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HIdden Love [Yuki x ukiss7] [private 18+]


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*smiled big and takes the plate and pulls you to the dinning room sitting down as i push you to sit so you could eat to* eat up.. *takes a bite* mmm~ *chews* shoooo gooooodd~ *purrs out* oh.. did you get the drinks?

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  • Yuki Hikari


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"Oh right!" Yuki stood up from his seat at the table and rushed to the fridge, taking out the jug of milk. He took two cups from the cabinets and filled them both, putting the jug back in the fridge afterwards. "This okay?" He asked as he set one cup next to his brothers plate. He then sat down next to his brother after setting his own cup down.

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*having you run to the kitchen to get us drinks, i never not once stopped eating. After you came back, i was already done and just began drinking my milk. After I was finished that, I smiled at you putting a hand on top your head and rubbed it a bit before getting up and going to do my plate and cup going to the kitchen to clean them*

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"You don't need to wash them! I'll do the dishes once I finish eating." He quickly consumed his food and milk before standing up and walking over to the sink. He took the plate and cup from his brother and began washing the dishes from the morning breakfast. "You should get dressed, classes started ten minutes ago." Yuki noted as he walked back to the room.

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ah.. darn *runs to the bed and gets dressed, brush teeths and run out* see you bro. *run out the dorm* don't forget to lock up when you go. *puts on hat and run out the building and out going to the building, where my class was* damn it.. every time..

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"Late every day, yet always in a rush when I tell you what time it is." Yuki whispered to himself as he watched his brother race out of the room. He walked over to the dresser and took out an outfit and quickly got dressed. He made sure to hide his tail as best he could and then he put his hat on. "Classes for me should be starting any minute now..." He left the dorm room and locked the door, making sure to put the key in his bag. Then, he walked to his class.

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*getting to class, the teacher looked at me* ahh Hisoka.. how nice for you to join us. *i bowed and walked in to sit at my desk. And began taking notes, where they were, as i would get the notes from what i missed from a classmate. *sighs and doze away from the talking teacher to think about you.* I hope he got his key and remember to lock the door.. *shakes head and continues to listen* no.. he's good.. he'll remember.. *i took more notes*

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"I wonder if brother managed to make it to class alright~" He joked quietly to himself. "Even though it's already been a month since school started he always seems to lose his way." Yuki hummed until he got to class, four minutes late. He walked into class just as the teacher was asking about him. "Oh, Mr. Hikari. Please take a seat, class has already begun." Yuki nodded and sat down and began taking notes on the lecture. Such a boring class... I'd rather be with brother right now. He sighed but continue to pay attention.

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*continues to take note. My eyes adverted to the clock as i waited for the bell to sound. I looked over at the others and back at the teacher, then suddenly I look back at the clock that seem to be forever to hit. Once it did, the bell sounded and i quickly got my things packed and left out the room. Once i was out I walked down the hall* first class is a pain.. *rubs my forehead* well, i got ten minutes before my next class* hey Hisoka.. *hearing my name, I turned and saw someone running up to me* hm?.. *i saw sarah running up to me* hi.. *she smiled and put her hands looping my arm* how's it going? *she asked* fine.. how are you? *i asked her back* fine.. long time no see.. I haven't seen you non the summer, what happened?... *blinks* oh.. well, my brother came, so we spunt time together.. i didn't attend summer classes.. *i told her* ohhh... ok cool younger brother? *nods* hai... *she smiled brightly again* awww.. He should be a real hotty.. since your such a handsome hottie.. *we both chuckled* well, he does get his good looks from me. *she laughs* your too sweet.. *chuckles* come on, lets walk and talk *she nod and we began down the hall*

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When Yuki heard the bell finally ring after what seemed like forever, he quickly got his things together and left the room. As he was walking down the hall he saw Hisoka and some girl. Who is that girl? And why does she have her arm looped in my brothers? Without knowing why, Yuki was a little mad and jealous at the girl that was with Hisoka. But before he could reach the two, he was stopped in the hallway by someone. "Hey there, kid." He was an older man, in his early twenties. He grabbed Yuki's arm to prevent him from moving. "H-hey, let go of me!" Yuki squealed, but to no avail.

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*we continue to talk as we walked down the hall* what are you doing this saturaday night? *she asked* nothing.. just ha-.. *i was cut off by her* great.. I'm throwing a party.. and I'm inviting you.. I better not hear a no from you.. *i blink at her sudden act and what she said..* umm.. *thinks about you and how we were suppose to hang then. I looked up at her and saw her pouting.. without thinking, I nodded* ok.. *she smiled bright.. and clapped great.. I'll tell you about it later and where it will be. *she reached in kissing my cheek causing me to blink* see you then. *she said and walked off.. she was a popular girl and for some reason.. im thinking she may have a crush on me.. I thought about it* nahh.. she's a girl.. so it's probably natural for her to act like that. I held my cheek blinking a few times before turning to leave going to my next class*

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Yuki saw the girl kiss his brothers cheek and his brother beginning to walk off. "Would you let me go?" He asked the man who was holding his arm so tight it could have broken right then and there. "Aw why should I?" The guy asked, tapping the rim of Yuki's hat. "This is a pretty little hat you got here." He gripped the top of the hat and pulled it off of the nekos head, revealing the ears hidden beneath. Yuki's ears were flat against his head so it took a little bit before the man noticed that they were ears. "Whoa! Are these ears!?" He grabbed one with the tips of his fingers and pulled it up to see it better. "Ow! That hurts!" Yuki thought for a moment and then realized... My brother can help me! "Hisoka! Help!" He screamed.

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*before you were able to call.. Sensing the danger, I was already behind the guy when he was about to grab your ears. I grabbed his wrist pulling it back* I wouldn't if i were you *i hissed out* leave him be.. or your pretty little hand get broken.. *I told him pulling his arm behind his back squeezing him tightly* now let him go..

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The man released his arm and ear and then Yuki ran behind his brother whimpering and putting his hat back on. "I'm sorry, brother." Small tears formed at the corner of his eyes. "Ow ow ow! Hey let go of me!" The man winced at the pain Hisoka was putting his arm through. "C'mon! Not every day you see a kid with cat ears!" Yuki stuck his tongue out. "Not every day a random guy comes up and nearly breaks your arm for no reason!" The guy scowled but pleaded, "Let go already! I won't tell anyone if you just let go!"

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Oh I'll make sure you won't tell anyone~ *brings a finger up to his cheek and let my claw trail his cheek cutting him. Taking and licking his cheek and licking it. A smirk crossed my lips. Suddenly a teachers voice came from the side.. seeing me holding his arm back* what's going on here?.., *he asked* nothing.. I was just showing him, a good wrestling move.. *chin on his shoulder as i turn it slightly to look at him* isn't that right man? *I squeezed and pulled it for him to agree, twisting it slightly*

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He winced, but tried to hide it. "Y-yeah, that's right. A wrestling move." He laughed lightly, trying to look as convincing as possible. Yuki smirked but hid it by burying his face in his brothers back, clinging onto his shirt.

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*the teacher nod and left* next time, take it out side.. or in the gym to practice.. *he turned and walked away. When he wasn't in sight i flipped him* no he needs an apology. *pulls him up by his collar and turns his head to you* he's waiting..

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"Eh... Uh, yeah... Sorry 'bout that, kid." He apologized. Yuki stuck his tongue out again but nodded. "You're a jerk but fine. Forgiven for now." He muttered as he clung tighter onto Hisoka.

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I better not catch you doing anything like that again. ya got that?.. *reach down licking his blood stained cheek and got up taking your hand and walking away.Once we were out and away. Somewhere outside I stopped and turned to you* you alright?.. Did he hurt you any?

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Yuki shook his head. "He grabbed my arm really tight and it hurt, but I'm fine. I might just have a bruise by tomorrow maybe." He then looked around, people were beginning to head back to class. "Brother? Can we skip the rest of our classes today? I just wanna hang out with you." He asked.

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*sighs and nods* yeah.. come on.. lets go. *takes your hand and walks off the campus. Books and things in hand. lets go to the dorm to return our things.. and then we can go out. *walks back to the dorm and put our things down* do you wanna change or anything? *ask sitting on the bed*

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"Sure. I don't really like this outfit. I only wear it for school." He set his bag down on his bed and began undressing. When he was only in his boxers, his tail whooshing back and forth, he went to the dresser to get out a new pair of clothes.

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*hugs you from behind. Having my ears and tail out as it wrapped around us* im sorry about not being able to get there sooner.. I let you get hurt.. *ears goes down* gomen...

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Yuki purred when his brother hugged him. "I'm going to be fine. Not like he broke my arm or made me bleed." Then he turned his head to look up at him, "Unlike how you cut his cheek~" He joked. "I'm just glad that I have you as a brother. You did nothing wrong." He smiled and purred slightly louder, almost forgetting about the fact that he was, after all, half-naked.

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*looks at you when you turned. I stared back into your eyes and looked down at your lips.. My heart skipped as i continue to look getting lost at how soft they looked. I slowly went down toward them, as if i was being sucked in towards a trance as I couldn't pull away, nor did i want to. I was inches away from your lips and I turned my head slightly to go fully into the kiss, but suddenly a knock came at the door, throwing me from the trance. I turned my head toward the door. I turned back to you and moved from my spot. Looks down at you seeing you only in your boxers and told you to get dressed as I walked toward the door. Feeling my heart beat faster.. I held it to calm it down, before I opened the door* Hiii~ *a girly voice came. I blinked as I was suddenly hugged* i've come to talk to you about the party... *she walked in like she lived there* w-what?.. *i asked shaking my head and moving my hand from my chest* party?.. what party? *I asked a bit confused at her whole activity* what party?.. *she chuckled* my party.. *she crossed her arms and leaned on her side* did you forget?.. *she shook her head* baka.. *i sat down* oh right.. that party.. *suddenly remembering*

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