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I'm getting too old for this


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"I suppose in a way ... Yes. My husband murdered me and forced Robyn to watch my death.... And nearly took his life in a fir of rage." Aileen stated plainly. 

"That night we had started arguing because I hadn't cooked the meal he had wanted. It had a hard day and decided that was excuse enough for him to take his anger out on me. " She goes on, remembering the night as it escalated. 

"Eventually it led it him saying I never do what I'm told anymore since I had Robyn. I told him that is because I had a real baby to worry about instead of a big man child who can't even lay his clothes out on his own." She smiles tightly at Yukie. "He didn't like that..." 

Aileen 'sits' across from Yukie as she continues. "He left the room and came back with a gun.... 'Fine if you can only handle one man, then it's gonna be the man of the house' ..... He had threatened to kill my child so he could have my attention only.... I ran upstairs where I told Robyn to go play in his room. I made it past the door before ....." She pauses a moment sniffling "My son wat hed me have my head blown out, while he was hidden under his book case... His father came in the room pulled my son screaming from u underneath.... I grabbed his leg and threw him off balance and he threw Robyn out of the window.... " Aileen cries, trying to keep from wailing. "I was so overjoyed to know he survived!! My boy, my little bird was safe!" She lifts her head smiling. 

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“Fuck…” Yukie replied his voice full of sorrow at how much Myles had endured. Looking at Aileen Yukie could only feel sadness for the woman for having suffered such an ordeal. He wished now more than anything he could physically hug the woman and comfort her. “…Myles is so strong, he always has a smile and is so kind and caring to help others. He’s such a good mom to the kids and adores them. He’s even willing to take me back to give me a second chance.” Yukie whispered as he looked down at his hands his heart breaking. “You raised an amazing son…and you won’t have to worry about him being hurt ever again. I won’t ever let him be hurt ever again I swear on my own soul.” Yukie promised the woman.

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Aileen lifts her head, the years leaving streaks down her face. "I truly hope you mean that my dear .... The road ahead is hard. And somethings yet to pass may test your ties to one another.... But I'll be there to help as best I can for you both... A mother always does what makes her child happy..." 

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“Thank you.” Yukie replied as he sighed and looked at his work and then back to Myles. Letting out a deeper sigh he went back to work planning to join Myles back in bed in a few hours.

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Morning had come and gone by the time Myles had woken. He slowly came back to consciousness when he suddenly jolted up from the bed, snatching his phone from the night stand. 

"Fuck!!" He cursed loudly bolting from the bed, ignoring the pain in his lower back. Shit shit shit he was late to get the boys!! 

He rushed around grabbing random clothes to throw on, and tying his hair up messily before he was about to rush out the door. 

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“Myles the kids are fine. I had Yuen pick them up.” Yukie called out as he sat still at the table sunk into his work with it covering the table and floor. “I called a very angry Taichi who called Yuen and he called to see who had them and picked them up.” Yukie explained as he typed away and looked over a paper before mentioning to the stove. “I made you an omelette.” He added finally looking over at Myles before snickering at the man’s state of stressed. “Surprised you’re able to spring from the bed so quickly.” Yukie teased with a small smirk as he went back to his work.

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Myles pauses a moment. "But .. I told Yue I would pick them up...." He mumbles. Seeing the omelette, Myles was surprised.... It had been years since somebody last made him breakfast. It made him feel giddy. "We can't pawn them off on your brother for too much longer you know... They've been watching them all day yesterday and all day today...." The older man goes to sit and eat before Yukie makes his comment and he blushes red "gee I wonder whose fault that is!" Though he does his best not to show off the wince as he settles himself down. 

Myles mumbles under his breath "I doubt you could fuck me that hard anyway ..." 

"Thank you ... For breakfast..." There's an underlying message to that as well, Myles just hopes Yukie can read it ....

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“Consider it fair punishment for wronging me. Besides Yue and Yuen have always wanted kids.” Yukie admitted as he continued to work a small furrow forming in his brows his work seeming to annoy him more than normal. Stopping at Myles words of thanks Yukie snickered. “Well you’re very welcome anytime.” Yukie replied back with a happy smile. “I’ll be free this afternoon providing this is all accepted…they keep giving me the run around on cover art and colors though I think the pink matches the main love interests red hair.” Yukie added as he looked over the different shades before him. “Though gold might be better for the other one. Maybe green?” Yukie mumbled to himself already zoning back into work as he moved the scandalous pictures next to the colors checking the full color images with what he had been working on when it came to the covers of the twenty Four books.

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" But ...." Myles starts to mumble a little bit here, feeling a bit selfish. "I want my babies home ... " he admits, not looking Yukie in the eye. Myles always wants the boys with him! They're his babies! The red head doesn't know what to do without the boys at home. Yea he has his hobbies but Myles has grown used to the boys coming up to watch him or join him if they wanted. 

But he also knows he can't keep them all to himself either. The boys had uncles and lives before he even entered the picture! So yea he wants the boys back home already but that's got him feeling a little selfish to...

Myles is pulled away from that train of thought by Yukie's stack of papers. He pushes aside his partially eaten omelette. Stealing himself, Myles takes a look at the pieces. 

"If you go with green, your gonna get Christmas no matter what you do unless you change the hues.... Pink and red give Valentines day .... What exactly is the theme in the story? Is it a holiday time of year?" He asks. Red hair? "Why did you go with red hair for the main character? Doesn't that seem like a really .... BRIGHT color?" He asks generally curious.

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“Then Yuen can drop them off around lunch time and we can take them to get a few things.” Yukie offered not even really noticing his words as he focused on his work only to jump a little as he noticed how Myles was studying his work making the man blush red. “Um…well…I was just inspired it’s something I drew a while back that was liked…they want a longer series about these two lovers. I’ve finished the whole story it ends tragic for the first twelve the second half is much…more romantic and wholesome.” Yukie admitted as he reached in his bag pulling out all the other colors he had been hesitant on. “I went with red hair…because to me it was the most beautiful I could imagine for this story. It fits well with his nature.” Yukie admitted blushing even more as he sighed and set down the colors for Myles to look at. “Ahem either way it’s paying off the new house and the trip so finishing the colors and approving the first prints is all I need to do before we leave.”

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Myles looks back down at the character, really looks at them... He tilts his head. There was something familiar about them .... He just couldn't quite place it.

"Well it certainly is eye catching" he admits. The red head stares at the colors for a moment or two. He picks out a soft cream color, a deep blue, and silver. "Maybe keeping the color palette, cool toned with a touch of softness? The cream can tone everything down, giving the red more chance to shine. Or take the cream out entirely and stick with the cool blue and silver combination." Myles suggests. 

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“Mmh they look lovely together. I think I’ll do the cream, blue, and silver for the redhead. Then just blue and silver for the love interest.” Yukie admitted as he smiled happily enjoying just how beautiful the colors went with the books. Taking a few pictures with his phone he sent them to Taichi who then took the work from there. Sighing softly Yukie laid his head on the table feeling exhausted from overworking.


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Seeing his exhaustion, Myles stands up and stands behind Yukie a moment before gently running his fingers in Yukie's hair, giving his scalp gentle scratches, before planting a kiss on the back of the younger's head. 

"You did a good job. You've worked hard. Why not take a break for awhile.... Did you even come to bed last night?" Myles asked as he moved his hands to Yukie's back, giving more scritches there, rubbing his shoulders. 

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“Ah~. That feels really really nice.” Yukie sighed out as he melted under Myles touch. Looking up at Myles Yukie thought for a moment before answering. “I slept for a few hours, then kinda woke up…then worked.” Yukie explained leaving out that he had a visitor that woke him up. “I’m use to sleeping weird hours when I don’t have the kids.” Yukie explained with a small embarrassed blush. “I just needed this to be finished and to work. It’s setting up a good future for us.” Yukie added with a small sigh as he thought about how they would need to sort out moving before they came back and he wondered if Yuen and Yue could do that for them after the old house sold.

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Myles chuckles a little. "So does this make you man of the house and I'm the house wife now?" He starts running his finger tips gently on Yukie's neck before gently rubbing at the tension there to and planting another kiss. " Gonna go to Gio and his mother to ask my hand in marriage next?" He jokes. 

He stepped away to clean up the table and get himself properly dressed for the day. 

Meanwhile, Gio had received Yukie's text last night asking for a .... Coffee appointment? Did he mean he wanted to go get coffee together? Wait-- so does that mean he was fine?! Darrius came back yesterday telling him the shit that happened in the car garage and he was pissed to high hell! Gio knew Myles would never have told him anything about his harassment himself. Sure the red head told him about the flirting and the less than subtle hints but jesus Darrius told him that and Gio was ready to go to war. Then he had talked about Yukie disappearing and he immediately felt his stomach drop.... Myles had already gone through the wringer the first go  around. But that to was cleared up after a barrages of texts and Myles answered later ... Assuming he was rushing from all the typos but Gio got the gist of it. 

But then he scrolled through other messages and noticed Yukie had sent him the coffee invite...... He thought about and finally just came to the conclusion that yea maybe he SHOULD really speak to the guy whose apparently already ready to not just walk but LAUNCH down the wedding aisle with Myles with two kids in tow!

'Yea sure what didja wanna meet up about? Darrius told me about this little shop on the other side of town he wants to go to.' 


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“If that’s what you want to be called then sure.” Yukie teased back as he blushed at Myles next comment. “Well…it’s good to know since I need to ask first for their blessing it would be good to know what kinda flowers and chocolates they like also.” Yukie added with a chuckle as he started to clean up his papers and put them away in his bag.  Hearing his phone ding Yukie sighed and thought for a moment.

‘I've learned some things about Myles. I need to talk to you about his past….and well…I need total  promise you’ll keep this secret. I’ll meet up after Myles goes and gets the kids. It’s something I can’t talk to him about but maybe you two can help me?’

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"I was joking I assure you. How would it look if you or Taichi were talking and introduce me as your wife and people see a six foot two man walk up."Myles asks woth a raised brow.


Gio stares at his phone screen. He's learned things about Myles? What the hell does that even mean? And yea Gio has known Myles a long time but what could he tell Yukie that Myles wouldn't tell himself .... Unless....

' This is about his mother's murder and his old house isn't it? Look if that's what we're getting to it's best that you and I meet alone cuz that's going down a path that D doesn't know anything about .... I'm honestly a little concerned on how YOU found out.... Be sure Myles knows your out and that your coming back.... Meet me at the address I'll be sending you , it's roughly 15 minutes from Myles place.... Safe for me to assume you're there right?' 

With that, Gio drove down to the old Pit he and Myles would go to. If Yukie wanted the past, they were gonna talk about in the one place that he and Myles could always be open and honest. Besides .... He'd brought Darrius around once, it was Yukie's turn to see this place to. 

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“Honestly they would accept it, if they didn’t they wouldn’t be worth keeping around.” Yukie replied as he continued texting Gio.

’yeah it’s about that.’ I’ll explain how I found out when we meet. I can see you in fifteen minutes just let me get a cab. Didn’t exactly drive here.’ 

Yukie texted Gio before grabbing his bag. “Myles, I need to run out for a bit I need to drop off my finished work to Taichi and have the printers look at it and run some errands I won’t be to long. I’ll be back by lunch and we can go out with the kids to eat before we go shopping.” Yukie yelled out already slipping on his shoes getting ready to leave quickly.

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The red head peeks out by the entrance. He looks .... A little disappointed.... Much like how you tell your big dog you're leaving for the day. " But.... " Myles started to try and make a reason, but stopped knowing Yukie still had work .... He knew the younger was still working now that he was back in the states.  

Myles bites his lip, swallowing. He wanted to ask for a kiss at least before Yukie left.... But maybe that was doing too much this early.... Nevermind they literally had sex in his shower last night. "O-ok... Hurry back....please" the last part is in the tiniest voice he's ever heard it. 

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“You’re acting so wounded like I’m forgetting about you.” Yukie replied as he smiled the thought of Myles missing him made his heart melt. “I would always make sure to give you a proper goodbye when I leave. I never did the first time u left and I wish I would have” Yukie admitted to Myles his words a sweet promise of love as he set his bag down and walked over before gently giving Myles a kiss on the lips. Breaking away from the kiss Yukie proceeded to kiss Myles cheeks and face smothering him with love and attention only ending the shower of kisses with a soft kiss to his lovers hand. “I’ll be back soon. If you really miss me feel free to call.” Yukie added with a small smirk.

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Myles was about to argue before he was assaulted with affection. He will never admit this to a single soul, but he did make a happy little noise when Yukie came back to gibe kisses. The redhead would've been content with just one but instead he's spoiled with a smorgasbord!! 

By the time Yukie pulls away, Myles is kissed dumb and a giddy dopey little smile is plastered on his now beet red face. 

All the redden red head can is a quiet little "ok ...bye~❤" Myles will never admit to anybody he felt like a giddy little school girl and ran to screech in his pillow once Yukie was out the door. 

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Yukie finally leaving was only fifteen minutes later meeting Gio after getting a cab. Once at the address the man looking at his phone as he texted Gio he was here. Not sure what to make of the place Yukie awkwardly waited for Gio.

Edited by Yukonwolfspirit
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Once receiving his text, Gio walks out the entrance and stands behind Yukie, leaning down and whispers "... What are we staring at?" Fully intent on spooking the younger man for his own entertainment.

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“Fuck! Do you wanna explain how I got a heart attack here to Myles?” Yukie asked as he had jumped at Gios words and stepped away a look of slight panic in his eyes. “Just…fuck. Trying to figure out where the hell I am.” Yukie added as he sighed a touch and looked at the entrance? (I’m blanking on what the place should look like)

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