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<3 Promises beyond Time <<hal7283 & mik3la>>

Guest mik3la

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He waited patiently noticing how the other was acting and found it rather cute but also a little bit curious why he was reacting like that. 


"I was wondering if... if you'd be willing to... well... how should I put it.... like some SM stuff..?" "Like... tying me up or... spank me or... something...." 

That made Keiko's eyes widen and a chuckle leaving his lips as his smile spread on his lips. The others reaction was even more cuter than he remembered. And from how he was asking for something like that made him wonder how much courage he needed to speak out his mind. It wasn't like they didn't do that before or anything but not in this life time. They had something done at the beginning but not that much as he didn't want to push the other. But seeing his desire into trying that sort of thing made him smirk. 


 "I... I mean we've done a lot of kinky stuff in the past... even had a threesome with two of myself but... There were also others who'd left their mark... and I don't like that... I want all of my most intense feelings and sensations to be from you... be it pleasure, or pain... I want you to hurt me so bad that would make everyone else pale in comparison. Is... is it weird of me to think this way?"  

Remembering those old times, those were really crazy things they did. But all came from his old self ideas. And he never backed away from them. So now wasn't the case either. As the other finished talking and looked at him he reached for his hand and brought it to his lips, kissing his wrist.

"Its not weird love ... is your desire that you want to explore and taste it again ... curious i would say is the right word. And you don't have to feel awkward or anything for bringing this things in discussion. If you want to try and experience something i'm more than happy to help you with it if i can" he whispered looking him in the eyes, before leaning back to catch his lips in a hungry kiss, biting his lower lip. 

"Strip and get on the bed then love and wait for me. I need some things before we start" he said against the others lips rolling around the bed to get up and grab some things from his office but before leaving his room he looked back at Hikaru. 

"I expect you to do as i said and when i'm back to find you naked on the bed" he smiled and went out his room to his office to look from some things he could use for the others pleasure. 

It took him a few moments to grab those and head back to his room, locking the door behind him and smirking devilish when he saw Hikaru as he requested, all ready for him. 

"That's my good boy " he said in a husky voice as he stepped closer to the bed, placing the things on the nightstand. There was a rope, some candles, a blindfold and a whip. 

"Before we start we need to set some rules. Some safe words in this matter. If its too much for you and we need to stop you need to tell me. Think of 3 words that are working for you in the scenarios of 'keep going', 'i'm good , keep going' and 'stop'", he said standing near the bed taking the rope in his hands playing with it, waiting for the other to think of the safe words. 

He knew that his old self could take anything from him, but in this new body of his, he was still new to stuff and didn't want to overstep it. He had to be more careful than before and doing it the right way. 

"So love .... have you thought about them?"


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Hikaru was quite relieved that Keiko was willing to explore the more kinky side of things with him. He nodded with a timid smile as Keiko went to fetch the items he needed while Hikaru took off his shirt and boxers and tossed them aside, exposing his slightly toned, slim body. He sat on the bed all naked with his heart pounding in both nervousness and anticipation, and when Keiko returned with a myriad of tools he felt his heart almost skipping a beat. "You... just have those lying around?" Hikaru asked: "When did you plan to use them if I haven't asked?"


Hikaru's eyes followed Keiko as he stood beside the bed playing with those ropes, he gulped as he imagined what would his lover do to him with them and thought about what he said. After thinking about it for a moment he said: "Umm.... how about... 'candy' for 'keep going', 'sugar' for 'I'm good, keep going' and... 'bitter' for 'stop'? Honestly, I doubt I'd ever tell you to stop cause... you know I can take a lot.." At this point, Hikaru's manhood was already at full mast, throbbing and twitching hard in excitement, and as he looked up at his lover his eyes were filled with hunger and desire. He pleaded: "Please hurt me Keiko... punish me~"



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"You... just have those lying around?" Hikaru asked: "When did you plan to use them if I haven't asked?"

Keiko looked amused at the other before he could answer. "They weren't lying around. They were well placed. And about using them, don't know ..." he said shrugging kepping his smile on his face. 

He listen carefully as the other said his safe words and chuckle at his remark about not stopping as he could take a lot. "Oh i know how much you can take love " he whispered leaning closer, keeping his face only inches away from the others face. "But I also know that this new body isn't used to it.... so we need to take it slow" he added looking down at his body, a perfect canvas that was waiting for him to use it. 


"Please hurt me Keiko... punish me~"

The need and plead in his voice send a shiver down his spine and into his member which was getting harder. Biting his lower lip as he smirked he placed his hand under the others chin and pressed his lips against it. "All at its time love .... Now lay on your back and hands above your head" he demanded playing with the rope in his hands while waiting. Once the other did as he was told, he moved closer and wrapped the rope around the others wrist, making sure to leave a digit thingness between the rope and skin, not wanting to have him hurt. Then he proceed to tie him on the bedboard bars, securing his hands above his head. 

After he reached out for a blind folder and placed it over Hikaru's eyes, letting his fingertips trace down his neck and chest. "Now you can only feel what i give you love" he whispered , brushing his lips against Hikaru's lips but didn't kissed him. 

There was a moment of silence and no movement as Keiko stood near the bed and just admired the other, taking in the full picture of his reincarnated lover tied on his bed. It was so erotic the way Hikaru was breathing and trying to escape from the ropes but even if they weren't tied hard, he was still not able to escape. 

Silently, he took his shirt off and his pant's, remaining all naked with a hard member pressed against his abs. But this time it wasn't for his own pleasure. It was to make the other moan in pure pleasure as he was using his body as he wished. 

Opening the drawer in the nightstand he took out a bottle of oil and poured a little in his hands. Then he leaned with his knee on the edge of the bed and leaned on the other which he placed it on the side of Hikaru's naked body. Without any warning he placed his oily hands on top of Hikaru's chest, starting to rub him all over the place, playing with his sensitive nipples that were already hard and pointy, pintching them or pulling them from time to time. 

Then, he moved down to his stomach, parting his legs and taking each one and oiled it, avoiding the throbbing member until he was done and moved to it. Wrapping his hands around it, he started to sqeeze as he rubbed his hands up and down the member, playing with his balls as well. After a few seconds where the others breath got harder he moved his oily fingers and played around his pink rear before pushing it inside him, moving its finger around the muscle that was trying to wrap around his finger hard. 

"Do you feel good love?" he asked wanting to make sure that he was okay, before he entered a second finger not waiting for his response. Both hands were working both sides, front and back, stimulating him. When he felt the muscles contracting he removed his hands off his body with a smirk. "No cumming yet love" his voice low and horsed. 

From the same drawer he pulled out a vibrator which he oiled it as well, turned it on and started to play with it on the others body, moving to his sensitive chest, against his erected member that was throbbing and leaking and final at his rear but not pushing it in. When Hikaru wiggled his ass wanting it, Keiko smirked and moved away the vibrator. 

"Don't move love or you'll not get what you want" he added turning off the vibrator. "As a little punishment , as i knew you would be impatient ... i brought this ... " he said taking the candle from the nightstand and light it up, waiting for a few seconds for the wax to melt and then he poured a few drops on Hikaru's chest making him whimper. that was music to his ears.  Other drops were left on his skin, at first hot and soon getting clod and dry on his skin. 

"Open your legs wider lover" he demanded waiting for the other to obey, taking a deep breath as he was trying to control himself as well. This was really erotic and arousing. He moved his hand with the candle in it towards his abs and let wax drops drop on his stomach and thighs and soon on his erected member while at the same time with the other hand he turned on the vibrator and pushed it inside him. 

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Hikaru leaned into the kiss as Keiko pressed their lips together. He could really spend forever just kissing his lover if physically possible, but of course, there were a lot more exciting things in life other than just making out. He nodded submissively as he laid down on the bed and raised his hands above his head, and could feel his body shiver in anticipation while Keiko tied his hands together and then secured them firmly against the headboard bars. He tried to pull on the ropes slightly and was quite satisfied by the fact that he wouldn't be able to struggle free on his own without the use of some supernatural means. And once Keiko put the blindfold over his eyes he couldn't even mentally prepare for what was about to come. All he could do was surrender himself to his senses and take whatever Keiko wished to do to him. 


With his vision blocked, Hikaru's other senses seemed to have gotten even sharper. He could hear the sound of fabrics moving, likely from Keiko removing his clothes, then the sound of Keiko moving around and opening the drawers before approaching him once again, then suddenly he felt the cold oily touch of Keiko's hands on his exposed chest. "Ah.. hn...ah...!" Hikaru moaned feeling his lover's touch, and when he felt his sensitive nipples getting pinched his voice got sweeter and louder. "Hn.. a... Keiko~~" He whined sweetly from the pleasure spreading across his body, and as Keiko's hands began moving downwards he felt like his entire body was set on fire. When Keiko touched his throbbing manhood he couldn't help but bump his hip up as if wanting to thrust into his mate's hand, and soon he felt those devilish digits pressing against his entrance and ventured inside. 


"Y.. yes Keiko.. it feels good~~" Hikaru moaned lustfully, As Keiko worked on both his cock and anus he could feel pleasure quickly building up inside him, making him moan and pant louder and sweeter, but to his disappointment Keiko soon pulled his hands away, leaving Hikaru desperate for more. He let out a sad whine in protest but after hearing Keiko's command he nodded: "Okay Keiko... I'll try my best not to cum..."


Once again Keiko left his side for the drawers, each second Keiko wasn't touching him felt like an eternity of anticipation. He let out a surprised cry when he suddenly felt the vibration on his chest, and as the feeling moved downwards his body seemed to start shivering with it. When he felt the vibration on his sphincter he was sure Keiko was going to push it in, and it would seem his body betrayed his eagerness as his butt wiggled on its own. 


"Pu... punishment?" Hikaru asked with his voice trembling. He knew the tools Keiko had at his disposal and whichever it was he was sure he was going to love it, and then it came, the burning pain.


"Aah~!!" Hikaru let out a loud sweet cry while hot wax fell on his exposed chest. He was already tearing up when Keiko ordered him to open his legs wider, and he did so without hesitation. His body jolted and squired in agony as the drops fell on his skin, bringing him more delicious pain over his abs. Just when he felt it was all getting a bit overwhelming he was suddenly struck with a two-prong assault, the burning pain on his throbbing cock along with the vibrator being pushed inside his ass was simply too much for him to handle. 


"AAAAAAAAAAH~~~~~!!!!" Hikaru cried out in ecstasy as strings of thick white cum burst out of his manhood, adding drops of white over the dried-up red wax on his chest and belly. He panted desperately as his body spasmed and he said: "I'm..... sorry Keiko... I... I came without your permission.... ha.. a... I'm such a bad boy.... h...a... Please punish me for it..." 

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The way the other came and cried out his pleasure was music to his ears and made his cock twitched, but he did came without permission so he had to be punished. 

"Now what do we have here .... You've been disobedient .... hmmm..." he groan as he pulled out the vibrator turning it off for the moment and rubbing his finger over the others stomach where the semen has spread. "Such a sneaky little disobedient lover you are love" he took a little semen on his finger and licked them, tasting the sweet taste of the other. "Ihave to admit that you taste good as always. But then again ... now i have to punish you" he added smirking devilish looking down at the other. 

"You got yourself a sexy face when you cum but next time, will be when i say so love" he said grabbing the other by the cheeks, holding him firmly to look at him before kissing him forcefully, making him taste his own cum on his lips. After a few seconds he broke the kiss breathing heavy stepping away from the other. 

"Now i have to make sure you will not cum againm unless i say so" he turned and took out some little thing from his nightstand and turned to the others member, strocking it and taking it into his mouth, slurping and sucking, making him hard again. When the other wasn't paying much attention to him he moved his lips away and slide the thin shiny thing in his urethral, that way stopping him from further climax. 

"Now this is nice" he added smirking devilish licking his lips as he reached for the whip, moving it along side his thighs, up and down, slapping the white skin along the way, just to leave a sting in his path. 

"Now ... be a good boy love .... Or i'm not gonna let you cum" he added in a low voice as he slapped his rear with the whip as he possitioned himself between his thighs, rubbing his hard cock against him while looking at him. "How are you feeling?" he asked just wanting to make sure the other was still okay with what was going on or stop that very instance. 

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Hikaru was still panting heavily and shivering from the lingering sensations of his climax as Keiko pulled the vibrator out, causing a sweet moan to leak out of his mouth. "I'm... sorry Keiko.. ha.. ha... I've been naughty... please punish me...." He whispered as he felt the other's hand over his stomach spreading his slimy seeds around, and the next thing he knew he was grabbed by the cheeks and had Keiko's lips pressed against his. Naturally, he welcomed the kiss and as their tongues mingled he could taste the distinct flavor cum, making the kiss even lewder. The kiss didn't last for long however and soon Keiko pulled away, saying something about making sure he wouldn't cum without permission.  


"I won't Keiko... I promise...!" Hikaru whined, feeling a mixture of fear and excitement as Keiko's tone. He knew Keiko could be really sadistic if need be, after all, he was a murderous demon at one point. To Hikaru's surprise, he was suddenly treated with several good strokes on his half-hard member, followed by the unmistakable feeling of Keiko's mouth sucking on the shaft. "Ha.. ah .. Kei.. Keiko wait.. I'm stll... sensitive there~" He whined as the stimulation almost overwhelmed him, and it didn't take long for his cock to be at full mast once again. 


What happened next however caught Hikaru completely off guard. One moment he was enjoying the blowjob Keiko was giving him, and the next he felt something pressing against the meatus of his manhood. "K.. Keiko waht are you.. ah. .Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He cried out in agony as something hard was pushed down his sensitive urethral. The pain was unlike anything he'd ever experienced in his life. He panted harshly as cold sweat flowed down his cheek, and as the initial shock from the pain subsided and he got used to the alien sensation, it almost started to feel strangely... good?  He wasn't allowed much time to adjust though, as soon he began to feel his thighs getting hit by the whip repeatedly. 


'Ah!,, aha. .ahh. aaah!" Hikaru moaned as he felt each whip strikes on his skin. The pain was a lot more mild compared to the urethral insertion he just got, making them a lot easier to enjoy. He could also feel something else pressing against his rear, something hot and hard, likely Keiko's own cock which must be aching for some relief by now. He smiled when Keiko asked if he was alright and remembered the safe words they'd agreed upon and said: "Sugar~" 

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As he waited on the others respond he noticed his lustful and hungry look along with a devilish smile on his face as he said the safe word to continue. 

"That's a good boy" he groan, rubbing his erection against the others balls and member as he moved the whip against his nipples and slap them gently one after another. He then leaned down and kissed the other, letting his tongue mingle with his, devouring his mouth, moaning between their lips. 

He threw away the whip as he broke the kiss and spread the others legs a little wider, pushing his member's head at his rear, teasing him. Holding the others hips while doing so, he watched the other, liking to see him wimp like that under him and the shining little thing wiggling at the tip of his member. 

Without a warning he thrust inside the other to the hilt, groaning and stopping for a few seconds, before moving his hips back and forth, thrusting him deep and fast. No time to adjust, to time to let him calm himself after his orgasm as this was punishment, he ramped in and out of him hard and fast. 

The room was filled with their groans and moans and the sound of their bodies connecting. The sight of the other loosing himself because of him was a bliss. He just couldn't get enough of him. He really missed his lover and with his body all ready for him like always, it was like he was back in time. But the present was much more amazing. Living the moment like they always did. Accepting everything each of them was offering every time. 

"Fuck you're still thight ...hhnn....nnngh...You're clenching so hard around me like you want to rip my dick off babe hhnnn....hhhaa...." he groan keeping the thrusts at the same pace. When he wanted to take a breath he reached out and unlock the cuffs from the bed, lifting the other in his arms as he was laying on the bed with Hikarul on top, but holding him in his arms. 

In this angle he was able to sink more inside him, reaching deeper than before, feeling Hikaru's body shudder in his arms. "That's it baby ... take it all ... like a good fucking slut that you are" he groan loudly, breathing harder and harder, starting to help the other move up and down, forcing him each time to take him all, hitting his sweet spot that made him shudder harder. 

"F-Fuck...ngh....you're so fucking sexy love ...ngh...i fucking love your body....ha....its perfectly made for me ...ngh....ha...ha...that's it baby ...ha....ride me ... take me all ...hhnngh....you like your punishment love? hhngh...hha....fuck yes...ha...ngh..." he moaned holding Hikaru's waist tighter as he was at his limit as well. 


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Hikaru whelped as he felt the whip striking his sensitive nipples and was really starting to feel desperate as he craved to become one with his love, knowing full well that Keiko must be feeling the same, if not more so. Hikaru moaned softly as he felt Keiko's cock rubbing against his entrance teasingly and said: "Please Keiko... I want your cock so bad... fuck me.. fucke me hard~" 


And soon Hikaru was given what he wanted. He cried out sweetly as Keiko rammed his manhood all the way inside with a single hard push. He arched his back as the pleasure spread across his body, then the following thrusts made him moan even more. "Hnn ah, aah! Aa ahaha ~ aah ha, na,. ,nyaa aAaah~~!" Each time Keiko rammed down his intestines he'd moan out lustfully as if he was a musical instrument being played by Keiko's masterful performance. “Keiko! ah. .AH.. ..aah. your cock feels so.. so good~~ aah fuck me.. fucke me more~~" It was all quite overwhelming as his rear convulsed and squeezed around Keiko's manhood each time he thrust inside, and at the same time the plug inside his urethral was also causing such delicious pain that it was really messing with his senses.  


"Hn.. ah..." Hikaru moaned softly when Keiko suddenly stopped, and then he felt the restraints around his wrists were removed. He let out a surprised cry when Keiko suddenly pulled him up, and now he was straddling his lover. Now given more freedom to move on his own, Hiakru didn't waste a moment before he began rocking his hips and bumping his body up and down upon his lover's cock, letting to empale him deeper and deeper. He cried: "Ha.. y.. yes I love it... I love the punishment you're giving me.. ah. aha. aah~~ Please.. please fill me up.. give me your cum~~ aha AAAaahah~~~"



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A soft growl escape his throat at the others words and didn't want to let him wait any longer as he as well was at his limit. 

He leaned back on the bed, pulling his legs a little forcing Hikaru to fall on top of him and as he hold his waist he started to pound inside him as fast as he could, feeling his muscle tensing with each thrust as his orgasm was closer and closer. 

"Fucking cum for me love" he groan catching the others lips hungrily, while his thrust maintained the same speed, he released on hand and move it between their bodies at the little dangling metal in his urethral and after a few seconds he pulled it out feeling Hikaru's insides clenching around his member making him cum with a loud groan. 

His body stilled as he felt his member twitching with his load, filling the other completely, holding him carefully as he came hard between their bodies. 

Breathless he hold Hikaru on his chest, calming after the powerful orgasm they both had. As the other was resting he kissed his forehead gently. "I love you Hikaru ... my heart is completely yours" he whispered taking deep breaths slowly. 

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“Hnn.. ah. aha. .ha... ah aaaah~ aahaaAhh~~~" Hikaru moaned as he rode Keiko's manhood in an almost frantic manner. At that moment his brain had pretty much given up and shut down as he was just completely lost in the flood of pleasure and love he was receiving. All he could do was to let his body act on its own, rocking his hip, moaning, crying, like a wild animal in heat, devoid of all semblance of reason nor decency. He whelped when he was made to fall on his lover's muscular chest, and as Keiko rushed for the goal his own cries became even louder, sweeter, and wilder. It all culminated into an explosive climax when Keiko pulled the plug out of his cock, and the suddenly intense pain mixed with the overwhelming pleasure coming from his rear was simply all too much for him. 


'AHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hikaru cried out as once again cum burst out of his manhood and his slimy seeds got spread all over their bodies. His eyes were rolled back and his tongue was left half dangling outside his mouth, panting heavily as even after the peak of pleasure has passed, Hikaru's body was still shaking and spasming from the lingering sensations. It took him quite a while to recover to a point that his mind regained basic functionality and he whispered: "I.. love you too Keiko..." He felt tired, he felt sore, he could still feel the burn of the candles and whip strikes, and it was perfect. Looking up at Keiko he smiled: "Thank you... for being so brutal~ I'll sure to return the favor at some point."

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"Thank you... for being so brutal~ I'll sure to return the favor at some point."

He chuckled. "I'll remember that" he said holding Hikaru in his arms, feeling his body relaxing. After a few moments he moved away from the other and went in the bathroom to take a cloth with hot water and started cleaning Hikaru's body while still on the bed. They were to tired to go in the shower or even bath and it was pretty late and they needed rest. 

After finishing, he cleaned himself and then got back in bed, wrapping his arm around the other. He really missed this. Being together with his love, cuddling like this. It was like he was in heaven which soon made him fell asleep. He hasn't been feeling like this in ages. 




Meian woke rather early and after taking a shower and changing into some comfortable clothes he went to make himself a coffee and something to eat. He managed to sleep until he woke up in the middle of the night to grab something to drink and had heard his parents doing the nasty. Which stopped him from getting any rest after. No kid wants to hear stuff like that no matter what age their are. 

Keiko soon woke up and got dressed, fallowing the other in the kitchen. "Morning buddy" he said pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Slept well?" 

"Yeah ... all good , until i heard you guys going crazy last night" he said remembering the noises and his body shuddered as he didn't want to picture what could had happened that made them make those noises. He knew why a person might make those noises but he didn't want to think of his parents like that. 

"Oh ..." Keiko felt embaraced not knowing what to say. 

"Yeah .... so ... next time if you want to do stuff like that please let me know so i can sleep somewhere else... Ok?" he asked not looking at his father as he was blushing at this conversation. 

"Y-Yeah ... right .... " he said sipping his coffee, feeling like this was a little awkward. "So ... what's the plan for today?" he tried to change the subject.

"Not sure .... I know that i was supposed to learn how to control my powers but since you guys 'worked out' last night , i don't think Hikaru can do that anymore. So i think i'll check on Kyuya" he shrugged looking at his sandwich. "We haven't spoke that much in the past days" he added sighing. 

Keiko looked at his son not knowing how to comfort him in such situations. It was all new to him as he didn't expect his son to have love problems like this. Maybe some normal teenage drama as the youth calls it but this one was different. This was a demon-priest drama and their story was not similar to his. He was knew to this parenting thing even after all these years. This was a new stage of parenting. 

"As much as i don't like the guy and all this situation .... i know you'll find a way to sort things out. Maybe it will not be what you wish for but at least it would be something" he added leaning on the counter looking at him. 

Meian smiled continuing eating , while Keiko was drinking his coffee. This was more like themselves. Their father-son talk most of the time before. Which he had missed it. 

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The next morning when Hikaru woke up, Keiko has already gone downstairs. While slightly disappointed by the empty spot beside him, Hikaru's mood was too good to be hindered by such little detail. Last night was one of the wildest, most intense sexual experiences he had in... well.. ever. Even counting the dozens of previous lives, the stuff Keiko did to him was quite impressive. He moaned sweetly as he turned on the bed, stretching his limbs while still feeling the soreness, ache and burn across his body. Oh, such blissful pain! Hikaru wondered when did he become such a pervert?He was almost inclined to keep his body as it is just to feel it a bit longer, but alas, there's work to be done. He quickly casted a healing spell on himself and hopped off the bed. He went for a quick shower and cleaned up before getting dress and went downstairs. 


"Goooooood morning you guys~~~!" Hikaru said joyfully as he walked down. In contrast to Meian's gloominess, Hikaru was practically beaming with light as his name implied. Hikaru walked towards Keiko, pressed a soft kiss on the man's cheek, and said: "Morning love." He then turned towards Meian and said: "Oh boy you look terrible. What's the matter?" He reached his hand out and pressed his index finger on the young man's forehead, and with a small enchantment a gentle warmth enveloped his body for a brief moment, and by the time the sensation was gone Meian's body was filled with energy and freed of any hint of fatigue. "There, that should make you feel better." Hikaru said with a smile before going to get himself a cup of coffee. Returning after adding an abundant amount of milk and sugar to his drinks he sat down beside Keiko and asked: "So, what did I miss?" 

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Meian looked confused at the joyful Hikaru that walked in the kitchen as he thought that after what he heard last night the other would be still in bed. something of that sort. But apparently not. The guy was full of energy and bouncing around like nothing happened. 

That view left Keiko surprised as well but chuckle when he saw the look on his son's face and the other asked what he had missed. 

"Well ... apparently we have kept our son awake last night .... i'll need to do some changes in the house to make it sound prof, that is" he laughed looking at them both, but still feeling a little embarrassed that his son has heard them. He knew he was already old enough to know this kind of stuff, but it was still strange to know that he heard them. 

"I ... I was thinking that it would be a good idea to postpone the training for today as i thought you'll not feel okay and I was thinking to check on Kyuya" said Meian blushing. He was feeling a little uncomfortable to think about what he heard last night. Not that he didn't do some of the things as well but they were his parents and it was strange to hear them doing all that. He needed some time away to clear his mind of those images that he associated with the sounds. 

"We can do it later today as well .... so no worries" he added smiling softly drinking his coffee. 


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"O.. oh.. did we? Yeah sorry buddy, my bad. I promise it won't happen again. You will never hear us doing the dirty llfrom now on." Hikaru said with an awkward smile. He then cleared his throat and said: "Well, in any case, I think it's a good idea for you to check up on him as well. Regardless of our feelings regarding the matter, you are connected to him on a spiritual level, so his well-being I'd also yours. But I want to show you a trick or two before you go, don't worry, it won't take long. It will take like..." Hikaru stated at Meian intently as he gauged the posts swirling inside the young man. He then said: "I'd say no more than 30 minutes? We can do that after breakfast. And once you're back from visiting him we can start the training properly."


After breakfast Hikaru sat Meian down at the living room and showed him a few simple spells. Amongst those were the incantation to conjure up a simple familiar in order to send a message to someone. He also taught Meian how to create a simple flash of light, useful for blinding the opponent or drawing their attention. True to his word, Hukaru was quite Spartan when he drilled the incantations into Meian's brain, and as he predicted it didn't take long for Meian to learn those spells. There was of course also the fact that Meian had experience using his powers in begin with. 


”Hmm... I think that's about it for now. We'll continue your training latter." Hikaru smiled as he switched off his earlier drill sargent mode and said: "Send my regards to Kyuya would you? Oh and don't forget, if he tries anything funny, just flashbang that mother fucker right in the eyes. Got it?"


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"O.. oh.. did we? Yeah sorry buddy, my bad. I promise it won't happen again. You will never hear us doing the dirty llfrom now on." 

Meian sigh in relief as the other promised him that he would hear them, but something deep down inside him was telling him that that was a promise that both of his parents will break at some point. So he had to get used to it. Well, all his life he never heard his father do the dirty stuff and not to hear them all of a sudden and so loud, it made him feel awkward. Not to mention as the sounds were heard, he was starting to imagine what the hell they were doing. And that was a picture he didn't want to remember too soon. 

Finishing the coffee he return to look at his friend and nodded when he mentioned some quick learning. It didn't took long to understand the basic and starting using the spells that his friend tried to teach him, which made him excited of what else he could do. This was all experimental for him and new and he felt like a lab rat sometimes when he was testing things. 

Keiko left the two of them to do their workout as he went in his office to check on some papers that he needed to check. Some financial balances that he needed to lock into and fill some reports that needed to be sent out. 


”Hmm... I think that's about it for now. We'll continue your training latter."

Meian stretched his limbs feeling a little tired but he still had energy to do what he planed. Finding Kyuya was going to cost him some energy but another drink would make him feel better. 


Send my regards to Kyuya would you? Oh and don't forget, if he tries anything funny, just flashbang that mother fucker right in the eyes. Got it?"

He laughed at his buddy suggestion but nodded his head as of thanks. As soon as he finished his drink he walked out the house and started walking down the street with no destination in mind. At the moment he needed a moment to breath, relax and then he was going to fins the other. 

After 10-20 min of walking he reached out the town center hall which was a big building with a massive close on the top of the tower. The town was rather quite for the time of the day which he seemed to be odd. He stopped in a corner of a street looking around at the little people that were out. Some where having drinks or lunch and some where just walking. Maybe busy with their thoughts and life. 

But then again, it felt strange to Meian of how they acted and how little where out. This used to be a popular city with crowded alees and now, it was almost empty. And there was no holiday to think that maybe they were all out. 

Checking his surroundings his skin started to tickle creating goosebumps and a cold shiver ran down his spine. This wasn't normal. 


There was an explossion that shattered the earth right around the corner opposite to where Meian was standing. He had to lean on a tree to manage to stand steady when he looked up on the sky, seeing the dark smoke which had some figures rushing through it and then back down to where the explosion happened. 

Taking out his phone he tried to call for a fire department, stating what had happen and asking for someone to come quick. Until then, he walked quickly checking the place and the surroundings. 

People were rushing , screaming as they all ran away from the place that was now on fire. Just a few locals tried to throw buckets of water but that was no use. The dark shadows where rushing through the smoke and back outside, around the people that were trying to help, and the rest that stopped to see what happened. Then something strange happened. It was like the dark smoke figures entered the body of the humans but never came out, and now, those that tried to help where stopping and stepping away. Meian could hear screams and cries from the building along with the sirens that were slowly approaching. 

His entire body was eching, wanting to do something and not just stand there or walk away like those people did. But deep down he knew that it wasn't the people who were actually that cold hearted but the dark figures that entered their bodies. But he couldn't work on that. There were people trapped in that building still and the firemen were nowhere close enough to do something. 

Biting his lip and cursing he started running and jumped in the building that was on fire, trying his best not to get hit, burned or fall through the cracks on fire. 

"Anyone here?! Where are you?! " he shouted stepping carefully, holding his arm against his mouth to not inhale too much smoke. 


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Waking up from his slumber, Kyuya opened his eyes and groaned as he felt the energy circulating inside him, a never-ending flow of light coming from Meian amplifying his own darkness, which in terms was returned to the young man and empowering him as well. Even now he had yet to get tired of this feeling of getting stronger and stronger with every passing moment. At times like these, it really made Kyuya feel like he could do anything, and the very strings of fate seemed to be within reach. But Kyuya knew better to dwell on dreams alone, as they would amount to nothing without action. And speaking of action, it wasn't long before he suddenly felt a great surge of dark energy coming from somewhere in the city. It would seem that some demons decided it would be a good idea to attack humans in broad daylight, which just showed how bad the situation was getting. To make things even worse, he could feel Meian's presence almost right next to where those demons were causing a scene. Quickly his physical faded away and just like how he was able to teleport to Meian's side back in Rikiya's realm, he was able to do the same once again through the mark he left on the young man. 


 "My my... what have you gotten yourself into this time?" Kyuya said with his usual playful smile as he appeared out of nowhere at Meian's side. As he looked around the smoke and fire around them and said: "I'm surprised that even after everything you've been through lately, you'd still rush head-first into danger? So what? Is getting raped once not enough for you and you need to find another demon for round two? "

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"My my... what have you gotten yourself into this time?" 

He gasped at the sound of his voice , together with his heart that started racing. He was a fool thinking that he could cancel his feelings for the demon. He turned to look at him but at the same time, being careful at his surroundings that were on fire. 

"I couldn't stand aside and see people dying because some demons decided to have fun" he said sharply , coughing a few times walking pass him. He loved to see him again with the same playful smile but he had to check the rooms, making sure there weren't others trapped. What he did find it suspissious was that now it was dead silent in the building. There were no cries for help or anything. Was this really a trap to get him killed? 


"I'm surprised that even after everything you've been through lately, you'd still rush head-first into danger? So what? Is getting raped once not enough for you and you need to find another demon for round two? "

Those words broke his heart. His chest hurting like hell and the joy that he felt a few moments ago by seeing him, was now turned to dust. Tears formed in his eyes as he was sulking his lip not wanting to cry but he couldn't stop them. 

He turned furious to Kyuya and slapped him over the face, feeling rage in that moment. 

"How dare you say that! How dare you even think that i would wish for something like that?! For something that broke me in pieces that i thought i lost myself? Here i was happy to see you again and you say ...." he bite his lip to stop himself from crying even more. "But what could i expect from a heartless demon like you .... you're all the same after all ... " he added whipping his tears and turned running in the building through the fire, checking every room. 

So what if he was naive? So what he was jumping into dangerous places? It's not like he saved me from those times before .... he did that himself at the beginning when he made me fall for him ... he is no different ...

"H-Help! ... somebody! ... mommy! "

Hearing the voice he rushed deeper in the building , ducking a piece of a broken wall from falling on him, as he reach the room where the voice was coming from. There was a little girl, holding her teddy bear, all curled up and crying. 

"It's okay baby ... I'm here to save you ... You're safe" he said patting the little girl's hair to calm her down. He checked around for a piece of blanket or something to cover the girl but everything was on fire. He took her into his arms, holding her to his chest as he turned to walk the same path as he came but the floor cracked right where he stepped, forcing him to take a few steps back. Everything was falling apart and he had no way of returning. 

"Damn it!" he cursed pressing his lips together trying to find another way out. Then he remember the times he teleported, but wasn't sure what effect it might have on the kid. but there is no other way out, he thought closing his eyes, coughing as the air was heavy but tried to concentrate. He covered the kid with his arm, making him to hide his face in his chest as he continued concentrating. 

Channeling his energy, dark and light waves started surrounding them, protecting them from the flames and the building pieces that were now falling. Then, in the blink of an eye, he was out of the building , right on the side where they were away from the human eyes. 

"Go find your mommy" he said putting the kid down and watching it running towards the crowd. He was all covered in ashes, with a few burned spots on his clothes but not injured. Coughing, he tried to see the previous shadows that were linked the humans outside, but there was not trace of them. 

As he was leaning to the wall, taking deep breaths to get better, he sense Kyuya behind him. 

"See ... I didn't need your help ... So why did you come?" he asked not looking at him as he was still breathing deep. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kyuya stayed close to Meian as he rushed in head first for save that little girl, even using his powers to protect the two of them from all the fire and smoke. Eventually there were clear and Meian was able to send the girl away safely. Kyuya chuckled at the young man's comment and wjediomand said: "Of course you don't need my help just rescuing one girl. But I sense at least a dozen Mir people still trapped in there. You sure you can rescue them all by yourself before they suffocate from the smoke? As for why I came here... Let's just say that I prefer not to see my investment burn himself up to save some random strangers, which at this rate you very well could." 


Kyuya walked up to Meian and wiped the dust off from the young man's cheek and said: "Even if you managed to save all those people, how do you expect to defend yourself against the demons who caused all this destruction at an exhausted state? This isn't just a disaster scene Meian. This is a hinting ground, and all of those trapped inside are not only prey, but also bait for people like you." The tone of his voice and his smirk was filled with ridicule as usual, but the way he touched Meian's cheek betrayed his worry and care. He then said: "So how about you put aside your pride and let me help you? Of course I would much prefer if you decide to get away from this death trap."



(Sorry for taking so long to reply.)

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"Of course you don't need my help just rescuing one girl. But I sense at least a dozen Mir people still trapped in there. You sure you can rescue them all by yourself before they suffocate from the smoke? As for why I came here... Let's just say that I prefer not to see my investment burn himself up to save some random strangers, which at this rate you very well could." 

Meian widened his eyes when the other said that there where others inside the building beside the little girl that he just safe. But how was that possible? He didn't hear anyone else but that girl. There where no other screams or cries for help. Looking around them, in search of the little girl he got out of the building and when he saw her with the ambulance and the malicious smile she had on her face , made his blood freeze, making him gasp. It was all a trap. A play done by the other demons to work him up. The smile on the little girl faded though when she saw who was next to Meian. 


"Even if you managed to save all those people, how do you expect to defend yourself against the demons who caused all this destruction at an exhausted state? This isn't just a disaster scene Meian. This is a hinting ground, and all of those trapped inside are not only prey, but also bait for people like you."

He hated when he was right and he was the one being fooled and played with these dirty tricks. He cursed between his pressed lips, brushing a hand through his hair in frustration. He looked confused at the other while he was wiping the dust from his cheek. That simple gesture made his heart sink and beat as fast as the drums, but this was only making him more confused. Looking into the others eyes to find ... he didn't know what he was looking for. Any type of affection maybe? A glimpse of the fact that Kyuya cared for him and it wasn't just another lie. The touch did feel like he cared, but he was fooled once like that and he didn't want to be fooled again. 

Taking a deep breath and turning his head to the side, he stepped away from his touch. 


 "So how about you put aside your pride and let me help you? Of course I would much prefer if you decide to get away from this death trap."

"If there are people there i cannot just stay and watch while innocent lives are ruined by those demons .... But i'll accept your help in this matter" he said and when Kyuya was about to turn and rush towards the building, Meian reached and caught the other by the arm to stop him for a second. 

"Just .... be careful, okay? ... I'll wait here for you" he added letting the other go. He was going to wait patiently for him to return with each human, one by one, to sort them out for the health check. 


<no worries :) >

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Kyuya was caught off guard when suddenly Meian grabbed his wrist, for a moment Kyuya was dumbfounded by the young man's words. He looked at the monochrome young man and after a short silence he chuckled: "Don't worry Meian. I know what I'm doing." He freed his hand from the young man's grip before rushijg into the fire himself. As he flew inside he summoned several of his floating masks and sent him towards different directions so he could rescue multiple victims at once. One by one they grabbed the unconscious.victims with their long tongue and transported them to safety, while Kyuya himself went for the human presence that was trapp d in the deepest part of the burning building. Just as he was about to reach the last victim, Kyuya was suddenly knocked to.the side and sent smashing into a wall by a fireball. 


"Ouch... That hurts...." Kyuya groaned as he pulled himself out of the wall, and as he looked towards the source of the attack he found hsmelf staring at what looked like a giant flying goldfish the size of a small truck with its fins and tail made of fire, and instead of a normal fish head, it has a human skull for a face. As it swam in the air the creatures turns its hollow eyes towards Kyuya, with a voice that sounded like a small child it said joyfully: "Haha, you survived that! How exciting!"


"Thanks for the warm welcome!" Kyuya groaned while a ball of dark energy began to form in his hand: "Before we start, who's side are you on?"


"Side? I am on nobody's side!" The creature huffed: "I just want to kill one of those dammed men in suits, and they tend to show up if innocent people are in danger. But I can use a snack before the main course show up~" 


"So a lone wolf huh? Well, lone fish. In any case that makes things a lot less complicated." Kyuya smiled: "I can kill you without worry about pissing anyone off!" As the word dropped he threw the ball of energy towards the monster, causing a giant explosion before he summoned more of his floating masks and flew towards the monster. 

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As soon as the other rushed away in the building he saw his dark shadows that had people with them leaving them on the ground near the building. He rushed in to help them get medical treatment as they would appear one by one. 


At some point he heard a loud explosion and some part of the building fell a few meters away from him. that made his heart sink a little as he was worried for the other. No matter what the other said or did he was still caring for him and it was damn hard to ignore everything and just use him. He wasn't build like that. 


Something in his chest shifted and he looked up at the building still burning, without a sign of the fire to dim down although the firemen were trying their best. Something was happening with the other as he felt a change in their linked energy. 


The shadows stopped appearing so that meant that there weren't any other people in that building. Only Kyuya and something or someone else. He shudder when another explosion shuttered the building foundation, making other pieces to fall down. He was biting his lips nervously as there was no sign of Kyuya. He was thinking to go after him but the other asked him to stay safe on the ground away from that place. But he wasn't coming back and it has been some time since he left. 

please let me know that you are safe , he thought trying to reach him through their bond. I swear if you're not responding I'm coming in after you 

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Kyuya chuckled when he heard Meian's voice through the connection they shared and responded: "Dint worry near I am fine. Just dealing with a big fish here. Now pay attention Meian, I am going to lure it out of the building and when it show up, I want you to blast it with everything you've got. Understood?"  Kyuya didn't bother to wait for Meian's response as he was quite occupied by the battle at hand. The goldfish demon breathed fire all over the place while flying towards Kyuya like a wrecking ball, while Kyuya dodged the firey charges again and again while sending this ghostly masks towards the monster, each time causing an explosion of dark energy when it made contact, yet none of the projectiles was able to cause any damage to the beast as its body was protected by the flames as well. Meanwhile Kyuya despite not receiving any direct hits was getting worn down bit by bit as the fire raged on around him.


"You are quite nimble I will give you that, but how long can you keep this up?" The goldfish demon said tauntingly: "Eventually you'll burn up like the little bug that you are!"


"You are certainly quite talkative for a fish. Shouldn't you be on somebody's wall singing songs or something?" Kyuya said as he dodged yet another attack. He launched another barrage of ghostly masks towards the monster while he slowly lured the monster away from the center of the burning building, almost like a matador luring and provoking a raging bull. With another nimble dodge he lured the demon to smash right through the outer walls of the building and into the open,


"Now Meian!" Kyuya shouted as he formed two massive masks, one of the demon and another of the god, one made of light and the other of darkness, both screeched and roared as they flew towards the demon. As they both hit the flaming goldfish not created a wild swirl of energy which began tearing the demon apart, but it was not enough to kill the beast outright, at least not yet. 




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Meian was about to rush into the building when he heard the other responding which made him stop and looking up sighing in relief. He was okay, but from the way he was talking it didn't felt like he was doing okay at all. Was the big demon fish that he was referring to giving him a hard time? But he listen carefully the others plan and sigh as he knew he couldn't convince the other to join him in battle. But he was happy to help from outside at least. 

alright ... I'll wait for your signal, he send the message through their link, keeping his eyes on the building that was slowly collapsing, feeling his eyes sink with every explosion that was happening. Was he okay? Was the explosion because of the fish demon or Kyuya. He was getting worried with the waiting until he heard the other shout in his head and looked up at another explosion but also a massive fish flying in the air surrounded by dark and white energy. 

Closing his eyes he took a deep breath feeling his energy floating inside him, building up all the way around him and to his hands. And just then, he directed all of that, a combination of his energy, dark and light combined, hitting the fish demon alongside Kyuya energy. 

Around Meian there was a swirling wing forming as his energy flew from him directly in the fish demon, making his body disintegrate in an explosion leaving behind only dust. 

Because of the wind and explosion of the fish demon, the building shattered and collapsed completely to the ground. 

"KYUYA!" Meian shouted with his eyes widened as he didn't know if the other had the time to flash himself out of there. He was looking in shock at the collapsed building not knowing what to do. 


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"Relax Meian. I am unharmed." Kyuya said as he suddrbly appeared behind the young man and wrapped his arms around his body, he chuckled softly beige whispering into the young man's ear: "Are you worried about me Meian? You are so adorable."


As the two spoke, the fire fighters who have stayed away from the flaming building suddenly all began rushing towards the site. With the fish demon gone, they've all regained their normal senses and began putting out the fire. But strangled none seemed to mind Meian's presence, let alone Kyuya's, as if the two of them were completely invisible. "I've made sure nobody can see you, don't want you suddenly getting famous for saving bunch of people from a burning building." Kyuya said as his hands roamed across the young man as body: "It would be kinda fin to claim you right here in the open, but I think it's best that we get out of here before anyone notices."


"I'm afraid it's a bit too late for that." Suddenly an unfamiliar voice came from behind Meian and Kyuya. Immediately Kyuya let go of Meian and turned around while calling out dozens of floating masks. Kyuya frowned as he looked towards the source of the voice, being a man in black suits min his late twenties or early thirties. On the surface he look d like just another ordinary salary man, but the fact that he was able to sneak up on Kyuya without him noticing, and the fact that he was able to sense an abundance of light energy coming from him proved otherwise. Just like Meian and Kyiya, the firefighters didn't seems to notice the man's presence, and he actually had to dodge to the side as one of them rushed straight passed him towards the fire. The man in black said: "Greetings to you both, Mr. Sayuri and Mr. Kyuya. My name is Shinichi, Yamada. I work for the Department of Paranormal Control. If, you don't mind, I would like to talk to you about some of the recent paranormal events that occurred in this city. Your encounter with the being named Rikiya, Mitsurugi for instance. Would you please follow me to my car?" He features towards a black Mercedes that was parked across the street."


"The DPC huh... I was windering when you fuckers are gonna show up.." Kyuya groaned as he called off the floating masks. He turned back to look at Meian and said: "I doubt they can stop us from leaving if we really want to, and to be Frank I don't care much about these government dogs, so if you want I can take us away from here for something more fun. Or do you prefer.to talk with some boring bureaucrats?"

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"Relax Meian. I am unharmed."

Meian wanted to turned around and see him with his eyes, not trusting a voice that was similar to him. He had seen and heard to many things to know that demons could use that against you. But he couldn't turn as Kyuya hugged him, holding him against his chest. In an instant he felt the others warmth and sigh in relief that he was unharmed. 


"Are you worried about me Meian? You are so adorable."

At these comments he turned and slapped Kyuyas shoulder, hard enough but he was sure the demon wouldn't feel it. "Of course if was worried. I didn't see you and the building collapse and you weren't there. What was i suppose to think?" he said quickly looking at him upset but happy that the other was in one piece and not harmed. 

As Kyuya kept him in his arms Meian couldn't stop noticing that no one was seeing them nor coming to them to talk about what happened like it usually happen at this kind of situations. 


"I've made sure nobody can see you, don't want you suddenly getting famous for saving bunch of people from a burning building."

"Of course you did" he smiled amused by this but it really was typical Kyuya. 


"It would be kinda fin to claim you right here in the open, but I think it's best that we get out of here before anyone notices."

"Dream on about that. Is not gonna happen" he said with a smile on his face when they both heard the voice interrupting them and turned his head to the side to see who it was. Instantly Kyuya was on his guard and throw his dark masks at the man but they didn't attacked him on Kyuyas command back. 

Meian looked puzzled and confused at the man as he looked rather normal than a supernatural being like they. And how could he see them through Kyuyas mirage spell of them being hidden? Was he as them as well or something of the sort? But he couldn't feel any magic coming from him. 


Greetings to you both, Mr. Sayuri and Mr. Kyuya. My name is Shinichi, Yamada. I work for the Department of Paranormal Control. If, you don't mind, I would like to talk to you about some of the recent paranormal events that occurred in this city. Your encounter with the being named Rikiya, Mitsurugi for instance. Would you please follow me to my car?" He features towards a black Mercedes that was parked across the street."

Meian's eyes widened at the mention of the previous guys that they had fight and their names. Department of paranormal control? father didn't say anything about them before .... even if he is what he says he is, this guy is giving me a weird vibe ..., he thought grabbing Kyuya by the arm when the other started talking about them and looked up at Kyuya when he turned and spoke to him, but kept an eye on the man behind as well. 


"I doubt they can stop us from leaving if we really want to, and to be Frank I don't care much about these government dogs, so if you want I can take us away from here for something more fun. Or do you prefer.to talk with some boring bureaucrats?"

"I don't know the guy but it seems he knows a lot about us ... And i don't want to go alone with him ... He gives me a weird vibe ... " he whispered looking Kyuya in his eyes and then looked at the man in the suit and stepped in front of Kyuya like protecting him from the man as he didn't trust the guy. Kyuya was a demon , that he knew, and probably the man was a human or something, but that's why he didn't want to risk it. 

"If you want to talk with us I would prefer a walk and out in the open, not in a mysterious car and a god knows what place. I don't trust you and your organization as I never heard of it. So accept it or we're leaving" he said firmly. 

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