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Seeking RP Partner!


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Hello! Haven't been on this site in a long while. But I'm back and seeking some roleplay partners ^.^
A few things to note before contacting me however!

  • I'm 22 and will only rp with 18+ users. Please do not interact with me if your on this site and under the age of 18!
  • I like a lot of varying genres/themes! My favorites would have to be dark themes, action, and anything historical! Though I'm always down for simple slice of life stuff and open to other genre suggestions! :>
  • I am a mimic rper. Basically that means I tend to mimic my rp partners post length. However I don't do script rps and prefer it if my partner is able to post at least 1+ paragraphs!
  • I'm open to rping on the forums of this site or taking it to discord where we can make our own server! 
  • I make seke, uke, and seme characters. I'm super picky about rping with uke only users. Mostly because from experience, they make very shy/submissive/uwu characters. Nothing wrong with a submissive character although I sorta prefer it if that weren't their whole personality.
  • I'm open to 1x1 or group rps though right not I'd prefer it if group rps were kept to maximum of 4

Okay so thanks for reading!! And can't wait to start rping again ^^

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Sorry! Forgot to mention one important thing cx 

Do not contact me if your only seeking a strictly smut rp. To rephrase I do not want an rp partner who only wants to rp smutty scenes between our characters. I love smut scenes and we can just fade to black if my partner prefers it but I want to actually build a story in my rps. Romance, Smut, Drama, etc. All that can happen but if you only rp to write out smut scenes and aren't interested in the actual plot for the rest of the story, then sorry but we wouldn't be a good fit as rp partners!

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know if you are still interested in an RP partner, but I definitely am!

Here is an older,

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of mine looking for partners in the past that also has a bit of info about my and my writing.

I'd love to hear from you :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

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Hi there, don't know if your request is still open but i would love to start an RP with you 

here are some of my current RP's that i'm in >

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hope to hear from you 

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Hi there, it's been a few years for me as well! I have a tendency to kind of disappear on forums, however I would be interest in a discord RP if you are. It's something I always have access too and hard for me to die on. I'm a procrastinating/aspiring story writer and love to experience someone else's perspective. Thank you for your consideration, and have a lovely day!

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  • 3 months later...

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