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Created to love~ (Closed 18+)


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"Of course we can," Tiernan told Yukie and hugged him awkwardly because his hands were full with the groceries. He kissed Yukie's head before letting him go and turned to Hal. "My car is still at the bookstore. Do you mind driving us back there?" he asked the policeman. It would be easier if they just take a taxi from the hospital and head home but Tiernan didn't want to leave his car buried in the snow. He might need them for emergency when they went home so it's better if they went to get his car first.

After saying goodbye to Yune, Tiernan led Yukie to walk in front of him as they followed Hal. "I hope you like chocolate and marshmallows. I bought some crackers so maybe we could fire up the grill and toast some tonight. The fire will keep up warm and toasty outside." He wondered if Yukie would like that. Tiernan had bought a lot of steaks because he only knew how to grill them on the barbecue pit, boil some potatoes and toss some salad. "Your mate is too used to MREs, I guess he had to learn how to cook for you from now on." Tiernan joked about himself.

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“MRE’s?” Yukie asked confused as they got into the police car so Hal could drive them back to the book store. “Is that why you don’t cook?” Yukie asked curiously as the bags where set down beside them and he could crawl back into his mates lap to snuggle him adoringly. Settling down Yukie looked at Tiernan for a moment. “Is it a military thing? Like a weapon or something?” Yukie asked softly curious about Tiernan’s strange words and Information as Hal started driving them to the bookstore.

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"It's short for Meal, Ready-to-Eat. That's what we eat when we're on the move during tours. You just pour water and it'll heat up. So yeah, I'm not the best cook in town." He admitted non too proudly. His mother had taught him some simple meals, like mac n cheese and potato salad, so he wasn't a total lost cause. But he will need to learn to cook something else. Steaks and potatoes can only go for so long.

"I can do most grilling. There are already pre-made dry rub in the stores, so I just need to rub it on the steaks and throw them on the grill. Just need to keep my eyes on the fire and we'll have nice juicy steaks." He smiled at his mate who was as cute as a button. "When I went camping with my brothers, we always had s'mores. We toast the marshmallows on sticks then put them in between crackers. Simplest dessert ever." 

When they arrived at the bookstore, Tiernan thanked Hal after he transferred the groceries into his car. "Tell Raven we're sorry to take your time today. Let's get together again after Yukie's lockdown is over," he said to his new friend. 

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“ I look forward to it you two be safe okay.” Hal replied as he waved and got into his car eager to head back home.

”Tiernan. Um when we go back I should tell you. That I took a pill for today. Just one holds off the heat until evening. Two gets me till next morning. I’m scared to be completely off them.” Yukie admitted quite nervous of how he would act around his mate without the pills giving him some control.



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Tiernan nodded and held open the car door for Yukie. "You shouldn't be quitting the drugs cold turkey, but since your dad told you to be off it, i guess we'll start tomorrow. I've already canceled any plans for the nest week, so we'll confine ourselves at home." he assured Yukie before he went over to the driver's side. Tiernan put the car into drive and headed home. "Do you have something else other than the drugs that might help you if you're in pain? Maybe hot tea or something?" Tiernan asked to find out if there was something Yukie find calming. "When I was in therapy, I found soaking in the bath soothing. Maybe we could try that?" 

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“I use to soak outside in a hot tub it always relaxed me. Plus Yue said it was cheaper then having me take ten baths” Yukie replied with a small laugh as he looked out the window liking the pretty snow. “Think we might both be able to fit into you tub?” Yukie asked curiously not really having inspected the bathroom in his sleepy haze. “I do like listening to piano music or playing it. Playing music always was trance like for me Yune wanted me to learn so he would send me off to beat up the piano when I got to angry” Yukie explained enjoying the warm air from the air vent. 

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"I have a small pool in the backyard. It doesn't have have a warmer but in summer I like to do a few laps." Tiernan told Yukie. He hadn't had the chance to show Yukie his backyard yet. "The bathtub could fit the two of us as long as you keep this form of the other one. Don't think it would fir your wolf form, though," Tiernan chuckled. This time, when they arrived at their home, Tiernan used the remote controller he hooked on the ring with his car key to open the garage door so they could park inside. "I don't have a piano here, but we have one at my parents' house. I'm sure they'd love to hear you play. SO be a good boy and let's stay out of trouble for two weeks so we could go visit them this Christmas." Tiernan tapped Yukie's nose with his finger and exited the car.

He went to unlock the side entrance that led to the kitchen then went back for the groceries. "Go ahead inside. You can help me put away some of these things," he said, passing Yukie a couple of the plastic bags filled with chocolate bars and cookies. "I hope you like those because I don't know what you like to eat yet." 

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“I’ll be very very good then!” Yukie replied excited to go visit his mates family for Christmas. Blushing at the nose tap he got out of the car and took the bags of food before taking them inside his eyes adjusting to the dark room. Searching around he turned on the lights and sat the bags on the counter. “It smells like you~” Yukie whispered almost melting at the smell of his mate all around him. Turning back he peeled out at Tiernan who was grabbing the heavier stuff for him. “ can I go explore a little?” Yukie asked curiously wanting to dig around the mans house and see what he could find to amuse himself with.

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"I've been living here for over a year now, so of course it smells like me. Go ahead and do whatever you like. It's your home now too," Tiernan said fondly. Having his mate in his house made him happy somehow. The place wasn't just a a house anymore, it's a home. Tiernan brought in all the stuff he bought and set them up on the kitchen counter. First he put away all the steaks and chicken he bought in the freezer. He bough some salmon as well for variety, so that went in there as well. Then, he put away all the greens and fruits. The pasta and sauces came next. He stashed the chocolate and cookies in the overhead cabinet. Yukie might not be able to reach it, but he could call Tiernan anytime for help, or there was a step stool that Tiernan had bought for when his older niece and nephew came for a visit that Yukie could use as well. Once done unpacking, Tiernan went to look for Yukie.

"Honey, you in there?" he hollered when he passed the living room. He wondered where Yukie had wander off to. The house wasn't so big, just a one-story ranch style house he bought after he came back from his duty oversea. 

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“Mmh in here” Yukie replied having made a wonderful blanket nest on their shared bed. Lying under the blankets Yukie snuggled into Tiernan’s pillow most burying himself in his mates smell. “I like how you smell” Yukie mumbled as he peeked out from under five blankets. Under the weight of all the blankets Yukie was truly relaxed. Looking out at his mate it was nice being surrounded by his mates scent, and it was also a bonus that he was warm thus keeping him rather happy while Tiernan was off doing other tasks.

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Tiernan followed yukie's voice to the bedroom and smiled when he found his adorable chinchilla boy buried under all the layers. "Someone's cozy," he smiled, moving to sit on the bed beside his mate. "I'm going to grill some steak for dinner. Do you want to have it in bed?" Tiernan asked Yukie who seemed so comfortable that he didn't have the heart to ask him to leave his warm next. He switched on the television mounted to the wall of his room and put on some classical music for Yukie. He dimmed the lights and headed for the closet. Tiernan took out a soft plaid shirt and handed it over to Yukie. "It's washed, but I think it still smell of me somehow." Amidst the smell of detergent and softener, he could scent his own cologne though only subtle. Yukie might like that.

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“I would like that steak sounds nice and in bed would be even better” Yukie replied his voice a little drowsy as he yawned. Listening to the classical music Yukie moved a little more under the blankets as if stretching out his body. Upon receiving the gift of his mates plaid shirt Yukie blushed red before hiding back under the blankets to snuggle with his treasure. Holding the shirt close Yukie laid under the blankets his body shifting into his wolf form as he buried more under the blanket until his tail was the only thing hanging out proving he was still there. Settling down again Yukie nuzzled into the blanket with another yawn needing a light nap after his long day.

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Tiernan smiled and kissed Yukie's wolf head before he stood up and opened the door. He let the door open just slightly so Yukie could listen to him work in the kitchen. He took out two slabs of steak and heat up a pan. He'll going to finish it on the stove instead of the grill since it would be quicker. While the steak is grilling on the stove, Tiernan put some fingerling potatoes into a pot and boiled them. He checked the meat and he made sure that Yukie's stead was a nice medium rare. He took out the packages salad, chucked some nuts and dried cranberries in the bowl before he mixed them with the dressing. He put them together on a serving tray and took them to the bedroom about forty minutes later. "Wakey, wakey, food's ready."

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“You cook fast” Yukie mumbled as he changed back to a suitable human form to eat. Rubbing an eye his body sat half naked only delicately covered by a blanket. Sniffing the food Yukies stomach growled angrily at the desire to devour his plate like an animal. “It looks really good!” Yukie whispered carefully taking his plate while eating a bite his eyes lighting up in happiness at the taste. Moaning a little at the meat melting in his mouth Yukie was surprised it tasted so amazing.

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"The trick is organization," Tiernan said, smiling as he watched his mate sat up properly to enjoy the meal that he had taken the time to prepare. "While the meat is grilling you can boil the potatoes then while that's happening, you can toss the salad together," he said, happy that his mate wasn't so fussy that the meal was simple. Tiernan took his own plate and enjoyed the steak. He was glad the dry rub he bought went well with the meat. "Don't forget to eat your potatoes and salad too" he reminded Yukie, trying to distract himself from the eargasmic sound his mate made while eating the food. 

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“Yeah yeah eat healthy and whatnot” Yukie replied still digging into the meat as he continued his meal. “So, why did you choose this house? I mean you could live anywhere why here and why this house?” Yukie asked knowing he full well would spend a year out in the mountains if he could. “Personally I don’t see the appeal of living somewhere where it’s noisy and crowded.” Yukie admitted stabbing a potato happily before eating it.

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Tiernan cut a small piece of his steak and stabbed a potato to eat them together. "I was living with my parents when I got back after I was discharged. Didn't sustain any permanent injury, not physically, but mentally, I've already explained to you." He paused so he could chew and swallow. "I asked Connor to look for a nice little house for me. This wasn't what he chose. I saw an ad for it online. Before this, this house was kind of a wreck like I was. Paint was peeling, roof needed repairing. So I bought it and worked it until how it is now. It was therapeutic. I was taking control of something in my life again and I felt better. It's a plus that my parents lived less than an hour away and Connor and Aidan are not far too. So my parents had to let me move out of their house without much fussing. IN the first few weeks, mom came to visit and brought me food. She thought I would starve to death or something. My dad was more chill." Tiernan shrugged and took a bite out of another potato. "So, do you like my house?" Tiernan asked. 

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“I like anything that smells like you” Yukie replied with a small smile. Watching Tiernan was interesting every movement and word Yukie hung onto and well, he greatly enjoyed his mates company. Sitting on the bed he ate in silence thinking about what he had learned. “Your mother sounds nice, she won’t have to worry once I start cooking though I’ll have to get a few things to cook with” Yukie replied almost more to himself. “Do you visit them often? Your parents?” Yukie asked finishing the last bite of food on his plate.

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Tiernan took Yukie's plate and put it aside and handed him a glass of water. "What can you make?" Tiernan asked. "I eat mostly anything, but I love home cooked meals the most." When he was on duty abroad, he missed his mother's cooking a lot, but the MREs wasn't so bad. They even had desserts. "I visit them once in a while. During holidays, of course, that's when the food are the best." Tiernan grinned. "Mind you, the holiday decorations and traditions could get tacky sometimes, but it's a good reason to joke with your family. We'll get you an ugly Christmas sweater this year," he said, finally done with his dinner. "I'm going to get this to the kitchen. Would like some chocolate or cookies?" He said, collecting the empty plates and utensils.

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“Oh nothing grand. I can make chicken soup and some traditional dishes that Yue taught me how to make. I think my cakes turn out okay. But just basic meals like spaghetti and a few small dishes. Usually I just asked Yue to cook and sent my agent to pick up my meals. At least that way she knew I was eating” Yukie explained with a small smile loving his mother’s home cooked meals.

Hearing about getting an ugly Christmas sweater Yukie smirked at the thought. “Let’s get matching ones!” Yukie added watching as his mate cleared up their plates and at the mention of dessert Yukie shook his head no feeing pretty full.

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“When you’re feeling much better, we can cook together.” Tiernan suggested as he stood up with the pile of plates. He tool them to the kitchen and decided to wash it in the morning. He brought a bottle of water into the room for Yukie and set it down on the nightstand. 

“I’m sure we can find a matching sweater. Mine had been lonely for so long. Finally it will have a cute pair to match,” Tiernan said feeling festive already that Yukie wanted to celebrate with him and his family. “Do tou want to soak in the bath? I can go prepare it and add some bath salt.” He offered. Yukie seemed pretty calm already but a salt bath sounded like a good treat.

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“No, I have about twenty minutes left until your fucking me” Yukie replied with a sigh already feeling his heat teasing his skin. “Pills are wearing off, since I can’t take any more you’ll have to put up with my clingy ass” Yukie admitted with a frown not sure how Tiernan would see him after the next six days of being clung to and begging for sex every chance he had the energy. Covering up with his pile of blankets more Yukie laid down letting only his face poke out while the fire burned through his body. Their first sex had been a mild flash of heat often like half demons got. Having nothing to block all the hormones Yukies body felt like it was being burned alive. For the first time in his life Yukie was feeling a full heat session and well, it made his body ache in the most pleasant of ways. Blushing a little Yukie hid his face in the blankets his body trembling with the need to be touched and adored.

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Tiernan was suddenly alarmed. He had all plans to make love to his mate that night but because of what happened earlier, he didn't think it was a good idea. "Honey, you're injured, Tiernan said cautiously. He didn't want Yukie to think that he was rejecting him during his heat, that wouldn't go so well. "You were shot in your stomach and another bullet grazed your head. I know you heal quickly but you were still hurt," Tiernan asserted. If Yukie was feeling his heat, Tiernan had to do something but he can't possible force himself on his injured mate. 

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“What do I do then?” Yukie asked his voice a touch scared as he groaned at the sudden flash of desire ripping through his body. Hiding more under the mountain of blankets Yukie was so lost and confused on what he should do. At the moment he couldn’t even feel his wounds only a deep ache that only his mate could fix. “It burns~” Yukie whispered his voice catching a little as he whimpered at the slightest moment of the blankets causing his body to only go more mad. “Please, please I can’t do this. It hurts” Yukie added his cock throbbing as he gripped at one of the blankets as if in pain.

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Witnessing the pain his mate was experiencing, Tiernan took off his clothes and got under the blankets with Yukie. He pulled his mate close to his body for a skin-to-skin contact. He could feel how hot and burning Yukie was. Tiernan showered kisses against Yukie's nape down to his shoulder. "It's okay sweetheart, you're going to be fine. I'm here with you." he whispered softly and kissed Yukie's ear. Tiernan moved his hands all over's Yukie's body, caressing the burning skin untl he made his was lower and took Yukie's cock in his hand. "I'll take care of you, don't worry." Tiernan assured his mate. Gently, he started stroking his mate into hardness. Tiernan's on cock was reacting to his mate's reaction but he wanted to keep it slow as to not hurt Yukie. "Tell me how you're feeling?" He asked Yukie.

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