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<3 Promises beyond Time <<hal7283 & mik3la>>

Guest mik3la

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Kyuya looked at Keiko as the man threatened him, a small chuckle escaped his throat and he said: "Oh don't worry, Mr. Sayuri. I won't let anything happen to my precious thrall ever again. Nobody is going to touch him but me." He leaned in closer towards Keiko and said: "If I were you I would worry more about that lover of yours... This bond between you two that spanned across so many lifetimes, no matter how romantic it seems, it's unnatural... You may think of it as a blessing, but nothing like this could exist without a hefty price. Perhaps you've already paid it, or perhaps you're still paying it?" He walked out of the house and waved without looking back while saying: "Keep my Meian safe for me would you?" 






While Keiko was walking Kyuya out of the house, HIkaru knocked on Meian's door and asked: "Hey Meian, mind if I come in?" He waited for the young man to respond before he turned the doorknob and went inside, finding his friend retreated back to his bed much similar to the way he was last night. With a weak smile he approached the bed and sat down beside Meian. He scratched his head and said: "Man this is such a mess.... Just yesterday we were just friends and now I'm your dad! Well... technically not cause it's not like we're biologically related or anything." He then said in a joking tone: "By the way, feel free to throw that at me if we ever argue. You know, the whole 'you're not my real dad!' spiel."   


 Hikaru chuckled weakly and fell silent. After a while, he asked: "Do you... want to talk about it? I am somewhat of an expert when it comes to falling in love with a demon cause, you know, your dad used to be one." 

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Keiko's eyes darkened as the demon mentioned his bond with Hikaru and the tip of the ice was his final request to keep 'his' Meian safe. The hell! Meian was his son. Not his. Not anything to him. Slamming the door as soon as the demon got out he head back in the kitchen pouring himself some hard liquor to drink. He hated that guy and his damn 'i know all' smirk. How could his son like someone like him? Why couldn't he find another person? Why a demon? Why that demon!? Sighing he flipped the liquor in his glass all the way pouring himself another. He had been a demon as well at some point in life, but that changed. He changed for the better. But this guy ... he just couldn't think that he would change in the near future. Nor ever. He was a filthy demon with high complexes. 


Meian turned to look at his friend/father then turned back at the window, keeping his back to him. He just listen silently at what the other had to say. Even if he just found out that he was actually his reincarnated father, he just couldn't feel anything towards him. No link or emotion in comparison to what he felt for his actual father. But the images were there. He knew better. There was a comfortable feeling whenever the other was around, but that was pretty much it. Nothing else. 

"Dad was different ....." he said shortly still keeping his back to the other. "Dad changed .... he wasn't all bad .... he was .... tricked but he had always been good" he continued taking a deep breath as he turned and sat up, dragging his legs to his chest holding them with his arms. "Kyuya is different. He is pure evil. He uses people and manipulates them to his own licking. And i hate him for using me and i hate myself for being so stupid" he snapped punching the bed sheet next to him. This time he didn't cried anymore. He was done crying for the other. He didn't deserved his tears. 

"But i'm over it .... I'll focuse on the training and that's it. I want to get stronger and ... if he would be the one who can help me with it then i can as well use him for that" he added looking at the other as he brushed a hand through his hair. 

"As of you being my other father .... i don't know .... i don't know how to feel ... " he shrugged leaning his chin to his knees, thinking about it. On one hand he was happy that his father was whole again, that he was happy. But at the same time he lost a friend and was all alone again. Was he selfish in this matter? Maybe. 

"I'm tired ... tomorrow we ... I have classes" he said turning his back to the other and laying back on the bed, trying to get some rest. 


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Hikaru listened as Meian poured his heart out, talking about his feelings towards Kyuya and how he was different from Keiko. He soon turned his back against Hikaru and asked to be left alone. Hikaru let out a heavy sigh and said: "Honestly Meian I don't know how to feel about us either.. I mean... I had children in my past lives before but... I never got to raise any of them cause I always died young... nor did I get to raise you for that matter. Even now you feel more like a friend to me than an actual son, and frankly, I think that may be for the best. A lot of people think of their parents as their best friends anyways, and really I don't want to lose you as a friend. I mean my social circle is small enough. I really can't afford shrinking it any further. As for Kyuya..."


Hikaru's gaze wandered up towards the ceiling as he reminisced about his past life and said: "You've seen my memories so you saw what your father was like when he was a demon, and how he... 'changed' after we fell in love with each other. But the thing is, I don't think he really 'changed' at all. He was the same person when he killed all those innocent people, and he was the same person when he felt remorse and wished to make amends. Our actions change depending on the circumstances but our souls, the fundamental something that makes us who we are, doesn't change. We are all capable of great good and great evil. I never harbored any fantasy of changing your father, I mean, why would I? I loved everything about him and that included his flaws and sins. What I did however was to change his circumstances. I showed him a different path."


Hikaru reached for Meian's hair, he hesitated for a brief moment before he caressed him gently and said: "Of course, the circumstance you found yourself in is quite different from what I experienced, and Kyuya was certain no Keiko. I haven't the faintest idea whether you'll be happier or not if you get over your feelings for that demon, but just in case you don't want to give up on your feelings, remember what I said. Don't try to change him. Change the circumstances. And at the risk of sounding like a psychopath, does it really matter whether or not that demon is an evil manipulative son of a bitch or not? If you really want it, then take it. There are plenty of ways to bind spirits or demons to your will, and who knows? Maybe some of them work on that bastard? It's okay to be greedy you know? Anyway, I'll leave you to rest now."


Hikaru stood up from the bed and made his way out of the room. He made his way back downstairs and found Keiko pouring liquor into his glass and downing it in one go. "Mind giving me some as well?" Hikaru said as he walked over towards Keiko and leaned on his lover, resting his head on the man's shoulder while looking up towards Keiko and said: "For the first time meeting our son's boyfriend, that went well. At least there were no fisticuffs." 

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His father/friends words were still weighing when the other left, making him question everything again. Should he gave into that and see what will come out of it? Accept Kyuyas manipulation and all that he did and move on? Now that he was thinking about it, the demon didn't harmed him. Most of because of their link but, even so. He could had been worst than that right? But he wasnt. Could his father/friend be right? Could he use that against the other and try to manipulate him as well? But wouldn't that make him as bad as the other? guess we all have some darkness in ourselves , he chuckle in his bed, looking outside the window at the moving leaf's in the wind blow. 


Keiko looked at his lover and smiled gently at his comment as he poured the other a glass and handed it to him. "I almost lost my temper for a second there" he sigh calming his nerves feeling the other clinging near him. He really missed this. "Let's just hope for brighter days and a happy ending ... or is that too much to ask for?" he said chuckling as he looked back at Hikaru, leaning and kissing his forehead. He didn't want to ask how the talk with Meian went. He knew better that it was their own moments and he was keeping his nose out of it. 

"Today was .... energetic" he said shorty downing another glass of liquor. 




The next morning Meian cursed and wanted to smash his phone when the alarm went off. He really didn't want to return to school. What was the purpose  again in the first place? When the world was in chaos, what did he need to head back there anyway. Oh yeah .... to take his mind away from all that and force him to focus on other unimportant things. He just wanted to have a moment of normality again. So, without other delay, he got up, took a shower, changed into his usual clothes, pair of jeans and a black t-shirt and head downstairs to eat his breakfast. 

He was happy that his parents weren't up yet, although he thought for a second at Hikaru but then shacked the thought out and rushed to university. He wanted to be alone. 


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The rest of the day was rather uneventful and they were able to enjoy their hard-fought respite, as starting from tomorrow their lives would get a lot more complicated. Dozens of lifetimes of experiences meant little in the modern world as it didn't come with a diploma, nor did it pay the bills, so Hikaru would have to go back to school and work whdiplomaile trying to remaster and hone his own powers. The next day by the time Hikaru woke up Meian has already left. He made breakfast for him and Keiko and kissed his lover goodbye before leaving for school as well. Since they took different classes and in the afternoon he had to go to work, so Hikaru wasn't able to run into Meian during the day.




After Meian's class has ended as he walked out of the classroom, a familiar figure was already there waiting for him. "Hey, Meian. I'm here to pick you up." Kyuya said as he waved at the young man. Now being in his human form, the demon attracted a fair amount of attention as he spoke to the mono-chromed young man who was somewhat of a school celebrity himself due to his unique hair color and good looks. He walked towards Meian and whispered in his ear: "I've found a nice place for us to resume our training... Don't worry I'll make it fun, just like always."



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In the morning Keiko sat and ate breakfast as he kissed Hikaru and wished him a good day, before turning to his desk work. He was a work from home guy, guarding the house in the same time. 


Meian just got out of the class when he heard people whispering around him which made him curious but soon found out why they where whispering. His eyes landed on human form Kyuya who wasn't that different from his original form. He had the same features and all, only the aura was different which made him a little confused as to how the other could change that. He was like a chameleon that could take the shape and form of a demon and a regular human. 

He was a few feet away from the other and when he was getting closer to him, his heart rate increased , cursing himself for reacting like that. Taking deep breaths he finally hold his breath when the other got closed to him and whispered in his ear like that. His got goosebumps and a shrudder brushed through him, but he managed to hide it as he sigh. 

"We only train Kyuya, nothing more, nothing else" he said as firmly as he could even though he was afraid that his voice was trembling because of the sudden approach, but he placed his hand over the others chest and pushed him away from him. "I still have one class to go then we can go and train" he said noticing the eyes on them of the pass students starting to whisper again about him and Kyuya and how the freak, which was him, knew such a hottie. He chuckled slightly, biterly amused by their comments. But they were right. They were too different and wanted different things. 

"If you want to come with me in class or wait outside , i don't care" he finally shrugged and walked pass him, feeling his heart squeez in his chest, making it heart to breath. They were too different and it wouldn't work so he had to give up on that. He didn't want to do what his father/friend said. He wasn't one to force people. that was Kyuya, but not him. He was different. Always had. That's why he had been the freak. 

Not looking back he head to the next class and sat in the back row, taking out his pen and paper, waiting for the rest of the students and professor. 

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"Sure, I'll come along," Kyuya said as he followed Meian into the classroom and sat right beside him. Soon the lecture started and the demon just waited while feeling bored. It didn't take long however for Kyuya to notice that Meian wasn't focusing on the class either, or rather he was doing a spectacular job and failing at concentrating on the class. Given what he'd just experienced at the hands of Rikiya it would be hard for him to suddenly get back to normal life as if nothing happened, and to make things worse, Kyuya who was also a great source of distress for the young man, was sitting right beside him. At this rate Meian wasn't doing any learning anyways, so why not give him a different "lesson"? Without lifting a finger, without uttering a word, with but a single thought and a little nudge with his power, the mark on Meian's body began to glow a faint light while the all too familiar heat of desire began spreading inside the young man's body. He observed Meian as he began feeling the effect of arousal and wondered what will the young man do. Will he try to ignore the sensations and brave through it or will he relent and try to find relief?



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As class when on Meian's mind was far away, rumbling about all that happened so he wasn't paying any attention to anything in class, including the demon that broke his heart. Wo was standing there ignoring everyone around him all bored. Good, at least I can have some rest from his bulshit..., but suddenly his thoughts where interupted by the sudden flush of hotness from his waist where the mark was and through his whole body. He dropped his pen from his hand on the desk as he gasped and covering his mouth, hopping that no one heard that. He was lucky on that part. No one noticed as the professor was talking pretty loud. 

His body got tense and hot and he could feel his member getting hard. But why?! But the response was right there beside him. "Stop it!" he demanded in a whisper turning his gaze to Kyuya who was smirking, amused by the situation. How could he do that to him? In class? In public?! And after all he's been through still thinking about this stupid thing. He pressed his lips to suppress the sounds as he rested his head in his hand, taking deep breaths. It was like his body was getting aroused by something but there was nothing. It was just that stupid bond of theirs and Kyuya was messing with him again. 

"I swear Kyuya if you don't stop I'll ...ngh....." He lowered his head on his arm, hiding his face from everyone. He was lucky that he sat on the last rows where there weren't so many people around. He clenched his hands into fists, one of them grabbing the seat that he was on. 


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"Why not? It's not like you are paying any attention to the lecture, might as well make good use of this wasted time." Kyuya's voice echoed in Meian's mind as the demon looked at the poor man with a teasing smile. He then continued: "Besides, I am not doing this just to have fun with you. This is part of our training for you."


Kyuya chuckled slightly as he sat back and crossed his legs. He then said: "Pleasure is quite an interesting thing, as it can feed both light and darkness. It us as much a source of hope and happiness as it is a catalyst for pain and despair. Wonder why demons seems to enjoy violating their victims so much? Even making sure their victims actually get some semblance of pleasure from the experience? It's y use pleasure to break the victim's spirit, just like how Rikiya broke yours. But like I said, pleasure can be a source of hope and happiness as well, which is why I shall remind you of just how much you enjoy this...Even if your heart and mind try to reject your desires, I've tested your body well enough to crave pleasure."


As the demon communicated with Meian, he controlled the flow of power inside the young man so it felt like he was being caressed from the inside, and that sensation of being touched gradually began to focus on his cock which felt like it was being stroked by an invisible hand. 

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Meian closed his eyes and clenched his teeth trying to control himself and how he was reacting. This wasn't pleasure. This was torture. He wasn't believing anything what the other was saying to him. Not anymore. Training. ha, he could almost laugh at that. Maybe before he would had believed him but not now. Taking deep breath he tried to fight whatever the other was doing to his body. He was managing to control it for a few seconds but he was still not fully capable of doing it. Curses escaped through his teeth as he took a deep breath which the sensation made his body shudder. 

Once he would had liked it to fool around like this. Maybe even in class, even though they ever did this kind of things in secured places. But now. He didn't enjoyed them anymore. It was bringing flashes of memories of what had happened in that realm and how he really felt. How disgusted he was. He hated this. Hated Kyuya for this. 

In a rushed moment of sanity he grabbed his back and rushed outside of class ignoring the proffesor that was talking. He ran down the hall and into the bathroom, breathing heavy as he leaned against the sink. 

Breath .... take control .... fuck this ... i don't want it .... fight it .... fucking fight it .... i don't want this ... i don't like this ... stop it! he thought as he fell on the floor leaning against the wall wrapping his arms around him almost in tears as flashes of memories of what that demon did to him in the realm went through his mind. "Please ....stop it .... i don't want this .... i don't want this .... stop it .... don't touch me .... don't fucking touch me!" he shouted feeling a burst of light and darkness brush through his body, making the sensation faint. It wasn't completely gone. 

"Is this how you want to train me?! by breaking me?! Doing exactly what that thing did to me?! You did it once so it wouldn't be a problem for you right?! I am just a tool for you!" he said as the door of the bathroom opened and Kyuya stepped in. 

"I hate you!!" he snarled with anger in his voice as he was hugging his own body trying to stop it from trembling. How pathetic he was. He wanted to be strong, to show the other that he was capable of fighting him, but even in this little thing that he had put him he was having panic attacks and was hard for him to concentrate. "You're as bad as the demons that you want to fight .... i hate you" he bite his lip so hard to stop himself from crying that he could taste the iron from his blood. 

Once love , now hate , it was the perfect fusion for the darkness and light inside Meian, creating a vortex around him, keeping anyone away from him. But even the vortex in that intensity it was working against him as well,  making his body now hurt everywhere. 

"Ahh!!" he leaned forward in one arm holding the other arm around his stomach. "What are you doing now?! It hurts!! Stop it! Make it stop!! Please ...ngh..." what Meian was now feeling instead of pleasure was excruciating pain.  <something like in Harry Potter the cruciatus curse>

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Kyuya hurriedly followed Meian out of the classroom as he could feel the energy inside him loosing balance and began to stir and swirl wildly. He entered the bathroom just as an explosion of light and dark came out of Meian which almost sent him flying. "Mean calm down! Maintain your balance!" Kyuya said as he lifted his human disguise and began making his way towards the young man who has now become the eye of a storm of energy. Kyuya gritted his teeth as the vortex scorched and cut his flesh as he approached.


"I am not doing this Mean, you are! Your pain, your fear, your hatred, it's all you!" Kyuya shouted while he braved the storm, and by the time he reached Mean the demon was drenched in blood from head to toe, with large chunks of his form missing here and there. Despite this Kyuya managed to maintain that usual smile of his as he reached out his remaining arm and grabbed Meian's chin and said: "You are right... I am just like any other demon. I used pleasure to break, train, and manipulate you. If it wasn't for that brat my hold of you would have been completed. You would have been happy being my little toy. It's all I want for you really, being happy, feeling joy, pleasure and euphoric bliss forever..."


Rather forcefully claimed Meian's lips just like so many times he had done so before. With a physical connection he was able to tap directly into the manga pool of energy and began pouring his own light into him while observing the rampant darkness, much similar to how he calmed Meian down after he got mad at his parents for hiding the truth from him. It was taxing even for Kyuya to try calming Meian down but eventually the storm began to subside. 



Then out of nowhere, Meian could hear some kind of commotion coming from the very depth of his mind, like a faint impression of something or a vague memory, but not his own. As the sound became louder and clearer Meian soon found himself in the midst of some kind of procession or parade, dozens of men in white robes and masks, some were playing flutes, others had drums in their hands, all of them chanting some sort of incantation as they traveled down a long, winding path leading deep into the mountains. For a memory it was strange as Meian's perspective seemed to be jumping from person to person, at one moment he was at the front of the parade leading the way, chopping off the branches and grass in their path; and the next he was at the back playing flute, with sweat flowing down his cheek due to the long, hard march. And then Meian was in the middle of the line, amongst several other men carrying a shrine of sorts on their shoulders. And then finally Meian's perspective changed to someone, or something, who was placed in that shrine, inside a cube box about one meter in height and width, sealed by countless talismans and chains, frantically crying, screaming in pain and agony as his voice were drowned by the loud music and chanting outside. 



"Ugh...!" Kyuya groaned as he suddenly pulled away from Meian and by then the energy inside Meian had calmed down once again, and the demon was also quickly healing the wounds he had from approaching him. Perhaps for the first time seems the two of them met, Kyuya lost his composure completely, holding his hand over his mouth as if he was about to throw up in any moment. He tuned his gaze back at Meian with a weak, awkward smile: "Ah.. haha.. sorry about that.. didn't mean to.. let you see it... I.. I think we should call it a day for now.. I... " Without even finishing the sentence properly Kyuya stumbled back and disappeared. 

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"Mean calm down! Maintain your balance!"

As the other was trying to reason with him Meian was too stubborn to listen to him. This was all his fault. He pushed him too much. He just didn't understand how he felt and how all that had been messing with him and made him feel weak and wounded. 


"I am not doing this Mean, you are! Your pain, your fear, your hatred, it's all you!"

Him? Yeah, maybe he was at fault. aybe that was his coping mechanism. Maybe he just wasn't good enough for all this. They all have been mistaken. He wasn't special. He was just a weak pathetic human and nothing more. They have been all wrong about him. He cannot do this. He isn't that strong. He isn't how everyone things he is. 


"You are right... I am just like any other demon. I used pleasure to break, train, and manipulate you. If it wasn't for that brat my hold of you would have been completed. You would have been happy being my little toy. It's all I want for you really, being happy, feeling joy, pleasure and euphoric bliss forever..."

As he started to speak those words to him he finally looked up seeing him all wounded as he was reaching closer to him. Didn't he cared that he was being hurt? Why was he risking his life for him? When he was nothing. Before he could even answer his questions or even doubt himself again, the other claimed his lips forcefully once more like he always did. He wanted to push him away and maybe, with a little strength from his part he would had managed, but with his broken heart and broken body, all he ever wanted was comfort. So he closed his eyes and let the energy flow through his body, calming him down. His hands placed on the others chest, grabbing his shirt in his hands as he closed his eyes and a few tears drop on his cheeks. Oh how he wished for this to be real. But it was all fake. And even so, he let himself enjoy it one last time, melting in the others arms, calming his body and mind, and soon the vortex around them was diminish. 

What he didn't expect was the glimse of memories that started to flow in his mind. Crowds cheering and marching on a path which he never seen before. Back and front they were marching through a forest, making their way through the branches. Confused he looked around as he was pushed from one perspective to another, showing contempt on peoples faces, like they have done something great. And then he was pushed in the middle of the crowds where he heard cries and pleads to be let out. He could feel pain as he looked at the shrine that was covered in strange pieces of paper with distinctive writings on them. He wanted to look closer but he was then pushed away from the memory and he was back in the schools bathroom. Taking deep breaths he looked even more confused at a wounded Kyuya who was standing on the floor with him. 

Seeing him now for the first time sick or so it seemed as he tried to cover his mouth stopping himself from throwing up. He never saw him like that which worried him. Even if he hated him for what he did and how he treated him, he couldn't escape his feelings that were still there.


"Ah.. haha.. sorry about that.. didn't mean to.. let you see it... I.. I think we should call it a day for now.. I... " 

"No .... wait .... Kyu....ya" he tried to reach out for him but the demon pulled back stumbling and disappeared. Making his heart sink. What was that? A part of his past? But how did I .... was ...was he the one in that shrine?!, he thought frowning at the thought as he remembered the cries of pain and pleads of letting him out. Was that what he had been thorugh? fuck!!! get it together already!!! I'm a mess , i know , but apparently is not that bad in comparison with what he's been through ... and i'm sure that was just a little part of his past, he thought frowning as he got up and looked in the mirror.  But where did i saw that type of shrine???

As he was thinking he tried to remember all his readings in the past and through his memories he remembered a book called. "Clockwork myths" he said it out looked remembering. Taking his backpack, he hurried in the library trying to search for it as he remembered he borrowed it last year for a light reading during the summer vacation. He roamed all the shelfs in search of the book and finally he found it and started to look through it. When he reached a few pages later his eyes widened and gasped at the scene in front of him.  It was the same picture that he saw in the memory but this was written so long ago. If the one in the shrine is Kyuya or it has any connection to him ... he is .... so much older than i thought,  he thought as he started reading what it was mentioned and his heart was sinking with each word of what those men did. Humans where barbaric. In search of power they would stop at nothing. 

Learning more about that he got more and more angry with human kind of that time. Not that now they were better, but they still have evolved. They were better, or so he thought.  Closing the book he leaned on the shelf brushing his hand through his hair thinking of what the other has been through. Yeah it was just a small fragment of his past but still. He could still hear the screams of pain from that thing locked in the shrine while the people were happy and contempt with what they capture, only to be given as tribute to the royals of the time. Mankind has been a bullshit. 

Thinking about Kyuya and how he looked when he left, knowing that it was his fault for the wounds which were starting to heal but slowly as he had transferred energy to him again to calm him down. He was hurt. He got hurt because of him. Sighing, he cursed himself for hurting everyone that he cared and that he wasn't doing anything right. But he decided to fuck all of it and no matter how he would feel, no matter the pain he was feeling of his broken heart, this was nothing in comparison with what the other went through.  He had to suck it up and work on it and with him. 

Taking a deep breath he moved to a more private corner of the library and closing his eyes he tried to find the other. He didn't know where he was and he didn't had a direct place to stay so he had to link himself with him in order to reach him and find out where he was hiding. Running through the waves of energy still linked with the mark, he focused as much as possible, worked his breathing to be steady, just as Kyuya had showned him so many times. Yeah, maybe Kyuya has been a selfish demon but apparently so has he. He chuckled at the though, returning to the concentration. 

His hands started to flow through air as he was channeling his flow of power, working a portal to where Kyuya was. Come on .... where are you .... show yourself .... i know you're there ..... come on .... come on .... ha....gotcha! he thought as he opened his eyes and the energy around him changed his surroundings and like being in a worm whole he was transported to where Kyuya was, standing right a few steps away from him. 

"This time it seems i'm the one fallowing you ..... " 


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After vanishing from Meian, Kyuya quickly retreated into the shadows and found his way toward one of his hideouts in the city, namely a small house which has remained vacant ever since its previous residents had passed away, and rumors of it being haunted stopped anyone from moving in. As soon as Kyuya arrived he collapsed on the spot, shaking, trembling, holding his hand over his mouth as he fought the urge to throw up. One by one, the many masks he had used either during sex or in battle floated out of his body: man, woman, child, old man, old hag, the jester, the beast, the demon, and the god. With each mask leaving his form, Kyuya's own face began to melt and fade away until there was nothing left, no eyes, no nose, no mouth, nothing at all, leaving behind a plain smooth surface. He curled up against the wall and continued to shiver until suddenly a portal opened out of nowhere and Kyuya stepped through.


All the masks turned to look at Meian while Kyuya hid his own featureless face behind his large flowing sleeves. "Meian? But... how..?" The nine masks spoke, each with a different voice, but in unison, they seemed to resemble Kyuya's usual tone. The voices chuckled: "Well.. since I have invaded your privacy countless times... I suppose it's only fair that you invade mine for a change..." 


Slowly Kyuya managed to stand up as he used the wall behind him for support, he took the mask of the demon to hold it in front of his blank face and said: "So, why are you here Meian? Trying to help me? Do you feel sympathy for me or something just because you've got a glimpse of my past!? Do you presume to understand me just because you read a few books? Give me a break Meian, you know NOTHING! Nothing of my pain, my suffering, my hatred of your kind! You who have forgotten your sins, you who have buried your creation into oblivion, you who have cast it all aside! You disgust me, human! I disgust me!"  


As Kyuya roared at Meian he took a step forward, only to stumble back and dropped the demon mask, leaving it floating back in the air. Staring at Meian with his blank empty face he said: "Don't you think you can get rid of me that easily Meian... You've barely scratched the surface of what I am..."  

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Meian looked puzzled at the man before him, curled against the wall and the masks floating around him like shields. He looked around the place not recognizing it , thinking that it must be one of the many hideouts that the other had. When Kyuya spoke he turned his gaze around back at him taking a step closer as the portal behind him closed but the light and darkness still floating peacefully around him this time. 

There was something strange with the other and all he could do was frown at the multitude of masks surrounding him and him hiding his face. As he stand up and started speaking, Meian kept silent, not saying a single word, letting him vent towards him. It was only fair as he did the same. It was like they changed roles and now he had to comfort him as he did before. 


"So, why are you here Meian? Trying to help me? Do you feel sympathy for me or something just because you've got a glimpse of my past!? Do you presume to understand me just because you read a few books? Give me a break Meian, you know NOTHING! Nothing of my pain, my suffering, my hatred of your kind! You who have forgotten your sins, you who have buried your creation into oblivion, you who have cast it all aside! You disgust me, human! I disgust me!"  

It wasn't sympathy that he felt towards the other. He felt compassion, and also he felt awful for how the humans had acted towards him. I don't presume i understand you idiot!! because you don't tell me anything about you! I know nothing about you!! I know nothing because its all hidden and give me only glimpses of what you want and what is convenient for you damn it!!!

His mind was screaming at Kyuya but on the outside Meian wasn't saying anything, just looking at him as he was holding the mask against his face until he got a step closer, stumbling on his feet and drop the mask which returned floating around him, making Meian's eyes widen and take a deep breath as he saw his faceless face. Confused as hell he looked at the demon before him, seeing him for the first time as he really was. 


"Don't you think you can get rid of me that easily Meian... You've barely scratched the surface of what I am..."  

"Honestly I don't care what you are right now" he said firmly taking a step closer to him, grounded and well balanced. "Because you're too stubborn to tell me" he continued taking another step closer to Kyuya. One normal person would had been scared of this faceless demon and all those masks surrounding him, but Meian decided to give him another chance, at least as a friend if not as a lover. "Hell, you're too stubborn to tell me anything about you and i should trust you?!  Sorry man but that doesn't work like that" he stopped in front of him taking deep breaths as he reached his hand out, and place it on his faceless cheek. "If you want me to trust you then you have to trust me as well. You know more shit about me than i know about you. Let's stop the dirty tricks and be honest for once" he tried to reason with him. 

Yes, he had been the one not reasoning but all this back and forth with their emotion wasn't getting them anywhere. Someone had to stop and think better. Guess the other hated him as much as he was now, or maybe it wasn;t hat that he was feeling. No. Meian was hurt, not feeling hate towards the other. 

"But I already know that you wont trust me ...." he said sadly but with a soft smile on his face as his hand dropped from the others face. "I cannot undo what my kind did to you all those years. All i can say is i'm sorry and hope you'll see that not all of us are that bad .... " he stepped away from him giving him space. But then took a deep breath, closing his eyes and letting both darkness and light surround them both. Kyuya had given him part of his energy to clam down but now it was his turn to do the same and help the other to regain his composure. "I'm sorry that i cannot do much .... " he added feeling the energy fill the others body, making him more steady on his feet. "I really did cared for you and guess i still do .... and i'll stop being childish and hate you for playing with my feelings. Guess i trusted you like you trusted those humans and got burn, just like me. Not as painful, but i understand. I may be useless and stupid but i can understand if you ..... forget it" he sigh feeling that he gave enough energy for the other to get better, and stopped the energy. 

"Get well soon .... You know where to find me ..." he smiled as he opened another portal getting ready to step away. 

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Kyuya was rather caught off guard when Meian approached, not afraid of his featureless face and actually reached out and touch him. He would have knocked the man's hands away if not for the warmth coming from him in a manner similar to how he had calmed the troubled young man down before. Slowly Kyuya was able to calm down, and one by one the masks floated back inside him and with it, his usual face emerged. He listened as Meian spoke, rightfully accusing him of his stubbornness and secrecy, and through the connection, they shared he could tell just how deeply Meian cared for him. Soon enough Kyuya returned to normal, and as Meian opened another portal and was about to leave, Kyuya quickly stepped forth to stop him.


"Wait Meian... I..!" Kyuya said as grabbed Meian by his wrist, but before he could speak any further he fell silent, biting on his own lips as his body trembled. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before returning his gaze back to the young man then said: "It's not that I don't want to tell you about me, it's rather that I physically can't... It's just a simple fact of my being, my nature if you will. I am bound by what I am, just as you are bound by your nature. That being said, I've lived long enough to know that not all people are bad. I've also looked into your heart deep enough to know that you're just about the most naive, most gullible, most... pure-hearted man I've ever met..."


Kyuya leaned closer to Meian and his body was still shivering a bit. He said: "Remember when I said that I wish to take you somewhere far, far away so we can be together forever? Part of me still believes that it is the right choice given the circumstances..." While the demon has calmed down from his earlier outburst, it was clear that he was still somewhat unstable and in a vulnerable state. He then said in a pleading tone: "If only you could just... give up... on everything... then I'll make sure you enjoy an eternity of pure joy and pleasure... away from all the danger and hardships of the world... I mean sure that's the path of darkness but if we're enjoying ourselves then who cares? If you do.... I could even love you... Isn't that what you want? My love?"

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"Wait Meian... I..!" 

The voice was cracked, somehow it didn't sounded like him. Or maybe this was his real voice. When he grabbed his arm stopping him from leaving, Meian turned and smiled, happy that the other managed to get himself back together piece by piece. The portal was still open behind him as the other continued talking. he could see that he had trouble speaking what he wanted too, but he appreciated that he was trying. 


"It's not that I don't want to tell you about me, it's rather that I physically can't... It's just a simple fact of my being, my nature if you will. I am bound by what I am, just as you are bound by your nature. That being said, I've lived long enough to know that not all people are bad. I've also looked into your heart deep enough to know that you're just about the most naive, most gullible, most... pure-hearted man I've ever met..."

Meian sigh and smiled amused by his comment about himself and how naive he was. Yeah. He really was. Because he wanted to see the good in people and give them a chance. The change that most of the people didn't gave him and get to know him. They always have judged by his appearance because he had an odd hair color and was rather silent then the most kids in school. They never gave him a chance to speak with him. That's why Meian turned to be this naive. Maybe naive isn't the exact word. Maybe the right word was, emphatic.  


"Remember when I said that I wish to take you somewhere far, far away so we can be together forever? Part of me still believes that it is the right choice given the circumstances..."

That made his heart skip a beat as he was remembering when he told him that. Back then he was still under his influence and maybe more constient than he thought. He was so in love that he would had accept everything. But now ... even if he did still loved .... cared for him, he couldn't do it. He couldn't let everything to be distroied just for them to be the only ones to survive. What would happen to his fathers? He just got one back and he wasn't going to lose both of them of his selfishness. A part of him would had accept it but the rational part was stronger this time. 


 "If only you could just... give up... on everything... then I'll make sure you enjoy an eternity of pure joy and pleasure... away from all the danger and hardships of the world... I mean sure that's the path of darkness but if we're enjoying ourselves then who cares? If you do.... I could even love you... Isn't that what you want? My love?"

Even if his heart was beating hard in his chest it was starting to hurt. To turn to the darkness. That was an easy choice, but nothing was that easy. They would be hunt down eventually. So that wasn't an option anymore. 

"I would love to have your love but we both know that will not happen .... " he said smiling sad grabbing his hand that he was holding him. he stepped closer touching his cheek looking into his eyes that have mesmerized him. "And i cannot leave this world to chaos .... you know that .... even if i'm useless right now ... if I can help i'll do my best to save it .... I just got back a father and i don't intent to lose both of them..... " he sigh leaning his forehead to the others, closing his eyes for a few seconds then opened them. 

"Rest .... heal .... then we can start with the training again as we agreed .... In the meantime i'll ask my parents to train me as well", he smiled this time trying to change the mood. "I'll try my best to get better and stronger so that in the future ... if needed .... i can save you" he leaned and pressed his lips against the other, letting out more energy towards him, making sure he had enough to help him get better. 

"Now be a good boy and get better" he smirked as he stepped back, step by step until their hands parted in the air and he stepped in the portal and then disappeared, landing back on the school grounds. 

He was ready to fuck every childish thought he had and work on the matter. He had to get stronger and better at what he was and his powers. So he went in the deans room canceling his school year, but keeping the pass for the library. As long as he wasn't going to get books out of it they wouldn't ask about his school id. Which was best. Then he decided to head home and ask his parents to train him on the physical level as to power level as well. He knew his dad was good with physical fights and maybe his other dad could help him with the light. Then, when Kyuya was feeling better, they would do the darkness training.  He didn't know how much time they had so they had to move fast. 


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Kyuya looked at Meian and was surprised by his gentleness, his voice, his touch, and his very being felt warm, calm, and reassuring. Seeing Meian like this seemed to have brought Kyuya out of the darkened state he was in, and by the time Meian pressed a kiss on the demon's lips he had regained much of his composure back. "I'm a bit old for 'boy' but sure. You take care of yourself too." He put on a weak smile as the young man walked through the new portal he'd created and disappeared. Once he was left alone he let out a deep, heavy sigh. It's the second time that he almost succumbed to his own darkness, the appeal of forgetting about everything, about the state of the world, about his own nature, and simply indulging in the love and pleasure from the purest being he had ever known for the rest of eternity. It was of course not simply a sign of weakness on his part, but also a testament to the allure of Meian to someone like him. "Oh.. Meian... Will you actually be able to find out what I am...?" Kyuya muttered to himself, half out of fear, half out of hope. He closed his eyes and stepped into the shadows as his physical form seemed to disintegrate and melt into the darkness.




Later that day Hikaru finished his last shift and went back home. The reason for it being his last was that he'd decided to quit his job for now as he was no longer in a hurry to move out or support himself. While he felt a bit guilty for living off Keiko's earnings and savings, given the circumstances he could use more time training and honing his powers. "I'm home~" Hikaru said loudly as he entered the house and began looking around for Keiko or Meian.  

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When Meian return home, he had found his dad in his office room at the ground floor of their house and taking a deep breath he decided to talk with him about his plans. 

"Hei dad .... what'cha doing?" he asked as he sat on the chair looking at him. Now that he was looking better he could see that his father had got a little bit older than what he was remembering. Maybe he had missed that change in him and always saw him as the great and stubborn father he was sometimes. 

"Hei son ... just finishing up some paperwork with the bills. What's wrong?" he asked looking at his son curious of what he wanted. Meian never came into his office unless it was rather urgent. And from what he could sense there was no danger happening outside their home. Or maybe he has lost his feeling about those kind of things. 

"i wanted to ask you a favor which i'm not sure you're going to like it" started Meian sighing as he knew his father was overprotective with him. 

"I'm listening" said Keiko curious, closing his laptop. 

"I want you to train me to fight. I need to know how to defent myself when i cannot use any of my powers. I know you want to protect me and you will but i still need to know to do it myself and i think i'm old enough for you to trust me and teach me ..." he started babbling making Keiko smile but it was a sad smile. 

"Alright ..." said Keiko sighing with a soft smile on his face. He feared this day and wished it would had never come. But the path had to be chose by his son and not him. He was after all a special person. 

"Really?" said Meian surprised that it was that easy to persuade his father. 

"Yes. I think that ... given the circumstances ... you need to be able to protect yourself if i cannot" 

"Dad, that's not what i've meant ..." 

"I know son. i know what you meant. But so am I" he sigh standing from his chair. "Do you want to start right away?" he said walking around his desk waiting for his son. 

Meian looked puzzled at his father but got up from the chair and fallowed him outside in the backyard. 

"Wouldn't the neighbors see us?" he asked worried about their privacy. And of course because he didn't want the neighbors to call the police or anything. 

"There is a protection field around the house and also a cloaking spell, making it look normal. I'm learned that from your father long time ago" said Keiko pulling his sleeves to his elbows and taking two long sticks. "First you need to learn the basic. You have the gift to use this sword. Its part of who you are and you give it power. You can use it as well as your half" he said looking at him with understandment, meaning the other demon. 

"Dad, he's not my other half ... He is just .... someone i was stupid enough to think that he really loved me and not just for my powers" he said shrugging looking at the long wood in his hands that looked like a sword. 

"Trust me my boy .... there is more to the story then you think" he said smiling gently starting to concentrate. 

They soon started to do the basic skills in fighting with the sword, without realizing the time. They didn't heard the door or the voice of Hikaru as they were too busy with the fighting and techniques that Meian was starting to get a hold of it. Both sweaty and harshly breathing, jumping and running around the yard and the wooden swords where clacking together from time to time. 

Meian almost had his dad but the old man had a trick in his sleeve, and with a slow movement of his leg aback, Meian fell and Keiko won the fight. 

"You learn fast son" he said breathing heavily. 

"You're a good teacher" responded Meian smiling at his dad, then both of them where laughing as Keiko helped him get back up and then they saw Hikaru. 

"Already home love? Is it that late?" he asked checking the time on his watch. 

"Hei ..." said Meian still not sure how he should address the other so he simply left it like that. 

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When Hikaru returned home he searched for Keiko and Meian but couldn't find the two anywhere. Just as he was wondering where did the two men go he heard some commotion coming from the backyard. Soon he found his lover and friend/son engaged in a fierce battle, be it with wooden sticks instead of real blades. With a soft chuckle, he decided to leave the father and son for the time being as he went upstairs to wash and change into more comfortable clothes. He then went into the kitchen to cook for the whole family. By the time he was about done he decided to go to the backyard and call his boys for dinner. 


"Yeah I came back a while ago but didn't want to interrupt your training. Sure looked like a hard workout." Hikaru smiled as he turned his gaze towards Meian, sensing the awkwardness in his voice he chuckled: "Just call me Hikaru as usual Meian. I'm still the same person you met on that school orientation day. The fact that I'm kinda sorta your dad in my previous life and I'm in a relationship with Keiko now doesn't change anything. You're my best friend Meian and I really don't want any of this to ruin our friendship." He paused for a moment and said:" Now why don't you boys go take a quick shower? I made beef stew for dinner." 

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Meian smiled at his friend and looked at his father that was all but a smile. He was happy that he had found his happiness again but with all that happened he wasn't sure how long it would last. He really hopped for them to finally find their happy ending and live longer together now that they had found each other again. After seeing their past lives, he felt sorry for them to be apart every time like that. Maybe the circle was going to break and they could spend more time together because their love really deserved it. As for him ... He didn't know what his future was holding for him. He just hopped that if he was going to die at some point, he wouldn't be alone and that someone would be by his side to hold his hand. 

shaking that thought away he took a deep breath, cleaning his clothes off dirt. "Let's go dad. I'm starving" he said tapping his father on his back as he walked pass his friend heading to his room to get changed and clean up for the dinner together with his family. It all seemed so perfect now but deep down he knew he had to work on himself and his strenght. First stage of the starting point was made. Now came the second, with his friend. After he cleaned up and changed he went in the kitchen sitting at the table waiting for the other. as he was waiting he was wondering how Kyuya was doing. Was he better? Was he healed? Was he safe? Being in that state would make him vulnerable for others to take advantage of him. But he was able to still feel their connection so the other was still alive. 

Keiko smiled at Hikaru and gave him a kiss before doing the same thing as his son and return in the kitchen, waiting patiently for Hikaru to serve dinner and eat. This was really nice to see and experience after such long time. It was like he was dreaming but it was all true. His family was finally together and he was going to keep it that way. 

"Hikaru .... I have a request to make for you as well .... As you probably saw that me and dad were training but ... i need to work all my powers as well and ... given that you're my past father and have the light as well as me , i was wondering if you can teach me to control it and what it actually mean to use it" said Meian playing with his food lifting his eyes on the other. 

Keiko looked at his son and back at Hikaru, knowing that this was going to be hard but Meian was right. He needed the training and he couldn't delay this any longer. He was big enough to know the risks and all that involved and after what they experienced, he was all for it. 


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While Hikaru set up the table Keiko and Meian were quickly done with washing and joined him in the kitchen. "Good, let's dig in." Hikaru smiled as he sat down beside his lover. Of course, it wasn't the first time he cooked for the three of them, nor was it the first time they had dinner together, but somehow this time it felt different, momentous even. Come to think of it, this would be the first time the three of them sat down as a singular family instead of family and friend. The realization brought a smile to Hikaru's face, and as a cherry on top of an already delicious cake, the beef stew he made turned out just perfect. Maybe it was the new spice he just got? 


As Hikaru was enjoying the fruit of his own labor he turned towards Meian when his friend spoke to him. He nodded at Meia's request and said: "Yeah no problem. I planned to teach you in the first place. I'd also like to learn what Kyuya had taught you when it comes to using darkness. It is something I'm also curious about." Hikaru chuckled joyfully and continued: "Oh and just so you know, the only way I know how to teach spells, incantations, and such is my memories from centuries ago, so expect my teaching methods to be... well... medieval. I won't be your friend, nor your parent. I'll be a drill sergeant grinding you into the dirt. Hope you're ready for it. But in return, feel free to be an asshole to me when you're teaching me about darkness." He then turned towards Keiko and said: "Feel free to join in if you like~"

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Meian nodded smiling at his friend. He wanted to learn from the best, and from what he has seen and heard , his parents were the best in the field for centuries. No one said it was going to be easy but he was looking forward to it. 


"Feel free to join in if you like~"

"I'll keep an eye on you two" said Keiko smiling and leaned forward to kiss his lover as he then returned to the meal.

The dinner was finished rather quickly but they still sat there and chat, laughed , like a normal family. Something that Keiko and Meian missed all those years but now it was whole again. 

After dinner it was time to rest as the next day it was going to be a rough training with his friend. He needed to be rested and focused as this time it wasn't going to be a phisical thing but more mental and energetic training that it was possible to drain him out in seconds if he wasn't careful. 

As he was laying in bed, Meian looked out the window and his thought rushed at Kyuya and how he was doing. Deep down he wished to have what his parents had but he knew that would not happen and that Kyuya wasn't loving him the way he did. But he was okay with it. As long he could be alongside the other and see him he was fine. For now at least. When the pain was going to be unbearable he will have to find what the other was and break the bond between them and keep his distance. 

Hei Kyuya .... are you alright?  he asked through their link waiting for a response but nothing came back. Sighing he continued talking. Hope you're better .... I got training with dad today ... it was rough ... but managed to learn some basic combat skills at least although i got my ass kicked big time, he chuckled at the thought. Tomorrow i'll start with Hikaru to train the light within me....he asked to show him how darkness works but .... i'm not sure how all that will be ... , he stopped there for a second as he was struggling not to say what his mind actually wanted. Really hope that you got better. Good night Kyuya, he finished as he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and when exhailing he let out a soft whimper. "i miss you" , the he fell asleep. 


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After dinner was done and the three stayed at the table chatted for a bit. Then Hikaru went back to his room and spent some time mediating. It would still take some time before the flow if energy inside him return to the level he was at in his previous life, but he was steadily regaining his strength. A couple of hours later he got up and went straight to Keiko's room. Now that everything was clear with Meian he no longer need to sneak around to be with his lover. 


"Hey there. You still awake?" Hikaru asked as he opened the door and poked his head inside. As usual Hikaru was rather carefree when it comes to clothing indoors and only had a loose shirt on plus a pair of boxers. He laid on the bed and said with a teasing smile: "Come on Keuko, I can't fall asleep without you by my side. Preferably with a little ‘exercise’ first~"






As Meian fell asleep and his consciousness fell into slumber, his mind was set adrift between subconscious and memories, not just his but also someone else's, like stepping through a veil into a fog, and by the time the fog dispersed Meian found himself walking down a dirt  road, with rice fields on each side. There were others traveling with him but Meian knew none of them. Their clothing looked old fashioned and worned, like they were from the model ages or straight out of some historical drama. 


"Hey #%^&, how are you holding up?" A middle aged man asked as he approached, the name he spoke was somehow inaudible to Meian's ears. 


"Tired, master. I feel like my legs are gonna break in any second!" Words came out of Meian's mouth, or rather, out of the mouth of the young man whose body Meian seemed to be inhabiting right now. Seeing through his eyes, hearing with his ears, remembering. The young man asked: "How long until we arrive at the village?"


"According to the map, shouldn't take more than a few hours." The man addressed as a 'master' said. 


"That's what you said yesterday!" The young man complained. 


"Yeah my bad. But thus time I am sure we're close!" The master pulled out the map and showed it to the young man: "See the hill here and the big tree here? We just passed it, which means the village would be right over that hill over there!" He pointed towards the hill ahead of them and said: "Come on , just hang in there a bit longer!"


"Want me to carry you? Little princess?" Another voice came from behind and as the young man turned towards the source, seeing a large buffed man looking at him with a snarky smile. 


"I can walk on my own, thank you very much!" The young man huffed as he marched forward. Joining up with a couple of others ahead of the group. He then approached one of them and  asked: "Hey, you heard anything about this job? Is it a wedding or some kind of festival?"


"Not sure. The client didn't provide much details." The man replied: "But apparently the pay was good enough to warrant us all traveling for days to get there."


"I just hope it's not some kind of scam..." The young man sighed: "The master can really be gullible when it comes to money..."


"Relax The client paid up front and even the minister vouched for them. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?" The man asked.


"Ugh, I don't know, they kill us all for some dark ritual?" The young man said. 


"You're over thinking this #%^&. Just do your job and everything gonna be okay." The man said before patting the young man in the back. 


The young man groaned in complaint up kept walking. With each step forward the fog began to thicken once more, and before long Meian drifted out if this memory.




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Keiko was about asleep when the knock on his door made him open his eyes and turn, only to see Hikaru standing in the doorway, bringing a soft smile on his face. 


Hey there. You still awake?"

looking him up and down, admiring his body in that little fabric he had on which was enough for his mind to wonder every inch of his skin. 

"Now I am love" he smirked as he turned to one side looking him walking closer and sitting on the edge of the bed next to him. 


"Come on Keuko, I can't fall asleep without you by my side. Preferably with a little ‘exercise’ first~"

He chuckle. "You have my full attention now love.... What do you have in mind my little devil" he whispered leaning up to kiss his parted lips, deepening the kiss when he felt the other melt a little. 


Meian's eyes snapped open in an instant finding hard to breath. His forehead was covered in sweat as his breath was deep and hard. It felt like he had walked all that time and was exhausted. Sitting up he looked around the room and outside the window. It was still dark. Checking the clock on the nightstand he saw that it was only 3 am. Sighing and brushing the sweat off his forehead he layed back on the pillow, turning to the side trying to figure out what that was. Who it was? Was it from his parents? The guy did said something about rituals and something like that. Or maybe Kyuya? But he wasn't a priest. Or at least that's what he thought. Or was he? Frowning , Meian closed his eyes , forcing himself to go to sleep. The next day was going to be more exhausted than today and he needed to rest. He was going to figure out later about what he saw in his dream. 

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"Ah.. sorry for waking you up." Hikaru smiled apologetically as Keiko approached him. He let out a soft moan when Keiko claimed his lips, and almost immediately he felt himself melting into his lover's embrace. Eventually, Hikaru pulled away from the kiss, looking at his lover with a heavy blush on his face and said: "Well... I do have something in mind... but only if you're up for it..." 


Hikaru bit on his lower lips while he averted Keiko's gaze. Given their long history and the fact that they pretty much knew everything about each other by now, it was rare for Hikaru to feel embarrassed about anything, but it would seem that whatever Hikaru had in mind this time, it was something even he found it hard to bring up. But eventually, he looked up at Keiko and asked: "I was wondering if... if you'd be willing to... well... how should I put it.... like some SM stuff..?" The volume of his voice was getting lower and lower with each word coming out of his mouth until it was barely a whisper: "Like... tying me up or... spank me or... something...." 


By this point, Hikaru's face had a heavy blush, and his already pale complexion made the red even more obvious. He scratched his face a bit awkwardly and said: "I... I mean we've done a lot of kinky stuff in the past... even had a threesome with two of myself but... There were also others who'd left their mark... and I don't like that... I want all of my most intense feelings and sensations to be from you... be it pleasure, or pain... I want you to hurt me so bad that would make everyone else pale in comparison. Is... is it weird of me to think this way?"  

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