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I'm getting too old for this


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“Myles.” Taichi calls out as he stepped away from Darrius and Yukie the man worried Myles would end up going to jail for killing the man if he continued. “I’ve come to take you out for dinner.” Taichi offered as he held the small bag out in his hand Yukie still firmly spinning as he stayed in the elevator processing as much as he could as he tried to self calm himself Taichi taking a bold chance that Yukie would be safe with Darrius nearby because he knew seeing more of this or moving away from where he was stuck would mess him up more. “Come on you don’t want me make me and my kids wait.” Taichi added as he smiled warmly not even paying attention to the man on the ground as he walked over and gently wrapped his hand around Myles own hand. 

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Myles froze mid way to connecting his fist to Reed's skull. He knew that voice. His eyes stay on Reed but he listens to Taichi. 

He jolts at the handing taking a hold of his. "He tried using the boys against me.... Let me finish, Tai ..... " Myles warns. He was angry and he wanted Reed to know he was not going to take the well being of his children lightly. 

Reed, who had never seen Myles so enraged, stood shaking. The normally mild mannered, gentle and docile work partner he had thought he knew over the years.... That was gone in a matter of moments. "Look I'm sorry I-I took it to--"


Meanwhile Darrius stood beside Yukie holding him up. He had been trying to talk Yukie down the entire time. But Yukie didn't seem to be responding!! "Yukie!? Yukie cmon! Earth to Yuyu!!" 


Suddenly a gentle voice whispers to him. 'Hush sweetheart .... You are ok .... Everything is ok.... Please come back... Robyn isn't going anywhere ....' 

Cold hands touched Yukie's cheeks.... One moved to pat his head. The woman who appeared the night prior, stood before Yukie. 'He is here.... Fighting for you.... ' 

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“….you can kick his ass or go back to Yukie and your kids. I can’t stop you from fighting but I can offer you a choice.” Taichi explained extremely calm as he looked down at the man a deeper dark shift in his eyes one that just promised Reed he would die tonight if Taichi came back looking for him. “If you don’t walk away you might make things worse for yourself and the man you love…Myles. Yukie needs you more than this garbage does.” 

Tears just started to well up in his eyes as Yukie broke down the man’s heart breaking as he listened to the woman his body still panicked as he mentally blacked out and moved away before walking out of the elevator. Yukie just moved to the exit basically running as he tried to think. Slipping out of view of Taichi, Myles, and Darrius, he walked out of the elevator and to the exit. The next moment he came to he found himself walking away unable to a top himself from running off to calm down and collect himself the poor man falling apart and needing to escape from the world. After an hour of running Yukie was exhausted and found himself in a strange part of town beside a cafe. The next moment he came through he was sitting in the cafe a hot drink in had not remembering anything as his body was still anxious and spiraling but by this point he could breathe easier.

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Darrius had yelled out for Yukie as he ran, causing Myles to turn and see the younger bolting out of the car garage. Shit!! How much of that did he see?! 

The two bolted after Yukie but sadly lost him after they turned a corner down a busy road. "Goddammnit!!" Darrius curses out loud.  He pulls put his phone and starts making calls. 

The woman had floated along with Yukie as he ran. She followed him, doing her best to keep him safe. He was lost... She understood that.... He was scared .... Upset and hurt. 

She watched him silently for a good long time before she felt it was a good moment to speak with him. 

'.... Are you alright, sweetheart?' She would ask him gently. 

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“Darrius. Don’t have anyone approach him he’s going to be badly out of it. He might come to his senses by tomorrow we need to just wait…even though that’s not what is best it’s all I can do unless I find him.” Taichi explained not wanting to let them know how bad Yukie was sometimes to the point he sedated him. since he didn’t know Darrius well and Myles was still unknown to him in a sense.

Yukie just nodded as he held his wam cup close trying to focus more as he looked over at her. “…I…can’t focus sometimes…..” He explained trying so hard to express how he felt when all he could do was just survive. “…when I get like this, taichi helps me sleep. The sedatives help.” Yukie whispered his hands having stopped shaking as he sipped his drink his body calming very slowly as he looked at her for a moment before going back to grounding himself to a more stable space. “Sitting here…is safe I won’t get hurt”

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"Man shut up you don't think I know that!!?" Darrius yells at Taichi. "I'm calling around the city and telling peoples to keep an eye out for him and call me as soon as they see his ass! I know people all over the damn city SOMEBODY is bound to see him and tell us where he is or went." Darrius huffs as he continues his calls. Myles felt a little relief. Darrius having been through the underbelly of the city before he had picked him up years ago has really proven a blessing in disguise. But now he worried on what Yukie would think now .... Even though he knew nothing was going on between himself and Reed, they didn't stop Yukie's own mental instability from running wild.


She sits listening to his troubles. Patient and ever loving. 

' Take all the time you need dear.... Life is hard ... Some of us don't even male it out alive you know....' She says it so causally but there's so much pain buried in those words. 

She thinks a moment, then smiles. 'Did you know my little Robyn used to sing with me every morning when we made breakfast?' 

It's just a story to help distract and calm Yukie further.... But it always brought her joy when she told it. 

'Does he still sing? I remember we would sing and dance and make the biggest messes in the kitchen every morning.... I miss those mornings' 

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“You don’t know him. You can have men searching high and low for him but the second he notices anyone tailing him or looking for him he’s going to get more panicked.” Taichi replied with an angry huff as he glared at Darrius. “He’s use to being backed into a corner and hunted when escaped it was a game to his ex for ten years until one night it went to far.” Taichi explained as he sighed the man sick with worry. “Don’t make him feel more afraid…..” He begged Darrius and Myles as he leaned back against the wall feeling the crushing defeat of failing someone he loved.


“I’ve heard him sing to the kids. It’s breathtaking.” Yukie whispered as he stared down in his drink mulling over everything. “You’re his mother aren’t you.” Yukie asked softly as he looked up the man having calmed a lot more as he seemed to others to stare off in the distance. “You look a lot like Myles.” Yukie explained as he sighed not sure why he was even talking to her. “….your most likely something I’ve made up to cope with things lately….seeing things and feeling them isn’t to weird for me.” Yukie mumbled slipping back into the darker abyss.

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Darrius glares more at Taichi. "Listen up you punk ass, do you take me for stupid?! I know how to handle a strung muthafuka alright?! Maybe I can't do shit about his meltdowns but at least I can keep eyes on him! The best way to hide is in plain sight dumbass!" Myles holds up his hands to stand between the two. "Let's calm down for just a moment ok? This isn't a fight to the death or--" 

"Bitch shut up!! You were just about to kill a man not 20 minutes ago!!" Darrius snaps before going back to his phone. Myles sighs before he goes to Taichi to reassure him. "I can promise you, nobody is going to approach Yukie and scare him off. Everyone Darrius knows is mlst likely a worker in a shop or a passer by on the street...." 

And Myles would be right.... The cafe worker who had waited on Yukie was keeping her eyes on him from her spot on the counter. She subtly texted Darrius as she continued her work and keeping her distance to keep Yukie calm and comfortable to buy time for all of them to come find him. She was attentive and patient when Yukie had made his order, brought with a smile and left him be unless he called for her. 


The woman pauses a moment. She smiles sadly again. 'I was his mother ...yes...' She answers truthfully. 

Her chuckle was light almost distant. 'Well if I am your way to cope I am honored.... I wanted to be a doctor when I was a little girl...... But you and I have never met before .... The mind can't create a face that it's never seen, dear.... ' 



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“My mind creates all horrible things how I do know it didn’t just make a female Myles.” Yukie asked as he laughed a little feeling absolutely insane. “God I’m…I’m just so far gone, even ‘ghosts’ have to convince me. No where is safe because they all keep watching and following me…I can’t stop because I don’t want to go back…I’ll be in so much trouble…” Yukie added with a laugh that was more pain than happiness as he finished his coffee and got up to leave leaving the money on a counter and walked out just heading off. Leaving the shop Yukie just wandered the city his mind still jumbled as he moved from place to place unsure and more confused and paranoid by the people around him as he wandered and tried to make sense of everything around him while trying to avoid every person around him. After wandering for so long that his feet felt like they where bleeding (they were horrible dress shoes) the sky had become dark, Yukie by now had found himself ending up in front of a familiar door the only place he once had truly felt safe. Taking the key from the mat he in the moment unlocked the door and let himself in, touching Myles bed he crawled into it and curled up his body exhausted and more run down from his mental state as he stayed hiding away from everything in the only real memory of safety he had. His only known solid point of safety was with Myles and he would be waiting for as long as it took for the man he loved to come home.

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The day and had waned into night and Myles was exhausted. He didn't want to go back home but he didn't think he could keep going. They had gotten a lead from the woman at the cafe but then she said that Yukie had left and that led all 3 men running about the city until finally they had reached the end of the line. Myles wanted to just sit down and cry..... Nothing was going the way it should and everything was falling apart when it SHOULD BE getting better! 

He wanted just--

'Go back home.... He'll be waiting' 

Myles jumped. He looks around.... Who was...?

"Myles? .... What's wrong?" Myles turns back to see Darrius staring at him, worry etched into his face. 

" .... Nothing .... I just.... I say we should call it a night and go back to mine .... If we get a call we can all go out together instead of trying to gather on later tp find Yukie and we can try fresh tomorrow ... Lord knows I'm out of job now so I haven't anywhere to be..." 

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“Alright, I’ll let you know if he shows up at home.” Taichi replied with a tiered sigh as he looked at Myles feel crushed they had lost him so easily. Patting Myles shoulder Taichi said his goodbyes and left heading to check home and a few other places Yukie would possibly be before going to bed.


Yukie curled up more tightly under Myles covers his hair peeking out slightly as he held Myles pillow all the more closer his face covered in dry tears and quite puffy. Having stripped off his clothes and shoes once in Myles room much like he had done when he had came here the first time drunk. Yukie had fallen asleep right under the covers after crawling into Myles bed. While he felt a bit better and safer here he was still nervous and unsure of things the man still paranoid of being found by his exs men.

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Myles trudged home back to the office first. He goes up to Reed's office first, dropping his master keys on the desk.... He has a thought .... Myles figured since today was now his last .... He was gonna make Reed's next day a living hell. The red head typed into the finances systems of the building and deleted ANY and ALL files he himself had worked on to keep things neat and organized since he had planned to be away for two weeks. But now ... They could all figure it out. Myles took his keys and started digging and carving out deep ridges into Reed's fancy desk chipping up wood and paint. He pulled out drawers and ripped apart files, scattered papers. Once he was satisfied, Myles moved to clean out his own desk, and promptly deleted any and every program he used to keep the place up and running. They could all figure out how he did the job of 3 other people so easily. 

Finally happy with his destruction, Myles went down to get his car and drove home. He had texted Yue saying he apologized for taking longer than he would've liked somethings came up but he'd come get the boys first thing in the morning and make them all breakfast. 

Finally he arrived home, Myles sighs, exhausted. He chucks his box of office belongs onto the table .... Then falls to the floor and began to bawl. 

The stress and turmoil finally breaking the dame of his emotional turmoil. 

"yukie .... Sweetheart..... Robyn is home.... He needs your comfort dear..."

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Yukie nodded as he sat up and walked out of the bedroom the blanket wrapped around him tightly as he stood looking down at Myles from the doorway. “Welcome home.” Yukie spoke out before walking over and gently wiping away Myles tears with the blanket before wrapping them in the blanket not even caring he was nude.

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Myles froze for a moment. He turns with tears still streaming down his face. 

It takes him a good few seconds to realize Yukie was in fact in his apartment, and was in his bed... 

"YUKIE!!" He can't stop the screaming bawl that rips out of his throat. He has his arms wrapped around the younger hugging him tight before. "Wh-where did you g-go!?!?" Myles bawls out between his sobbing. He takes hold of Yukie's face to look at him, begging for answers. 


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“I had to keep moving so they didn’t find me.” Yukie answered as he rubbed his eye a little still not fully awake. “It’s the rules of the game…if I get caught I’ll get punished.” Yukie admitted as he looked at the door relaxing a touch more to see Myles locked it. “I’m safe here. I’m safe with you.” Yukie mumbled as he moved and held onto Myles clinging to him as if he was afraid he would be ripped away. “They…found you at your work. If they saw me with you he would hurt you….” Yukie whispered not outright saying it was his exs threat but well it was implied that his ex knew what Myles looked like and exactly how to punish and hurt Yukie to the point of breaking. Taichi of course hadn’t gotten Yukie to admit or open up about anything other than being isolated and yelled at. He didn’t know the reason for his fear was due to a deep trama that was worsened over ten years. “I had to leave…that man….the one you hit…he might tell them.” Yukie whispered as he hid away his face in Myles arms just soaking in every second of love he could.

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Myles listened as Yukie seemed to burrow into him. How he tried to hide and dodge everything around him, getting more of a real idea on what Yukie had been through.

"Yukie .... You're not making much sense" Myles admitted as he rubbed Yukie's back letting the younger just talk and babble at him. He started wiping away at his own eyes, trying to dry up the tears. "F-fuck--!" The tears just kept coming "s-sorry just give me one moment," Myles sniffles. He was just ... Relieved. Yukie was safe he didn't run off again without warning. Fuck he could kiss the little shit--

Before he could think, Myles grabbed Yukie's face to kiss his lips, nearly crushing them against his own. 

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Yukie burst into tears at the kiss as he blubbered a little but kissed back his arms wrapping around Myles neck as he pulled Myles a touch closer. Yukie practically melted into the soft kiss his body relaxing, but at the same time holding Myles so close that it was as if Yukie was afraid of Myles slipping away. Breaking the kiss for air Yukie just clung more to Myles soaking up every lingering second of their kiss as he moved his face and hid away from Myles. “Can I stay the night with you?” Yukie asked his voice so soft and fragile almost as if he was afraid he would be sent away by Myles. “I’ll behave and I’ll even sleep on the floor if you want…I don’t want to leave your side.” Yukie admitted terrified that if he left Myles side again he wouldn’t ever see him again.


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"You can come to bed with me ...."

Myles stands up, pulling Yukie up with him. He leaves another kiss, first to Yukie's lips, then to his cheek, then his forehead. Holding the younger's hand, Myles leads him back to the bedroom, and sits him on the bed. "I'm going to change for bed in the bathroom... Do you want to join me?" He'll ask gently, still having hold of a hand. 

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Those simple words instantly relaxed Yukie who in turn just nodded as the tears fell down his face the man feeling so much relief. Standing up alongside Myles Yukie looked at the floor only to feel his face blush from the soft kiss to his lips and face only making him hungry inside for more affection from Myles. Looking down as Myles held his hand he followed close behind carrying the blanket he kept wrapped around his body with him. Once in the room and sitting comfortably on the bed Yukie looked at Myles hand still holding his as he blushed even more at the question slightly nodding. “Yes…but I’ve already undressed…my clothes were dirty and I didn’t want to dirty your bed.” Yukie admitted as he hid under the blankets more embarrassed that in his frantic state the only reasonable thing for him to do was sleep nude in Myles bed to soak in every bit of Myles he could to calm down.

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Myles snickers. "What does your being undressed have to do with joining me in the bathroom?" 

Making the choice for him, Myles pushes Yukie back onto the bed, climbing on top of him, leaving a nip and a kiss to his jawline before pulling himself up. "You're tired, so go back to sleep and I'll join you in bed in a moment, alright?" With that the elder goes to pick his pajamas for the night and heads to the bathroom to shower off and change leaving the door cracked, more for Yukie's comfort. To let him know he is welcome to come in or know he's still there. 

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Being suddenly under Myles Yukie couldn’t help but blush at the sudden movement. Watching Myles he looked away only to feel a kiss and nip to his jawline making his heart pound in excitement and happiness. Laying dumbfounded on the bed he watched as Myles gather his pajamas not even registering that he could wait in bed. The second Myles left even though the door was cracked Yukie felt like he had swallowed a stone. His hand was unbearably empty and the swallowed stone well it left a heavy feeling in his stomach. Leaving the blanket behind he slowly made his way over and opened the door more. Stepping in he closed the door behind him and looked at Myles who look more beautiful then the first time he saw him. Unable to hide his look of amazement Yukie waited for Myles before doing anything else.

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Myles had his shirt opened and hanging off his shoulders as he took his hair down from the braid he's had it in. Hearing the little creak of the door, he looks over to see Yukie and chuckles. "Changed your mind then?" Noticing his lack of blanket, Myles starts feeling that feeling becoming so familiar of the red invading his shoulders and cheeks. He raises a brow "Is there something special you wanted instead?" 

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“I-I could use a shower…maybe some bandages for my feet.” Yukie admitted not wanting to fully admit his crappy dress shoes had chewed up his feet. “Maybe I could share a shower with you….and help you too.” Yukie offered worried Myles was hurt from his brawl earlier in the day. Looking away Yukie was trying very hard to behave seeing Myles half closed was almost enough to make him leave the room in embarrassment. “….seeing you again…it isn’t fair…you only get more beautiful each time I see you.” Yukie whispered having gone back home he had been given some pictures of Myles that his ex had taken while he stayed there and well, it was nothing compared to the real thing. Yukie had lived for just a glimpse of Myles back then and now getting to see him so often was almost too much for him to handle, because he was trying to very much be a gentleman. 

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Myles looks down at the younger's feet finally seeing the damage. He sighs. "Why do you always choose the worst shoes to go running off in?" Myles kneels down examining the feet. 

"Step carefully into the shower, I'll get it started..." Myles turns on the shower head, letting it warm up a little before directing Yukie in. "You should stop giving me so many of those compliments, I may grow an ego if you don't." He jokes but it's all to hide his growing blush. He's never been called beautiful before let alone so many times from one person... 

Looking at his own fists from his tussel with Reed, Myles sniffs. "There's nothing you need to worry about when it comes to my own fighting. I've done it for so many years, my skin is used to it all..." 

The older man starts to undress himself now to join Yukie in the shower. Doesn't this seem familiar. 

"I'm going to step in, alright?" Myles warns giving Yukie a chance to tell him no...

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“Myles, I wouldn’t have come in here if I didn’t like what you did, and if I didn’t enjoy what you just barely did. I have more concern for your poor hands than anything else. You have such beautiful skin…you should cherish it.” Yukie explained as he moved over into the water the hot liquid running across his body as he sighed and relaxed completely. “I love you Myles. I wouldn’t have come here to your home…to you. Out of all the places I could have ran to this was the only one I felt safe…it was the thought of being near and with you that comforted me…it took something miraculous to show me that. I feel that leaving your side, it will kill me.” Yukie explained as he looked directly at Myles now before offering his hand out for Myles to take to join him.

“If you want to be with me forever join me…and if not I’ll give you as much space as you need. I’m tiered of running and being afraid…I want to love you without fear.”

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