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(Private RP) Broken Strings <<mik3la & syaoran-puu>>

Guest syaoran-puu

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo chuckled and wrapped his legs around Blake. Holding him tight and taking everything he had to give.


He wrapped his arms around him. Panting as he was fucked with such vigour. “Ah! Babe. You feel. Oh gods! So good!” He praised. His body open and wanton. His breathing panted and sultry. “Fuck me so hard you explode. I want to be brimming with your cum. Fill me up.”

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Guest mik3la

Leo didn't needed to say more cause his body did as it was told. With a few more hard thrusts he climax so hard that some of the cum was spreading outside his hole, around his cock which was still pulsating like crazy as it was finally able to cum.


He hold his hands on the sofa, leaning in to kiss the others lips one more time feeling his body a little nub. Being stopped from cumming really did an interesting trick on his body and was amazing.


"You're too full now that my cum is leaking out a bit" he said looking at his hole and how his cum was leaking out all around his cock that was still in. The bend to take the plug and as he slipped out he pushed quickly the plug in, not wanting to let anymore cum leak out. "You'll have to be careful with this" he said kissing his thigh smirking.


"Let's get dressed before the others set us missing" he said winking at him , keeping his smirk on his face as he was dressing up, feeling a little strange with the cum inside him.




"I'd love some tea and some brownies. Cake is too much for me to eat at this hour" he said making strange faces at the idea. "Do you think they have brownies?" he asked looking at Mike holding his hand. "I feel for something sweet and not a regular breakfast" he shrugged smiling.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Never too full.” He purred. “My body can Always take more.” His knew his body would slowly break down and absorb the guys cum if it was left their long enough. “Just the leakage from such a slutty, sloppy hole. How ever will you cope?” He teased. “Since I’m so greedy and want all you’ve got.”


Leo moaned as the plug was pushed back in. Was it so bad that he wanted more?


Blake was fast turning into an addition!


Reluctantly he nodded and ran up stairs for a different type of shorts. The material more rigid so his hardness wouldn’t be as obvious. He soon returned fully dressed and slapped Blake’s arse. “Ready to go?”


“Shall we make a wager? If you can cum in me at least ten, or more, times before we leave the zoo then you get to decide what you want to do for me for the next two days. If not? Then I get to dominate you all day tomorrow and we’re not leaving my bed.”


He grabbed his bag.




“We already ate breakfast. This is more a snack. Sure they do have brownies? If not we’ll get you something else sweet.” Mike winked, heading to the counter. “Oh. A coffee and a slice of mandarine cheese cake for me. Do you have brownies?” The woman nodded so Mike ordered for Rick too and paid.

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Guest mik3la

His arse flinched at the slap he received but smiled at the others suggestions.

"Why do both of them sound so appealing" he purred kissing the back of his neck as they were heading outside to his car.

"And in both of them we will both feel good" he said winking getting in his car and start driving.


The plug felt a little awkward as he sat down, not believing how poker face the other was till now. "It is kind of tempting to leave you longing for my and just not reach that 'ten times cum' just to let you dominate my whore arse" he purred feeling his hole twitch around the plug which gave him a tickling sensation.




"You really need to get used to me" he said laughing turning to look at Mike. "I love food, so you will see a lot of me eating a lot" he added laughing sitting at the table waiting for him with their order.


"Do you think those two got back together?" he asked about Blake and Leo when Mike was back at the table with the order, being supper happy that they had it for sale. It worked just better than anything else.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo laughed. “My goal will be to entice ten out of you then. To act like the little slut I am.” He winked. “You could always tell me to dominate you as part of your prize. Win. Win.” Leo laughed.


He smirked at the look on Blake’s face. “The plug feels weird doesn’t it? You get used to it.” He promised. Leo was at least!




“Oh? Is that so. Planning to stick around?” Mike teased.


He shrugged. “Who knows. Not convinced it’s healthy for Blake.”

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Guest mik3la

"Yeah ... it feels weird and good at the same time" he said smiling reaching the zoo and parking the care.

"But i like the win win idea" he winked taking his hand dragging him to the entrance paying for them to get in calling Mike to find out where he was.




"Yeah ... you kind of seem hopeless without me around you" he purred teasing him as he drank from his coffee seeing the light on his phone.

"Speaking of the devil" he said pointing that Blake was calling him.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo looked at their hands then realised something. “They’re going to figure out we’re sleeping together.” He looked up at Blake. “I’m not sure we can keep it a secret and.... play our game.” He admits. Blushing softly.


Was he okay with that? Leo wasn’t sure....




“Hopeless?” Mike laughed. Only to shake his head. “Anyone else and I might have thumped them!” He winked.


He sighed and picked up the phone. “Hey man. We’re just grabbing a drink. We’ll meet you there soon. Start without us? I picked Rick up.”

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Guest mik3la

He made a 'shh' sign as Miked had piked the phone.

"Alright man. We're already here. Call me when you guys get inside so that we can meet up" he said before hanging up and return to Leo, pulling him closer in his embrace smiling.


"Mike picked Rick up and they eat at a dinner nearby so we have some time alone" he lifted his chin and kissed him passionately.


"Where do you wanna go first?" he was still holding him in his arms not letting him go.




"Picked me up? That's a good cover up" he teased and laughed eating his cupcake and drinking coffee. The combination was just amazing. Like an orgasm in his mouth, making him moan softly, liking his lips.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Oh shush! What was I going to say?” Mike quirked a brow and leaned in. “Just let Rick fuck away the last of my virginity and now my sore arse and I are having cake before we come meet you and pretend nothings changed?” He smirked. “Picked up you was better.”


He started eating the food the moment it arrived. Delicious!




Leo instantly shut up... but was Blake listening? He wasn’t sure.


He let Blake hug him and hold him. It was hard to deny him. Placing a hand on Blake’s chest he had two choices. Go with this. Or argue. He didn’t want to fight. Blake took everything to hard... Leo realised it was because the guy cared.


“What about the elephants? They’re near the entrance.”

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Guest mik3la

He nodded taking his hand and walking towards the elefants after he checked the map to find out where the elefants where placed.


"If we cannot do our game then we will act as if nothing is between us" he said shortly knowing he still had to answer him and looked at their hands.


"If you want and feel uncomfortable that i am holding your hand, i can stop it" he said leaving his hands free keeping walking towards the elefant.




"Hei ..." he said laughing slapping gently on his arm. "I couldn't helped it. You were to delicious" he winked licking his lips teasing him further.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo looked over at Blake. The guy was giving him the choice? Nate wasn’t going to be there to give him cryptic warnings again....


He chewed his lip and reached for his hand. “We’re not dating though....” Leo was starting to think he was losing that battle too. Who was he kidding? He practically had the guys cock buried in him half the day!


Leo blushed and looked up at him before kissing the guys cheek. “I want to play our game. Even if your friends are here too.”




Mike laughed. Finishing up he took Ricks hand and kissed it then kissed his lips. “For strength. Come on. Before Blake gets lonely on his own.”

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Guest mik3la

"I know" he said agreeing with him holding his hand more firmly visiting the elephant's, bending over to give him food.


"Then we'll see what we can do. If we can play , then we play, if not, we have to be careful" he said winking at him stealing another kiss from him.




"Damn, i was just getting used to the kisses" he said drinking the last few drops of the coffee so that they could join them.

He kissed him quickly one last time before they were going to see the other, acting like nothing was wrong.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Mike got them in the car and drove to the zoo. Parking up. Just friends. He reminded himself as he text Blake to see where he was.




“What do you mean? If not?” Hadn’t the point been to be a little naughty? Or was Blake afraid his friends might catch an eye full?


Leo wasn’t embarrassed... but maybe he was right and they should be concerned.


Hearing the others phone he let it go, looking at the beautiful elephants instead.

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Guest mik3la

"You said you don't want them to find out. We will have to be discreet" he said looking confuse at Leo but before he could say anything his phone rang. He typed a message that they were by the elephants and turned to him, placing his hands from side to side of his body, pinning his half woken member against the arse of the other kissing the back of his neck.

"Being careful for them not to find out. Thats what you said" he said rolling his eyes smirking.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“I know.... but then you said...” he looked over at him, Leo let him see the uncertainty and the need. “I took your hand.” He had accepted not hiding from them. But they weren’t dating. He thought he’d said that? Had he not been clear?


His breath hitches as he wiggles his arse over the guys semi. “Now I just want you to fuck me again.... besides.... you owe me ten more loads.” His eyes went hooded and lusty at the thought. Let the world see! As long as Blake held him....

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Guest mik3la

"Ssshhh. We're not dating so you don't have to worry about it. We're just two people who enjoy having amazing sex" he whispered pinning his body against him, letting him feeling his hard member in his pants.


"I'm trying to see a place where i can fuck right now. There are still children around here and we cannot do that here" he said kissing the back of his neck looking around for a space or a hidden bench or something.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo nodded. “Definitely friends with benefits.” The sex was amazing!


His breath caught. So hard! Looking around he could only think of one thing. “There’s a toilet over there.... but when are your friends due?”

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Guest mik3la

He looked on the direction he mention and nodded moving away from him heading to the toilet.


"They will call us when they are in the zoo" he said reaching the toilet getting in one of the cabins with him


"You'll have to be quiet" he placed his finger on his lips kissing him after hungrily taking his pants down.

"Turn around and bend over the toilet" he said grabbing his arse as he took his pants down too playing with his fingers over the plug.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo felt giddy.


He smiled and nodded. “I’ll be quiet.” He gulped gently and turned. Leo moaned softly and covered his mouth, biting on his own hand while Blake teased him. “Be quick.... please.” He begged.


Mike frowned. “Blake hasn’t seen the text.” He got in line for tickets. “I’ll call when we get inside.”

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Guest mik3la

He strokes his cock a few times before he took the plug out and sank inside him groaning biting his lip trying to be silent.


Holding his hands on his hips he started to fuck him hard pounding inside him without mercy. The didn't had much time so he had to be quick.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo grunted, his visit on fire as he was thrust forward by the force! He grabbed the toilet and tried to keep his mouth shut as he took Blake’s fucking.


It felt so good! His body wanted this so much!


He looked back at Blake. Eyes needy. “Close.” He whispered breathlessly. So much pressure and speed! Blake was going wild behind him.

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Guest mik3la

"Me too...Ngh.." he could feel his orgasm near so he pulled his hips towards him as he pushed harder and faster feeling him squeezing him.


"Shit!" He groan silently thrusting on more time cumming inside his hole filling him up.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo moaned slightly at the end, unable to stop himself. His body shuddered. It felt..... so good!


He reached behind him to stroke the guys arse and side. “Plug me back up baby. Your friends will be here soon.” Leo was rather exhausted now but in all the right ways.

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Guest mik3la

He did as he was told placing the plug right in as he helped him dress back up. He did the same and his phone buzzed again as they were leaving the toilet.


"They're around here" he said pressing the button to call Mike, before he gave him a last kiss on the lips. "You're just fucking amazing" he whispered kissing his neck.


"Yo ... Mike ... we're at the giraffes. You make right to the elephants and after straight ahead" he said looking around for those two.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Leo waited for him to get off the phone before he leaned up, using Blake’s shoulder for purchase as he kissed his cheek. I think I’m in danger of falling for him.


He let him go and looked at the giraffes instead. “Oh look! It’s not just giraffes. It looks like they share!” He could see other ‘friendly’ savannah animals together, zebra and ostriches for example. Leo leaned on the fence watching in fascination. “Wow.”


Mike grunted. “Blake’s at the giraffes so he didn’t go far. Past the elephants apparently.” He gave Rick a proving look then tucked his hands in his pockets and started walking. “It looks like it’s going to be a nice day.” At least that’s wouldn’t get rained on?

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