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I'm getting too old for this


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Yukie sighed and he sank into the tub his body tiered from the day. As he poured himself another glass his body was flush with a pink soft blush the alcohol burning through his system as he laid back and drunkenly looked at the ceiling. Thinking deeply he sunk into the water his body letting go of the pain and stress he had been under the last month he had been back home with the kids. It had been difficult and everything had changed so much. From the sudden notice he had children…and then a quick trip back home. Then to suddenly deciding to adopting his kids and coming back home. Yukie had struggled at the first month with the kids the man grateful for Yuen and Yuen who shown him what to do. Between falling back into a work life and moving out into his own home…the sudden parenthood had been quite a ride for Yukie to adjust to. Tossing in Myles to the mix now Yukie was happy but slightly overwhelmed with emotions and uncertainty.

Coming up for air Yukie coughed a little as he looked over at the phone beside him the voicemail becoming more full the longer he ignored Yuen. Picking up the phone he sighed and answered.

”hello~” Yukie mumbled out his voice drunk from the two glasses as he ignored the barrage of swears and threats from a worried Yuen who had expected a call early in the morning instead of late at night. “I-I know. I got busy the kids had so much fun and I got lots of pictures to show you.” Yukie explained as he only heard a tiered sigh from Yuen who was just glad he didn’t have to search the city for Yukie.

”I’m very very happy you all had fun. But I need you to grab me  the digitals from your last script. Your missing two pages. I’ve already been able to stall the deadlines but I need them in the next hour.” Yuen asked as he sat at the computer organizing the book setup.

”Yeah. Yeah let me get that. I brought my stuff to work at night while the kids slept.” Yukie mumbled as he got out of the tub and walked out to the bedroom. Grabbing his bag he pulled out his work and set out the pages. Working with Yuen he pulled the missing pages and going through his device was able to send them quickly to Yue.

”Alright. Seems that’s the full book.” Yuen replied as he typed away and sent out the book before letting out a deep sigh and leaned against his chair. “I got the confirmation that your flight has been booked. You sure you still want to go? Your ex has never been a pleasant person to deal with.” Yuen grumbled as he thought back to the bastard who put his brother in the hospital.

”I don’t want to, but it’s better to make him happy then have him finding out about my life here. I can sacrifice two weeks back home for the kids security here….” Yukie explained as he laid his head on the table ignoring the papers getting wet in his drunken state. “It’s my fault I shouldn’t have expected him to let us go that easily. I should have known there would be strings to the kids custody. Didn’t think he would call me unfit and demand all this shit.” Yukie mumbled with a small groan as he wanted to just ignore and hide away from his ex.

”My offer still stands to go with you Yue is perfectly capable of watching the kids alone.” Yuen offered as he typed away on his keyboard the sound filling the quiet hotel room as Yukie had put the phone on speaker when Yuen had called. 

“No….no if you go it will start a full blown war. He hates you, hell maybe more then me. For now it’s best to keep the kids out of reach and grovel for him to leave us be.” Yukie admitted as he poured himself another drink. “I’ll take his anger if needed. Living back home won’t be horrible lonely….but fine. I’d do anything for my kids.” Yukie whispered as he nursed his glass of wine.

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Meanwhile outside:,

"So .... Yukie is a young twenty something whose just gotten out of a shitty arranged marriage, traveled to America by chance of a transfer with your company, invited you to basically 'help' with the kids which I know probably has you on cloud 9 nine. You saved his twink ass the first night he was here because y'all got drunk--" 

"I was not drunk!"

"ANNNND he's been flirting with you since day one, writes and illustrates erotic books, which you will now mostly likely be a featured character design for--"

"Gio I swear to god!!-" 

"AND LASTLY you both are now starting a relationship and already seems like he is sitting smack in that puppy honeymoon love, have I got it all so far?" Gio asks, brow raised, smirk in place as he leans on the rail staring at Myles who was looking anywhere BUT Gio as his face just gets redder and redder. Myles takes a long drag from his cigarette, exhaling a large plume of smoke. ".... Yea .... I guess you do have the whole story laid out .... " Gio snickers. Myles grumbles. " So ... That mean you finally over that old shitbag?" The other asks carefully. This particular subject a sore spot foe the both of them for many different reasons. Myles looks somber for a moment, another drag on his cigarette. "I don't know .... I do know I want to try. Today was the first day in a long while I was actually excited to go out somewhere... And Yukie is actually a sweetheart and a good father to his kids. He can seem like a flirt and wild since he's young but he's taking parenthood with stride despite having no clue what he's doing. But he's trying his best with what he has which admittedly is with way more than knew parents these days" the redhead laughs lightly. "But even if ... We don't work out I just want to give them so good memories for their family down the road. Kids don't remember every family trip or every play ...but they remember everytime you weren't there ya know..." Myles looks out to the twinkling lights of the far off city from the hotel. Gio looks at his old friend, a somberness in his own eyes, "yea ... I know. Just don't lose too much of yourself while your building up others...now get back in there and get some for the both of us will ya?" Gio says the last part as he runs down the hall,  shoe flying at him. "GIO I SWEAR TO GOD!!" Myles screeched forgetting he was in a hotel. Nabbing his shoe and running back into the room, Myles sighs, tossing the bag back into his bag, zipped up and out of sight of little hands getting ahold of it in case the kids woke up before either of them. "Yukie? You still in the bathroom? I was gonna run out again real quick and get us some pizza if you're hungry!" He calls out looking for the other. 

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“I’m here.” Yukie called out as he got up and walked out to where Myles was the man covered head to toe in bubbles and drunk. “You…you took forever honestly I was gunna open another bottle…but Yuen said he’d come here to kick my ass if I got to drunk. He reminded me you might not want to share a bed with a drunk.” Yukie explained as he took Myles hand and lead him to the bathroom that was set up romantically the rose petals floating and swirling around as the jets continued to keep making bubbles. “Don’t leave…please. I want you to stay here for a little bit…we can have the food delivered.” Yukie whispered as he rested his head against Myles the man being more open and honest with his feelings as he stood taking in how much he enjoyed Myles company.

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Myles tried everything in his power not to laugh. Yea his face pinked just before but you'd snicker a little to at the sight of a bubble man coming at in what Myles soon realized was a drunken stupor. "I think you've hit the bottle a little too hard there, sweet pea." The pet name came out so easily.... Maybe it's just because Yukie is so relaxed. Myles snickered again when Yukie mentioned his worries of sharing a bed with a drunk with the younger dragging off to somewhere in room "Well it'll comfort you to know I've already shared a bed....with ... Uh.." The older man was stunned into silence at the sight of the bathroom. It looked so ... Intimate! He felt the heat rise out of the collar of his shirt and spread all over his face. 

Myles swallowed the lump in his throat, trying his best tamp down his nerves. "Yo-you uh... You p-put this all together... While I was outside?" The redhead started twisting a strand of his hair. This was .... Romantic? Was that right? God it had been so long since anyone had actually made a romantic gesture towards him, Myles wasn't sure what to do with himself. His body was more than receptive but his brain was telling him to get ready for the gaslighting, the verbal berating, the-- "I-I'll order dinner and tell Gio to keep an eye out for us so he can have it sent up. You get comfortable and I will be right back, yea?" Myles tried to bargain with the younger man. Before he left, Myles helped Yukie to maneuver into the bath for fear that the younger would slip in his drunken state. 

The redhead pauses a moment before turning and placing just a gentle little kiss to Yukie's head and leaving the bathroom to make the call for dinner. 

After dinner was secured, Myles went to the little closet by the door to gather himself and Yukie towel and the travel pack of toiletries. He makes a quick and quiet pass by the kids room to check on them, Still sleeping, must have been exhausted from today Myles smiles, watching Haru's steady rise and fall of his breathing and listening to Tama's little snores. 

Steady and quiet steps back to the bathroom, a deep breath before he opens the door. 

He smiles calmly at Yukie, setting the towels down on the counter, and seating himself on the toilet. "Should be about twenty minutes and I asked Gio just to let himself in when it gets here. "

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“….Im going away for two weeks after this trip, bastard is trying to fight me.” Yukie mumbled as he looked at Myles completely submerged in the bubbles as his face only poked out. “I’m going to miss seeing you. You’re a beautiful ray of sunshine every time I look at you. I fall in love with you all over again.” Yukie added as he sat up and moved to where he was sitting closer to Myles the male resting his head on the edge of the tub. “You can join me. I’ll behave and keep my hands to myself.” Yukie whispered as he blushed a little and awkwardly patted the water beside him.

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Myles stares at Yukie in surprise "H-Hold on hold on a second! Whose fighting you?! Do you mean your ex husband? Is he trying to fight you for the kids?!" The redhead was stunned. Yukie and the kids have been back for a few months now, why fight for them now? "Didn't he say he didn't want custody before?"  

Now Myles felt spikes of anger and concern. Was the asshole looking to go to court and start some shit and frag not just Yukie but the kids to for the sake of spite?! 

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“Apparently he is contesting my part in creation and is trying to start shit. I’m going back home for two weeks to drag his ass over the coals in court. Trust me the kids aren’t in any danger Yues looked over everything says the case is solid.” Yukie added as he sighed and looked at Myles. “My ex is bitter. He’s going to make it hell for me because he’s realizing after a year and after I sold off my half of the settlement that he got the shitty end of the stick. My guess is he wants me back because he’s not getting laid or married anytime soon.” Yukie explained with a dry laugh as he got out of the tub and rinsed his body off. 

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A sigh, exasperated and annoyed, leaves Myles. "Of course he is... But ok so Yue and Yuen have looked over those papers closely. Water sealed it and made it air tight so you won't have any real reason to have to worry right? And whose going to watch the kids while your away? If you like and Yuen needs a break I can tale em for a few days after I get back to the office.... I'll speak to Reed about a little more time off for you..." Myles states immediately going on the defensive. He would rather go along with Yukie to give this dick a table facial but this was a battle that seemed to have started LOOONG before he and yukie started a relationship. How would it look if Yukie walked in with another lover with him?! They could try to nail him for infidelity and use it in their favor to turn or take the kids!! 

"Are you sure your this would only take 2 weeks? Is Japan that quick with their legal system?" 

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“Of course you can help Yuen will need help it will be just him since Yue is going with me.” Yukie replied as he sat on the edge of the tub. “Well, we are hoping it’s a quick case. Yue is going to represent me again. As far as we can tell it’s an airtight case. The only thing they can get me for is being unstable and unfit…but Yue says they most likely won’t go that route because I have documentation of improving and I have a good support system. Yue feels it’s a very simple case and it would rule in my favor due to how well I have set up a life for the kids” Yukie explained as he shrugged not sure what all to do past this point. “Though….in the event it goes south….I have Yuen as primary custody if I don’t come back for them that way he can’t get them back…and well I added you as a godfather if you want to be that for now.” Yukie admitted with a blush. “Sorry to throw that question on you…I was gunna wait until our last day to ask.” Yukie admitted as he toweled himself off.

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Myles was stunned. He was already named godfather? If this wasn't such a serious sobering moment he would've cried. He was over the moon ... Now if only he could actually enjoy it. But that was neither here nor there. "What do you mean not come back for them? What the hell kinda reason would you need to stay?! Wasn't your divorce amicable? You both signed the papers right?" As far as Myles knew, in America, once both parties signed divorce papers, split up assets that was it and neither person had to interact ever again. 

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“Well, not coming back would be abandoning them…they would go to my next of kin. Since I can prove I’m 100% the father and the mother was a donor…legally that would mean that my ex would have no claim since they have a solid home placement. Not only that but if something happened to Yue or Yuen I have you and Darrius being backup guardians and godparents.” Yukie explained as he wrapped the towel around his waist as he leaned against the bathroom counter. “Our divorce wasn’t exactly clean cut. I mean it took six months for him to be served and six months to get fully divorced though…there are grounds I wasn’t mentally sound when signing them. That’s why we are going to make sure that I’m still agreeing to a divorce. What I received was my half of the investment in our shared company. A lot of other things are still tied up Yue has been trying to work it out but the bastard refuses to work with just him and demands to work it out face to face.” Yukie admitted as he clearly wasn’t fond of visiting with his ex. “Honestly I don’t understand it…I just know that if I don’t show up to the lawyer hearing or to meet him by the end of the month it will look bad for me.” 

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Ah so it's all basically a clean up job for Yukie and a sad pathetic attempt at salvation on his ex's part. "So it's really just a matter of you playing nicely until he gets it through his skull you're not interested right?" 

Myles sighs again and gets up from his spot. He takes the towel from Yukie "Can i dry your hair?" He asks gently. 

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“Yeah you hit the nail on the head.” Yukie mumbled as he looked away annoyed with the situation. “Of course you can. I would love it” Yukie admitted with a small blush as he sat down so Myles could dry his hair. “When I come back I plan on kidnapping you for a small vacation.” Yukie whispered trying to figure out where he would take Myles.

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Myles gently massages Yukie's scalp as he settled the towel on his white hair. The older briefly wondered if it was treated and dyed or if it was natural. He started to play with a strand for a moment getting lost in his mind. 

Yukie saying he's planning to kidnap him again for a trip, Myles chuckles gently. "You know if you continue to make.plans for kidnapping Darrius is gonna start some gossip about where I'm being whisked away to. You know he loves a good office romance novel, and he will spin it to one of his stories..." 

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“Well you could say your mistress is kidnapping you.” Yukie replied with a chuckle as he snuggled into Myles body enjoying the soft massaging to his hair. “Thank you, you’re very nice doing this” Yukie whispered relaxing more as he smiled a little. “Think dinner is here unless you wanna bathe with me?” Yukie asked remembering Myles had ordered dinner.

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"Hush. I have a feeling you've been neglecting yourself ever since the boys have come along..... Very common among new parents." Myles chuckles softly. At the mention of dinner he perks up. "Actually your right, it has been awhile hasn't it.... Lemme go call Gio and see if it's come." 

He steps away to make his call, and to think on tomorrow. Myles wants to ask if he could take the kids solo and let Yukie just relax and enjoy some time to himself but on the other hand is it really wise to leave Yukie alone too long.... Myles has already seen that his younger date has a habit of hitting the bottle under stress. Now he doesn't mind a partner who enjoys a drink here and there but Myles worries if Yukie will sink further into it and it becomes an addiction. 

The older man steps back in "So the driver forgot something and had to turn around to get it so he should be another 10 minutes." He grabs another towel from the same closet prior and goes to get himself cleaned up. His back is it Yukie, but the red on his ears gives him away. "If you .... Really want to sit in the bath with me .... And don't laugh at my tattoo .... Do you still want to join me?" 

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“I’d love to join you. As for your tattoo…I think it’s beautiful on you” Yukie replied with a blush as he looked at Myles before turning away so he could undress in peace. “Thank you for ordering dinner also.” Yukie whispered as he busied himself with adding more hot water and fixing a few candles before getting in still giving Myles privacy as he kept looking away. “I’ve…never shared a bath with anyone.” Yukie admitted as he relaxed on the opposite side of the tub.

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A nervous laugh leaves him as Myles begins undressing. "Couldn't very well have us go hungry could I?" The red head reaches up to undo the tie he pulled his hair into. It falls from the bun Myles kept it in all day, curling in ringlets from being twisted in the style. 

Reaching to undo his pants, Myles has a blush of his own realizing Yukie had complimented his larger tattoo. "Kind of overkill for a first tattoo, but I'm ... Glad it still holds up. I don't think you saw my ankle tattoo, did you?" He asks as he pulls down his pants and underwear. 

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“No, what is it of?” Yukie asked looking at Myles curiously as he relaxed a little. “I’ve always wanted one but I chickened out every time before getting it” Yukie admitted as he stole a few more glances at Myles the sight causing a rush of feeling and blood. “Damn. It’s hard to imagine you haven’t been snatched up…your breathtaking” Yukie whispered with a deep blush as he mindlessly stared at Myles beautiful body.

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Myles didn't think he could feel any more flush than he already head, but fucking shit if Yukie kept giving him compliments he may well explode and die where he stands. "Y-you really shouldn't keep flattering a guy like that.... Unless you take responsibility for your actions!" Myles grumbled, eyes darting in another direction from Yukie. 

He settled on the toilet to finish taking off his pants, pulling his leg out first to show his anklet tattoo. "I um ... I like flowers.... How people draw them...." The redhead felt so exposed, he never openly showed anybody his tattoos after his ex. Said they were too feminine for a guy like him to have.

"You give me far too much credit, I'm a hermit at the best of times remember?" Myles chuckles, nerves getting the better of him. "They say the first one is always the scariest but you can get addicted to getting them pretty quickly..." 

Myles tattoos:

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Yukie nodded as he gently touched the beautiful artwork. “It’s beautiful lotus flowers are my favorite” Yukie whispered with a smile as he gently kissed the tattoo. “I don’t mind taking responsibility for you. I mean if we end up well together I wouldn’t mind marrying you.” Yukie added being painfully truthful when drunk. “So, plans for tomorrow?” Yukie asked changing the subject with ease to give his poor blushing strawberry a break.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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..... MARRIAGE?! Isn't that a little-- "M-married?! I uh.... I-i-i-I'm-- " Myles was sat stunned frozen in place. Yukie was already making plans to marry him?! Had you told him the newest hire was going to talk him into going on a trip as a date, Myles would've laughed in your face, but now they've bulldozed straight last that and talking about possible marriage?! "Yu-yukie I'm-- plans? OH! Tomorrow right! U-um!" Myles nabbed his phone he had placed on the counter and went through his trip list. "Ummmm~ oh! I was telling the boys earlier that there's a prehistoric aquatic life exhibit happening with a tour! And then there's the penguin house and the crab reef to!" 

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Letting out a small laugh Yukie smiled at how cute Myles was. “Come sit. That way I can at least see what you’re looking at. Unless you’re not interested in being with me still?” Yukie asked as he mentioned to the spot in front of him for Myles to sit. “I promise I will behave myself unless you’re comfortable with us snuggling I won’t touch you.” Yukie promised feeling like Myles wasn’t fully sure if he wanted to be there since he didn’t exactly act romantic. Not only that but Yukie was starting to doubt if Myles was just interested in being friends and maybe he was reading to much into it.

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Without much thought, Myles hopped into bed next Yukie, now that his mind was preoccupied with tomorrow's itinerary. He slides the map and list between them. "Here see? We can head through the crab tanks and penguin house first to get to the ancient aquatic display! Depending on when we wake up tomorrow, maybe we can grab breakfast from that little cafe, and then start outside when it's not so hot." 

Myles would jabber on and on about the plans he had for the boys and Yukie tomorrow, he talked so much his voice started getting horse and husky, his eyes beginning to droop from being over tired. Seems the day finally caught up to him as well. 

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“Poor strawberry.” Yukie mumbled having listened to Myles until he exhausted himself, as Yukie gently kissed Myles head he chuckled. “Myles let’s go to bed.” Yukie asked as he sighed and shook his head the man amused by Myles and more sobered as he got out of the tub already knowing his romantic plans or attempts were pointless tonight. “Myles. I’m going to go get dressed and check on the kids.” Yukie added as he dried off and got dressed in some shorts, making his way to the kids room to check on them.

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