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I'm getting too old for this


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“I see! They seem quite happy and healthy.” Yukie replied with a happy laugh as he smiled at Myles. “I’m glad Tamas colic got better though I assumed at the time it was a mild form of what he has now.” Yukie admitted with a small sigh. “The kids talk constantly about you, they tell me all the things you do with them and how much they love you.” Yukie started as he looked at Myles. “Don’t kill your liver for their sake and mine. I don’t know how we would be able to continue on without you.” Yukie explained with a small frown at the thought of them loosing Myles.


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"Don't worry about any of that. I'm an adult fully aware of my actions and their consequences, Yukie." Myles states simply, he takes another big swig as if to prove his point. What he doesn't tell Yukie is he got a liver transplant a few years back and while he made it a point not to drink heavy too often, Myles did let himself indulge now and again. And tonight felt like one of those nights. Just get drunk and let the rest of the night take over. 

"It's good to hear they enjoy themselves..... The language barrier worried me in the beginning when I tried to take them out for things to do.... I had my phone on constantly trying to translate for them till I learned Japanese...." Myles laughs a little at the memory. 

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“Oh man Haru must have been so angry. I bet he started yelling at you for things.” Yukie admitted with a small laugh adoring hearing the stories about the kids. “Tell me more stories please~” Yukie begged being able to listen to Myles talk and tell stories all night.


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Myles does smile more genuinely. He chuckles quietly, feeling the alcohol already warming his stomach. "He did the first few times. I think he was scared because my translator app was so loud" 

Myles does tell more stories for Yukie to hear, for Tai to gauge, one how Haru had flushed Darrius phone down the toilet, and Tama was always getting into the strangest hiding places, all the while Myles chugged down three more beers for the span of hours he was sitting and chatting. By his fifth beer, Myles was teetering in his seat. Having nothing in his stomach it was safe to say he was good and drunk. 

"Sssssooooo a-after that m-muh boss comes up to m-urp- excuse me- ma boss comes over and he's leanin' -ver me 'n askin' e to come with him ta this meetin' and wha'ever--" Myles was slurring out about his boss asking him to coke to an out of town function, how close that boss seems to want to get "a-an' he's been doin' hat shit alot lately ... If I didn't know any bette' I'd thin' he was hittin' on me, but tha's not right. He's my boss.... We worked together too many years!" Myles admits. "Is startin' o piss me off actually, cuz why he bein' all touchy feely now?" 

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“Maybe because he sees things have changed. I mean we aren’t as close as we were when I was in the office.” Yukie replied as he brooded over his beer at the topic.

”maybe you should wear a ring to keep him from being noisy?” Taichi offered as he was helping Yukie sit up more the man almost falling over from his second beer.


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"Bu' why?! We've worked togethe' er years!! Why's he makin' moves now!?! I dun wan' tha' shit!!" Myles whines and sniffles "wha' if I gotta quit!? I love my job!" Myles starts to cry again. The booze making him dizzy and everything feels funny on his skin. " Why's--" another sniffle and a brief sob "Why do all the guys in m-my life have to fu-fuck shit up!? What else can I possibly do?! I don't wanna quit!! Aaaahhhhhh! " 

Somehow Myles found himself sliding off the couch, shoving his face to his knees to quietly sob into them, hiding away his sorrows. 

"I just--" another round of sniffles and hiccups "I just wanna live a simple life, have kids, and maybe if whatever god is out there will let me, have a partner..." He mumbles "Am I asking too much? Is that the problem? Am I the problem!?" 

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“Well your stubborn! I-I mean I’ve offered that…even though you’re angry at me you could move in with the kids…ya know and you wouldn’t need work. Cus…ya know I love you.” Yukie started as he looked at Myles and sunk beside him. “Your a damn catch…like a unicorn everyone thinks your beautiful and they want you for themselves I mean who can blame them….but if this asshole can’t leave you alone then there’s gunna be problems!” Yukie added as he tried to drunkenly comfort Myles Taichi just watching the conversation totally amused by the turn of events.

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" What's th-urp- th-there to like?! I'm an old man, with bright ass red hair that my fat- hic- father detested because of my moth-- ... I think I'm gonna be si--" Suddenly Myles has his hand to his mouth. His color pales and he's bolting out the door. He empties the alcohol onto Yukie's lawn. He retches so hard, he's starts to cough and that just causes him to vomit more. 

Once his stomach is purged he looks down at the mess, and sniffles a little more. " .... 'M sorry .... M-made a mess on the lawn...." 

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“Thats alright darling.” Taichi replied as he came over to Myles gently rubbing his back. “Come back inside.” He asked as Yukie wobbled inside and came back with a warm washcloth. Taking the washcloth Taichi gently wiped Myles face and cleaned him up. “You are very, very much loved by us, trust me when we say it.” Taichi murmured as he finished his task and lead Myles towards the guest room.

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"D-don' call me darlin' .... Makes butterflies in my stomach" Myles mumbles as he let's himself be dragged to where ever they wanted to take him. His flush more prominent and bright now. 

"C-can I rinse my mouth out, please...?" He'll ask gently, going docile, almost timid to request anything else. He looked around for Yukie. Where had he gone? He can't be left alone with Tai!! Myles remembers punching his lights out and most times you don't get treated nicely by the person you do that to. "A-are gonna beat me because I punched you? Is that why where go-going to the back?" Shit he hasn't fought this drunk in awhile, can he do it anymore?!

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“I’m getting you some clothes and putting you to bed. Yukies kept a room for you since you two went to the aquarium.” Taichi explained as he laughed lightly and turned on the lights the room looking cozy and rather comfortable. Leading Myles to the side of the room he turned on another light revealing a full sized bathroom with a jacuzzi bath. “Mouthwash is in the basket on the counter.” Taichi pointed out the bathroom and room fully stocked with whatever Myles might need. “You should give him some credit, he’s spent weeks working on this room and bathroom….he even went out earlier today to pick up supplies.” Taichi mentioned as he gently patted Myles back. “I’ll give you ten minutes alone before I check on ya. I’m going to go get Yukie settled for the night he’s most likely in his office or one of the other six rooms in this mansion.” Taichi muttered finding the size of this place to be overly spacious compared to his 1 bedroom apartment.

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Myles just looks around for a moment. A room set aside .... Just for him.... The red head feels his lip quiver and tears start to well up again. 

He stumbles into the bathroom to finally rinse his mouth out, and wash his face in the process. But he can't stop the little sobs..... Yukie has had every intention of having him here....

He mulls over that while he makes the attempt to change. Myles starts stripping his pants and socks first, leaving shirt on to find other clothes, he knows Yukie has seen his tattoos but Tai hasn't and he's still unsure how to act around the other man at this point. The one tattoo on his leg reaches just above his knee, so the redhead's shirt is long enough to cover most of it, and Myles doubted either man would pay enough attention to his feet to even notice the other tattoo on his right foot anyway. 

Myles looks through the closet for something nice and comfy for bed.... Alot of the stuff in the closet seemed pretty fancy and like he shouldn't wear to bed at all! Like the silk button pajamas.... He would be worried he'd rip something off in his sleep, then there was a sheer number that he wasn't sure how at all he was supposed to put it on .... But he'd be lying if the delicate looking fabric didn't feel nice on his alcohol warmed skin. He spent a good portion of his time he should've been changing just feeling the fabric. 

Thinking he heard foot steps coming to the room, Myles panicked and just grabbed a soft shirt and some fluffy feeling pants and throw them on quickly. 

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“Hey, I’m coming in I brought you some aspirin and some water.” Taichi offered as he smiled at Myles glad the man had made himself comfortable. “Yukies taking a bath or he would have wished you good night. No idea why he likes to bathe while drunk.” Taichi admitted with a small laugh as he walked over and set the pills on the nightstand alongside the water. “You have a mini fridge full of snacks and drinks. Yukie went shopping to stock it based on what you had at home. We both wanted to make sure you have a comfortable night with us.” Taichi admitted as he moved to shut the curtains looking over the garden full of flowers and beauty

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"C-Can I keep them open?" Myles will ask, he enjoyed the curtains open on full moon nights. The moonlight was always pretty when he was younger. 

"Thank you ...." He mumbles his thanks for Tai was doing. "Next I won't be so much of an inconvenience... I don't typically drink so much.." He mumbles more as he crawls into bed. 

"Will Yukie come in after he's had a bath?" If so Myles will stay up to tell him a quick good night and thank him for giving a room just for him.... It was nice .... Almost felt like coming home. 

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“You’re not inconvenience. I enjoyed spending time with you. It’s been so long since I’ve been part of a family or taken time away from work.” Taichi admitted as he got up and covered Myles with the blankets. Hearing Myles question about Yukie he chuckled at the request. “Yeah, I’ll bring him in though he’s pretty out of it.” Taichi explained with a small laugh as he knew Yukie was just in a tub covered in bubbles and his ten rubber ducks. As Taichi smiled down at Myles the moonlight shone through to bathe them both in its soft light. Softly whispering good night Taichi left only bringing Yukie back ten minutes later the man wearing a long shirt and smelling of orange and mint. Walking over Yukie looked at Myles. 

“You looooook soooooo cozy!” Yukie exclaimed still rather drunk.  

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"Thanks to you making it .... Homey" Myles smiles warmly. He's snuggled into the blankets. "Tai tells me you had the room set aside just for me..." Myles mumbles as his cheeks start to redden again. He's still drunk but as he relaxed and settled the buzzing from alcohol started ebbing away. 

"I wish you'd have told me you'd be going to all this trouble before.... I would've helped you ...." 

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“Would you have accepted coming over here knowing I did such a thing?” Yukie asked gently as he looked at Myles before speaking as Taichi chuckled and left them to talk. “Myles….can I stay with you tonight?” Yukie asked gently his hand rubbing Myles cheek lovingly.

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" I--...... I don't know .... Given how things have been lately" Myles admits. He feels terrible saying it but it but it's better he be as honest as he can be at this point. 

He feels the hand on his face, it's cool and smells comforting. He nuzzles into the palm, content humming rumbles from his throat. He hears Yukie ask to stay. Why is he asking? This is hos home, "I won't stop you if your wanting to stay..." 

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“Thank you.” Yukie whispered as he snuggled into the small spot on the bed. Snuggling up to Myles Yukie only curled into Myles  body as he rested his head under Myles chin. Being beside Myles Yukie could only sigh happily even if it was only temporary. After a minute his eyes where growing heavy from the warmth and comfort Myles brought.

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Myles wasn't far behind him, the evening taking an emotional toll on him as much as much as the others.... It could all.... Be talked about ....in the morning.....


'Wake up ..... Can you wake up for me, sweetheart?' A woman's voice calls out, her hand grazing Yukie's cheek.... She's so cold.... She looks to Myles laying next to Yukie, calm and deep into his slumber. 

She looks back to the younger man and calls him again, 'Please wake up for me dear .....' She pleads gently. 

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“Mmmgnh” Yukie grumbled as he slowly woke up the man looking up at the woman while rubbing his eyes still tucked down in bed. “I’m awake….I…awake….” Yukie mumbled as he tried hard to focus only to blink once at the lady standing before him. “Your cold.” 

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She smiles, sadly. 'Yes well .... Where I am it's always cold these days....' She looks back at Myles again ' Does Robyn know how much you care for him...? He seems so uncertain what he is to you...." The woman says. She sways to the other side of the baby, seeming to hover over Myles. The moonlight finally hits her and her form is more visible. Her hair a dark red than Myles' own. Her features a softer version of his to.... And her eyes..... They seemed the only thing different from the slumbered redhead, his a bright green while hers are a muted blue...


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“I’m trying to show him, but his name is Myles.” Yukie replied waking up more as he looked at the pretty woman seeing so much of Myles in her. “Are you dead?” Yukie asked gently fully believing in the supernatural since Taichi’s haunted vase incident. “We have an alarm system so…you have to be to get in here. Are you here to throw things around the house?” Yukie asked a little worried as he watched her almost mesmerized.

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The woman laughs. 'Well I can certainly say I'm not from around town' She again looks at Myles. She moves a stray strand of hair from his face. 'So he goes by Myles these days ..... I suppose it's fitting.... The little bird who flew miles away.' And another somber chuckle at her own joke. 

'You've been through a great deal .... You've tried your best and prevailed through it all... It's been difficult hasn't it? And having your sons not recognize you has been heartbreaking.... Robyn has been saddened by the whole ordeal. He wishes he could've been there with you, to protect you ..... At the very least to support you.' Her expression looks sad and close to tears as she looks at Yukie. 


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“I never meant to hurt him I was scared to ask Myles to help.” Yukie explained as he looked at Myles gently covering him more with the blankets. “I-I’m not so scared anymore to ask him anymore.” Yukie admitted as he looked at the woman. “Do you have a name?” Yukie asked softly sitting more up in bed as he watched the woman admiring her beauty.

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