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You are creative, I think you find good cage for them. And good tom for eggs. We;d sell it on ebay and amazon xP

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: I don't mean to offend you in any way, sir. I apologize and please excuse my formality. I don't know how to speak and write in an informal manner so the people I am talking with ended up being formal as well. But I honestly don't mean anything bad. I am truly happy that you are talking to me and I thank you for that.

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, oh, okay ((:


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, yeah.. Gotta agree with that. But if I came at you like: *walks towards you with a 5 meter long whip in my hand, snapping it to the floor at times. My teeth are showing as I grin darkly, and I raise my hand to bring you in the edge of sadism and pain*, you would go all "Yaaaay! Hit me! Hit me!" ..... *laughs*

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Well see, you did it without malicious intent. You were fun and laughing, not a scent of danger on you~ No if you came at me with a dead look in your eyes, your motions fluid like snakes as you pull out a gun and shoot me in the knee before standing over me saying. "You're injured... You'll need a doctor..." Then like whip out the chloroform.

THEN I will be scared

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, because I will have no control over that~

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Oh! *claps* Then we should probably sell them in the dark markets as well. I'm sure that we'll get a good price of them from somekind of a drug dealer, don't you think? xD

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It's fine miss. My apologies for being rude. You've done nothing wrong, just taking a hold of something you didn't like. And it true is a bit odd talking in a formal manner, but don't worry. I've already came to like it miss.


- - - Updated - - -

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, but that way I'd have to use god modding, and I don't enjoy that greatly. Actually I'm ready shoot every god modder like that and give them my own treatment. *smiles darkly as he starts putting on a white doctor-jacket* Who is the first patient? *eyes all shiny *

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@Ridd, That is not God Modding. That is walking up and shooting someone. It would be god modding if you did that and made MY character like faint. But seriously? That... That's not god modding... I mean REALISTICALLY (As realistic as RP gets) If someone did that in real life, the person on the ground couldn't do crap... Because well, your attacker who is a fine shot just shot you in the knee, your knee cap is probably shattered if he hit you perfectly square dead on so youre going to be incapacitated on the ground crying and in pain, and then her comes up and place a chloroform cloth over the victim's mouth. Nuff said. It's realistic thinking, you are just setting the scene. I don't consider that God Modding at all.




*Narrows eyes*


Doctors aren't good... *Shudders at the thought of hospitals...*

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, got me there lol.

well if that's your opinion, then I'll take back my words sis. No need to glare at me. But that still goes over my GM-limits. I wouldn't do it myself before talking about it with the other player in beforehand. But you do have got a point there.


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, yeah, we're friends miss.

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, but my moustache hasn't grown yet. You can't take my head...

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, how kind of you my darling. *takes a sip of his afternoon tea* Would you like to join me?
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too. Let's discuss our plans in the middle of afternoon tea. *serves tea to both of you*


(how odd. I feel girly.. Screw you world for taking my masculinity!) *goes to fight against world and regains his man-pheromones* phew~

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You feel girly? Yeah, then my plan working *smikr* Tea is okay. Later I must drink coffee xD

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... Why you..!! So it was your planning all along... *glares* Well, not like I can get mad over it, you're a weirdo like me after all. I should be worried if you didn't come up with great ideas like that... :D


How're you today by the way?


*Serves you some coffee and takes a cup himself as well* I prefer coffee over tea as well, but afternoon-tea is something really cool isn't it? (+ something awfully girly for such a manly guy like myself. I guess I should feel embarrassed..)

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, oh yes please i really need tea. Lets have a tea party

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Since I'm here, I guess I need to answer your questions to know me better



1. What kind of Yaoi-Fan are you? (for ex. Interests, manga, how long have you been a fan?)

-- I watch, I read, I draw YAOI *-* Since.... A year now I think. :)

2. Do you rp/write stories/read stories or rp's. If you do, what kind and for how long?

-- I started roleplaying Yaoi last january only. And it's fun. I do write stories..... But I'm not so good so I never posted any *-*

3. What kind of a person are you?

-- just ask anything, I'm honest :)

4. Have you got a dark secret? (maybe a fetish, naughty hobby or anything?)

-- Do I have to consider it a secret? I guess it's not a secret though ._. I'm normal :3

5. Random!

-- I keep seeing this in my feeds.

Then I found out it's from

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Now it is proven... YOU DID POST EVERYWHERE. O_O


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, cool, join us!

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... Pffft! LMFAO !! Don't make me laugh!! You? Normal? *Falls to the floor and rolls there, laughing* You really know how to joke around. xD *hits the floor already* If you're normal, then I'm Adolf Hitler. (going to grow the moustache as well right now)

And how come I see you as `offline´, but you keep posting stuff? *confused*

You're welcome to join us. Yeah, I literally posted everywhere.. *laughs* Don't you remember my conquer-plan?

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@Ridd I do remember your "post everywhere yaoi domination" LOL

And I must say, It's a secret ;) LOL just kidding. I'm... hiding ((:


And I am normal 8D

And to say with that, my "being normal" is ot normal to everyone..

So everyone is NOT normal to me LOL haha 8D

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, just dont poison my tea xD
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1. What kind of Yaoi-Fan are you? (for ex. Interests, manga, how long have you been a fan?)

-Just a Normal Fangirl :_red_fox 2 -- and, I've been a fan.. mmm.. :_red_fox 7 Probably Not That long, Just Around August Last Year .. And I Really Love Reading Yaoi; [The Weird Ones]


2. Do you rp/write stories/read stories or rp's. If you do, what kind and for how long?

-Honestly .. I Really am Bad at Roleplaying :_red_fox 18 [i don't Know Why, For Some Reason, It's Just I'm Bad at It] I Sometimes do Roleplay with my Fanpage For Cloud Strife, But Idk Why I'm Bad when it comes to Yaoi Rp's :_red_fox 2 , Anyway, I Enjoy Reading Someone Else's Roleplay :_red_fox 1 , and I got all excited when the topic involves rapes, and teasing :_red_fox 9 .


3. What kind of a person are you?

-I'm a boring glasses girl tumblr_lr0gh3TCPi1qbvovho1_500.gif


4. Have you got a dark secret? (maybe a fetish, naughty hobby or anything?)

-Doesn't Show in my Appearance But I'm a Total Pervert :cuteonion54: , Fetishes? Nipples? and Scent, Probably (?) :cuteonion24:


5. Random!

-I Got Bored Easily :cuteonion48: , And I Really Have a Poor Eyesight. tumblr_mh06lpOO0i1rksv4mo1_500.gif

And Sometimes, i Become a Total Idiot.

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-- milady ;D

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-- you are an interesting girl ;)

and glasses aren't boring (I am wearing one) :D

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@rainbowman Uhh... tumblr_lsrkuyrnzF1qii6tmo1_500.gif Yea, i Guess? B-buut, It's not About Wearing a glasses (?) .. uhh.. ibiHMowN0v44Vh.gif It's Just That's what I Think since I Isolate myself from everyone, but in internet, I'm Like a Total Blabbers (?) Waaaitt..? What? tumblr_m1tpygTzw71qieybw.gif Ruuuun...

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