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Untamed Love (Private 18+) Kira X Yaoilover


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"... Ok, I shall stay with you and hold you close into my arms. Alright?" Sorry, I have to talk to my father.. I need be sure if it is possible to.... I pulled you on my chest, stroked your hair and back lightly, waiting for you to get some serious rest. I look at your face, I gave your lips a lightly bite and kissed your ear lovingly. I put my chin on your head and hugged you tightly.

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I look down,having the feeling that after I fall asleep you will leave...so I decide to just let you go and I let myself fall asleep.Not wanting to at all.As I sleep my hair falls over my eyes and my body relaxes only a little bit,but keeps some tension to it cause I know you will leave my side very soon,and that thought makes me a bit sad.In my sleep I do nothing but dream of you,and wonder if you will return

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I give light kisses on your head, so that you would relax a little more.As I tucked you in, I also made something to eat, after you woke up. I stood by the window, waiting for my father. Pick me up, let me show you how good and magnificent my wings are, I only use it for good deeds and to calm my inner devil in me. As I said my own self-made prayer, I rose towards the heaven, towards the place where evil banishes and isn't allowed to come in. My eyes closed and glowed bright. It has its usual white-grayish color again. My wings glowing brightly. I had to hold my arms close to me, as I let my self surround with this deep, light aura. My father stood there and reached for my face. 10125039_dark_anime.jpg

Well, that's a positive thing..Being forever young.. We never age, only when we decide that our time has come.

I bow down and my father touched and stroked my hair gently. "It's a long time that I haven't seen my son." My fathers voice was deep and filled with happiness. "Father.. My Takuma.." I said wanting him to tell everything about him. "Hush, my boy. I will only speak about my handsome son-in-law, if he is standing infront of me. ".. But, dad. What if I lose con-" Father interrupted me immediately. "Control? you mean your other side is also giving you some strange urges? Listen, my child. When times comes, my son-in-law has to come live in this beautiful place, but for now, I will give you my word that if you get strange urges again, I will come and protect him." That's all I needed to know. I let out a deep sigh. My father is truly awesome. "I know I am awesome." But, sometimes he irritates me.. I smirked and hugged him. "Dad, I can not leave my Takuma alone." With that I suddenly appeared in our dorm room and when I looked at you, you were... shaking.. badly? Silently murmuring my name. "Go and comfort my son, my Mamoru. I named you for nothing the Black Protector." I went closer to you and layed your head on my chest. You were now silent and you had this light pink color on your face. I kissed you slightly and singing softly a old lullaby.

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As I calmed myself I felt warm,and a bit happier.Slowly I opened my eyes and looked up at you,my eyes shining a bit and my lips forming a smile.I begin to move,sitting up on the bed I close my eyes and stars singing quietly at first but slowly my voice gains confidence in it.


"As the angels around me,sing a soft lullaby the devils around me cover their ears.When the angels become quiet the devils draw near.As I come face to face with a dark being at heart I show no fear.As the dark being goes to attack the angels I know will stop him.I know I will be safe,only in the arms of the one I call mine,I know I should not fear or cry,when my love is near.For I know,as long as he is here,and never leaves my heart nothing can hurt me,this I know"

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My father and I gasped... "Do you know what you are saying, my son?" I hold you closely... realizing that it all makes sense now.. How come I didn't knew this earlier?

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I turn a dark red and blink in confusion


I was confused as to why he was holding me so close.I turned redder and burried my face in your chest

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My father hugs us both tightly. "Nobu-san, do you know who your great grand parents are?" I couldn't believe that you actually sang that. I always heard the childeren of the God of the Melody sing that verse. Precisely those high notes and the same words... I held my Takuma close to my heart and father let go of us and touched our heads.

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Nobu gasped and looked back at the father

"N-no...I do not know my great grandparents,or even my grandparents.That song...I-I learned from a book that was left to me by my great grandparents.I was told by my dad that it was a special song.....?"

I blushed a bit at meeting my loves father and couldn't help but hug him

"It's an honor to meet you!!"

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Father hugs you back lovingly. "My dear, it feels like I'm growing old now.. seeing my sons together.. I'm truly touched by your love for each other." Father closed his eyes and raised his hands, suddenly the air around his hand started to vibrate. There was this large book, white and gold covered. With several music-notes on it. I looked at it, because it sounded like the book itself were singing.

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My eyes sparkled at the sight of the book.I could clearly hear the sound of the book's voice as it sang,it made me slightly tremble with excitement.

"That is a very pretty book...it's voice is very beautiful..."

I couldn't take my eyes away from the book,I didn't know why but I couldn't

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"Hear closely.. doesn't it sound familiar? doesn't it raise your temperature? Look into my eyes, my son." Father told you many things, I just gasped and knew exactly what was going on. My body was filled with excitement. "My Takuma...." I looked shocked at the book. I just.. what?

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I look into your eyes,blushing a light shade or red and listened to your words

"Yes it does sound familiar....."

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Th-the book! It was humming your name.. I saw that your eye-color changed into a bright blue, sapphire color. "Son.. sing along." My father opened the book and we saw an angels wings, with black and blond hair.. He was singing softly. Next to him stood a petite beautiful looking angel. She had magnificent golden and black hair as well, but hers were waaaayyyy longer. They were dressed in white. But their eyes.. It was glowing... I felt suddenly more relaxed. You sang slightly along, your eyes glowing as well.

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I sang calmly with the people of the book,keeping my eyes focused on them blushing a bit and smiling as well.As I sang I felt better about all that had ever troubled me,and all that I felt.It seemed my fears were gone,and it made me happy

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You sang so beautiful... It felt like I started to fall for you all over again. I was mesmerized by your voice and the beauty of you glowing..

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I continued singing,and as I sang it seemed I never took a breath,all that could be heard were my words.I was still slightly confused at how I knew every word,without ever having sung this song,but the words flowed naturally from my lips and my eyes were closed as I sang,feeling more and more at peace,as if I was meant to sing this very song

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As you sang, the two of us were floating.. It seems that your words were hypnotizing me. It feels like we were defying gravity. I wanted to stay like this. I love this feeling. My father closed the book when the song was over. But you still sang an another song. It seemed like the other one, but this was slightly different. It was more... passionate, than sacred. But it felt really good, how you sang. I hold you in my arms still floating.

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After I finished my song I finally opened my eyes,a dark blush going across my face and I held you back,cuddling to your chest shyly

"I-I have no idea what happened...but I enjoyed it!"

I mumbled a bit as I cuddled closer to you

"I love you..."

There was noting but happiness,confidence and passion in my voice as I spoke the words I spoke to you.

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I look down,realizing we are floating and quickly I cling to you

"Don't let me fall!!!!"

I hold to you tightly,not realizing what I am

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I stroked your back. And made you realize by that. I kissed you deeply and let go of you. "Sweety, don't be afraid.. Your singing made us float. Nothing will happen, since you cause this.." I smiled sweetly at you.

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"You are the child of the God of the Melody... You are one of the 6th generations.. You are the only one left, my Takuma-san " I held your his and brought you closer and closer. I kissed your lips and bited them a little.

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Turns a darker red and smiled a bit.I wrapped my arms around you tightly and blushed darkly.

"I never knew that...but that doesn't change the fact I love you!"

Kisses you again

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Father... With that thought, father kissed both or heads and after that he hold or hands. "I must leave now, you guys need your privacy. Watch out, my son-in-law. When you come to visit me with Mamoru-kun, I will explain yo everything and your Task." And when my father said those words, he rose towards the window and flew away.

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