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I'm getting too old for this


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The clerk seeing Haru hiding behind Myles, gushes "Hello~ whose this a nephew? Or babysitting? Oh!! Are you a nanny?! Ya know it's so nice seeing an older guy nanny these days!! I bet you get lots of ladies calling for you! With a couple of cute babies in to--" 

Myles was starting to get a little uncomfortable, feeling his eye twitch. He isn't sure what to say! While he could understand why the clerk doesn't see them as father and children, why the hell is automatically a nanny!? Though he supposes it's better they assume that then thinking he kidnapped a couple children!! "W-well you see I-I'm actually--" the red head tries to speak up and correct the chatty clerk. Buuuut they just. Keep. TALKING. 

"Omigod!! And I can't imagine how your own family must love having such an amazing babysitter!! Cuz these lil guys must love you!!" 

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Watching the clerk talk Haru moved away a little at his gushing and looked at Myles slightly. Watching as the adults talked he started to notice Myles not being able to get a word in and getting increasingly uncomfortable. “This is MY Mama!” Haru replied his voice quite angry and cold as he spoke up finally. “You’re not a very nice helper! You’re not letting my Mama talk!” Haru stated as he looked at the clerk before moving in front of Myles. “You need to go now I don’t want to talk to you anymore.” Haru added very firmly as he glared at the clerk.  “If you don’t…I’ll make sure you get in trouble.” Haru added as he looked at the clerk as if daring them to even challenge him.

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"Haru!!" Myles was utterly flabbergasted at Haru's sudden boldness. The young boy had been so shy before hand and now suddenly he's just as outspoken as Yukie... Well ... Like father like son I guess.... Myles thought as he picked up Haru to put him in the basket of the cart. "Very sorry for my son I think he's just getting impatient, anyway thank you again but you have a nice day!" And Myles quickly pushes the cart away with the boys in tow. 

He looks to Haru, not angry mind you. Surprised, very but he can't deny Haru's little outburst gave them a reason to run off and escape. He spoke to him in Japanese to keep other's from hearing in around them. 

"Haru.... Why'd you say to the clerk? Did he make you uncomfortable? " 

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“Taichi said if an adult makes me uncomfortable or upset I can ask them to leave. He also said if they don’t I can start screaming and behaving bad.” Haru explained as he looked out the cart at the floor moving fast under them. “Otōsan (Dad) also said  I can kick them in the leg if they keep being mean. They were mean to you. You didn’t like talking to them.” Haru explained as he looked now at his toothpaste looking it over happily.

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Myles felt his eye twitch. 

"Haru while I agree with what Taichi said you also need to know when it's appropriate to do that. That person there, yes was a little ..... Much, you can't speak too far out of turn, ok?" 

Myles didn't want to stifle Haru. He was appreciated that the boys were taught to speak their minds early, he also knew what the older generation would say against them and their heritage. He didn't want either of his boys to run into trouble down the line if they said the wrong thing to the wrong person. Myles was all too familiar with the consequences of that happening. 

"We'll talk more about it later ok. For now just know I am proud of you for speaking up for me." And he truly was. The boys would learn to stand for others who couldn't do it for themselves early on. A step for their confidence that again the red head was grateful for. 

"Lets see if we can't find papa and Tai, ok?" And Myles steers them towards the medicines and pharmacy section looking for Taichi first. 

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“Okay.” Haru replied as he smiled and accepted Myles rules looking around he pointed to an isle where Taichi and Yukie where holding hands and looking at some cute pajama sets.

”I think pink would be nice but the green looks good too,” Yukie added as he showed off the silk pajamas on himself.

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"Found anything for yourselves? Found the boys' luggage bags pretty quickly!" Myles calls out to both men. He takes Haru from the basket to let him go greet Yukie "Go show them your bag!" He encourages, stirring towards the others.

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“Oh yeah, we were just looking at a matching pajama sets for us three.” Yukie replied with a smile as he looked over Haru’s bag with him. 

“We got everything else we needed. Even a few extras.” Taichi added mentioning to the basket that had a few adult items tucked under some basic things. “We are just needing two final things for the trip. We were waiting for the kids to pick them out.” Taichi explained as he smiled at Myles only to look down at Tama who was grabbing Myles shirt wanting to get down but well he wasn’t a very talkative kid. “Seems you three had fun.” Taichi stated before picking out a nice strawberry set in each of their sizes and set them in the cart.

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With a baby tugging at him, Myles picks Tama up to snuggle into him. "Matching? Pajamas?" The red head started feeling a touch bashful. "That's um .... Do couples do that?" Myles felt like an idiot for asking. 

"Why don't you take the boys for that last thing you needed and I'll tale the other things up to check out." Myles suggested trying to make the trip as quick as possible

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“Well I’m not sure but Taichi wanted to get some. He also got a few other things for us to try as couples.” Yukie explained as he smiled and watched Tama who just snuggled into Myles before squirming to be put down to play.

”I am fine if you want to check out…but we got some intimate things for the trip. You might not like the stares.” Taichi told Myles not wanting to embarrass the man. “How about, I check out and you two go and get the last three items.” Taichi offered to try and save Myles from seeing the condoms, lube, and personal sex items he had helped pick out. While Taichi had humored Yukie on that portion of their needs, well he would be lying saying he hadn’t been blushing the whole time.

”I find that fine. It’s just some comfort items for traveling a new toy set, a stuffed animal, and then something for Myles to make the trip special.” Yukie teased Myles.

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Myles felt his whole face heat up knowing the implications to those words already. "O-oh...." He's thankful for the distraction of Tama wanting down, he sets the child down for a moment, still holding his hand to keep Tama from wandering off. 

"Are you sure? Let me give you my card then. I picked out a few things for the boys to I thought looked cute." Myles explains as he takes out his wallet. 

Then... Something for him? "I don't think I need anything. I've got everything packed and ready back home and I have the dictionary in the cart already." 

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“Alright, and no need to pay this is fully covered remember?  We can all meet in ten minutes at the car. We did make some reservations.” Taichi explained as he looked at his phone and then over at the items in the basket finding the kids choices cute. Taking the cart Taichi waved goodbye before heading upfront to check out.

“Tiachi likes you~” Yukie sang out as he chuckled and took Haru’s hand. “The gift is a touch more personal. Since…it’s still to early for us to wear rings but, I wanted to buy you something and thought we should all get a matching set. Taichi and I couldn’t decide from what we where looking at so we wanted you to choose. Be it a bracelet or a ring.” Yukie explained leading them off to a jewelry department. “I’ve already set up the rest of the family gifts when we get back…home?” Yukie added his voice confused if he should still consider it home since he felt that his home was more with Myles now.

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"B-but!!" But Taichi was gone before Myles could even protest. 

He feels his face heat up from Yukie's teasing. "I highly doubt that Yukie. He barely knows me and what he does know I nearly plowed him into the ground..." Myles counters. 

Ring? ... He still .... Wants a ring... There's butterflies settling into his stomach from that. Myles had a ring before but that never worked out... A ring was.... Intimidating. He swallows hard. "What if ... We all had our own forms of um.... You know.." Myles could handle wearing a bracelet... Even an anklet. 

All the glittering jewellery in his face had Myles squinting. "U-um ... Are you sure this isn't ... Too much?" 

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“I won’t force you to wear or choose anything Myles, I just thought it would be nice and show you we are committed to you.” Yukie explained as he mentioned to a pretty gold bracelet that was simple yet beautiful. “Think of it as a promise ring that when you’re ready we will both marry you.” Yukie added as he asked to see five others wanting to see how heavy they felt on a wrist and then asked for some simple rings.

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"M-marry?!" Myles blurted out. Yukie had mentioned marriage before for BOTH to want marriage?! And to him?! He could understand Tai marrying to Yukie but--!! He and Tai haven't even had a real interaction!! "Y-you .... You're BOTH looking to marry .... " Myles points a finger to himself flabbergasted.

He took a deep breath. "Yukie I..... I can understand you and Tai getting hitched.... You've both known each other a long time from what I understand....and ... Someday if it's in the cards I wouldn't.... Say no." Myles admits beet red "But for Tai and myself isn't that moving REALLY fast? I haven't taken him out properly yet!" Myles fusses 

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“I know it’s way too early….to think about such things with Taichi.” Yukie explained as he slipped on a ring and admired it. “Hence the early rings. For me it’s a sign we do one day all want to marry. If that takes you and Taichi years then it takes years.” Yukie explained while switching to another ring to admire in the light. “Taichi, he’s shy and more laid back when it comes to this stuff and getting comfortable around people. He’s not use to living with others or having anyone. It’s why it’s hard for him to help out with the kids at time he’s just socially unsure. He’s also unsure on how to talk to you because he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s forcing himself into an already established relationship, he feels the same way being with me sometimes. I’ll admit though… he’s been asking me what to do for you, and what you like gift wise.” Yukie explained as he looked at Myles.

“He’s trying to learn more about you without overwhelming you. While we have at least a year together and share children…he doesn’t with either of us and well, he’s feeling unsure if you would want him right now.” Yukie added as he tried on a bracelet and a ring that were a matching set. “I’m suggesting this to show I want both of you in my life and that there’s no rush. It won’t work for all of us if I steamroll my feelings on you both. For now, it’s a trip, and some dates, then later cohabitation and maybe one day marrying.” Yukie finished with a small sigh as he showed Myles h the set he liked.

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That .... Sounded reasonable. In theory, Yukie's want of a physical show of their relationship isn't that big of a request but in Myles mind .... It's a massive step he never even got the chance to take before. .... It frightened and excited him all at once. 

The red head looks to another bracelet. It's a little flashy for hinself but ... The gems in the middle seem almost too ironic.... A red in the middle, a white on the left and a black on the right. "What about this one?" Myles asks. 

"I know .... You want us both and I'm.... Getting used to the idea .... But I'm not ...." Myles sighs trying to gwt the words out. He didn't want it to seem like he was fighting the relationship .... But he didn't want to hang around if it was just for Yukie to not hurt his feelings. "I don't know how well I'll keep up with you both..... And Taichi may be asling about me but... What do we do if it doesn't .... Work?" 

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“We can always stay friends if this doesn’t work keep the co parenting thing going.” Yukie offered as he admired the bracelet and tried it on before asking for two more to purchase. “Honestly, we are taking it slow. Taichi isn’t exactly thrilled to be jumping into being a parent he’s absolutely terrified. He’s starting to warm up to having someone to come home to at night and having a family. He’s just…trying to figure you out if your actually happy doing all of this, or your just playing along,” Yukie explained as he mentioned for things to get packaged nicely and wrapped before he paid.

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The red head looks a little guilty at the last part. At first he was playing along .... Sometimes it feels like he is and being greedy on wanting their attention. He's used to certain steps being taken .... 

"I ... Don't really know what he's wanting from me..... I don't hide much...." Myles ignores the little twinge he feels in his heart from that statement. While he hates lying amd being lied to, .... He just doesn't want his boys to be dragged down i to that .... It's part of his life that died and needs to stay buried.... 

Myles sighs. "I'm not sure I have the words to reassure him otherwise Yukie..." 

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“You don’t need words. Just accept him and let him exist with you.” Yukie offered as he held the bag now ready to leave. “Maybe…eventually…give him some gentle…reassurance you enjoy his company.” Yukie offered as he noticed Taichi walking over with their bags having finished paying.

”I got extra house keys made for me and Myles, also the cleaners called and they are finished we can look at it now if you want.” Taichi offered once he arrived by Myles and Yukie. “They painters can work while Yuen is there while we are gone they left a book for us to look at and some furniture catalogs.”

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Myles feels his gut twisting. He's wracked with nerves and a little bit of guilt if he's honest. The red head felt a little greedy from all of this. 

Tai was back, "Painters? For what?? And a catalog?? Did you two order something?" Myles was curious. Yukie tended to throw money around like it grew on trees. He could only assume it was for the house and it would be horrendously expensive!! The red head thought on if he should be the own to hold the purse strings to keep Yukie from going crazy but Taichi had a good head on his shoulders right? Yea Tai could be responsible and keep Yukie in check! 

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“I want a pool with a jacuzzi.” Tai asked with a happy grin as he looked at Yukie who nodded. 

“Find a nice one and we will add it to the back yard away from the greenhouse.” Yukie added as he looked at Myles. “I have one last surprise for you and the kids.” Yukie explained as he gathered up the kids. “But…we have to drive a little bit to get to it.” Yukie explained before leading the way to the car with the kids Tai of course following and planning to drive leaving Myles guessing since he wanted to join in on the surprise.

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"Ja-jacuzzi? Greenhouse?! Do either of you even like gardening?" Myles asks feeling extremely overwhelmed by what he's heard. "I-i .... What exactly have you got planned?" 

Settling into the car, Myles feels a little twinge pf anxiety. So much was happening all at once! A giant trip to a foreign country, 'promise bracelets' it was all .... Alot. Maybe Myles really IS too old to keep up. Did people their age move this fast now?! He remember when he was young he moved fast sure but he still didn't see wedding bells and rings until at least a year of dating! Even he and Yukie didn't officially have a year together yet! 

"U-um .... How .... Big is this place again?"

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“Well….its on the bigger side. I wanted some extra space and well…a bigger office. There’s three guest rooms six bedrooms. I think each room has its own bath. I added a greenhouse because I know Tai likes gardening. Then I wanted room for the kids to place and space for a patio and a pool and jacuzzi.” Yukie started as he thought for a moment. “I wanted us all to have our own shared room so we have a master room upstairs, and then a library and study. Also basement for storage and attic. Then there’s a mother in law suit for you incase you want to stay living on your own.” Yukie explained as Tai got in after buckling the kids and they headed off. Going on the drive for an hour they finally turned off to a large gate and with a button push it opened letting them in before closing and they drove up a long driveway to an absolutely massive house.

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General idea of the home just add a lot of space and out in the country on a bit of land.

(so pool and greenhouse area is like this mash all the pic together kinda look)


(house general idea)


(idea of inside)



(idea of the backyard)


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