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I'm getting too old for this


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“Go ahead darling I’ll join you and fill you up.” Yukie replied back his own body on the edge of ecstasy as he continued relentlessly fucking Myles. Leaning down and his hips worked overtime Yukie pulled Myles into a passionate kiss, his before licking and leaving hickeys all over Myles chest neck and shoulders. Groaning in pleasure Yukie cried out his moans echoing alongside Myles. “Myles! Fuck…Myles I’m going to cum.” Yukie moaned out only able to continue moaning out Myles name before he bit Myles shoulder hard to keep from screaming out as he gave one last deep thrust into his lover and filled his insides with his cum.

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Myles locked his legs around Yukie tight, as he came. The warmth of Yukie coming inside him, his own body twitching and clenching down. Myles had arched off the floor again, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. 

'f-fuck~❤' the red head moaned out one last time, before collapsing back into the floor. 

One looks at Myles, people would assume he's high out of his mind. Maybe he was. His eyes were glazed over, his face was over flushed, and his panting had slowed but not stopped. His legs flopped down beside Yukie. Myles. Was. SPENT. 

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“So~ was it good enough?” Yukie asked as he chuckled and looked down at Myles softly kissing his lovers flush body before pulling out of him. Taking great care Yukie started to wash Myles body cleaning off all the sweat and their lovemaking before turning off the water and bringing over towels. “Want me to carry you to bed?” Yukie asked gently before kneeling down beside Myles.

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Myles can only nod dumbly, as Yukie starts to clean him up. He twitches and whines. Everything was still sensitive!! 

" 'm too tall for you to carry...." He mumbles. It'll take a minute or two but Myles could at least get himself to bed!

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“Hush. If needed I can make a nice bed in here.” Yukie offered as he looked over at Myles a little worried he had hurt him or done to much. “Want me to make you a drink? Find a heated blanket?” Yukie offered as he sat beside Myles willing to stay all night beside him.

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"No no I'm fine, just need a moment." Myles didn't want to admit he in fact felt like his legs were jelly and didn't want to work. 

He slumps and nuzzles in the younger's neck, after glow starting to set in. In place of where pillow talk would be, Myles does gentle touches and nibbles. Little love bites here and there. 

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“….so…Um…why did you change your name from Robyn to Myles?” Yukie asked carefully clearly not wanting to hit a nerve or sensitive spot for Myles. “…was it because you didn’t like it when you got older?” Yukie asked knowing some people tended to do such a thing when they moved away from family and got older.

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Myles froze... His stomach dropped. His fevered skin was suddenly pale and he felt his blood run cold. 

The red head stares at Yukie. Terrified, Myles looked as though he was in danger. "How do you know that name?- WHERE did you learn that name?!" He asks in blind panic. 

"Did somebody call you-- DID A MAN CALL YOU?!" Myles was slowly going hysterical, his breathing becoming labored as he started entering a panic attack. 

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“Easy. Easy. No one called me…no man contacted me” Yukie explained quickly as he held up his hands gently trying to reassure Myles. “From your reaction should I worry about that though future wise?” Yukie asked with a raised brow as he gently took Myles hand and held it, with a sigh Yukie looked away for a moment.

“While I was at a coffee shop, and while I was running…I saw and heard a woman…I’ve seen here before if I’m honest. She said your name was Robyn. She’s pretty looks so much like you. Said you two use to cook in the kitchen and make a mess. She asked if you still sang. I told her you did for the kids.” Yukie explained as he moved his towel a little more around his body. “I don’t know if what I saw was real though…but I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask why I’d make up another name for you.” Yukie explained worried by Myles expression at such a simple question.

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Myles sat shaking. "Yukie ... That isn't funny... That's not funny at all! You're gonna sit here and tell me you spoke to my mother-- my DEAD mother-- and she told you my .... My old name?!" 

Myles grabbed his head. He can't deny he and his mother did often cook together... One of the few good memories he had that wasn't blacked out by trauma and fear. "Gio doesn't even know that name.... " Myles feels like he wants to throw up. He's flung back to when he was eight years old.... He hid under a book shelf as his mother stared at him, cover in her own blo-- 

"Yukie I'm ..... I CAN'T .... Talk about this right now .... It's a very messy and horrid story... And I'm sorry I do not have the capacity to tell it tonight...." He finally admits. "My name was changed years ago for my own protection. But if by some unfortunate luck you get a call and he asks for a Robyn Strider.... You tell them he died years ago, do you understand?" Myles is nearly brought to tears. 

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“I understand…I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Yukie whispered his heart breaking as he looked at Myles. He couldn’t help but want to comfort Myles seeing the man he loved so broken and scared, it killed him to think he made him live some unknown trama. “I swear Myles I didn’t talk to anyone. I wouldn’t put you in danger or our family. I only see her so far and, only when I’m alone! She called you by your name… she wanted to know if you where happy…and if you still sang. she had red hair, it was so long and pretty and green eyes that seemed to sparkle (I hope I have this right eye color wise 🙂). She was just so gentle with me and sweet…just like you are with the boys.” Yukie explained as he moves away and gives Myles space. “Don’t explain or dive deeper into your trama…for my sake. I just…wondered if you mentioned it and I made her up.” Yukie explained feeling a touch hopeless as he watched Myles. “I didn’t know she was dead…or anything about you.” Yukie finished making not to schedule a coffee appointment with Gio.


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Myles just sits in silence... Trying to being himself back down to reality. 

After what feels likes hours (t was only minutes) Myles takes a deep breathe. "It ... It happened years ago. It's in the past, that's where it needs to stay...." His word is final. He can never relive that day again.... He can't... 

Using the wall to pull himself up, Myles slowly makes his way to the bed room, to change and get ready for bed. He looks back to Yukie. "Are you coming to bed?" 


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“Yes.” Yukie replied a little timidly as he followed Myles back to the bedroom and got himself dressed in some spare clothes Myles had given him earlier leaving behind their conversation. “Myles, are you okay?” Yukie asked softly worried he had hurt Myles without knowing it. “I’m sorry if I hurt you.” Yukie whispered out as he finished getting dressed.

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Myles chuckles, it sounds as though he's holding back a sob. "It's ok .... This is one of those skeletons in my closet that I warned you about ... But you didn't really know..." He reassures. 

"We can talk about at another time..." A lie. Myles will do everything to sweep it away and never bring it up again "for now let's just get to bed. I'm going to go get the boys tomorrow.... We could go shopping for last minutes provisions for the trip..." 

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“Myles…it’s okay to cry in front of me and be upset. I should be the last person you hold back from.” Yukie said with a small smile that just had a hint of sadness in the corners. Crawling over to Myles Yukie wrapped his arms around him and just held him close. “Shopping tomorrow sounds fun. And I look forward to it, but for right now in this moment…you need a hug and support. It’s hard going through traumatic stuff. It takes its toll.” Yukie explained as he kissed Myles cheek and neck just showering him with soft kisses and affection. “I hope one day you can lean on me, and trust me to help you.” Yukie whispered before letting go and lying down under the covers. Looking at Myles he patted the spot beside him wanting to hold Myles and cuddle him. “Come here.” Yukie asked.

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"I cried my tears years ago.... " Myles states simply. He crawls into bed, immediately hiding away into Yukie's arms, against the younger's chest, and falls asleep. The exhaustion finally taking him over. 

The woman appears again. Her lips pulled into a frown and her eyes speaking volumes on her son's turmoil. "Now .... Is not the time to relive his worst memories.... I'm sorry I didn't stop you earlier.... I didn't think he would react so strongly, dear...." She apologize 

" But I promise you the time will come soon.... Are you prepared to handle him at his worst?" She asks cautiously. 

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Yukie looked at the woman as he sat up a little annoyed with her frown. “He got very upset at me for using his name a little warning about it would have been nice. I didn’t want to hurt him.” Yukie added with a huff as he glared at her before sighing and relaxing. “It’s…alright things are rocky regardless I plan to stick by him…he’s sticking by my messy self.” Yukie added before looking at her a little more. “Do you at least have a name? Or some basic rules on how you appear?” Yukie asked gently as he looked at Myles glad to see him still asleep. “I’ve talked to ghosts before but they seem kinda different than you they are annoyed with me seeing them. Most of them agree to give me privacy and warn me they are around by moving shit…less terrifying that way” Yukie admitted while relaxing more. 

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'I know I'm sorry ... I didn't think he would become so upset...' He answers truthfully. She had thought enough time had past that her son would over the incident by now .... Though it didn't surprise her at thay he wasn't. 

'I wouldn't say I have rules but I've tried not to show myself when Robyn is awake .... I don't know if he'll be happy to see me .... After all that happened...' She hovers beside Myles, gently touching his cheek. He twitches before signing and snuggling further into the covers. 

She looks at Yukie more serious than she has from any other time she's visited. "If I tell you my name when I was alive.... You must promise me to never use it in front of Robyn .... Until the time comes...." 

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“Mmh I can promise you if I get a clear sign when the right time is. Though I do have some ground rules if you’re a permanent guest. I make them for all my spooky friends.” Yukie added as he smiled softly.

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She laughs lightly, but nods understanding 'I cannot tell you much but I can say in just a few short months, Robyn will receive news that will force him to face what happened when he was a child.' She stares at her son before turning to Yukie 'While he would never lie to you, he will do everything he can to ensure you nor anyone close to him is involved or even knows of this incident. I advise waiting until he receives this news.... If you press him earlier it will lead to him distancing himself from fear of what you all will see....' She hovers around to stare at Yukie intensely 'Unless you have hard proof, Robyn will deny anything to do with that incident and keep swept away and he will never move on from it.... Do you understand?' 

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“Yes I know how to keep secrets. Kinda to good at it.” Yukie mumbled as he looked at the woman and waved his hand around as if pushing off his own rules for a moment. “So, name? I Can’t just keep calling you woman with red hair…not to mention since the kids are around if they get my sixth sense I need you to behave, no scaring them.” Yukie mumbled with a sigh as he sat up more in bed looking determined at the woman.

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The woman smiles. She nods to show her agreement to Yukie's terms. She never planned on harming the children regardless but as a mother she understood. 

"Aileen ... My name when I was alive was Aileen" 

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“I see. It’s a very pretty name. You must have had a horrible death to be following Myles around so much though.” Yukie started as he sighed and looked at the man he loved beside him. “…is that still what you want to be called in death?” Yukie asked gently as he motioned for her to follow him as he got up and covered Myles up before getting dressed going to go make breakfast and coffee for the two.

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She hovers around looking at the apartment. "Horrible yes.... But that isn't what keeps me tethered to the land of the living.... My boy .... Myles.... He and I both have not gotten the Justice he deserves for what he was put through.... The very reason I died still lives and breathes to this day...." She states angrily. The lights start to flicker and the electronics begin to go off. She jolts as if realizing her actions caused the upset and she flutters about waving her hands to shush the items. "So sorry!! I never did that before!!" 

it took a few moments but the items quieted down. Aileen peeks in on Myles she sighs in relief to see he is still fast asleep. 

She watches Yukie start coffee. "Isn't it rather late for coffee?? It can't be morning already it can it?" She looks out the window looking for the sunrise.

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“Ah, yeah not morning for quite a while I have a horrible sleep schedule. My work keeps me at strange sleeping hours. I’m working a lot of overtime lately…new family house and vacation isn’t cheap” Yukie admitted as he waited for his coffee to start not even phased by the electronics going crazy clearly having seen more then his fair share of ghost stuff. While Aileen wouldn’t know this Since Yukie was young he had always seen the ghosts and well, he had become unfazed by them by this point in his life. Yukie’s exs family home also was rather…haunted to say the least the doom and gloom from the bad energy and those who suffered there and his years locked away made a breeding ground for evil spirits. Yukie though in a way sought comfort at times by those who were trapped just like him finding a nice bit of comfort in their presence.

“Alright so my guess is you’re here because revenge/justice is a common reason to be stuck. Though…you might not be able to tell me a lot my best guess, and tell me if I’m close it’s either you were murdered by stranger, ex lover, or a husband. Going off of most ghosts haunting things.” Yukie added as he grabbed his coffee and took a sip before sitting at the table and turned on his tablet having brought his bag with him everywhere so he could work anywhere. “ Myles somehow plays into it either unknowingly participating in your death or seeing it?” Yukie added with a frown as he looked at the woman a deep sadness filling him. “And he’s been hurt ever since.”

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