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I'm getting too old for this


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“….ah…um well….no.” Yukie replied his face burning as he looked away from Myles feeling as if he was going to die of shame. “I know it’s…a turn off most likely being my age and inexperienced. It’s just…I’ve…never dated anyone. My ex…well he never held hand or kissed me. It wasn’t even dating just co existing every day I mean we shared separate rooms and cars, and beds.” Yukie explained in a rush as he tended to do when embarrassed. “He…didn’t like me in that sense, I was just pretty arm candy to show off. We never did the honeymoon thing hell we didn’t even kiss when we got married…let alone anything sexual and well…I’ve only…done handjobs to myself….I’ve never touched another man before even casually like one would while dating” Yukie admitted feeling like he could die right then and there from embarrassment admitting everything.

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oh .... My god..... I just sucked off-- 

Myles stares shell shocked and coming to terms with the fact he is now in fact Yukie's first sexual experience.... His face is possibly redder than Yukie. His hands fly to his face and he shrinks into himself into the floor.

"OH MY GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!" He screeches into his hands. "Wh-why didn't you stop me!?! Oh my god this isn't happening, this isn't happening!!! Yukie!" Myles whines out, he sounds mortified. He just treated Yukie's first time like a back alley quickie fucking christ!!

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“….did you not want to?” Yukie asked completely blindsided as he looked at Myles. Yukie was confused I mean he thought Myles was enjoying it, be it inexperience he thought everything was rather normal other then Myles breaking down. “Did I do something wrong?! I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to!” Yukie started frantically upset that he had made Myles upset or hurt him.

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Myles groans "Yukie the problem isn't that your a virgin the problem is I just treated your first time like we were hooking up outside of a bar!!" The red head finally admits. God fucking dammnit! "People normal plan and set up their first time with somebody so it'll be special and memorable! Not a quickie in the shower the morning after getting blacked out drunk!! Ohhhhh my goooooood, just kill me nowwwwww" Myles whines out wanting nothing more than to melt into the floor. 

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“I-I didn’t know…not like I could ask anyone.” Yukie replied as he blushed and moved to grab his clothes feeling embarrassed and ashamed by the experience gap between them. “I…didn’t know men did that stuff at bars either, I..just thought you did that stuff with someone you loved.” Yukie added the man pulling on his pants and shirt feeling embarrassed and wanting to just leave and hide away for weeks.

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Myles sighs, "Normally you do but people who don't want feelings attached and just want a quick fucking will meet up with other adults typically at bars, hotels, whatever and just go and have sex no strings attached......" Myles rubs his temples together. God he isn't sure if he's the one who should be explaining this "Your first sexual experience should not have been me blowing you in the shower.... It should've been something .... A little more personal and ..... I don't know -- it just shouldn't have been how we handle it...." Myles tries to hide himself now feeling more exposed and naked than he did when they were both in the shower. Pulling a shirt over himself just cover his filthy self 

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“…would you even want that with me?” Yukie asked his voice echoing slightly in the silence that seeped into every corner of the room as they dressed. “I-I thought us showering together meant something more.” Yukie admitted his face neon red as he sat down on the bed tears finally falling down his face as his voice broke. “I don’t know how to do any of this. I don’t know how to court you or even if I’m doing things right. It’s all so new and terrifying.” Yukie admitted as he tried to calm himself. 

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"Yukie listen..... Here losing your virginity here .... Is like giving a gift you can only give to somebody once.... It's something very important to most people and they want to give it to somebody they love and trust deeply and they normally talk about it before hand.... I didn't know, so I took a piece of that from you.... Yes your still actually a virgin because you technically didn't .... Penetrate me but you.... " Myles is blabbering but he feels like he isn't getting his point across. "I don't know if I'm the correct person to talk to about this, my first time wasn't exactly .... Vanilla to put it simply. I just assumed you and your ex had done SOMETHING together and everything went south later on! I mean .... If I knew I would've I don't know .... Made it .... A little special..." Myles grumbles looking at the floor finally letting his own shame show on his face.

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“….if it was so wrong do it again redo the entire thing.” Yukie stated plainly as he looked at Myles. “If…you care about it this much and, well if you want this with me, and if you love me. Then do it right.” Yukie stated as he looked at Myles from the bed. “I love you and trust you…I want to do it with you, but only if you feel we are ready and we are ready for this kind of relationship.” Yukie declared as he wasn’t shy about his feelings like before he left. “ We could redo it…maybe do more…” Yukie mumbled his face going a little red as he hid away for a moment remembering how exciting and sexy Myles had been in the shower and well it was making him bothered in more ways then one.

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Myles for what felt like the thousandth time that morning stood staring in utter disbelief at the younger.... "Yukie now this is something you should really think about. I highly doubt you have anything that would be good for you to have. Do you even have lube or condoms? Ya know, the basics?" Myles asks. He doubted Yukie would. The kid apparently wasn't even aware of what a hook up was. "At the very least I would say watch a little actual porn first, between two men so you have an idea on what to do.... I-I can .... Walk you through it but if you want to try it on your own skills first..." Myles explains gently without making himself more of a fool

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“I know how to have sex Myles. I’m not that naive. I’ve seen a lot of porn I mean my writing is all smut” Yukie stated as he frowned. “As for lube and condoms…well, I bought lube but I need newer stuff. I was kinda…interested in using toys and such.” Yukie admitted with a heated blush as even Taichi didn’t know about his private collection. “At first it started out as genuine curiosity….Then it was for work, eventually the toys ended up as a collection….of various sex toys…” Yukie explained as he thought about all the toys and while they where interesting and fun looking it didn’t compare to seeing Myles cock. “I bought lube and condoms back when I started at the office and I use to work with you, it was in the event things went good after we started dating and maybe months down the line we possibly hooked up.” Yukie explained as he looked away from Myles embarrassed to admit how in love he was (and still is) with the redhead. “I even bought something to practice on so I could ya know…make sure it wasn’t bad for you if it went that way….” Yukie forced out just feeling like he was going to melt into the floorboards. “Every time I went to use them…I kinda chickened out…never got past staring at them.” Yukie whispered feeling completely hopelessly lost when it came to his sex and love life.

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" o-oh .... I see ...." Myles swear he cannot get much redder or feel his gut coil any tighter. He rubs the back of his neck. God how did he get into thia situation? Finally the older man sighs. "Look .... I'll make you deal....  We will not have sex today not this morning. I need to get back to the boys before I start getting texts from Gio but ....." Myles groans completely embarrassed he's going to suggest this "Pick out a toy you wanted to use and I'll take it with me and .... Send you something.... Later tonight ...." The older is trying to look at anything but Yukie because if he does he just might try to melt into the floor "and if you like what you see .... We'll go from there" 

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“Oh…” Yukie replied his face red as he nodded and awkwardly moved from the bed moving his shirt down as he tried to keep his slight erection hidden his body looking away from Myles.. The man cursed it all of the times to recover, it didn’t help that he could imagine Myles doing such a thing much easier after seeing him naked. Yukie was still surprised by Myles offer and well he wouldn’t say no to seeing such a thing. “Um I’ll let you finish getting ready and well…I’ll go pick something out.”  Yukie forced out his face and ears burning as he left the room ignoring Taichi’s good morning and went straight to his room.

”If Myles comes out embarrassed I’ll know something happened.” Taichi mumbled as he continued cooking.

-20 minutes later- 

Yukie came out and sat at the table poking at his food as he ate a soft black backpack sitting by the door besides Myles shoes for him to take with him alongside a bigger bag of things for the boys.

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Myles watches Yukie leave the room.... Before falling against the bed in a heap and screaming into the pillow. Good lord he hoped he didn't regret this! 

~20 minutes later~

Out walks Myles, shirt freshly pressed and himself put together, braiding his hair to the side to keep it out of the way, he looks at the two men and for a moment tricks himself into thinking he feels warm at seeing them both.... Before he remembers he's just the nanny and the stand in. But regardless he still smiles a little sheepishly and gives a quiet good morning. He notices a couple of bags by the door where his shies sat. He feels his face flush and then a quick glance to Yukie hoping to convey 'What all did you put in there?!' But he doesn't want to be obvious with Tai RIGHT THERE .... Now he feels a little guilty that they got frisky and Tai didn't seem to get any attention ... Myles wondered if Yukie would get what he needed from Tai after he leaves.

"Thank you.... I'm guessing you left me the aspirin this morning.... I hardly remember much from last night, I didn't cause any trouble did I?" He asks taking a sit at the table, finishing his hair. 

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“Mmh you weren’t bad though I hope you didn’t mind sharing your bed I couldn’t get Yukie out of it.” Taichi admitted with a small laugh as he set down some juice for Myles. “Though seems Yukie left a little red faced…morning problems?” Taichi teased Yukie who just groaned and hid his face in his arms.

”Yes…like usual I got an erection….god Taichi. Could you not bring it up every morning!” Yukie grumbled as he grabbed his plate and went to his office to work. Once the door was shut Taichi looked over to Myles.

“He’s still quite shy about that. Sorry if he panicked when waking up. I give him privacy when needed.” Taichi explained as he sipped his coffee. “…should…I um offer help? I don’t know exactly if that’s what I should do. Yukies always been private about that side of him.” Taichi admitted worried Yukie was suffering or unable to feel comfortable sharing a space with him.

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"It was.... A surprise to say the least..." Myles tries to joke back. 

Upon seeing Yukie's outburst, Myles was surprised.... He was more flustered with him than he was angry .... Taichi catching his attention about 'helping' Myles bites his lip and twirls his hair, the nerves already hitting him. 

"W-well .... You know him better than I do .... Maybe start by NOT trying to embarrass him about it each morning? Then once he sees you don't mean to tease him ... Offer it then.... Nobody would want help from somebody whose bullied them most other times...." Myles tries to explain.... Wasn't Tai the therapist in this?? "Don't be afraid to tale control, but offer him a choice first... It'll tell you what he's in the mood for and tell him your willing to meet in the middle .... Or if he says no then obviously back off.... He may not be ready for that step yet..." Myles doesn't wanna tall about their own ... Morning activities. Mainly because he doesn't want to male Tai feel like an inadequate lover. He offers the other a gentle smile "Jist take it slow, play a little nicer, and it'll fall into place I'm sure ..." 

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“…Oh I’m not bullying him he usually talks like this daily. He’s got a moth on him I would know, I’m his publisher and his therapist. Trust me he’s not usually this pent up and upset about this stuff. I’ve offered to do things for him to help ease his needs…but he gets so nervous and shy, he then refuses…he’s been just in his room and office this week and so pent up and miserable, maybe he’s needing his medicine adjusted more.” Taichi mumbled as he brooded over his coffee.

“It’s not like I can ask Yuen. He made sure no one could even date him or flirt with him. You two were romantic so I thought you might help or he might mention it to you if I brought it up publicly.” Taichi explained not trying to be cruel but well Yukie refused to go the traditional routes for help.

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Myles pales a little upon hearing Yuen had done everything to keep Yukie a virgin. He starts rubbing his neck and unable to make eye contact with Taichi all of a sudden 

"U-Um well.... May-maybe just take initiative, and see how he responds??" Fucking shit, that is not at all how he acted with him in the shower!! "Push the boundry but do not go beyond without his firm consent? Or ask if he has a fantasy he wants to act out ... Alot of partners tend to be more receptive when their partners actually want to hear what their fantasies and kinks are ...." Myles throws out a few ideas he had heard before. 

He looks at his watch, getting up from the table. "Unfortunately I really do need to go before it gets too much later, thank you again" Myles looks to the way Yukie left "I'd say goodbye but he seems ..... Testy .... I'll text you both later since we still need to finish travel plans" 

Myles then quickly grabs the bags and heads for home. He thanks Gio for watching the kids over night and says he'll tell him what happened later on, but past that the day goes on with Myles taking the boys to the park, the library for new books to read, and grocery shopping for the week to come for the trip to Japan, lastly getting his and the boys new updated passports. All in all a busy day that luckily tuckered the kids out by the time they arrived home. Myles made them all a quick dinner, had them bathed and in bed by 8:30 that evening. 

He breathes a sigh as he checks on them one last time before heading to his room to get ready. He was already getting hit with nerves.... Myles had never sent a nude photo of himself to anyone let alone a video. 

He sets up his phone, sets what he hopes is good mood lightening for the room and strips off everything but his shirt. Finally he sets the timer and quickly gets to his bed with the big black bag sitting in front of him. 

Myles trains his face to look what he hopes is alluring, wanton. 

The timer ends and the tape is rolling. 

Myles starts simple talking to the camera as he unzips the bag.

"I'm surprised at how much you packed for me, Love .... I didn't get the chance to open it all day though .... So we'll get to see how naughty you try to be in private...." Myles reaches his hand in the bag and the first one he pulls out looks normal. "Oh .... Seems pretty vanilla ... But not bad...." He licks the tip, trying to give a little show and reminding Yukie what they did that morning. Kisses the under side, humming before he puts it to his side. "He's cute .... But let's see if he has brothers." The red head reaches in again and pulls out a similar one but this one seems to be covered in bumps and ridges, Myles is a little surprised but isn't unfamiliar with dildos like these though he suspects they are more targeted to women. "This one .... Should I try taking him AND his little brother..." He looks again to the camera with a smile. "Would you want to see that Yukie? See me get railed by two cocks at the same time?" Myles takes more of this one in his mouth but only to the half point. He knows he can take more but that wouldn't leave much to the imagination would it? The red head makes another show of pulling off the pseudo cock. He feels himself hardening already. Myles looks down at his dick, he's grateful the bag hides him so far. Can't let his younger partner know he's turned on just yet. After all, "I'm pretty sure I felt an even bigger brother in the bag.... Am I right?" 

Myles reaches in one last time and pulls out-- Myles gasps-- an absolute monster of a dildo! And Yukie planned to try THIS?! ..... Honestly Myles wonders.... 

"Should I see if I can fit all of it down my throat?" Myles asks, bending forward and setting it up in front of the camera like Yukie would be if Myles was giving him another blowjob. 

The redhead takes a deep breathe, wrapping his mouth around the tip, circling his tongue around it, bobbing a little before working his way down to half the shaft, shit it's already just touching the top of his mouth near the back.... Can he take all of it? Myles pulls back off, his face flushed from the little head rush. He goes down on the dildo again, carefully but determined. He gets just a little past half but with one more try and relaxing his throat, Myles managed to get it all in. And he moans .... Long and high pitched. He was already getting another head rush. 

Myles pulls off, the entire dildo is covered in his saliva, he's breathing heavy, and his cock is erect. He sits up letting the camera have a full view. The red head decides to undo the buttons of his shirt. 

He's gonna start the real show now. He cuts the camera off, to start a new video but he'll send Yukie this first with a caption: 

Little something to get you started.... If you want to keep it private I suggest going to somewhere you can lock the door. 

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Yukie laid back on the bed the man staring at the ceiling as he texted on his phone. Having had such a long day working and running errands he was absolutely wiped as he looked over at Taichi who was lounging on the bed beside him. “You seem tiered today. Usually you have more energy.” Taichi stated as Yukie shrugged.

”it’s been a long prep day making calls and getting things ready. It’s no wonder I’m exhausted.” Yukie admitted as he suddenly got a message his heart skipping a beat at the video that was texted to him. Yukie quickly blushed at the message and moved away from Taichi, opening the text. Instantly he was met with Myles first video Yukie instantly going red and unable to look away rock hard something that he couldn’t hide from the other man in the room.

”….Do you want help?” Taichi offered gently as he looked at Yukie who was pent up, blushing Yukie hesitantly nodded.

”….you…can’t see it not without permission.” Yukie mumbled as he looked at Taichi for a moment before setting him back on the bed and after a few minutes the man was blindfolded, while Yukie sat in his lap. For Yukie having someone touching him would be much better than just jerking off. Having put in soundproof headphones he made sure Taichi couldn’t see the video. Leaning back he starting the video, his cock throbbing as he felt Taichi’s hands stroked him slowly with each second that passed. Moaning softly Yukie was pulled closer as Myles took the medium and larger cock into his throat making Yukie blush in amazement. Shaking as the video ended Yukie texted back to Myles only two words.

Your breathtaking.


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Myles needed a moment to catch his breath. Receiving Yukie's text he did blush a little more in earnest. 

I told you there's no need to butter me up, Love. You ready for part 2? 

Myles sends off the text and gets his camera set and ready again. He sits in the middle of the camera view, shirt is open and falling from his shoulders, his hair is down and a little disheveled. His legs are spread obscenely, and the first dildo he took out is resting against his thigh. 

"I thought about having already started when the camera was rolling .... But I thought you'd like to see how far I can stretch...." 

Myles pulls out a bottle of lube from his shirt sleeve, popping the cap off, he pours a generous amount on his fingers. "Hope you don't mind if it takes me a little bit .... It's been awhile since I was last touched by another person." Myles speaks low almost a whisper. He pulls his legs back, and his hole is on full display. His face is completely red but it's too late to go back now. Myles committed himself to this so he'll go through with it. 

He takes his middle finger, swirling it around the hole. The red head whimpers a little, already sensitive and excited. He pushes the finger in, he whines just a little. 

Myles pumps that finger is for a moment before he sticks in another

"A-ah~ shit!... " Myles moans out. It really HAS been awhile for him. He has both fingers in and pumping in and out. He starts a slow pace but it starts to get him a little hotter. He moves to put a third finger in-- "AA-AH!!" It starts to burn now but in bad. It's like his body remembers already what's coming, his heart starts pounding and his breathing is picked up. "Mmmmnnnn~ f-fuuuuu~ck!" He moans out. Myles spreads his fingers inside. His head falls back a little. But wait ... He's on camera,Myles remembers... He has to keep his face in the shot. "Y-you .... Want me to put it in? Haaaa~hn!!!" Myles looks directly at the camera. Now he's just being a little shit and teasing Yukie. He pulls his fingers out to spread his ass. "Would you think I'm ready for your cock, Love?" 

He stops the video there, cuts it down in a few parts and sends another text:

Here's part 2 .... You may actually get a part 3 lucky you~ 

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Yukie groaned at the text already excited as he felt Taichi nuzzling into him, the black haired man amused by how happy Yukie seemed to be watching whatever he was watching. “mmh you seem to like what your watching darling~” Tai whispered as he felt Yukie’s cock twitch excitedly every now and then. Keeping up with the slow torment Tai moved his other hand towards Yukie’s chest his fingers teasing and playing with Yukie’s soft pink buds making Yukie only cry out and moan louder desperate for more pleasure. Biting into Yukie’s neck Yukie cried out as he thrusted against Tais hand his body hot and shaking as he watched Myles finger fuck himself. Hearing Myles moan out loud for him only made Yukie more desperate to be with Myles. “Please~ fuck I want you~” Yukie begged as he felt Tai’s hands grabbing and pleasuring his body while Yukie’s breathing got heavier and more excited. Letting out a groan Yukie read the message before texting back quickly.

You’re driving me mad Myles…I’m desperate here. I want to fuck you now. Your so erotic, so sexy!

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Myles can't even bring himself to text back. He's setting up for one final shot. 

The red head is hovering his ass just above the dildo, but .... He's switched it with the one that had the ridges and bumps. 

"I'm sure you wish this really was you.... Don't you, Love?" Myles starts to lower himself onto the cock.

"AH- Fucking--! Fuck!" He whines and cries out once he's seated half way. This one was definitely bigger than his first choice. But fucking shit did it feel-- "F-fu~uuuhhhhh G-god!" Myles couldn't form words. Shit if he's this far gone when only half of it in him.... Myles wondered if he could make.himself pass out.... He doubted it but still. Myles started to lower even further, panting, he feels his thighs already shaking. He starts losing himself a little more. "Aaahhhh~ to-too big~ Y-Yukie~" he whines out. He can almost feel imaginary hands on his hips and in one swift motion they slam him on that cock. "AANNNNNnnnn fu-fuck daddyyyyyy~ f-fuck me good!" And Myles starts to fuck himself in earnest. His hips rise and fall quickly, he's moaning and whining, his own dick is bobbing up and down with every jolt of his hips. 

Myles is cursing everytime he meets the base when-- 

Myles has to cover his mouth, his back arches! He hit his own prostate and god he wants to scream but he can't the boys are sleeping and while his room can hide most noise it definitely won't hide the scream he nearly lets out. Myles falls over and grabs the dildo to shove in and out at a faster pace-- Fuck he's close!! He didn't even need to touch himself. Myles bites the sheets to keep his voice muffled

"Ah! Ah ahahahahah-- Y-yukie!! C-cumming--" Myles back arches again and he's come all over his sheets. 

Myles is quiet just taking time to catch his breathe.... Shit ... He needed that more than he even realized... Once he collected himself, Myles sits up, looks to the camera. And while still a panting mess himself, says: 

"Next time .... Be a good boy, do as your told.... And you'll get your prize" and Myles cuts it off there.

This is what good boys get when they do as they're told.... 

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“Yes~ I do.” Yukie moans out as he grinds his hips against Taichi’s groin his body aching for more.

”ah~ Yukie, be gentle.” Taichi moaned out as he pulled Yukie closer enjoying the friction from Yukie’s needy thrusts that were unknowingly timed with the video. 

“Fuck~ ah! Squeeze my cock harder and tease me more” Yukie cried out begging for Taichi to pleasure him even more as his voice rang out even louder alongside Myles erotic voice playing in his ear. Thrusting his hips over and over into Tiachis hand Yukie’s voice kept crying in an inimaginable pleasure as Tai groped and felt him up both getting lost in the moment. Groaning into Yukies back Taichi moved his hand easily matching Yukie’s thrusts as Yukie leaned forward desperate to feel Myles under him as he clawed at the sheets only to be grabbed by his hair roughly and pulled back up Taichi grinding hard against Yukie’s needy ass as he left deep bruising bites and hickeys all over his lovers shoulders. 

“Myles~ I’m cumming!” Yukie cried out his voice full of relief as he came all over the bed and Taichi’s hand leaving quite the mess. Taichi in turn came also enough to the point he knew they would both be showering afterwards. Gently petting Yukie who laid exhausted on the bed he only heard the last few words that slipped from Yukie’s lips. 

“I’ll be a very very good boy~” Yukie moan out his body shoving in orgasmic pleasure as he laid on the bed in his own sticky mess unable to move.

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Myles woke up the next morning before his alarm. He looked over .... Still 20 minutes till he needed to be up, but Myles felt so .... Rested? The red head decided to just go ahead and get up and ready for the day, the boys wouldn't be up for another hour and Yue would be on his way to babysit while Myles went to work. 

After a nice, quick shower, Myles looks at the toys on the bed, the camera set up in front of it. He turns bright red not even believing he could do anything lile sending somebody, ANYBODY, a dirty video! 

Regardless, he quickly cleans up his 'set stage', packing away the toys to be properly cleaned and returned. Though it would probably be best to rinse of the ones ... Used.... At least to tide over till he gave them a proper cleaning later on. 

Once everything was stashed away, Myles went into the kitchen to lay out breakfast and lunch for Yue to make it easier and waited foe the other to arrive.

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“Ugh it’s raining so heavily today.” Yue grumbled as he let himself in the man holding an umbrella and almost half drenched. “Seems it’s going to be a rainy week.” Yue added as he set down his bags and sat on a chair to take off his rain boots. “You’re up early.” 

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