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I'm getting too old for this


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Myles feels his own heart breaking for the boy. He knew this conversation would happen but he was hoping to wait a few years. "Haru, bud.... I never left you with that family ..... You and Tama were given to me..... I'm not the one who birthed you sweetheart but I am the one who wants to keep you...." 

Myles gives Haru a moment to cry and process what he's saying. "I'm a man Haru and men can't give birth to children.... I don't know why your mama left and I wish I had answers I could give you bud.... But I don't. What I can tell you is I love you and your brother with all my heart. I know you probably don't want to believe that right now, but I do.... And the man in there, is your daddy.... He helped make you both to bring you in this world.... So please you have to give him a chance.... Can't you do that....?" 

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“No.” Haru replied with an angry huff as he refused to listen to Myles on Yukie being his dad. “He’s not….my uncles say a dad doesn’t leave us.” Haru added very stubbornly as he kept wiping away his tears the boy clearly just going off of everything he’s heard. “I don’t want him coming around here. He left and….and.” Haru started before bawling against and clinging to Myles slightly showing just why he was being so clingy since his whole world was upside down and everyone in it was just confusing him more.

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"You're right little man... Daddy's don't leave .... If they can help it" Myles let's the boy fall into his arms. He'd make a mental note to go and give those uncles a scolding. He knows everybody is angry woth Yukie. But they shouldn't be talking like that around young kids!!

"But sometimes .... Things happen that can't be helped and daddys and mamas have to go away for a little while to fix it and make things better.... It hurts when they leave.... It's...." Myles feels his own tears starting to form. He takes a shakey breathe. He can't cry when his little boy is melting down in front of him. "It's like when Mama leaves for work during the day and you sit with Uncle Gio or Uncle Yue or Uncle Yuen... But I always come back for you don't I? Well Daddy had to do something like that but his took much longer.... So he didn't get to come back even though he really really wanted to....." Myles hugs Haru tight. Let's him cry more until all the hurt comes out 

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“No one is sad he left, everyone’s angry including me.” Haru replied with an angry hiccup as he buried his face in Myles arms hiding away. Haru just cried for a while the little lad letting out all his anger and frustration out in Myles work shirt. After about ten minutes he finally calmed down his face puffy and red from all of his crying. “I don’t feel sad when Yukie leaves…but when you leave I’m sad.” Haru whispered ever so softly as he just clung to Myles even tighter. “It’s like my heart is gone….forever.” Haru explained his little voice sounding so broken as he spoke. “Taichi gave me words to how I feel…” Haru explained having been talking a lot with Taichi when he got to aggressive and uncontrollable with Yukie.

”….Taichi has been helping me a lot.” Yukie explained as he held Tama who was holding a small book with fuzzy animals in his arms the toddler looking at them confused but content with his book.


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"Well maybe him helping is a good thing ... Lord needs these kids are gonna need therapy anyway. Everything they've been through." Myles states, holding Haru close to him. 

"But all in all, Haru you can be angry you have a right to feel that way. But please you have to give Yukie a chance.... Just one to be better.... You let me have one it's only fair he gets one to." Myles tries to negotiate with the child. "Because he's going to be around more often so you have to get along. Just a little" Myles says and pats the boys head.

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“Okay….” Haru replied as he huffed and looked at Yukie. “He can stay……for one night.” Haru added before letting go of Myles only holding his hand. “Can we eat now?” Haru asked gently having calmed down more as Yukie carried Tama to the table and set him up in his seat.

”your good at this. It makes me feel a little less guilt…I couldn’t have picked anyone better to be their mum.” Yukie admitted as he settled down in his own seat.

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"Since when did I become mama?! We all know I'm a man correct??" Myles fusses but doesn't really have energy to argue the point. It's what the boys have grown to call him so he can worry about the repercussions later on. 

But with a watchful eye, Myles set up dinner for everyone, small samples for Tama, bigger cut up chinks for Haru, a neatly put together plate for Yukie and a smal simple through together for himself. 

"So back to what you were saying earlier, the boys need new luggage right? We can probably go into the city and get something nice for a good price. And what airline did you want to go through for this? Cuz I want to call and check their guidelines and regulations. I want to go and find some plane activities for the boys as well. It'll be difficult for the first hour or so because their ears will pop and they'll be pretty uncomfortable so anything and everything to distract them the better. On top of that I'm sure Taichi is gonna want new luggage as well, plus I'm sure he'll want some activities for himself." 

Myles already has the mental list going through his mind on everything he'd need for the flight itself plus he'd want a map of the surrounding area he and the others will be staying in. 

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“The kids decided I had no say in it” Yukie replied to Myles comment the man holding up his hands to reassure Myles he had no part in the nickname. Looking at the boys plate Yukie raised a brow and moved a few things off as he took bites of his own food. “I’d be careful with Haru’s food reactions. Stress and big changes will cause random reactions. They don’t always trigger to food sometimes it’s the things around them that can trigger this stuff. For me it was a sunburn as a kid, since then I’m overly sensitive to sunlight and long exposure causes rashes for me” Yukie explained as he poked at his food having tried to get a wide variety of food that was good for everyone. “Haru being so upset might have stomach issues after eating or be upset. He usually gets sick or rash covered after the first night with us.” We bought some oatmeal lotion that helps and Taichi and I are looking into different therapies to help them with stress while we are changing things around our lives. On that note Taichi has himself covered he’s already got everything he needs it’s why he went to town yesterday for medical supplies and luggage. I can head into the city tomorrow look for luggage and send pictures if you can’t go, you know due to work.” Yukie offered while wiping Tamas face the man watching the kids. “I got us first class tickets, bigger space and more privacy. Thought it would be best for everyone involved.” Yukie admitted while sipping his drink.

“Myles….are you happy…with all of this. I don’t want you to feel like you have to stay. I don’t want to tie you down if you want to leave. All of this is a lot, I feel I forced your hand in caring for them when I ran away.” Yukie questioned his voice gentle as he spoke almost as if he was afraid of Myles answer.

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The red head stares at the albino. "Yukie if I had no intentions of staying around I would've given up my paternal rights as a guardian and caregiver to those boys, I told you before and I will say it again, I plan to be here for the long. Now if this is your shitty way of getting me to leave I will tell you now I'll be leaving the moment I am dead and buried in the ground.... Or if you decide to fuck up royally again but those boys come with me." Myles stares at Yukie intensely, with emerald eyes that seemed to glimmer in a way that shined and challenged anyone who stared into them. 

If you dare take what is mine, you shall regret it to your dying day...

is what those eyes were saying

"As far as I'm concerned the phrase tied down is another term for commitment and I do believe I've asked you to prove yours .... I'm positive I've already shown mine..." Myles states matter of factly.

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“You have you’ve more than proven yourself!” Yukie replied quickly as he looked away his nervous side poking through as he spoke.

“Truth be told…I-I wanted to show I was serious about us fixing us and about you. I brought a ring with me to propose tonight because I felt that it was what I should do. I realized now though that I was wrong…and that’s moving to fast and might not be what you want. Plus I’m sure pulled one out or even mentioned it…it might make things worse and I’d be thrown out permanently.” Yukie admitted his face going a deep red as his voice shook the man just spewing forth everything he had been building up inside. “I mean I planned on proposing on our trip with the kids.  I was even looking at rings for us a matching pair! But then I got all the messages from my ex demanding me or the kids to come back home and I couldn’t…I didn’t want the life we were starting to be ripped away. I didn’t want you to be ripped away because I don’t thing I’ve ever felt love like this before.” Yukie explained as he looked away from Myles feeling even more flustered and as if he was going to melt into the floor. “I was so scared and conflicted, I mean my ex was just sharing a space never was there any intimacy…I’ve never felt these feelings about anyone before I…feel so so nervous and happy that hearing your voice is like a life raft in the ocean for me. Every time I’ve seen you since the first time it’s been like something is missing in my life.” 

“I-I thought things would be easy coming back for us but it isn’t like I thought it would be. All I could think about was you and our family….its all I could think about when I came home. I was nervous seeing you again…so…the first thing I bought was a ring for you to give you the second I saw you again.” Yukie mumbled as he hid his face in his hands. “I thought it would be a grand gesture to show how serious I was…and all I saw when looking at you again is how much I hurt you and it destroyed me.” Yukie admitted his voice full of shame and regret. “I want to stay by your side for our family, I’ll always be there for our family….but I feel it’s so selfish of me to want more, to feel like there ever could be more for us.” Yukie whispered hiding away the few tears that fell down his face the ring box in his pocket being a heavy reminder of the life he lost.


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A ring? A ring?! They haven't even been officially dating for a week and the kid already bought a fucking ring!?!?! Moving fast?! That's not just moving fast he's bulldozed past even the courting stage!! 

Myles sat staring shell shocked for a moment. He had no idea what say, do or even think!! "I-I..... " He looks and stares and blinks and just tries to process what has just happened. 

"Y-yukie ... You do realize.... What commitment comes behind that ring right?! You and I-- we haven't even properly dated yet! At this point I know more about you than you do me! And there's ..... Many MANY skeletons in my closets you may not ready to hear about yet!" Myles runs his hand through his hair. He's heard of love at first sight but this a little ridiculous! But he doesn't want to completely shoot Yukie's self esteem in the foot. And besides .... It's not like he hasn't thought about ... Myles is past the age that alot of people from his generation would be settling down and have families started already. But his and Yukie's situation is a little .... Unique to say the least. 

He swallows hard to push down the lump in his throat. "I think ..... Before we even consider marriage, let's see how we do as a couple first and then .... Down the line ..... You can plan a proper proposal when your in a much better head space and are back on your feet.... Stable and healthy on all sides ...." Myles says this with a hint of blush to his own cheeks. "Just to be clear .... I'm not rejecting the idea of--" he swallows again and the blush starts reddening "m-marrying ..... I'm rejecting you proposing fresh off of a messy, NASTY divorce and still trying to get yourself in order. I meant what I said when I said for you to take the time you need to heal... I'll be waiting on the other side for that .... P-proposal then ... Ok?" 

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“I agree, I just wanted to let you know my intentions. Myles I want to marry you. Thats my end goal, to have a happy healthy family together and to marry you.” Yukie admitted as he sighed a little before laughing. “Ah, I’m doing all of this backwards…my sense of romance and partnership is so off “ Yukie explained before looking at Myles. “Forgive me for scaring you, I just had to get my feelings off my chest.” Yukie finished before moving to wipe Tamas face again.

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The red head was dumb founded. He's heard about having five year plans but jesus christ Yukie does not seem to believe in taking his time! Myles rubs his hand over his still reddened face. "Fucking christ Yukie you can't just say shit like that to an old man!" He mumbles. "My heart can't take those kinda confessions at my age at least warn a guy next time will you!" 

The night goes on, and Myles is getting the boys ready for bed, having moved Tama's bed into Haru's room so he could make a quick guest room for yukie. He could get everything cleaned up and fixed another time so it could better accommodate the young father. "Alright boys, jammies are on teeth are brushed now go pick a book out and I'll come read you a story before bed ok?" Myles tells them as he leaves to finish setting up the cot for Yukie to sleep on. Extra blankets a few extra pillows, and an extra pair of sleepwear for the other to put on for comfort. "Ok everything is all set up for you, the bathroom is the door after your room if you wanna wash up before bed ok?" 

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“Thank you.” Yukie replied as he smiled warmly at Myles and took his clothes going off to shower and get cleaned up. Right as he got in the bathroom there was a knock at the door Taichi waiting with a small bag and two paper bag full of medications. 

“Damn traffic.” Taichi grumbled as he waited for Myles to answer the door the man having brought medicine for the three staying with Myles to try. Pulling out he called Yukie, only to hear the phone ringing throughout the house as Yukie had left it on the kitchen counter while cleaning up the place for Myles.

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"One moment I'll be right there!" Myles called out upon hearing the door. He hands Yukie the blankets "I'll go get the door you just settle in for bed alright?" 

The red head heads for the door, and opens it "hey sorry to make you wai--" his voice catches in his throat. 

Myles stares at the man, whom he threw around like a rag doll months prior, mouth agape with his unfinished sentence. ".... hi...." His voice comes out in a squeak. Myles didn't get the chance to sit and apologize to Taichi after they had initially 'met', and Myles had been hoping to stay out of the therapist sight when on the trip to Japan. 

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“Yukies not answering his phone. He didn’t come home either.” Taichi explained as he raised a brow at Myles. “Also, I got some new medicine for Yukie to try while bathing.” Taichi added as Yukie popped out of the bathroom wearing just a towel the man looking for his small bag only to find it by the couch. Looking up he noticed Taichi and walked over to him the towel basically hanging off his hips.

”Taichi?” Yukie asked confused as he looked at the two Taichi snickering at the sight.

”Medicine. Also, you shouldn’t walk around like that.” Taichi scolded lightly as he held out the bags of medicine for Yukie to take. “Let me know how it works. Had to drive a ten hour road trip to get this.” He explained the man exhausted from his endeavors.

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Attempting to form words was proving difficult. Myles had never beaten somebody down who didn't deserve it and now he was faced with one of his worst nightmares. 'He should not be speaking so calmly to the guy that beat him to a pulp!!! ' Myles goes to take the bag of medication when Yukie comes up behind him. 'Oh thank god!!' 

Myles tries to slowly worm his way away from the two, hoping to go unnoticed and just hide in the back of the apartment 

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“Myles, I don’t harbor any resentment towards you for throwing me into a wall.” Taichi called out as he noticed how uncomfortable Myles was. “You don’t need to run away.” Taichi started as Yukie let Taichi in the house more.

”Wanna watch me shower~” Yukie asked Taichi who looked at Myles. 

“I’m only coming in if Myles allows it. It’s his home and I don’t want to make him uncomfortable.” Taichi explained to Yukie who raised a brow at Myles as if asking him silently for permission.

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Myles just gives a quick thumbs up, trying to scurry away to the boys room to read them their stories. It's only after he gets in and settled down with them does he realize the question asked. 

wait .... Is Yukie on suicide watch now?! Did he attempt to take his own life?!

Myles supposed that would make sense given all the stress and turmoil the whole family has been in lately but why didn't anybody--? Oh ... Right Yuen has a nasty habit of keeping things from Myles .... He still needs to have a chat with Yuen about that as well =_=

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“Lead the way.” Taichi mumbled as he came in and took off his shoes following Yukie to the bathroom and then eventually after he was done to his room.

”I think it went well, so far no rash I’ll see how the herbal medicine helps with meals.” Yukie added as he sat on the bed Taichi gently drying his hair the man almost motherly doting on him.

”I plan to stay the night here. Unless you’re okay being alone?” Taichi asked somewhat testing the waters with how Yukie was fairing. 

“I..I would prefer you staying, I haven’t told Myles everything…it would be easier to keep it the same like at home.” Yukie admitted as he looked away a touch embarrassed how much he was needing Taichi’s help.

”No shame in it.” Taichi whispered as he closed the door and changed into some clothes for the night the two having gotten use to carrying around overnight bags for themselves along with the kids stuff. “You seem happier.” Taichi admitted with a chuckle as he moved to brush Yukies hair and braid it.

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With the boys down and in bed, and Yukie currently busy with his own guest.... Is Taichi staying overnight as well? Possibly if Yukie IS on suicide watch. 

Myles grabs more supplies from the closet and more blanket to provide extra cushion. The cot he has is a full but would they share a bed or is one on the floor and the other in bed? Myles should really look into how suicide watch is done. He knocks on the guest door leaving the piles of blankets there before he scurries off again. 

Maybe talking this all out with Gio is a good idea. The red head takes his phone and steps out to his balcony. 

"Hello hello? Is this the Ruby to my Sapphire?" 

Myles rolls his eyes at the greeting. "No you dumbass. Besides your not a sapphire anyway, you'd be an Onix. Myles hears a chuckle over the line.

"Aw c'mon you know I'm dicking with ya, anyway what's happening? Boys all get home safe?"

" .... Oh yea .... Got home so safe Yukie felt comfortable enough to confess he had plans to propose ... Long before he even left apparently..." Myles hears the static silence. "Gio?"

"..... What? A-are ..... Are you serious?"

Ah just as shell shocked as he was when Myles got the news. "Yea ... Dead serious he apparently has the ring picked and bought and everything...."

"Shit dude you haven't even gone on a proper date yet! The fuck magic voodoo you have that makes everybody fall all over themselves with you?!" 

Myles rolls his eyes. "Please don't feed me that crap I didn't pull anybody in school there's NOBODY falling for me like that!" At least nobody he distinctly remembered ... Then again he was an ever perpetually angry teen with .... Other things occupying his mind at the time. 

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Yukie and Taichi go out of the room Yukie sporting a long single braid as he goes to the kitchen for a glass of water. Looking over at the balcony Yukie raised a brow as he casually chatted with Taichi about things before texting Myles they were going to bed the two retiring to their room for the night.

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Myles receives the text and replies nack quickly, resuming his conversation with Gio for a good portion of the night, making plans for the other to come by in the morning cuz Myles isn't sure he can handle Taichi alone after what he did. 

The next morning saw Myles already up early preparing breakfast. The red head smiled to himself.... Cooking big breakfasts made feel .... Really giddy... Having a full house made fuzzy. Reminds him of times when he was so young ... And naive.... When everything was simple and peaceful.... 

"Always remember Baby Bird, butter the pan, the first one is always bad, and add lots of chocolate chips for good luck! Heehee!" 

Myles' yes glazed over at the memory.... Tears welling up as he stared at the pancake in the pan... 

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“Mmh smells good.” Taichi mumbled as he stood half awake and in a shirt and boxers Yukie still out cold in the bed the man only wearing boxers and snuggling the pillow where it was obvious where Taichi had slept. “Mind if I make coffee?” Taichi asked gently only to turn as Haru was up and came out of his room rubbing an eye. 

“Mama….the clowns are in the closet again.” Haru mumbled as he looked at Myles drowsily and then at Taichi confused. “I only threw shoes at him…” Haru stated to Taichi who raised a brow at the sudden confession.


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The two voices suddenly startled Myles back into reality. "U-um please by all means help yourself. Good morning lil man, you hungry?" He asks, wiping away the tears streaks on his face quickly and settling Haru into his chair, pouring a glass of his safe juice as they've come to call it. 

"Did Tama wake up yet? Or is still being a lazy bones?" Myles asks little questions, trying to get Haru more aware for the morning. "I'm having Uncle Gio by this morning, so keep your ears open for the door for me ok?" 

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