Guest mik3la

Once he was outside he took deep breath managing to get some little color in his cheeks feeling it much better. He really hatted needles and all that came along with it.


He laughed hearing the other about what the nurse had asked him and all. "Guess she thought we were still rockies" he said after chilling himself a little more. He was starting to feel better.


"Green Fields Kennel? No.... But we got technology" he said walking to his car. "We got GPS" he smiled amused by his little joke, feeling much better.

we're going to see the puppies....can wait to see those little ones....maybe i can make an idea and tell the others to start asking so that when they'll be at the clinic they would be right away taken

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Guest syaoran-puu

“She’s just doing her job, and maybe we are acting like rookies. We should be using condoms until we’re both given the all clear.” Leo had known that all, it was just.... he lost himself in Blake and it felt so good! “Pity I’m developing a fetish for feeling your cum dribbling out of my slutty hole.” He chuckled nervously. Leo couldn’t believe he was admitting that out loud!


Leo chuckled at his job. Giving him the postcode.


He climbed in, strapped up and reached to squeeze his knee. “Thank you. For agreeing to come up the clinic with me.” He hadn’t realised that it would take so much out of Blake.

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Guest mik3la

"In that case i'm glad i've meat your expectations and made you feel that good" he purred as they got in the car smiling.


Taking another deep breath he spoke as he drove. "It had to be done. I understand it, its just ....i don't like needles and the smell of human clinics" he said tensing a little.

cannot let my past get to me again .... that was then, now is now...


Making turns right and left fallowing the gps he tried to check the district. It was close to downtown.


"I will not like to not feeling you directly wrapped around me. Even if its kind of late to use condoms after we did so many things together" he said watering his lips.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “I think that’s safe to confirm.” He winked. “No complains here. You’re great in bed.” Leo meant it too.


Another switch that seemed to like the same things he did? What wasn’t there to like!? To.... love even.


“We have two options then. We stop having sex until the results come back or we carry on and pray for the best?” He offered. Maybe it was too late to undo anything if Leo it Blake hadn’t been clean?


Needing something else to focus on he smirked and looked over, teasing eyes in place. “So. You want to fuck me in the movie theatre? We can try make that a reality after the kennel if you want? My treat. Your cock.” His hole squeezed tight at the thought.

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Guest mik3la

He was almost about to pull the car to the side of the road when Leo made the offer of fucking him in the movie theater. his treat...my cock...Jesus fucking Christ you're going to kill me

He took a deep breath being careful on the road ahead, blinking a few times to rewind what the other said. His arousal from home was starting to get back to him. fuck .... not now...i cannot go like this in the kennel and see the puppies...calm down


"Even if you are a tease...i see you cannot stay away from me in that matter...so i'll chose option number two" he said stopping at a red light leaning closer to Leo. "Fuck you would be more much pleasurable than wait" he said kissing him passionately squeezing his inner thigh.


"But for now, lets play nice shall we" he said looking him in the eyes smirking. "I have to see some puppies, not wondering around a kennel with a boner cause i don't want to be arrested" he said turning to driving. "Although the thought of being handcuff do sounds a little appealing" he mumbled lightly, smirking.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo chuckled at the slight swerve. Oops! Maybe he shouldn’t talk about this while Blake was driving! But it was an honest offer.


When they stopped at the red light he grinned over at the man. “True. I like your cock too much to go without it for two weeks. Even if that is the sensible thing for both of us!” He purred.


Leo laughed at that, “not the type of bone the dogs like.” He winked.


He looked down at the guys crotch. “I could always suck you off while you drive the rest of the way there? Just try not to kill us.” He winked. Not moving without permission.

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Guest mik3la
“True. I like your cock too much to go without it for two weeks. Even if that is the sensible thing for both of us!” He purred.

That wasn't helping him at all with the problem that was happening now in his pants. This guy just loved to tease him that much knowing very well what kind of effect he had upon him.


“not the type of bone the dogs like.”


He burst laughing. decently not the kind of bone they like.


“I could always suck you off while you drive the rest of the way there? Just try not to kill us.”


That took him by surprised and looked at him swallowing hard. Only the image of him sucking him while driving made his cock twitch. damn it....not helping at all


He turned his gaze back to the road trying to think about it. But what was there to think about. His cock was already made up his mind wanted the attention that the other offered.


"Then buckle out and bend over here" he said in a low guttural voice, couldn't keep it together much longer. "Let me feel that mouth of your working" he smirked devilish as he was unzipping the pants, taking his hard cock out, holding both hands on the steering-wheel waiting.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo smirked, doing just that as he shuffled into his position as he licked the others head.


Wasting no time he took all of him into his mouth and started bobbing his head. He wanted to make Blake cum before they arrived! It was his new mission!


He pulled out several tricks. Tongue in the slit, cheeks sucking tight, deep throating. Anything to get what he wanted!

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Guest mik3la

"Jesus fuck!"

Blake groan in pure pleasure as he grabbed the steering-wheel harder in his hands. how the hell does he do that??

"Ngh....fuck.." at that rate he was going to cum in just seconds.

It was getting harder to concentrate so he lowered the speed of the car, in the lower limit of driving. Taking a deep breath he placed his hand in Leo's hair brushing it slowly.

"Fuck yeah...mmnn" he groan biting his lip as he leaned in his chair, keeping himself as much focused on the road as he could.

"Ngh...almost there baby...thats it...ngh...take it all in" he growled feeling his body shuddering with his twist of his tongue and suck around him.


His grip in Leo's hair tightened as he was close to cum. "Fuck!" he tried to keep the car steady, which he managed but it was hard feeling his body shudder with pleasure as the hot waves of climax were reaching his very core.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo kept going. Eager to taste everything, to feel everything!


He could feel all the small movements in the car as it shifted slightly when Blake lost control. It made Leo smile that he had done this! He was the cause! He was the one bringing Blake so much pleasure. “Jwjdt cuwm!” (just cum) he tried to say around a mouthful of cock.


Redoubling his efforts until he felt the tightening of Blake’s grip around his hair and grunted as he sucked and swallowed.

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Guest mik3la

His body shuddered as he climax in Leo's mouth, holding his head firmly down, closing for a split second his eyes groaning in pleasure. fuck this feels good


Resting his hand back on the steering-wheel he tried to drive but his legs were feeling a little numb. Still on the track, no accident made, they finally reach the destination. just in time


He rested his forehead on the steering-wheel, finally being able to relax and catch his breath. "You're killing me....ha...you know that?" he said looking at Leo breathless.


His muscles were starting to relax as he drove practically half the road super tense and on the edge of making a car accident if he wouldn't had payed attention.


"You're going to make me insatiable of you" he said catching Leos chin between his fingers pulling him closer and kissing those lips that were around his cock just a few seconds ago. He could still feel his cum taste but he didn't cared. "But i guess i'm already insatiable of you" he whispered brushing his lips of his.


"Let's go see those puppies because i really wanna fuck you after in that theater" he said in a low seductive voice, giving him another soft kiss and zipping his pants. He was ready and gentleman looking.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo didn’t comment. He just smiled knowingly and kissed Blake back.


It wasn’t until the other said they should go see puppies then have sex in the theatre that he spoke.


Licking his lips he beamed wide, “yes please.” Hopping out of the car he adjusted himself so his hardness wasn’t too obvious and covered by his untucked shirt before heading inside.


What was it about Blake that made him so hot and heavy and needy all the time?


Heading inside he was instantly recognised.


“Leo!” An older lady smiled at him. “Wasn’t expect you today, dearie.”


“I know. Sorry. I just wanted to bring my friend to see the puppies. He’s going to be helping to rehome them do I figured seeing them would help.” Leo grinned.


“Nothing to do with the fact you want one yourself and love puppies?” She laughed. Suspecting Leo would have a lack of dogs if he let himself give in.


“Not this time Gladys. Sorry.” He chuckled and headed to the back and the kennels with Blake.

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