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Myles sent him a greeting smile. "Yea I felt rested this morning so I got an early start. Ran around so much with the boys yesterday, we all got home exhausted." He seta down a mug of coffee for Yue, fresh an ready for him. "Speaking of they've been quiet all morning so I'm sure they'll be up soon enough, and I have breakfast already laid out so all you'll need is to reheat it." He explains as he slips into his shoes, pulling back his hair for the day. "I'll be out a little later this evening... We're getting into that season again were finance is gonna be hit hard so I'll be staying a little later to get it taken care of." 

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“Alright I don’t mind Yuen is out of the house working for the month so I’ve been quite lonely. Being with the boys has been nice. I miss them.” Yue admitted as he smiled happily after nodding in thanks for the coffee and took a sip. “All packed for the trip though? Yukie stopped by this morning for some stuff and told me to let you know he would be gone for the next three days finishing up loose ends with work. He’s got a large book series launch and is doing some last minute editing with Tai. Tais been running him ragged so he can go away free from work for the next two weeks.” Yue admitted the small bit of gossip he had about the two wanting to keep Myles in the loop.

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"If you want more time with the boys we can start having them over woth you more often, and you know you're always welcome to come here whenever you please. You and Yuen both know where I leave the key..." Myles offers. He never stops the uncles from coming to see the boys after all they're more closely related than he is. 

Upon being asked about packing Myles suddenly sweats " ..... About that ..... I haven't even started...." He admits 

"I don't really have much in the way of ....'casual' clothes and what I do have is typically lounge wear.... " Myles blushes for his lack of wardrobe. "I mean what do I even pack? I bring all these work shirts and slacks and people will look at me funny won't they?" He fusses having never been out of the country before

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“Well…I would but Yukies still not liking Yuen, they are civil but it’s been tense” Yue admitted with a small chuckle knowing they would sort it out eventually.  Hearing Myles hadn’t started packing he raised a brow amused by the fact he wasn’t sure what to pack. “Yuen wore suits, and dress shirts daily. I wore jeans and a t shirt because that’s what I liked while Yukie wore kimonos for his ex husband. Your only visiting not living there so you can whatever your comfortable in. I know Yukie will be in jeans and colorful shirts this time around though I’m sure he’s packed some fancier wear.” Yue admitted having grabbed Yukie’s clothes from the attic when they stopped by earlier this morning for last minute items Yukie wearing a thick sweater and pants to hide his bitemarks and hickeys Tai left on him. “He’s quite excited. Though he’s also looking rather refreshed and happy whatever medicine combo Taichi has him on is doing wonders.” Yue admitted quite happy seeing Yukie so energized though.

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Myles feels the red blush climbing up his skin. He can't look Yue in the eye, and he's sweating bullet already. "Oh re-really! That's good to hear!" He agrees. He grabs his work bag to slowly inch out the door. "Well worse comes to worse I'll call them all later on if I get stumped on what to pack, anyway I'll be home later so BYE!!" and the red head bolts out the door before any awkward questioning comes his way. 


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“Wait. Wait! Yukie left something for me to give you I forgot about it till I saw you grab your bag.” Yue adds as he goes over to his backpack and pulls out a small black bag stuffed with silver paper and a medium bag that was also stuffed with the same silver shiny paper and a touch heavier. “He said he bought these for you to have before the trip and said you should try them on before taking them with you. I’m assuming it’s some outfits I know he was looking at a family set of shirts for you all to wear.” Yue added having not looked in the bags as he set the bags beside Myles before leaving to go back inside.

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The red head would be lying if he said he didn't feel a little warm and fuzzy at the thought of matching family shirts. "Really?" Myles couldn't stop the smile on his face. He didn't have time to check the bag yet he would after he had some time at work to get to them. But he was .... Really happy for the present. At the office he shoots a quick text to Yukie. 

'Yue told me you had t-shirts made.... That's so cute and very sweet of you! Thank you! 😚😚😊

Myles kept the bags tucked under his desk as he worked, smiling most fo the day, excited to get done and go home to try them!



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Oh yeah I had them made, kids helped me though they shirts are not here yet. Should be here the day before we move. 

Yukie texted back with a chuckle as he sat in the meeting bored out of his mind at the endless chatter about promotional stuff that he could really care less about. Letting out a sigh eventually their long day ended and Taichi and Yukie ended up at a bar the two having a few drinks to relax after the ass beating from the workday they took.

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Myles looks at the text oddly. 'what? But I have the shirts don't I?' 

'I'll send you picture when I get the chance to try them on! I'm at work so I'll try mine on during my lunch break.' 

His lunch hour will be happening soon enough, Myles could see the shirt for himself.  But something did bother him... 

'Moving? Since ... When are you moving?' He asks starting to feel a little anxious.

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Yukie didn’t text back to the first message or any messages for a couple of hours the man laying down in the booth across from Tai tipsy as he stared at the ceiling. Eventually sitting up as their food arrived he checked his phone looking at the messages.

‘I expect beautiful pictures of you wearing them. As for moving I need more space my office is to small for the work I’m doing and the kids should have bigger rooms and a playroom plus I’d like to give you and Taichi your own space. Plus, the house isn’t in the best shape either not to mention the yard is to small.’ 

Yukie explained as he ate some food and went back to texting.

’Plus I need a soundproof room, while I could be noisy last night it would be good to have a nice private place where no one can hear things.’ 

Yukie added having quite a few listings he was looking at with Tai for the next three days hence why Yuen and Yue where taking over caring for the kids in his place.

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Mykes snickers a little. 

'I don't how 'beautiful'  shirt pictures can be but I'll try. And what was wrong with the house? I thought it looked stunning...' 

But then again, Myles isn't the one paying for that move and maybe the place fell into disrepair when Yukie left for a year. 

'While I'll be happy for a space, you don't have to go crazy.... I know Taichi needs his space for clients and you need yours for work but I'm ok woth something ... Small' 

Myles didn't want to include 'and easy to pack up when your tired of having me' He didn't want to make Yukie upset again.... It'll be easier down the road. 

His watches goes off, telling him his lunch hour was here. Myles grabs the bags and happily goes to the fourth floor bathroom. That floor was having some maintaince done so nobody was there. Myles opens the bag-- "!!!!!!" That wasn't a t shirt!! 

'Yukie! I think Yue gave me the wrong bags! These are not tshirts!' 

Myles frantically texts Yukie! How could he carry around dildos at his job!?!?! Fuck! Ok ok it's fine! Nobody has noticed so far! He can just run these to his car and lock them in his trunk. It'll be fine! 

Myles shakes as he reaches over to the other bag a little afraid of what os in that one. The red head peeks in. He tilts his head confused. These were.... 

'I definitely think he gave me the wrong bags, the other one has ... Ladies underwear?' 

Myles was just oddly confused 

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‘No, they are right~ I picked them out earlier today. Had to tell Yue they were T-shirts to get them delivered. My schedule is packed with only room for meals and sleep…I thought you might like some fun toys of your own, I mean you drive me to an amazing orgasm with your videos and since I won’t see you until the morning of our trip I thought I’d give you something fun~’

Yukie texted Myles as he was lightly smacked on the thigh by Taichi who was paying more attention the two having finished their lunch and moved on to the next business meeting the two having booked everything back to back with no breaks. “We should be able to do a seven book series. Followed by a three part release of this one, we will make this special artwork and hardback.” Taichi added as Yukie nodded and the meeting continued. “We are planning a year of special releases this time next year.” Taichi finished as Yukie nodded and they started discussing the more in depth detail.

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Myles may actually die. Yukie INTENDED to give him these!?!? 

'Yukie!! I cannot put these on at work! I have to sneak these out to my car!' 

Myles feels like he could just seep into the walls and disappear! God how on earth was this kid so shy just a few days ago!?!? 

And something fun?! How on earth--!?! Myles wanted to scream! 

'I am ... Getting you back later for this!'  

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‘Well  you could keep one somewhere~ maybe I’ll come get the others say you were holding my order because I was busy. I could take them to your car if you kept one~’ 

Yukie texted with a smirk as he continued to text. Taichi raising an eyebrow as they sat in the small building cafe to have some coffee till the next meeting.

‘Im in the office across the street at a meeting. I could easily walk over and help you. In under five minutes…if not you’ll have to walk them out yourself~’

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Myles felt his eye twitch. Now he was being cheeky. He texts back a little aggressively.

'Don't get smart. I'll take care of it myself. Ya know for a virgin your being awfully bold.' 

Myles sighs a little more agitated. He sends a text to Yue. 

'your brother didn't get a delivery of tshirts. He had you hand me dildos and underwear.' 

after sending that text, Myles looks back to the bags. Covering his face. The red head takes a deep breath. And packs everything back as best as he can covering it. He still had twenty minutes so he could run down to his car, put it in the trunk and run back to his desk. Nobody would know! 

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‘oh fun and strange didn’t think Yukie was going to places like that. Wondered why he was so happy giving the bags to me. I didn’t check them.’

Yue replied to the text with a sigh as he sat back home sipping some tea as he was curious why Yukie would buy Myles such a thing since there was no romance between the two that he saw.

’Myles, I’ll be more than happy to grab your items. Yukie’s been quite cheeky today…and well I don’t see any reason for him to torment you more than this.’ 

Taichi texted Myles having gotten his number from Yukies phone. 

‘Give the poor man some grace though, he’s been trapped in meetings all day and is doing the same thing tomorrow for the trip he’s bored out of his mind. I’ll collect them, just keep them in their bags. I’ll be at the entrance to take them home.’ 

Taichi finished texting as he grabbed Yukie and dragged him over across the street and waited for Myles in the entrance of the building.

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Darrius was outside on the phone, giggling. "Anyway I'll see you later yea? .... Yea ok.... Love you  to...bye~" He hangs up and turns to go into the building, when he spots Yukie and-- "Well look what the cat dragged in.... " He looks Taichi up and down "And who the hell is this that's gotchu by the arm? Buddy if you tryin' o pull somethin' I can and will call the cops!" He threatens. Darrius had never gotten the chance to meet Taichi. 

Meanwhile, Myles was already making his way down to the car garage, the bags close to his chest. He would pass by others with a polite smile and wave as he passed. 

He had just made it to the elevator when-- "Hold the door!" Myles holds his hand up before he thinks about it. 

"Thanks I'm heading to-- Myles..." It's Reed, his boss.... Just great. "Hey, boss man"

"Ah you know you don't have to call me that when it's just us!" Reed smiles. Myles does not want to be trapped in an elevator with his boss with the .... Intimate items he has in his bags! Speaking of, Reed looks down noticing the sparkly silver bags. "Always so popular aren't you!" The boss laughs. Myles nods. "More than I'd like to be..." The red head admits. Reed stares at Myles. "A little hard when somebody looks like you..." 

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“We are here to see Myles.” Taichi replied with a smile as he looks at Darrius. “I’m Taichi, this is Yukie.” Taichi added as Yukie snickered.

”He knows me, I use to work here before changing companies. He’s one of Myles friends.” Yukie explains fixing his tie as he unknowingly showed his dark purple and black bitemarks and bruises. Looking at Darrius he smiled a little before speaking. “I came to pick something up from Myles. I also brought this.” Yukie added the plastic bag containing some sweets and different cakes for Myles to have. “Also, I came to discuss the kids. I need to take them for the evening…to show them where we are moving.” yukie added awkwardly having gotten approved for a house but well he wanted the kids input first.

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"Ya damn right I know who he is... Only sent Myles into a depressive spiral-- Twice!!" Darrius snaps back. Yea he'll come to Yukie's defense but he isn't just gonna forget about how Myles was after he left. 

"But ..... Myles says things are complicated but cool between you two so I won't throw it back in ya face like I should...." The office gossip snarls crossing his arms. "Don't even send me a damn text anymore either.... Anyway if you looking for Myles he's on lunch right now. C'mon I'll take you to his haunts. You ain't got clearance anymore since you don't work with us anymore." Darrius opens the main door for the two to show them inside. 

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“Thank you, I owe you a wine night and catching up.” Yukie replied with a sigh as he followed Darrius. “As for not calling or texting… I’ve been trying to right every wrong I’ve done. It’s been hard.” Yukie admits as he sighed only to feel Taichi gently grab his hand.

“He’s been busy enough.” Taichi added as he stopped and fixed Yukie’s tie hiding away the marks under his collar. Continuing to follow Darrius the two walked in silence.

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"Uhhuh busy getting on his back from what I see, boy don't try hiding those marks from me! You can right every wrong till your feet bleed and your knees twist but it is NEVER gonna take away the fact that it happened.... Myles already told me why you did what you did, and he is going on and on about forgiving you and for that I can, but I am NEVER forgiving you for breaking the strong, independent man who picked me up from my own hell hole.... But again .... Myles stands between you and hellfire defending your dumbass. Saying everybody and their mother has been giving you the third degree at every turn.... So while I'm not at all happy about what you did..." Darrius finally takes a breath from his own rant. He turns around and pulls Yukie in for a tight hug "Don't you fucking dare pull some bullshit like that again. You fucking bitch ass scared all of us half to death you fucking asshole!" Darrius starts to sniffle and cry. He wipes his eyes, looks Yukie dead in the eye.... And gives him one good smack. "Ok .... I've said my piece and had my vengeance we good now." He looks over to Taichi. " ..... Still don't know you but if you had something to do with this whole debacle Imma smack you to!!" He points a threatening finger at the therapist. 

~Back in the elevator~

Myles stares at Reed. "What ... Do you mean exactly?"

Reed chuckles. "Myles c'mon .... You can't be so clueless as to not see the looks and stares you get all day..." Myles raises a brow at him. Reed laughs a little harder. "Oh my god .... You really are just .... Completely devoted to work aren't you? Jesus christ, Ruby you gotta get out more ...." 

The elevator dings signaling they had made it to the car garage. Stepping out, both men head to Myles car. "I get out plenty i assure you." The red head counters. 

"Oh yea? So come out with me tonight... Your planning to leave in a day or two right? First vacation I actually see you take and it's two weeks.... " 

Myles feels a knot of anxiety in his gut. 'This cannot be happening right now....'  

"Sounds fun but I'm gonna have to say no, Reed. I have the boys tonight and I still have to pack." 

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“I am the only semi Innocent party that you know so far. As for Yukie lay off on the hickeys…and marks please.” Taichi added blushing while he held his hands up trying to defuse and redirect the anger from Darrius. “Yukie plans on groveling and apologizing properly to everyone. Once we get our things from Myles and some things situated.” Taichi added with a small chuckle as he looked at Yukie who was still stunned from the hug and smack.

”ah…yeah….Myles he said he was going to his car. I gave him something naughty in a bag and he’s trying to sneak it out. I thought it would be fun to see his reaction. I get bored seeing old men all day blankly staring and talking work to me.” Yukie explained completely only thinking about Myles as he talked to Darrius Taichi sighing at how focused Yukie was as they followed Darrius more. 

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"Gurl! And you thought it was a good idea to give it to that man in the office!?! Ohhhh you best hope boss man don't see that and get ideas. Reed has been acting ...." Darrius pauses a moment, looking a little we distressed. "I dunno ever since Myles took to caring for the boys, boss man has been acting really ... Chummy with him lately.... It's kinda weird ya know?" He leads Taichi and Yukie towards the elevators to the car garage. 

~^The car Garage ^~

Reed is looking at Myles a little miffed as the red head opens his trunk to put whatever bags he has away. "Myles c'mon you and I have known each other a long time and we've never gone out for a drink together, just us..." 

The red head feels that knot tighten. "That's because I'm not a party goer or a late night boozer anymore." He answers bluntly. He tries to keep the situation neutral, not letting go to were Myles desperately doesn't want it to. He slams the trunk closed, and suddenly there's two arms om either side of him and a close over bearing warmth on his back. He feels warm breath on his neck. 

"I'm not asking you to go out partying, Myles..." 

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Yukie listened to Darrius his mind spinning as he looked away from Darrius knowing that if Myles had been courting someone it was because Yukie had broken his heart. Yukie was worried Myles was all talk about being with him something his ex had promised that if Myles was still with him it was because Yukie had something he wanted. His ex had told him many cruel things…and well it was hard not to worry about such things. As the doors opened Yukie stepped out and headed towards Myles car only to stop and see a blonde hair man pressed up against Myles the two seeming rather romantic. Feeling his heart racing Yukie stepped back unable to even call out or do anything as so much came flooding back. Feeling sick Yukie tried to breathe his face pale as the only thing he could hear was his exs words spinning around in his head and screaming at him just how right he was about who would love and stay with him. Looking down at his shaking hands Yukie breathed heavy only to feel Taichi gently touch him his voice muffled and concerned as he tried to get Yukie to respond.

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Darrius stood watching the scene, just as shocked as the other two. He turns to try and pull them both aside, but seeing Yukie in a blind panic, "Yukie? Shit cmon!!" He tugs them both out of sight before either man across the car park sees them.

"Shuddup and keep quiet! That's REED!" Darrius yell whispers to them. "He's the one getting all up in Myles business and won't leave him alone!" Darrius peeks over ahead. Watching to see if things get out of hand.....

"Reed .... What are doing?" Myles asks carefully 'Fucking shit this is exactly what I didn't want happening!' 

Reed presses himself a little closer. Myles raises his voice. "Reed you need to step off! This isn't how a boss should act with his employees..." 

Reed huffs. "Myles you're not just an employee.... You have to know that by now...."

Myles turns and jerks around in Reed's hold. "I'm going to give you a chance to back up and step away from, NOW!" Reed starts getting agitated. "Or what? You'll report me? Quit? Myles you helped build this place from the ground up, and make amazing money. Ever since those kids have come around, and their daddy up and left you've become a family guy.... Had I known that I would've moved in on you ages ago! You're gonna need help woth those kids and even if it isn't me, where would you go that makes the same amount of money you get he--" Reed's self righteous tangent is cut off prematurely with a solid punch to his jaw, sending him flying into the across from Myles own. 

"KEEP MY FUCKING KIDS OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!! Don't you DARE try to leverage them against me and think for one fucking second I'll be a puppet for you!" Myles stand towering over his now former boss on the ground. He raises his leg high and brings it down on the blonde's ribs, a sickening crack being heard throughout the silent car park. Myles, now angry, near blacked out with rage, pucks up Reed by the collar of his once pristine shirt. "We may have known each other a long time... But you don't know anything about me before we met.... I may be raising to kids but I am NOT alone in doing so.... Their father left for reason you wouldn't even begin to comprehend and I will take NOBODY else when it comes to raising them.... Even if he only sees me as their nanny I would rather keep them all in my life them EVER LET THEM SHARE a life with a sleazy slimy underhanded piece of shit like you...." Myles raises his fist to land one more punch to match the now busted jaw on Reed.... 

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