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(Private RP) Fairy Dreams <<mik3la & syaoran-puu>>

Guest syaoran-puu

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Guest syaoran-puu

Branwen grinned at that. Nipping Kaido’s lip. “Tease. Go grab it and I’ll bring this over when he’s served me up.” He purred, winking.


Bran planned to stay for a little while, a few chats and mingling, then he was taking his mate home and fucking him senseless all night long!


Fai blushed, accepting the kisses as he let him lead him out. “It does make me wonder too. If I ever find my mate... I’d love something just as simple and sweet. I’d be most curious about what kind of crown my mate would make for me....” he smiled happy. “They were both so different and yet so charming. What do you envision?” He headed to join the bar queue only to notice Cassidy walking towards them.


Cassidy nodded, “come on you two. I’ve got two bottles of champagne, some sex on the beach jug cocktail a jug of apple juice getting delivered to the table. My treat.”

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Guest mik3la

"I think it would be filled with roses of all colors that would turn into a rainbow crown" he said thinking about it as they reached the bar but were quickly dragged by Cass to their table.

He fallowed the boys and sat at the table waiting for some alcohol to be delivered on their table so that he could have a drink. He was a light headed drinker, so he would only need a few glasses to be completely drunk.




Kaido nuzzled the other and went to the table mention before, greeting and drinking with other guests before finally reaching the table taking a rest. Since there was water on the table he poured himself a glass as he was thirsty.

All that tease with Bran made his mouth dry

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Guest syaoran-puu

Rainbow roses? “You’d like rainbow roses?” Fai smiled and touched his forehead only to be surprised by Cassidy.


He laughed and sat down, waving to Kaido only to look back at Cassidy. “You seem in a good mood.”


“How can I not be? The ceremony was beautiful.” Cassidy winked and sat down beside Winston. “You did a good job Winnie.”


Branwen brought over the tray and sat beside Kaido after putting it down. He cuddled him softly and kissed his cheek. “Miss me?”

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Guest mik3la

"I'd like to give the rainbow roses to someone" he said blushing. I am referring to you idiot ... since you like roses so much ... the rainbow would just be perfect for you ... if only we were mates

He shock his head lightly not wanting to say more.

Thankfully Cass interrupted them.

He blushed at the compliment not used to have him being nice to him.

"Thanks ... you did a great job with this whole event ... Its pretty awesome" he said looking around and happy when the drinks were brought to their table.

He really needed a drink. Without thinking he took the cocktail 'sex on the beach' starting to slurp it.



Kaido looked at him taking a glass of Champaign smiling. "I had some good company" he teased kissing his lips. "But not as good as you" he winked.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Oh!” He chuckled. Fai had clearly misunderstood. He just remembered giving Winston rainbow roses. Was that why Winnie was thinking about them?


Cassidy nodded, “thank you. Bran didn’t give me much notice but it’s turned out well.” He hummed softly.


“So, a few dances... then to Fai’s?” Cassidy winked.


Fai felt his cheeks flush red. He swallowed but nodded. “I promised Winston my first dance....”


Cass nodded, “Any chance I can have your seconds? I don’t mind what order...” he looked between them. Not wanting to push and yet wanting to push!


Branwen chuckled and cuddled him. “I love you, Kaido.” He nibbled his ear and held his glass up to clink them together. “To us.”

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Guest mik3la
“So, a few dances... then to Fai’s?”

"That was kind of the plan wasn't it?" he asked finishing the glass of the cocktail feeling his nerves more calmer than before.

"Then, i'll dance first with Fae, than you with him and after i'll be last" he said looking at Cass talking very serious with no flinch of shyness as before.

The drink made him more confident on himself



"I love you too silly" he smiled kissing him and drinking the Champaign.


"You just let me know when you want to go. Or do you want us to say to see the other dance?" he said pointing on the other table where the boys were.


"I still don't understand Cass"

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy smirked at the man’s sudden confidence. Dutch courage clearly. “Indeed. Does that work for you, Fai?”


Fai blushed and nodded. “Yeah....” he reached and stole Winston’s drink, emptying the remains only to cough. “Vodka?”


“Yeah. Not a fan?” Cassidy laughed as Fai shook his head.




“I don’t mind. We have to dance first too. Maybe grab some food for our strength?” Branwen winked.


He looked over, “what don’t you understand?”

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Guest mik3la

"He seems to burge to much into their thing..." he looked at them for a moment and then suddenly he understood something


"No ... .Don't tell me he's .... with both?!" he asked surprised looking one more time at them three, blinking a few times. Now he could understand Winston behavior from that morning.


"How did i not see that?" he asked but before they could talk more they were announced that the first dance had to start.




"Its good" said Winston looking at the lovely pair preparing for dancing.


"Shall we have our dance?" he asked reaching his hand out to Fae.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Branwen just smiled at Kaido. He knew he’d figure it out eventually.... and sure enough he did. He couldn’t help but flutter his wings and laugh. “Yes. It seems so.” Bran winked.


Hearing their names he stood and glided towards the dance floor with his mate. Pulling his close so they could dance. He leaned in and whispered, “don’t worry about them. Cass is on his best behaviour.... and today is about us.” He hopped the others ear before turning them in a fairy waltz.


Fai chuckled, he glanced over at Cassidy but nodded to Winston and stood up to follow him to the dance floor. “Are you okay?” He smiled.

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Guest mik3la

He nodded and fallowed his mate on the dance-floor, holding his shoulder firmly as they flew on the dance-floor along the song.

Feeling him so close to his body it was more like torture to keep the dance going. He wanted him so bad.


"Tonight is just you and me" he said kissing him gently as they danced further.




Winston pulled Fae closer as they started to walz alongside the others.

"Yeah... I'm fine ... i just needed a little boost to have more confidence" he said holding him tight in his arms ,as he was making some pirouettes.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Branwen smiled and held him close as they danced. “Yes. I’m going to indulge in you for as long as you can handle, Kaido.” He winked.


Fai giggled and spun with him. Happy to be close and to see him a little more relaxed. “You’re pretty hot when you’re so confident. But you know. You can confident all the time.” Winston had so much power and ability, if only he accepted that!


He wrapped his arms around Winston’s shoulders as his wings fluttered happily behind him.

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Guest mik3la

His body shuddered only by the thought of what will be after and how they would spend the night together doing gods know what Bren had planned for him.

He moaned softly as he rested his head on his cheek keeping his eyes closed.




"I don't feel that much confidence when Cass is around" he admitted as they were dancing.

"I feel like ...he's sucking me into his voice and i feel ... lost ... not knowing what to do" he blushed at those words.


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Guest syaoran-puu

“Oh...” he frowned. Fai chuckled and nuzzled him. “Maybe it’s a sign that you just need to relax a little around him... he... he...” he swallowed, “seems to know what he wants to do or what to do.... I’m rather..... oblivious and a little overwhelmed too. If that helps?” Fai smiled shyly and spun them around, using his wings so they fluttered off the ground as the spun before landing again.

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Guest mik3la

"Yeah ... guess you're right" he said sighing fluttering his wings helping him keeping themselves in the air.

Being there dancing with him like that if felt nice. Every time he was with Fae felt nice and right. But Cass on the other hand, he was unpredictable, never knowing what to expect and when to expect it. He was a chaos that could consume you in a second.


After a few more turns in the air and lifts the song was over. He gave Fae a soft kiss on the lips as they headed back to the table.

"All yours" he said to Cass giving him Fae's hand for the next dance, taking a seat at the table.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Fai smiled and danced with Winston. There was definitely a difference between him and Cassidy.... but the differences were nice.


When he was led over, Fai didn’t just leave Winston alone. He hugged the guy and kissed him. “Your turn soon.” He winked then shyly turned to Cassidy who swept him onto the dance floor.




Branwen found it strange at first, seeing Cass and Fai. But he couldn’t deny how happy he looked.


Spinning Kaido he stole a deep kiss. He couldn’t get enough of the man.




Cassidy turned them. “So many people are looking your way. Yet you never notice. You never do.”


Fai shrugged lightly, not even looking. “I’m not interested and don’t want to give them the wrong impression. It’s hard when your brother and his friend are well known for sleeping with anyone...”


“But you’re not like that?” Cassidy smirked.


“I’m not.” Fai agreed, looking up at him. “I know you and Winston might not be my mates. But I like feeling more than just the desire to have sex.”


“I just hope your way doesn’t leave you hurt.” Cassidy frowned.


“Isn’t it better to feel something instead of nothing?” Fai challenge and laughed as he was lifted at the waist and spun before being put down and guided once more. “You’re a good dancer. Starting to think you’re good at everything.”


“I’m not. Plenty you and Winston are much better at.....” he looked over to Winston then down. Carefully he stole a small kiss from Fai before guiding him back to the table and holding his hand out for Winston. “May I have this dance, Winnie?”

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Guest mik3la

After Fae and Cass went to the dance floor Winston looked at them, having a fainted smile on his face. they sure do look perfect together

He poured himself another glass of cocktail, playing with the straw and ice in the glass as he was finishing the drank.

It didn't took long and the others re-joined him at the table, frowning at Cass hand held up chewing his lip but accepting it eventually.

"I really don'g get you" he said a little flustered by being so close to the other but because of the drinks he had.

"How could you ignore him all this time and now ... suddenly get interested .... and how can you be cold and bossy and sexy but also tender and caring and ..." he frown realizing half way what he was talking.

"Forget what i said"

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy smirked and pulled Winston close as he started to dance with.


His grin widened, “you think I’m sexy, tender and caring?” Cassidy had heard the other words too but decided not to linger on them too much. Cold? He wasn’t cold. But maybe Winston needed to figure that out?


He thought if the question carefully, “I’ve always liked Fai. I just.... don’t think I’m the best person for him. Seeing him with you.... he just looked so different and happy and I realised I was acting like a fool.”


Cassidy spun them, “plus, you’re curious too. Aren’t you? About where things might go? I’m not like Branwen. I don’t just sleep with people only once. If I like it I’m not against second helpings even if we’re not mates. So many never find their mates.... you have to grab your own little slice of happiness.”

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Guest mik3la

Winston blushed when the other returned his comments before. He bite his tongue hatting that he let those words slip his mouth. He didn't want to admit to the other but the alcohol in his system was making him to blunt to event thing properly what he was saying.


Feeling his body so pressed to his made him whimper a little, blushing even more.

"So ... you felt kid of jealous when you saw Fae with me" he said more to himself but apparently he was thinking out loud.


When asked about where this thing they had might go his body shattered a little. His mind wandering around their previous date on the beach and how he felt with them two on him. He was getting aroused only by that mere thought which he tried to flow it away.


"I...I ..." but he couldn't find the proper words to speak. He was still flustered by the alcohol and his presence and body so close to his. He started to feel a little dizzy so he rested his forehead on the others shoulder. Since Cass was taller than him.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Yes. I was jealous. Fai has never entertained these thought of anyone else before. Made me open my eyes to what I was missing. Of course....” Cassidy spun them and winked, “I’ve gained something too. I have always preferred multiple sexual partners.” It was more complicated but more rewarding too!


Cassidy moves a hand to stroke and hold the back of Winston’s head. “Looks like someone has drunk too much.” He gathered the man into his arms, Princess style, and carried him back to Fai. “Let’s get out of here.”


“Oh!” Fai looked to Winston and reached for his hand, flying a little so he could see him. “You okay, Winnie?”


“He’s fine. Bring the champagne bottles Fai.” Cassidy winked.


“Oh!” He blushed.

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Guest mik3la

"I'll be fine, just need to cool my head" he said leaning his head on his shoulder, being thankful that the other carried him in his arms. He wrapped his arm around his neck, keeping the other on his chest.


He smiled at Fae, his eyes half closed when he took his hand just nodding his head smiling softly. He felt tired so he was thankful that he didn't have to walk or fly himself.


As he was carried away from the hall, since he wasn't hearing any more music, his mind was now working at what Cass had told him before. he was used with multiple partners....

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Guest syaoran-puu

Fai fluttered his wings, grabbing the champagne and following them. He smiled at Cassidy. “He might not be in any condition to talk. I can tuck him in my bed and call his brothers.... let them know he’s safe.”


“Brothers?” Cassidy looked over at him curiously. “They rather overbearing?”


Fai nodded, “seem so. At least to Winnie.” He smiled. “Sounds familiar.” He teased!


Cassidy laughed, landing out raise the others house.


Fai let them in, opening the door only to panic. “Where are you going?!”


“To put him in bed.” Cassidy laughed.


“Oh!” Fai blushed.


“What? You thinking of ruder things little Fai?” Cassidy winked, only teasing as he headed upstairs.

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Guest mik3la

He didn't realized that he fell asleep until his body was shifted to something more neat and cozy. It wasn't like the place he was before but it was ok, still holding a grip on the fabric in his hand. Blinking a few times he managed to open his eyes, feeling his head hurting. He manage to realize where he was. A bed .... so we left the party...


He then looked at his hand that was holding a shirt. Lifting his eyes he saw Cass face too close to his, making him blush, letting his shirt go.


He tried to remember when they left the party and a small image of Cass caring him in his arms pop up making him blushed. He got up really fast, feeling dizzy again looking around. The room was too familiar. this is Fae's room


"Sorry for falling asleep" he said quickly blushing even harder.

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Guest syaoran-puu

“Hey, calm down.” Cassidy smiled. Hit and cold again I see. “You’re safe. No one is doing anything funny.... you just drank a little too much.”


Fai sat on the other side and smiled. “You okay, Winnie? I was going to call your brothers and let them know you’re okay....!85 you can if you want?”

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Guest mik3la

"That much i can figure myself since i still have my clothes on" he said blushing after at his own words. "And that much i know you wouldn't do" he mumbled feeling his face getting hotter.


"No ... don't call them" he said quickly massaging his head which was still hurting.

"They would get angry cause i've drank even though i know i can handle alcohol to well" he said messing his hair taking a deep breath looking at both of them blushing.


"I'm fine ... honestly ... I know where i am " he said smiling but still blushing.

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Guest syaoran-puu

Cassidy chuckled, “no I wouldn’t do that.” He promised. He had no need to force himself on anyone, let alone a Virgin kid!


“We should call them Winston. And if you can’t handle it... why drink it?” Cassidy frowned.


Fai nodded, agreeing. “I don’t think we should make them worry more.” He blushed and mumbled. “You already snook our last night....”


“Wait. They didn’t know you were together?!” Cassidy frowned. “That’s it. I’m calling them.” He held out his hand firmly. “Number. Or I WILL fly to your place in person.”

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