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I'm getting too old for this


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Gio barks out boisterous laughter. "Ahhhh he'd find it funny. Young kid like you? Having a heart attack." 

But joking aside, he steps aside, flinging out his arm, as though he's presenting a new building and it is .... To Yukie. 

"Let me be the first to welcome you to what Myles and I called our home away from home .... The Pit." 

The outside of the building was old. Many years old from the looks of it.... A few windows broken in, and it looked like the chains where still latched together on the entrance door. The brick hid the years of weathering well until you walked up close to it. 

Gio jerks his head towards the building. " C'mon I'll show you how we hot inside...." The elder leads Yukie around the side to a scraggly gate door. The rust on the bars poking through the paint. But oddly enough, the padlock on the gate lock looks new well ... Newer than the rest of the building anyway.... Gio takes out a key and unlocks said padlock. He and Myles probably put it there when they found the place or replaced it prior. 

Inside was wide open floors, rooms with furniture looking as though they were meant to be offices, or maybe teaching rooms? But the ground floor was opened and made the whole place both so huge yet .... Oddly guarded. 

Gio takes out a lighter and begins flicking it. " ...... Myles and I found this place years ago.... According to some old blue print plans, it was designed and meant to be a start up company meant to sell medical equipment and teach class for trades in the medical field.... The company went under before it even got off the ground sadly and the building has just sat abandoned ever since..... We came here whenever there was something serious we wanted to talk about or discuss or just clear our heads without any real judgement from .... Regulars as we called 'em...." Gio explains. He chuckles "Would you believe me if I said Myles was incredibly violent and quick to anger. People could breath in his direction and he took offense to their very existence...." 

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“I can believe it. He threw Taichi upon first meeting him. Also is his boss still alive?” Yukie asked as he looked around the place highly amused by the building and its use. “Might ask if you made sure to play safe here and got your shots. But from the looks of it I doubt you two would have cared” Yukie added trying to make light of the situation as he settled down on a chair and let out a deep sigh. “I’ll be honest. Completely out of my element here. I lived indoors most my life like a caged rabbit.” Yukie admitted as he relaxed a touch more before taking a moment to mull over his words. “I trust…you’ll keep this between us? Until I’m ready to talk to Myles properly about it…the only reason I asked to speak to you was to fill in some blanks that seems to painful for Myles to discuss” Yukie explained as he pulled out a six pack of beers and offered them to Gio before opening his own. Taking a deep drink he just dove into the conversation knowing it was up to Gio to believe him or not.

“So, always been able to see spirits…kinda a weird thing from back home and my whole life… lately Myles mum Aileen has been talking to me. She told me his name was Robyn, told me about her memories with him and then how she died…says Myles can’t handle the truth of her existence I think…. So, I Told Myles his old name cus I wanted to know why he changed it, he freaked out and went full panic mode and went off mentioning some man contacting me. I reassured him that wasn’t happening and I don’t have any man contacting me told him the truth of Aileen visiting multiple times and he kinda just lost it. Don’t know what to do now for him or how to figure out this puzzle. I mean mum is visiting me half the night and Myles seems mentally unstable if I ask questions about anything I’m learning so…fuck here we are and I’m explaining in some warehouse  hoping you don’t call Myles and tell him I’m a danger or have me carted off.” Yukie explained as he looked at Gio before drowning his beer a touch of fear in his eyes as he had just unleashed everything.

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Another laugh as Gio settles himself on a desk. "Myles wouldn't kill a man. He'll huff and puff even rough em up and break bones but he doesn't have it in him to actually kill somebody." He looks at Yukie, a knowing look in his eye. "You and I know he's too kind hearted nowadays for that. " 

But Yukie was quick to move to the real reason he was here....and Gio just sat listening, nursing the one beer he took. 

"So.... He did have a new name before he moved here.... And Robyn of all names.... " Gio has to laugh. "Of course...." 

As Yukie keeps going the whole thing does match what details he could pull out of Myles when they were younger.... And Myles freaking out now was probably from it being sprung on him so suddenly. Gio had taken months of coaxing and warming up to him before Myles would give him bits and pieces of what his last home was like. 

After all was said and done, Gio just ..... Stared. And stared.... Sipped his beer.... And stared some more!

"Well..... From what it sounds like .... There's not much you can do.... If what you say is true I don't think it's Myles can't accept.her existence it's that she is wanting him to come face to face with that tragedy in the past. From Myles has told me, his mother was killed by his father.... But I doubt she told you that Myles father is still alive and in prison...." Gio explains, chugging down the last of the beer before crushing the can against his head. "What's more if she's showing up now years after the incident.... It means something may be going down that will affect Myles in the near future.... Was there anything she mentioned that sounded along those lines?" 

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“Yeah, she said I should reveal it when the time is right. I don’t know how I’ll know when that is.” Yukie admitted relief flooding through him that Gio wasn’t seeing him as crazy. “She told me in a few short months he will receive news that will force him to face his past. She said he won’t confront his past unless I have hard proof. I have no idea how to get such a thing…let alone how to deal with his father…I’m sure him suffering and dying will put her to rest and make Myles more relaxed. Granted I’d do it myself hell I’d call in a favor from my ex take that hell again if it meant Myles could live life happy and safe again.” Yukie explained with a frustrated sigh. “I don’t know what to do. I’m out of my league here…I feel hopeless and powerless to do anything really I’m not one that could win in a fight if it came to it. I have no training…and unlike Yuen I’ve never held a knife or gun or even got in a fight. Hell…never even argued with anyone before Taichi stepped in. How am I suppose to be the help he needs or even protect him when I can’t do that for myself?” Yukie asked Gio as he helped himself to another beer already tipsy as he opened it and took another sip.

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"If your so out the league, why did you bother staking a claim on the prize pony then?" Gio asks, using his hand to block Yukie from drinking more beer. 

"Imagine for a moment if you will.... You and the boys come home... You're expecting Myles to be home waiting for you, smiling and arms open to hold you all close  .... He doesn't.... The house is oddly silent when you walk in. You call him he doesn't answer. You search the house and find his dead bloody body all over your shared bedroom..... His killer is still out in the world.... Now what would you do, Yukie?" Gio asks these questions not to be cruel, but because he had a feeling something big was about to happen and if Yukie truly wanted Myles at his side and he truly wanted to to keep the red head protected then .... "Yukie you are gonna need to learn to fight like you've got nothing to lose because everything is already on the line.... Nobody is born knowing how to hold a knife or knowing how to fight.... They are either forever sheltered and left behind or they are forced to learn to fight ..... Can you tell me what Myles choose after he was made motherless?" 

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“I couldn’t stop what my heart fell in love with. Didn’t think it would really go this far. He was out of my league I assumed he was being courted.” Yukie admitted as he set down his drink at Gios intervention. Listening to Gios words every bit sunk in deeper and deeper, the realization alone of what could happen terrifying him. “My guess is he chose to fight like hell. He had no choice. He became stronger for it.” Yukie whispered already feeling his head swirling as he knew what he needed to do for them but well…it wouldn’t be pretty. “….I need to be able to protect Myles. To make sure he’s safe, no matter what.” Yukie explained as he frowned knowing he had three options two which was easily doable with a security system and some self defense classes. The third though…well that would consist of talking to Yuen…and then Taichi for help. Something he knew was needed but not wanted since it would create some harsh groveling. “Do…you think you could stay with Myles…protect him for the day until I sort out some favors? Let me at least get a security system set up in the new house first?” Yukie asked softly already having a plan of action at the though of Myles being in any sort of danger.

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Gio looks at his phone for a moment. "I can but according to this text I just got, you promised your 'pony'  day of shopping with the kids when you got back from your errands didn't you?" 

He puts the phone away. Myles had asked if he was busy and if he could come over. "Myles texted me saying he wants me to come by, wants to chat about some BIG change that's happened between you two...." He tilts his head as if checking for something. "You don't look like you two fucked six ways to sunday... But either way I can keep him occupied for a few hours. Whatever your gonna do, try to get it wrapped up by four at the latest. You can at least make an excuse that your printing company was taking longer because of some misprint." Gio turns to head over to Myles place. He pauses "Oh and if your gonna use Myles as your *ahem* model? At least don't make it so obvious. Myles is painfully oblivious but anybody with eyes is gonna catch the resemblance in an instant. Oh! And he's got a little birthmark on his inner right thigh just before his buttcheek .... Have fun finding that!" And Gio is running off laughing. 

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“Yeah I told him I had to run to work first.” Yukie added with a frown as he realized he didn’t really have time to fix things before going out with Myles. Hearing Gio offer to buy him some time Yukie felt like he could breathe a sigh of relief only to instantly blush at the mention of them fucking. “…I wouldn’t tire him out badly but he might be a little sore.” Yukie admitted as he looked away from Gio. “I’ll um text him I’ll be a bit later and back around four.” Yukie added as he grabbed his bag and the beer. “Thank you Gio. For helping me so much.” Yukie added sincerely offering his thanks to the man who had been nothing but kind to him. “I noticed…I plan on changing it up at the printers didn’t think it looked so much like him.” Yukie mumbled slightly embarrassed with how much Myles was consuming his life, the act alone something he loved but he worried others wouldn’t see that love and instead think he was obsessing. Hearing about Myles birthmark Yukies face just blanked as he was clearly trying to search for an image in his brain for the birthmark wondering how he missed such a thing. Coming back to reality he waved Gio off and pulled out his phone to text Myles his change of plans and being late coming back at four and then called Taichi who twenty minutes later showed up in a black car.

-few hours later-

Yukie groaned as he laid on the floor the man covered in welts and bruises as Taichi sighed and nudged him with his foot. “Come on, security system may be top of the line at home but it’s nothing if you can do hand to hand combat. Guns run out of bullets eventually.” Taichi explained a touch harshly as he stood in combat wear the two having headed off for training. “Be happy I kept your face pretty~” Taichi added as Yukie huffed and got up the man drenched in sweat but alive from the training session.

-Beginning of backstory-

Taichi had once back home ran a high up mafia the man was head of security and quite scary at his job. When he met Yuen they had just been orphaned and the man was begging to be hired by the mob boss desperate for money and security to survive until he was on his feet. Seeing Yuen Taichi of course found Yuen interesting in his pleas for help since unknowing to him Yukie was always quite ill. Taichi of course moved in to his house Yuen who at the time was 22, and Yukie who was only 14. He worked on teaching Yuen self defense and the basics to get him a job as a security guard allowing him more flexibility to be home and of course he was wanting to save him from a life of bloodshed and violence.

When the mob boss passed Taichi took over as a high end security firm ceo, then he went on and got a deeper education in medicine and therapy. At this point after he graduated Yuen had met Yue and they moved out with Yukie who at 18 had moved on to married another company Ceo to solidify Yuens own company he had invested his life savings in with Yue assuring it would thrive for generations. Taichi after the first year of marriage for them both would visit and keep up in friendly terms only keeping tabs.

Eventually it went to only seeing Yuen once a year due to them being busy…until he found them at three am on his doorstep, with Yukie ending up in his medical clinic. From there he took on Yukie as a patient moving him in with him to give him full time care. This lasted until they moved to where Myles was Taichi only keeping tabs via message until he heard yukie had vanished and with Yuens pleas he packed up and moved closer to be of help knowing Yukie so well in his time with him that he knew he would be able to help once Yukie returned.

-End of backstory-

“easy…for you to say. Your use to being like this.” Yukie grumbled as he wheezed and got up slowly having felt like Taichi had broken ribs and knocked the air out of him.

”Trust me. You want to protect Myles you need to be well rounded in taking pain and hand to hand combat you’ll do no good if we can’t get your body use to being stressed and hurt. Plus I still don’t fully trust you with a gun.” Taichi admitted as he had gone and bought Yukie a gun for under his clothes and some knives to cover all of his bases.

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Myles was standing in the kitchen, having dressed for the day and fixing up a snack for the boys, when he got Yukie's text that he was going to be later than planned. He was a little disappointed by the news but Yukie had told him that they were giving him the run around to begin with. 

The red head decided he'd go ahead and make the boys lunch instead, speaking of he hears a thud in their playroom. Myles peeks around into the door to see they've completely over taken Gio and have dog piled onto him. "Boys let's not crush Uncle Gio, yea? Daddy says he's gonna be a little late so we're gonna have lunch at home instead ok? And then we'll go out and do some shopping and when Daddy gets back, I'll see if I can talk him into getting us pizza, sound like a plan?" He asks t the door frame. 

He just hoped Yukie could finish soon. Their massive trip to Japan was literally a day and a half away and he and Tai still haven't had the chance to get together and really ... TALK about ... Them..... And how they all would .... Work. Myles had never had a relationship with 3 people. Was Tai just gonna be strictly intimate with Yukie? Yukie would be intimate with both of them.... Myles started feeling his fave begin to heat up and he quickly went back to the kitchen.

What's worse is how ... Distant he was the night Yukie had officially introduced Taichi as his other partner.... Of course this led down the lane of wondering if he and Tai would actually .... Mesh well and have any kind of chemistry together... If they weren't together that was fine, but Myles just worried in the back of his mind if they'd at least be on friendly terms.

Gio comes out of the room, both boys under his arms like potato sacks and plopped in their chairs as Myles put down their lunch plates. 

"So uh .... That's funny lil necklace you have there..." Gio teases. Myles whips around red faced. 

The friends sit and chat, while the boys ate and played waiting for Yukie to get back. Gio checking for any thing online concerning the anniversary of Myles mother's death.... It's made incredibly difficult since he only has Myles first name ...

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“We’re back~” Taichi called out as he let himself in carrying some bags and some snacks for the kids the man looking incredibly well rested.

”sorry we are late. They really gave us a run around about the final process but papers are signed and I’ve been paid.” Yukie explained as he followed Taichi in the poor man looking like he had been thoroughly put through a wringer.

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Both men jerked their heads up from the table, Myles getting up to greet Yukie at the door before abruptly stopping spotting the younger man looking exhausted! "So .. Wh-what happened at the meeting?! You look exhausted!" Myles holds Yukie's face inspecting him, with gentle fingers. Gio tries to make a motion to tell both Taichi and Yukie 'DONT TELL HIM WHERE YOU REALLY WERE!' 

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“Ah, I had to redo so much so many times. Taichi was ruthless with getting it perfect.” Yukie replied as he put his bag up high on a counter where the kids couldn’t reach it or get into his bag of weapons. 

“It wouldn’t have been a problem had you don’t it right the first time and as I told you, you only have yourself to blame.” Taichi replied as he glanced over at Gio before he lounged on the couch and relaxed leaving Myles to fuss over Yukie. “Also should mention Yukie fell down a few flights of stairs. It’s what he gets for having a few beers with the printing company executives for a job well done while I stepped out to take a call from the realtor. His drunken ass might be a little wounded…nothing overly concerning.” Taichi explained knowing Yukie looked like he should be in a hospital and on bed rest but well…he personally glanced him over and said he was fine to go home and that it would “build character”.

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"What do you mean he fell 'a few flights'?!?" Myles whips around staring at Tai wide eyed. He glares at Taichi extremely displeased, very much the image if a mother about to scold her teenager. 

"You didn't think to immediately take him to an ER and get him checked?!" Myles starts to tear into Taichi, pinching his ear. Gio is covering his mouth to keep from laughing. 

This goes on for a good few minutes before that wrath is turned on Yukie.

"And You!! Are you even supposed to be drinking with the medications your supposed to be taking?! What are you doing going out drinking!?" 

Gio is off to the side slapping the table to keep the absolute barrel of laughter wanting to break free. 

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Seeing Gios laughter Yukie raised a brow as he watched Taichi getting his ear removed the man completely shocked by Myles punishment and just saying ow and sorry over and over. Looking as Myles came over to him and started scolding him Yukie couldn’t help but burst into tears.

“Ah. I-I was just trying to be more manly…Gio pointed out I-I can’t protect you or anyone.” Yukie replied as he stood in front of Myles the hot tears falling thickly down his face. “I felt bad not being able to be like most men….so I went to a training class because Gio said I needed to protect you and my family because what if something g happened…and the instructor was so mean to me and so harsh!” Yukie sobbed as he showed his nearly broken ribs to Myles his whole body looking just as bad as Taichi snickered into his hand knowing Yukie was fully throwing Gio and somewhat him under the bus. “Taichi lied to you so I could save some face until I got better at the class. I only had one beer to! I just wanted to celebrate buying us a family home a-and getting a promotion” Yukie explained with hiccuping sobs as he looked at Myles absolutely heartbroken.

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Myles stands stunned a moment. Gio stares at Yukie with a brow raised. 'this little shit really just--!' The man thought. 

Myles sighs out sounding almost fond. He whips around glaring at Gio causing his old friend to tense up a moment. "You and I will be chatting later." Myles states through gritted teeth. But turning his attention back to the now blubbering Yukie in front of him, Myles is now placing gentle arma around Yukie and patting his head, and rubbing his back, gently cooing and shushing him.

"Okay sweetheart, settle down... " Myles would give gentle kisses to Yukie's head but with Gio and Taichi present he starts feeling a little self conscious....

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“Tai also…he took me…he took me to get a gun too….… to help me feel better after my class because I vomited and was crying afterwards…he said I was still untrustworthy but he took me to a dealer and picked one out…then he showed me how to properly shoot it. I couldn’t tell you about it because you would be pissed at him” Yukie added with another sob and sniffle as he wiped away his tears and snuggled into Myles a little. “I’m so scare I’m going to loose you… and the kids so I panicked…I got a nice security system best one I could get for us and I’m going to go get some barb wire for your door.” Yukie added with a small hiccup as he secretly flipped off Taichi for the abuse to his ribs and a equal finger to Gio for laughing at him being so beat up.

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"Yukie, sweetheart, you can't put barbed wire on my door the landlord won't allow it and I can lose my security deposit and second you don't need a gun." Myles trues to calm Yukie down still unsure as to why the other was suddenly so concerned about everyone's safety. 

Gio raised a brow at the finger and quickly snapped a picture and flipped it to show Yukie he was seeing straight through his crocodile tear bullshit. 

"Yukie, hun, are you stressed out because of the trip? Is that what's causing all this upset?" Myles asks finally thinking he figured out what the problem really is.


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“No, Gio pointed out I couldn’t protect you or the kids…what if some man comes after you…or my ex.” Yukie asked as he started to calm himself. “I just got you back…I’m terrified to lose you.” Yukie added with a small hiccup as he moved and curled up a little on the couch the hiccups causing pain to his sides. “I-I can’t protect you and Gio calls a prize pony. How am I suppose to compete? To keep you near and happy he even said it didn’t look like we had good sex.” Yukie added as he dramatically sobbed into a pillow his poor pride stabbed.

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And that, is where Myles starts getting suspicious. He narrows his eyes at Yukie. Gio makes a hissing noise when Yukie said that. 

Myles crosses his arms across his chest. "Yukie ... Are you sure that's what Gio had said?" The red head asks raising a brow. He was starting to smell a fib. "Word for word he said that?" 

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“He said I bagged a prize pony. And asked how I’m suppose to protect you. I couldn’t protect you about that man creeping on you at work. I just ran away. He’s right…” Yukie replied at he looked at Myles. “And maybe you should look more worn out after fucking.” Yukie mumbled a little blush on his cheeks

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Myles raises brow, Gio sucks his teeth. "Wrong answer kid" he mumbles before Myles turns to him.

"Qu'est-ce que tu lui as vraiment dit pour qu'il soit si bouleversé ?"


"Ik zei alleen dat als hij je wil beschermen, hij moet leren vechten. Ik heb nooit iets over een pistool gezegd"


"Avez-vous réellement fait un commentaire sur notre vie sexuelle ?"


"Ja, maar alleen dat HIJ er op zes manieren niet verdomd uitzag tot zondag"

Myles turns back looking Yukie directly in the eyes, scowling even harder now. "Yukie .... You wouldn't fib to me right?" 

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Taichi just laughed at the exchange and looked at Yukie before uttering in Japanese. “Your fucked. They know other languages and can talk without you knowing. Your dramatic ass might get into more trouble.”  Taichi told Yukie who raised a brow at his words.

”Myles might not be 100% fluent you idiot but he does understand well enough.” Yukie replied as he sighed and looked at Myles as he spoke to him out of Gios earshot. “He pointed out i didn’t look like I fucked you six ways to Sunday so apparently I wasn’t good at it…” Yukie replied as Taichi raised a brow at the words. “He also implied I couldn’t protect you against future threats. Said I needed to learn how to protect you asked me what I would do if one day I came home with the boys to find your body pieces strewn across the house. Told me I should learn to fight like I’ve got nothing to lose. So I am. I’m breaking myself to make sure I can. Taichi hurt me while I was learning he means well and wasn’t trying to but I’m weak I hurt and bruise easily.” Yukie explained as he sighed not being able to lie to Myles. “I’ll admit I was being dramatic but what I said is almost fully true. Some things…I’m still figuring out.” Yukie finished as he looked at his hands feeling like he was going to be scolded heavily.

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Myles looks to Taichi then back at Yukie and whips out his own admittedly heavily accented Japanese.

"Jissai no tokoro, watashi no nihongo wa jūbun ni matomo ni natta to omoitaidesu, arigatō, Taichi"

(Actually I would like to think my Japanese is decent enough Taichi)

But he sighs heavily and looks back to Gio

"Et qu'y a-t-il de absurde à propos de moi en tant que poney primé ?

(And what is this nonsense about me being a prize pony?)

"Ik zei wel zoiets, maar bedoelde het als metafoor"

(I said something like that, but meant it as a metaphor)

Again Myles sighs. Rubs his temples before he leans down to Yukie, still a scowl sitting on his face. He reaches up and pinches both Yukie and Taichi's ears and smacks them both on the head. 

"Do not." He pokes them both in their foreheads "Lie to me." He pokes matching the words "Again." And another swat to their heads before he stands straight again. "Honestly I have four kids at this point two real children and two adult babies I swear. And don't involve Gio in your fibs again Yukie. That's not nice." 


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“He’s the one that said to lie a bit.” Yukie grumbled as he rubbed his forehead and huffed.

”Don’t be to harsh. On him he is wounded.” Taichi grumbled alongside Yukie as he rubbed his poor red ear. “Besides we did get work done and buy the house we wanted to show you it after dinner. Let the kids see it also.” Taichi added as he nudged Yukie who nodded in agreement. 

“Sorry for the trouble I caused you Gio.” Yukie mumbled as he looked at the man. “I enjoy your friendship so I hope you’ll forgive my naive young youthfulness.” Yukie asked as he got up and handed his bag to Myles to put in a closet,

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Myles took the bag to go put it away in the other room. Gio watched till the redhead was out of sight before glaring at Yukie. 

"Pull that again you little shit and you won't be getting any info I get on the current .... Situation, understand?" Gio snaps a little. "I told you make an excuse not throw everybody under the bus!" 

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