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I'm getting too old for this


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“Sorry not exactly good at the improvising game I panicked I don’t even know what I’m suppose to say half the time about this crap. I mean one wrong word and he runs for the hills.” Yukie replied back as he groaned and leaned on the counter. “Fuck Taichi...” Yukie replied with a huff as he threw a shoe at Taichi his face a little paler from pain. 

“Look Gio, my understanding is Yukie just mentioned his mother and Myles broke down. Imagine Yukie mentioning his father or anything like that being the reason he wants to learn this stuff. I think Myles would lose it. It’s easier to have a blow to his ego from your side. Besides It’s not like Yukies well versed in relationships or even life outside of his office.” Taichi defended as he looked at Yukie and frowned a little while he had tried to rough him up he didn’t think he had actually deeply hurt him in their two hours fighting.

”Look. Gio I apologize won’t pull that shit again because I know your more deadly then this black haired bastard. I fucked up and if I could kneel I’d be at your feet. I apologize for throwing you under the bus. I can’t easily lie to Myles so I panicked and went to being upset.” Yukie explained as he moved back to the couch.

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"Listen I get panicking and yea trust me I am WELL AWARE none of us can actually speak on the matter. But don't above everybody else in the cross fire.... There's ways around it." Gio explains from his end. He knows this whole situation is fu ked as fucked could be. "But Myles also doesn't respond well to lying so nest time make the excuse a little more believable and definitely don't try that crocodile tear shit either. Too mamy people have tried that with both of us in the past and it never ended well...." Gio sighs. This was all getting messy too quickly. "I know you don't know Myles like I do, but you've got time to learn and how to navigate him. So lesson learned, next time both of you come up with a better excuse or at least stick to the one you're gonna use. And rake the consequences that go with it." He states definitely sending them a verbal jab for their first fob of Yukie falling down the stairs.

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“I will keep that in mind.” Yukie mumbled as he looked at Taichi then to a sleepy Haru who had fallen asleep among his toys in his room. 

“Mama. Tama is awake. We can go now.” Haru grumbled as he had struggled to sleep and was now looked around for Myles the kid looking a mess with crazy hair and stickers all over while carrying Tama who was starting to wake up. “Mama!” Haru yelled startling Tama who started crying.

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"I'm here!! I'm here I'm here it's ok!" Myles had finally come bolting from the back room. He took Tama into his arms, gently shushing and comforting the startled child. "Huuuush blue bird, it's ok. I'm here." Myles speaks gently as he pats Tama's back and rocking the baby. He looks down at Haru and snickers at his sticker covered face and bed head. "How's about you go to the bathroom and I'll come help you clean up and then we all go and get some shopping done and pizza for dinner." He walks over to Yukie to give him Tama once he quieted "I'll go get Haru cleaned up while you keep hold of Tama ok?" 

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“Alright,” Yukie replied as he looked at Tama who just puffed up at the thought of being handed off but settled down.

”…he’s quite small?” Taichi mumbled as he looked at Tama and carefully sat beside Yukie. “I’ll admit I haven’t been around children or babies but is he suppose to be so small?” Taichi asked softly as he flinched when Tama turned sharply to look at him with a glare.


“Mama….i made myself pretty.” Haru explained as he held Myles hand tightly and followed him to be destickered. “Tama keeps babbling to the man in the closet….he says he lived here before you…he’s old.” Haru mumbled with a small yawn as he looked down at his sticker covered shirt.

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Mykes smiles as he picks up Haru to sit him on the bathroom counter. "Yes very pretty lil man, now hold still so I can get this out of your hair ok?" And Myles begins to gentle detangle tangle the sticky adhesives from the young boys hair. 

Hearing about the old man concerns Myles but he also knows Haru has odd dreams when he's sleepwalking. "Oh? What does the old man look like? Have either of you seen him before?" 

Aileen watches from the ceiling. She smiles at little Haru, listening in on their conversation. She herself hadn't come across another spirit but then again she hasn't actively went looking.

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“Mhmm hes like the grumpy old man in the books he likes playing chess Tama likes to follow him around. He doesn’t like the color you painted our room though says his brown was better. It use to be a library for him. He collected books and-and things” Haru explained as he stopped and looked up at Aileen. “Hello…” Haru mumbled as he blushed and looked at the woman confused on who she was before looking back at Myles the lad squirming under the sticker removing. “Taichi doesn’t like Tama.” Haru added as he watched the lady. “He-He doesn’t hold him ever or do anything only Yukie does.” Haru explained with a frown still watching the woman curiously.

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Myles laughs. "Well as l[ng as you boys like the room that's all that really matters. You tell that ghost man it's not for him to like anymore." 

Aileen huffs a little at that. Who was this man to say what her son painted her grandbabies rooms!! She'll need to find this man and tell him exactly how she feels on that!! She flits through the ceiling again, the lights flickering at her discontent. 

Hearing Tai didn't like one of the boys, Myles thought it might be ... Another reason entirely. "I don't think that's quite it Lil Man .... Taichi probably hasn't held a baby before ... He's probably nervous..."

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“Tama isn’t a baby he’s 1 he can walk a bit.” Haru replied as he frowned confused by how Tama was still a baby to Taichi since he knew his brother was younger but didn’t fully need baby things. “He only watches us play outside when we visit though he won’t let me play on the swing or climb anything.” Haru grumbled with an annoyed huff at the fact Taichi was so over protective he was treating the kids like glass. “Can I go now?” Haru asked softly as he was dying of boredom sitting on the counter. “I want to have a snack and get my shoes on.” Haru explained as he squirmed a little.


“Taichi, if you keep panicking you’ll definitely drop him.” Yukie added as he chuckled while looking at Taichi who was pale faced and frozen on the couch as he held Tama close terrified of dropping the poor kid.

”…You…You can’t just hand him off like this.” Taichi squeaked out his voice shaking as he watched as Yukie got up and got himself a drink. “Please take the baby before I vomit.” Taichi asked Yukie feeling so worried for the kid. “Myles would kill me if they got hurt hell…I couldn’t stay around if I hurt them.” Taichi whispered as he visibly flinched at Tama snuggling into him the child having fallen back asleep in Taichi’s warm arms.

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"Hold on hold. Remember what we said about patience lil man. If he can wait he gets the seat at the front gate." Myles says as he fixes Haru's hair. Once satisfied, Myles gives Haru a little smooch to his head and places him on the ground, "Ok get your snack and get your shoes on and we'll get going." 

Myles walks out back to the living room to see Tai looking absolutely terrified. He tries not to laugh .... He really really REALLY tries ...... But he fails miserably. "Y-you l-look-- Ha ha ha ha!! You look like the baby plans to eat you alive!!" Myles continues to laugh before coming to situate Taichi properly. "Would you like some help?" He asks with a gentle smile after he's stifled his giggles. 

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“Yes please, Yukie’s being cruel to me. I’m not to fond of kids.” Taichi explained the poor man just having never interacted with them before so he tended to avoid them altogether. “Outside of basic medical and therapy care I don’t do anything regarding kids.” Taichi admitted as he couldn’t even move to hand Tama off to Myles since he didn’t even know how to. “I don’t want him to cry or fall.” Taichi squeaked out his voice shaking as Haru looked at him and crawled up to look at Tamas sleeping face only making Taichi almost pass out from stress now with two kids on him.

”kinda fun to watch him squirm. Never would have believed he was a mafia man.” Yukie mumbled to Gio with a snicker as he sat in his chair watching the chaos unfold.

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"Oh hush. Give him here...." Myles carefully takes hold of Tama. He whispers as he instructs on what he's doing. "You hold up his head with your palm and wrist and support him with your forearm against you when you sit down." Myles demonstrated. He leans back against the couch, giving Tama gentle sweet kisses to his little head. 

"Tamaaaa~ blue bird we going bye bye~" He cooes trying to get the baby up and more coherent. "Do you want to try on your own?"

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“I’m…I’m good they’re both cute and all.” Taichi replied his face red from embarrassment as Haru giggled and snuggled down on Taichi’s lap leaving no space for him to even try to hold Tama.

”Taichi doesn’t hold Tama.” Haru reaffirmed with Myles as he looked up at Taichi who could just die right there now that Myles knew just how bad he was with his kids.

”Taichi. Why don’t you go put your bag in the car?” Yukie asked Taichi who nodded and once Haru was picked up was instantly out of the room without so much as a word. Taking Taichi’s place Yukie chuckled as he relaxed beside Myles and Tama. “He’s quite uneasy. I’m chalking it up to being a first time parent.” Yukie explained as he watched Tama huff and hide away cutely in Myles arms refusing to be so easily woken with just basic kisses the child clearly holding out due to wanting to be snuggled more.

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Gio snickered. "That's no excuse you're all first time parents!" He laughs again getting up from the table.

Myles blows a lil raseberry into Tama's cheek, "Cmooonnnn lil birdie baby~ you wanna go buh byes? We go buh byes!" The red head coes more. Showering more kisses and snuggles, more raseberry cheeks and all. "He's just nervous he'll be ok, say yea he'll be ok!" 


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“Mgngh bug pleese?” Tama asked as he yawned and stretched a little fully waking up with a small giggle and snuggle to Myles.

“Well, hes always been alone. He grew up quite feral and alone and has kept that way. If he didn’t meet Yuen he would be living alone still.” Yukie explained with a chuckle as he watched Tama adorably snuggle Myles.

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"Yea well that gonna be changing real quick from what I've heard" Gio says with a raised brow. It earns him a glare from Myles, paused his snuggles with Tama. "Shush old man--" "Hey!" "Haru, lil man you have your shoes? We're gonna go bud!" Myles calls as he makes his way to the door. 

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“Got them! And my bag!” Haru declared as he stood in a messy coat but with shoes on and his small backpack all ready for their trip.

”didn’t know you knew about things should have guessed though.” Yukie replied with a raised brow as he slipped on his own shoes Taichi arriving to carry anything else out the man carrying a small bag of snacks he had brought for the kids while he stepped out. Tama of course at the sight of Taichi giggled and reached at him wanting to be held and dig through the snacks.

”Myles, do you have a list of what we need?” Yukie asked as he checked his phone looking at the house so he could show Myles later after they shopped.

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"You wanna go to Tai? Yea~tell him!" Myles cooes holding up little Tama. "Tell him 'Tai! You need to coke snuggle me!'" Making Tama wave his little baby hands at him. "You'll never get used to handling and holding him if you don't try." Myles trues to encourage as gently as possible. 

The red head in tact does have a small list and has it pulled up throu his phone. "Yea. So I have all the boys clothes and spares put aside so they still need new luggage bags to be packed. I want them picking their own travel toothbrushes and tooth pastes as well so they have something familiar. I'm not sure about you two but I need to grab a few travel toiletries and some new hair ties since my old ones have maybe a few more days in them before they're unusable." He goes down the list, giving Gio a quick wave as he leaves the men to their shopping. 

"Finally I want and english to Japanese translation dictionary. I can hold some simple conversations but I still want a book on hand." 

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Tai blushed as he was offered the child by Myles his heart melting at how kind and understating Myles was to him. Reaching out Tai gently took Tama and held him close his heart melting as he gently rocked Tama a maternal instinct visibly kicking in as he snuggled the baby. Cooing and fussing over Myles Tai walked over to the table to sit with Tama while Yukie and Myles talked.

”alright, that all sounds fun. I’d like to get the kids some airplane games for the trip.” Yukie added as he knew that movies could only hold someone over for so long. Grabbing Tais keys he picked up Haru who annoyingly huffed at Yukie since he was able to walk. “Let’s go. Before Tai melts anymore.” Yukie teased as Tai blushed even more.

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Myles chuckles. "See? You're a natural." 

The trip to the store was quick and simple. Placing Tama in the cart, Myles took parts of the list and broke them up and sent them to Yukie and Tai's phones. "If we wanna make this quick, Yukie you find the boys the games and activity booklets. Most times they'll be in the art and craft aisle. Tai, I'd like you to be in charge of getting the medicines for the plane in case anyone gets vertigo or motion sickness. There's a pharmacy up front, and the clerks are still there if you need help. I'll go look for luggage and toiletries, if you have preferences text me and I'll see what I can find. Do you want me to take the boys? Or do you want to take Haru woth you and see what he likes?" 

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“Go ahead and take the kids we can do our part quick. Plus I wanna surprise the kids with the games and art stuff” Yukie replied looking over his list as he waved goodbye and headed off to do his tasks. 

“Alright. We will meet you back here in ten twenty minutes tops.” Tai added as he headed off to get medicine leaving Myles alone to do his tasks. Looking up at Myles Haru smiled cutely.

”I’m going to help Mama shop.” Haru added as he was quite good at being a helper while shopping but ultimately did get a touch distracted by all the shiny things.

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Myles smiles back at the child. "Yes little man, you and your brother will come with me and we're gonna pick out luggage ok?" 

The tiny group made their way over to travel. Myles pointed out all the character suitcases. Common characters they would've seen in their cartoons. Ones with dinosaurs and fish. He pointed those out purposely letting the kids choose what they liked best. And then a very simple plain one for himself. He was unsure of what Yukie or Tai would want, he figured they could pick them out when they all met up again. 

Once that was picked, he took the boys over to hygiene care. "Ok Haru, what toothpaste you want? "

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“I want the fish one!” Haru declared as he hugged the fish covered suitcase that had many different types of fish on it.” Giggling Haru hugged the suitcase and helped Tama pick out a nice bug one Tama mumbling about the bugs on the suitcase. Following Myles to the toothpaste Haru looked at all the options very carefully before picking out a sparkly green toothpaste. “I like this one! It’s sparkly, but it’s apple.” Haru explained as he frowned a little at the fruit taste but showed Myles as he looked at Tama. “What about Tama?” Haru asked as he brought over five others for Tama to look out trying to help.

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Myles giggles a little "if you don't like apple why not pick another one? And Tama... We have to be careful because of Tama's allergies so we're getting him a plain toothpaste for now." Myles explained reaching for a alternative toothpaste that didn't have colors or have flavors to it. "When he gets a bit bigger we'll see if we can get him to try a flavored one. " 

A clerk came by to ask if Myles needed help. The red head looks over and smiles, saying they were fine and they both eventually entered casual conversation. Myles kept the boys close, Tama in the cart seat and Haru's hand in his own. 

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“Oh, back home before I lived with you…I was allergic to a lot of things. I just stayed in my room though. I got sick going outside.” Haru added as he put the toothpastes carefully back. Finding a sparkly one in mint he handed it to Myles along with a cute fish handled toothbrush. “The nanny was always crying though I got sick a lot like Tama.” Haru added making a face as he huffed. “I don’t like apples because I could only eat them…and oatmeal…and eggs.” Haru explained letting Myles know exactly why he fussed over those foods so much because while he wasn’t starved he wasn’t exactly allowed to eat anything new while he lived in his room at the other house for the first two years of his life until Yukie got him. Looking over at the clerk coming over to talk to Myles Haru hid shyly behind Myles clinging to his mamas hand.


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