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Untamed Love (Private 18+) Kira X Yaoilover


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I gasp and turn very dark red, letting out a loud moan and closing my eyes more.With how sensitive my body is I shivered a bit,and the pleasure I felt from you was hightened by the everything you have done so far.I almost couldn't stand it,but I held my sanity,but just barely

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As I looked up, I saw that you were in so much pleasure, so I sucked harder. My hands were caressing your hips. making you buckle up and so I could get more of you in my mouth.

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I scream a bit,trying not to be to loud.But I cant really help it,but I'm trying hard but I'm not doing a very good job of controlling my reactions.

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My body begins to seem as it is mealting under your touch.Without meaning to I lose control of my body,and the actions that surrounded.I ended up coming inside of your mouth,my face turning a pure cherry red,and my body shivering badly

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Feels that you are about to come so I only sucked the tip and my arms were long enough to reach out for your cheek and holding it gently. My eyes were glowing and our body was filled with fire and heat. I think if I look at how you react at my actions.. I can not lose control.. eventhough I want to, but I can't do it.

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I let out a loud scream,and closed my eyes very tightly,panting hard after I came.I gripped the sheets tightly,my face still red and my body still shaking.

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I couldn't wait any longer so I just licked your entrance. I put it in and just went fully in, very slowly as I gave little kisses. n case it would hurt you.

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I gasped a bit and held you a bit tight as you pushed into me.I deepened the kiss a lot,my body now feeling like fire and my heart raceing fast.I panted a bit hard,sweating a lot.

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"I.. I love.. you!" I moved a little, circulating my hips and stroking your body, leaving a trail of fire with my fingers. I sucked your lowerlip and licked it. My.... My wings... huh?!

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I gasp upon hearing those words,and my eyes widen as I look at you

"I-I love y-you too...!!"

My body trembles at your touch as I moan out as you move inside me

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My... my wings grew even bigger. I kissed you lovingly and moved harder and harder. I wanted to make love to you the entire day... For the rest of my life... My eyes started to change it's color. ANd I let out a loud moan, as I arched my back.

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I screamed with pleasure as my eyes shinned with passion.My body tempature rose exponentally and beads of sweat went down my body as you moved.I wrapped my legs softly around your waist and deeply kissed your lips,making the kiss very passionate and loving

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Beads of sweat were bangeling on my forehead. I kissed back and hold your right leg really tight. I slid my tongue once again in your mouth and played with yours softly. My heart started to pound. My body felt hotter and the pleasure it felt, was almost unbearable.

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I moaned into our kiss,blushing a dark red and I scratched into your back,loving how every movement you made felt inside me.My heart was raceing and my mind was focused on you.My eyes shining and my body trembling with pleasure.

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I wanted to come, badly. It was so painful. I moved slow, but hard enough, I want to make love with you. You can't have sex with the person you love... Unless you are fucked up drunk. But.. I'm drunk because of thy eyes. That makes me speechless. I love your voice. It makes me restless. I love your movements. They leave me in awe. Even though, I have this dark side... This dark side wants to murder you, kill everything that makes you happy. This dark side can make sometimes very sadistic. I ... I think I can't hold it any longer. Someday it will take control over my body and then I have to... I have to kill myself.. I hope my lighter side will stay in control. I'm a monster. With that thought. I came hard and pulled out and hold you tightly in my arms. Still kissing you.

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Deepening the kiss we share I arch a lot when you came.My face was a darker color,my eyes closed,my heart was calming down now.I held you close,not showing any sign of letting you go.I just held you tighter smiling.I didn't feel weak anymore,or dizzy either.I just needed to hold you close to me,just a bit longer...I didn't want you to let me go.

"Do not leave me...I love you...please don't leave me..."

My words were a bit weak from the past events,but they were said in a voice full of fear on loseing you,and love for your being.

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"Sssshhhhhhhh... Takuma, I'm here right now." I'm screwed up. I'll have to negotiate it with my father about this. I kissed your head and then I hold your chin and made you to look in my eyes. I brought my face closer to yours. "The most important thing is that we are here together. I'll protect you, with or without Their permission. Those feelings that can't be describe, will be shown towards Them and the whole galaxy if it has to. Just promise me one thing."

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I blinked a bit and looked at you,smiling a bit.

"What it is?"

I kept a smile on my face,despite how curious I really am.

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"... Promise me, that you'll move on and let all the negative things slip away." I need to assure it. Otherwise... I kiss your head and the back hand.

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I look at you a bit confused but give you a reassuring smile

"Nothing negitive has happened except loseing my parents,and I let that feeling go a long time ago.Why?"

I tilted my head a bit confused and wondering how you'll answer

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"..Just promise me." I still want you to promise me this. I have to make sure it wouldn't happen, but I can't give guarantees. I picked up your hand and placed it on my cheek. I kiss your ear and pulled you really close. My eyes turned darker, than usual.

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I look up at you a bit confused

"Are you ok?"

Concern was showing in my eyes as I looked at you.I really hoped you were ok.I was just a bit scared.I laid my head on your shoulder.

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"Don't worry, my love" If you go to sleep, I'll have to leave you alone for an hour. "Come you should get some rest. I think I was a little too wild." I smirked at you. Kissed your head and stroked your back lightly.

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I look at you,feeling what you are hideing I grip onto you

"Do not leave me!!!!Please,I beg you to...stay"

The shining in my eyes pleaded you to stay


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