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I'm getting too old for this


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Myles mumbles and agrees without much fight "mmm.... Bed sounds nice.... " and lets himself get dragged to the room, dressing his sleepwear, gets tucked under and gets comfy. Then Yukie mentions the children. "I ....I checked on em they're still sleeping.... Zzzzzzzz" and The redhead feel asleep sitting up in bed. His light snoring the only sound heard through the room. 

Myles hasn't slept so soundly like that in years. His body truly exhausted but his heart feeling so full 


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Yukie chuckled as he moved Myles and tucked him down into the bed and under covers before slipping on a shirt and some shoes. Once he was dressed he grabbed his hotel key, and baby monitor he headed outside to go smoke for a bit and get some air and then to the bar to grab a final drink and settle his thoughts before bed. Sitting at the bar table he pondered over his future and what he wanted. He was conflicted with the issues back home and trying to move forward the man unsure if he was on the same page as Myles. “Fuck….I'm in to deep.” Yukie groaned in annoyance the man unable to sleep since he had been expecting more along the lines of a romantic bath followed by fucking. “I’m not sure how to even ask…I mean I never consummated my last relationship. He wants me back home…to fix things but I’m not sure I should go back to try.” Yukie grumbled to himself knowing that little detail being left out for Yuen was the only reason Yuen was relaxed about him going back. Ordering another drink, Yukie pondered his options remembering that with his ex at that time had been the bottom of their relationship and well it had ended badly because they fought so much. He was unsure the man had changed but all the promises and proof of trying was starting to wear Yukie down. Staring at his glass he tried to figure out what he should do. In a way Yukie wondered if he was also at fault for how they ended their relationship having involved Yuen instead of being clear with his needs. It made him think that maybe what he needed back then was to be more direct and it made him wonder if he needed to be more clear with what he wanted with Myles going forward or if he should just wait for him to make the first move Yukie not wanting to rush or break Myles trust. “I should be honest and tell him…I don’t want to lead him on if things get better…I mean he’s been trying to change for his kids.” Yukie mumbled as he groaned and laid his head on the table in frustration unsure what to do since he couldn’t talk to Yuen or Yue about his mixed feelings about his ex or about Myles.

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Myles woke up in the night, looking around he startles for a second, right he's in the hotel with Yukie and the kids. .... But where's Yukie? The redhead shuffles out of bed, he doesn't see a light on in the bathroom.... Myles checks the boys, still sound asleep. 

.... "Did he go downstairs for something?" Myles asks to nobody in particular. He searches for his phone, sending a text to Yukie. 

' Hey ... Did you leave the hotel? Are you alright?' 

Myles puts the phone down to wait for an answer. He turns on the tv waiting up for Yukie to get back. He thinks on the events of the day ... Then that evening... The younger had been so sweet and ... Romantic. It was too new for Myles to appreciate it. His face starts to burn. It was so intimate and sweet and-- Myles groans into his hands. He feels like one those teenage girls in those corny movies before she gets deflowered by the love interest! He was a thirty something year old man! He isn't some virgin teen!! 

But Myles would be lying if he said it didn't make him feel a little giddy... Was Yukie really ready to turn their relationship sexual?! Myles had expected it to come after at least another date or two... 

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Finishing his fifth drink Yukie paid his tab and after checking his phone he grumbled at the message and headed back to the room. Unlocking the door he set down the room key before making his way to his side of the bed, Yukie was to out of it to even notice Myles was up and watching tv. Stripping off his clothes he crawled into bed tossing his unlocked phone beside him, once snuggled down looked up at Myles noticing him. “You need your beauty sleep. You don’t need to worry about me, you’ve been kind enough” Yukie mumbled as he snuggled into his pillow half awake and half asleep. With a sharp buzz he looked at his phone for a moment the screen unlocked at he frowned at the message followed by many nude pictures of what one would assume to be his ex in a bribe for him to respond and agree to accept the sharing of information for a paid flight back home.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Myles caught a glimpse of that message. He tried not to let the knot in his gut cloud his judgement after all this was just meant as their first date. And Myles wasn't really sure if Yukie wanted to make it official already regardless of what the younger said weeks prior about wanting a solid figure in the boys lives. Many people talked and went put with multiple people when they wanted a serious relationship. Best way to way options with partners. "Another lover?" Myles asked casually. He hopes he doesn't sound hostile. He's just curious. "Have I got some competition?" Myles tries to snicker. Tries his best to keep the mood lite. 

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“Mmh an ex lover my husband…he’s trying to get me back. I’m not suppose to talk to him at all Yue made sure he couldn’t find me. He did though, we’ve been talking and he says he changed but I don’t think he did. I’m not sure how to think I can’t ask or talk about this with Yue or Yuen.” Yukie admitted with a sigh as he sat up a little and looked at Myles. “Everything….about him and that I feel for him is confusing and conflicting. He wants me to come home because he promises he’s changed and he can build a better family for us and he wants his sons back. I’m scared if I go back I’ll be hurt again….or I’ll ruin the kids future….i don’t know how life is suppose to work out or what path I should choose” Yukie finished with a groan holding his pillow tightly in anger.

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"Oh... Well shit .... That's ..... Quite a choice to make...." Myles states plainly. "Do you really feel like he hasn't changed? Like he's just putting on a show to get what he wants from you? And do you feel like he's a good father for the boys?" Myles wants to tell Yukie to drop his ex and cut him straight out of all of their lives, the redhead knowing full well what a manipulative partner can be like. And Yukie's ex husband sounds like a textbook gaslighting narcissist..... But Myles also knows people really can change and he most certainly doesn't want to stand in the way. But above all else Myles wants Yukie to trust his instincts. At the end of the day Myles knows what it's like to be in a relationship that constantly keeps you tied and locked in. Everyone around you can tell you till they're blue in the face to 'just leave! It's not that hard!! Just take what you have and go!' But the fact is, it's NEVER that easy. 

"Without thinking about .... Our current situation.... Think about what you've built here without him.... He says he can build you and the boys a better life..... But you've already done that on your own. Yes Yue and Yuen have helped but most everything else you've taken on by yourself.... So you certainly don't need him. " Myles stares at Yukie calmly, gauging for reactions ... To know if he oversteps or speaks out of turn. "But love is funny in the way that it's actually a very selfish feeling... you should WANT the person you're with.... You should never NEED them. A need is for survival, a want is a luxury to make life more enjoyable.... And I understand your feelings are complicated.... But ask yourself are these feelings from the good times you had and your mourning those memories from what it was good? Or do you still love him and want to be with him.... Do you want to make it work?" Myles touches Yukie's back gently. "If you can answer those questions ... You'll have ypur answer..."

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“My life is already enjoyable and I’m happy here…I miss home sometimes though.” Yukie admitted as he looked down at his hands really thinking over Myles questions as he spoke. “I…I’m afraid of starting a new relationship because rejection it’s terrifying and I’m not sure if the person I want a life with feels the same.” Yukie admitted speaking pretty openly in his drunken state. “I don’t want to be alone, and I’m not sure if it’s a good think to hold on the feeling of wanting this person I’m interested in…when I have a promise of someone else wanting me back home. Even if….it wasn’t perfect they still would want me…” Yukie whispered his voice a little broken at how lonely he had really felt since he left his ex. Unknowing to Yuen and Yue Yukie had felt very alone most of his life to finally have someone want him and to have his future go so fast forward into a deeply built life was such a mental change for Yukie, having it ripped away with everything left him spiraling on his feelings. Being unable to bring up his ex around his support system and  his feeling he felt very much like a man lost at sea.

”I want to see if there’s something there…I never made any choices in anything with getting married to ending it. Yue and Yuen did it all. They even chose where we would move and transfer to.” Yukie explained as he finally looked at Myles. “I-I want to choose if I stay or go. I need to know things for myself instead of just being told through Yuen or someone else what to do, I want to know for myself what people are saying.” Yukie added as he couldn’t help tears falling down his face. “I want to come home back to you…and I want to come back here if there is a home to come back to….i want to be with you but I don’t think I can move forward without settling and figuring out my own past so there can be a future with you.” Yukie added his voice breaking as he couldn’t help crying at this point at the thought of coming back and Myles not wanting him.

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Myles smiles at Yukie, patting his head. "I know ... It is scary ... Not knowing where you stand. You're afraid it's either not gonna last, it'll taken from you or ...." Myles seems somber, his eyes grow hard and cold ... Almost remembering something from years ago. "You'll realise it was all a dream and a lie you told yourself to move you forward everyday...." He looks to Yukie again. "But regardless, this choice is yours..." 

Myles sits himself against the head board, readying himself for what he's about to say next knowing it'll most likely hurt Yukie's feelings "This man may want you as a body but I have a feeling he doesn't want you as a person.... He wants a body to sleep next to and fuck around with and the money that falls outta that bodies wallet. From what you've told me, your ex is young like you and doesn't quite understand how the world really works. Or they have the money purse but they don't get to keep it unless YOU are in the picture. Now I won't sit here and say it's all about money.... But I will say from how you've described him to me, your ex doesn't want you back for love..." Myles stare turns to something harsh. But he does to make sure Yukie is free to make his choice but be sure that choice is from his brain and not just his broken heart. "I know it sounds like I'm trying to make choices for you, but I speak from a place of experience and I want you to know full well what you might be walking into. The choice is yours on what to do at the end of the day ... But just be careful when you go back... You know there will always be a home for you here with that's with your brother and his husband or--" Myles starts turning red and twirls his hair, looking at the end of the room " ....O-or with me...." 

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“…would you really want such a future with me? I’m not an easy guy person to live with or love, I mean I come with baggage….two kids a lot of mental problems and a hellish sleep and work cycle that scares most people. I need a lot of work…and I’m still tied down to an ex” Yukie whispered as he looked away his mind really thinking about spending such a life with Myles. “I’m scared though…even if I love the idea of a life with you…hell even if I want it so much it hurts, I’m afraid it will end badly. Even if I for a second considered my ex…I’m scared for the future” Yukie admitted his voice breaking as he voiced his worries. “I just can’t be selfish here…I can’t jump into a life that could end up hurting me because I have Haru and Tama to think of….it would be cruel to make them feel the pain of losing you, to deal with me falling apart again. I can’t put caring for them on Yue and Yuen if I break again.” Yukie explained as he tried to stop the tears that fell down his cheeks.  Wiping the tears away he tried to compose himself as he finally looked at Myles. “I’ve never talked about this any of this, and I’m just so scared figuring this all out. Everything has been to much…” yukie admitted as he finally broke down crying the man clearly having kept everything bottled up from the messy divorce to moving and then suddenly having kids, now he had added his mixed up feelings with Myles and it was just to much for the poor man to bear. “I just want to-I want to stay with you because you make me happy and make things feel better. I don’t want to leave because it will hurt not seeing you.” Yukie cried as he hid his face for a moment the wave of mixed emotions almost crushing him. 

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A sigh leaves the older man. He smiles, Yukie finally unravelled. 

Myles is as gentle as he can be, taking hold of Yukie, laying the younger on top of him, rubbing his back, soothing circles. He speaks lowly. "I know." 

He lifts Yukie's face drying the tears,  rubbing away the tear tracks. "These things take time. Figuring out life takes time and yea you have to little ones now.... But I'm confident you'll make the choice that's best for you.... And if you want, I can travel to Japan with you.... It's not ideal but I can rearrange things and come with you maybe even pay a visit to our sister company in Japan while you deal with legal correspondence..." The redhead offers again, just trying to give Yukie some form of comfort. Let's him cry out all the emotions and all the anxieties the young father has been feeling. Because Myles knows, he KNOWS, that feeling of dead floating after leaving a relationship. The uncertainty of knowing what to do next, then trying to figure out who you are because you lost so much of yourself in that relationship. 

"It's all going to work out, Yukie... One way or another, alright?" Myles wipes away another stray tear. His eyes stray briefly to Yukie's lips. "Can I kiss you right now?" The words flew out of his mouth before his brain caught up to think about how inappropriate asking that was at the moment. 

Myles immediately let go of Yukie's face, his own cheeks red "I-I-I m-m-mean!!! N-nevermind forget I said that!!" 

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“Why-why would I forget? Don’t you want to kiss me?” Yukie asked as he looked at Myles his eyes filling up with tears at the thought of Myles not wanting to kiss him as he looked down at the beautiful redhead. “I want to kiss you, I’ve wanted to for so long.” Yukie admitted as he hid his face in Myles neck just clinging to him as he felt more tears roll down his face. “I want to wait to kiss you. I want our first kiss to be full of love, not confusion and sadness.” Yukie whispered feeling more solid on his feelings as he just held Myles tightly.

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Yukie was .... Staring so intensely! The elder felt his heart hammering against his chest. Yukie curling into his neck, the younger's breath kept tingle against his collar bone, sending sparks through Myles body. 

The red head took in a deep breath. He did not want to jostle or force Yukie off from sheer fear of pushing the poor kid over. He was drunk as skunk, high of emotional adrenaline and mental anxiety from everything, but Myles was well aware if his body was left to his own devices it would get a very inappropriate reaction for this situation. So Myles does what he always does, pushes his own worries and problems to the back burner to focus on the bigger task at hand. 

"Who would've guessed you to be such a romantic..." He snickers a little wrapping and arm around Yukie and running gentle fingers through his white hair.... Myles has done this already a few times but he never paid attention to how Yukie's hair felt.... Soft and ... Very fine. He sat massaging and combing over the younger's scalp for a little while, slowly putting himself to sleep again. 

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Looking at Myles sleeping figure Yukie laid in the dark soaking in the loving embrace as his mind though over his future with Myles and his family, battling with his inner demons Yukie finally made his choice. Carefully getting up as to not wake Myles he went and checked on the kids, giving them a soft kiss each on the head spending just a few precious moments soaking in Haru and Tamas beautiful faces as he said goodbye. Walking back to the room where Myles was he worked fast quietly packing an overnight bag with just his basics. With his bag on his shoulder and having dressed quickly Yukie grabbed a piece of paper from the notepad near the mini bar and scribbled down a note and set it on the table alongside his cell phone. Grabbing his shoes he quietly stepped outside having sent one last message to Yuen to meet Myles in the morning the plan being as Yukie explained in text to Yuen to join Myles for their outing with the kids in his place while Yue and him went to a cafe to sort his affairs. 

Eventually morning came only to a shock as Yuen knocked on the hotel door and to Yues concern Yukie wasn’t at the cafe to meet up. Yue was confused having only received an email at the meetup time from Yukie’s ex that they had settled things via a phone call and no longer needed to mediate with Yukie’s lawyer. 

The paper sitting next to Yukie’s phone once discovered only had the words sorry, written on the paper and Yukies phone had no explanation or even trace of where he had gone everything but pictures of his family having been deleted off of it. Yuen sighed at the mess and not being one to deny the kids their outing requested they continue their plans with the theme park Yuen assuming Yukie had just needed time to think and would call them later once he was ready to talk about how he fixed everything despite Yuen knowing that things had shifted.

When the first week passed with no contact Yuen started to worry as he took care of the boys with Yue the two having helped Yukie set up temporary guardianship while he found his footing in being a parent. By the time the second week had rolled around he had started checking in twice a week with Myles work and Myles wondering if Yukie had called him or stopped by. By the third week he had filed a missing persons report then by end of the first month he had hired a private investigator to try and find Yukie to no avail.


-month two-

On the fifth day of month two there was two packages delivered, one to the boys and one to Yukies work. Inside the box was some books and some stuffed animals. In the envelope for work was Yukie’s last project finished and addressed to Myles. On both packages they where unmarked other then the names of who they where for. Yuen of course tried to have them traced but found no leads. During this month he visited Myles often as he could the kids happy to see their strawberry Mama, as Yukie had told Yuen and Yue that he loved having Myles around the kids and the kids also found comfort in seeing Myles again.


-Month three-

By the third month Yuen had hired three more investigators to search for Yukie each coming back with nothing and the conclusion that Yukie just didn’t want to be found. He had even gone so far as to leave for a week and search back home. Even talking to his brother’s ex and searching all the places he would have expected Yukie to go. Having found nothing he came back defeated only to find Yue waiting for him with their monthly package for the boys that was clear by now that Yukie packed for them with things he thought they would love. Alongside this was the same package addressed to Myles inside instead of work papers there was a small beautiful book that seemed to be picked out with care.


-Month Four-

As month four arrived the kids had finally settled into a sense of normal. Yuen and Yue taking over raising them, both assuming and believing that eventually Yukie would come home soon since they knew Haru would be turning three soon by this point Haru knew some basics in English and was able to communicate with everyone. Like clockwork another package arrived for the boys, and one for Myles containing another leather bound book just as pretty as the last. As the end of the month rolled forward and autumn sneaked in Haru had happily turned three, surrounded by his family Yuen of course throwing a huge party and sent out invitations to Myles and Darrius to help celebrate Haru's birthday making sure to take pictures of his shark themed party.


-Month Five-

As the last touches of warmth slipped away Yuen was greeted with the usual package on the doorstep. Taking it inside he set it down on the counter and greeted Yue who was busy frosting a cake for Tama who sat grumpily in the living room. Helping decorate the house for Tamas first birthday Yuen was use by this point of hiding his anger at his brother for being gone so long. Like before he invited Myles and Darrius, and celebrated Tama turning one with a cute safari birthday Tama having grown fond of all of the nature shows he had started watching with Haru. This month the package for Myles was left at Yuens house the package containing another book and a pressed rose that was a soft pink.


-Month Six-

Yuen sighed as he looked over his work, the kids running around as they screamed and played in the house. The last six months had done a number on him. The whole time he hadn’t stopped looking for Yukie. He had exhausted every effort and had even gone so far as to search his ex’s house. Eventually he had to stop, the man having two kids to think about and a marriage. Taking a break he texted Myles and Darrius asking if they wanted to join them for dinner.

Yue had stepped out hours ago to grab some dinner for them, getting up Yuen sighed as he walked to check if Yue was back only to frown and step outside his anger directed at the man standing before him with nothing but a bag over his shoulder. Staring down at Yukie he threw his anger out, “you’re no longer welcome here. You’re dead to us!” Yuen could only snap as he slammed the door shut on Yukie’s face and went back inside the man screaming in frustration as he texted Myles he needed someone in the next hour to take the kids out of the house for the screaming match that was going to go down as he beat Yukie’s ass.


-an hour later-

Yukie sat outside the house waiting by the porch the night air freezing as he looked at Yue who sighed and tried to ignore him only to set down a warm drink by Yukies chair. “I’m very angry with you and not talking to you either, but if I was…I would suggest you leave for the night Yuen is going to find the oldest slipper in the house to beat you with the second the kids are out.” Yue grumbled knowing that Yuen was angry enough to beat the hell out of Yukie for his own good for the six months of worrying.

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The next morning Myles was left devasted. He saw a note just telling him sorry and he immediately wants to cry. Yukie fell into the cycle of running back to his ex. He wondered for a moment if he should text Yuen and Yue .... Before that sadness turned to anger upon seeing the boys were still here!! He abandoned the boys?! He barely has time to process this before a phone call comes through from Yuen. They met up, Myles in a panic and ready to rage--

"He ..... He just told you to meet us and hang out for the day? Then he just ... Left?" Myles could do nothing with the tears that fell from his eyes. 

The following weeks, Myles became a complete recluse. Only showing up to work, watching our for texts from Yuen for any news on his end.... Nothing .... Always nothing. 

Those weeks turned into months. Myles lost a noticeable amount of weight even on his own thin frame. Darrius saw it, day in and day out. The elder left work early lately.... Says it was because he wasn't feeling well or he was picking up Yukie's kids.... Darrius knew the redhead was only telling him half truths. But he was grateful Myles still had those kids around .... Otherwise, Darrius feared Myles would waste away to nothing. 

The elder didn't start getting better until Haru was about to turn 3. Darrius could see that Myles started perking up a little. Even started his normal routine again. Even having a better life work balance thanks to the children. Instead of spending extra late hours at the office, Myles started leaving by 5 and no later than 6 so he could have tike with them. 

The invitations to dinner with Yuen and his husband seemed to help as well to put weight back on the redhead. Darrius swears they kept close eyes on him but then he gets introduced to Gio, an old friend from Myles school days. 

Then by the time Tama's first birthday came Myles really thought about giving up what little bit of hope he held.onto that Yukie would come back.... He was settled in his new apartment, having picked one that had three rooms now. Yuen let him have the boys on weekends and as they grew up Myles wanted them to have their own spaces later down the road. And one for himself of course. He was about put on dinner when he got frantic texts. He sees their from Yuen saying he needed to come get the boys. Myles trues to call 

"Yuen?! What's happening? Is everything alright? Call me back please! Asap!" He leaves a message as he bustles down the stairs to his car, heading for Yuen's place as quickly as he can. Pulling on and rushing out of the car, Myles runs to get to the door when--

" .... " he stares .... Frozen in place .... His eyes water for a brief moment. Then harden as the elder briskly and quickly walks past the young man seated on that porch. Myles wasn't ready to deal with this yet but now he understood perfectly what was about to transpire. 

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Sitting on the chair outside Yukie looked at Myles the sight catching his breath as he struggled to breathe or even find his voice. Watching as Myles went inside Yukie could only ache as he watched him leave only to be finally confronted with Yuen. The two were heard outside the loudest voice being Yuen who screamed and let out all his anger on Yukie something he had never done before.

”Myles, the kids are in the playroom if you wanna check on them.” Yue added as he angrily mixed their dinner salad the man slamming the bowl down as he stormed outside as the yelling got more aggressive to kept Yuen from sending Yukie to the hospital. Haru who had heard Myles name came running out with a smile. “Mama!” Haru yelled happily as he ran and hugged Myles Tama following behind confused by the yelling as he held a book in his arms the book being on different plants mainly mushrooms native to where they lived.


“You fucking just left with some halfassed excuse abandoning your kids!” Yuen yelled as he smacked Yukie with the old slipper Yuen having saved the damn thing for the day Yukie did show his face back home. “You could have called! Fuck. You….goddamn you!” Yuen finally finished as he threw the slipped down on the ground finally breaking down crying. “I thought he finally dragged you back home and killed you.” Yuen yelled his voice cracking as he couldn’t help the tears falling down his face. “You got so hurt last time…and….you fucking just disappeared” Yuen finally forced out as he took a moment to himself walking away to calm down before he beat Yukies ass again.

”You’re not getting them back anytime soon.” Yue added as he looked over at Yukie and sighed before handing him a coat the air outside freezing. “Yuen…is hurt more then angry, we all are.” Yue explained as he mentioned for Yukie to sit back down to talk with him.

”I’m sorry, I didn’t want to hurt any of you…but it was the only way.” Yukie whispered as he curled up into the warm jacket his body soaking in the warmth. 

“…you look like you haven’t ate in awhile.” Yue added as he watched Yuen stomp around the yard in anger still cursing.

”….Mentally, I’ll be fine. I need some time though before I meet the kids again. Living back with him for six months….it wasn’t easy.” Yukie whispered his voice so broken as he spoke. “He signed over full custody, and we are fully separated….the kids can’t be dragged back at any moment, no forced co parenting or visitation. He can’t fight the papers or even try to force me back.” Yukie explained as Yue nodded a little with an angry huff.

”Thats why he backed out of the court hearing. He wanted to break you down then once you were back by his side he wanted you to move them back.” Yue asked as Yukie nodded covering his face in his hands as he felt the weight of those six months of sacrifice on his shoulders now that he was back home.

”I couldn’t talk to you…I couldn’t even leave the house. If I did it counted as me running away from trying to make the marriage work. I had to prove… so much….it- it was so hard to show that it would be an unstable and unhappy home for them when he controlled everything. Having them here safe with you two and away from him they didn’t have to meet or even see him or be what he wanted. They weren’t treated…” Yukie whispered his voice catching as Yue stopped Yukie for continuing gently taking his hand.

“Don’t. No more apologies or explanations….Not tonight…give yourself a chance to feel safe again and find some stable footing.” Yue whispered as he looked over at Yuen his glance stopping Yuen who only screamed out in frustration only throwing the slipper at Yukies head in response the slipper missing by a foot. 

“Run away again like that and I’ll insert it up your ass.” Yuen threatened as he stormed over having calmed down more in the feet getting closer to Yukie. Grabbing Yukie he pulled him into a tight hug Yuens eyes filling with tears as he could feel how much Yukie had changed in those six months away. “For now….a hot shower will do you good and a meal.” Yuen grumbled as he refused to end the hug the poor man having thought he had lost the only family he had. “And then…you can sleep at a hotel until we get your home cleaned. We will figure it out.” Yuen promised as he  sat beside Yukie and with a look at Yue, Yue nodded and got up leaving the two to talk. Yue then went inside to warn Myles that Yukie would eventually be coming inside to join them for dinner once he showered.

”Myles, if you want to take the kids for the night you can after dinner. Yukie… he needs some time to get in a better place to meet them again. Honestly I think we all do.” Yue added as he walked over to the salad and cleaned it up.

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"I'll..... I'll drive around for a little while.... You all sit, eat dinner, enjoy yourselves ... Catch up and just text me when they're ready to be picked up. Do you have some spare sleep wear for them? I haven't had a chance to wash any of theirs at the apartment yet..." Myles gives a quick excuse to not sit in on an awkward dinner. He doesn't think he could keep himself composed if he tried tonight. "But I'll come by after ..... Everybody has gone to sleep...." I'll be by later tonight when he isn't awake.... 

Before he left, Myles gave the boys all quick kisses and hugs before stating he'd be back after dinner to take them with him to sleepover. Again he walks quickly by Yukie. Myles doesn't spare the other a look.... He can't. 

Myles doesn't think he'll trust his reaction to be good seeing Yukie again. On one gand the redhead is angry and upset at Yukie for just up and disappearing. He felt abandoned! In a sense he and the boys were! That angered Myles the most. The fact Yukie had just left without any real explanation or reason! Worse yet the younger didn't even bother to call, write, email, nothing!! Just sent stupid fucking presents that kept giving Myles false hopes! He never even bothered opening any of them for fear it was setting him up for to just knock him down again! .... But other hand... Myles also doesn't feel like he deserves to even be as angry and as heart broken as he does.

Myles takes out a cigarette from his pack hidden under his shirt. They taste terrible, stale as all hell but he was trying to keep off the smokes for the kids. The redhead hates smoking around them and doesn't want them smelling like smoke when he hugs them or when they leave the apartment. 

But right now.... Myles lights it up and takes a long drag. The inhale actually hurts with how much he sucked in. 

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“I can pack their bags, and I’ll call you when they are done talking. Yukie…doesn’t want to see them for a bit, he wants to be in a better place. Yuen is going to eat with him in the entryway…and then he’s going to get cleaned up and go stay at a hotel with Yuen.” Yue explained as he set down his knife and looked at the chopped salad. watching Myles leave he sighed and looked at the kids who just seemed confused as hell.

“I don’t want him in the house… Yuen.” Yue mumbled as he stood in front of the door looking at the two as he watched Myles leave. 

“it’s fine. Yukie won’t be staying the night or for dinner. I’ve arranged for him to stay somewhere else for a few days maybe weeks until things have settled.” Yuen added as Yukie looked away from Myles to ashamed to even speak to him as he got up and headed to Yuens car. Yuen unlocked it as Yukie got in and Yuen walked back inside and grabbed a plastic Tupperware and filled it with dinner before grabbing some shoes. “Keep the kids for a bit feed them and Myles will take them for the time being until we can better watch them. I-I have to make sure he’s fully okay. Last time he was alone with that bastard we could barely get him to even speak to us.” Yuen mumbled as he set down five thick yellow envelopes that were bursting at the seams on the table. “Please give Myles his when he comes back. It’s not an explanation but it’s better then him speaking about it for now.” Yuen explained as he set the envelopes full of personal letters down and picking his own up he put it in a kitchen drawer not wanting to touch the months of letters Yukie had written to him one for every day not something he could handle for now. Kissing Yues cheek he left to go take Yukie where he would be staying and left Yue just looking at the kids.

”well, why don’t we watch a movie with dinner?” Yue asked as the kids just followed and picked a movie both still a little confused.

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The driver back into the city was quiet and quick. Myles drove to his old stomping grounds he and Gio would go to when they had just let put of school. 


The red head looked over, "Speak of the devil and he shall appear... Has it going Gio?" Myles smirks at the other man but it's stiff. He snorts. "I could ask you the same... Just coming to the Pit and not gonna invite me?" 

"Meh ... Even if I did you always seem to appear here before I need to anyway." 

The Pit was just a little ramp walk way down into an old building that hadn't been used in years. Even when Myles and Gio were younger it was left empty. Old construction project that the city stopped for contract reasons. But it was a place to meet and be open about things because nobody would be there. Gio had seen Myles at his best here. His worst was on the streets, in the ring.... Place where the public would have their eyes on him. 

"So .... What's bothering you?" Gio asks, taking his spot against the building wall. Myles could only be here for one of two reasons. It was good news that he had to process.... Or it was something weighing too heavily on his mind. 

" .... He came home...." Myles spoke lowly. Gio's eyes grew wide. The morning Yukie had left, Myles called him at the hotel desk, asking him to come up. Once he reached the room, Gio was introduced to Yukie's older brother and filled in on the situation and from there had tracked it. He was terrified of the repercussions this would have on Myles. 

".... Did .... Did he say--"

"I didn't speak to him.... I couldn't" Myles answers quickly. Gio grips a fist in his pocket. "So he disappears for months and you don't even ask him where he's been?!" 

"I know where he was Gio! That's not the problem here I've told you a dozen times why he left and again it's not the WHY he left!!" Myles starts raising his voice. He crushes the lit cigarette in his fist, Gio hears it sizzle in his friend's hand as it's snubbed out. "The problem is the WAY he left!! And THEN disappeared for months without a fucking word!" 

Gio heaves a sigh through his nostrils. He knows... He saw the cameras when Yukie left. One of his workers had told him the next morning when he came in. But now Gio worries on what Myles wants to do. Neither of them know what transpired over where Yukie was, and all Gio could was stand by and let Myles pull himself back together while still wrestling with the fact if he had the right to be this upset. 

Personally Gio believed the redhead had every right in the world to be angry at the young father. Myles defends him by saying 'he doesn't know my past at all and I barely know his' which ok Gio will give him that by as a human Myles can be angry for Yukie just abandoning his own children even without Myles on traumas with that situation, any decent person should be angry about that. 

But Gio has known Myles many many years and he knows the red head is gonna make every excuse in the book and push his own wants and upsets to the back of his mind.

"So .... What happens now?" Gio asked if only because he knew the answer

"... I don't know..."

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Yukie stared at the strange man standing before him the older man huffing in annoyance as he looked at Yuen who was down on his knees pleading in the walkway of the house. “Please, I can’t take him anywhere else. Hospital with commit him without a word and he can’t stay home or be on his own until I have a better plan in place.” Yuen begged as the man huffed and let out a tiered sigh. 

“if he stabs me in my sleep or is to much noticeable trouble he’s out instantly no warning or text to you” the man grumbled as he looked at Yukie before moving to the side. “Second room to the right. You’ll strip down to nothing there are clothes in the dresser to change into, leave everything you brought in the hallway your going into a monitored week with me.” The man explained to Yukie who only nodded and walked inside and out of Yuens sight.

”Thank you, Taichi. I really owe you big time. I promise it won’t be long term just until I get sorted out…he will be good and behave it’s just, he’s not in the right headspace.” Yuen explained as Taichi held up a hand.

”You seem to forget that I know all about Yukie, if there’s anyone he’s more comfortable around then you it’s me. Trust me, he will be fine staying here it’s more relaxed than an inpatient room. I’ll keep him under lock and key and watch him close and if he will let me I’ll give him some therapy sessions while I’m at it and at least get him into a routine of eating and sleeping. You have no worries, we’ve done this before he will be safe here….its why I agreed to move with you three in the event he needs looking after. We both know it was better to keep me close by Yukie needed a support network a safe place outside of you two. Let’s just both be happy that he came back after I moved here and set up” Taichi reminded Yuen who had called him once Yukie disappeared to ask him to keep an eye out and to move back to help him since he realized Yukie had been keeping so much from him. Taichi sighed at his friend the two having been very close back home as they worked many court cases together. “Tell Yue that I want my payment in home cooking. Check in tomorrow afternoon and we will go from there.” Taichi added as he walked back up the steps and inside locking the door behind him. Yuen nodded a little and headed back home to the boys.

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"... I don't know..."

Gio sits, flicking the old engraved lighter. He stopped smoking years ago when he had a cancer scare. But this lighter was a shared piece of his and Myles history. A testament to their long standing friendship, bonded from acceptance. Gio smiles. 

" That sounds awfully familiar.... You seem to say that alot about this Yukie kid." 

Myles raises a brow at Gio. "You've only ever been stumped a handful of times in your life. You've always had a plan, an idea, a way to get yourself or us out of anything remember?" The other goes on. Myles looks at him, confused "Ok.... What's your point?" Myles asks further. 

"My point is whenever you've had no idea what to do, we both decided to say fuck it and just do the first thing that seems to fit.... No thoughts or plans" Gio explains. Myles looks at Gio wide eyed. "Goliath! This isn't that kind of situation! I can't run in completely blind!! I can't--"

          "Why not?....." 

Myles stands frozen. Gio stares at him. Stern and hard. " Let your emotions flow freely without restraint. You have done fantastic these past years with your temper and ptsd. But maybe now it's about time you start releasing that pressure valve ... Just a little bit? Just be sure you direct it at the right person.... But think about it" 

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Yuen after getting the kids bathed and dressed had laid them down in bed the two out like a light as he took his phone call outside of the house taking a smoke break. “Evening sunshine.” Taichi replied as he chuckled and typing could be heard on his computer. “Called to ask some follow up questions on darling Yukie.” Taichi added as he took a break from typing and went to check Yukie was still in his room before going to the sunroom to chat.

”I can’t tell you much about what happened but I can try and answer.” Yuen offered with a tiered sigh as he soaked in the night sky.

”well, it’s more a medical warning and same page kinda call . I drug tested him…like I usually do when he comes here to keep him well monitored.” Taichi explained with a frown as he switched on the security system. “He’s pretty messed up emotionally, besides that he’s kinda numb and on a lot of different stuff his explanation was self medicating back home via his exes desires to fix his mental state. Kinda a forced medication situation. He said he never wanted to take any of them but had no choice, he wouldn’t elaborate what that meant.” Taichi explained as he took in a deep breath. “I’m going to be detoxing him. So, I’d like short visits going forward. Maybe we start with video calls for the boys? If he feels up to it. He seems unsure he wants to see them…I blame my younger brother for that, he’s always been violent and Yukies most likely scared out of his mind. Six months of heavy cult like conditioning will mess you up.” Taichi finished while putting his cigarette out and heading inside the camera alerting his phone. Going inside he found Yukie violently vomiting in the bathroom the poor man shaking as he groaned. 

“I’ll keep the kids away until he’s doing alright no worries there, from the sounds of it you’ll have a busy night. I’ll call back in the morning.” Yuen added glad to hear Yukie was at least talking to Taichi.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hours seemed to pass when Myles finally pulled back in to pick up the boys. He apologizes to Yuen for making stay up waiting so long. 

"Wasn't too sure when ... You all would finish..." He mumbles out as he gentle settles Haru and Tama in their car seats, trying his best not to jostle them awake . 

"When do you want me to drop them back off?" Myles asks his typical 'coparenting' questions regarding arrangements.... Anything to not face the giant elephant literally in another room. 

Driving back to the apartment did nothing to calm the redhead's turmoil. The conversation with Gio had him heavely considering just ... Letting loose and give Yukie a piece of his mind! ..... But Myles also knew he couldn't just explode either ..... Yukie was in a delicate state mentally, physically. The redhead wasn't gonna completely disregard that.... After all he knew why Yukie had left.... He just didn't understand why Yukie couldn't have just explained exactly how he was going to go through with his plans.... Give the people he had here some inkling of what was going to happen and what he was doing .... 

Myles grip turned white knuckled on the stirring wheel as he thought on this situation more and more..... 

Releasing a deep breathe, Myles finally decided on the route he wanted to take. It was his turn to step forward and make his wants for this relationship known....

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