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I'm getting too old for this


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“Tama usually sleeps in late when he’s up past nine.” Taichi admitted as he helped himself to some coffee. Watching as Haru nodded and looked at the juice. Taking a sip he sat still half awake taking his sweet time waking up. Sipping his coffee Taichi raised a brow at the mention of Gio. “Mind filling me in on who that is? He’s been mentioned but not in any detail.” Taichi asked Myles while taking a seat beside Haru who looked over at him confused.

”….Strange mum is here again.” Haru mumbled to himself as he sipped his juice and looked back at Myles. “Tama is sleeping in the closet the clowns got him.” Haru explained to Myles now the boy fully awake as he watched the door for Gio.

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Myles finally registering what Haru was saying went running into the kids room, ripping open the closet for little Tama and hoping he was unharmed from sleeping in the closet. As gently as he could Myles lifted the baby out of the closet and brought the child inside. 

"Sorry I don't know who these clowns are but but they need to stop making off with your little brother!" Myles fusses before returning to Taichi's question "He's um ... A close friend of mine ..... Known him for years so he uh...." Myles spoke quietly, carefully. He felt like he was being interrogated. 

A sudden knocking and a door opening alerted Myles to Gio's presence "I have arrived and I demand payment for my arrival!" 

Myles rolls his eyes with a grin as he prepares a plate "Yea yea speak of the devil and he shall appear." 


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Of course Haru slept walked and carried Tama to the closet to sleep the kid not knowing he was sleep walking. “Oh, the clowns are something he’s been going on about from Yuens house.” Taichi explained as he looked at the kids and furrowed his brow. “Did you not know that Haru sleepwalks?” Taichi asked curiously. “We asked Yuen about it and he said you knew.” Taichi added as he looked over as Gio strolled in.

”Mmmh so noisy.” Yukie mumbled half awake as he settled down into a chair by Taichi cutely resting his head on the man’s shoulder. “Good morning.” Yukie yawned out as he sleepily watched the world around him.

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Myles nods in acknowledgement. "It was why I originally had them start sleeping in different rooms. But it's easier to play along with it for now." 

Gio sat himself down across from the two others, waving briefly at Yukie, while Myles settled the boys. "Dede been asking when your gonna be coming by you haven't to his in awhile..." Gio chimes in. "He knows I'm busy with the boys he is more than welcome to come here." The redhead counters. "You basically waltz in here when you please anyhow." 

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“Who are you talking about?” Yukie asked curiously as he looked at Gio and waved a hello.

”I think you’ve been invited to visit casually “ Taichi explained as he sipped his coffee Yukie just laying his head on the table the medicine making him quite drowsy.

”mmh that’s nice~. Haru moves Tama into closets lately. We’ve gotten child locks for that problem.” Yukie added with a small giggle as Taichi raised a brow at Yukie’s silliness.

”you seem to be extra happy this morning. And extra snuggly last night.” Taichi mentioned to Yukie who nodded. “Guessing this dose is a little off?” Taichi asked as he watched Yukie nod.

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"Nah nah I meant Darrius, he and I started seeing each other while you had your little sabbatical......" Gio explains staring at Yukie. "Dude are you high?" 

Myles perks at this. He comes over and around to Yukie, gently taking hold of his face. "What? How can he be high I don't have anything in the house and I haven't kept any in years!" The red head rubbing gently at Yukie's face to see the reactions he'll get. "Yukie look at me for a moment please?" 

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“He’s not high, at least I hope not…he’s testing out some medications to help him sleep at night, we’re also trying some herbal medicine for medical issues.” Taichi explained as he watched Myles and Yukie.

”I could look at you forever, you have the face of an angel!” Yukie spoke out his voice full of love as he smiled and rested his face more in Myles hands. “Hey…Gio and Darrius, they are in love did you know that?” Yukie asked Myles ever so softly as he looked up into Myles beautiful eyes. “Your breathtaking, I wish I could wake up to this every morning…I wouldn’t…need medicine anymore.” Yukie mumbled as Taichi frowned a little at Yukie’s words. 

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Myles didn't think he new a deeper level of second hand embarrassment but Yukie apparently was out to prove him wrong!! "Y-Yukie please focus for a minute!" Myles trues to wrangle in the situation, while he hears Gio snickering behind him. "Wow didn't know drugs could enhance puppy love so much!" The red head turns to glare at the bigger man "Listen you behemoth! Go into the bathroom and get the scent salts we'll see how coherent he is in a second...." Gio chuckles but nods in acknowledgement as he goes to fetch them. 

"What exactly is the medicine made with?? Could he possibly be having a weird reaction to it?" Myles asks Taichi trying to keep Yukie's attention on him. 

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“Well….theres a possibility he might have taken more…..” Taichi explained as he looked at Yukie the man a touch worried. “I can’t watch him all the time I need to sleep also. Thought he would be fine for one night not tied down to me.” Taichi mumbled in annoyance.

”Ugh. Myles smelly stuff does nothing.” Yukie added as he puffed out his cheeks and grumbled at the thought of using that stuff. “I-I just wanted to make sure I slept well you don’t need to deal with me. So I took a little extra but it made me loopy…and lasted so long~” Yukie admitted having no filter. “You’re pretty when annoyed and angry.” Yukie whispered with a giggle.

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Myles felt his eye twitch in annoyance, and gave Yukie a swat on his head. "If you expect me to be your husband some day then shut your mouth! It's gonna be my job to fuss and deal with you!! The phrase is in sickness AND in health you arrogant little shit!" 

Honestly Myles didn't think he had to teach a youngin' the expectations of marriage. Gio had come back with the salts and Myles broke it, his own eyes tearing a little at the pungent smell. "Now be quiet and sniff this and it'll help you sober up." 

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“Fuck that smells” Yukie grumbled as he huffed and moved away from Myles annoyed by the smell.  Looking at Myles it suddenly dawned on him what he had said. “So you’re saying you want to marry me?” Yukie asked with a happy smile the man clearly overjoyed by the fact that Myles considered getting married to him.

”Marry him fast. He’s exhausting.” Taichi mumbled under his breath as he sipped his coffee and looked over at Gio. “So, do you watch the kids or anything? I’m trying to figure out if you’re just a friend or involved in caring for the family.” Taichi asked wanting to know fully everyone Yukie was around.


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Myles felt a shiver down his spine. "I-I!! .... I never said that exactly! I said someday- STOP SMILING LIKE THAT!!" Myles had finally broken his normally calm and stoic visage. This was not how he planned to spend his morning! "I-Ive already told him!! He needs to get himself into better sorts first don't encourage him!!" Myles screeches in hysterics at his own blunder. Red faced, hair a mess and completely overwhelmed by the situation, Myles scurried away to get Tama for breakfast.

Gio had been snickering at the entire seen hen Taichi asked about him. "I'm damage control. I come around when Ruby over there turns himself into a tea kettle and can't talk or punch his way outta shit." He laughs out with a wink. "I'm assuming your the one who got tossed around against the wall a few months back?" The giant man holds out his hand to shake. "Goliath but everybody calls me Gio for short" 

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“Taichi and yeah he tossed me into a wall just between us he broke some ribs and fractured my shoulder.” Taichi admitted as he laughed at Myles reaction and Gio.

”Mama is angry at you!” Haru sand out to Yukie the boy quite happy with the outburst since he still wasn’t fond of Yukie.

“Mmmh he will get over it” Yukie replied to Haru as he gave him some more juice knowing Myles just needed time to cool down.


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Gio barks another laugh. "Haaaaa yea sounds about right! Good to know he's still got it" 

Gio goes into the kitchen to fix himself coffee and go back to his earlier forgotten plate. "So what's this I heard about a trip back to Japan?? We sure that's a wise idea with snowflakes ex husband still floating around?" He asks simply. Gio had ears everywhere, and Darrius was a gold mine of info, little gossip queen that he is. Myles spoke to both of them but what he didn't tell one he told the other and it wasn't hard to piece things together from there. 

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“….I’m not sure if it is a good idea. Honestly I think it would be good for his mental healthy to have some new happy memories about back home. Myles and the kids seem the best way to do that.” Taichi admitted as he looked over at Yukie who poked at his food.

”let’s talk about something else.” Yukie asked not wanting to think about how horrible his time there was.

”Uncle Gio! Can I have some of that?” Haru asked pointing to the stuff in a bowl on the table.

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"Can you have what wee one? We know the rule, if Uncle Gio doesn't know it, you don't get it. " he calls back to the child. He comes to look over what Haru is looking for. "What you want the powdered sugar?" 

While deciphering what the child wanted, Gio looks back to Yukie "look my guy we either talk about your mental health or the mental summer sault you had Myles doing. Like how he calls me shell shocked last night saying you planned to propose?? Kid you two haven't even properly dated yet." Gio states bluntly

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“Mmh banana.” Haru stated as he looked at the fruit wanting to eat it mixed in with his eggs. Yukie handed Haru a banana the boy proceeding to mix it.

“….alright you wanna talk, we can talk.” Yukie replied not liking being pushed on the topic or backed into a corner.

”Yukie, don’t we discussed you don’t have to talk about it to anyone.” Taichi warned as Yukie completely ignored him.

”alright, fuck everyone want to push me talking let’s go! I spend a month isolated in a room chained to the floor because my first month there I found my exes gun and tried to end it, he found out and beat me within an inch of my life and chained me to the floor in a room to keep me safe. Because all I was to him was a pretty accessory on his arm. So since I wouldn’t behave it was easier to drug me and keep me nice and docile so he could spend time with me and take me out of the house without worry about how I would make him look. He wanted to keep our life how it was before I escaped. Coming back it was hard to detox from drugs and alcohol. Taichi is helping me and after he stopped me from ending it all I realized that I should clear the air with Myles and being back how we use to even a sliver of it made me break down being around him again and with how I felt I proposed.” Yukie started with a tiered laugh as he stood up. “Honestly mentally I’m working on all of this but between work, drugs and the exhaustion of life and therapy I slip up from time to time I mean I can’t even sleep alone but I can’t talk about it openly because anyone in their right mind wouldn’t let me watch the kids I’m not even half sane! I’m constantly worried I’ll drive Myles away and he will want nothing to do with me again. Hell I’m terrified of running into my ex every waking moment but I don’t want to be barred from living my life.” Yukie snapped as he tried to calm down and only grabbed his bag and went outside rather quickly Taichi following him outside to keep an eye on him and help calm him down.

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Gio watches as the pair leave with a smirk. Good .... Now things really get rolling.

Myles had finally come back out with Tama changed and ready to eat his breakfast. Looking around, Myles looks to Gio, "Did they leave already?? They didn't want to stay for breakfast." 

The taller man looks over with a sheepish smile, "I may have hot the nail on the head a little too hard." Myles scowls at him. "What did you say?" 

"Nothing of major consequence.... Just asked him about that engagement proposal is all..." 

"Gio!! I told you that in confidence!! Why would you bring it up to him!?!" 

Gio whips around fully facing the red head. "Because now that he's being open and honest, YOU should start doing the same very soon...." Myles froze. "Gio that isn't fair....." He mumbles under his breathe, a snarl if ever Gio had seen one. The other just continues to smile. "Life ain't fair Ruby.... But you already know that don't you?" 

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“Mama, Taichi and Papa left, Gio made him cry.” Haru told Myles telling on him to his strawberry Mama. “….I’m all done. Going to go choose clothes.” Haru stated as he got down and went to go get dressed.

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Myles glares at Gio who just shrugs. "Hey somebody has to be the bad guy and get the ball rolling." The red head rolls his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time lately, as he ushered Haru into his room to change. He comes back whisper yelling at the man "Fucking why!?! You know he's an emotional and mental train wreck right now!!" 

Gio grunts "And your not?? Yukie is on his way fixing his mental health were you are still sitting in your own prison." Myles glares at Gio again. Pulling out his phone, he texts Yukie 'Hey ... You left before breakfast? Did you eat at least?' 

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-Yukie didn’t eat. He’s…busy to put it nicely. Gio kinda did a number pushing him this morning so he’s been crying in the shower.- Tiachi texted as he sat outside the bathroom just annoyed and exhausted. 

“Mama!!!!!! I’m finished!” Haru declared wearing a cute outfit covered in baby seals.

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'Oh ..... I guess I'll leave him alone then.... I'm sorry for Gio being so forward.... Had I known he would be so aggressive I would've stayed in the room...' Myles feels himself deflate a little at the news. He hadn't wanted Yukie to be pushed too much too fast. The younger had only just started doing better despite everything going on. He sends another quick text 'maybe we should think about postponing the trip.... I know Yukie was excited about it but I don't want him stressing and upset during it...' 

Haru coming back to him, Myles smiles at the boy. "Good job lil man, you wanna be a seal today? Why don't you go find your seal stuffie while I get Tama fed and cleaned up and you guys can watch cartoons this morning ok?" Myles says. 

He looks at Gio once more before smacking the back of his head. Gio just snorts. "You can be mad but you know I'm right." 

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-‘It’s more Gio pushed him into a corner. Yukie isn’t fully ready to talk about his ex and his time away with others yet he’s still facing a lot of hard emotions about it. So when he was pushed he only had two choices thanks to Gio who he doesn’t even know! Gio went to far and Yukie talked about the shit he went through and is dealing with trying to defend himself. Then on top of that he scolded him for proposing to early to you when I’ve been working with him to open up about how he feels with the people he feels safe around. He’s scared out of his mind… about everything….but he’s pushing through that for you. The last thing he needs is to be scolded for choosing to be honest with someone he loves.-  

Taichi texted back with a groan as he turned off the water and hauled Yukie back to his room to find him something warm to wear so he could medicate and sleep.

Haru nodded as he left to find all the seal plushies.

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' I know and your right. Like I said I had no idea Gio was gonna bring anything up.... What should we do now?' Myles asks. At this point he was at a loss now. Things seemed ok this morning Yukie and him were making progress but now it seemed like that was all gonna be knocked back into the abyss! 

Gio watched Myles pace back and forth as the red head stared at his phone. He was biting his lip, tugging his hair.... Maybe he had over done it but these were steps that had to be taken.... None of them will see it now, but once things get serious, Gio wanted to know Yukie was just as committed as Myles would be. Gio knows that despite his anger and upset with Yukie during the time he was gone, Myles still had the smallest trickle of hope that Yukie was coming back. Gio wants to know that Yukie has that same unshakeable faith that Myles had for him...

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‘Let me talk to Yukie for a bit. I want him to tell me what he wants. We can go from there…at most see if you two can meet up this evening. I think it would be healthy for him to see you and talk.’ Taichi offered as he sighed and set the phone down looking over at Yukie who was out cold in bed the man’s eyes puffy and red. Gently touching Yukie’s hand he crawled in beside him Yukie waking slightly as he curled up in Taichi’s arms enjoying the comfort and closeness.

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