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“You really think Yukie would be happy living away from everyone and his job? He wouldn’t be allowed in the city ever again he’d be just as isolated” Yuen added with a frown not wanting to punish his son for doing only what was in his nature. “...but....you could move. There’s an island outside of _____ (wherever they live). It’s home to a society of demons. It’s purely demons and human mates. Yukie had it set up when he was younger and helped design it. We use to vacation there.” Yuen added pulling out his phone and showing Tiernan the tropical island that was very modern and well in the picture was a very happy Yukie playing with kids that looked half demon. “Course once the old man stepped up his hatred for demons...they stopped being so welcoming. It might make Yukie feel safer if you could go there with your group. Hell banishment there would be fitting since they only allow the main demon in charge (eventually that will be Yukie) to work alongside the demons back here” Yuen explained as he showed Tiernan lots of pictures that where truly a demons paradise.

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"No, I'm not saying that Yukie should be isolated. I meant for him to recover until he returns to his normal self. The island is great, but that just means giving the old man the satisfaction he wants - for Yukie to be contained and away from everybody else, I want to fight this, fight the stupid fear that is placed onto people for them to be wary of demons. Yukie would want that too, but not at the moment because he needs time." Tiernan looked at his sleeping mate and stroke his cheek gently. "We could...maybe we could go to the island for a while, until the babies are born and we could strategize how to work on the old man. But we'll be back and we'll win this fight." Tiernan looked at Yuen, determined to stand up for the rights of his mate's race.

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“The island is connected to ____. It’s not like it’s faraway. But, it might be better for him to become more stable and feel safe for awhile. It’s the one place the old man can’t touch and I know if he knew Yukie was going there he would be pissed but happy. He doesn’t like anything demon so a free society is like this one is something he loathes. Hell he’s tried to stop it from thriving” Yuen explained as he looked at Yukie. “Right now...he needs out of here and to be safe so if you can wait till morning, I can try to have things ready” Yuen added with a sad sigh not wanting them to leave.

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"I don't care where I'm going as long as I can stay with my mate," Tiernan was determined. "If the island is much better than us moving to our new home, then I'll go there," He said, already making his decision. He looked up at Yuen and sympathize with his mate's adopted father. "Will you be able to come and visit?" He asked, hoping that Yukie would be able to get visitors from time to time. He didn't want Yukie to feel abandoned by his family just because Tiernan wanted him tucked away and safe. "I may need to disclose some information to my connections, though. We need to keep our communication active."

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“Oh yeah I have a clinic that I visit there and the twins enjoy vacationing. They plan on going to the collage there.” Yuen added with a small smile. “We aren’t going to disappear and besides it’s only 30 minutes away by car. The island is a growing built island. Yukie knows more about it then me I mean he was in line to inherit a position there but one thing led to another and he never went through with it” Yuen explained with a small frown. “The demons there are kind and respectful despite everything they will give him space and won’t judge what happened. Granted you might have a rocky start but you’ll be safe” Yuen added with a chuckle gently patting Tiernan’s hand. “I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon, I’ll have the guards bring your meals” Yuen talked back as he headed out the door to go set everything up.

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"The twins were really hostile to Yukie the other day, so I'm not really looking forward to see them again. But Yukie adores his siblings, so if they're nice, I would tolerate them," Tiernan said, thankful that Yukie will be moved to a more familiar environment. He scooted down the nest of blankets, pulling Yukie close to him so he could share his body warmth with his mate. "Thank you, Yuen. I appreciate your help. This is all new to me, so I might not be able to handle things well, but I want the best for my Yukie." He thanked the doctor. 

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“You handle things well.” Yukie mumbled half awake as he looked at Tiernan his body fighting him on weather he should be awake or asleep. “I flew from the window...it was terrifying. Didn’t think I would fly having never done it before” Yukie added rubbing an eye tiredly.

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Tiernan, surprised that Yukie was even awake, stroke his back lightly. "You were amazing, you saved your mate," Tiernan said, his voice choked with tears from remembering the incident. "But I never want you to do that it again, not flying or transforming into new forms, but having to put yourself at risk," He told Yukie, kissing his forehead. He kept his touches gentle, and his words soft so he could lull Yukie into sleep again. "Just sleep, you need to rest. We have a trip to make soon."

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“I’m tiered of traveling. We move around to much” Yukie mumbled his eyes growing heavy again. “I just want to go back home and sleep in a bed. Cement sucks” Yukie muttered as he stretched out and nuzzled more into his mates arms. “Will you talk to me until I fall asleep? Maybe tell me about your favorite places to travel?” Yukie asked while not wanting to travel more he was curious about where Tiernan liked to go.

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Tiernan chuckled at Yukie's complaint. "We moved around too much because you have so many things going on," he joked, pulling Yukie to sleep on top of his chest. The blankets didn't cover much of the hardness of the cement floor, but he wanted Yukie to be more comfortable, at least. "My travel history is not something I like to pass around. They're not exactly fun," Tiernan told Yukie, fulfilling his request to talk until Yukie fall asleep. "But I was stationed in Japan and Germany  before. I didn't get to get out much because I wasn't in both places for long, but they were much better than the dessert," he said, recalling his time in the military. "I was in the base in Okinawa, have you been there?" He asked Yukie, since his mate had been raised in the country when he was younger. He didn't expect a reply because he wanted Yukie to sleep, but he paused for a while in case Yukie wanted to answer.

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“Yes. I went there a few times. It’s pretty” Yukie admitted with a small smile completely relaxed on his mates chest. “Where do you want to travel you know for fun?” Yukie asked his eyes already getting heavy again as he buried his head more under the blankets still listening while on the verge of sleep.

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“Anywhere with you would be perfect.” He whispered and kissed the top of Yukie’s head. “And the babies too. We’ll have a little picnic by the beach maybe, then watch our children run around on the sand. Or maybe chasing butterflies in a flower field. That sounds like fun.” He envisioned his future with Yukie and their children. “Maybe we can take them to Disneyland when they’re older.” Tiernan sighed, feeling a little sleepy himself. 

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“I’d like that.” Yukie mumbled before closing his eyes already falling asleep. A few seconds later Yukie was breathing deeply his body and mind out cold for the rest of the night. Elsewhere Yuen was working his magic and with Yues help had started their packing and paperwork to help them move and get out of their situation.

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Due to his concussion, Tiernan was too tired to stay awake, but he managed to wake himself up a few times in the night to check on Yukie and analyze his own condition. It wasn't his first concussion, so he knew what he should look out for. When morning comes, he needed to use the toilet so badly, but he didn't want to wake Yukie up and most certainly didn't want to leave him alone. "Hey, anyone there?" He called out, wondering if there was any guard. "Can someone get Dr. Yuen here?" he hollered.

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“Dr. Yuen is in a meeting and unreachable but we have a doctor on call” the guard replied standing outside of the cell door as he looked through the window. “If you need a bathroom or out you’ll have to wait until I can get a second guard to help watch the door.” The man added as Yukie mumbled in his sleep causing the guard to flinch.

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"No, it's fine. I can wait until Dr. Yuen comes," he said to the guard. No way was he going to leave Yukie alone in the cell or trust anyone else besides Yuen. He could still hold it in as long as he don't consume any water. Tiernan sat back on the blankets, watching Yukie sleep. His fingers traced the delicate chinchilla ear and the curve of the small horn. Up until last night, Yukie had six forms. He wondered if his mate would have more. All forms seem to have different elements. The mer-form was water, then the feathers...raven? was air. He wondered if the full demon form means Yukie can breathe fire. Whatever it was, as long as it won't harm Yukie and the babies, it would be fine with Tiernan.

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“Mmh.” Yukie mumbled as he sat up and looked around tiredly his bladder feeling rather full. “I need to use the bathroom.” Yukie mumbled as he waved to the guard who entered another standing by with a gun. “Can you unlock the bathroom so I can shower and use it?” Yukie asked softly the guard looking at Tiernan.

”keep it PG. I don’t want to be yelled at for letting you two fuck in private” the guard added as he mentioned to the other guard to follow him in the gun pointed at Yukie as the first one unlocked the door and slid it into a locked position so they could still see in the nice bathroom. “Any funny shit and he leaves.” The guard replied to Yukie who nodded and got up the long chain following him as he went off to the bathroom.

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"Hey, watch your tone," Tiernan warned, not liking the way the guards talking to Yukie. "We're may be on this side, but that doesn't mean I can't do anything about you when I'm out." He huffed and followed Yukie to use the bathroom. He took note on the badge number and the guards' names from their nametags, just in case. He was feeling more than crappy anyway, he didn't need some asshole to make it worse.

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“Easy...they mean well. The fact they are watching me is enough. Besides if they didn’t I’d be locked in basically a closet constantly sedated. Despite seeing the videos of me ripping apart people those two volunteered. They’ve been looking the other way when it comes to my comfort as best as they can.” Yukie admitted as he looked at Tiernan. “They aren’t payed well. Bottom of the barrel. Apparently one has kids the other is studying for psychology. You wouldn’t be able to tell but they are both half demons” Yukie admitted having chatted with the guards while being drowsy the conversation keeping him sane until Tiernan got there. Turning on the hot water Yukie watched the bath fill up his body drained from yesterday.

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"That's the thing, they volunteered. so don't act like someone shoved them in front of your cage. And I'm here too, do you think I would let them stick my mate where the sun won't shine. Over my dead body." Tiernan ranted on and on. He was there voluntarily as well, but he didn't complaint about the cement floor and lack of pillows. All that mattered was Yukie. He didn't have time to think about anything else. Now that his mate was conscious and in a better mind, he watched Yukie submerged himself in the bath then reached for the soap they prepared. "Can I help you?" He offered, wanting to pamper Yukie as much as he could.

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“If you want.” Yukie replied carefully reaching up and stopping at the muzzle he set his hand back down. “Just...stay away from my face please” Yukie asked worried he might try and bite Tiernan. “I still might be craving blood...I don’t want to bite you” Yukie admitted as he rested his head on the edge of the tub and closed his eyes. “Your going to be dragged through the mud because of me” Yukie added his eyes saddened when he opened them and looked at Tiernan. “You might not be accepted for siding with a monster” Yukie finished getting straight to the point.

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"Well, it's partly my fault, so we're in this together whether you like it or not," Tiernan sighed as he rubbed the scented soap along Yukie's body. "Marines motto is Semper Fidelis, means always faithful. I'm going to be your faithful mate forever and I have the backing of my brothers in arms even though I've been out for years. So you're not in this alone," he told Yukie while keeping on the task at hand. Once he was done soaping Yukie up, he rinsed all the bubbles with the handheld nozzle. "You ready to dry up now? I could use the toilet for a moment."

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“Go ahead and use it I need a minute” Yukie replied wanting to do this part himself. Moving carefully he held his bump slightly as he stood up being a touch unbalanced due to his baby bump. Stepping out of the tub Yukie sat on the edge of the tub as he looked up at Tiernan. “Will I get to meet your brothers?” Yukie asked curiously wondering if all of Tiernan’s friends where as serious like him. “I mean your brothers in arms I’ve already met one of your brothers.” Yukie added letting the water drip off his body and onto the floor as he sat carefully on the edge of the tub watching the soft steam rise off his body and wrap around Tiernan’s body.

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Tiernan moved and made a quick use of the toilet. He flushed, washed his hands and his face. There were still some traces of blood crusted on his face, so he wiped that out thoroughly, so Yukie wouldn't have to see them. The bruised on his face had started to show. Some purple and black bruise around his eyes, reddened check and sore jaw. "Do you mind if I take a quick wash?" he asked Yukie, but already taken off his shirt. "Yuen and I taled a little last night, and he's taking care of our transfer. Once that done, I'm going to be in touch with my connections. I'm going to request their full access to wherever we're going, so yes, you'll meet them sometimes." Tiernan answered Yukie's question and turned on the shower for himself.

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“Go ahead” Yukie replied as he carefully got up and grabbed a towel his eyes watching Tiernan. “Your face looks hurt” Yukie whispered feeling incredibly guilty that he had caused such a horrible wound on his mate by being so difficult. “Your connections...you kinda sound like their bodyguards.” Yukie added a little confused on why they needed the men if they where going to be moving. “Are they going to work for you?” Yukie asked wondering if the men would live with them and be like live in nannies.

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